• Published 18th Jul 2017
  • 600 Views, 21 Comments

Crew of the Marblehead - M48 Patton

Hunted by the navies of the world and two of their own missing, the crew of the Marblehead are joined by untrustworthy allies and opposed by powerful foes.

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Chapter 4

“Fer the love o' Celestia! Just where did they come from?” Quick Strike said angrily, pointing at the several ships off the Marblehead's bow.

“Waitin' fer us off the cape, I would imagine.” Trade Breaker mused, idly scratching his chin with his hoof.

Big Sail stepped out of the wheelhouse and onto the deck that held the two pegasi.

“Orders sir?” He asked.

Trade Breaker paused to consider his choices before he spoke.

“What flag do they fly?” He asked.

“I'll check with the lookouts.” The red pegasus said before taking to the air.

He climbed upwards quickly and was at the crow's nest within moments. Perched on the front of what the captain called the signal mast was a small box that could easily fit a pair of ponies comfortably. Although the mast itself was just a tall pole that had several wires attached to a pair of arms at the top, it was still the closest thing that the Marblhead had to being an actual mast.

The two threstral siblings, Night Watch and his sister Dusk Maiden, where on lookout as usual because of their keen vision and ability to see quite well in the dark. As Quick Strike landed, he saw the two both had telescopes that they were observing the fleet with.

“Night Watch, what can ye tell me about the ships ahead?” He asked.

The thestral took his eyes off the fleet and looked at her.

“Twelve Royal Equestrian Frigates, four schooners, probably heavily armed cutters, and one ship that I can't recognize.” Night Watch answered.

Before Quick Strike could leave, Duck Maiden spoke up. “Mister Strike, you think that they might be trying something new?”

Night Watch and Dusk Maiden had good reason to fear capture by the Equestrian Navy. The pair had pulled off the robbery of the century by stealing the Lunar Princess's crown before her return, and although the siblings had discreetly returned the stolen property during the battle with Celestia, they were still nervous about fighting any ship relating to Equestria.

Quick Strike merely flashed a signature predatory grin as he answered. “Don't you worry yer pretty little head about those ships, Cap'n'll find a way 'round 'em.”

With that, he fell backwards out of the box and glided down to the deck where Trade Breaker still stood. Landing gracefully, he stepped up to him and repeated what he had heard from the lookouts.

Trade Breaker glanced at the fleet in front of him, taking off his tricorn hat and brushing it off with his wing. Finally, he nodded decisively.

“Listen up.” The captain ordered. “That be the 'Questrians, most likely some o' the same ships that we've fought before.”

“They'll know what to expect from us then.” Big Sail pointed out.

“Aye, 'ceptin' they'll know what we can do to them should they try to attack us head on.” Trade Breaker smiled. “So here's me plan, we sail south fer a while an' see if'n they tries to intercept us. If they do, then we sails in a loop and head north around Bugganville an' enter the storm from the west. If they hold their position, we sail south until we be a safe distance from 'em a'fore enterin' the storm.”

“What about the supply run we were planning to make?” Big Sail asked

“Gather a crew an' take the longboat to shore if'n we head north.” Trade Breaker instructed. “We'll drop ye off by the lighthouse if'n we head south. Head to town an' make the deals, I'll pick ye up tomorrow mornin'.”

“Do we take Miss Stalker with us?” The large unicorn asked.

Trade Breaker nodded begrudgingly. “Aye, she be free to go along savin' she stays out o' trouble.”

Big Sail entered the wheelhouse and gave instructions to the pony at the wheel, guiding the nose of the ship on a southerly course parallel to the storm front. The Marblehead responded smartly, turning away from the Equestrian ships and accelerating as superheated steam shot through the pipes and into the turbines.

Trade Breaker and Quick Strike stayed on the deck and observed the fleet. Soon after the Marblehead had made her turn, the stationary ships unfurled their sails and gave pursuit. They were hopelessly outmatched, the fastest ship in the Equestrian Navy was only able to make twenty knots, and that was under perfect conditions and aided by pegasi. The Marblehead could easily surpass thirty knots and was not reliant on the fickle winds that surrounded Ghost Island.

With the intentions of the Equestrian fleet being made clear, it was time for the Marblehead to make her move. Trade Breaker stepped into the wheelhouse and gave the order for the helmspony to turn north. The trip around the island would take longer, however the Marblehead would be able to avoid getting too close to the Equestrian ships.

Even as the steel behemoth began her journey north, the opposing fleet reversed its course to try and intercept her. The captain watched their movements with interest, performing the math in his head and estimating how far apart the ships would be at their closest point.

“Looks like they're trying to tack into the wind.” Quick Strike chuckled. “It'll turn on them in a moment.”

“Aye, that be the nature o' Ghost Island.” Trade Breaker stated, barely even acknowledging Quick Strike's comment.

The pegasus took notice of his captain's troubled attitude. “That new ship worrying you?”

“It would not bother me so much if'n it had a few more ships guardin' it.” He explained. “There only be seventeen ships in our way, yet the 'Questrians know we can take on ten times as many. If they sent that ship out wit' only a token force, then what can it possibly be hidin'?”

Quick Strike shrugged. “It's not like we haven't dealt with a few surprises before. Nothin' to get too worried about.”

“Aye, but I'll worry nonetheless.” The captain answered. “The crew is me responsibility, an' I worry fer their safety at all times.”

The Marblehead plunged ahead, sending spray up as her bow sliced cleanly through the waves. Her powerful engines thrummed steadily as they turned the four massive propellers at the back ship. The sailing ships, driven by a steady breeze, continued on a course that would lead them closest to the steel ship on her current path.

As the ships neared each other, approaching to within a few miles of each other, Trade Breaker expected to see magical attacks start being flung at the ship, pegasi take to the air and ballistas unleashed in their general direction. The absence of any of these aggressive factors did nothing to alleviate his fears.

The Equestrian ships reached the closest point and began to fall behind, their useless sails suddenly sagging uselessly in the wind. As Trade Breaker feared, it was then that the Equestrians made their move. The unknown ship leading the Equestrian fleet suddenly glowed in a golden aura and leaped forwards, riding over the waves at an alarming rate.

Trade Breaker dashed into the wheelhouse and began issuing orders.

“ALL AHEAD FLANK!” He roared, grabbing the handle that would sound the air horn above.

The Marblehead let out two long blast from her horn as the water beneath her stern rumbled in fury. Smoked belched from her smokestacks and she plowed into the waves like a juggernaut released from slumber.

The two ships raced away from the others, the Marblehead crashing against the rising waves while the Equestrian ship seemed to bounce over the stirring sea. Although it seemed the two ships were evenly matched as far as speed, the Marblehead's course would allow the Equestrian ship to cross her bow unless something was done quickly.

“Bring 'er about due west!” Trade Breaker ordered. “She may be fast, but 'tis doubtful she can match our rudder!”

The steel leviathan heeled over suddenly as her rudder kicked her stern to starboard and sent her bow crashing to port towards the strengthening hurricane of Ghost Island. The distance between the two ships shrunk rapidly as the knife-like bow of the Marblehead plunged almost straight towards the rather blunt by comparison bow of the Equestrian ship.

To say that the two ships were playing a game of 'chicken' would have been a blatant falsification of the truth. The Marblehead was merely playing a game of 'go fast in a particular direction' while the magically enhanced Equestrian ship was playing a game of 'turn this boat around and run away' at the same time.

Both ships were successful in their respective goals, the Equestrian ship managed to move itself out of the way of the charging behemoth as it thundered by. The rest of the fleet was still hopelessly too far away to be of any threat, but it seemed that the sailponies onboard the enhanced ship were still eager for action as their ship heaved around and chased after the Marblehead. As was expected, the wind in the area changed once again and blew directly astern of the two ships, filling the sails of the Equestrian ship and aiding her pursuit.

Trade Breaker stepped out of the wheelhouse so he could look at the ship to the stern. There he practically bumped into Storm Stalker as she stood on the deck with Quick Strike.

“Cap'n.” She spat the word.

“Miss Stalker.” Trade Breaker said flatly.

Even though the approaching storm was blowing cold winds his way, Quick Strike could have sworn that the immediate area had just gotten warmer by a few degrees.

“Seems we 'ave a few visi'tors.” The angry mare stated.

“Aye, though I wish they'd learned common sense a'fore settin' their course.” The captain remarked sourly.

“May'haps we shoul' be poundin' a lit'el intae them.” Storm stated, her voice still as flat and detached as before.

“We won't have to.” Trade Breaker answered, his jaw set in an angry frown. “The fools be thinkin' the wind be helpin' 'em.”

Both Quick Strike and Storm gasped in realization as they looked past the bow of the ship into the storm that was quickly growing stronger by the second.

“It'll suck 'em right in!” Quick Strike blurted.

“Bu' wha' aboot their fancy magic?” Storm said quickly. “It be scootin' their pre'ey lit'le boat along jus' fine now!”

Trade Breaker shook his head. “They be usin' magic an' their sails driven by a gale, yet they still can't hold pace with the Marblehead. As soon as they reach the hurricane, they be dead ponies.”

“But what about their magic?” Quick Strike asked. “It looks powerful enough to free them from the storm.”

“Not under a full sail.” Trade Breaker explained. “If'n they furl their sheets now a'fore they get in the storm they might be safe, but once under that black cloud. . .”

“Nae a pegasus alive coul' stay on those masts.” Storm Stalker said bitterly.

Rain began to patter on the deck as the Marblehead entered the deadly storm, the swirling vortex sucking inwards to the sharp rocks of Ghost Island. The Equestrian ship approached the storm only to turn south at the last moment before entering the storm itself. Unfortunately, Trade Breaker's predictions came true as the winds that had been driving the ship from the stern now battered her port side. The sails suddenly strained at their ropes and pressed themselves against the mast, pushing the ship backwards.

Shadows covered the ship as she was swallowed by the storm and the unfortunate ship was abruptly tossed to one side as the sails caught the full force of the gale and threatened to capsize the vessel. Her decks glowed as whatever magic was fueling the ship fought with storm, but the powerful winds drove her backwards further into the storm.

Trade Breaker grimly watched the scene from the deck of the Marblehead, rain pouring down and waves pounding against the bow of the mighty ship.

“Storm.” He said just loud enough to be heard above the gale.


“Get a mooring line and make fast to the the rear cannon box.” The yellow pegasus ordered. “We'll not be lettin' them be dashed upon the rocks today.”

Storm Stalker and Big Sail looped the thick rope around the base of the cannon box as the Marblehead advanced on the stricken ship. Glancing off to the side, Storm could see that one of the masts on the Equestrian ship had been snapped off near the base and the golden aura emanating from the decks had darkened. Whatever had been powering the ship was gone now.

The Marblehead swung by the smaller ship as it was swept further into the storm, bringing her stern within mere feet of the other vessel. Storm looped the thick rope in her forelegs and launched herself over the railing, Big Sail casting a small spell to dry her wings for the moment.

The pegasus mare landed on the deck and quickly looped the rope around the anchor capstan before taking to the air and flying back to Marblehead. She landed on the slick deck and turned to watch the rope as it played out behind them. Storm knew what was coming and lowered herself to the deck as did Big Sail.

The rope went taut and the deck suddenly jerked beneath them as the Marblehead pulled the Equestrian ship around and dashed towards daylight. Although the rope was stretched to its limit and creaked as though it would snap at any moment, it held firm until the deck was bathed in sunlight.

In typical fashion, when the Marblehead suddenly reversed and the towed ship drifted forwards it was Storm Stalker's and Big Sail's job to haul the line in so that the rope would not get fouled in the propellers. The two did so quickly and efficiently until the Equestrian ship was near enough that the engines were stopped and the propellers no longer threatened the rope.

Two blasts from the Marblehead's horn signalled the crew to stand by for boarding action, but before they could properly line the rails the Equestrian ship struck her colors and raised a white flag.

“Ahoy the Marblehead!” A gruff voice sounded from below.

Storm Stalker and Big Sail looked at each other with surprise. The Marblehead had taken ships that had instantly surrendered before, but never a warship and never had the opposing crew hailed their ship by name.

“What do ye want?” Trade Breaker yelled from the deck.

Storm Stalker facehooved. She had repeatedly told the captain that if anything suspicious was happening to let her handle the negotiations.

“To thank you for saving us.” The pony on the ship called back. “With your permission, I'd like to launch a few pegasi to find the rest of my fleet and have them come get us.”

There were a few tense moments of silence, then to Storm Stalker's surprise and joy, she heard the following words.

“Board 'em!”

With whoops and hollers, several of Storm's crew jumped from the deck of the Marblehead down to the wooden ship, some of them drawing their blades while most already had their weapons out.

“Stand down! Stand down I say!” The pony yelled to his crew.

The Equestrian crew followed his orders and backed away from the invading pirates, sheathing their cutlasses as they did.

“Blast it! An' here I thought I was gonna be able ta stab somepony today!” One of Storm's crew yelled in exasperation.

Storm leaped from the Marblehead and slammed into the deck right behind the pony giving orders. Her dagger, one of many she kept hidden in her wings, was now pressed to the throat of the important looking earth pony.

“Yew 'ave sum explanin' tae dew.” She hissed into his ear. “Naow what be the idea o' comin' out here an' chasin' us aroun' on'y tae surrender the minute we board?”

The pony, to his credit, did not show any fear at the blade tickling his neck.

“I never said we surrendered, however I believe that we will not need to resort to violence.” He answered.

Trade Breaker glided down onto the deck of the Equestrian ship, eyeing the ship cautiously as he did. The moment his hooves touched the deck, there was a cracking sound and the deck suddenly fell in while one of the mast topped towards the Marblehead.

The yellow pegasus took off instantly and hovered above the destruction with a frown.

“Er, Miss Storm, if'n woul' be so kind as to bring him to the Marblehead, we can discuss things there.” Trade Breaker said nervously.

Storm rolled her eyes and hooked the pony under her forelegs before he had a chance to react and lifted him into the air. With a few strokes of her wings, the pair were above the steel deck and she dropped the earth pony like a sack of potatoes.

“Oof!” He gasped at the sudden impact.

Storm set down next to him, a few blades hidden in her wings kept at the ready should he try anything. Trade Breaker landed in front of the pony, grimacing as he looked at the mast that had fallen against his ship.

“Ah recognize yew.” Storm accused. “We've met before!”

The pony dusted himself off and stood tall. “Admiral Iron Keel, at your service. I was there when the Elements of Harmony were rescued.”

“Ah believe yew mean kicked off.” The mare smirked. “Yew're lit'el attack didnae even scratch our paint.”

“Enough.” Trade Breaker ordered. “Ye have some explainin' to do Admiral. First off, what were ye doin' out here?”

Iron Keel cleared his throat and glanced about nervously. “The purpose of today's exercise was to test out our new propulsion system.”

“Propelsion systam?” Storm asked.

“Yes, a magical engine designed by Princess Twilight Sparkle.” The admiral explained, then added with a smile. “I believe she may have said her design was inspired by the Marblehead's engines.”

Storm uttered a few choice words about the lavender alicorn.

“Fair enough.” Trade Breaker said. “So if'n this be a test o' a new engine, why here an' why didn't ye fire upon us.”

“Orders.” Iron Keel stated. “I was instructed by Princess Celestia to wait until you arrived before testing the crystals and that under no circumstances was I to open fire. I was, however, told to, and I quote, 'give that bucking ship a run for her money.'”

The two pegasus exchanged looks, Trade Breaker one of grim determination while Storm Stalker looked just plain annoyed.

“Miss Storm, ye are to remove anythin' Miss Poisoned Beaker thinks is the engine from that ship and then sink her.” Trade Breaker ordered.

“What?” Iron Keel exploded.

“Admiral.” Trade Breaker said calmly. “Ye have until our crew is finished working to abandon ship a'fore we scuttle 'er.”

“You can't do that!” Iron Keel fumed, but suddenly found a familiar blade pressing against his neck.

“Admiral Iron Keel, ye said ye were present during our battle with the Equestrian fleet?” Trade Breaker asked slowly.

Iron Keel nodded nervously.

“Then I suggest ye do as I say a'fore I remind ye of what this ship is capable of.”

Storm Stalker and Trade Breaker watched the Equestrian crew float in their lifeboats as the rest of their fleet moved in to pick them up as the Marblehead slipped into the storm.

“Wha' do yew think tha' was all aboot?” The blue mare asked.

“A statement.” Her captain replied.

Storm Stalker waited for Trade Breaker to elaborate, so he did.

“Celestia was showin' us our weakness.” Trade Breaker explained.

“Wha'? Tha' she 'as a ship tha' can match our speed naow?”

“No.” Trade Breaker said bitterly. “Me an' me blasted morals.”

Storm set her jaw, she knew what Trade Breaker meant.

“May'haps we need tae sen' ol' sunbutt a message back.”

Trade Breaker inhaled deeply and stepped out from underneath the overhang and into the rain.

“Ye send her a message yerself.” He said. “While yer at it, tell 'er what's been eatin' at ye as of late. Ye won't tell me.”

The captain stepped off down the steep stairs and vanished from sight. Storm turned around and repeatedly slammed her skull into the bulkhead until she was satisfied.

Author's Note:

I've always wondered how unicorns headbutt things. The horn just seems so inconvenient.

Feedback is always appreciated.