> Be the Change the World Needs > by StoryWeaverKP > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Prologue > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prologue “You have to keep running,” Sweetie Belle said. “They’re going to find us if you don’t keep up.” “Yeah, we’re almost to the spot,” Apple Bloom said as she looked down at Scootaloo with urgent eyes. Scootaloo tried to keep up with the two, full grown mares, but her small filly legs could only move so fast. Her heart raced within her chest, and a great tightness had taken hold of her limbs. A green aura of magic surrounded Scootaloo, and she was lifted onto Apple Bloom’s back. “Hold on tight, Sugar Cube,” Apple Bloom said. Once Scootalo had latched on to her mentor’s neck, the yellow earth pony ran all the harder. Sweetie Belle easily kept pace with Apple Bloom, and she even appeared elegant in her gait as well. The Everfree Forest lorded all around them, and the darkness of the sky had made the black trees even more ominous. Scootaloo closed her eyes as moisture started to fill the bottom rims of her eye sockets. Distant voices called out, but they didn’t belong to ponies. Just hearing them sent violent shivers down her back. Her little wings flapped about, and she whimpered. “Don’t be scared, Scootaloo,” Sweetie Belle said. “Soon, you’re going to be free of all this. Just hold on a little longer.” Scootaloo’s stomach swirled around angrily. So it was finally going to happen. A small part of the orange pegasus longed for an escape, and yet, she hated what she had to do. Apple Bloom started to slow down, so Scootaloo opened her eyes. They had come to a secluded area with a large rock face to the right side, a small lake to the left, and lots of trees all around. Thick branches with umber colored leaves hide the night’s sky. When the monsters arrived in Equestria, everything about their world had started to change. The land was dying in many spots, and the Everfree Forest was one such place. Apple Bloom stopped by the lake, and her breaths came in short gasps. “Do you … think you can do it here? I have a bad feeling that we won’t be alone for very long. I don’t even think we can make it to the spot either.” Sweetie Belle sighed. “I think you’re right.” She placed her back to the rock face, and her horn started to glow. “I’ll focus on the spell, you make sure Scoots is ready.” The White mare switched her attention to Scootaloo for a moment. “You’re going to have to be brave for us, okay?” Tears welled in Scootaloo’s eyes. “I know. I just wished I didn’t have to do it alone.” “We went through this before,” Apple Bloom replied as she brushed her hoof against Scootaloo’s cheek. “You’re not going to be alone.” The sounds of shouting started to get a little louder. Scootaloo’s extremities felt icy, and tears cascaded down her cheeks. She said, “I know, but you two won’t be there. And my mom won’t be there, and S-” “That’s enough,” Apple bloom said. “You have to be brave, otherwise we’re all done for. Now are you ready or ain’t you?” Scootaloo huffed a little. “I’m ready.” “What are the rules?” Apple Bloom asked. Flashes of light flickered in the depths of the dark forest. The voices were getting closer. Scootaloo said, “Don’t tell any pony about who I really am and where I’m from. Make as many friends as possible. When I get my cutie mark, go to the Princess of Friendship and tell her about…” Scootaloo paused. “Them” A green portal of energy appeared in front of Sweetie Belle, and as soon as it did, the shouts from the monsters got even more excited. “You have to go now, Scoots.” Sweetie Belle reached down and hugged the small filly. “We love you very much, and we’re very proud of you.” Apple Bloom hugged her next. “Just be yourself, and you’ll make a ton of friends.” Her eyes became wet. “And you make sure you don’t eat too many sweets. You better have a balanced diet, you hear?” Scootaloo nodded. “I understand.” The older yellow mare ushered Scootaloo closer to the portal. “ Now git! You have work to do.” “B-but what about you two?” Scootaloo asked. A tear trailed down Sweetie Belle’s cheek. “Apple Bloom and I are going to be fine, somehow. Now go. Never forget the mission.” Scootaloo whimpered as she started to backstop into the portal. “I love you two. I’ll fix this, I Pinkie Promise. Cross my heart and hope to fly,-” Apple bloom and Sweetie Belle finished the line together. “Stick a cupcake in my eye.” They touched their eyes with their hoofs. The shouts were very close now. Scootaloo whimpered one more time before she stepped into the portal completely. Everything became too bright to see. *** Apple Bloom let out a brief sigh as she watched the portal wink out of existence. “There she goes,” Apple bloom said. Now that their little filly was gone, she didn’t have to hold back anymore. Her eyes flushed so much fluid, that the dirt at her hooves nearly became mud. Sweetie Belle nuzzled Apple Bloom’s face with her snout. Her face was wet too. “We did the best we could for her. This is her best chance,” Sweetie Belle said as she sniffled. “I know,” Apple Bloom replied. “But why does it hurt so much?” Sweetie Belle met her eyes. “Because we’re not going to be there to be with her. Not us, anyway.” She nuzzled Apple Bloom’s snout again. “We did a great job raising her.” The shouts from the monsters were within four or five hundred feet. It wouldn’t be long now. “I’m scared,” Apple bloom said. “Me too.” Sweetie Belle leaned in and kissed Apple bloom’s lips. “Let’s just look at one another until it’s over, okay?” A strange and deep voice called out. “There they are! Get them! Use the stunners!” Apple Bloom whispered, “I love you.” “I love yo-” A slender rod impaled Sweetie Belle’s shoulder, and brilliant crackles of lightning fed from the rod into Sweetie Belle’s body. The white unicorn screamed, but she never took her eyes away from Apple Bloom’s. A second later, a rod impaled Apple Bloom’s flank. Coming soon … Chapter 1- Meeting again for the First time. > Chapter 1 - Meeting Again for the First Time > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 1 – Meeting Again for the First Time The whiteness faded, and the surrounding terrain took shape around Scootaloo. She had walked through the portal, but then stopped when the ground felt different. The interior of the portal had been covered in bizarre, white marble floors, and the sound of her constant clip clopping was the only thing that encouraged her to keep moving forward. Her mentors, and what was left of Equestria, needed her to succeed. She slowed down, and then stopped when her hoofs starting trotting on grass. Instead of being dead or dying, the grass felt alive and flourishing. Scootaloo’s eyes opened wide as she gazed at the splendor all around her. Green trees stretched up all around her. A cool breeze blew past her and caught several strands of her mane. The air even smelled sweetly. “I don’t believe it,” Scootaloo said, to no one in particular. She only stayed mesmerized for a moment before her training kicked in. When in a new area, what was the first thing that she was supposed to do? Scootaloo thought for a moment, and then she nodded. She wandered around the woods, trying to find a suitable spot for her current needs. It took a while, but the longer Scootaloo walked around, the more she started to recognize the area. Something about this wooded area felt familiar. Her heart tugged a little when she noticed a small lake beside a large rock face. Tears welled in her eyes, but she blinked them away. There was no time to be sad. Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle wouldn’t like that at all. Remember the mission, that had been one of the more important things they said to her before she left them forever. Scootaloo sighed as she moved away from the chilling site, and she wandered through the forest. After about an hour, she discovered a small alcove near another rocky outcropping. Once more, her heart sank a little. In another time, and another place, that had been her home, along with two fun-loving mentors. She moved into the alcove, and it had been just as she remembered it. A smooth flat floor was surrounded by sturdy stone walls, and the ceiling of the alcove had provided excellent protection from the rain and such. Not only was this where she, Apple bloom, and Sweetie Belle had lived, but it was also where she had last seen her mother. “I’m home,” she said into the alcove. The urge to cry was stronger now, but again, she forced the tears back. Well, she had shelter, which lead to the next necessity; food. Scootaloo moved around the perimeter of the alcove, and was quite surprised to find an abundance of berries, fruit trees, and other such vegetation she would need to sustain herself. Scootaloo smiled, although it wasn’t one filled with a great degree of warmth. Would she ever feel happy again? Hopefully. No! She had to, because happy ponies were ponies who made friends. Aside from her, no other pony was around. A sudden thought occurred to her. If the spell had worked as Sweetie Belle had expected it to, then the old Ponyville Ruins wouldn’t be desolate and abandoned. Scootaloo hastened her pace through the woods. Her heart started to dance when she found an actual road leading to the city. As soon as she saw the distant buildings, a genuine smile crept across her face. Her mother had often told her stories about Ponyville, and how lovely it was to live there. The first few steps towards the city were the hardest, but they got easier and more natural. She had traipsed through the dead version of the town, and many of the buildings had still stood as they do now. Apple Blossom had told her little stories about each of the places, and some of Scootaloo’s sweetest dreams were centered in a thriving Ponyville, right beside her mother. Scootaloo stopped when she first noticed the adult ponies walking about. A sudden cringe of anxiety swept through her, and Scootaloo glanced all around her. None of the monsters came out of hiding, everything was serene, and there was nothing to worry about. So the spell had really worked after all. She had just started walking toward a pair of fillies when a savage whisper called out to her. “Hey you!” the voice said. A small white face with green eyes poked out from a bush. It was a unicorn female, and she looked awfully familiar. Scootaloo stared at her for a moment. “Hurry, get in here before they come!” the small unicorn said. They? Scootaloo’s eyes widened, and she hunched down a little. “What are you doing?” the unicorn asked. “They’ll see you if you don’t hurry.” With all of her speed, Scootaloo jumped into the bushes besides the white unicorn. The unicorn eased the bush leaves back in place, which helped conceal them from the outside world. Scootaloo followed the young mare’s line of sight, and she expected to see the horrid monsters that ravaged her world. Had she somehow made a mistake? Or did they follow her back? The little white unicorn female watched the pair of fillies that Scootaloo had intended on approaching. One of the fillies had a pink coat, and she had light purple mane with a white streak down the center. A gaudy tiara sat on her head. The other young mare had a silver coat, dark grey hair with a light silver streak down the center, and a pair of glasses on her snout. “What are we hiding from?” Scootaloo asked. The white unicorn kept her attention squared on the pair of fillies. When she spoke, her voice came out squeaky and somewhat adorable. “Those two. They’re the worst!” “They are?” Scootaloo focused her attention on the pair of mares. They were talking with one another, and laughing too. How could they be the worst? Scootaloo had seen the worst, and those two didn’t even seem that bad. “You must be new around here,” The white unicorn said. “Those two are Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon, the two nastiest fillies in all of Ponyville. They pick on everyone, and ever since Diamond Tiara got her cutie mark, she’s been tormenting all of the blank flanks.” “Blank flanks?” Scootaloo frowned. She turned to really look at the white unicorn. The unicorn had snow white fur, a pair of light green eyes, and hair that was both pink and purple. A mental spark exploded in Scootaloo’s thoughts. Could it really be her? The white mare turned to face her, and she gave a genuine smile. She gestured to her blank flank. “Yeah, since we don’t have cutie marks, we’re considered blank flanks. Good thing I caught you before they did.” She stopped and then peered at Scootaloo for a moment. “Wait, if you’re new in town, does that mean you don’t have any friends yet?” Scootaloo averted her eyes, and she lowered her head a little. “Yeah… you’re right. But I hope to have some really soon.” The white mare extended her hoof. “I’m Sweetie Belle. I’ll be your friend.” So many emotions assaulted Scootaloo’s mind simultaneously. Her heart lurched within her, and her front hooves demanded that she leap forward to hug the white unicorn. Scootaloo’s eyes threatened to send miniature waterfalls down her cheeks. She wanted to scream out. Sweetie Belle’s shoulders slumped a little. “A-are you okay?” Scootaloo whipped her face with her hoof. “Yeah, I’m fine. I was just afraid I wouldn’t be able to make any new friends. I’m just so happy.” The lie burned in her soul, and yet, it was necessary. “What’s your name?” Sweetie Belle asked. “Oh, I’m Scootaloo.” Sweetie Belle let out an awkward giggle. “So, I have a favor to ask. I know it’s sudden since we just met.” “What’s up?” Scootaloo asked. The white mare peeked out of the bushes again. “Even though those two are so annoying, they are having a party at Sugar Cube Corner, and the entire class is going.” Sweetie Belle’s head hung a little lower. “I was going to skip it. If I went, I just know those two would find out I’m a blank flank, and they’d tease me.” She peeked up at Scootaloo. “I could never go alone, but I think… I might be able to go there if I had a friend with me.” Scootaloo smiled. “Let’s go be blank flanks together.” Sweetie Belle wrapped her hoofs around Scootaloo’s neck, and embraced her tightly. A deep blush overcame Scootaloo’s cheeks, and the heat from the blush made her head swim a little. Sweetie Belle’s mane smelled just as it did before… or rather just as it will one day. Slowly, Scootaloo hugged back. “Thanks, you’re such a good friend,” Sweetie Belle said. “I can already tell that this is going to be the start of something awesome.” “Me too,” Scootaloo replied. *** Sugar Cube Corner was nothing like she thought it would be. The ruins were all drab, and the colors were faded. Burn marks had covered the floors, and the doorways were broken. This version of Sugar Cube Corner was completely the opposite though. Music played, while adult ponies and small fillies and colts interacted and socialized. Bright colors were everywhere. Every pony looked to be having fun. Scootaloo only had the faintest memories of such things. A bright pink pony with balloons for a cutie mark bounced around the interior of the store, giving people snacks, hats, and such. Scootaloo stared at her for a moment, and the desperate urge to run up to her nearly overwhelmed her. That must have been Pinkie Pie, the legendary Mistress of Fun. She had been one of the first to be taken. Panic fluttered in her stomach, and Scootaloo batted it away. It would be pointless to tell Pinkie Pie now, especially with the threat of the monsters watching. Not only that, but it was often said by more than one pony that Pinkie Pie wasn’t great at keeping secrets all of the time. And Scootaloo’s would be the biggest secret of them all. Sweetie Belle appeared to be having a good time, and she interacted with the other fillies that were their size. Every now and then, both she and Sweetie Belle would dart their attention until they located the two infamous ponies of ill repute. At the moment, Diamond Tiara was glaring at a taller, orange unicorn with a snail cutie mark. “Hey! Diamond Tiara said. “It’s my Cute-ceanera. I’m supposed to get the first bite of cake.” At the moment, Silver Spoon was talking to some older adults. Sweetie Belle beamed a brief, warm glance at Scootaloo before she continued her conversation with a classmate. A sudden bit of sorrow fell over her. Would Scootaloo get the chance to go to school with other ponies her age? After the great invasion of monsters, school had been disbanded, and she had to get all of her education from her two mentors. Suddenly, Sweetie Belle grabbed Scootaloo’s hoof, and she found herself dragged under a table. “Hurry, we have to hide,” Sweetie Belle said. “They are coming this way.” Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle crouched down beside one another. Their eyes watched the pair of unkind fillies as they moved toward them, and then away from them. Obviously, they were after some other poor little pony. “Let’s just stay here until they are farther away,” Sweetie Belle whispered. Scootaloo replied, “Okay.” The music stopped abruptly. A heavy silence fell over the entire room, and Scootaloo heard the sound of her heart beat in her ears. From somewhere close, Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon started laughing. “Wow,” Diamond Tiara said. Silver Spoon added in, “That is an amazing cutie mark.” Once more, the pair of fillies started laughing again. The sound of their delight didn’t sound comforting, nor did it have any kind of goodness associated with it. No… this was mean laughing. Scootaloo narrowed her eyes, and she gritted her teeth. “Nice Try,” Diamond Tiara said. And together, the pair of fillies called out “BLANK FLANK!” Once more their laughter echoed in the room, and the crowd started murmuring. A sudden hotness grew within Scootaloo’s chest. If her two mentors taught her anything, it was that ponies stuck together in times of crisis. And if another blank flank was getting tormented, could she just sit there and let it happen? Scootaloo called out. “You got a problem with Blank Flanks!?” The crowd parted, and a deep realization flowed within her. There was no turning back now. She had to stand strong. If Scootaloo couldn’t handle a situation like this, how was she supposed to persist long enough to defeat the monsters or inspire other ponies to be happy? Scootaloo stepped out from under the table, and to her satisfaction, Sweetie Belle also moved as well. Like Scootaloo, the white unicorn wore a mask of stern resistance. “I said, you got a problem with blank flanks?!” Scootaloo said. Silver Spoon replied, “The problem is, I mean she’s totally not special.” Before Scootaloo could spit back a response, Sweetie Belle spoke. “No, it means she’s full of potential.” Sweetie Belle placed herself on the other side of the yellow earth pony with the bright… red… hair. Scootaloo’s heart spun a thousand times over as she took her place on the other side of her second mentor. Scootaloo said, “It means she could be great at anything. The possibilities are like…” she paused and rolled her eyes. “endless.” As Sweetie Belle spoke further, Scootaloo studied the little mare whose name just had to be Apple Bloom. The yellow mare didn’t have a scar over her eye, and she had the most adorable pink bow on the back of her head. Youth was abundant in Apple Bloom’s face, but the longer that Scootaloo looked at her, the more she was sure. Could Scootaloo earn her friendship too? *** For the first time in a long time, Scootaloo didn’t have to be afraid of the sunset. She sauntered on the path out of Ponyville toward the forest. The adult Sweetie Belle had told her about all of the strange and potentially dangerous beasts that lived in the Everfree Forest, but they surely weren’t as scary as the monsters. Besides, this had been the perfect day. She had managed to get to the past safely, and she made two friends. Not just any friends though. The two best friends she could have ever made. Scootaloo’s heart throbbed wildly, and she stared into the orange hued sky. “Are you still proud of me?” Scootaloo asked softly into the forest. “I made two friends. They are the most wonderful ponies on the planet. I’m already doing good on my mission.” The silence of the forest answered her. Since no pony was around, she allowed her tears to cascade from her face. It didn’t take long to find the little alcove she knew as home. “I’m home” she said again. There was no answer. In a better time, an adult Sweetie Belle would be making dinner while an adult Apple Bloom would be getting the bedding ready. They would greet her warmly, and tell her that they love her. They would ask about her day, and she would tell them about all the things she saw and experienced. Good thing Scootaloo was still full on cake and snacks. She sniffled a little. “I promise I’ll start eating better tomorrow, Apple Bloom.” Scootaloo imagined her red-haired mentor giving her a chiding, but motherly stare. Tomorrow, Scootaloo would make some actual bedding for her to sleep on. Tonight, she would have to settle for the cold stone. Scootaloo laid down, and she imagined her two beloved mentors snuggling up next to her. Sweetie Belle would sing her to sleep while Apple Bloom would gently nuzzle her and remind her that despite the terrors of the world, Scootaloo was still loved. More tears fell off of her cheeks, and she couldn’t hold back the sorrow any longer. Softly, Scootaloo whispered, “I’ll succeed, I swear.” She paused before she uttered. “I miss you so much…” Eventually, slumber took over when Scootaloo couldn’t cry anymore. Coming soon, Chapter 2 – A Conversation with a Hero > Chapter 2 - A Conversation with a Hero > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 2 – A Conversation with a Hero So far, things were going well. Ever since Scootaloo had come to Ponyville, she had been able to make so many new friends. Ponies smiled when they saw her, and it almost felt as if Scootaloo really had a place here for herself. Her mentors had explained it to her, but it still was a little confusing. Due to their magical research, with Scootaloo being in the past, events would be changed for the better, so long as Scootaloo did her best to make ponies happy, become their friends, and encourage them to make the world brighter. They described their own lives without having some pony like Scootaloo around, and their projections suggested that Scootaloo’s mere presence could help avoid the catastrophe, or if nothing else better prepare for it. But how could one pony make that big of a difference for the future? It was hard, just pretending to be a normal filly when so much dread and foreboding knowledge stewed in her mind. None of the major signs had appeared yet though, so she could allow herself to relax a little and be a kid. After all, being a kid was kind of part of her mission. Scootaloo flapped her wings and zipped down the dirt road on her new scooter. Well, new wasn’t exactly the right word. At the very least, it was new to her. How some pony could just toss it out was beyond her own comprehension. She was on her way into Ponyville from her home when she noticed a unique sight. A single cloud floated above her, and a tail that held the color of the rainbow leaned off of the side, as if the little nimbus was a couch. Scootaloo’s wings slowed down, and so thus, so did she. Her heart increased in pace, and her eyes widened. “It’s her,” Scootaloo thought. “Maybe this is my chance to –” She swallowed hard. A dozen thoughts emerged into the forefront of her mind, and none of them were allowed. Scootaloo had to keep things distant, otherwise she was liable to break down. If she did that, would the monsters see it? Would they come for her? Then again, this was Rainbow Dash. Of all of the ponies in all of Equestria, both past, present, and future, Rainbow Dash had always been her favorite. No pony was as cool as her, and no pony one could dream of doing the things the greatest mare in the universe could do. Scootaloo winced. “Rainbow Dash!” The cloud didn’t move, nor did the tail. The young orange filly gulped and then called out again. “Rainbow Dash!!!” Still nothing. Scootaloo drew in a deep breath. “RAINBOW DASH!” Instantly, Rainbow Dash peered over the side of the cloud, an angry glare plastered on her cyan-colored face. “WHAT?!” Rainbow Dash screamed back. Scootaloo back-stepped off of her scooter and shrank down into the dirt road. Her eyes watered, and she tucked herself into the smallest little ball she could. The scooter fell over into the dirt. Oh no! What had she done? The last thing she wanted to do was make Rainbow Dash angry at her. It took enormous will to keep the tears from flowing out. Rainbow Dash’s facial expression altered, and her eyes grew more sympathetic. She hopped off of the cloud and took flight. Great fear took hold of her, and Scootaloo closed her eyes and braced herself. Would the incredible, most splendid pony ever come down to discipline her further? Scootaloo shouldn’t have been so pestering. After all, clearly, Rainbow Dash was napping. Hoofs landed on the dirt road in front of her. “Hey…” Rainbow Dash said. “I’m really sorry I snapped at you. I’m just really grumpy when I wake up from my naps.” Slowly, Scootaloo opened her eyes and gazed up at her idol. Those ruby irises no longer carried ire, but a soothing shimmer. “Hold it together,” Scootaloo thought. “Don’t break down. Don’t lose heart. Keep it inside.” She couldn’t help but sniffle. Rainbow Dash leaned down beside her, and she gave Scootaloo a smile. “Hey,” Rainbow said. “It’s okay. I’m not scary, I promise. Can you stand up for me?” Scootaloo nodded and rose up so she was upright. The blue mare towered over her. A great swelling threatened to overtake Scootaloo, but she kept it suppressed. “I’ve not seen you around before,” Rainbow said. “Are you new in town?” Scootaloo nodded. “Yeah.” She wiped her face on her hoof. “I’m Scootaloo, and I’m… one of your biggest fans.” The cyan-colored pegasus frowned. “You are? I mean, I’m totally radical, but I didn’t know I had fans.” Scootaloo grinned. “You’re amazing, Rainbow Dash! You won the young flier’s competition, and you’re the best cloud clearer in all of Equestria.” Rainbow placed a hoof on her chest and she smirked. “I am pretty awesome.” “You’re going to be a Wonderbolt one day too!” Scootaloo said. For a brief moment, Rainbow Dash’s delight faltered. She let out an awkward giggle. “Yeah, I sure hope so.” “But you will!” Scootaloo said. “I know you will. You’re dedicated to the dream, right? And you’re the only pony who has ever done a Sonic Rainboom.” Rainbow Dash gave Scootaloo a critical stare for a moment. “You know about that too, huh?” The tension in Scootaloo’s stomach had grown with every second that she and Rainbow Dash stood looking at one another. However, Scootaloo couldn’t bear to leave. “Yeah,” Scootaloo averted her eyes for a moment. “You’re so inspiring. So many ponies are watching you, waiting for you to show them that impossibilities are possible. All it takes is hard work, determination, and the will to make the world brighter.” Her eyes grew a little wetter. “You’re a beacon in the darkness, and so many ponies are searching for beacons to help guide them to their own dreams.” Rainbow Dash’s eyes grew a little wider, and her mouth fell open a little. Scootaloo continued. “I’m watching you too.” She frowned. “My wings are still not strong enough to fly, and yet, watching you gives me hope that one day, I’ll be able to soar alongside you. You give me strength and courage. That’s why it’s important for you to be a Wonderbolt one day. We need you to be bright.” “Wow…” Rainbow Dash said. She still peered down at Scootaloo with wide eyes that sought meaning in Scootaloo’s words. “I hope I didn’t bother you, because I look up to you so much.” Scootaloo had to look away. She focused on a tree standing at the side of the road. “You’re so important to me. More so than you know.” “You really believe in me that much, huh?” Rainbow Dash asked. Scootaloo glanced back at the cyan-colored pegasus and nodded. The wind blew past them and it caused Rainbow Dash’s mane to flow off to the side. Her wings opened up and she stood poised over Scootaloo like a princess. “Thanks, kid.” Rainbow Dash smiled. “I really needed to hear that. You’re right! I WILL become a Wonderbolt one day.” She flapped her wings and rose into their air, while still keeping eye contact locked with Scootaloo. “Keep watching me, Scootaloo, and get better yourself. I look forward to flying with you one day!” Tears streamed down Scootaloo’s face as she grinned back at the most splendid of all ponies. Rainbow Dash twirled about in the air and the soared away with such incredible speed. A rainbow trail followed her. Instead of going to a cloud to nap again, Rainbow started doing air tricks and loops in the sky above Scootaloo. Scootaloo grabbed her scooter and leaned it against the side of the road. She sat down and stared up at the rainbow streaks. Even though she openly sobbed, these weren’t sad tears. Her heart flickered with an intense fire. Granted, there were small cold spots on her blazing heart, but for now, Scootaloo only wanted to focus on the good. She got to talk to Rainbow Dash, and she even earned a smile from her. Today was going to be a good day. Coming Soon… Chapter 3 – A Reprieve for Reflection > Chapter 3 - A Repreive for Reflection > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 3 - A Reprieve for Reflection “Wow, that’s so awesome,” Scootaloo said, “Did you come up with that just now?” Sweetie Belle smiled. “Yeah, Kind of.” “Thanks, I’m totally using that.” Scootaloo scribbled the splendid lines that Sweetie Belle had just created. Something in the distance caught her eye, and so she stopped and stared off toward the roll of fabric that had escaped her white unicorn friend moments before. It tumbled down the hill toward small pond. “Oh No!” Sweetie Belle frowned and sprinted off after it. Despite the unlucky turn of events, Scootaloo couldn’t help but grin. She chuckled as the giddiness overtook her again. The last few months had been truly wonderful, some of the most pleasant moments of her life. It would be strange to say she valued these times more so then when she was with the adult future versions of her friends, but at the same time, she couldn’t say she cherished those times more either. Her mentors had been wise, loving, and nurturing. These younger versions on the other hand were experiencing the same sort of self-discovery that she was. Scootaloo didn’t have to figure things out alone, at least not for a while. Her two best friends held her same level of passion and hunger for life, and their imagination was only limited by the courage. She and her friends had gotten into so much mischief, and each experience made increased the unexpected sense of peace that Scootaloo now clung to. The world she had come from was a dark and scary place, where the resources of the land were sucked away, and the ponies themselves were stolen, never to be heard from again. This world soothed her and revitalized her. To imagine that one day she would have to leave it… No! She couldn’t afford to wallow in sorrow. Her friends were counting on her to make the most incredible rock ballad ever. Sweetie Belle had given her a great start, but now she had to capitalize. Scootaloo played a few of the piano keys, but they were solitary notes grouped together, not forming any kind of melody. She frowned. Was this really okay? Was she allowed to have these pleasant moments all to herself? Somewhere in time and space, her mentors were either running, or they were captured. Her heart sank. Was it fair for her to be acting like a kid when the fate of Equestria sat on her shoulders? For many moments, she sat there, staring at the keys on the piano. Her mind was blank. Scootaloo noticed Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom talking, and she smiled again. Her soul fluttered inside her, and she stared dreamily at her friends. Did they have any idea how much they meant to her? Did they know that she would throw herself into a monster’s arms, just to prevent their capture? Could they even comprehend all the things that they did for her, both consciously and unconsciously? She chuckled to herself. With her being present in their lives, would they still grow up to be lovers and wives with one another? Scootaloo certainly hoped so. In all her life, she had never seen a love between two ponies that was stronger. Not even her mother had that kind of love in her life. Scootaloo stared into the wild blue sky. During quiet moments like these, she often wondered who her father was. Whoever that pony was, he was never around. It was always just Mom, Sweetie Belle, Apple Bloom, Spike the dragon, and a small collection of others. Well, that is until their little village was raided. Then it was just her, Sweetie Belle, and Apple Bloom. She frowned. Could her father have been one of the many who were taken during the first wave of the monster invasion? A few more notes danced on the air. Was she really making a difference? Was Scootaloo acting as a beacon to ponies who needed just a little nudge? Or was she simply being a nuisance? How could one pony affect the world with just her actions? The world was a big place, and there were so many ponies that would be needed to stand and fight. She was only a kid after all. Adult Apple Bloom’s voice echoed in the back of her mind. “Just be yourself, and you’ll make a ton of friends.” Adult Sweetie Belle’s voice came next. “We love you very much, and we’re very proud of you.” Scootaloo’s heart clenched a little. An ocean of time and space separated them, and yet, Scootaloo still felt the soft embraces from her mentors. Thinking about them led her to think about one other pony… A tear trickled down her cheek as she beheld the face of her beloved mother in her mind’s eye. She took a reassuring breath, and then she started playing again. She had work to do. For today, she had to make the best song possible. Perhaps other little fillies and colts would see her and her friends being brave, and it would inspire them to be the best ponies they could. Adult Sweetie Belle had told her many times that if ponies had been a little more confident, braver, and more connected with one another, that Equestria would not have fallen like it did. Of course both her mentors knew more than what they told Scootaloo. They mentioned things when they thought she wasn’t listening; things about helping ponies find their cutie marks, releasing and reforming chaos itself, redeeming an heiress to a business empire, something about the Element of Loyalty being a beacon for pegasi everywhere, something about the Element of Kindness gaining confidence, something about a crystal empire, and more. Was Scootaloo really supposed to have an effect on all those things? She understood the connections with the elements, but everything else was confusing. Most of those things were supposed to happen before or around the two most important signs. As far as she knew, there were only two princesses, and they governed the sun and the moon. There was no sign or mention of a princess of friendship. Even the brainy Twilight Sparkle didn’t know anything about such a princess. She simply said that pony doesn’t exist. That just meant she didn’t exist yet. She still had a little time… to be a kid. Coming soon… Chapter 4- The Nightmare > Chapter 4 - The Nightmare > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 4 – The Nightmare “Seems like you don’t really want to go to sleep tonight,” Apple Jack said. “Is there some reason why?” Scootaloo scoffed. “Of course not, I just love camping and hanging out with Rainbow Dash so much that I don’t want to waste a single minute with sleep.” A sudden yawn over took her. She giggled to downplay how tired she really was. “Silly sleep.” Rainbow Dash replied, “That’s cool and all, Scoot, but this pony needs her shut eye,” She stuffed another cork in her left ear. “And she needs it now.” The cyan-colored mare nestled in her sleeping bag and turned her back to Scootaloo. A deep and unsettling silence fell over the cave, and Scootaloo regarded each of the other ponies in turn. As she finally glanced back to Rainbow Dash, every ounce of pretend courage she had brandished for the sake of the others dissipated. The stories that Rainbow Dash had told over the course of the past two nights did have an effect on her, but not one that Rainbow Dash nor Scootaloo had anticipated. While the premises of an olden pony searching for her rusty horse shoe and a headless pony seemed quite terrifying, those tales only allowed Scootaloo’s mental gates of dark imagination to open. They enticed far more ominous visages to crawl up from the depths of Scootaloo’s memory. Scootaloo had never seen a true scary olden pony, nor had she ever witnessed the devilishness of a headless pony either. She had seen the monsters though, up close and personal. The cave that the six ponies had hunkered down in grew ominous as the unseen tons of weariness pressed down upon her. Scootaloo didn’t want to go to sleep, for she had no idea what her dreams might be like. Scootaloo walked over to her bedroll. “This is so unfair,” she whispered to no one in particular. She yawned again, and her legs gave out from under her on their own accord. Her eyes drifted closed, and everything became black. *** Scootaloo slowly walked through and unknown forest, and her spin vibrated within her back. The air felt especially cold, and it nipped at Scootaloo’s body with icy teeth. She shivered a little, and it was only partially due to the chill. Something about the forest felt… wrong. The soft sound of hoof beats on the road echoed behind her, and she narrowed her eyes as she peered backwards. Four ponies ran toward her, and their eyes were accented with absolute terror. None of them looked familiar to her, and she cringed a little as they got closer. Three of them ran past Scootaloo, but a female pony stopped over her. When she spoke, her voice was ragged and hoarse. “What are you doing? We have to run. Let’s go!” “Wh-what are we running from?” Scootaloo asked. The female pony’s eyes widened, and her irises shrank. “THEM!” She pointed behind her. “Come on! Let’s go!” She started running, but she stopped after five feet. She glanced back to Scootaloo. A loud noise resounded out, and before Scootaloo realized it, she was running beside the female pony. Even though the pony was bigger and faster, she still kept pace with Scootaloo. Scootaloo glanced back over her shoulder. A giant metal monster standing on two legs crashed through the trees. It stood about ten or fifteen feet tall, and had a shiny, glass face of some kind. It didn’t have a visible mouth, eyes or a nose, but the glass face still gazed at Scootaloo all the same. The monster had two large, long metal arms that ended in tubes. Another pair of monsters identical to the first stepped out behind the first. It was them! The monsters had found her after all! How could this happen? Scootaloo was so careful. Tears streamed out of her eyes as she followed the mysterious mare down a windy path. Terrible voices called out after them, and the horrendous consistent growl resonated from their metal bodies. “Come here, little ponies!” one of the monsters bellowed. Its voice sounded unnatural and discordant. “You won’t get away from us.” In the distance, ponies screamed out, both in panic and in pain. Scootaloo and the pony came into a clearing, but they stopped as they beheld the detestable display before them. Three more of the monsters had stepped in the path of the ponies who had ran ahead. However, dozens of ponies were in the clearing alongside them. They all screamed out and tried to run back toward Scootaloo and her mysterious companion. The Monsters laughed as they pointed their bizarre arms at the cluster of ponies. Scootaloo’s heart twisted within her. Rods attached to metal cords shot out from the end of the tubes, and they slammed into individual ponies. The rods dug into the ponies’ skins, and then violent, blue lightning zapped up the cords. The urge to throw up gripped Scootaloo tightly. The ponies writhed in pain and screamed out, and that filled the surrounding mares and colts with even more heightened panic. They changed course and ran off to the side, rather than run towards Scootaloo. More monsters emerged into the clearing, and these ones had different kinds of arms. Some of them had claws, while others had strange little loops at the ends. The claws shot out and grabbed ponies from the group and pulled them back to them. Were they going to eat them? Scootaloo couldn’t move, and she watched in grim fascination. The ponies squirmed in the claws as they were lifted high into the air. They screamed out as electricity zapped into them as well. Monsters with the loops for hand shot out the loops, and they grasped ponies around the legs, torsos, and even necks. Those ponies were also dragged back to the delighted monsters. The ground shook beneath Scootaloo, and she turned back behind her. A massive metal foot had risen above her. “Run!” The larger mare beside her pushed her out of the way. Seconds later, the foot smashed the mysterious pony into paste. Scootaloo ran away from the sight, and the monsters cackled with riotous amusement. As she continued to run, tears blinded her vision, and the wailings of her fellow ponies filled her ears. Had she seen where she was going, she might have been able to avoid falling down the short, small cliff onto the path below. She tumbled end over end until she came to a jutting rock face. A slight degree of pain throbbed on the edge of her senses, but the terror still gripped her. Her eyes widened as a massive shadow lorded over her. Slowly, Scootaloo gazed up at the top of the cliff where she had tumbled from. One of the monsters stood at the edge, and it looked her way. The moon was just behind it, and so the light gave the monster a terrible outline. It pointed its tube hands at her. Scootaloo placed her back to the stone, and she gasped. Her eyes remained glued on the monster. Suddenly, the moon acquired a pony face, and the eyes of the pony glowed for a moment. A disembodied voice called out to her. “A warm welcome to you, Scootaloo.” The visage of the monster glowed, and then it disappeared altogether. An instant later, Princess Luna appeared out of the moon and landed before her. A small smile spread across her face. It wasn’t the kind of smirk that conveyed laughter or mockery, but it carried elements of a motherly, protectorate demeanor. Scootaloo’s eyes widened. “Princess Luna?” That was impossible. During the first invasion, both of the princesses were supposed to have been taken. What was she doing here? Did she escape? If she were able to escape… did that mean her mother could too? Scootaloo wiped her brow. “I thought you were a monster.” Princess Luna replied, “You were mistaken, but I hope not disappointed.” A great sense of relief washed over her, and the doom-filled dread drained from her body. She smiled as she trotted up to the esteemed princess of the night. “You are so much better than a monster. But what are you doing here? Did you escape?” “I am the princess of the night,” Princess Luna struck a dramatic pose. “Thus it is my duty to come into your dreams.” Scootaloo nodded. “Oh yeah.” And then it truly hit her. “Wait, this is just a dream? But it felt so real.” She reached out toward Princess Luna, but before she could touch the elegant alicorn, the air rippled around her hoof, and she was prevented from going further. By all the good things in the world, it really was a dream. The relief that she had been blessed with before transformed into warm elation. The monsters had not found her, nor did they travel back to get her. She let out a joyful sigh. Princess Luna replied, “I assure you that you are asleep.” She paused for a moment. “I have never witnessed dreams this horrific. I am curious as to what caused them.” A deep and wet coldness had appeared I Scootaloo’s gut. She averted her eyes, and she began to wonder if the all-powerful princess of the night could read a pony’s thoughts while they dreamed. Well, dreams were the products of the thought, but could the princess see what she thought right now? There was no way she could tell Princess Luna the truth. The first sign had not happened yet, and it the princesses knew now, the land of Equestria would not be able to prepare for what was to come in the right ways. Telling Luna would also alert the monsters, and then they would come for Scootaloo. Scootaloo gave off an odd chuckle. “Rainbow Dash told us some really scary stories. That’s all.” Princess Luna glanced around them, as if she were able to see where the other ponies were still being round up. Maybe she could. “Rainbow Dash is truly a terrifying tale spinner then.” She turned back to regard Scootaloo. “However, know this. When you wake up, the thing that frightens you most will still exist.” Once more, Scootaloo averted her eyes. For as wise as Princess Luna was, she had no idea how truly dreadful the monsters really were. Scootaloo had to watch her mother being torn away from her by one of the tube monsters. Her mother’s cries of anguish still tormented her from time to time. The monsters really were the ones she was scared of most right? “Um… you mean the monsters?” Scootaloo asked. Princess Luna brought her hoof up to her chin. “Hmmm… are these monsters really what frightens you the most?” She peered at Scootaloo with a chilling, knowing stare. Okay, scratch what she thought before, Princess Luna was perhaps wiser than what Scootaloo gave her credit for. As much as she feared the monsters, one other thing drove more spine-tingling tremors through her. Like the dawning of the sun, a great realization rose and basked Scootaloo in an undisputed light. She lowered her head., and she murmured a, “uh-uhn.” She rubbed one of her hoofs with the other one. “I’m afraid of letting every pony down.” She winced. If Scootaloo left it at that, surely Princess Luna would probe her for more information. Could she really stare into one of the princess’ eyes and lie outright? She kept from looking directly at Princess Luna. “I’m afraid Rainbow Dash will find out I’m not as tough as she thinks I am.” To be honest, that wasn’t a lie completely. To Scootaloo, having a good standing in Rainbow Dash’s eyes was one of the most important things in her life. She wanted Rainbow Dash to respect her, to care about her, to lo- “Stop it!” Scootaloo thought. “Don’t even go down that path. Keep it together.” Princess Luna bent down and placed her hoof under Scootaloo’s chin. The princess raised Scootaloo’s chin so they could stare into one another’s eyes. The smaller pegasus trembled slightly. “Every pony has fears, Scootaloo,” Princess Luna said. “Every pony must face them in their own way.” Her softer tone became steelier. ‘But they must be faced, or the nightmares will continue.” Suddenly, tremors of invisible energy quaked from Scootaloo’s body, and the entire terrain started to ripple as well. Princess Luna and the entire landscape started to get sucked up into the Moon. The Princess called out. “FACE YOUR FEAAAAARS!” *** Scootaloo sat up in her bedroll. Her heart thudded against the insides of her chest, and she darted her attention all around. “Princess Luna?!” Five other ponies remained sleeping beside her, and a deep, but not uncomfortable silence lingered around her. She sighed with relief. “It was just a dream.” Princess Luna’s message still rung in her ears though. If the fears were not faced, the nightmares would continue. Even though the esteemed princess didn’t know exactly what bothered her, she had been right. The only way to combat the fear of failing every pony was to face her fear, and do her best to ma- A loud, constant growl rippled through the cave. All the hairs on Scootaloo’s coat stood on end, and she darted around. That sound… it was so familiar and gut wrenching. The noise continued with its constant rhythm. “It’s the sound of the monsters!” She said. They had found her! Having dreams about them led them to her. She had to lead them away so the others, her very best friends wouldn’t be caught. Scootaloo grabbed her scooter, and dashed off into the night. *** Rainbow Dash gently set Scootaloo on the grass. Water dripped from Scootaloo’s coat and tail. The anxiety of her near death experience still tickled Scootaloo’s senses, but she beamed a smile up at her cyan-colored savior. An angry scowl covered Rainbow Dash’s face. “What were you doing out in here in the middle of the night?!” Tears welled in Scootaloo’s eyes, and she turned her attention away from her idol. Intense pain radiated within her heart and soul, and it would have been a universal mercy if she died right then and there. The moon flashed, and Scootaloo looked back in Rainbow Dash’s direction. However, she didn’t peer at her hero, but at the face etched on the moon. The echo of Princess Luna’s voice whispered in her ears, and the moon face’s mouth moved in sync with the words. “It is time for you to face your real fears, Scootaloo.” Scootaloo swallowed hard. She was going to face a fear, just not her real one yet. She wasn’t ready, but perhaps doing this one thing could alleviate her of the nightmares. Rainbow Dash gave her a hard, heavy judgmental stare. The small pegasus took one last reassuring deep breath before she stepped up to Rainbow Dash. As hard as it was to lie to the princess of the night, it was even more arduous to keep the truth from the pony that mattered most in Scootaloo’s life. However, just like with Princess Luna, what she was going to say wasn’t a complete lie. “I’m so sorry, Rainbow Dash,” Scootaloo began. “I just wanted you to hang out with me and see how cool I was, so you’d take me under your wing, teach me everything you know, and become like my …” she paused, and her heart lurched. “big sister.” Scootaloo shrank down a little. “but then you started telling those spooky stories, and I got scared.” She gasped several times. “I thought I heard monsters coming after me, so I ran out here by myself, and … and…” she removed her helmet. “I guess you know the rest.” To her surprise, Rainbow Dash didn’t yell at her more, nor did she say how stupid Scootaloo was. “Hey,” Rainbow Dash said. “I’m going to tell you something, but if you ever tell any pony else, I’m going to deny it. The first time I heard those stories,” Rainbow Dash scoped the area to ensure that they were alone. “I was scared too.” Scootaloo sniffed. “You were?” She couldn’t believe it. THE great Rainbow Dash was scared? It couldn’t be possible, could it? This was the same mare that beat all of the Wonderbolt records ever set by any other athlete. She had been the one to stand hoof to hoof against some of the greatest villains Equestria had ever seen. This mare even stood by against the monsters when they first arrived. Rainbow Dash was the best pony ever… and she was once afraid? “Sure,” Rainbow Dash replied. “I got over it pretty quick because I realized if there was such a thing as a headless horse or an olden pony, I could totally take them on!” Scootaloo just smiled up at her. Rainbow Dash brought her hoof up to her chin. “So you’re looking for some pony to take them under their wing huh?” “Uh-huh,” Scootaloo replied. “Yeah, I might be up for something like that.” Rainbow Dash’s wing reached out and scooped up Scootaloo. Before she realized it, her little head was against Rainbow’s cyan-colored chest. The older mare’s wing remained on her back. Intense body heat radiated off of Rainbow’s body. Scootaloo grit her teeth, and so many strong and primal urges welled up inside her. She kept blinking to keep the moisture from building up. “Come on,” Scootaloo thought. “I know this is everything you had ever dreamed of, but DO NOT CRY.” The mere implications were overwhelming though. Was Rainbow Dash really going to take her under her wing? That meant they would spend more time together, and they would grow closer. There would be laughter and encouragement, and more. Scootaloo pushed away from Rainbow Dash, but kept her hoofs on the mare’s cyan chest. Rainbow Dash’s wing still remained around her like a protective blanket. “Really?” Despite her intense will, Scootaloo’s eyes became wet. Rainbow Dash replied, “As long as you don’t go falling into any rivers in the middle of the night.” “It’s a deal,” Scootaloo said back. Dare she hope? Dare she try? Scootaloo gulped slightly, and she reached in to hug Rainbow Dash. Rainbow Dash hugged back. The warmth that Scootloo felt before paled in comparison to what she felt now, because it was more than just body heat. All of the times when she shivered in the alcove at night had been worth it to just be in this moment. Rainbow Dash held her close, and nothing in the entire world could hurt her, not even the monsters. Scootaloo couldn’t help it, and she let some of the barriers that barred her emotional needs down. Softly, she cried into Rainbow Dash’s coat. Rainbow Dash never said anything, and she tightened the embrace. Could she feel what Scootaloo was feeling? Did she suspect one of the secrets that Scootaloo held so deep in her heart? Did it matter at this point? When Scootaloo looked up at Rainbow, with a tear stained face, the cyan-colored mare just smiled back at her with affectionate eyes. Even though this was short-lived, Scootaloo was home again, for the first time in many, many years. Coming soon… Chapter 5 – Contemplations of a Coronation > Chapter 5 - Contemplations of a Coronation > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 5 – Contemplations of a Coronation So it had finally happened, the first sign had finally come to pass. The Princess of Friendship now existed for the first time in Equestiran history. Scootaloo sat on the edge of the Everfree Forest, next to the dirt path that ran into both the forest and into Ponyville. Two days ago, it had been the same Ponyville that Scootaloo had called home for the better part of two years. Yesterday though, it was forever changed, just like Scootaloo’s life going forward. From this distance, she could only see the top of the castle, where the purple part of the castle itself jutted from the blue crystal branches. Staring at it sent multiple veins of emotion throughout her body. On one hand, it was an exciting time to be alive. Up till that point, Ponyville had been a sleepy little town within the view of the Royal Palace. Aside from the fantastic ponies who lived there, there wasn’t anything really all that special about Ponyville. Now there was. It would have been very excited for Scootaloo as well had she not known what was coming. She was a little excited, but her uplifting anticipation had become encroached by the ever growing sense of dread. Her time in Ponyville, well, this peaceful version of it anyway, was going to come to an end soon. After the second sign happened, she would have to tell her friends, and the Elements of Harmony about the truth of who she was and where she came from. Tears welled in her eyes. Scootaloo loved this place, for it had become an integral part of who she was. Once she revealed the truth about the monsters, they would come for her. All things considered, she had reveled the adventures she had with her friends, the precious moments she got to spend with Rainbow Dash, and the sweet relief of not having to look over her shoulder for the ominous silhouettes of the monsters. The end was coming soon. How much longer did she have? A month? Two months? Or two days? Scootaloo glanced down to her blank flank and winced. Her flank tingled with a wild energy, as if her cutie mark was bubbling under the surface of her skin. It was there, and it would be revealed soon. The end was coming. Coming soon… Chapter 6 – The Revelation > Chapter 6 - The Revelation > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 6 – The Revelation Scootaloo opened the door to Sugar Cube Corner, and she peered around the busy bakery. Several adult ponies were standing in line, while Pinkie Pie stood behind the counter. Rather than be rude, Scootaloo waited at the back of the line. One by one, the ponies in front of her purchased delicious pastries, cupcakes, and other such things. When Scootaloo finally got to the front of the line, Pinkie smiled down at her. “Hey Scoots,” Pinkie said. “How’s that new cutie mark treating you? Aren’t you excited? I’d be so excited if I were you. That reminds me of m-” Instead of interrupting the older, pink mare, Scootaloo just stared at her and listened. She waited patiently on the outside, but inside, her soul writhed in the most terrible forms of dreaded anticipation. The second sign had happened. If things were different, then she would have still been rejoicing with her friends. When the mark first appeared, she pretended to be so happy, and she shrieked with Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle. Not all of her delight had been fake. For as long as their friendship existed, they had been working toward that one goal, and now, it was a reality. However, that wasn’t the only thing that became a prickly, scary truth. “Scootaloo?” Pinkie asked, concern heavy in her voice. “Are you okay? You don’t seem like yourself.” Scootaloo glanced back, and all of the other ponies in the bakery had been regarding her with the same level of worry. She let out an awkward giggle. “Um… I’m…” she winced. Oh sure, she could lie and say she was fine, but the time of lying was over. “I need your help, Pinkie. C-can I talk to you for a moment.” Pinkie nodded, and then she turned her attention to the other customers behind the small, orange filly. “Hey everypony, I’ll be back in like… fifteen minutes.” Pinkie gave them an apologetic smirk. “Please don’t be mad.” No pony said anything, and many of them nodded. Truly, this was the best place in the entire world, both in the past, present, and future sense. Rather than talk in the back of the bakery, Pinkie Pie took Scootaloo up to her bed room. Once the door was closed, Pinkie frowned down at Scootaloo. “What’s going on?” She asked. A great knot had formed in the base of Scootaloo’s throat, and she lowered her head in what one might consider shame. It wasn’t shame though, but an emotion far more weighty and draining. “I…” Scootaloo began. “I need your help planning a … gathering.” “A gathering?” Pinkie asked. Scootaloo raised her attention back up to view the pure blue eyes that Pinkie had become well known for. In those irises, ponies very seldom found hints of sadness, despair, or turmoil. A sudden tugging pulled in Scootaloo’s heart, and she yearned for a small degree of strength from this splendid eyes. “I have something very important to tell you, the other elements, and even the Royal sisters.” Scootaloo gulped loudly. “Can you please also invite Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle? It’s important that they be here for it too. I’d try and deliver the invitations myself, but… I just can’t.” The air felt oily and slick, and every time Scootaloo drew in breath, her stomach bubbled with noxiousness. “Is everything okay?” Pinkie asked. Tears trailed down her cheeks, and Scootaloo said, “No, no its not.” In response, Pinkie held her hoof to her mouth, and her eyes became wet too. “When does this … gathering need to happen?” Pinkie asked. Scootaloo sniffled. “As soon as possible.” “Okay, then.” Pinkie picked Scootaloo up and placed her on Pinkie’s bed. “You stay here, and I’ll take care of everything. Don’t worry, Pinkie’s on the case.” A warm smile creased across the pink mare’s face, and she gently caressed Scootaloo’s face. “Th-thank you,” Scootaloo said. She laid back on the bed, and then she started to weep softly. In order for her to tell them everything that she needed to, Scootaloo needed to get all the water works out of her system first. Pinkie stood there for another moment before she sprinted out of the room. Scootaloo placed her face against Pinkie’s pillow and started to wail harder. Why did this have to be so hard? Why did the monsters have to come in the first place? All of this was much too much for a small filly like herself to take on, and now… the crucial moment had finally arrived. “Get it out,” Scootaloo thought. “Get it out before they get here.” A soft voice beckoned her, one that belonged to the very best pony in all of Equestia. “Scootalo,” Rainbow asked. “What is going on? What’s happened that’s made you so sad?” She looked up from the pillow and wiped her moist face on her hoof. When she glanced over in Rainbow Dash’s direction, she nearly jumped. All six of the Elements of Harmony, Spike, the two Royal Sisters, and even her two best friends stood in the room. All of them had masks of empathic distress. How long had she been weeping there? Time had no meaning at the moment, and for some reason, she almost found that ironically funny. Scootaloo sat up on the bed, and Rainbow landed beside her. One of her blue wings wrapped around her shoulders. Scootaloo sniffled again, and she peeked up at Princess Luna. “Princess Luna,” Scootaloo said. “C-can you please show them that one dream of mine you had visited?” The blue alicorn’s eyes widened for a moment. “You mean the one conjured by Rainbow Dash’s stories?” Scootaloo shook her head. “I’m sorry, princess. I … lied you. Those weren’t made from stories Rainbow Dash told me.” She gulped. “Those were based on personal memories.” The other nine ponies kept switching their attention from Scootaloo to Princess Luna. “Personal memories?” Princess Luna asked. “But that’s not possible. Nothing like that has ever happened in Equestria.” “Not yet, it hasn’t,” Scootaloo replied. Another long moment of silence lingered before Twilight leaned down and peered into Scootaloo’s eyes. “What are you saying?” Scootaloo sniffled. “I’m not from your time.” The next words tasted so bitter, for they marked the real end of her living here. “I’m from the future, a future that was destroyed by terrible monsters.” “What kind of monsters?” Apple Jack asked. Scootaloo said, “If Princess Luna shows you, it will be easier to explain.” The Princess of the Night hesitated before her long, slender horn shimmered. The room blackened out of existence, and suddenly, they were all standing in the clearing as the giant monsters impaled, electrocuted, and captured ponies. When the dream ended, it was Rarity who spoke first. “What in the name of sweet Celestia were those things?” Rarity suddenly blushed as she caught the Day Monarch’s eyes. Scootaloo gulped. “Those monsters are called…” she nearly threw up. “the Bronies.” Now that she said their name, they would come for her. Scootaloo just knew it. Even now, she felt unseen eyes lock on her. Time was short, and she had to say her goodbyes NOW. “I had to watch them take my mom away from me, just like what you saw in my nightmare,” Scootaloo said. “For a long time, I was on the run, but I had two great mentors to raise me and love me.” She turned her attention to the other two fillies in the room. “Their names were Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom.” Tears trailed down Scootaloo’s cheeks, and even her two best friends were crying now. “Thank you,” Scootaloo said. “Thank you for teaching me how to be a great pony, for loving me, and …” she sniffled, “for being my friend.” Fluttershy and Spike openly wept too. Scootaloo turned to Princess Twilight, Princess Luna, and Princess Celestia. “You have to prepare for their coming. They have powerful weapons and magic like nothing we’ve ever seen. You have to stop this from happening.” She wheezed a little. “Now that I have said their names and revealed their plans, they are going to come for me and take me away.” “No one is coming to take you away!” Rainbow Dash said. The air changed, and it grew thicker and more static. Every pony in the room felt it, and they were visually alarmed by it, based on the fact that every pony’s eyes widened. Her time was almost up! Panic fluttered in Scootaloo’s heart. She turned to Rainbow Dash and placed her hoofs against Rainbow Dash’s chest. “I have to tell you something before it’s too late,” Scootaloo said. “I’m your d-” A white, wide vortex of energy opened at the far end of the room, and every pony turned to stare at it. Four strange figures emerged from the portal, and they carried long, rod like things in their hands. Their bodies were covered in some kind of weird armor, and their faces were concealed by shiny glass-faced helmets. Terror openly flapped in Scootaloo’s soul. Rainbow Dash tightened the grip around Scootaloo. Just as Princess Luna and Princess Celestia stepped in to block the path of the Bronies, the monsters pointed their rods at them. Green energy shot out from the ends, and suddenly, both of the Royal Sisters were coated in a glowing, green aura of magic. They struggled and their magic horns glowed brighter. The others started shooting their green beams as well, and soon, every pony and even Spike were illuminated in green energy. One of the Bronies said, “Those stasis fields won’t last long, not against the princesses.” It pointed toward Scootaloo, the only pony not affected by whatever a stasis field was. “Get her quick.” The other ponies screamed out in protest and struggled, but they were locked in place. Cracks had formed around the auras that surrounded Princesses Luna, Celestia, and Twilight. It was a futile thing, but Scootaloo clung to Rainbow Dash’s form. She wept hard, for the end was here at last. There would be no more happy memories, adventures, or periods of reprieve once the Bronies got a hoof on her. One of the Bronies grabbed Scootaloo by the mane, and it yanked her hard. For just a moment, Scootaloo maintained her steely grip on the most important mare in her life. Another of the bronies punched her in the back, and pain radiated all though her body. Her grip slackened. “You leave her ALONE!!!” Rainbow Dash screamed, louder than the rest. One of the Bronies held up Scootaloo by the tail, and then it smacked her across the face. Her vision went black for a second. The Bronies moved back toward the portal. Large chips of the aura broke apart from the princesses prisons. Despite that, Scootaloo’s time was up. She reached out toward Rainbow dash and screamed out, “Mom!!!!” The last thing that Scootaloo saw was Rainbow Dash’s irises shrinking to pinpricks. Coming soon… Chapter 7 – The Place Where Monsters Live > Chapter 7 - The Places where Monsters Live > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 7 – The Place Where Monsters Live The whiteness faded, and Scootaloo found herself in a wide, metal circular room with large circular panels positioned at various places in the chamber. The light coming from the ceilings didn’t look natural, and every now and then, one of the light sources flickered. A dozen Bronies stood in the room along with her, four of which were the monsters that had come to collect her. Most of the new ones weren’t wearing helmets. Their weird faces looked wrong. Rather than have a snout, these creatures had stubby little noses that sat beneath sunken, slanted or rounded eyes. Their faces were either oval or rectangular, not like a pony’s. The Bronies’ manes were dark colored and very short, and they didn’t have a coat of fur either. They looked…. Like shaved monkeys. The Brony who had her by the tail pulled its helmet off, and stared at her with malice-filled eyes. His mouth formed a wretched sneer. “You stupid little bitch,” the Brony said. “It’s all your fault that we’ve been having temporal issues, isn’t it?” Scootaloo just stared at the monster. Based on the depth of the voice, she guessed it might have been a boy monster. The Brony’s face grew darker. He said, “Well, as soon as the Temporal Location Transporter is operational again, we’re going back and snatch you before you can do anything to stop us.” Scootaloo sniffled. “I already warned the Elements of Harmony and the Princesses. They’re going to be ready.” The Brony threw her against the wall, and anguish crawled up every one of Scootaloo’s senses. She crumpled into a little ball. “You don’t get it, you stupid animal!” The Brony came over and kicked her hard in the stomach. All of Scootaloo’s air rushed out of her, and she gagged. “Now that we know you’re the one that’s been affecting our temporal existence, we can go back and stop you before you can do anything else.” The Brony laughed. “We won’t be erased by the likes of you.” The Brony kicked her again. “We’ve made to much money on merchandise to stop now.” Scootaloo wept hard, and she whispered, “Mom.” It was the only thing her dull mind could conjure up, for the pain was too great. The other Bronies in the room started laughing. One of them, perhaps a female, cackled. “She’s calling for her Mom! How pathetic. Can you believe that this little squirt is Rainbow Dash’s daughter? She can’t fly, she can’t fight back, she’s worthless.” Scootaloo tried to push herself up. “I am not.” The Brony who had beaten on her before kicked her again. “You are worthless. You failed! Did you not think we wouldn’t see you tell the Royal Sisters about us? We’ve been watching your world for years! We know everything about you!” He shook his head though. “I never would have guessed this would have been your actual origin story.” He chuckled. “It’s actually kind of impressive. No matter. We’re going to steal you before you have the chance to ruin our plans, and then the real fun can begin.” Scootaloo struggled to get up, but she could only manage to raise her head. “Why did you do this? What do you want from us?” “What do we want?” The male Brony asked. “Merchandise, plushies, and more importantly…” A sick grin covered his face. “Intimate petting.” The other Bronies laughed. The male turned to one of the other Bronies. “How long before we can make another Temporal Leap?” A female Brony responded. “It will take another twelve hours to recalibrate the Temporal Location Transporter. We were lucky to be able to charge it up to snatch that little vermin.” The male Brony picked Scootaloo up by the hair, and tossed her to another one of the helmet-wearing Bronies. The second one caught her quite roughly. “Put her in the Brig,” The first male Brony said. “And throw in an RD plushie in there so she won’t be lonely.” The other Bronies cackled again, and Scootaloo was carried out of the room. Scootaloo kept closing her eyes in hopes to alleviate the pain. Every now and then, other Bronies of different shapes and sizes walked past the Brony taking her to the brig. What was a brig? Was it like a doctor’s office? Were they at least going to give her medicine to take away the pain? Probably not. The Bronies had ruined her world, why would they be nice to her now? Eventually, they came to a room with large cages and cells in it. The Brony opened one of the cell doors and tossed Scootaloo inside, as if she were a bag of apples. She hit the floor with a loud thud, and she whimpered for her mother again. A few seconds later, another Brony entered the brig, and she carried a strange stuffed animal of some kind. They tossed it beside Scootaloo. “Here’s your mom,” the Brony said. Both monsters’ laughed, closed the cell door, and then left the brig altogether. Scootaloo eased herself to a stand, which was super difficult to do, and she peered at the stuffed animal. It had cyan-colored velvet for skin, rainbow colored strings for hair, a pair of rosy colored buttons for eyes, and an unmistakable cutie mark in the flanks. The stuffed animal was a little bigger than she was. She crawled over to it, and she nestled between its two upper hoofs. The stuffed Rainbow Dash was made from something soft, so it easily conformed to Scootaloo’s desires. However, the embrace was cold, loveless, and sterile. Nevertheless, Scootaloo bawled into the fabric skin. “Oh Mom,” she said. “I’m so sorry I failed. I did my best.” A sudden voice made her stop. “D-did they say that’s your mom?” Scootaloo regarded the speaker, and her heart wiggled in terror. A Brony was in the cell next to her, and its horrid face was pressed against the bars. Scootaloo whimpered and pressed herself into the effigy of her mother. She knew it couldn’t protect her, but she could at the very least pretend it could. The Brony reached its arm into Scootaloo’s cell, which only drove the horror festering inside her body thrash all the harder. “Don’t be afraid,” The Brony said. “I’m not one of the bad ones. I’m a good Brony. In fact, most Bronies are.” Scootaloo shook her head. She spoke through sniffles and tears. “Y-you’re a liar. I witnessed the evils of your race first hand. You’re all bad.” “No, we aren’t,” The Brony said. “You have to believe me. This group of Bronies is evil, but the rest of Brony kind has been trying to stop them for a long, long time. I’m not your enemy.” The creature paused for a second. “My name is Derek.” Scootaloo checked the other cell before she placed her back against it. It had been empty, thank Celestia. She cradled the larger stuffed version of her mother next to her, and she glared at the Brony Derek. She remained silent. Was this a trick? Surely it had to be. In all her life, she had never met a nice Brony. Derek pulled his hand back and he gave Scootaloo a smile. “I can’t believe you’re Rainbow Dash’s daughter. There have been so many fan theories over the centuries. This is so cool.” Scootaloo winced. “Centuries? How old are you?” Dread pooled at the back of her throat. “Are Bronies immortal like the princesses?” Derek replied, “Oh no. We’re not as cool as they are. How do I explain this?” He stopped for a moment. “Have you ever been to a play?” For a long moment, Scootaloo just glared at him. She nodded. “Well,” Derek said. “We have this magical device that allows us to watch TV shows, and they are a lot like plays. These shows have great characters, plots, and imagery that is so amazing.” Scootaloo just stared at him. Bewilderment swirled around her. Derek said, “One of the TV shows is called My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. That TV show is based on your world and your timelines. Your timelines are considered 4th generation, and it had eighteen seasons. After that came generations five through seventeen, but arguably the best generation was the fourth. The reruns of G4 MLP has been airing over the last a two hundred and fifteen years.” He chuckled. “And to answer your question, I’m twenty-eight.” Scootaloo sniffled. “I don’t understand. There was a really mean Brony who said your kind wanted us ponies for Merchandise, plushies, and intimate petting. What did he mean?” Derek averted his eyes for a moment. “Regarding the merchandise and plushies, these evil Bronies started a company called HasBren, and they have been making millions and millions of dollars on making toys, clothing, stuffed animals, and other such things.” He winced. “As for the petting... its too dark to really go into.” Scootaloo inched a little closer to the captive Brony. “I-is there a chance that my mother is alive?” Derek peered at her with the same sort of sympathy that Rainbow Dash and the others gave her back in Pinkie Pie’s room. “Oh yeah, they would never kill off Rainbow Dash. They need her for the… cloning.” “Cloning?” Scootaloo asked. “Uh… it’s like making copies of the ponies,” Derek said. He stopped and then looked toward the direction of the door. Then he glanced at this weird black circle that was nestled in the corner of room. He gestured for Scootaloo to come closer. For a long time, Scootaloo just glared at him. Her heart tugged inside her, and curiosity wrestled with caution. “Why are you in here?” Scootaloo asked. “Why are you not free like them?” “That’s a part of the reason I want you to come closer,” Derek said. “I have to whisper this.” Scootaloo winced again, but she crept up closer to the other end of the cell. Derek’s eyes opened wider, and his voice came out in a barely audible murmur. “Can you hear me okay?” He whispered. Scootaloo nodded. Derek said, “I’m a spy, but they caught me. They are probably going to kill me before the day is over. However, I do have some good news.” It got a little harder to breath. Good news would be a welcome delight, but Scootaloo doubted that anything good would come from a Brony. “The good guys are coming,” Derek whispered. “The operation is going to start soon, so just hold on a little more, Okay?” He smiled at her. “Don’t give up.” Scootaloo let her attention drift elsewhere for a moment. “The evil Bronies said something about them getting erased. What did they mean?” Derek said, “Time is rewriting itself, and so all of this is going to disappear. Up till I was caught, I was working in the Temporal Projections department. We had been experiencing a slow, but steady degradation of our resources and personnel. The growing fear is that this entire place will disappear from time if something isn’t done.” Scootaloo frowned. “How is that possible? Why would it disappear?” Derek replied, “This place exists in a pocket dimension outside of time and space. As Time rewrites itself, this facility runs the risk of being erased from time completely because it’s outside its boundary.” Scootaloo stared at him for a moment longer before she said, “Yeah, none of that makes sense to me.” Before Derek could respond, several evil Bronies dressed in armor came into the room. They had rod like weapons, but they looked different than the ones that were used in her capture. They went to Derek’s cell and opened it. “So it’s time?” Derek asked. The evil Bronies went in, grabbed Derek and dragged him out. They didn’t even close the door to his cell, and they took him out of the brig. Scootaloo crawled back over to the Rainbow Dash stuffed animal. She rested her head on its arm, and she cuddled within the confines of its legs. Her eyes were heavy, and great sorrow had sucked all of her energy away. At least she could pretend this stuffed animal loved her. *** KABOOM! The entire room shook violently, and Scootaloo perked up from the stuffed animal. Muffled screams and thunder echoed out. This thunder sounded rapid in its occurrence though. All of the lights flickered briefly. Scootaloo nestled back into the stuffed animal. How could this get any worse? Another explosion rocked the building. The door to the brig opened up, and the same violent, mean Brony who had kicked her so many times stormed in with three other armored Bronies. “I don’t believe this is happening!” The evil Brony stared at her. “This is all your fault.” They opened the door to her cell, and the evil Brony grabbed Scootaloo by the tail. He carried her out of the brig as he said, “We’ll use you as a hostage. Those bastards will never do anything to us if we have you.” They carried Scootaloo into a corridor, as more loud noises resounded. Could it have been the good Bronies? Dare she hope that there really could be such a thing? Sudden heat billowed in Scootaloo’s chest. Ever since she had been caught, she had only cried and lamented. Granted, it was a sorrowful situation, but was there anything else she could have done? What would her mother have done? Would Rainbow Dash have cried endlessly? The heat formed into rage, and Scootaloo’s body flowed with a renewed sense of vigor. Scootaloo was the daughter of the best pony in all of Equestria, and so that meant she had awesome genes in her too. Scootaloo started swinging her body back and forth. The evil Brony stopped and gaped down at her. “What are you doing, you li-” Her momentum had built up, and her body obeyed her commands. Perhaps it was because of the fact that Scootaloo strove to be as athletic as her mother, or perhaps it was the influx of adrenaline. Scootaloo swung up close to the evil Brony’s face, and she bit his nose. He screamed, and he tried to pull her off, but Scootaloo clenched her jaw as hard as she could. If there was nothing else she could do to avenge the torment these monsters inflicted on her mom or those she loved most of all, then let this be her finest moment. Her mouth filled with a hot, metallic liquid, but Scootaloo held on with all of her will. The evil Brony managed to pull her off, and he raised Scootaloo above his head. An instant later, she collided against the wall. Her little bones cracked, and she screamed out. The evil Brony started stomping on her, and she felt her limbs and ribs break. Once more, her mind became a hazy, dull thing with only one pony on her mind. “Mom!!!!!!!” Scootaloo screamed out. The evil Brony broke her jaw, and her head slumped on the cold metal floor. Everything started to get darker. Some pony screamed her name, and it almost sounded like Apple bloom’s. Not the one she had spent the last couple of years with, but the one who used to cradle her asleep in a cozy little alcove. Surely her brain was dying, and in its broken state, it started replaying old sounds from memories long forgotten. Another voice screamed out. “DON’T LAY ANOTHER HOOF ON MY DAUGHTER!!!” Some pony grunted over her. Weird magical sounds resounded out. Bronies screamed over her. Yeah, it was definitely Brony screams. Her vision started to tunnel, and her body became colder. A great weariness fell over her. Her vision blacked out completely. Voices became muffled, but they still carried some meaning. “Twilight, please do something! SAVE HER!” “Alright, give me a second.” It was getting colder, and sounds disappeared altogether. And then an ocean of warmth filled her insides. The furnace of her soul exploded with fiery life, and the pain that had started to become the extent of her existence faded away. Her hearing returned, and then her vision did too. Scootaloo stirred and glanced in front of her. Adult Sweetie Belle and Adult Apple bloom stood above her. Tears streamed down their cheeks, and their faces were locked in aghast-like expressions. As soon as she stirred, they smiled and they cried all the harder. There were more ponies around her too, ponies she recognized. Twilight was there, Apple Jack was there, and right above her… Scootaloo’s eyes widened. The cyan-coated mare was not the one she had been learning from and treated like a big sister. This rainbow maned pegasus appeared much older and more mature than the soon to be Wonderbolt. A pair of loving, ruby irises stared back at her. Scootaloo pushed herself up. “M-mom? Is that really you?” Her mother scooped her close to her wings, and she pressed her body against Scootaloo’s. Scootaloo hugged back. “I’m so sorry, Mom.” Scootaloo bawled uncontrollably now. “I did my best, I promise.” “Oh Scootaloo,” her mother replied. “You are so precious to me. You have nothing to be sorry about. You succeeded.” She leaned back and stared into Scootaloo’s eyes. “But even if you did fail, that wouldn’t change the fact that I love you, and I’m proud of you.” Scootaloo hugged her mother again. When they broke the embrace, her two mentors leapt on her, and they hugged her almost as tightly as what her mother did. “You got your cutie mark!” Apple bloom said. Scootaloo replied, “I sure did.” Her mother grinned from ear to ear. “That’s my girl. You are so awesome.” Suddenly, something caught Scootaloo’s attention. A Brony stood beside the older, more haggard version of Rarity. “Is that a good Brony?” Scootaloo asked. Her mother nodded. “Yeah. They helped us escape, and now we’re helping to end this nightmare, once and for all.” Suddenly, Scootaloo’s eyes opened wider. “Mom, we have to get out of here before we get erased.” The smiles on the other ponies’ faces faded. “We know about that,” her mother said. “And we’re here to make sure that the evil Bronies don’t undue all of your hard work.” Scootaloo’s heart clenched, and she hugged her mother again. “If I have to get erased, then I’m glad I get to be erased with you, Mom. I’ve missed you so much.” Rarity started to sniffle, and she dabbed at her tears with her hoof. Rainbow Dash pushed Scootaloo back a little. “Honey, listen it me. What I’m about to say is going to be hard.” Scootaloo’s eyes opened a little wider. “What is it, Mom?” Her mother looked toward the regal Princess Twilight. She was much taller and more elegant than the Princess Twilight that Scootaloo had grown accustomed to. Princess Twilight nodded, and her horn glowed. “We don’t have a lot of time,” Her mother said. “While the evil ones can’t escape, Twilight can make a portal for you.” Scootaloo’s eyes streamed more tears. “NO! You all can come with me.” “We can’t” her mother said. “The Good Bronies who are helping us can’t defeat the evil ones alone. If we don’t help them, then Equestria is finished.” “Well then I’ll stay with you,” Scootaloo said. “I don’t want to be apart from you again.” A white portal opened up. Her mother started counting down. “Five… four… three .. two…” The young Rainbow Dash burst though the portal, and then screamed out. “SCOOTALOO!” Rainbow Dash landed beside the more adult Apple Jack, and as she looked around at all the mares, her righteous anger faded. She stared at Scootaloo’s mother before turning her attention to Scootaloo. “Are you alright, Squirt?” Rainbow Dash asked, her voice carrying a more hallowed tone. Scootaloo nodded, but before she could speak, her mother stepped forward an approached Rainbow Dash. “Hi there,” Her mother said. Rainbow Dash gulped and peered at her older self. “Um… hi.” “I need a favor, Dashie,” Her mother said with a half-hearted smile. “I have to do something really awesome, but it’s the kind of thing I can’t come back from.” A brief silence shifted between them. Her mother said, “I need you to be there for our little Scootaloo, okay?” Rainbow teared up. “I promise I will raise her as my own. She is mine, after all.” “NO!” Scootaloo wailed. “Please, Mom… don’t make me go.” Her mother said, “Please…” Rainbow Dash nodded, and she moved closer to Scootaloo. Immense fright took hold of her, but she remained where she stood. Rainbow Dash grabbed Scootaloo by the scruff of the neck, and she picked her up. Her mother stepped forward, and she gave Scootaloo one last hug. “Never forget that I love you,” her mother whispered in her ears. “When you feel the breeze caressing your cheek, or you see the perfect cloud for napping on, that will be me, smiling at you and reminding you that you’re never alone.” She kissed Scootaloo on the forehead. “Do a Sonic Scootaloo Boom for me one day, okay Squirt?” Scootaloo just cried as she nodded. Rainbow Dash tossed Scootaloo on her back, and then she flew into the portal. The last thing that Scootaloo saw was her mother’s grin and the proud twinkle in her eyes. Coming soon… The Epilogue > Epilogue > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Epilogue “Rainbow!” Multiple ponies said at once. “And you got Scootaloo back!” Sweetie Belle exclaimed. Slowly, the whiteness faded, and Scootaloo beheld the other faces looking at her. They were in Pinkie Pie’s room, but it was dark outside. Nine ponies and a dragon clustered around Rainbow and Scootaloo. Both Rainbow and Scootaloo were openly crying. “What happened?” Princess Celestia asked. “You went through the portal, and then you came back so quickly. And how did you find young Scootaloo?” Rainbow Dash replied, “I’m … I’m not sure. I went in and saw … us.” “Us?” Apple Jack asked. “Yeah,” Rainbow Dash said. “Us, but older.” She sniffled. “I spoke to myself, and well… I think they were sacrificing themselves to stop the Bronies.” Scootaloo wiped her face. “My mom and the others, they teamed up with the good Bronies to stop the evil ones, and they’re going to get erased from time so that the evil Bronies never come back.” “The good Bronies?” Apple Bloom asked. “But I thought you said that the Bronies were monsters.” Scootaloo took a deep breath and then explained what happened after the evil Bronies had pony napped her. She told them about the evil Bronies’ plans, Derek, about the time stuff, and about her reunion with her mom. When Scootaloo had finally finished, Pinkie asked, “Is there anything we can do to help them? The good Bronies, I mean?” Twilight sighed. “The magical frequency that the Bronies used to get here no longer exists. I can’t find it anymore, and there aren’t any more residual traces of it either.” She paused. “I think that they have already been erased.” Scootaloo let out a few little sobs. Rainbow Dash wrapped a wing around Scootaloo’s body, but she didn’t embrace her yet. She just sat there, and peered at the orange pegasus. “There is something that has been troubling me ever since you told us your story,” Princess Celestia said. She peeked down at Scootaloo. “You said the adult versions of your friends sent you back in time, right?” Scootaloo nodded. “If that is the case, am I to believe that you didn’t know any pony when you first arrived?” Princess Celestia asked. “Who have you been living with all this time?” A great weight had settled in Scootaloo’s stomach, and all eyes fell on her. Perhaps it was the question that every pony wanted to ask, but were too afraid to. The silence was deafening. Scootaloo swallowed hard. “N-no pony.” Rainbow Dash screamed. “WHAT?!? YOU MEAN TO TELL ME YOU’VE BEEN HOMELESS THIS WHOLE TIME?!” She had relinquished her wing, and she stood over Scootaloo with the ferocity of a manticore. The other ponies stared on in utter amazement, and it was not the kind of amazement that ponies showed at exciting magic shows. Scootaloo’s tears fell on the wooden flooring at her hoofs. “I’m not homeless. I have a home.” “Where do you live?” Rainbow’s voice still carried that direct, forceful nature. No other pony spoke up, and they watched Scootaloo in anticipation. She hung her head low. “In a cave in the Everfree Forest.” No pony said anything. Sweetie Belle got a little closer, and she met Scootaloo’s eyes. “Why didn’t you tell us you didn’t have a real home?” Scootaloo sobbed harder. “I was embarrassed. Not only that, I wasn’t supposed to tell any pony about my mission because if I did, it would have alerted Evil Bronies. I had to do what was best for Equestria.” Once more, the room became bathed in silence. Apple Bloom said, “You should have told us. We would have helped you and opened up our homes to you.” “Your darned right we would have!” Apple Jack said. Scootaloo replied, “But I didn’t want to be a burden on any pony, and I-” A cyan-hoof lifted her chin upward, and Scootaloo found herself staring directly into Rainbow Dash’s eyes. “Never again,” Rainbow Dash said. “You will never have to endure that cave again. You’re coming to live with me because mothers are supposed to take care of their daughters.” “Rainbow…” Twilight said softly. Rainbow gripped Scootaloo in a tight hug, and she whispered into her ear. “I promise you’ll never be alone again. You’ll never feel unloved or unwanted, and you’ll always have a home with me. I love you, Squirt.” Scootaloo’s only response was a soft kiss on Rainbow Dash’s cheek and the tightest hug she could muster. Her nightmare was finally over. Scootaloo was finally where she belonged. She was finally home. The End