• Published 27th Nov 2017
  • 1,273 Views, 32 Comments

Sunset's Redemption - ThomasZoey3000

Sunset Returns to Equestria to try making amends with other ponies, but her visit is met with surprises, betrayals and plots to get back at her.

  • ...

Amending Friendships

Author's Note:

The song included in here is 'You'll Be in My Heart' by Phil Collins

Chapter 6: Amending Friendships

Pen Pal had made his way to the castle and was eager to talk with the guards, but they wouldn't let him in. "Unless you have an appointment with Princess Celestia or Princess Luna, we cannot allow you in."

"That's fine, I just need to ask some questions about an incident several years ago."

"I'm sorry Sir, but there have been no incidents in this castle."

Pen Pal raised an eyebrow, "oh really? No incidents to speak of? Maybe one with a former student of Princess Celestia maybe. One you had to remove from the castle."

"Sir, please leave now!" said the guard firmly.

"I just want to know if the pony involved was Sunset Shimmer."

The guard gave in, realising that this reporter wasn't going to give up until he got some answers, "yes, Sunset Shimmer was the pony involved. I cannot go into details, but we were told to remove her from the castle. She escaped us though, but where she went, I don't know."

"Now Sir, will you please leave?" asked the second guard.

"Yes I will, I got all the answers I need, thank you for your time."

A sly grin came to his face, it was confirmed that she was involved in an incident in the castle. Now he wanted to find out if she was still hiding in Canterlot, and if so, he would make her life a living misery.

Meanwhile, back at the Shimmer family house, Sunset Shimmer was taking a good look at herself in the mirror. She was smiling, but she was also nervous of how the dinner was going to turn out.

"I'm ready!" called Sunny Rays from the door.

Sunset smiled as she turned around and saw her sister in the most adorable dress she had ever seen. She thought that Rarity back in the human world would've fainted over the cuteness of the dress.

"I hope I don't embarrass you tonight."

"Oh but you won't. You're not an embarrassment to me, I feel grateful to have such a cute and loveable little sister." She then wrapped her hooves around her sister. Her sister smiled and hugged her right back.

Suddenly, there was a flash of light, the sisters looked and saw that Sunrise had a camera being held up by magic.

"Sorry, but I just couldn't resist getting a picture of my beautiful daughters."

Instead of getting angry, Sunset just smiled, "that's alright Mom, we don't mind, do we Little Sister?" Sunny Rays shook her head in response to the question. "Anyways, we better get going, we won't stay out too late."

"No that's okay, take as much time as you need." Sunrise then looked down to Sunny Rays, "remember, stay close to your sister and be on your best behaviour, okay?"

"Okay Mommy."

"Very good, now go and have a good night out."

Both ponies nodded and walked past their smiling mother. Down the hallway, their father was watching too, but unlike his wife, he wasn't smiling. Instead, he had a firm look on his face.

"Don't expect too much Sunset."

A short while later, the two sisters, along with Twilight and Spike arrived at the fancy resturant. Already waiting for them were Music Note, Octivia Melody and Honey Tree. Silver Swirls was running a little late. Sunset took in a deep breath and then made her way to the table.

"Hey guys, glad you could make it," she smiled.

"All except Silver," said Music Note, "yet you said she was..."

The brown maned stallion was interupted by Silver Swirls' arrival, "sorry I'm late guys, I had a last minute costumer with a big order and I had to attend to that."

"It's alright Silver, just glad you could make it," said Octivia.

With all of them sitting down now, their small area became rather quiet. All eyes were on Sunset Shimmer.

"Right, I guess I got alot of explaining to do. First of all, I am so sorry about my actions from years ago, my craving for power and total control got the better of me, but that's not who I am now. I seek friendships and redemption for my past sins."

"How can we believe you?" asked Music Note.

"It's really up to you all if you want to believe me or not, I just hope that one day you will forgive me. The beehive incident, I regret that. Tripping Silver and making her drop her Strawberry cake, I regret that too. Ruining Music Note's lyrics, I definetly regret that."

The four ponies looked to each other, then Octivia looked back to Sunset, "what's made you change back to the pony we became friends with?"

"That's a long story, and it's part of the reason too why I wanted to have dinner with you guys, cause this will take a while."

Far off from the resturant, Moon Crest was delivering another wooden statue to a middle aged mare, "he is going to love this statue, thank you so much Mr Shimmer, it's beautiful."

"Glad you like it Ma'am."

He excepted his bits and headed off for home. As he walked along though, he saw a lone figure standing next to a light post, "who's there?" he asked.

"Hello Mr Shimmer, long time no see."

Coming out of the darkness of the street corner was Pen Pal.

"Oh Pen Pal, it's you. For a moment there, I thought I was coming face to face with one of those not so friendly ponies. What are you doing out this late anyways? Shouldn't you be looking for a story?"

"You could say I am," he said with a sly grin, "but that's only when I'm working, I'm just enjoying my night-off."

"Well I guess even a reporter deserves a night off once and a while. I actually read your report on Princess Celestia's school for gifted unicorns, that was quite a good piece."

"Thank you Mr Shimmer, I worked really hard on that one."

"I can imagine you did. You always worked hard no matter what, even when you were dating Sunset years ago."

"Yeah, when I was dating her," he muttered. Then he cleared his throat, "sorry about that. How's the family by the way?"

"Oh they're doing fine. Sunrise is cheerful as always and her garden is just becoming more and more beautiful with each day that passes. And little Sunny Rays, that little bundle of joy, she's still bringing smiles to Pony's faces."

"And what about Sunset? Have you heard from her as of late? I haven't heard anything about Sunset since we broke up."

Moon Crest was hesitant at first to speak about Sunset, especially after hearing how she broke up with Pen Pal. Still, he felt Pen Pal had the right to know.

"Well she recently came back to Canterlot in the hopes of finding redemption, but between you and me, I don't think she's going to get it."

"Interesting, and what makes you say that?"

Moon Crest looked over his shoulders several times, then gave his full answer.

"...the microphone landed right in front of me. I picked it up and with all my friends looking to me, I sang my heart out and it was just what we needed. Our magic combined and we were able to defeat the sirens, and destory their only source of power."

"It's all true," said Twilight as Sunset finished telling the story of the Battle of the Bands.

"Wow, you certainly have gone threw alot since you left," said Silver Swirls, "not to mention showing those 'humans' as you call them, that you had changed then too."

"Yeah, but at that point and time, my only concern was for their safety and the fate of Equestria."

"Seems like that's the only time we ever meet up," commented Spike, "is when the fate of Equestria or the human world is in the balance. This is really the first time we're meeting up and danger is not coming around the corner."

Sunset nodded to that.

By now, the ponies and one dragon had finished their meals and with the last story told for now, it was time to go home.

"Well Sunset, thank you so much for inviting us out to dinner," said Music Note. "I think I speak for all of us when I say that we were wrong about you, you are a different pony now."

The other three ponies all nodded in agreement.

"So, does this mean we're all friends again?"

"Definetly," said Honey Tree, "and if we run into anymore ponies you used to know, we'll be sure to tell them that Sunset Shimmer is a different mare."

"Thanks Honey Tree, that means alot."

They all said good night and headed off into the night. Sunset sighed happily, "I've been here two days and things are returning to the way they should be. I can't express how happy I am."

But Spike wasn't enterily sure if things were returning to normal. It seemed a little too quick to him, but hey if she had done it, then why question it? Little Sunny Rays let out a big yawn and nearly fell over.

"Whoa, take it easy there Little sister." Sunset caught her in her magic and gently lifted her onto her back. "You must be exhausted, and who can blame you." She looked back to Twilight and Spike, "I guess we'll see you guys again tomorrow, unless you want some time to spend with your friends."

"It's okay Sunset, we don't mind walking along with you guys."

"But you guys deserve a chance to hang out with your friends. I think it'll also give Sunny Rays and I a chance to spend some sister time alone."

"Well I guess we could hang out with Moondancer tomorrow," said Twilight.

Sunset smiled again, "alright then, guess we'll see you guys later." And with that, she turned and headed off back to the Shimmer house.

Spike looked up to Twilight, "I don't know why Twilight, but I got a feeling bad things are going to happen to Sunset Shimmer."

Twilight shook her head, "you've been hanging out with Pinkie Pie too much. Come on, let's go home, I'm sure Mom and Dad will be interested to hear about this evening."

Spike gave in and followed Twilight back to the Sparkle family house.

Sunrise was waiting at the front door when the two sisters arrived. She wanted to ask about the dinner, but Sunset pointed to her sleepy sister. Her mother nodded, stepped aside and allowed them into the house.

"Yeah you've had a long day," Sunset whispered when they reached Sunny Rays' bedroom. Gently, she used her magic to lift Sunny Rays off her back and onto the bed. "Good night little sister."

But she hadn't gone far before she heard, "I can't sleep."

"Are you kidding me? You were sleeping just a second ago," chuckled Sunset.

"I know, but I want a lullaby. Mommy always sings me a lullaby, even last night."

Sunset wondered when that happened. She shook the question out of her head, "well if you wait a minute, I can get Mom and she can sing you a song."

"Actually, can you sing me a lullaby?"

"Uh, I would, except I don't know any lullabies." Sunny Rays looked down to her pillow sadly. Sunset saw this, and not wanting to see her sister sad, she came up with a suggestion, "I do however have another song that will help you sleep, if that's okay."

"Yes please."

Sunset cleared her throat and began to sing her song.

Come stop your crying, it'll be alright

Just Take my Hoof, hold it tight

I will protect you from all around you

I will be here, don't you cry.

For one so small, you seem so strong,

My arms will hold you, keep you safe and warm

This bond between us, can't be broken

I will be here, don't you cry

Cause You'll Be in My Heart

Yes You'll Be in My Heart

From this day on, now and forever more.

You'll Be in My Heart

No Matter what they say

You'll Be here in my heart, always

Why can't they understand the way we feel?

They just don't trust, what they can't explain

I know we're different, but deep inside us

We're not that different at all.

You'll Be in My Heart

Yes, you'll be in my heart

From this day on, Now and Forever more

Don't listen to them, cause what do they know?

We need each other to have to hold

They'll see in time, I know

When Destiny calls you, you must be strong

I may not be with you, but you got to hold on

They'll see in time, I know

We'll show them together

Cause You'll Be in my Heart

Believe Me You'll be in my heart

From this day on, now and forever more

You'll Be in my Heart

No Matter what they say

You'll Be here in my heart, always.

Always, I'll Be with you

I'll Be There for you Always

The song worked, Sunny Rays was soon out like a light. Sunset leaned forward and kissed her sister on the forehead, "good night my little sister." Then quietly, she walked out of the room.

However, she was tired after her long day, so instead of talking with her mother, she went into her bedroom and went to sleep.

Her mother understood. She walked into Sunset's bedroom, tugged her in and kissed her on the forehead, "I am so proud of you my little girl, you really have come a long way." And with that, she turned and walked out of the bedroom.

Little did Sunset know that things were about to change.