• Published 18th Jul 2017
  • 600 Views, 21 Comments

Crew of the Marblehead - M48 Patton

Hunted by the navies of the world and two of their own missing, the crew of the Marblehead are joined by untrustworthy allies and opposed by powerful foes.

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Chapter 3

Those who had ever been witness to the leviathan known as the Marblehead knew she always announced her presence with a deep and terrifying rumbling. Tonight, however, she would not be visiting any unfortunate merchant captain, and with a little luck no enterprising navy ships would be visiting her. The massive engines slowly spun down, quieting the night to merely the sound of the waves. At least for a moment.

Deep in the ship, a small, red scaled dragon quickly turned levers and spun valves to shut the flow of superheated steam from the boilers to the turbines off before making his way to the boiler room. There he shut even more valves, but instead of steam these carried precious oil from the large tanks to the giant furnaces.

It was important to manage the amount of oil that burned, too much and the ship would not only burn an excessive amount but also send up a large smoke column that could be seen for miles. Too little and the ship was dead in the water. However, with just the right amount of oil in the furnaces, the ship could outrun anything on the sea and yet barely a curl of the black fog would be seen rising from the funnels.

Normally, the ship's main engineer was a black unicorn mare by the name of Poisoned Beaker, the daughter of two infamous alchemists. Her natural born instincts for anything related to balancing mixtures made her a natural choice for operating the complicated machinery inside the ship.

Tonight a different crewmember hurried about his task of shutting down the engines while Poisoned Beaker was busy readying herself to become a bridesmaid. The dragon called Deadfire enjoyed the engine room a great deal due to its temperatures always being so high. It reminded him of his home before he left it.

Having spent so much time lounging around in the engine compartments soon resulted in Poisoned Beaker putting him to work and soon Deadfire knew almost as much about the boilers and gears as she did.

With one last turn of a valve, Deadfire watched as the temperatures in the boilers slowly decreased now that the raging furnaces underneath them lost their flames. It was always hard for Deadfire to shut down those furnaces because he enjoyed being able to control the fires that burned like the dragonlord's own breath.

Deadfire enjoyed feeding the furnaces so much oil because it produced fire, something he could never do. From birth, he had never been able to create a single spark marking him as an outcast from the proud dragons. Sometimes the crew would hook up a flamethrower on deck to frighten merchants, but Dead Fire was ashamed that ponies were better at making fires than him.

He had met with Culinary Beak when the hippogriff had been traveling through the dragon lands and the two moved on to Equestria. There the duo had met Poisoned Beaker and became a trio before signing on with Trade Breaker aboard his father's freighter.

Double checking all the valves, Deadfire was satisfied to see that the furnaces were dark and boilers no longer producing steam. With the final check done, he walked over to a small box and opened it to reveal a small black phone.

“Captain?” He asked, causing the sound powered phone to transmit his voice to the similar phone in the wheelhouse.

“Aye?” Trade Breaker's voice was distorted and tinny, but still understandable.

“Engines are shut down, we're ready to start.”

The engines quiet, the lights dark, the wheelhouse empty. For all intents and purposes, the Marblehead was adrift and without a crew. They had better things to do.

Storm Stalker signaled her sole crewmember that knew how to play an instrument to begin, and so he did. His concertina made loud shriek as he accidentally pressed the wrong keys, but he quickly corrected himself and began to play the well known wedding march.

One by one, candles were lit by use of a flame spell and soon a small portion of the deck was illuminated by soft candles.

With a slight nudge, Water Rose began to step forward holding a basket of leaves in her mouth. Traditionally, the flower filly was to scatter rose petals, but the absence of any flowers aboard the ship had required a slight alteration to the ceremony. Thankfully, Woody had generously grown and donated a large number of leaves for Water Rose to drop ahead of the wedding procession.

Slowly and with concentration etched across her face, she stepped forward in time to the music while dipping the basket to let the leaves fall. Following close behind her was Storm Stalker and Big Sail, then came the Thestral twins Night Watch and Dusk Maiden, then Poisoned Beaker and an earth pony stallion from Storm Stalker's crew.

Stepping up to the front of the rows of chairs, they split down the middle and stood to one side, allowing the waiting groom to see the mare of his dreams walking down the aisle.

Drip nearly let his venom being leaking again as he watched Sun Flower approach him, drinking in every last detail in the candlelight. She had on a simple, light blue dress made of silk from a Chineighs merchant and her pure white mane fell down over her left shoulder. Her face was lit by a small smile, and she was staring back at Drip, a hopeful, almost expectant look in her eyes.

Stepping up alongside of the changeling, she turned to look at Trade Breaker, her smile growing slightly as the pirate playing the concertina ceased his song. The captain of the Marblehead made sure that the bride and groom were ready to begin before clearing his throat.

“When me father took me mother as his wife, he separated her from everythin' she knew.” Trade Breaker said in a loud voice. “She traveled to a foreign land, left her friends and family behind, and lived alone fer years at a time when me father was away on a voyage. Yet in all me years as her son, not once did I know her to complain, nor was she unfaithful to him because she was in love with only one stallion. Me father saw many strange lands and many a mare saw him as a prospective bed mate, yet for all their charms not once did me father betray me mother.

“Marriage is never somethin' to be taken lightly, it will require sacrifice an' un'nerstandin', cooperatin' an' trust. Ne'er let yer brains get in the way o' yer feelin's fer one another, yer equals an' ye will treat each other as such. From this day forward, ye'll no longer be two ponies, er, a pony an' changelin'. Ye'll be one thing an' one thing only, a family.

“With that said, lemme ask ye this; Do ye, Drip, take Miss Sun Flowers as yer wife, do ye promise to cherish an' protect her fer all yer days, to remain faithful no matter what comes between ye?”

Drip's blue eyes never left Sun Flowers' as he spoke.

“I do.”

“Do ye, Sun Flowers, promise the same?”

Sun Flowers, once filled with doubt and plagued by fears, felt in complete serenity as she stared into Drip's eyes. All the questions she had harbored and pondered on were erased by one answer:

“I do.”

“Well then, kiss already.” Trade Breaker said through a smile.

And with that, two creatures, as different as the sun and moon, left everything behind and became one for no other reason than the simple fact that they loved each other.

For having only hooves to play a complicated instrument on, the stallion on the concertina was surprisingly skilled at making music. Currently, he was playing an upbeat tune that had all members of the crew tapping their hooves, claws, and paws.

Watching the newlyweds dance with one another had been entertaining, but the real surprise occurred when Poisoned Beaker stepped into the ring of ponies with the stallion she had marched down the aisle with. The dark unicorn mare was typically known for her fanatical devotion to keeping the engines running, nobody on the crew would have even dared asking her to dance. Yet here she was with one of Storm Stalker's crew, balancing on her hind legs as she performed a series of complicated moves that the stallion was only just able to keep up with. And she looked to be loving every minute of it.

Trade Breaker sidled up to Storm Stalker as she snacked on a treat Culinary had whipped up for the occasion.

“I never thought I'd see Miss Beaker dancin'.” Trade Breaker remarked.

“Aye, Ah coul' say the same fer Mistah Patcher.” Storm replied, taking a bite out of the cream covered bread. “The two seem tae be seein' a fair bit o' won anud'der lately. Seems tae me tha' romance be bloomin' in a few o' mah crew's hearts.”

Trade Breaker considered this for a few moments.

“Does this be worryin' ye?” He asked.

Storm looked at him with surprise, but then shrugged. “Per'aps Ah would nae be so approvin' o' me crew findin' mates fer 'emselves if'n Ah was still a'oard tha Golden Curse, bu' Ah 'ave no issues wit' 'em fallin' in love on tha' Marble'ead. Why do yew ask?”

Trade Breaker stayed silent for a moment as he worked up the nerve to speak.

“Storm I'm worried abou' yer actions as of late. Ye've been secretive an' evasive.” He said sternly.

Storm Stalker set her jaw, biting back the angry retort that threatened to spill forth.

“I wouldn't be sayin' a word to ye if'n I wasn't worried about the crew.” Trade Breaker continued. “If'n there be somethin' yer not tellin' me that threatens the safety o' the ship-”

“It doesnae concern yew!” Storm snapped. “An' Ah don' cah fer yew snoopin' aroun' mah personal af'airs!”

Trade Breaker nodded, his face grim. “Be that as it may, yer secrets will remain just that. From now on, yer duties will be delegated onto Big Sail.”

The blue pegasus dropped her pastry she had been holding. “WHAT?!” She shouted, attracting the attention of all those present.

“Cap'n, what do yew mean?” Storm demanded ignoring the audience that sadly lacked any popcorn.

“Storm, yer secrets be yours to deal with, but ye will not endanger the ship nor the crew.” Trade Breaker stated. “While yer dealin' wit' yer private issues, Big Sail will take over yer duties.”

“AH DON' NEED NO HORN HEAD DOIN' ME JOBS!” The first mate screamed in her captain's face.

Meanwhile Dead Fire nudged Night Watch to attract his attention.

“Fifty bits says they're married by the end of the month.” The dragon whispered.

“Nah, Miss Stalker might go for it but Captain's too stubborn for his own good.” The thestral rolled his eyes.

“FER THE LAS' TIM' WE AIN' A COUPLE YEW WORTHLESS GOBS O'- MMMMF!” Storm screamed in frustration, a hoof shoved in her mouth at the last moment.

“Storm! There be young ones present!” Trade Breaker barked.

With eyes filled with fury, Storm Stalker slowly drew her head back to remove the offending hoof from her mouth.

“Cap'n, Ah've been stabbed, blown'nup, an' 'umiliated all fer yew.” She said slowly. “Aftah' all tha' we've been t'rough, yew still jus' cast me away lik' filth?!”

“Storm, I be not but givin' ye time to organize yer own life, now fer the sake o' the crew, do it a'fore yer personal matters comes to bite us in the flank!” The captain ordered.

One of Storm Stalker's crew sidled up to Big Sail and leaned in to whisper in his ear.

“Should we be gettin' ready for a mutiny again?” He asked.

Big Sail quickly hushed him. “Shush. This is between the captain and the first mate to figure out.”

Storm Stalker ground her teeth as she shifted uncomfortably under the steady gaze of Trade Breaker.

“So tha' be yew're final decision?” She asked after a few moments.

“It be.” Came the answer.

The blue pegasus snorted and suddenly shot into the air, disappearing into the night. The crew tried to find her with their eyes, but the first mate's dark blue fur practically made her invisible at night.

“There she is!” Night Watch called out, pointing at a dark spot floating in front of the moon.

“No, that's a storm cloud.” Big Sail answered.

“There's another.” One of the crew pointed out.

“Wasn't it supposed to be a clear sky tonight?” Dead Fire asked.

“Aye! It was.” Quick Strike stated.

It suddenly dawned on Big Sail just what exactly the angry pegasus was doing to vent her frustration.

“Clear the-” He began to shout, but the rumble of thunder and a sudden downpour of cold rainwater interrupted him.

“-deck. . .”

Quickly, the crew set about clearing the wedding supplies from the deck and making their way down below. Trade Breaker opened a door and held it open as several crewmembers hurried inside before stepping inside himself.

Shaking himself off, the soggy yellow pegasus looked outside at the now pitch black sky. For miles around the ship was engulfed in a rainstorm as flashes of powerful lightning strikes illuminated the area.

“Blast it Storm!” He yelled. “Ye no good, stubborn, bullheaded, worthless excuse o' a first mate!”

I AIN' THE FIRS' MATE NO MORE! YEW FIRED ME! REMEMBER?” A faint voice could be heard from the clouds.

“I DIDN'T FIRE YE YA- Oh what's the use!”

Slamming the door shut, Trade Breaker turned to the crew that were still drying off.

“Somepony go tell Poisoned Beaker to light the engines. I want us to Ghost Island by sun up.”

Laughing as they burst through the door, Drip and Sun Flowers practically fell into Sun Flower's cabin. Although the rain had cut the party short, the two newlyweds did not mind one bit as they giggled at the captain's behavior and his first mate's response.

“Did you see Storm Stalker when the captain told her off?” Sun Flowers giggled like a little filly.

“Or when Captain stuck his hoof in her mouth?” Drip laughed.

The two of them continued laughing at the memory before Sun Flowers flopped onto the bed.

“You know.” She said, some of the mirth gone from her voice. “Sometimes I worry that one of these days the two of them will actually get in a fight that could end their relationship. I mean, I'm not worried about her trying to take over the ship, but I sometimes wonder how much those two can take before they've had enough of each other.”

Drip gently lay down beside her, staring into her eyes and drinking in the sight of his wife laying on the bed, her mane dripping wet and falling over her forehead.

“Oh, but that's when they love each other the most.” He chuckled. “You may not be able to tell, but I can taste them.”

“Ew!” Sun Flowers stuck her tongue out playfully as she giggled like a naughty schoolfoal.

Drip just grinned right back, his fangs beginning to drip venom.

“And speaking of things I can taste, I can taste a certain mare driving me wild.” The changeling stood up on the bed and over Sun Flowers, flashing his teeth like a hungry predator.

Sun Flowers grew slightly nervous at the sudden change in behavior, but before she could react her husband lunged at her with his mouth open. She opened her mouth to scream but it unexpectedly came out as laughter as she felt his hooves began to tickle her nonstop. Drip closed her mouth with a kiss and drank in her affection.

He stopped tickling her and let her recover enough until she was able to look in his eyes without gasping.

“I love you.” He said quietly.

Sun Flowers smiled back up at him, pouring out happiness and love.

“I love you too.” She said before wrapping a foreleg around his neck and pulling him into another kiss.

Author's Note:

It was tough for me to post this chapter, it's supposed to be such a vital point in the story and yet it just feels underwhelming to say the least.

As always, feedback is much appreciated. Don't forget I'm leaving for boot camp soon, I might be able to post a few more chapter in that time but if not, I'll just have to leave it here for a few months.