• Published 14th Jul 2017
  • 613 Views, 6 Comments

Be the Change the World Needs - StoryWeaverKP

Scootaloo has an important mission on her hoofs. If she fails, the world is going to be destroyed.

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Chapter 4 - The Nightmare

Chapter 4 – The Nightmare

“Seems like you don’t really want to go to sleep tonight,” Apple Jack said. “Is there some reason why?”

Scootaloo scoffed. “Of course not, I just love camping and hanging out with Rainbow Dash so much that I don’t want to waste a single minute with sleep.” A sudden yawn over took her. She giggled to downplay how tired she really was. “Silly sleep.”

Rainbow Dash replied, “That’s cool and all, Scoot, but this pony needs her shut eye,” She stuffed another cork in her left ear. “And she needs it now.” The cyan-colored mare nestled in her sleeping bag and turned her back to Scootaloo.

A deep and unsettling silence fell over the cave, and Scootaloo regarded each of the other ponies in turn. As she finally glanced back to Rainbow Dash, every ounce of pretend courage she had brandished for the sake of the others dissipated.
The stories that Rainbow Dash had told over the course of the past two nights did have an effect on her, but not one that Rainbow Dash nor Scootaloo had anticipated. While the premises of an olden pony searching for her rusty horse shoe and a headless pony seemed quite terrifying, those tales only allowed Scootaloo’s mental gates of dark imagination to open. They enticed far more ominous visages to crawl up from the depths of Scootaloo’s memory.

Scootaloo had never seen a true scary olden pony, nor had she ever witnessed the devilishness of a headless pony either. She had seen the monsters though, up close and personal.

The cave that the six ponies had hunkered down in grew ominous as the unseen tons of weariness pressed down upon her. Scootaloo didn’t want to go to sleep, for she had no idea what her dreams might be like.

Scootaloo walked over to her bedroll.

“This is so unfair,” she whispered to no one in particular. She yawned again, and her legs gave out from under her on their own accord. Her eyes drifted closed, and everything became black.


Scootaloo slowly walked through and unknown forest, and her spin vibrated within her back. The air felt especially cold, and it nipped at Scootaloo’s body with icy teeth. She shivered a little, and it was only partially due to the chill. Something about the forest felt… wrong.

The soft sound of hoof beats on the road echoed behind her, and she narrowed her eyes as she peered backwards.
Four ponies ran toward her, and their eyes were accented with absolute terror. None of them looked familiar to her, and she cringed a little as they got closer. Three of them ran past Scootaloo, but a female pony stopped over her.
When she spoke, her voice was ragged and hoarse. “What are you doing? We have to run. Let’s go!”

“Wh-what are we running from?” Scootaloo asked.

The female pony’s eyes widened, and her irises shrank. “THEM!” She pointed behind her. “Come on! Let’s go!”
She started running, but she stopped after five feet. She glanced back to Scootaloo.

A loud noise resounded out, and before Scootaloo realized it, she was running beside the female pony. Even though the pony was bigger and faster, she still kept pace with Scootaloo.

Scootaloo glanced back over her shoulder.

A giant metal monster standing on two legs crashed through the trees. It stood about ten or fifteen feet tall, and had a shiny, glass face of some kind. It didn’t have a visible mouth, eyes or a nose, but the glass face still gazed at Scootaloo all the same. The monster had two large, long metal arms that ended in tubes. Another pair of monsters identical to the first stepped out behind the first.

It was them! The monsters had found her after all! How could this happen? Scootaloo was so careful.

Tears streamed out of her eyes as she followed the mysterious mare down a windy path.

Terrible voices called out after them, and the horrendous consistent growl resonated from their metal bodies.

“Come here, little ponies!” one of the monsters bellowed. Its voice sounded unnatural and discordant. “You won’t get away from us.”

In the distance, ponies screamed out, both in panic and in pain.

Scootaloo and the pony came into a clearing, but they stopped as they beheld the detestable display before them.

Three more of the monsters had stepped in the path of the ponies who had ran ahead. However, dozens of ponies were in the clearing alongside them. They all screamed out and tried to run back toward Scootaloo and her mysterious companion.

The Monsters laughed as they pointed their bizarre arms at the cluster of ponies. Scootaloo’s heart twisted within her.
Rods attached to metal cords shot out from the end of the tubes, and they slammed into individual ponies. The rods dug into the ponies’ skins, and then violent, blue lightning zapped up the cords. The urge to throw up gripped Scootaloo tightly.

The ponies writhed in pain and screamed out, and that filled the surrounding mares and colts with even more heightened panic. They changed course and ran off to the side, rather than run towards Scootaloo. More monsters emerged into the clearing, and these ones had different kinds of arms. Some of them had claws, while others had strange little loops at the ends. The claws shot out and grabbed ponies from the group and pulled them back to them.

Were they going to eat them? Scootaloo couldn’t move, and she watched in grim fascination.

The ponies squirmed in the claws as they were lifted high into the air. They screamed out as electricity zapped into them as well.

Monsters with the loops for hand shot out the loops, and they grasped ponies around the legs, torsos, and even necks. Those ponies were also dragged back to the delighted monsters.

The ground shook beneath Scootaloo, and she turned back behind her. A massive metal foot had risen above her.

“Run!” The larger mare beside her pushed her out of the way. Seconds later, the foot smashed the mysterious pony into paste.

Scootaloo ran away from the sight, and the monsters cackled with riotous amusement.

As she continued to run, tears blinded her vision, and the wailings of her fellow ponies filled her ears. Had she seen where she was going, she might have been able to avoid falling down the short, small cliff onto the path below. She tumbled end over end until she came to a jutting rock face.

A slight degree of pain throbbed on the edge of her senses, but the terror still gripped her.

Her eyes widened as a massive shadow lorded over her. Slowly, Scootaloo gazed up at the top of the cliff where she had tumbled from. One of the monsters stood at the edge, and it looked her way. The moon was just behind it, and so the light gave the monster a terrible outline.

It pointed its tube hands at her.

Scootaloo placed her back to the stone, and she gasped. Her eyes remained glued on the monster.

Suddenly, the moon acquired a pony face, and the eyes of the pony glowed for a moment.

A disembodied voice called out to her. “A warm welcome to you, Scootaloo.”

The visage of the monster glowed, and then it disappeared altogether. An instant later, Princess Luna appeared out of the moon and landed before her. A small smile spread across her face. It wasn’t the kind of smirk that conveyed laughter or mockery, but it carried elements of a motherly, protectorate demeanor.

Scootaloo’s eyes widened. “Princess Luna?”

That was impossible. During the first invasion, both of the princesses were supposed to have been taken. What was she doing here? Did she escape? If she were able to escape… did that mean her mother could too?

Scootaloo wiped her brow. “I thought you were a monster.”

Princess Luna replied, “You were mistaken, but I hope not disappointed.”

A great sense of relief washed over her, and the doom-filled dread drained from her body. She smiled as she trotted up to the esteemed princess of the night. “You are so much better than a monster. But what are you doing here? Did you escape?”

“I am the princess of the night,” Princess Luna struck a dramatic pose. “Thus it is my duty to come into your dreams.”
Scootaloo nodded. “Oh yeah.” And then it truly hit her. “Wait, this is just a dream? But it felt so real.”
She reached out toward Princess Luna, but before she could touch the elegant alicorn, the air rippled around her hoof, and she was prevented from going further.

By all the good things in the world, it really was a dream. The relief that she had been blessed with before transformed into warm elation. The monsters had not found her, nor did they travel back to get her. She let out a joyful sigh.
Princess Luna replied, “I assure you that you are asleep.” She paused for a moment. “I have never witnessed dreams this horrific. I am curious as to what caused them.”

A deep and wet coldness had appeared I Scootaloo’s gut. She averted her eyes, and she began to wonder if the all-powerful princess of the night could read a pony’s thoughts while they dreamed. Well, dreams were the products of the thought, but could the princess see what she thought right now? There was no way she could tell Princess Luna the truth. The first sign had not happened yet, and it the princesses knew now, the land of Equestria would not be able to prepare for what was to come in the right ways.

Telling Luna would also alert the monsters, and then they would come for Scootaloo.

Scootaloo gave off an odd chuckle. “Rainbow Dash told us some really scary stories. That’s all.”

Princess Luna glanced around them, as if she were able to see where the other ponies were still being round up. Maybe she could. “Rainbow Dash is truly a terrifying tale spinner then.” She turned back to regard Scootaloo. “However, know this. When you wake up, the thing that frightens you most will still exist.”

Once more, Scootaloo averted her eyes. For as wise as Princess Luna was, she had no idea how truly dreadful the monsters really were. Scootaloo had to watch her mother being torn away from her by one of the tube monsters. Her mother’s cries of anguish still tormented her from time to time. The monsters really were the ones she was scared of most right?

“Um… you mean the monsters?” Scootaloo asked.

Princess Luna brought her hoof up to her chin. “Hmmm… are these monsters really what frightens you the most?” She peered at Scootaloo with a chilling, knowing stare.

Okay, scratch what she thought before, Princess Luna was perhaps wiser than what Scootaloo gave her credit for. As much as she feared the monsters, one other thing drove more spine-tingling tremors through her. Like the dawning of the sun, a great realization rose and basked Scootaloo in an undisputed light.

She lowered her head., and she murmured a, “uh-uhn.” She rubbed one of her hoofs with the other one. “I’m afraid of letting every pony down.” She winced. If Scootaloo left it at that, surely Princess Luna would probe her for more information. Could she really stare into one of the princess’ eyes and lie outright? She kept from looking directly at Princess Luna. “I’m afraid Rainbow Dash will find out I’m not as tough as she thinks I am.”

To be honest, that wasn’t a lie completely. To Scootaloo, having a good standing in Rainbow Dash’s eyes was one of the most important things in her life. She wanted Rainbow Dash to respect her, to care about her, to lo-
“Stop it!” Scootaloo thought. “Don’t even go down that path. Keep it together.”

Princess Luna bent down and placed her hoof under Scootaloo’s chin. The princess raised Scootaloo’s chin so they could stare into one another’s eyes. The smaller pegasus trembled slightly.

“Every pony has fears, Scootaloo,” Princess Luna said. “Every pony must face them in their own way.” Her softer tone became steelier. ‘But they must be faced, or the nightmares will continue.”

Suddenly, tremors of invisible energy quaked from Scootaloo’s body, and the entire terrain started to ripple as well.

Princess Luna and the entire landscape started to get sucked up into the Moon.

The Princess called out. “FACE YOUR FEAAAAARS!”


Scootaloo sat up in her bedroll. Her heart thudded against the insides of her chest, and she darted her attention all around. “Princess Luna?!”

Five other ponies remained sleeping beside her, and a deep, but not uncomfortable silence lingered around her.
She sighed with relief. “It was just a dream.”

Princess Luna’s message still rung in her ears though. If the fears were not faced, the nightmares would continue. Even though the esteemed princess didn’t know exactly what bothered her, she had been right. The only way to combat the fear of failing every pony was to face her fear, and do her best to ma-

A loud, constant growl rippled through the cave. All the hairs on Scootaloo’s coat stood on end, and she darted around. That sound… it was so familiar and gut wrenching. The noise continued with its constant rhythm.
“It’s the sound of the monsters!” She said.

They had found her! Having dreams about them led them to her. She had to lead them away so the others, her very best friends wouldn’t be caught.

Scootaloo grabbed her scooter, and dashed off into the night.


Rainbow Dash gently set Scootaloo on the grass. Water dripped from Scootaloo’s coat and tail. The anxiety of her near death experience still tickled Scootaloo’s senses, but she beamed a smile up at her cyan-colored savior.

An angry scowl covered Rainbow Dash’s face. “What were you doing out in here in the middle of the night?!”

Tears welled in Scootaloo’s eyes, and she turned her attention away from her idol. Intense pain radiated within her heart and soul, and it would have been a universal mercy if she died right then and there.

The moon flashed, and Scootaloo looked back in Rainbow Dash’s direction. However, she didn’t peer at her hero, but at the face etched on the moon.

The echo of Princess Luna’s voice whispered in her ears, and the moon face’s mouth moved in sync with the words. “It is time for you to face your real fears, Scootaloo.”

Scootaloo swallowed hard. She was going to face a fear, just not her real one yet. She wasn’t ready, but perhaps doing this one thing could alleviate her of the nightmares.

Rainbow Dash gave her a hard, heavy judgmental stare.

The small pegasus took one last reassuring deep breath before she stepped up to Rainbow Dash. As hard as it was to lie to the princess of the night, it was even more arduous to keep the truth from the pony that mattered most in Scootaloo’s life. However, just like with Princess Luna, what she was going to say wasn’t a complete lie.

“I’m so sorry, Rainbow Dash,” Scootaloo began. “I just wanted you to hang out with me and see how cool I was, so you’d take me under your wing, teach me everything you know, and become like my …” she paused, and her heart lurched. “big sister.” Scootaloo shrank down a little. “but then you started telling those spooky stories, and I got scared.” She gasped several times. “I thought I heard monsters coming after me, so I ran out here by myself, and … and…” she removed her helmet. “I guess you know the rest.”

To her surprise, Rainbow Dash didn’t yell at her more, nor did she say how stupid Scootaloo was.

“Hey,” Rainbow Dash said. “I’m going to tell you something, but if you ever tell any pony else, I’m going to deny it. The first time I heard those stories,” Rainbow Dash scoped the area to ensure that they were alone. “I was scared too.”

Scootaloo sniffed. “You were?”

She couldn’t believe it. THE great Rainbow Dash was scared? It couldn’t be possible, could it? This was the same mare that beat all of the Wonderbolt records ever set by any other athlete. She had been the one to stand hoof to hoof against some of the greatest villains Equestria had ever seen. This mare even stood by against the monsters when they first arrived. Rainbow Dash was the best pony ever… and she was once afraid?

“Sure,” Rainbow Dash replied. “I got over it pretty quick because I realized if there was such a thing as a headless horse or an olden pony, I could totally take them on!”

Scootaloo just smiled up at her.

Rainbow Dash brought her hoof up to her chin. “So you’re looking for some pony to take them under their wing huh?”

“Uh-huh,” Scootaloo replied.

“Yeah, I might be up for something like that.” Rainbow Dash’s wing reached out and scooped up Scootaloo.
Before she realized it, her little head was against Rainbow’s cyan-colored chest. The older mare’s wing remained on her back. Intense body heat radiated off of Rainbow’s body.

Scootaloo grit her teeth, and so many strong and primal urges welled up inside her. She kept blinking to keep the moisture from building up.

“Come on,” Scootaloo thought. “I know this is everything you had ever dreamed of, but DO NOT CRY.”
The mere implications were overwhelming though. Was Rainbow Dash really going to take her under her wing? That meant they would spend more time together, and they would grow closer. There would be laughter and encouragement, and more.

Scootaloo pushed away from Rainbow Dash, but kept her hoofs on the mare’s cyan chest. Rainbow Dash’s wing still remained around her like a protective blanket.

“Really?” Despite her intense will, Scootaloo’s eyes became wet.

Rainbow Dash replied, “As long as you don’t go falling into any rivers in the middle of the night.”

“It’s a deal,” Scootaloo said back.

Dare she hope? Dare she try? Scootaloo gulped slightly, and she reached in to hug Rainbow Dash. Rainbow Dash hugged back. The warmth that Scootloo felt before paled in comparison to what she felt now, because it was more than just body heat.

All of the times when she shivered in the alcove at night had been worth it to just be in this moment. Rainbow Dash held her close, and nothing in the entire world could hurt her, not even the monsters.
Scootaloo couldn’t help it, and she let some of the barriers that barred her emotional needs down. Softly, she cried into Rainbow Dash’s coat.

Rainbow Dash never said anything, and she tightened the embrace. Could she feel what Scootaloo was feeling? Did she suspect one of the secrets that Scootaloo held so deep in her heart? Did it matter at this point?

When Scootaloo looked up at Rainbow, with a tear stained face, the cyan-colored mare just smiled back at her with affectionate eyes.

Even though this was short-lived, Scootaloo was home again, for the first time in many, many years.

Coming soon… Chapter 5 – Contemplations of a Coronation