• Published 25th Aug 2017
  • 706 Views, 15 Comments

Blitz And Balance - Ennelly Von Swortts

legend says that when fear and darkness run whild ocross Equestria, only harmony and Chaos together can wake the endless balance, and an enemy must take up the mantle when Sun and Moon fall.

  • ...

4 Why Have You Come Your Majesty

Author: Ennelly Von Swortts

Co-Author: ElectroPHX228 (Blitz)

Chapter 4: Why Have You Come Your Majesty

"When we were younger, back before we raised and lowered the sun and moon, I used to sing you a lullaby. Do you remember?" Celestia watched her sister from her bed.

Luna blinked. "That is a question asked to find an imposter." She said. Then she blinked. In place of the eyes Celestia knew Oh so well, were the eyes of a dragon. "Do not worry about your dear sister, she is asleep in her chambers." Green fire engulfed her body, and within a second, Queen Chrysalis stood in her place. Celestia glanced out the window at the sun as it neared the horizon. Three minutes. It had taken her three minutes to realize something was off about the mare who had walked in.

Turning back to Chrysalis, she asked a simple question. "What are you doing here, your majesty?"

"Where else would I go, Princess?" Chrysalis slowly walked over and settled herself on the far side of the bed. Celestia tenced, but made no move of defense. Chrysalis had yet to give her a reason to do so, and as long as it stayed that way, she might as well try and get some information. She also noticed the ex-queen's limp in her foreleg.

Well, I do have some time on my hooves. "So, do you want to talk, or just sit in silence?" Celestia didn't want to put unneeded tension between them.

Chrysalis looked up with some surprise. "That is the last thing I expected from you." She stated bluntly.

Celestia smiled. "I see no reason for hostility, when you have done nothing to warrant it yet." She tilted her head to the side. "Why have you saught me out, Chrysalis."

Chrysalis looked off into space as she thought how best to answer for several moments before looking back at Celestia with a somewhat sad smile. "Perhaps for the company of a fellow Immortal, or tired of reliving the same cycle over again. I know not why I saught you out." Her shoulders slumped like only a heavily burdened Immortal could.

Celestia started as she noticed for the first time the bandages almost completely covering Chrysalis' body, and her lack of wings. Chrysalis smiled when she noticed her looking. "Look upon what I've been through, and tell me... would you be able to go through this time after time? I, not only have gone through it before, but I've been through worse."

"'Been through worse'? What do you mean?" Celestia looked at her as if trying to see Chrysalis' past injuries.

Chrysalis' smile grew a little. "I have lived for over four thousand years. Do you really think this is the first time I've lost an entire generation to Sharing love?" her eyes became unfocused as her expression fell to that of tired and sad. "I've seen it time and time again. Once one decides to share her love, the others soon follow. Leaving me behind. And a lone changeling who doesn't have the energy to change her shape becomes a target for every living thing.

"I remember hearing about one such drone who got mobbed by bunnies." She shivered at the memory. "Being the queen, I'm like a bonfire compared to the torches that are my drones. As such, I nearly lost my head one time. I walked around with only one eye, and no horn for several years."

Celestia took a moment to wrap her head around that, before asking "If you've seen it before, what will happen to Thorax and the others?"

Chrysalis looked her in the eye. "They will starve, then they will die. Changelings, no matter the form, can not make love. Sharing will only last so long, for they are only feeding off of what they had when they changed. Sure, it'll take some time, but they will die within five years."

Celestia's eyes widened. "I can't imagine what that would be like, watching generations die like that. But what are you going to do?"

Chrysalis looked at her somewhat curiously as she spoke, "Wait a few years till they die, then start a new hive like normal. Raise them meaner, because the meaner they are, the longer they last before one of them thinks to share their love."

Celestia's head was spinning slightly as she thought it through. "What would happen if they had some source of love to feed off of?"

Chrysalis got a thoughtful look for a few seconds. "I honestly don't know. Never could get a love source after they changed. They were too kind to feed off other species, and no race would share their love." She looked Celestia in the eye. "Why would you want to know that?"

Celestia met her gaze evenly. "I am willing to reach out to Thorax and see about giving them a food source."

Chrysalis looked at her in surprise, disbelief, and hope. "You're willing to do that?" Shock was clear in her voice and face. Celestia nodded. Chrysalis soon had tears spilling down her face. "Thank you so much. You don't know how much that would mean to me."

Celestia's face softened. "Of course, I could not just stand by and let ponies starve. Not even changelings." Fast as lightning, Chrysalis shot across the bed and embraced Celestia in a tight hug, all the while muttering the words 'thank you' over and over. They sat like that for several minutes.

Eventually, the two separated. Both smiling, even with Chrysalis' tear stained face. "I am glad there is hope for all my daughters. Thank you for doing this for them."

Celestia paused. "You only have daughters?"


Thorax frowned. Things had started off good enough, but then their colors began to fade. Their chitin began to flake off, and now this. The reformed changelings were losing energy by the week. It wasn't a lot, but it was noticeable.

She would have to contact the Princess for help. Looking toward the sun, witch had been hovering above the horizon for about seven minutes now, she hoped everything was ok in Canterlot.

Author's Note:

This chapter is inspired by: forbloodysummer's 'Why have you come your majesty'
I personally like his version of changelings, with two slight modifications... Read on to find out. and once again, enjoy.

And Thank you to my brother who spent time fixing the formatting this site decided to add to the chapter.