• Published 21st Aug 2017
  • 831 Views, 5 Comments

When Push Comes to Shove - Quill Snapper

Button Mash does his homework all at the last minute

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When Push Comes to Shove

Button picked his head off of his desk and wearily eyed the clock as it ticked slowly forward and was pleased with the time it displayed; it was almost time to leave school for the day. The voice of his teacher, Ms. Cheerilee, shook him from his blissful slumber.

“Now remember everypony, your project on your favorite book is due tomorrow!” The mare cheerfully said as the bell marking the end of the school day rang. Button shot up from his desk and hastily grabbed his saddle bag and made for the door.

“Button, can you come here for a second?”

Button timidly turned around to face his teacher, who was waiting with a pensive look on her face. He strode up to where she was standing in the middle of the classroom.

“Yes Ms. Cheerilee?”

“I hope you that will remember your book project tomorrow, I don’t feel like you care about your grade at all-“ Button heard the words being said to him but his mind was elsewhere. In his head he was thinking of playing No Pony's Sky, a game that he had been excited for that had just been released today. Button continued to space out until something his teacher said shocked him back to reality. “- and so help me, if you don’t get a good grade on this project, I will see to it that you are held back to repeat your grade!”

“Y-you can do that?” Button asked dumbfounded.

“I most certainly can!” Ms. Cheerilee paused and got an even more serious expression on her face. “You do have at least something written down, right?” Button swallowed hard and shifted nervously in place.

“Yeah, I sure do!” Button lied. In truth he had forgotten all about the project until he was reminded today by his teacher’s rude awakening.

“Well good, I look forward to seeing your A+ project!” Ms. Cheerilee finished with a smile that broke the tension. “Now run on home you little scamp!” Button smiled nervously.

“Bye Ms. Cheerilee!” He said as he withdrew coolly from the classroom and headed down the road back to Ponyville, cursing in Humgonian under his breath as he walked. On the way back he thought about what would happen if he failed to meet his teacher’s expectations of the project tomorrow. He thought about all his friends that he wouldn’t be in class with anymore, then he thought of Sweetie Belle. He had always liked Sweetie Belle, he just wasn’t brave enough to tell her about how he felt and if he was held back a grade, he’d never get the chance.

“No, I won’t let that happen.” Button reassured himself. He ran until he reached sugar cube corner where he saw a pink mare handing out free samples from the bakery she was standing in front of. The pink mare noticed Button’s gaze. Button recognized the mare as Pinkie Pie, the pony that made his birthday cake and threw him a huge birthday party.

“Hi Button! Would you like a free cupcake sample?” Button was instantly hypnotized by the cupcake the mare held out for him to take.

“I-I have to- I don’t have time for-“ However much he tried to refuse, his mouth just watered more at the thought of eating the cupcake. He finally gave in. “Okay, thank you very much!” Button sat to eat the cupcake and noticed his favorite arcade was busier than usual. His curiosity got the best of him so he walked into the arcade with icing all over his face. Upon entering he saw a bunch of colt's gathered around his favorite arcade cabinet.

“Hey, what’s going on?” Button asked an onlooker to the spectacle he couldn’t see.

“That pony over there is about to break the number one high score on that cabinet, nopony has done that since... since…” The little colt put his hoof to his chin, deep in thought.

“Since I broke the high score.” Button said, annoyed that the pony had forgotten. Button managed to make his way to the front of the group of observers. The pony on the cabinet was, as the spectator pony had said, close to beating Button's high score on the game. He watched in horror as the score counter ticked ever closer to his score, Button could barely bring himself to watch as the pony on the cabinet broke his score. Broken amidst the cheering of the other spectators, Button crumpled to the floor, covering his eyes so nopony would see him crying.

Wiping the tears from his eyes, Button picked himself off the ground as the crowd dispersed. "T-that's n-not f-fair, I practiced a-a lot longer than h-he did!" He said, sniveling to himself. Button looked up at the arcade game he was once the king of to see two white pony’s figures reflected from the glass of the cabinet that was facing the street outside the arcade. Button had recognized the two figures, it was Sweetie Belle and her sister Rarity. Sweetie Belle looked over at the arcade as she pasted and gave Button a friendly smile through the window. Button smiled back at her and waved. Then it hit him that he had forgotten, his eyes widened with recollected memory of his project or lack thereof.

Button ran out of the arcade as fast as he could and made for his house where his mother waited. On his sprint back his house a purple mare in front of the library attempted to stop and talk to him.

"Hey there Button, what’s the rush?” Button sped right past the pony without any hesitation whatsoever.

"Sorry, I can't talk! I have a book report to-" Button screeched to a halt, he had just realized he didn't have a favorite book with which to complete his project with. He sheepishly walked over to where he had so rudely left the friendly librarian in the dust. When he backtracked to the entrance of the library, he realized it was his friend Twilight Sparkle. "I'm sorry, it's just that I have a book report to due tomorrow and I just now remembered that I don't even have a book to do the project on!" Twilight smiled excitedly at the prospect of helping somepony find their favorite book.

"Well I'm sure I can help you with that little problem, come on in!" Button graciously entered the library in the huge hollowed out tree that Twilight called home. Upon entering the room Twilight's dragon assistant Spike sprang into action from where he was sitting.

"Welcome to the Ponyville library, how can we help you?" Button quickly responded before Twilight could even draw a breath.

"I need to find a book that's exciting and easy to do a book report on, my life depends on it!" Spike stared at Button with a confused look for a moment before turning around to climb a shelf ladder to look for some adventure books. Within ten minutes the small dragon had amassed a large stack of books detailing tales of grandeur and excitement. Spike wiped the sweat from his forehead.

"I wasn't even aware we had this many Adventure books!" Button looked up in awed wonder at the pile of potential candidates for his project.

"Whoa, there where do I even start?" Twilight used her magic to pick up the top most book from the towering pile and set it in front of Button. The cover of the book showed a gritty pony in a grey space suit striking a heroic pose with some sort of spaceship behind him. "The Adventures of Commander James Braynor, I recognize this one! This is from a game made by that griffin game company, Gizzard Entertainment!" Twilight noticed glint of excitement in Button's eyes.

"Do you think this book will be the one?" Button shrugged and brushed the book to the side.

"I dunno, I kinda suck at real time strategy games." Twilight looked slightly bewildered at his sudden change of heart.

"Oh, well ok! Let's keep looking!" Twilight said patently. One by one, Button went through each book as Twilight and Spike brought them to him. There were books with warrior ponies, detective ponies and even books with zombie ponies, but none of them caught Button's attention. Before long, they had reached the bottom of the formidable pile of literature. "Still nothing?" Twilight asked flabbergasted.

Button shook his head. "No, none of these books are ones that I like." He hung his head. "I'm sorry Twilight, thanks for trying to help me but it looks like I'm just doomed to repeat my grade." Twilight thought long and hard, there had to be a book they hadn't examined. After mulling it over for a moment, she had an idea and turned to her slumbering assistant.

"Spike, wake up! I've got an idea!" The dragon woke up with a start.

"No Rarity, I swear I didn't eat your expensive gem!" Twilight giggled. "Uh, that wasn't out loud... was it?" She nodded. "Ah, shucks! Well what was it you needed?"

"I need you go to Rainbow Dash's house and ask her to bring a few issues of Daring Do for Button to look at." Spike yawned and got to his feet.

"That's quite a run, but I guess I'll have to make it." Twilight beamed at Spike.

"That's my Spike! Quickly now, Button's future is at stake!" Spike nodded and headed out the door of the library running as fast as his legs would carry him towards Rainbow Dash's house. After a few seconds of silence passed, Button spoke.

"Hey Twilight?" Twilight turned to look at him after shelving a few of the books they had looked over.

"Yes, Button?" He hesitated before continuing his question.

"What do you do if you like somepony in your class but haven't told her yet?" Button said blushing a bit after realizing he had let on that he was talking about a filly.

"Aww, that's so sweet! Well if it were me the first thing I would do is-" But before Twilight could finish, the door to the Library burst open as Rainbow Dash trotted in.

"Hey Twilight! Just wanted return the book I borrowed the other day." Dash pulled a book out of her saddle bag and gave it to Twilight. Then she noticed the mess of adventure books scattered about the room that Twilight, Button and Spike had sorted through earlier. "Did you know I was coming, or something? I was gonna ask for an adventure book to borrow next!" Twilight shook her head.

"No, we had no idea you'd be coming, but we're glad you're here." She looked over at Button. "Button and I have gone through every adventure book in my library and none of them have peaked his interest." Rainbow Dash got an excited look on her face.

"Say no more, I'll be right back!" Rainbow Dash zipped out of the room and into the outside sky. It wasn't long before Dash had returned with her saddle bags filled with books. Upon returning, she immediately strode over to where Button sat. "These are my favorite adventure books, they’re all about a pony named Daring Do who… well, read for yourself!" She took one of the books out of the bag. "Here's the first book, go ahead and read some of it!" Button opened the book and read half way through. The book instantly reminded of an adventure game he had played that involved a brave mare raiding tombs.

“So, what do you think?” Dash asked eagerly.

“I love it, this is the best book I’ve ever read! May I barrow this for my project?” Button asked. Rainbow Dash gave Button a smirk. “What’s that look for?”

“I’ll let you borrow that book if you promise you’ll read the rest of the series after you finish that one!” Button smiled.

“Are you kidding? I’d love to read the rest of the series!” Twilight walked over to where Button and Rainbow Dash were sitting.

“Looks like we found the perfect book for you after all!” Button looked outside the library, it was already starting to get dark. He put the Daring Do book into his saddle bag and slung it over his back.

“Oh my gosh! I have to get home, thank you both for helping me find my favorite book!” Rainbow Dash and Twilight waved and smiled as button headed for the the door of the library, before he could exit a very exhausted Spike entered.

“She… wasn’t… home… I’m sorry Button.” Spike said in-between gasps for air. He then he noticed Rainbow Dash standing next to Twilight with her bags full of Daring Do books. “Aw, come on!” He said before collapsing to the floor. Twilight looked down at the collapsed dragon with pity.

“Always the faithful assistant, come on Spike I think you’ve earned one of those seven hour bubble baths you like so much.” Spike shakily rose to his feet excitedly and followed Twilight. Button then trotted down the path to his house laughing about the series of events that had just transpired. After just a short, five minute walk, Button finally reached his house and, after making sure to wipe his hooves, entered.

“Mooom, I’m home!” Button called out. His mother walked into the hallway with a furious look on her face.

“Where have you been?! You’re so late that you missed dinner!” Button’s eyes widened in terrified realization of the predicament he was in. Not only was his mother steaming mad, but he also had to come up with a reason for why he had been out so late without revealing the fact that he had yet to do his project. Button took a steadying breath.

“I… I was with Princess Twilight, she was helping me find a book.”

Button's mother made a face that the child was all too familiar with. A face that shows how unconvinced they are. “Do you honestly expect me to believe you were looking for a book for four hours?!”

“No, really! You can ask her yourself!” Button said hoping to ease the tension only then realizing the implications of what he had just told his mother to do. However, he didn’t have time to worry about that now.

“I guess I’ll just go to my room then!” Button said after a few moments of awkward silence had passed. His mom eyed him suspiciously as he ascended the staircase to his room.

“Don’t you want something to eat?” Button froze in place.

“N-no I’m fine.” His mother rolled her eyes.

“Ok, well... see you in the morning.” Button entered his room and shut the door then felt his stomach growl.

“This sucks!” He exclaimed in his frustration. Dropping his saddle bag on his bed, he withdrew the Daring Do book and the book project guidelines sheet and placed them on his desk. “If I hurry, I may be able to do this in two hours and still have time to play my new game!” Button said as he checked the list of requirements on the rubric.

“You know, if you wanted to get this done in two hours, you would have started writing by now.” Taken aback by the disembodied words, Button looked up at the top of his desk drawer to see a strange looking creature sprawled out all along the top.

“Whoa, who are you? You look kinda like a dungeon boss.” The creature lifted an eyebrow until it grew wings and flew away, immediately being replaced by another.

“I am Discord, the undisputed Master of Chaos. I am here because a friend of mine asked me over tea today to perform a random act of kindness, so I guess helping you will have to do.” Button cocked his head.

“Wait a minute, aren’t you the guy that made Ponyville all wacky?” Discord chuckled to himself until he turned a shade of purple before returning to normal.

“Why yes, that was me, thank you for remembering.”

“But after that, didn’t you get turned back into sto-“ Before Button could finish Discord had summoned a zipper that had latched itself to Button’s mouth and zipped it shut. Discord smiled smugly.

“You ask too many questions, don’t you have a project to do?” Discord grinned. Button looked at his clock and panicked. While Discord snapped his fingers causing the zipper to vanish from Button’s mouth.

“Alright, let’s get to it then!” Button said with determination. Discord eyed the Daring Do book with a cynical expression on his face.

“That’s the book you’re doing the report on? Doesn’t that just scream last minute rush? I bet you haven’t even read it all the way through yet, have you?” Button cringed upon hearing Discord’s remarks, he was right. “I guess that doesn’t matter now, you just have to put on a good face and give it your all.” Discord snapped his fingers again, this time conjuring a smiling mask over Button’s face.

“Discord please, I need to focus!” Button said removing the mask.

“Oh, yes of course! Oh by the way, I skipped lunch today, do you mind if I eat?” Discord asked while snapping his fingers without waiting for a response. Instantly, a sandwich easily the length of Button’s room materialized in Discord’s hands. At that moment, Button was instantly reminded of how hungry he was, almost drooling he struggled to remain focused on the task at hoof.

“N-no go ahead I’ll get started.” Discord audibly chomped away at the sandwich making a wealth of distracting racket. Despite the noises behind him from his unwanted assistant, Button managed to make great progress on his project and reached roughly the half-way point to its completion. Button’s stomach growled again, much louder this time.

“Oh, were you hungry too? All you had to do was say so! I’m here to help, after all.” Discord produced a measuring tape from thin air and measured out a foot in length and cut the sandwich. Dawning a football player’s uniform he held the sandwich with both hands. “Here, catch!” Discord threw it perfectly over Button’s head. The sandwich landed square on Button’s project, getting mustard and mayonnaise all over his hard work. Button stared at what remained of his project.

“W-why? Why would you do this? Now I’m never going to get this project finished in time!” His lip wobbled as tears welled up in his eyes. “Now I-I’m going to be held back for sure a-and I’ll n-never get to tell Sweetie Belle how I really feel!” Discord winced and bit his bottom lip as Button broke into a full on sob.

“Oh dear, this isn’t what Fluttershy would have wanted at all!” Discord panicked. “No matter, from this point forward we will work as a team!” Button looked up with tears streaming down his cheeks.

“Y-you mean it?” He stuttered. Discord snapped his fingers once more, making the sandwich and the condiments disappear from Button’s project.

“I mean it! No slacking, alright?” Discord picked up the Daring do book and opened it from where Button had left off and began reading. Button began hastily working on his project as he read that the clock read 11:30 PM. He found that the latter portion of his project he had completed was much easier than the section that lie ahead. Though all his struggle and determination, Button finally completed his project. With weary eyes he check the clock once more, it read 1:00 AM. He stood up and strode over to Discord who was now fast asleep.

“Hey Discord, wake up.” Button nudged Discord awake.

“Hm? What? Oh, how goes the project?” Button smiled.

“It’s done, thank you for helping me.” Discord seemed confused.

“Thank me? For what, throwing a sandwich at your project causing you to weep openly?” Button chuckled.

“I needed a good cry anyway, yesterday was a bad day for me but today will be better!” Discord grinned.

“Well in that case, I will take my leave. Good luck!” Discord snapped his fingers one last time and disappeared with a small popping sound. Button plopped down on his bed and fell asleep immediately

Button awoke to the sound of a door being flung open combined with his mother's enraged voice. "Do you have any idea what time it is?! You're going to be late for school!"

Button leaped out of bed and gasped as he beheld that the clock displayed the time 7:45 AM. He only had fifteen minutes to get to school before he would be counted late. He quickly threw together the contents of his saddle bag and put on his beanie before bolting out the door. Upon setting hoof outside, Button was greeted with the sensation of wet mud squishing underneath his hooves and rain dripping down his neck. Ignoring his environment, Button broke into a sprint towards his school, dodging bystander ponies as he sped past.

Button ran by the Library and saw Twilight waving to him from the door way. He waved back while he passed by at a breakneck speed. While he was waving he lost sight of where he was going and smacked into the side of a muffin cart. Dazed, Button struggled to stay standing as he attempted to make his way towards the school.

Twilight ran out from the library. “Button, are you ok? Here, lean on me.”

Button put his front right hoof around Twilight’s neck to steady himself. “Must… get to… school!” Beaming at Button’s determination, Twilight helped Button to the steps of his school. Soaking wet and tired Button and Twilight stood on the topmost step of the school house.

“Are you sure you’ll be ok?” Twilight asked eying the bump on the side of Button’s head from where he had hit the muffin cart.

“I’ll be fine, thanks a bunch for helping me! You’re the best princess ever!” Button said with a smile.

Button entered the school house with mere moments to spare, and took his seat as class began

“Good morning class! I hope you all remembered your book projects today!” Ms. Cheerilee said in a chipper tone.

Button, satisfied with himself looked out the window and saw his mother talking to Twilight. He could barely make out the conversation.

“Hello princess! I'm Button’s mother, I understand that he dropped by the library for four hours yesterday for a book, is this true?” Button’s mother finished.

“Why yes, he did stop by the library yesterday, he needed a book for his project that was due today.” Twilight replied, not realizing what she had done.

“What project?” Button’s mother asked.

Button was in for it when he got home, but for now all was well. He would still get to be in the same grade as Sweetie Belle and Ms. Cheerilee would pass him.

Comments ( 5 )

I love it! Such a cute little story! <3

I hope that you make some more adventures with Button! <3

Congrats on your first story man it was a absolute pleasure to help ya polish it up like gem it is ^-^

Hello, I'm Jacob M. Keene, a voice actor and narrator. I just wanted to inform you that I did a dramatic reading of this fanfic on my YouTube channel and released it today. I narrate the story, Optic Rainfall voices Button Mash, DarkNightPrincess voices Cheerilee, MuseScript voices Pinkie Pie, Twilight Sparkle, and Rainbow Dash, Snogwritts voices the Spectator Pony, Gina M. voices Spike, Agent Fluffy voices Buttons mom, and ThunderSpeakVA voices Discord. I hope you enjoy it!: https://youtu.be/6qc1l7l1rpc

You see the dramatic reading?

You guys are amazing! I loved the dramatic reading, thank you so much for such a fantasticly done voice acting job! This has certainly captured my attention and I will put thought into writing another story! Thank you all for this magnificent source of inspiration!

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