• Published 18th Jul 2017
  • 600 Views, 21 Comments

Crew of the Marblehead - M48 Patton

Hunted by the navies of the world and two of their own missing, the crew of the Marblehead are joined by untrustworthy allies and opposed by powerful foes.

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Chapter 8

Storm Stalker helped secure the longboat in its cradle before a few of her crew began taking what supplies had been brought onboard down below.

“Evenin' Miss Storm.” One of the pirates called above the noise of the rain as he picked up a saddlebag and flung it over his back. “'Ow was Bugganville?”

“Ah, i'twas ugly.” The pegasus replied, hooking another saddlebag with her wing and throwing it on her back as well. “Too much lan'! Ah cannae stan' tae be on solid groun' fer so long!”

The pirate laughed. “Aye! I remember you were never happy unless you were aboard the Golden Curse.”

Storm rolled her eyes. “Aye, Ah wasnae the mos' agreeable filly.”

Looking around, she noticed the absence of a usual sight.

“Eh, where be the cap'n?” The mare asked. “Nae like 'im tae miss our supply run.”

“Aye.” He answered, his face grave. “It would seem the cap'n's had a grave accident, he be injured in the infirmary.”

There was a sudden breeze strong enough to nearly knock the pirate over. Storm Stalker's saddlebags, now absent a body to rest on, fell to the deck in a heap. The pirate looked at the suddenly flung open hatch in the deck, a small smile playing at his lips.

“Uh, Drip? Is that you?” A voice called from the pirate's left.

The stallion looked to see a mirror image of himself standing on the deck with a confused expression.

“Why do ya look like me?” The pirate asked.

In a flash of green, the false pirate reverted to the usual form of a simple earth pony, the changeling's grin now stretching across his face.

“Oh, nothing important. Just a reminding the captain of his more important concerns.”

Trade Breaker was awoken from his nap when the door to the infirmary was suddenly thrown open and a blue blur flew through the room to his bedside.


“Celestia's mane, Storm!” Trade Breaker yelled in surprise. “What's gotten into ye?”

The pegasus mare drew back slightly and looked him over.

“Ah was tol' yew were hurt!” She exclaimed.

“Aye, but naught but a bump on the head, I'd be up an' about if'n Miss Sun Flowers would let me.” The captain explained.

“Oh. . . Ah. . . Ah though' eh was serious. . .”

There was an awkward silence between them, the two of them both a little embarrassed.

“Uh, 'ow'd yew 'urt yewr 'ead in the firs' place?” Storm eventually asked.

“Drip hit me with a door.” Trade Breaker said.

Storm Stalker shuffled nervously.

“Storm, I need to tell ye somethin'.” Trade Braker finally blurted.

“Aye, an Ah wan' tae tell yew somethin' as well!” The mare replied quickly.

“Storm, I think. . . I think. . .” Trade Breaker hesitated as Storm Stalker looked at him expectantly. “Storm, the Marblehead's not going to last ferever, an' I think ye need to think about what yer goin' to do after we lose her.”

“Cap'n!” Storm leaned forwards. “The Marble'ead's seen 'er fair share o' punishment, bu' she's a long way from the grave.”

“Be that as it may, we no not what the future may hold fer us.” Trade Breaker said. “And on the day I leave the Marblehead be the day I leave the sea. Now I-”

“Cap'n! Ah won' let tha' 'appen!” Storm shouted.

“Storm! Will ye shut up an' let me speak?”

“Nopony's stoppin' yew cap'n.”

Trade Breaker's glare told her otherwise, but she ignored it.

“Storm, I want ye ta start makin' plans fer when I am shorebound. Now, Equestria has some fine ships in their navy, an' I woul' be more'n happy to commandeer one fer ye next time we run across a fleet.”

Storm Stalker threw her hooves up in the air. “Ferget the 'Questrian Navy! Ferget the blasted sea fer all Ah care! Ah'm stayin' wit' yew Cap'n, be it on sea or lan'!”

“Storm!” Trade Breaker pleaded. “Yer a mare o' the sea, ye wouldn't be happy ta be landbound!”

“An' neither woul' yew!” The mare pointed a hoof at the captain. “Don' deny yew dread the day when yew cannae sail agin! Face eht cap'n! The only way the both o' us will be 'appy is aboar' the Marble'ead!”

“But what of the crew?” Trade Breaker demanded. “What of their happiness?”

Storm Stalker laughed. “Ah'd be 'ardpressed tae fin' a sad pony in this lot! Cap'n, a'member wha' 'appened las' time yew tried tae kick us off?”

Trade Breaker sighed, his shoulders sagging.

“I only worry fer their safety, Storm.” He said quietly. “Sooner or later our luck will run out. Sooner or later, somepony's goin' to get killed.”

“Hush that talk now.” Storm Stalker whispered to him as she hopped onto the bed beside him to wrap one of her wings around him. “Cap'n, Ah don' believe in luck, an' yew cannae see the future. The bes' we can dew is tae prepare fer it an' take our blows as they com'. An' don' worry, wit' the Marble'ead, it'd take the reaper is'self tae take us down.”

“I swear that pony is the reaper in disguise.” Makry growled as she watch Storm Killer.

The pegasus was currently standing on the bow of her schooner looking into the storm that crackled in the distance. They were anchored just outside of the storm, all of the captains on Makry's schooner with their own ships floating close by.

From each ship, Storm Killer had hoof picked ten crew and placed them aboard Makry's schooner, replacing all but ten of her own crew. They gathered on the deck, a variety of creatures that claimed to be the best onboard their ships. The crew looked to their captains, and their captains looked to Storm Killer.

There was a murmur in the crew as they observed the hurricane, their eyes darting nervously between it and Storm Killer.

“Ghost Island? We be doomed.” One whispered.

“What's gotten into them? They be like sheep an' he's the wolf.” Said another.

Makry had heard enough and wanted action.

“Storm Killer!” She yelled, stepping forward. “What be your orders?”

The pegasus turned slightly but did not look back.

“Batten daown yewr hatches an' raise sails!” He yelled. “'Ave all ships hol' position, they be tae stay a'hind while we go in.”

There was no movement for a moment until the individual captains began shouting orders. Stone Hand actually drew his swords to threaten any crew that was not moving.

The cries of “Drop anchor!” sounded from the surrounding ships followed by several splashes signaled the acknowledgement of orders while Makry's schooner began to creep forward, drawing closer and closer to the storm. Her speed increased as the sails rose, catching the wind that eagerly drew them towards the darkened skies.

Storm Killer stood on the prow near the bowsprit and watched the storm with a calm facade. Makry stepped up to him and looked at it as well.

“Storm, I know this be a little late to be askin', but how do we get back out?” She said hesitantly. “No ship has ever come out of there, at least not in one piece that is.”

“We tae'k the Marblehead an' sail 'er ou'.” The pegasus answered flatly.

Makry looked at him desperately. “And me ship? How do we bring her out?”

Storm Killer didn't look at her, but instead pulled a gold coin from his beard and placed it on the deck in front of her.

“Yewr debt be paid.” He said before turning away and walking towards the stern.

Makry looked at the coin, her eyes beginning to moisten. She slowly put a paw out and picked it up, clutching it to her chest. With an angry yowl, she threw it into the sea.

“Watch aloft! Fasten the blasted rope to the blasted mast itself! Not the pin! The mast!” Grif Talos yelled to the various pegasi, thestrals and griffons that were attaching lines to strengthen the sails.

“Grif!” A familiar and unwelcome voice called out.

The griffon turned to see Storm Killer approaching him. He took a long drink from a bottle and shortened the distance.

“What is it?” He asked sourly.

“Belay tha' sails, tak' ovah on the wheel.” The pegasus ordered.

“Like Tartarus I will.” The griffon spat before tipping the bottle back and gulping down another unhealthy dose of rum.

“Grif, yew're the on'ly won tha' can guide us t'rough 'dat storm!”

“Aye, an' I've seen what that storm can do to ships!”

“Then yew know wha' Ah need'yew on tha wheel!”

Without warning, the griffon's talon shot out and grabbed at Storm Killer's neck. Grif had moved so fast that even Storm Killer was not able to move out of the way, but his thick beard prevented the griffon's talon from gaining any purchase on his neck.

“YES!” He hissed. “I know why you need me on that infernal tiller! Because of what I've done! Because I was a coward and abandoned my captain in his time of need!”

Storm Killer kept his calm expression, but he spoke cautiously.

“Aye, yew've escaped death from Ghos' Island a'fore, somethin' even Ah cannae claim tae 'ave done.” The pegasus said.

“Escaped?” Grif snapped. “No! I was spared by the infernal storm to live a life of torment! To see my captain and mates torn apart by that storm every night in my dreams! To see his airship swept into a vortex that ripped the very ship in half! There is no escape from that cursed place, only living death.”

Storm Killer took in a deep breath. “Ne'ertheless, yew 'ave a debt tae pay, an' if'n yew pay et or naet, we sail intae tha' storm. Naow, will yew take the wheel or nae?”

Grif stared at him with burning hate, but after a few moments let him go and drained the rest of the rum from his bottle.

“AAAH!” He yelled as he smashed the glass onto the deck. “Don't we have anything other than this bilgewater? If I am to sail to my death I want to die with some rum in my stomach!”

With a powerful sweep of his wings, he leaped to the tiller in one bound and grabbed it from the pony.

“All hooves!” Grif roared. “Lash yourselves down and pray that the seas be merciful!”

The schooner lurched as the current into the storm picked up and the wind became more fierce.

“Make full sail!” The drunken griffon screamed above the wind. “We must keep our speed if we are to survive!”

“MAKE READY FOR A STORM BOYS!” Grif's laugh was heard above the raging hurricane even as waves began to crash into the bow.

“He's gone mad!” Makry screamed as she drew her sword and ran towards the griffon only to be tackled by Storm Killer.

“Don' worry aboot Griffy!” He cackled into her ear. “'E be a might upset, tha's all!”

The sun disappeared behind the clouds as the schooner picked up speed, her masts groaning under the strain of the gale. The wooden ship rattled as she was thrown into another wave by the wind, heeling over sharply and threatening to capsize only for Grif to right her at the last moment. Lighting cracked and struck the mast but the wooden tower sparked in defiance, a unicorn's powerful spell protecting it.

“The storm knows we're here!” One of the crew wailed. “It knows and it's trying to sink us!”

Several other of the crew heard this and began to panic, but several swords held in a magical glow surrounded them as Green Tea demonstrated her prowess at magical combat. Others froze on deck, watching the confrontation and unsure of what to do.

With a snap, several ropes holding the foresail snapped and it fell several feet before other ropes took up the slack and held it. Quickly, several other things on the ship began to fail without the crew to watch over them, the ship was starting to fall apart as many of the crew were too scared to continue working while others were ready to mutiny.

Stone Hand knew that unless something was done soon, the ship would be lost, so the minotaur gathered what crew crew around him that he could and did the one thing he could think of doing, he grabbed a line and began to sing a song his crew had taught him many years ago.

“Heave!” He shouted, some of the crew taking up the rope behind him.

“Ho!” They responded.

“Heave! Ho! Heave! Ho! Heave!

Across the sea, in sunless light,

We run all day, we hunt at night!

We're pirates, of the, Eastern Sea!”

That certainly got the attention of the schooner's occupants, the other captains quickly taking advantage of the situation to galvanize their stunned crews.

“Heave! Ho! Heave! Ho! Heave! Ho! Heave!

With hearts of ice, and blades of steel,

We search the seas for our next meal.

We're pirates, of the, Eastern Sea!”

Whatever fears the crew had been plagued with were now placed aside for the time being in the hopes of survival. The braver of them climbed the masts to begin mending what they could as several rips had already begun manifesting in the sails.

Rain poured down on them and the ship was tossed about like a cork, however the crew continued to do their jobs as best as they could given the circumstances.

“Heave! Ho! Heave! Ho! Heave! Ho! Heave!

We search for gold, and treasure bright,

For rum and comp'ny wait for us toniiiiiiiite!

(At the isle, wait for us, we'll be home tonight)”

The storm was at its peak now, bashing the ship relentlessly with torrential rain and hail while waves and wind sent her reeling on a path towards the rocks.

“Sails' groain'

Ship is moanin'

Keep on pullin', hoist that flag!

Merchants runnin'

Navy's comin'

Ropes is hummin, better hold fast!”

The island was in sight now, jagged rocks like teeth welcoming the schooner to its doom.

“Sails be rippin'

Ship be sinkin',

Blood be drippin' from our blades!

Keep on fightin'

No use dyin'

When there's lots of gold to be made!”

The island was nearly upon them, Grif battling the tiller as he skillfully turned the bow of the ship away from rocks at the last moment and into the storm, the ship pitching suddenly as he did and threatening to capsize. The crew held onto what they could and only a few of them called out the last verse of the song above the storm.

“Stealin' killin'

Sails fillin'

Swing that sword! Take that gold!

Raise the black and sail, sail, sail awaaaaaay.”

“BRACE!” Makry screamed as Grif threw the ship broadside into a wave, the schooner tipping until the masts were almost horizontal before they swung back up, the soggy sails ripping to shreds as the wind beat against them with renewed fury.

The wave carried the schooner sideways until with a startling crash, the deck cracked in several places as the ship was tossed onto the rocks.

“GET TO SHORE!” Came the unnecessary cry as the crew scrambled from the cracking and bending ship to the safety of the rocks.

Amazingly, Grif had managed to land the schooner on a relatively flat part of the rock wall, its face a smooth incline from the sea compared to the jagged and sharpened rocks on either side.

How the griffon had managed to pull off such a feat, he would later answer “I was too drunk to aim for it, so I let the wave do it for me.”

Regardless of how he managed to succeed, Grif had accomplished the impossible and landed them on Ghost Island intact. He did not revel in his victory over the storm, crawling up the incline a safe distance from the water before curling into a ball of fur and feathers. There he lay panting on the rock, his eyes puffy as his sobs spoke of his fear.

Slowly, Storm Killer pushed past the griffon's crew as they circled their captain, stopping by the crying griffon and gently laying a golden coin down in front of him. As the pegasus stepped away, Grif quickly grabbed the coin and hugged as if the coin would bring him comfort.

With a sudden snap of a thousand timber, the valiant schooner broke in half and fell from the rocks into the hungry sea only to be smashed into the island again. Her bow crashed in to the sharp rocks and splintered apart, her stern slipping beneath the waves before a similar fate could befall it.

Makry ran to the shoreline where some of the wood washed ashore and stared at the place her ship had been, stunned by the realization that her ship was truly gone this time, and she was now a captain of nothing.

“On yewr hooves!” Storm Killer yelled, interrupting what little time the crew had for rest. “We either fin' the Marble'ead a'fore firs' light an' board 'er or we starve 'ere! Let's go!”

“He be right.” Growler's bark echoed off the rocks. “Move it out!”

Slowly, led by their captains, the pirates began climbing the rocks to find a safe haven where they could rest and prepare for the coming battle with the crew of a ship that had no equal.

Author's Note:

The song was a last minute addition because I wanted to step out of my comfort zone. I think I stepped too far and stepped off a cliff, fell into a volcano that erupted and sent me to outer space where I got hit by a meteorite, but hey, I won't get any better without some practice.
Feedback is always appreciated.