• Published 25th Aug 2017
  • 706 Views, 15 Comments

Blitz And Balance - Ennelly Von Swortts

legend says that when fear and darkness run whild ocross Equestria, only harmony and Chaos together can wake the endless balance, and an enemy must take up the mantle when Sun and Moon fall.

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2 When He Fell Into Her Bed

Author: Ennelly Von Swortts

Co-Author: ElectroPHX228 (Blitz)

Chapter 2: When He Fell Into Her Bed

Knock knock knock. "Come in!" He called out. The door opened as someone walked in. Sounds of metal on metal, and beeping of machines echoed through the door till it latched with a soft click. He looked up from the paperwork on his desk. "What can I do for you, Greg?" He asked of the man standing at attention in front of him.

"The new mold is ready for a test run, Sir." Mark nodded.

"Then we shall not delay." Mark stood and followed Greg out of his office into the majority of the foundry. Mark was known for using the efficiency used in the army chain of command. And for being fairly forgiving.

He was the foundry and forge master. His skill was unmatched by anyone. Which is why he was going to check out a new mold for a new customer. It wasn't long before they reached a mold sitting on a table. He inspected the mold for a few minutes before turning to Greg. "You must pass my regards to Dave for me. This is excellent craftsmanship."

Greg nodded before turning about and jogging off to deliver the message, leaving Mark to put the mold together before placing it to be filled with molten metal. Satisfied, he started walking back to his office when he glanced over to see some guy had decided to set alcohol close to one of the foundries.

He quickly grabbed it, ran to the closest door to the outside world, and hurled it as far away as he could. Before he could walk back inside, it seemed he literally fell through the floor in a flash of light, leaving a half open door behind.


Luna was tired. It had been a slow night, so she had decided to fly for a bit. Now, it was time to set her moon so her sister's sun could rise. She began to gently push the moon below the horizon, then watched as the sun rose in the east before making her way to her bed chamber.

She expected it to be dark, she expected the bed to be made, she really did. But nothing, nothing could have prepared her for the... thing now in her room. It was skinny, had fur on it's head and face, and was wearing clothes. It was also passed out on her bed. Laying on its back, its slender limbs spread in what looked to be an uncomfortable position.

She recovered a moment later, and picked up the strange creature carefully in her magic before walking back down the hall. Guards watched her pass, trying to figure out what they were looking at, while not making it obvious they were watching.


Celestia was getting ready for court when her sister walked into the throne room. "Sister, I thought you would be in bed at this time. What do you..." She trailed off as she saw what was in Luna's magic. "Where in the world did you get a human?" She asked suddenly.

Luna looked up sharply. "We found him in our bed. Tell me, what is this... human, you are referring to?" Celestia gestured to what Luna held in her magic.

"Humans come from legends. Legends of other places. Occasionally, a human will find themselves in Equestria. I've done my best to let these humans live in peace, and they are often forgotten soon after their death. But I never really saw humans until after I banished you." Celestia calmly explained. Luna was studying the human with interest when he groaned.

Luna carefully placed him on the floor before standing next to her sister. The human shook it's head as it sat up. Celestia took in his muscled body, the scars on his arms and hands, the growth of hair on his otherwise hairless face. He was an older man, with gentle features, Chrystal clear blue eyes, and dark brown, short hair.

He look around in confusion before his eyes met those of Celestia. They widened in recognition. He shook his head before standing. Then he did something unexpected. Planting his knee firmly on the ground, he bowed. "Princesses, it is an honor."

"Rise. Tell me, how have you come to be here? Your kind are not often seen." Celestia asked as he rose to his feet.

"I do not know how or why I have been brought to Equestria, Your majesty." Again, he surprised her with his knowledge.

"How is it you have knowledge of Equestria? I have heard of your world, and there is nothing in legend, nor story that has any knowledge of Eques." He looked surprised when hearing she knew about Earth.

"A children's story called My Little Pony. My daughters always liked to talk about it. I personally never looked into the story myself though, your majesty." Celestia briefly wondered if it was one of the 'TV shows' she had heard about.

Luna had been watching the entire thing up to this point, but now she took a step forward. "I am not as familiar with your race as my sister, but do you have a name?" She asked kindly.

"My name is Mark Ironforge, your majesty." He replied with a low bow. Luna nodded to herself as she stood back.

Celestia stepped forward. "Before you ask, no, I can not send you home." He didn't really give any indication he had heard. "However, I will not let you suffer for events out of your control. I will do what I can to give you a good life till the day you die. This I promise you as a Princess of Equestria." He looked at her with appreciation.

"I can not tell you with words how much your generosity means to me. I, Mark Ironforge, promise to use my skills and knowledge to help Equestria in any way I can." The sisters glanced at each other.

"If I may be so bold, what skills and knowledge can you offer Equestria Mr. Ironforge?" Celestia asked.

"I am a tactician and foundry and forge master. I have knowledge in metal works, engineering, and physics." He said with a slight bow.

The royal sisters turned to each other. "He is surprisingly calm for one who has just been taken from his word." Luna muttered.

Celestia nodded. "Normally, they'd be panicking by now. My guess is delayed shock." Celestia muttered back.

"That means he will panic soon?" Celestia nodded. "What should we do for now? I doubt his skill in the forge can match those of smiths here in Canterlot."

"I have heard his name before. Not long before you returned, an old man appeared in the Everfree forest near Trotingham. It wasn't long before he died of age. But he mentioned a man of unmatched skill. A man who quickly was running the foundry. Not to mention... from what I hear of their world, they have technology beyond what we could even dream of." Celestia glanced at Mark. He was looking a little unsteady on his feet. "I'm sure he could be of use, as well as a good allay. The only question is where to place him..."

"Perhaps Ponyville? I'm sure Twilight would enjoy hearing about his world. She might even write a book about it..."

"That is a good idea..." She nodded before turning back to Mark. Luna walked behind the thrones. "My sister and I have decided to set up a foundry and forge for you in a town called Ponyville. I'm sure you'll like it there. In the mean time, I'll set you up with Twilight Sparkle." She pulled a paper and quill up before starting to write.

Dear Twilight Sparkle, I hope this letter finds you in Good health. I have something I wish to talk to you about, and will meet you in your castle at noon today.

I apologize in advance for the short notice.

Princess Celestia.

Satisfied, she sent it off to her old student before calling out, "Quill!" Said mare appeared in front of her within moments. "Change of plans, I have something that will take all day that just came up. I also want the royal carpenter sent to Ponyville. Twilight's castle, ok?" Quill nodded as she finished writing out the list of requests.

"Will I have a chariot prepared?" She asked, looking up at Celestia who nodded. "Very well, everything will be done as you have requested." She disappeared as the Princess turned back to Mark.

"Shall we get going?"


Twilight was studying in her library with Nyx, her adoptive daughter when Spike ran into the room. "Twilight! The Princess sent a letter! She's coming to Ponyville! Today!" Twilight quickly pulled the letter out of Spike's grip, scanning the contents before panicking. Nyx picked up the letter Twilight had dropped when she had started running about the room cleaning everything she could see.

After reading the letter, Nyx sighed as she watched her mother in a panic. "Some habits die hard." She said to Spike, who was also watching Twilight. After a moment, they started to help. Although, at a slower, non-panic inducing speed.

Within half an hour or so, the Castle was presentable in Twilight's eyes. Nyx smiled as she pulled a book on defensive magic off a shelf, and was quickly oblivious to the world around her. It was still a couple hours before noon, when Celestia said she would be there. After another half hour of dusting, she pulled Nyx away from her book.

"You want to practice till the Princess gets here?" She asked her daughter, who nodded.


Mark slowly stepped onto the chariot with Celestia, studying the way it was built. "This thing is not built to stand up to much." He commented.

"Oh?" Celestia asked from beside him.

"A simple wood platform, with a lot of weight on the back. Wouldn't surprise me if it breaks in half."

"They only last a couple years, so not that big of a deal. In my eyes at least. Tell me, how would you build it?" Celestia was watching him as the Pegasi guards pulled the chariot into the air.

"Depends. If you want to keep the platform design, I would put supports on the underside, so the platform itself was only supporting the passengers. While at the same time, I would remove weight off the back to put less strain on the frame." Celestia nodded.

Then she glanced at him. "And if it wasn't a platform?" She asked.

"I would go with something closer to a carriage. Not only is the frame going to be stronger, but it would be easy to customize and better balanced. You want a good view, then pull the panels off. There would still be steps in the door, and a railing around the outside. Means it wouldn't be as easy to fall out of. The trade-off is it is likely to be a little heavier. But the way I could build it, would probably be lighter then this one." Celestia nodded, thinking about the different benefits of this new design of chariot. It wasn't long before the two were deep in conversation, going back and fourth with thoughts and ideas for a better chariot.


Mark looked down upon a town slowly getting closer. It was fairly obvious this was Ponyville. He was looking for a tree amongst all the buildings, when he spotted a crater in the middle of town. Turning to Celestia, he asked, "Would you happen to know why there is a big hole in the middle of town?" She turned to him.

"I believe that is where the Golden Oaks Library once stood. Twilight could tell you that story better then I, although Nyx seems to have a perfect memory for that type of thing." He nodded, getting a better idea of the time frame. Then he saw the castle ahead of them. Vaguely resembling a tree, the entire thing rose well above almost everything near it. The only exception being another castle made from what looked like black stone.

Not knowing how he could have missed the two castles, he turned to Celestia. "I thought there was only one castle in Ponyville."

Celestia glanced at him again. "Originally Yes, although they both appeared within a year of or so of each other. That black one was part of an incident were an old enemy of mine was brought to life by a cult of ponies affected by the remains of her magic. Her name was Nightmare Moon, though she goes by Nyx these days.

"Six years ago, she came back from a thousand year long banishment to the moon. Nightmare Moon was stripped from my sister, Luna, by the elements of harmony. But they could not destroy her. The cult used the shards that remained to bring her back. Not long after she was back fully, my sister and I were bested by her. And that castle became her home for the weeks that we were banished to the sun and moon.

"about a year later, maybe a little more, Tirek made an attempt to take Equestria, and all her power. Although, he was unaware of Twilight at the time. But in his battle with her, the library was destroyed. Her castle appeared after Tirek's defeat." By this time, they were just coming in for a landing when a bright flash of purple light flashed from behind the castle, with the sound of an explosion.

Celestia didn't even wait for the Chariot to land before taking off around the base of the castle. Mark jumped off and followed within moments. The first thing he saw was a purple Alicorn standing there, panting. She faced a blackish wall that seemed to shimmer with energy and light. He immediately recognized her as Twilight Sparkle.

"Ok, that one was more powerful then the one Tirek hit me with mom." He looked to his right to see an all-black Alicorn with a slightly flowing purple mane, and light blue, dragon like eyes. On her flank was a kite shield with a night sky on it. Looking closer revealed a slightly lighter line as it curved from the top point to the bottom, looking a lot like a crescent moon.

Neither of them had noticed the pony and human now watching them. "Looks like those lessons my brother taught you are paying off. At this rate, you'll be able to protect half of Equestria for months from Tirek with the full power of the Princesses." Twilight, despite having just poured multiple spells into the shield, looked proud.

Celestia stepped forward. "May I give it a try?" She asked, causing both Alicorns to spin around to face her.

Nyx smiled. "Be my guest. I've been wondering how well I could handle the full power of you and your sister." She gestured for Celestia to take her best shot. Moments later, Nyx winced as the most powerful blow she had ever felt made contact with her shield. But it held, even as Celestia's barrage of raw power intensified. For three entire minutes Celestia poured everything she could into breaking the shield. But when it was all done and said, the shield held firm.

Celestia was panting slightly by the end, and she looked at Nyx impressed. "Even Shining Armor could not take that much of a beating so easily. How long have you been practicing today?"

It was clear Nyx had felt the raw power, while Twilight's mouth was hanging open. "I think about an hour and a half now. I've also been maintaining a blackout bubble around a part of Sweet Apple Acres at Applejack's request." Celestia smiled.

"I see. You've found ways to use defensive magic in practical ways. Such as the scaffolding on your castle." Nyx glanced at the magic surrounding areas of the black castle and shrugged. "In any case, Twilight, I think it is time we get down to why I came here in the first place." She gestured to Mark. "This is Mark Ironforge. He comes from a different world with no way back. I was hoping you would be able to give him a place to stay while I get a place for him to call his own."

Both Twilight and Nyx walked over to inspect him. "I have never seen anything like him outside a book of legends about humans. Is that what he is?" Celestia nodded to Nyx's question.

"We better keep him away from Lyra then. She is always asking for books about humans." Twilight commented.

"So you are willing to take him for the time?" Celestia asked.

"Of course, Princess." Twilight said with a bow.

Celestia smiled mischievously. "Must I always remind you? You need not call me by title because we are of equal rank."

Twilight blushed. "Sorry Celestia. I'm still getting used to it." Celestia chuckled to herself.

"Princess, the royal carpenter has arrived." One of the guards who had pulled the chariot said as he came around the corner.

"If you'll excuse me, I have some business to tend to." Celestia followed the guard back around to the front of the building, leaving Mark with his new hostess.

Said hostess took this moment to introduce herself. Walking up to him, she offered a hand/hoof shake, which he took. "My name is Twilight Sparkle. It is nice to meet you Mark."

"You too." He replied with a smile.

Nyx came up next. "Hi, I'm Nyx. Nice to meet you."

"It is nice to meet you too, miss Nyx." He replied.

"Now I'm scared to introduce him to Rarity..." Twilight murmured before saying, "We should probably get you set up inside." He nodded. "Nyx, what's your plan for the rest of the day?"

Nyx walked over to Twilight. "I was planning on studying those new books on defensive magic. Then maybe look into Star Swirl's 'Offensive Spells for Defense'. Sometimes I need to take an offensive stance after all."

Twilight smiled at her. "I'm sure everyone in town knows your love of lightning spells." Nyx just shrugged as the three of them walked around to the front of the castle.

An orange earth pony with a hammer on his flank walked up to Mark. "I have a few questions about the layout of your home and workplace. Do you have time right now?" Mark glanced at Twilight.

"Of course. Come on, you can talk while I get a guest room ready for you." Mark turned to the pony as the two walked inside to plan.


As the human and pony disappeared into the castle, something shifted in a bush not far from the gates. Barely making a sound, it left the bush in the direction of the Everfree forest.

Sensing eyes on itself, it looked up to the sky to see the black silhouette of a bird. It felt fear for the last moments of its existence before, in a flash of light, it was no more.

Author's Note:

Nyx belongs to Pen stroke. Hope you don't mind me using your character.

And to be honest, I have a number of chapters waiting to go up, so you'll see more really soon. again, hope you all enjoy.