• Published 12th Jul 2012
  • 1,472 Views, 17 Comments

That's What Little Colts Are Made Of - Jomm the Dino

When Snails feel like he's a waste of time, his friends show him other wise.

  • ...

It's Okay

It's Okay

(Dis)Claimer- I own My Little Pony and everything related. Psssshhht…..no I don't. Hasbro Does!

At first the audience was Dinky, Applejack, Twist, Fluttershy, Rarity, Twilight, Pinkie Pie, Featherweight, Pipsqueak, Scootaloo, and Sweetie Belle. Now, two of the EMTs, Mr. and Mrs. Cake, Ditzy, and Spike were listening. Their eyes were wide open in shock.

"Oh-oh my….." Fluttershy whispered.

"Cinnamon sticks….no aunts or uncles…...that's terrible." Cup Cake choked as she wiped a tear from her eye.

"So…..your parents died…..and Snips is your foster brother?" Featherweight asked.

"mmmmhmmm….." I responded quietly. "His parents are in the process of adopting me."

"Wait. So if that's your stepmother Snips, then where's your real mother?" asked Twilight.

"She died." Snips said sadly.

"When?" asked Pipsqueak.

"Oh! Ummm…like….ten years ago, when I was two or so. She died of ovarian cancer." Snips explained.

"Oh my…." One of the EMT whispered.

"Well, how long have your parents been married?" Asked Featherweight.

"March 2nd would be their 5th anniversary." Snips told them.

"But Snails…..I don't actually believe you when you say that Stinger, Knock-Out, and Fracture have been bullying you." Rarity told me. Celestia damn it! I knew this crap would happen.

I just stared down. This was just a waste of my time. I squirmed in his seat, letting the others know that I wanted to get up.

"Snails don't try to get up, you're injuries are too severe." One of the EMTs told me. I didn't listen. I walked slowly up the stairs and went back into my room and shut the door, but didn't lock it. Then I came back out, and gave them the noose and went back into my room, tears streaming down my eyes.

Twist went up to my room. I was sitting on the floor.

"Sthnails?" she asked.


"What did the EMTs sthay?"

I got on my hooves "It doesn't matter…..Those buttholes won't get in trouble for it anyway…"

"What were your injuries?" she asked.

"I have a broken arm, two broken ribs, a concussion, and bruises everywhere." I told her.

"Snails you need to go to a hospital." She told me.


"I know but they have everyone played. They think there so nice." She responded.


"Sthnails please calm down." Twist tried to tell me.

"NO! BUCK MY LIFE! BUCK RAINBOW DASH! BUCK STINGER AND HIS POSSE! BUCK EVERYTHING!" I shouted, kicking my shelf so hard that it, and my right leg, broke.

Aaaaaaaaaaaaand……that’s when my world slows down

"STHNAILS! OH MY CELESTIA! ARE YOU OKAY?" she was shocked at the sight of my leg. It was bent in an awkward position and a thin bump was sticking out.

Everyone rushed up stairs to find me with his injured leg and Twist tending to it.
"Don't move it…." she told me.

"What. Tha hay?" Applejack stuttered.

"Yea, I tend to get mad easily." I explained.

The EMTs rushed up in his room, and they brought a stretcher. And I was feeling all weird and stuff, like I had shortness of breath. And I was fading in and out of consciousness.

"Come on stay with us, Snails." One of the EMT said.

I couldn't hear anything. All I remember seeing was a white flash…

Ponyville Hospital- 7:30 p.m.

I woke up in a blue hospital room. My chest was covered in surgical wrap; my left arm and right leg were in casts. My right arm was occupying an IV; and I had a massive headache.

"Snails…" I heard my name.

"Wh-what happened?" I asked.

"You had a heart attack, sweetheart." Nurse Redheart explained gently.

"a-a-a heart attack?" I asked. I must’ve been pissed.

"Yes.." she said with a worried tone. "You are a very lucky colt indeed. But I didn't know you went through so much at a young age."

"Yeah…" He responded weakly.

"Oh you have a visitor!" she said.

"H-h-ey Snails." I heard a voice. A voice I could only recognize as Twist.

"Twist…” I choked, holding back tears of guilt for making her worry so much.

"Shhhh….it's okay Sthnails, don't sthay anything." She nuzzled me.

"N-no i-it isn't. I had you worried about me…." I said sadly.

Twist gave me a look. "I was worried…..becausthe I love you Sthnails."

My cheeks were turning red. "Really?"

Twist grabbed my hoof. “Yesth. I really do love you Sthnails, which isth weird, consthidering I never had feelingsth like thisth for a colt before. You’re funny, cute, charming, and sthuch a gentlecolt. I feel sthafe around you. You even defended me when I wasth being bullied by Diamond Tiara.” She nuzzled me.

I looked at this filly. She admitted she had feelings for me. And of course, I liked her back. It was like; we were made for each other.

"I feel all weird and fluttery inside." I told her.

Twist laughed. The other nurses were admiring how cute we looked together.

"You're forehead is so big and kissable." I told Twist.

"My forehead isth big and kissthable?" she giggled as she lowered her head to where I can kiss it.

I gave her head a slow peck. "Yep…..big and kissable."

"Twist?" Nurse Redheart hot the filly's attention.


"Snails needs his rest." She explained. Her ears immediately drooped down. Then she thought of an idea. " But….You get your parents' permission, you can stay with him for the night." She laughed as she saw the filly's face light up.
"THANKY YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU!" Twist hugged the nurse pony.


"Get yourselves something to eat while you're at it." She added. The filly blushed and nodded as she raced out of the hospital.


As Twist left, she saw Snips, Pipsqueak, and Featherweight, and a larger mare coming from the party.
"How was it?" she asked slyly.

"It could've gone better." Featherweight sighed. "Snails should've been there, he makes things more…interesting."

"I concur with that statement, my dear fellow." Pipsqueak added.

"How'sth your eye?" Twist asked Pipsqueak.

"My mom took me to the doctor. They gave me some medicine to stop the pain, but it only hurts when I close it. Ow." He blinked. "How's Snails? Did he wake up?"

"Yeah…" she blushed.

"You must be Twist." The mare spoke up.

"Yes ma'am." She looked up at the mare. She was a unicorn in her late 20's, early 30's. Her mane was styled like Silver Spoons, but it was black. Her eyes were deep brown. Her coat was green, and her cutie mark was a brown bag with a bit on it.

"Pleased to meet you! I'm Banks-"

"aka BIG MONEY!" the three colts shouted at the same time.

"Snips' stepmother. You're the filly Snails must be telling me about." Banks added. "He tells me there's this filly at his school. She's nice, sweet, gentle, and has the cutest pair of glasses that show of the brilliant fuchsia jewels called eyes. He's always wanted to be with you."

Twist blushed as she held her head down.

"Ohohohohoho! You two are a couple now aren't you?" Snips asked.

"What gave it away?" She asked.

"Your cheeks are as red as Big Macintosh."

She looked down and shuffled her hooves. "We may be…."

"So where you headed?" Pip spoke up.

"Oh I'm going home to asthk my mom to sthpend the night at the hospital. If I can, then I wasth going to grab me and Sthnails sthomething to eat."

"Speaking of, you mom already gave you permission. You're mom's Sweet Treat, right?" Banks spoke up.

"Yesth ma'am." She responded.

"Tell you what, you guys go back to the hospital and I'll go get food." Banks told them.
"Cool beans." Featherweight told her.

As they walked towards the hospital, Nurse Redheart and three other patrons were chasing Stinger, Knock-Out, and Fracture out of the hospital.

"I told him the day he told any pony would be the last day he saw sunlight!" Shouted Stinger.

"DON'T LET THEM GET AWAY!" shouted one of the nurses. Almost instantly, Banks' horn started to glow its brilliant green magic, and caught the three.

"Where do you kids think you're going?" Banks asked.

"Let us go, Damn it!" Fracture yelled.

Soon, security guards and police officers were on them. The foal's eyes widened. They dashed towards the hospital, fearing the worst.

"WHAT'STH GOING ON? WHERE'S STHNAILS?" Twist yelled, tears streaming down her eyes.

"Sweetie, calm down, calm down." Nurse Redheart soothed the filly. "Snails is doing fine. He isn't hurt or anything. I promise." Twist looked up at her face and noticed that her jaw had a purple knot on it.

"Your cheek….are you okay?" she asked.

"I'm fine." The nurse responded as she examined it.

"What happened?" Banks demanded.

"Well," Nurse Redheart started. "Those three walked in and they wanted to see Snails. Of course, I know of the conflict they had with him, so I said no. Apparently they don't take no for an answer, because the white one punched me while the other two went towards his room. Doctor Wise saw that and tackled the two of them to the floor. And that's when they dropped these." She brought a bag full of choking wires, poisons, a pistol, ice picks, scissors, rubbing alcohol, a jar, syringes, and a book with the title, "Combat Torture 101".

"What the hell?" Banks thought to herself.

"THEY WERE GONNA KILL HIM?" Snips screamed.

"We were gonna do more than that!" Stinger told them, which earned him a jab to the back of the head by one of the officers.

"Wanna feel sumthin' worse than that boy?" the officer asked with a signature southern drawl.

"…no…" Stinger responded.


They rushed inside to find Snails bawling loudly. This was by far the worst 24 hours of his life. He hadn't done anything to deserve where he is right now. He was well know for volunteering at the hospital on his spare time, and the sound of his crying brought tears to many of the ponies in the waiting room, because it was one thing to see Snails sad, but to see him this distraught…well it wasn't right.


Spike, Sweeite Belle, Scootaloo, Apple Bloom and the mane six, excluding Rainbow Dash, burst into the hospital..

"Nurse Redheart! What in tarnation happened?" Applejack shouted.

"Stinger, KO, and Fracture, were planning on killing Snails!" She cried.

"WHAT?" Pinkie Pie shouted.

Everypony ran towards my room. I hid under the covers, still crying loudly, and shaking.

"Snails, Snails Sweetheart….it's okay." Fluttershy tried to comfort me but to no avail. Snips, Pip, and Featherweight tried to comfort me, but they managed to calm me down a little bit.

Sheriff Night came in. "Who's the parent of Snails?"

"I am." Banks spoke up.

"It appears that those three were going to torture your son. But don't worry; they have a long list of charges on them."
"What are the charges?" She asked.

"One count of Theft, two counts of Assault and battery, and attempted murder. All felonies." He listed. "But make sure he gets rest. He'll need to provide a testimony, if they are going to be sentenced."

"Okay…thank you." She said as he left.

Twist came up to the bed and rubbed the part of the blanket where his head was.

"Shhhh….Sthnails…calm down, justh get some resth…you've had a long day….it'll get better…..I promiseth." She soothed.

I peeked an eye though the sheets and said,"…..promise?"

"What I just sthay, silly?" She nuzzled me. "Now come from under those sheets. You're probably suffocating."

He complied, and his eyes were so red from crying. "You need to rest, sweetheart." Nurse Redheart told him.
I-i-I'm too scared to sleep…." I admitted.

"Oh don't worry. We'll sleep in here with you, if that's okay with everyone." Twilight reassured.

All of the ponies nodded in agreement.

"I'll go get some extra pillows and blankets." One of the nursing assistants told them.

Rarity's makeup was running down her face. "Snails, I'm sorry I doubted you!"

"it's okay Rarity." I whispered.

Spike looked at the room and notices that there were two recliners, and a couch that lets out into a bed.

"Ummm…..I know it's a bad time to say this but I CALL RECLINER!" he yelled loud enough for only the people in the room could hear.

"Nope!" Applejack ran over to the recliners and spread her body over both of them, then she hissed, "MINE!"

The nurse returned with the blankets when all of a sudden Rainbow Dash came in, tears freely flowing down her eyes. She went into the room, stood on my bed and melted.

"Snails! Please don't kill yourself! I'm Sorry I insulted you!" She turned to Pip. "I'm sorry I hit your eye! I'm sorry for yelling. Please don't hate me!"

Something in my body sais to not forgive her, but when do you find Rainbow Dash apologizing, or crying for that matter?
I nuzzled her. "It's okay Rainbow Dash…..I forgive you…" I wiped a tear from her face. She nuzzled back. Pip ran up to her and jumped on her back.

"I forgive you too!" He squeaked happily.

Pinkie Pie walked over to me and lifted his good arm up. It slowly fell back down.

"You sir, are suffering from a case of STRESS OVERLOAD." She told me.

"What?" I cocked my head.

"If you lift you arms up, and they fall down with no hesitation, you're not stressed as much, but if your arms fall down slowly, you're stressed. Rainbow Explained.

"Yeah!" Pinkie concurred.

"So what do I do to take the stress away?"

Sweetie Belle giggled, "oh I was hoping you'd ask."

She came over and stared to massage his neck, Pinkie Pie massaged his hoof. I was uneasy at first but settled into it, and boy did it feel AMAZING. A small blush came across my face. Sweetie Belle slowly worked her way down to his shoulders, then my back.

"You're hooves are magical." I said.

"Thanks!" she replied.

"Alright everypony I think it's time to hit the hay." Twilight told everyone.

"Awwww…what? ah'm *cute yawn* ah'm not tired at all…" Apple Bloom said as she fell asleep. Applejack picked her up and carried her to the recliner where they would be sleeping. Banks slept on the floor, along with, Fluttershy, Pinkie, and Rainbow Dash. Twilight and Spike shared a recliner while Rarity, Sweetie Belle, Pipsqueak and Featherweight slept on the couch. Snails fell asleep upright in a chair and rested his head on the bed rail.

"Well now I have nowhere to sthleep…" Twist said with a sad tone.

I scooted over and smiled at her. “Get up here, you

"Are you sthure they wouldn't mind?" she asked him.

"Not at all! We're not 'like that' yet are we." I assured.

"I guessth you have a point." she said as she hopped under the blankets. "Awwwww….." Banks said as she saw us.

"uuhhhh….It's not what-"

"shhhh….I know…good night." She said as she shut the door and turned off the lights.

"Uhmmm….Twist?" I asked.


"Thank you. For everything."

She took off her glasses and nuzzled my forehead. "Don't worry about it."

The moonlight was bouncing off of those pretty eyes of hers. "You’re such a pretty filly, you know that?”

She giggled and snuggled up to me. "Goodnight Sthnails."

I hugged her tighter. "Goodnight, Twist."

Yeah More, edits, wanted this fic to be PERFECT! Read and review!