• Published 28th Apr 2018
  • 257 Views, 1 Comments

The Legacy Of Darkness - Darkness 1

40 years have passed since the death of Darkness, Equestria has enjoyed peace since then, however, evil never rests long, and a new evil arises.

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The Meeting Part 2

Darkness's and Luna's children then noticed their mother, and they rushed over to her, and hugged, and they both said, "It's good to see you mother."

Luna smiled warmly and hugged them both, and said, "It is good to you both as well, but today is a very important day, for all of us, and for both of you as well."

They asked, "What do you mean?"

Princess Celestia said, "First back to my previous question, do you know why you both have been called here?"

They both said, "It has something to do with Arrovak, doesn't it?"

Princess Luna said, "That's part of it but also..."

Princess Luna was interrupted by a voice that strongly seemed to come out of thin air, as the voice said, "Indeed, an important day, you both were very quick to figure out that it has something to do with Arrovak. But the other part of the reason why you both were called here, is it is time for you both to choose your path, your destiny in life, and today will finally be the day you gain your names, your sense of identity, and I shall bear witness to this, for good or for evil, history is to be made this day."

Everypony turned around and went into a defensive stance, and Twilight asked, "Who are you? And how do you know so much about these two? Where are you? Show yourself!"

The voice said, "I do not hide, do not blame me for the state of your minds, use your mind's eye, and your physical sight together, let them be in harmony with one another, and you will see me, as clearly as you see each other."

Princess Luna said, "I'm getting a familiar feeling....And that voice...... Everypony, please let's just try and see who this is...I...I have to know..."

Rarity asked, "Are you okay, Princess? You seem different..."

Princess Luna said, "I'll be fine, I just need to see clearly who this is....I must know.."

Twilight said, "Alright all of you, and you two as well, focus, and use your mind's eye and your physical sight at the same time, and we shall see who this truly is."

Everypony began to focus, and moments later, they began to see a figure standing right in front of them, and they could clearly make out that it was definitely a stallion, and as the figure began to walk closer, they all were in shock at what they saw, Princess Luna especially.

Twilight asked, "How is this possible? How did you....?"

Princess Luna began to sob with much happiness, and rushed over to the figure, and went to hug him, but she went right through him, and almost fell over.

The figure said with a sad face, and shook its head, "If you are all thinking I found some way to come back from the dead, I'm afraid to tell you no, I am still six feet under, I am still, very much dead."

As Princess Luna went back and rejoined the others, everypony got to look at the figure clearly, as he came to a stop, merely a few hoofs away from them, and they looked they saw, a stallion, with black and red armor, with an familiar insignia, golden gauntlets, on four hooves, a tattered black cape, with red underneath it, and a short katana, and Princess Celestia was the first to say it, "It cannot be possible.....Darkness?"

Darkness looked at them all, smirked, and said, "It has been a while, hasn't it? How long has it been? Forty years? It is good to see you all once more, it's been too long."

Darkness's and Princess Luna's children only said, "Father?"

Darkness said, "It is good I finally get to see you both, you both have grown strong, and have come this far, I am proud of both of you both, I only wish I could've been there from the beginning..."

They went over to Darkness and said, "We never blamed you, or hated you, you did what you had to do, to make sure this world would survive and everypony in it, would live to see the bright future that you gave them, so that we could live as well. All that matters now, is that here to support us now, in our time of need."

Darkness said with a smile of pride, "If you understand that, there is nothing further I need to say on that, you already know the reason."

They both said, "We always knew, ever since when we were told what happened to you, we were and have always been grateful."

Darkness said, "I thank you both...truly it only goes to show me, that for everything I sacrificed...... it was not in vain."

Princess Luna came up to Darkness and said, "Why are you here, exactly? There must be a reason."

Darkness said, "There is, this meeting, is critical in two points, first, for the future of our children, but also the continued existence of this world, the decisions and plans made today will determine what will happen next, and I have been called upon by the Gods Of Equestria, to bear witness, it is by their will, that they have sent me here, and why I stand before you all now, I am the physical representation of their presence here, on this day, all of us, living or dead, will remember what happens this day, and I shall write it all in the timelines of the world, so it may be remembered, for all ages to come, as you all know, I am one of the protectors of the timelines."

Princess Luna said, "That's right, my love, your service to this world is not over, despite all that you've done for this world, your eternal service to this world, will always to make the timeline is safe from those that wish to change it for ill."

Darkness said lovingly, "As always, my dear, you were always quick to figure things like this out, my service is never over, the timeline must be protected, but also all dimensions as well, And I see our children inherited your quick sense."

Princess Luna blushed, and Twilight said, "Well, now, that Darkness is here, as well, which I have to admit, was quite unexpected but very welcome, I think we can get this meeting fully underway, but first what should we start with first, Arrovak, or your children, Darkness?"

Darkness said, "For the safety of the world, it would be best if we start with my children choosing their path in life, and Luna and I shall oversee this, please all of you wait until we are done, and we then we will get to figuring out what to do about Arrovak."

Princess Celestia said, "Of course, take your time, I understand that things like this take some time."

Princess Luna said, "Thank you sister, Darkness and I shall see what we can do."

Everypony nodded, and went to the middle of the throne room, until all that remained was Darkness, Princess Luna, and their children, and they asked, "What do we do now?"

Darkness said, "It is simple enough, I will conduct the ancient sorcerer pony ritual of names, and summon forth the ancient sorcerer pony judges, and based on your choices, we will see who you both truly shall be: you either you be a great evil, and or a stout defender of the world, we shall see in a few moments, and Luna, are familiar with the questions?"

Princess Luna said, "Yes, I read your books thoroughly, and I will do my best."

Darkness said, "That's all we can ask for. Very well, I shall begin the incantations, and when I do, begin the questions, ready, my love? And are you two ready?"

Princess Luna said, "I've prepared for this moment, I'm ready."

They only said, "We're ready."

Darkness said, "Very well, then, here we go! Fathos! Fithos! Winosec! Vinosec! Ancestors of old! Bear witness, and show us who these two truly are! Guide them on the path they choose in their lives!"

As Darkness continued, he spread his wings, and rose into the air and stayed there as the entire castle was lifted, high into the clouds, and everything began to shake a little, and then it settled, as everything around them went dark, and the only light left was around Darkness, Princess Luna, and their children.

Princess Luna then began the questions, and said, "If this world was in danger, which it is right now, will you two leave it to wither and die, or will you both do whatever it takes to save it? No matter the cost? Until you last breath? Or will you join in its destruction? Now it is time for you to decide!"

The Mare said, "There is no doubt in my mind, I shall make sure it is always safe! I don't want anypony harmed by those that wish them harm!"

The Stallion said, "There is no way, I will let my father's sacrifice go in vain! I will do whatever it takes to make sure it is always safe, for my father, for my mother, and for everypony!"

Princess Luna said, "Very well then, next question: if the seeds of mistrust and hatred try to take hold of you two, will you turn on each other? Turn on those you swore to protect? Or will you both hold steadfast to your cause, no matter how hard it gets?"

The Mare said, "Even though times will be tough, and many things may try to make change my mind of what I fight for, it doesn't matter, I will see though my cause for the safety of everypony to the end, even if it means my life."

The stallion said, "Even when things like that happen, I will see it though to safety of all, even if I have to do so alone! I must not fail!"

Princess Luna said, "Alright then, final question: If for some unforeseen reason, those that you swore to protect, I or anypony were to turn to evil? Would you try to save us from it? Or would you put us down?"

The mare said, "I would do whatever I could to save you or anypony else first, I do not want to take anypony's life, unless there was no other way or no other option."

The stallion said, "I can't just take the life of another away just because of such a thing, I would do anything in my power to save you or anypony else. There is almost always another way, and I would only take out the ones that turned to evil, if they truly could not be saved."

Princess Luna turned to Darkness and said, "It is done, they have answered, finish the incantations."

Darkness said, "Ancestors of old! These two have spoken what is in their hearts, give them their long-sought identities, and names, that they shall carry for all eternity!"

Lightning began to flash all around and four ancient sorcerer pony faces appeared before them all, as the one in the middle said, "You two young ponies, have shown us much today, and you truly spoken out of your hearts, so for you, mare, your name shall forever be more be 'Violet Winter', may you always be blessed with the wonders and gifts of the night, of books, and magic talent that you have inherited from your parents, as I now awaken those blessings from within you. Step forward and gain what I have spoken."

The mare stepped forward, and she was lifted, as a bluish-purple light came from the ancient sorcerer pony, and he put it into the chest of the mare, and then he put her back down softly, and Violet Winter said, "Thank you, I humbly accept this." And then she stepped back.

The ancient sorcerer pony on the right said, "Stallion, step forward." The stallion stepped forward and the ancient sorcerer pony said, "Because of the valor and honesty you have shown us all, your name shall be forever more 'Solar Blaze', may the wonders and gifts of the day, the sword, and the talent of flying you have inherited from your parents. Now stay still, as I awaken the blessings I have spoken within you." The ancient sorcerer pony lifted up the stallion, as a black and red light came from the ancient sorcerer pony and he put it into the chest of the stallion, and then he put him back down softly.

Solar Blaze said, "I will always be grateful for this, thank you." And he stepped back.

All four of the ancient sorcerer ponies then said in unison, "May you never stray from your path, and may good fortune always come to you, may all sorcerer ponies of old, and those that have died, protect you, all you need do is to call upon us, remember, you are never alone, farewell, sorcerer ponies, and may we see you two again, when your days are done." The ancient sorcerer ponies then dissipated, and the light returned to the entire room, as the entire castle was softly was returned to the ground, and Darkness then landed on the ground, as everypony else came back to them, and began to congratulate, Violet Winter, and Solar Blaze.