• Published 29th Jul 2017
  • 954 Views, 5 Comments

The Original Alicorn - Mimkage

Celestia, who clearly is the head of Equestria, has always been beloved for many years yet one question about her remains to be answered. Why is she a "Princess" and not a "Queen"?

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Chapter One: Birth of Harmony

“Princess Celestia?”

Glistening with the sheen of the noon’s sun, the tile floors of the grand Canterlot palace shone with the same radiance as Celestia herself on this lovely, warm summer’s day. As always, she sat upon her throne doing the one thing that no other princess would, but was indeed important for the good of Equestria as a whole.


Lots and lots of paperwork, day in and day out without a fuss. However, it seemed that today would grant her a bit of variety; approaching her from the doorway came her beloved former student, Princess Twilight. Seeing her brought life to Her Majesty’s eyes—a twinkle of joy at the sign of potential relief from her duties.

“Twilight! How wonderful it is to see you again! Luna and I have been looking forward to your visit.” Celestia stood as she spoke, her pastel rainbow mane swaying delicately with her motions as she stepped down from her throne, placing the pile of papers in her place. With a light, barely noticeable skip in her hoofsteps, she made her way over to Twilight, who seemed equally elated to see her.

“I wouldn’t miss it for all of Equestria! It’s been a long time since we’ve been able to just relax. Ohhh, I can’t wait to tell you all about the new friendship breakthroughs we’ve made back in Ponyville!” Twilight said, her joy reflected in the adorable excitement she was well known for.

Celestia laughed gently as she walked past Twilight, motioning her to follow. “I’d love to hear all about it over some tea and cake. Let's go find Luna first; knowing her, she’s probably sleeping.” Even with her sense of constant regality, around Twilight, Celestia let bits of her true self shine. Her tone was calm but slightly teasing, like a mother poking fun at her child. It made Twilight feel very lucky indeed. Many ponies knew Princess Celestia, but very few got to see her as who she really was. They only knew her as their beautiful, ever-youthful ruler with the radiance of the sun she governed, but to Twilight, she was like a second mother, irreplaceable and immensely loved.

They walked beside each other, talking casually as they made their way to Luna’s room. They mostly caught up on current events, reminiscing on how much time had passed since Twilight was a young foal first struggling to control her magic, and even discussed Celestia’s favorite cake flavor.

That would be strawberry.

Finally arriving at Luna’s door, Celestia knocked, receiving nonsensical, tired grumbles from her sister in return. Both Twilight and Celestia giggled as they listened to the shuffling within.

“Hmmm… who is it?” Luna asked, her speech slurred and groggy.

“Sister, it’s Twilight and me. We were going to have some tea today and catch up. Don’t tell me you forgot?” Again Celestia’s voice held that teasing tone to it, which only seemed to annoy an already irritated Luna even more.

“No, Sister, I did not forget. Just give me some time to dress up,” she replied; said reply was instantly followed by a loud thud and the sound of several items hitting the ground. Celestia did her best to stifle her laughter, placing her hoof over her mouth with a cheeky grin crossing her features.

“Get comfortable, this may take a while,” she whispered to Twilight, lowering her head. Twilight let off a soft giggle.

They sat there idly waiting, silent and patient. However, a long while passed them by before they heard a sound emerge from within the room. Celestia let out a heavy sigh as she realized it was Luna’s snoring, she had fallen asleep again.

“How about we just go to the library and I send a guard to wake her?” she asked, earning a simple nod in response from Twilight.

They made their way down to the library, returning to pleasant conversation as they did. Just before arriving to their destination a pony, papers levitated in his magic, galloped towards Celestia with a frantic look.

“Princess Celestia! There you are! A flock of bird have escaped from the gardens and are loose in canterlot! What do we do?” He asked, seemly on the verge of panic. Celestia, however, maintained her calm demeanor and simply lifted her hoof, motioning the poor stallion to do the same.

“Calm yourself Petal Feather. Go and gather some pegasus guards and look for them. They won’t have gone far.” She replied, earning a nod from the stallion.

“Y-yes, thank you princess!” With that he galloped off. Twilight was a bit dumbfounded, caught off guard by the sudden entrance and exit of the issue on hoof.

“Celestia, shouldn’t we go help them?” She asked, looking up at Celestia who simply smiled down at Twilight.

“Oh no, it’s quite alright. The birds escape often but they always come back. Besides, gives the guards something to do.” a gentle giggle escapes her, continuing on her trip down to the library. Twilight still seemed concerned and confused, walking right beside Celestia.

“If that’s the case then why would he need to ask you what to do? Couldn’t he handle it himself?” Asked Twilight.

“Well yes, you see, all things that happens in canterlot and the palace must go through me. It’s a silly rule but, having the most authority here, ponies just seem to be more comfortable running things by me first before doing anything.” Explained Celestia, opening the library doors with her magic as she and Twilight approached them.

It’s then a question passed Twilight’s mind, a question that she often had but never really asked due to it seeming inappropriate to.

“Celestia, if you’re the highest authority in Equestria then shouldn’t you be a queen and not a princess?” Twilight’s question instantly made Celestia pause in her step, stopping right at the library entrance.

Seeing Celestia react this way to her question instantly made Twilight regret ever asking it. A panicked look spread across her features as her ears pointed down and many apologizes left her muzzle.

“Oh! I’m so so sorry Princess! I mean, I didn’t think it was… I just wanted to…”

Just then, Celestia placed her hoof over Twilight’s muzzle, silencing her.

“Shhhh, it’s okay Twilight, you did nothing wrong. It is just that I never thought the day would come where you would ask. No pony has ever asked me that question since I became a princess.” She explained, lowering her hoof and making her way past Twilight, “It’s a good thing we came to the library in this case.”

Twilight was puzzled, tilting her head as she followed behind Celestia.

“Good thing? Why is that?” She asked.

“Because, to answer your question I first must tell you a story long since forgotten by time.” Celestia approached the hourglass stand, fitted in the center of the library, flaring it with magic and lifting it, turning it upside down.

In awe Twilight watched as the sand poured out onto the stand that once held the hourglass, the sand molding into a book with the words “The Original Alicorn” written upon it.

The book itself seemed very old and delicate. The binding of it seemed to be hoof made and the illustrations of an alicorn inscribed on it seemly hoof painted. It was difficult to see anything more on the cover as time had clearly worn out the paint once used on it but Twilight could make out the faint outline of a tree behind the alicorn, tears streaming down the alicorn’s face.

“This book tells about an Alicorn by the name Athena, Athena Rein. Many accounts say that she was the first Alicorn, born thousands of years before Luna or myself.” Celestia explained, lifting the book gently in her magic and opening it to the first page. It was obvious to see that this entire book was hoof made down to the ink scribbles on the pages. They looked very artistic, giving off a feel of wonder and class on their own.

Celestia placed the book down on a nearby desk, reading it out to Twilight who sat down and relaxed.

“Once upon a time, a long time ago there lived a simple little earth pony born upon a time of great war. During this time there was no harmony, all difference creatures be they pony or otherwise fought for territory and spread a deep feeling of dread as far as one could see.”


This young earth pony, mane royal purple, eyes green like spring leaves and coat the color of the earth, born into this world of fear and hatred, lived her life traveling with her nomadic earth pony family. She was given the name “Athena” by her parents in hopes her name would give her the strength to survive this taxing time. In these days she and her family spent most of their lives running, trying their best to evade the toxicity of the world around them but they could not escape it forever.

As time passed the war grew only more violent, the fight for dominance destroying all who dared to be in the way of that goal be they involved in it or not. Hatred and fear had grown so powerful the sky had turned a deep red, tained with the magic brought forth from said hatred and fear. It was during this time, while running from a band of thieving Griffons, was Athena’s life to change from this endless cycle of fleeing. During the struggle, her father was gravely injured.

They escaped with their lives, however, based on how badly he was hurt it was unlikely Athena’s father would have survived. Just when hope seemed to be at it’s most bleak a glimmer of it emerged in the form of a unicorn.

She lead them deep into the ancient Everfree forest, ducking down into a tunnel to avoid the terrifying monsters that inhabited it.

Down here a refugee camp existed, treating the wounds and protecting all who came here whether they were ponies or not. Here, Athena’s father was saved and, here, Athena made five, unlikely friends.

A Zebra named Zilo

A Griffon named Anomi

A Breezie named Bun

A merpony named Palma

And a reindeer named Norran

Here, in the refuge of this camp, the six friends lived without judgement nor danger but, they knew.

Outside, the world around them burned under the war, the land dying from the chaos caused from it. The safe haven of their home would only last for so long and it was only a matter of time before this place would to be consumed by that same, merciless fire.

As more time passed, and the more Athena and her friends grew to genuinely love one another, something odd began to occur. Whenever Athena and her friends would gather and just enjoy life together the spots they went to, once dead and barren, began to grown and revive back into it’s beautiful state.

They did not know it yet but, within them grew a very powerful magic. It was a power long lost during the war, reawakened again by the bond shared between these friends. Soon, a day would come where they would discover this power.

When the thing they feared would happen most finally did.

The refugee camp was discovered, hoards of warmongering creatures storming it and destroying everything in their path.

All who could ran for their lives. Yet, Athena and her friends, whom could not simply look on as their home was destroyed, stood their ground to allow others the opportunity to escape. Their hearts were filled to the brim with the same fear they endured their entire lives and yet, in this moment, despite running from that same fear for as long as they could run, they felt a boldness within them telling them to stay so others may live.

All were prepared to give their lives that day, sharing what they believed to be their final embrace as the war crazed invaders destroyed all before them. However, as they did something unbelievable occurred.

That powerful magic growing within them was released, sending a beam of a bright rainbow light shooting high up into the sky, breaking through the roof of the cavern. All who were touched by this pillar of light felt a comforting warmth wash over them, like the gentle waves of warm ocean water.

The area, blessed with the light that shone unlike anything seen before by this generation, shattered through the blood red sky above them, revealing to them the gorgeous blue they once had.

For the first time since the war’s birth did those involved finally feel the joy and happiness that came with the friendship these creatures, different in form, shared.

The wondrous magic of harmony.

Author's Note:

I am excited about this story; it's been in the works for a long while now!

Dragon's Quarry will be rebooted soon after this is completed. It's is a short story so it shouldn't be a long wait.