> The Original Alicorn > by Mimkage > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter One: Birth of Harmony > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Princess Celestia?” Glistening with the sheen of the noon’s sun, the tile floors of the grand Canterlot palace shone with the same radiance as Celestia herself on this lovely, warm summer’s day. As always, she sat upon her throne doing the one thing that no other princess would, but was indeed important for the good of Equestria as a whole. Paperwork. Lots and lots of paperwork, day in and day out without a fuss. However, it seemed that today would grant her a bit of variety; approaching her from the doorway came her beloved former student, Princess Twilight. Seeing her brought life to Her Majesty’s eyes—a twinkle of joy at the sign of potential relief from her duties. “Twilight! How wonderful it is to see you again! Luna and I have been looking forward to your visit.” Celestia stood as she spoke, her pastel rainbow mane swaying delicately with her motions as she stepped down from her throne, placing the pile of papers in her place. With a light, barely noticeable skip in her hoofsteps, she made her way over to Twilight, who seemed equally elated to see her. “I wouldn’t miss it for all of Equestria! It’s been a long time since we’ve been able to just relax. Ohhh, I can’t wait to tell you all about the new friendship breakthroughs we’ve made back in Ponyville!” Twilight said, her joy reflected in the adorable excitement she was well known for. Celestia laughed gently as she walked past Twilight, motioning her to follow. “I’d love to hear all about it over some tea and cake. Let's go find Luna first; knowing her, she’s probably sleeping.” Even with her sense of constant regality, around Twilight, Celestia let bits of her true self shine. Her tone was calm but slightly teasing, like a mother poking fun at her child. It made Twilight feel very lucky indeed. Many ponies knew Princess Celestia, but very few got to see her as who she really was. They only knew her as their beautiful, ever-youthful ruler with the radiance of the sun she governed, but to Twilight, she was like a second mother, irreplaceable and immensely loved. They walked beside each other, talking casually as they made their way to Luna’s room. They mostly caught up on current events, reminiscing on how much time had passed since Twilight was a young foal first struggling to control her magic, and even discussed Celestia’s favorite cake flavor. That would be strawberry. Finally arriving at Luna’s door, Celestia knocked, receiving nonsensical, tired grumbles from her sister in return. Both Twilight and Celestia giggled as they listened to the shuffling within. “Hmmm… who is it?” Luna asked, her speech slurred and groggy. “Sister, it’s Twilight and me. We were going to have some tea today and catch up. Don’t tell me you forgot?” Again Celestia’s voice held that teasing tone to it, which only seemed to annoy an already irritated Luna even more. “No, Sister, I did not forget. Just give me some time to dress up,” she replied; said reply was instantly followed by a loud thud and the sound of several items hitting the ground. Celestia did her best to stifle her laughter, placing her hoof over her mouth with a cheeky grin crossing her features. “Get comfortable, this may take a while,” she whispered to Twilight, lowering her head. Twilight let off a soft giggle. They sat there idly waiting, silent and patient. However, a long while passed them by before they heard a sound emerge from within the room. Celestia let out a heavy sigh as she realized it was Luna’s snoring, she had fallen asleep again. “How about we just go to the library and I send a guard to wake her?” she asked, earning a simple nod in response from Twilight. They made their way down to the library, returning to pleasant conversation as they did. Just before arriving to their destination a pony, papers levitated in his magic, galloped towards Celestia with a frantic look. “Princess Celestia! There you are! A flock of bird have escaped from the gardens and are loose in canterlot! What do we do?” He asked, seemly on the verge of panic. Celestia, however, maintained her calm demeanor and simply lifted her hoof, motioning the poor stallion to do the same. “Calm yourself Petal Feather. Go and gather some pegasus guards and look for them. They won’t have gone far.” She replied, earning a nod from the stallion. “Y-yes, thank you princess!” With that he galloped off. Twilight was a bit dumbfounded, caught off guard by the sudden entrance and exit of the issue on hoof. “Celestia, shouldn’t we go help them?” She asked, looking up at Celestia who simply smiled down at Twilight. “Oh no, it’s quite alright. The birds escape often but they always come back. Besides, gives the guards something to do.” a gentle giggle escapes her, continuing on her trip down to the library. Twilight still seemed concerned and confused, walking right beside Celestia. “If that’s the case then why would he need to ask you what to do? Couldn’t he handle it himself?” Asked Twilight. “Well yes, you see, all things that happens in canterlot and the palace must go through me. It’s a silly rule but, having the most authority here, ponies just seem to be more comfortable running things by me first before doing anything.” Explained Celestia, opening the library doors with her magic as she and Twilight approached them. It’s then a question passed Twilight’s mind, a question that she often had but never really asked due to it seeming inappropriate to. “Celestia, if you’re the highest authority in Equestria then shouldn’t you be a queen and not a princess?” Twilight’s question instantly made Celestia pause in her step, stopping right at the library entrance. Seeing Celestia react this way to her question instantly made Twilight regret ever asking it. A panicked look spread across her features as her ears pointed down and many apologizes left her muzzle. “Oh! I’m so so sorry Princess! I mean, I didn’t think it was… I just wanted to…” Just then, Celestia placed her hoof over Twilight’s muzzle, silencing her. “Shhhh, it’s okay Twilight, you did nothing wrong. It is just that I never thought the day would come where you would ask. No pony has ever asked me that question since I became a princess.” She explained, lowering her hoof and making her way past Twilight, “It’s a good thing we came to the library in this case.” Twilight was puzzled, tilting her head as she followed behind Celestia. “Good thing? Why is that?” She asked. “Because, to answer your question I first must tell you a story long since forgotten by time.” Celestia approached the hourglass stand, fitted in the center of the library, flaring it with magic and lifting it, turning it upside down. In awe Twilight watched as the sand poured out onto the stand that once held the hourglass, the sand molding into a book with the words “The Original Alicorn” written upon it. The book itself seemed very old and delicate. The binding of it seemed to be hoof made and the illustrations of an alicorn inscribed on it seemly hoof painted. It was difficult to see anything more on the cover as time had clearly worn out the paint once used on it but Twilight could make out the faint outline of a tree behind the alicorn, tears streaming down the alicorn’s face. “This book tells about an Alicorn by the name Athena, Athena Rein. Many accounts say that she was the first Alicorn, born thousands of years before Luna or myself.” Celestia explained, lifting the book gently in her magic and opening it to the first page. It was obvious to see that this entire book was hoof made down to the ink scribbles on the pages. They looked very artistic, giving off a feel of wonder and class on their own. Celestia placed the book down on a nearby desk, reading it out to Twilight who sat down and relaxed. “Once upon a time, a long time ago there lived a simple little earth pony born upon a time of great war. During this time there was no harmony, all difference creatures be they pony or otherwise fought for territory and spread a deep feeling of dread as far as one could see.” *Flashback* This young earth pony, mane royal purple, eyes green like spring leaves and coat the color of the earth, born into this world of fear and hatred, lived her life traveling with her nomadic earth pony family.  She was given the name “Athena” by her parents in hopes her name would give her the strength to survive this taxing time. In these days she and her family spent most of their lives running, trying their best to evade the toxicity of the world around them but they could not escape it forever. As time passed the war grew only more violent, the fight for dominance destroying all who dared to be in the way of that goal be they involved in it or not. Hatred and fear had grown so powerful the sky had turned a deep red, tained with the magic brought forth from said hatred and fear. It was during this time, while running from a band of thieving Griffons, was Athena’s life to change from this endless cycle of fleeing. During the struggle, her father was gravely injured. They escaped with their lives, however, based on how badly he was hurt it was unlikely Athena’s father would have survived. Just when hope seemed to be at it’s most bleak a glimmer of it emerged in the form of a unicorn. She lead them deep into the ancient Everfree forest, ducking down into a tunnel to avoid the terrifying monsters that inhabited it. Down here a refugee camp existed, treating the wounds and protecting all who came here whether they were ponies or not. Here, Athena’s father was saved and, here, Athena made five, unlikely friends. A Zebra named Zilo A Griffon named Anomi A Breezie named Bun A merpony named Palma And a reindeer named Norran Here, in the refuge of this camp, the six friends lived without judgement nor danger but, they knew. Outside, the world around them burned under the war, the land dying from the chaos caused from it. The safe haven of their home would only last for so long and it was only a matter of time before this place would to be consumed by that same, merciless fire. As more time passed, and the more Athena and her friends grew to genuinely love one another, something odd began to occur. Whenever Athena and her friends would gather and just enjoy life together the spots they went to, once dead and barren, began to grown and revive back into it’s beautiful state. They did not know it yet but, within them grew a very powerful magic. It was a power long lost during the war, reawakened again by the bond shared between these friends. Soon, a day would come where they would discover this power. When the thing they feared would happen most finally did. The refugee camp was discovered, hoards of warmongering creatures storming it and destroying everything in their path. All who could ran for their lives. Yet, Athena and her friends, whom could not simply look on as their home was destroyed, stood their ground to allow others the opportunity to escape. Their hearts were filled to the brim with the same fear they endured their entire lives and yet, in this moment, despite running from that same fear for as long as they could run, they felt a boldness within them telling them to stay so others may live. All were prepared to give their lives that day, sharing what they believed to be their final embrace as the war crazed invaders destroyed all before them. However, as they did something unbelievable occurred. That powerful magic growing within them was released, sending a beam of a bright rainbow light shooting high up into the sky, breaking through the roof of the cavern. All who were touched by this pillar of light felt a comforting warmth wash over them, like the gentle waves of warm ocean water. The area, blessed with the light that shone unlike anything seen before by this generation, shattered through the blood red sky above them, revealing to them the gorgeous blue they once had. For the first time since the war’s birth did those involved finally feel the joy and happiness that came with the friendship these creatures, different in form, shared. The wondrous magic of harmony. > Chapter Two: The Undiscovered West > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “W-wow…” Was all Twilight could mutter in her shocked, entertained state. She was so absorbed in the story it was as if she herself was reading it. A million different questions passed her mind, leading to her asking so many at once it overwhelmed even Celestia. She just watched as Twilight spoke, seemly without even taking a breath. Finally, once the eccentric purple alicorn had finally paused for a moment Celestia booped her muzzle with her hoof and giggled in a teasing manner. This made Twilight blush in embarrassment, sitting straight up. “Sorry, This story is just amazing! It’s so interesting!” She exclaimed, flapping her wings slightly as she spoke. “I’m glad you like it Twilight. There is plenty more of it to tell” Replied Celestia, laying down on a soft cushion to get comfortable. Twilight followed her former mentor’s example and also took a cushion. This seemed to relax her some, a soft sigh releasing from her. “So, what are we waiting for?” She asked, looking back at Celestia with glee. Celestia simply smiled at her eager rookie Princess for a moment before granting her that which she desired and continued to read. *Flashback* As the light began to retract back into the six friends it gathered around Athena and enveloped only her in it’s warming hold. Every creature present watched in awe as Athena’s body morphed before their eyes; her silhouette moving elegantly within the orb of shining light. It was as if the light was an egg, enveloping the developing life within in it’s protective shell and, while it wasn’t the miracle of life these creatures witnessed, it was indeed a miracle all the same. The magic light seemed to paint every single, individual feathers and attach them one by one onto the wings sprouting out from Athena’s back. As one feather attached another was formed and was also attached until it reached the very last feathers. Wings outstretched, Athena flapped them once within as her head swung up. Her hair, caught in the waving motion of the magic circling around her, grew longer into a majestic mane that moved like strands of silk. From her forehead a horn began to form, appearing segment by segment until it reached the very tip. The light flashed, flooding the area in a pulse of a light aurora. It lasted only a moment and, as it dissolved away, all whom saw Athena remained a gasp. Wings sprouted from her back, a horn from her head, Athena had become that which had only been heard of in fables. An Alicorn. *Present day* “B-but how is that possible?!” Asked Twilight, leaning over on her hooves in an attempt to look at the interior of the book. However, Celestia kept it just high enough so the pages remained in mystery to Twilight. “There are some theories which we will explore. I ask only that you be patient for a while longer.” Replied Celestia, watching as Twilight plopped back down on her cushion, gathering up a bunch of it in her hooves to use as a pillow. Seeing that her attention was once more on listening, Celestia continued to read. *Flashback* At first, Athena was just as baffled as those around her. Never had she experienced nor heard of the creature she had become. But, to those present, Athena was seen as one of great power. The invaders, not wanting to risk unleashing the mythical powers alicorns were said to have, retreated back the way they came. All were truly shocked, wondering what had occurred, that is expect Norran whom was well studied in the ancient legends of yore. While he would have loved nothing more than to educate Athena about her new form everyone knew that they would have to wait. Their refuge was discovered, exposed to the threat of invasion. They needed to find a new haven, somewhere safe from the war. So, having gathered all whom resided in the refugee camp, the six friends lead the way to a new home. They knew not where they went nor when they would ever find a new refuge. However, now filled with a feeling courage and hope never known to them before the six friends refused to give up. They marched their odd herd of creatures of all kinds across the land, venturing west through the Whitetail Woods into the Undiscovered West. Palma would tell them stories of the west. She would speak of how no one dared venture that way as no creature had ever made it past the unnamed mountain range and returned. She herself, whom once lived in South Luna Ocean, would often see explorers dare to trek past this strip of land only to vanish forever. Surely, if no one dared to go there then perhaps that would be the only place that their small herd would be safe. Such an idea was dangerous and, posed the possibility of certain death, but to them there were no better options. If they went they would have a chance to survive but if they stayed all would surely die in the pyre made from this land. So, on they went with Athena and her friends leading the way. Thanks to Bun’s navigational skills they were never lost, traveling by starlight to guide their way, and with Anomi’s fighting skills they remained safe from the ravenous monsters that stood in their way. The journey was long and very dangerous. Many times their herd would be attacked by those wishing only destruction on them, despising seemly even the idea of such a herd existing at all. Despite how hard they fought not all escaped the carnage. While reaching the tail end of the WhiteTail Woods the herd ran into a giant Chimera. Despite Anomi’s best efforts the creature’s power was to great to overcome. Fear had reared it’s ugly head once more, paralyzing Athena in her tracks. Anomi was severely injured, unable to fight any longer; the herd was in a frenzy, running around like headless chickens to escape. The creature claimed two lives that night, the lives of Athena’s parents as they tried to rouse their daughter from her paralyzing fear. It all happened in a single moment, one they were there, the next they were merely corpses on the ground with blood dripping from the creature’s claws. Something snapped in Athena in that moment. Witnessing her parent’s deaths released from her a terrifying power that, in an instant, turned the Chimera, first to stone, and then to dust. The savagery of the world around her seemed to consume Athena in that moment as she turned everything her dark magic touched to dust. By some miracle she had not harmed any of her herd but with her own power she leveled a large portion of the Whitetail Woods, leaving a large chunk completely bare of any trees, plants or even grass. Only when Zilo used a magic powder she made to force Athena into a slumber did her rampage finally come to an end. It was then the true power Athena possessed was made clear to everyone as they stood in emptiness, surrounded in a ring of trees. When Athena roused, she was never the same. While she herself remained happy and caring to her herd all outside it were met with a gaze of utter hatred and bloodlust. The very same she saw in the eyes of those griffons when they attacked her family just a year ago. > Chapter three: Gods of old > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Reading that old book again, sister?” Luna entered the library, rudely interrupting the story which seemed to bug Twilight. “Look who’s decided to join us! Such a pleasure having you among the living, Luna.” Replied Celestia in a teasing manner, smirking at her sister who simply replied with sarcastic laughter. She sat next to Celestia, yawning a bit. “So, what part are you on?” She asked, laying down on the ground to settle in. “Just before they make it to the Undiscovered West, you know, the part where Athen-” “No! Don’t spoil it!” Cried Twilight, cutting Celestia off mid sentence which seemed to shock both her and Luna. Instantly Twilight slammed her hooves over her muzzle, seemly horrified at herself for yelling at them like that. “I-I’m so sorry! I just… don’t want to have anything ruined…” Twilight slowly sunk into the cushion, burrowing her face into it to hide her shame. “Of course not, my apologizes. Perhaps I should continue?” Celestia said, reaching over to pet her precious purple pony. This earned her a bashful smile from Twilight which seemed to warm Celestia’s heart a bit. She turned her head back to the book and resumed reading. *Flashback* Athena became merciless to all who dared to stand in her path, assuming the roll Anomi once played she protected the herd without hesitation. Her eyes seemed permanently stained with that of hatred at all she crossed. Her friends could do nothing as Athena became more and more cruel. Despite what they told her Athena believed this new behavior was her being brave when, in truth, it was just what consumed all else in this war. The bitterness and distrust in everyone, the very thing that sparked this war to start, now imbedded it’s roots deep in her heart and were sealed off even to her friends by grief. Athena did not even cry, not a tear, at the loss of her parents. She saw it as weakness and instead grew colder. She was to focused on her goal to even acknowledge her parent’s deaths at all after that night. Reaching the Undiscovered West became an obsession to her to the point where she would push her herd beyond their limits to reach it. She was still kind, being gentle and loving on the surface but was cruel in the way that she would wait for no one. The herd only kept up only thanks the efforts of Athena’s friends. Zilo would soothe the wounds and aches of those who needed it with her knowledge of medicine and magic. Although Anomi’s injuries made it impossible for him to fly ever again he worked to keep the spirits of the herd high by providing moral through his valor. In the rare moments where the herd would stop and rest Palma and Norran would tell them stories and legends to entertain them. Bun would teach them about the constellations, keeping their hope high with the belief the stars could grant them luck and blessed their journey. During one of these rest stops Norran finally decided to tell the stories of the ancient gods, the origin of the alicorn, to the herd in hopes that maybe the lore would quail their hearts. They had begun to grow wary of Athena, fear emerging in them. It was easy to see why as, even now as the herd gathered around a warm fire to listen to Norran’s story she sat alone with her head to the west. All could see the bags under her eyes, the wear and tear her fall had caused her. She seemed to be a very different pony now. Norran gave her a simple gaze, greatly concerned for her as he began to tell his tale. He projected his voice loud enough for all to hear, including Athena. “It is said that a long time ago, before even the creation of the Everfree Forest, there was a time where no war existed. It was a time that knew true peace and harmony between all the species and the creature known as the “Alicorn” was simply a symbol of hope and harmony. Only those proven to be leaders of great valor and wisdom would ever receive these symbols.” As Norran told his story he used his Reindeer magic to make magical silhouettes in the air to entertain his herd, glancing back at Athena who seemed to not pay him any heed. Still he continued. “Back then, those of this land knew many odd occurrences that happened without explanation. Sometimes, flowers would bloom for no reason or streams of rainbow lights would adorn the sky when creatures gathered together and expressed the joy within their hearts. In an attempt to explain these occurrences stories were spun and, from these stories, the myth of the great gods came to be. The God of the Sea, A powerful Seapony said to be able to bent the ocean to his wills was thus dubbed Poseidon.The Goddess of the Seasons, a gentle Reindeer who would bring snow and sun to the land was named Demeter. The God of light, a Zebra that inspired creativity and brought medicine to us was named Apollo. The God of War, a boar, wild and temperamental was dubbed Ares. The Goddess of Love, a Sphinx whose beauty was rivaled by none, was named Aphrodite. The God of Fire, a Griffon known to forge weapons greater than any was named Hephaestus. The God of Communication, a Breezie who was able to fly faster than any being, was named Hermes. The Goddess of the Hearth, a Changeling whom was the diplomat to all her family was named Hestia. The God of Ecstasy, a goat whom inspired theater and celebration was named Bacchus. The Goddess of Marriage, a Cow, known as the Queen among the gods was named Hera. The God of Gods, the God of the sky, a winged Centaur whom had the power to throw lightning down at all who opposed him, Zeus and, finally, The Goddess of wisdom, truly knowledgeable and intelligent, a creature that represented the true harmony along the pony folk and the only goddess based off a creature that never truly existed, an alicorn. Her name was Athena" The engaged herd listened closely, seemly enjoying the tale Norran told. Athena, even though she pretended not to listen, did so closely. The mention of her name in an ancient legend was hard to ignore. "But why would they base a god off something that didn't even exist?" Asked a young, goat kid. "Well, as I mentioned before the Alicorn was a symbol used to represent harmony and leadership among the three species of pony. So, when the identities of the gods were being assigned the pony folk choose the Alicorn as the Alicorn is not only a great symbol to them but also all of them mixed together into one species. The ultimate unity. As you can imagine, they held great pride in this. So much so that they erected a statue in her image. Soon, the other creatures also created statues of their own to embody their own gods as well. They built them in the circle around another statue encrusted in gems of many different kinds from polished jade to diamond as clear as glass. It was a simple sculpture meant to represent the planet we call home. It was said that when creatures that represented the statues gathered around this sculpture a powerful, unknown magic began to well there. With this magic they had the ability to warp the world, turning winter to spring in the blink of an eye, bring rain to the driest deserts and could even control the setting and rising of the moon and sun themselves. They believed this to be a gift from the gods, a taste of their power to thank those of our world for being loyal to them. This magic allowed them to do wonderful things, benefiting the entirety of the world as a whole. For hundreds of years, they lived without difficulty, assigning new 'representatives' every couple of years to appeal the gods. Truly it was a time of prosperity for all. But for every age of wonder and prosperity comes one of darkness and greed. The harmony that kept these creatures in balance soon caused a fracture in them as the desire for power grew more and more. One day, a dragon arose and approached the current representatives, demanding that gems rain from the sky. However, despite what the dragon believed they could not make that be, they did not know how. If they were to try likely such a event would drain all the power they would summon forth, leaving none for everyone else. However, instead of understanding the dragon became furious with their refusal. "How dare you deny the plea of the dragons! Is it already not insulting enough that we not have a god to represent us?! Instead we must crawl to you tiny creatures and beg for what we desire. We demand to have a god of our own!" she yelled. They tried to explain the gods were creatures beyond them and they could not decide which creature did or did not have a representative. In fact they themselves did not even know if the depictions of the gods were accurate as they simply based their gods off the creature that best represented what their gods lord over. Despite this explanation, the dragon refused to accept this and swore that one day her kind will have a god of their own and that they would no longer need to come crawling to them for their needs. She left in a fury so great it left all who crossed her shook. Due to her sheer hatred and anger she was dubbed Hades by everyone even though that was not her true name. She adopted this name and used it to stir not only the hearts of the dragons but of many other creatures with one simple phrase. "Where is OUR god!?" Yaks, horses, elephants, giraffe, hippogryphs, gazelle, all the creatures without their own god began to rally in mass. Slowly, a power hungry force began to be born, demanding the power the gods had for their own. They believed it to be their right and, no matter how much those with gods tried to quail them, their anger would not cease. Worse still, the more creatures Hades would rally behind her the less power the representatives could draw from their well. It seemed that, the more the harmony was disturbed the less power they could draw and, although they explained this to the enraged creatures whom noticed the decline in magic the creatures refused to believe them. They believed the representatives were hoarding the power for themselves, keeping it from them to silence them. It wasn't long until their greed had drove them to the point of attack. If they could not be given the power they desired they would simply take it instead. Once the attacks began the power from the well dried up completely and instead began to ooze purple and black gunk that sucked the life of all that touched it. The only magic the well produced seemed to be unusable and destructive to all. But this only seemed to send the masses into a power crazed rage. By the time anyone could realize what had happened it was to late. The last hint of magic the well ever expelled was a single, protective spell that encased the entire area in a magical field. No creature would ever approach it again and it vanished. To this day, many generations later the war continues and the desire for power consumes all in it's ravenous jaws. It's destroyed our spirits, our land, our homes and...." Norran stared directly at Athena who now looked intently at him. She listened to every word that left his mouth as he spoke. The next words that left his mouth were directed right at her. He hoped that, somehow he could stop her from falling down the same despair that consumed many others. How he hoped. "Even our families. Even so, even now as our world burns we still have one another in our refugee herd. This is more than several others have and will likely ever have. Together, together we are at our strongest. That is the true purpose meant to be shown to us through the creation of the gods. A message lost to many... but I have a feeling that through us... and through Athena... That message may be revived again." Athena felt all eyes fall to her, staring at her form intensely. It made her wince and turn away from their stare but still she felt them against her back. "That, at least, is what I hope." > Chapter four: Frozen Nightmare > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Snow, cold and tainted with a hint of black ash from the smoke that infected the clouds above, gently drifted down to the land below and coated the earth in a thick sheet of frost. Winter's touch approached, a touch that mimicked that of the grim, and threatened the life of all as the howls of Windigos echoed on the chilled wind. Time was running short for our herd as, even as we walked by, we would see the threat of winter presented to us in the form of those encased in ice, forever trapped in their bitter hatred that brought said fate upon them. Thankfully, our harmony and unity as a group seemed to keep the wicked monsters at bay, but, we feared that one of us may fall prey to them if she continued to turn her back to us. Yes, she still remained among us but our words and our pleas fell on a heart frozen, like the land that surrounded us. Norran's story only seemed to drive Athena further into isolation, she does not even speak to us anymore and oh how it woes my bruised heart to see her in this state. If our Athena ever fell prey to the frost how our hearts would shatter. I hope and pray that there is some scrap of the old Athena remaining as by the day I can see her grow darker. Darker than the ash tainted snow showering down upon us. *Current Day* "Wait, it happened again!" Exclaimed Twilight, "Why does the story keep changing the way it's told? The beginning was vague and more legend like, the second more story like and this one like a personal account." Celestia smiled at Twilight, giving Luna a knowing look before turning the book back to the first page. "Oh there is a very good reason for that." She replied, turning the book so Twilight could see the inside of the front page. What she read seemed to both shock and surprise her. She read it aloud. "This book is a recounting of the History of the Tree of Harmony and Queen Athena written through the eyes of those who witnessed the start and end of her rein. Norran, Palma, Zilo, Bun, Anomi and Athena. May their memory live on in their personal accounts collected in this book." Twilight took a moment to process that before speaking further. "So all this is first hoof experience? Then why was the beginning so vague and what does Athena have to do with the Tree of Harmony? I don't see a connection there..." She asked, seemly confused. "Well, while we are not sure we assume it was just the story telling tactic used by Norran. He was more into telling Legends and myths which are pretty vague by nature. It could also be that they just did not know much about Athena's early life as well. The second and third chapter was written by Palma whom was known to be a very entertaining storyteller. Finally, the chapter we are on now was written by Zilo who was a doctor. She kept a personal journal where she kept accounts of medical research and of things that happened in her personal life, thus this chapter is told in a more personal light. It's actually quite interesting." Explained Celestia, "As for the Tree of Harmony and the connection it has to Athena, you'll have to wait until later on in the story." "Then what are we waiting for!?" Asked Twilight, seemly even more excited than before as she cling onto a bunch of her pillow with a giddy look on her face. "Hehe, you were the one who interrupted the story, Twilight. Let us resume." Replied Celestia, turning the pages back to the one she was on. *Story* No matter how hard I try, attempting to recall what occurred today leaves only few clear, most of it being hazy. Perhaps I should start at the beginning. Finally, after many long days we made it to the mountain range leading into the Undiscovered West. We were overjoyed, of course, it meant that our journey would soon come to an end but we underestimated the very land itself. As we entered the mountain range a blizzard seemed to appear out of nowhere and only became more vicious and treacherous the deeper we got. Even then I noticed something was odd about this blizzard. I was sure it had a magical source rather than a natural one. The wind pushed us but it did not howl, silent as the dead, and the snow, the ice, felt cold but we could not feel them hit our pelts. Finally, the snow already resting on the earth made not a sound under our hooves and claws. The only time a sound did emerge was the sound of stepping on solid rock, as if the snow was not there at all. Nevertheless we took shelter in a small cave in one of the mountains, hoping the storm would pass even if it wasn't at all natural. We had no choice, the cold and wind was to overwhelming for us to bare. As you can imagine, this irritated Athena immensely but even she had no choice but to relent to the storm's wrath. Hours ticked by, one by one, yet the storm kept raging on. Slowly, those of our herd began to grow more afraid as they speculated that perhaps this magical blizzard is the reason none ever return from the west. Even I admit, it was a troubling situation to be in. We must have been in that cave for at least a day when a very handsome someone appeared at the mouth of our cave cloaked in flowing, dress like garb that had a magical gradient that made the fabric fade into fog. They were enchanting, to say the very least, but who they were exactly we could not agree on. Yes, I understand it's quite perplexing, it is even to us. I saw this stranger as a very stunning, attractive male zebra, white and adorned in blue stripes with eyes as green as the richest leaves of a lush forest, yet, Palma saw this stranger as a gorgeous female seapony with fins that looked like butterfly wings, delicate, beautiful and skin the color of the deepest ocean waters. This logic seemed to hold true for all of our herd as they saw what I could only assume to be their preferences in the ideal version of their own species. What we could agree on though is that they had a soothing voice that allured all that heard it. Indeed, it's voice was very welcoming, smooth, delicate. "Come with me, I will take you somewhere safe and warm." They said, backing slowly away back into the blizzard. I am not sure but I think that maybe this creature had put some kind of hex on us as all of us followed it back into the frigid storm. As we exited I failed to realize at the time, but now with foresight, recall that the snow was no longer cold and the wind no longer pushed us. We might as well had been standing in a painting. From here on, all of our memories are very vague and hazy, I cannot recall much. However, Athena was able to fill the blanks. You see, for her the stranger was a male alicorn, strong and sturdy in build with a coal black pelt. While, at first, she too fell for the allure of this stranger her logic began to brew in her mind. Never have any of us, in the time of our lives, have we heard of an alicorn existing beyond Athena. When creatures saw Athena they saw a powerful being and looked upon her with both awe and fear, yet, not a single member of our herd showed even a hint of surprise at this male alicorn appearing, suddenly seemly out of nowhere. I recall Athena asking me something along the lines of, "I never thought we would ever come across another Alicorn here. What an opportunity! Maybe I could learn more about why I transformed?!" "Alicorn? Oh no, he is as graceful as one though. Such a majestic Zebra." I replied. Athena says it was my reply that had shocked her. Something in her mind clicked, and, it seemed that the realization of what was going on hit her. Her eyes widened, the area suddenly morphed from a raging blizzard to a mountain, rocky trail dotted only with small piles of snow seemly from light snow fall. Worst of all she saw the true form of the creature we followed. It was a vile, old, goblin like creature that was half fog and concealed in a white cloak. The realization caused her to pause for a moment but, in that moment, the creature took us into another cave. The moment her mind was able to catch up to the situation she galloped after us only to again stop in absolute horror. The way I remembered it, we were walking into a lavish, large mountain cabin with about a dozen or so creatures sitting at tables, laying by a warm fire, dining, all with happy bright smiles but what was really around us... The way Athena describes it, oh how absolutely blood curdling it was. Creatures, frozen solid, with bones, still covered in flesh and blood, covering the floor of those the creature had devoured. Those happy smiles I saw were the faces of those tricked before us, frozen solid with the look of glee frozen forever upon their faces. Worse still, there were those still alive, trapped in a spell that kept them unable to move with their smiles stuck in the moment they were caught, but, their eyes, oh their eyes, they now saw the terrifying monster for what it was and could only watch in despair as another one of them was frozen solid, eaten like some sort of twisted Popsicle and their bones, blood and bits of flesh left for them to stare at in utter silence. "Dear pony, what is the matter? I have a bath for all of you, a warm hot spring waiting. Wouldn't you like to warm your bones?" The creature lead us into a pit of magic, the same magic it used to freeze it's other victims. But, Athena would not have it. The next thing I remember was Athena crying out. "No Stop!" Followed by a flash of blinding light. Next thing I knew, everything went dark; we all passed out. Unknown to me Athena had blasted the creature directly with her magic which released us from the powerful hex. The rest of the story was told by those frozen with magic, as , the moment Athena blasted the creature they were freed and watched the events following. Athena stared, her face consumed in fear as her horn remained flared with her powerful magic. She watched the dust settled, shivering and breathing heavily as the creature's silhouette became clearer. Eerily, it spoke, it's voice distorted and cracked. "Oh now why did you do that? What a treat it would have been to have you for dinner!" The monster lunged directly at Athena, moving quickly and sinking it's jagged teeth deep into Athena's shoulder. She let out a loud neigh in pain, a sound I faintly remember hearing in my passed out state. Next thing anyone knew both Athena and the creature were outside, tangled in a struggle as Athena flung the creature off her. Again and again she shot magic blasts towards it only to miss every time at the beast's blinding speed. Again and again it lunged at her, biting her and slashing at her mercilessly until finally her fear washed away to reveal something more dangerous than any when it comes to Athena. Her temper. Her magic, usually purple in color, began to be consumed in a sickly green and black color as her patience began to wear out. Suddenly, in a show of pure power she unleashed all of her magic in a single, magic blast. It consumed everything in the area. Rock was pulverized to dust, plants turned to ash. Everyone was caught in the blast as it consumed even the mountain that held the cave we resided in. However, the magic did not hurt us, all it really seem to do was gently float us off the ground and hug us in a soothing, purple light. The monster, however, was not as fortunate as the moment the magic caught it, it was completely engulfed and cried in pure agony as it was slowly burnt away. It was as if it was being hit by a powerful wave of heat, as if it approached the sun, as it's skin burned away, followed by it's bone until nothing remained except a pile of ash and a piece of the fabric the creature once wore. Her magic spent Athena's blast slowly came to an end, retracting into her body to leave only flattened land where mountains once stood. She left a large gorge in the mountain range, effectively turning the middle section of it into a flat valley. Nothing in her magic was spared, nothing, except for us. Even in her rage she could not bring herself to hurt us. And while I don't remember the events that lead to us, standing in this flattened valley made by her I do remember one thing. A simple thing. When I awoke I saw Athena, I heard her, worry in her voice as she called out our names. She laid among our herd, waiting for us to wake up. I remember, when I rose... she smiled at me and hugged me close, her eyes watery.