• Published 25th Aug 2017
  • 706 Views, 15 Comments

Blitz And Balance - Ennelly Von Swortts

legend says that when fear and darkness run whild ocross Equestria, only harmony and Chaos together can wake the endless balance, and an enemy must take up the mantle when Sun and Moon fall.

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5 The Three Nightmares

Author: Ennelly Von Swortts

Co-Author: ElectroPHX228 (Blitz)

Chapter Five: The Storm, The Shadow, And The Fear Awaken

Silver Dust relaxed as she drifted through the air. In her opinion, nothing could beat flying. She could only truly relax when in the air. While she was daydreaming, the sky above her began to darken as an ominous fog rolled in. Much like a sudden cold front, the cold atmosphere sent a chill down her spine, bringing her back to reality. As she looked around, she noticed the sudden change to the sky she was once flying through. Almost like the world had stopped breathing... almost like it was afraid of something. She continued to struggle to see through the thick fog that surrounded her, "Bucking fog, the skies were clear only a couple minutes ago." she said with frustration.

She very cautiously and carefully came to a landing near the edge of the river close to her home of Ammane. Knowing it wasn't safe to fly through the fog, she began the short walk back to the town. She became more paranoid and jumpy as she began to see things within the fog. Everywhere she turned, it would seem as though there were decrepit trees trying to grab her in vain. But what set her off the most was the ever-present silence. Almost like the world had frozen in order to see what she would do.

As her paranoia grew so did the shapes and shadows in the fog. The trees began to look more night-mare-ish as the branches bent and twisted at odd angles. She quickly began to increase her speed as her heart raced within her chest. Her wings would twitch and shudder in response to the need for flight. To her relief the fog began to clear up, showing her a large tree that resembled the many others that she saw through the misty veil. But to her horror, nailed to the tree was a single sheet of paper. At first glance, she didn't know what it was but once she began to read it, her blood froze as beads of sweat accumulated on her brow. In the center of the paper was a circle with two X's close to the top, giving an appearance of eyes. Above the circle were the words 'ALWAYS WATCHES'. Both underlined. Below the circle were the words 'NO EYES'. Both underlined as well.

Unfortunately for her, she knew where the paper had come from. She had to get home and fast. That way she could warn the Order of Balance. She quickly took off running blindly through the fog, heading in the basic direction of town. She saw an archway ahead of her, but every time she comes close to it. It would seem to stretch further away the faster she went. She started to panic as adrenaline pumped through her veins. She panicked at the thought that she wouldn't make it, that she wouldn't be able to the give the warning. She continued to run, stumbling a few times here and there.

As the archway began to slowly creep closer, it began to fade away back into the fog. Silver Dust began to pick up speed, opening her wings for a much-needed boost. But no matter how fast she went, it was too late. "No, no, no, No, No NO NONONO!!!" she wailed as tears began to streak down her face. Her greatest fear had come to fruit. With little to no hope left, she continued to cry before deciding to continue on in hope that she would find the archway again.

It was a little while before she came upon another clearing. Which held an abandoned flashlight. Heading towards the device, she noticed that it was on and more specifically, it was shining on something. Upon picking up the light, she cautiously went to observe the object in question. It was another sheet of paper.

Picking it up, she saw a tall stick figure standing next to a tree. It was almost as tall as the tree, and stood on the back two stick legs. The other stick legs were in the air. Underneath the figure was the word 'FOLLOWS'. Her lips quivered as her eyes watered. A quiet whimper emanated from Silver.

Her blood roared in her ears as she noticed the shadow that loomed over her. She looked up to see the Pony before her. His height nearly toward Celestia. It was the same deathly white fur and midnight black suit and blood red tie. She'd seen this Pony before when she was filly. The fear that was etched into her mind still scared her to this day. And she knew she couldn't escape easily.

She stood up defiantly as her heart raced and tears fell. She looked him where his eyes should've been. The blank stare only enforced the fear that built up in her mind. She didn't even see the black tentacles that formed from his back. As a sadistic smile tore across the Pony's mouthless face as a horrific blood curtailing scream rang throughout the foggy landscape.


In a clearing, lit by the setting sun, was a faceless, gray Pegasus. It slowly stood, briefly looking itself over before, with a small flick of its head, it took off and flew into the sky.


Rainbow Dash felt a sudden chill run down her spine, causing her to lose her concentration in the middle of her loop. Moments later, she was lying dazed in a small crater. As quickly as it had come, the paralyzing sense of fear was gone leaving a sense of dread behind.

"Oh my gosh, are you ok Rainbow?" Fluttershy asked as she landed on the edge of the crater.

Rainbow lifted her head groggily. "Sorta, yea." She shook her head, still recovering from the sudden panic attack. "I think I'm going to take a break... See ya!" she called as she bolted towards her home. She had to think about what had happened with the sudden primal like fear that encompassed her as well as the sudden feeling of loss. It was unlike anything she had ever felt before and she didn't like how it felt. Not one bit.

Fluttershy briefly wondered if seeing the blue mare's eyes change to a gold color was her imagination, before going home herself.


Flower Bloom walked slowly through his garden, using his magic to water the many different kinds of flowers he grew. Every now and then, he would pick one and put it into the basket on his back. As he continued to water his flowers, the sky began to darken as a cold fog rolled in. The sudden chill caused him to look up as all his flowers began to wilt. He also noticed how the fog engulfed his garden in moments. He tried squinting in order to help him see through the thick fog that surrounded his garden. But the effort was in vain.

He noticed the glint of a white sheet of paper hanging from a nearby branch that hung over his garden. As he approached, he began to observe the tree. Noticing that the branches seemed to have bent in odd angles. He quickly snagged the paper with his magic and moved it over towards him. The paper had a simple circle drawn in the middle, with two X's on the upper portion, giving the feel of eyes. Along the top were the words 'ALWAYS WATCHES'. Along the bottom were the words 'NO EYES'. Next to that, was a simple drawing of a wilting flower.

Looking around, he knew he was no longer in his garden. He was somewhere else, a place made of nightmares. He could no longer see beautiful flowers, only wilted husks in a maze of paths.

"Hello? Mr. Bloom? Can I have a flower?" The voice was soft. It was the voice of a filly. "Mr. Bloom? Are you here?"

"Over here, child!" He called out, trying to see through the thick fog while trying to make his way towards the new voice.

"Mr. Bloom? Why is it so foggy? And why are all your flowers dead?" the voice sounded a little scared. Of course, his heart was racing as the landscape seemed to have changed as shadows danced and shifted across the edge of the fog.

"I don't know, child. Please, if you can go home, do so." He said trying to find the young filly hidden in the fog.

"Mr. Bloom, this isn't fun anymore. Please stop hiding." Her voice echoed around, making it hard to pinpoint. "I see you! I see you!" She sounded excited. "Why are you so tall?" He froze. Fear gripped his heart in a death hold. "Please stop. You're scaring me!" He could do nothing to stop it now. Moments later, a shrill scream echoed loudly. He felt tears fall down his face. Taking one step, then another, and another.

As he slowly wandered, trying to find a way out, he was startled as the sound of crumpling paper emanated from the ground below. His horn lit up as he picked up the sheet of paper. On the left side was a simple house with a door and a window. On the right was a stick figure almost as tall as the house, but the figure was not a pony because it stood on two legs. His heart almost stopped as fear gripped it like a Diamond Dog grips a gem.

Underneath was the word 'FOLLOWS'. He sighed as dread filled him like a river during a storm. He knew what this meant, and there was no way to send a warning the Order of Balance. He noticed the form of somepony nearby, but it was hard to tell with the illusion of trees that encompassed the fogs outer reaches. He approached the Pony apprehensively not knowing who or what this Pony was. As he approached, he noticed that the Pony seemed to have been laying down. Its deathly white dulled compared to the midnight black suit and crimson red tie. The pony began to rise up from its position. As it rose to its full height. Tentacles emerged from its back as it towered the shadows of the trees within the background. The figure slowly approached, seemingly studying Flower Bloom. Once he was practically upon him. His face seemed to have split as strands of flesh and deathly white fur stretched across the dark abyss that was its mouth. Flower's eyes changed to gold as he drew all the power he had. But his fear was greater than his strength.


The sun shone on a beautiful garden. In the middle, an aged unicorn was asleep. A nightmare. But then his brown coat started to lose its color. His cutie mark changed to a red crossed out circle. His coat and mane now a dull gray. Then the pony-no-longer lifted its head.

It stood and, in a flash of light, disappeared.


Rarity calmly worked on the dress in front of her. One of her best, in her opinion. As she was sowing, a tight grip of fear and loss had gripped her heart. But as fast as it had come, it was gone. Leaving behind a feeling of missing something. Turning, she caught sight of herself in a mirror.

She ran over to get a closer look. Everything about her was the same. Except her eyes. They had turned a golden hue. But, even as she watched, they faded back to their normal color. "Did I just see what I think I saw?" She turned to the door and left. She was going to ask Twilight about this.


Apple Brown walked slowly through his orchard, watching the young apple trees swayed in the wind. His trees were unpredictable, like him. The year before, all the leaves had taken a dark brown color. This year, they were green. But the apples tasted like chocolate.

He noticed the sky darkening as a thick fog rolled in. He watched as his trees soaked it down like a thirsty yack drank water. He smiled at the patterns the trees made in the fog.

A single paper landed in front of him. Picking it up, he looked at the circle with two X's, and laughed. He did not run, but sat there smiling at the patterns of the fog. For several minutes, he ignored noises in the fog, shapes of figures. Eventually another paper landed in front of him. On it was a stick figure standing taller than the tree next to it. Underneath was the word 'COMES'.

He just shook his head. He knew what was going on, and what the stick figure represented. So, he waited. He didn't have to wait long before a tall, faceless figure walked closer. The black suit and red tie made for an intimidating appearance.

"I never thought I'd see you. Eveypony expected you to come way after they were dead." Apple Brown stated. The tall figure cocked its head to the side. "Of course, what did you expect from Spontaneity?" The figure seemed to give a deadpan stare. Which was freaky do to it not having a face. Apple rolled his eyes. "It's in my nature, I really can't help thinking differently. Although, being the bearer of Spontaneity does have its perks."

And, just like that, a loud barking laugh echoed throughout the foggy orchard.


In the middle of an orchard of apple trees, a gray pony like figure slowly stood up. It's white faceless mask hid his expression. It seemingly, without horn or wings, bounced clear to the middle of a forest a good ten-minute walk away. Moments later, it bounced again. This time going farther, quickly disappearing into the distance.


Ditzy Do was walking to finish her last delivery of the day. As she walked up to the door, a cold fear like sensation froze her body. Tripping, she slammed into the door. As quickly as it had come, the frozen sense of fear was gone. And a feeling of gaining something was left behind. Slowly, she stood up as the door she had crashed into opened.

"Good evening, Mrs. Do. How can I help you?" Lyra Heartstrings asked.

Ditzy shook her head as she pulled out a small package in the general direction of the door. Her eyes were closed while she waited until her head had stopped spinning. Lyra took the package quickly. "Ah, Bon Bon's been waiting for this. Thank you." Ditzy opened her eyes and nodded before walking home, leaving Lyra dumbstruck. Turning back inside, she called, "Hey, Bons, how long has Derpy had glowing golden eyes?"

Author's Note:

Anyone who knows who the faceless pony gets an internet cookie.
