• Published 12th Jul 2012
  • 1,472 Views, 17 Comments

That's What Little Colts Are Made Of - Jomm the Dino

When Snails feel like he's a waste of time, his friends show him other wise.

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Bad Day

Bad Day

Takes place after “Welcome to Ponyville!”. (Highly recommended to read that first before reading this!!!!)

Bad days. We ALL have them. It can be today, tomorrow or the next day. You’ll never know when it’ll come. Today would be my bad day. Probably one of the worst days ever. My name is Snails. Oh, I know what you’re thinking. “I’m the slow colt who caused the Ursa Minor incident.” Or “I’m one of the kids in the Foal Free Press article.” Those things may be true, but, you see I’m not actually the goof-ball you think I am. I’m much more than that….so much more, and my friends helped me realize that…..

It all started one Friday morning. Snips slept in my room because we stayed up late (as always) playing video games.

“Snails! Snails, Wake up!” Snips Chirped excitedly. “Tonight’s the party!”

“*overexaggerated snore*…..no salt please……” I whispered. Snips laughed at my sleep talk.

“Snails. Wake up!” Snips shoved me. Still no response. So he tried hitting me with a pillow. No response. That’s when an idea popped up in his head. He pulled out his PoniPod, plugged it into his speakers and turned it up into a very high volume and started to play “Good Morning” by Psychopony….


Morning Sleepyhead…..time to get up..

(louder snore)

I Said it’s time to get up! Rise and Shine! It’s a Whole new day, Full of opportunities AND possibilities!

I said…….


touch that snooze button…..or I’ll rip out your……ears! YEAH THAT’S IT! YOUR EARS!!!!!!!!


I don’t wanna get up.


But I don’t wanna get up!


I don’t wanna get up!




YOU BETTER GET UP before I started singing you a song…
Alright Alright! I’m up! I’m up! Just PLEASE stop singing man you sing like S&@T!!!!!!!!”

I slowly got up, groggy and all. I looked at my friend, or foster brother, rather, and tackled him to the floor. After about three minutes of this, we went downstairs and into our kitchen.

On his refrigerator was a note:

Aftershave is on a business trip; Went to work early; won’t be home till 8 p.m. but will be able to walk you home from party. Left 30 bits for food items.
XOXO Mommy!
P.S. I prepacked your lunches.
P.S.S. I like turtles.

I lost his mood when he read the note. My foster-mother (Snips’ stepmother), Banks, (a.k.a. BIG MONEY! As Snails calls her.) is a hard working accountant. My’ foster-father (Snips’ real father) Aftershave, was a traveling barber.

“Hey Snails, you okay?” He asked.

I responded to his question. “hmmm? Oh yeah I’m fine, I’m just….PERFECT.” I ended with gritted teeth.

“You sure? Cuz you don’t sound perfect.”

“I’M FINE!” I shouted. Snips backed away.

“I’m sorry…I just don’t like it when Mommy isn’t here.” I apologized to Snips.

Snips patted his friend on his back. “It’s okay man….I know how you feel….”



“Why did Zander’s parents name him after a fish?” I asked.

“Oh his full name is Jomm Alexander.” Snips explained.


“hey it’s 7:45. We should be getting to school.”

“Oh man you’re right.” I responded.

As we got everything ready to go, we were walking out of their home when 3 larger colts approached us. The leader was Stinger, a large red pegasus with blue eyes, a white mohawk with a boxing glove for a cutie mark. The next colt was Knock-Out, a yellow earth pony with green eyes, a black faux hawk, and had a punching bag as his cutie mark. The last was Fracture, a pure white unicorn with a brown left eye and a blue right eye, an auburn mane and as his name suggests, he had a broken bone as his cutie mark. Snips and I started to shake nervously.

“Oh look what we have here! It’s Down Syndrome!” Stinger spoke up. KO and Fracture laughed. Celestia did I hated it when they called me that.

“Shut up steroids.” I shot back.

“You got the money?” Stinger asked.

“For what?” I responded.

Stinger laughed as he punched Snails directly in my snout. “This is how it works. You get things from your parents, You give them to me, you keep your mouth shut, and were all happy.” He kicked my in his rib cage. I looked over to Snips and mouthed, “RUN!” Snips complied, running as fast as his stubby legs and carry him, without being seen by Stinger or his friends.

Alright, I REALLY hated these three. They were mean, two-faced. Not to mention that their parents didn’t like me.

“I’m gonna asked this again. Did you bring my money?” Stinger asked. Yeah, I had money, but that was MY money.

“Buck you.” I responded in a smart-ass tone. Unfortunately, I got a kick to the face as his reply, my head slamming the door. I fell down, and Stinger started to kick me relentlessly, soon KO and Fracture started to join. I was kicked in my face, throat, back, chest, arms. It seemed like hours but in reality, this went on for about two minutes until I passed out due to fatigue.


Class was starting at the elementary school, and Snips was waiting anxiously in his seat. It never took this long for Snips to get away from Stinger. Ms. Cheerilee was taking roll as usual, but when she got to Snails, she counted his absent……as usual.


I woke up from the attack. My nose was still bloody, my left arm was swollen and I had multiple bruises on his body. And boy was I aching. I was looking in my satchel to find that his books have been ripped apart, His homework was missing, and his 30 bits were gone. He looked at the nearest outdoor clock, which read 9:45 am.

“How lucky am I.” I said to myself. I trotted, (limped rather) to the elementary school. It took a couple of minutes, but I got there. When I stepped in, however, I saw the mane six, who I presume were giving lectures.

Mrs. Cheerilee just glimpsed at me, not long enough to examine my injuries. “Late again, are we Snails?”

I didn’t answer. I stood at the door, dusting myself off.

“You’re teacher asked you a question.” Rainbow Dash scolded me.

Still didn’t answer. I just went over and took my seat.

“Whoa! The most disrespectful pony in Ponyville telling me how to show some respect other people! That would really make me stop!” I told her.

“Par’der, lose tha attitude.” Applejack told him sternly.

“Snails, do you have your homework?” Cheerilee asked again.

“I did but someone took it.” I spoke up.

“Dear Celestia this excuse again… Cheerilee rolled her eyes. “And why are you late again?”

“Uuuuuuhhhh…I kinda had trouble coming to school.” I replied.

“You had trouble coming to school?” Twilight, the typical egghead spoke up. “How can you have trouble coming to school? School is amazing! You learn new things every day.”

“Twilight not to be harsh or anything, but I would set this place on fire and leave about half the ponies in here to burn if I had the chance.” I told her, earning a gasp from the classroom.

“Snails, what has gotten into you?!” Cheerilee exclaimed.

Me, being the guy who doesn’t like to recollect everything, just told her,. “I’m just having a bad day…”

“Well, why don’t you tell us about it?” Rainbow asked.

“Since when did you become a therapist?” I smiled and took his seat.

“uuuhhh…okay so as we continue our lesson….” Cheerilee continued.

Snips leaned over to me and asked, “Dude what the buck happened?”

I sighed and looked over at him. “Well they beat me up, took mom’s money and my homework.”

“Damn it Snails why do you refuse to tell anypony about them?!” Snips whisper-shouted.

“Why would I do that? They have more power than I do, and plus, they have a popular status among Ponyville.” I replied.

“Snails, do you know the answer?” Twilight asked. I quickly faced Twilight.

“What was that?” I asked slowly.

“Snails, you have a poor participation grade in this class.” Cheerilee examined her sheets. “You should really pay attention to class more.”

“Yes I do believe that is the case. Why can’t you be more civilized and sophisticated like those three gentlecolts?” Rarity asked, pointing to Fracture, KO and Stinger.

I stared those buttholes down.

“Yeah did you know what these three did?” Rainbow asked. “They turned their homework in ON TIME, and they brought some food for the party. How awesome was that?”

“Yeah Snails, instead of being slow, be more like us.” Fracture glared.

“Hey that’s not very nice.” Pinkie spoke up.

“Oh relax Pinkie.” Rainbow reassured. “It’s not like he pays attention.”

But indeed I was paying attention, and listening to my idol making fun of me like that, and watching her praise the disgusting act of theft. You see, I know this game very well. When I was told to do something, yeah I did it, but it wasn’t praise I got, it was ‘why couldn’t you be like this or that’ but when THEY did it, it was like they were national heroes. Flank kissers.

I was getting aggravated. “Well what was the question?”

“Oh nothing, you couldn’t get it right anyway.” Rainbow said. Some of the fillies and colts in the classroom started to laugh.

“What was the question?” I asked again.

“Okay then.” Rainbow Dash flew towards me. “This is algebra. If A equals six, B equals two and C equals four, then what’s 12(Ax23)x(C/4+2xB)?”

Celestia damn it….”Ummmm…8280?” I asked.

“WRONG!!!” she yelled. “Anyone else?”

Knock-Out raised his hand. “8280.”

“Correct!” Rainbow praised. I just stared at her.

“Uh…. Rainbow Dash? Isn’t that EXACTLY what Snails said?” asked Rumble.

“Oh….oh it was! I’m sorry Snails. I guess I expected you to say something stupid again.” She apologized.

Excuse me?

“Now explain to me what the buck that’s supposed to mean.” I semi-shouted. Now I can tolerate a lot of things, but shit gets serious if a pony calls me stupid.

“Snails!” Mrs. Cheerilee asked. My other classmates had their jaws on the floor. The other mares just stared at me.

“No I want this motherbucker to explain to me what is it that I say that’s stupid.” I replied.

“Snails, you will NOT talk to the element of loyalty like that!” Mrs. Cheerilee glared at me.

“Oh! So they can disrespect little colts, such as I, but we have to kiss their flanks?”

“Whoa what do you mean ‘their’?” Applejack stood up.

I threw my hooves in the air, everyone noticing my swollen arm. That’s when Stinger decided he wanted to have fun with that.

“Snails I think I know why you were late for school.” He said slyly while examining my arm.

“Wha-“ I had to think about it for a second. “No! CELESTIA no! You sick bastard!” I defended.


“For what?!” I asked her.

“Disturbing the class.”

“They star-“ I couldn’t finish. I felt more pain on my injured arm.

“DON’T TALK BACK TO THE TEACHER!” Stinger yelled. I knew the bastard had hit my arm. I thought Mrs. Cheerilee would say something, but she just stood there.

“Uhhh…” I started. “Are you blind or something?”

“LEAVE!” Cheerilee started to trot to my desk and started throwing my stuff out.

“Whoa Cheerilee! Relax!” Pinkie Pie got up and blocked her from touching anymore of my stuff. I’m glad one pony’s on my side.

So I got up and started to leave the classroom. I turned around to Rainbow and pulled out the Rainbow Dash fan club T-shirt I always kept in my bad for easy access. Rainbow Dash smiled. Until I ripped it, and tossed it in her face.

“Suck it.” I said as I gathered my things and left.

After school, Snips, Pipsqueak, Featherweight, Twist, and Silver Spoon trotted over to my house.

Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash accompanied them.

“Uhhh……why do we have to go?”

“So you can apologize to him.” Pinkie responded. “It’s not nice if you call someone stupid.”

“Well he does say stupid things and he was completely disrespectful to me.” Rainbow retorted.

Featherweight glared at her. “Uhhh…are you not listening to yourself? You’re talking bad about a COLT.”

“We’ll he shoudn’t have disrespected me like that.” Rainbow said sarcastically.

Pipsqueak wasn’t going to let her talk about him. “Ok no pony told you to have to come along, so instead of bitching about how he was disrespectful, just leave, damn it!” He squeaked. Everyone stared at Pipsqueak. No pony has ever had the balls to disrespect Rainbow Dash until now.

“Wow Pip, calm down!” Silver Spoon patted his back.

“Well fine maybe I will!” She yelled.

“Fine! Bucking leave, god damn it! He’s probably pissed at you anyway!” He squeaked again.

“I don’t care!” she yelled in his face.

“Dashie calm down!” Pinkie got between them.



“THEN WHY THE BLOODY HELL ARE WE HAVING THIS CONVOERSATION?! LEAVE, YOU LESBIAN MOTHERBUCKER!” he shouted again. He then found himself on the ground, his eye swelling up.

“Ah!” he gasped. He wasn’t fazed by the hit, but he couldn’t open his right eye.

“PIP!” The others ran towards him.

“Ah…I’m fine…it’s Snails were should be worrying about!” He laughed, calmly walking toward Snails’ house.

“ARE YOU LOCO IN THE COCO!” Pinkie shrieked.

“He started it.” Rainbow Dashed mumbled.

“I DON’T CARE! YOU NEVER EVER HIT A MINOR!” Pinkie shouted as she ran toward my house.

There was another knock at the door; I saw only Twist’s face. When I opened up saw everyone else. I noticed Pip’s eye.


“Rainbow Dash.” He responded. “But why were you so upset today?”


“Can you please answer my question mate?” Pipsqueak asked as Snips pulled out a first aid kit.

“Yeah man, you seemed pretty hurt.” Featherweight spoke up.

“I-I-I-it’s nothing, honest...”

“And why did you get so offended when Rarity asked if you could be like Stinger and the others?” Silver Spoon spoke up.

“I SAID IT’S NOTHING!” I yelled before running up to my room and slamming the door.

“That doesn’t sound like nothing to me.” Featherweight said as he walked up the stairs.

“Snails please come out.” Snips asked. No response.

“Please, we just wanna talk.” Pipsqueak spoke up.

“*sniff* but I don’t wanna talk right now…” I answered behind the door.

“Well can we talk about it later?” Twist asked.


“So….. I’ll sthee you at the party…I guessth.” Twist said with a gloomy tone.

“Yea…” I answered.

“Well?” Snips asked.

“He sthaid he’ll talk to usth about it later.” Twist responded.

“Okay…..” Pinkie responded. She looked at her Pinkie watch which read 4:35

“Oh Cupcakes I need to get ready!” she said before she dashed off.

As the others left, Twist stayed behind. “uuummm…Sthnips?”


“Is Sthnails your foster brother?”

Snips froze. He prayed that no one would find out but apparently she did. He sighed and responded, “Yes he is. How did you find out?”

“I read the newsthpaper, silly. And plusth, how doesth he have a key to YOUR housthe? But I’m the only one who knowsth.” She explained.

Snips just laughed.

“You think he’ll be okay?” she asked.

Snips sighed. “Probably not, he’s been so distant lately.”

“Can I go upsthairsth to try to talk to him, again?” She asked.

“Of course.” He gave her permission.

She knocked on the door twice before it opened. I just stared at her.

“S-s-sthnails, are you okay?”

“No I’m not…”

“Do you wanna talk about it?” She asked trying not to make him upset.

He sat upright on his bed, Twist followed him, sitting on the bed.

“It’s just…..I’ve been conflicting with my feelings lately. Twilight’s been acting like a bitch towards be ever since the Ursa Minor incident, and Rainbow Dash, well….never mind.”

“What about her?” Twist asked.

“Well…. A few weeks before my parents died, she yelled at them for not following directions of the weather patrol.”

“Oh yeah both of your parentsth were pegasthi!” She remembered.

“Yeah. She kept yelling at them. Saying how, ‘they’re useless’ ‘they’re retarded’ and ‘how their children will never mount to nothing’

“That’sth awful!” She responded.

“I know. After my mom died, my dad went into a depressed state until he decided to kill himself.”

“H-h-how did your dad-“

“Overdose of barbiturates.” I answered.

“How did your mom die?” she asked slowly.

“She kept complaining about her tummy was hurting. Came to find out, she had stomach cancer. She was checked in the hospital on the 5th and died on the 11th.”

Twist was on the verge of tears. This was by far the saddest story she’s heard.

“That’s when things got worse. My parents both had life insurance policies. My dad’s, 21,000,000 bits. My mom, 34,000,000 bits. It was supposed to be given to me when I turn sixteen, but somehow, my name wasn’t on the insurance claim, but it was given to Punch-Out.”


“I know, he received the 55-million bits and kept telling me how good it was living on ‘poor people money’. I’m like, what the buck. He or his wife never liked me, by the way.”

“That’sth not right.” Twist said softly.

“Yeah, BUT they found out that he switched the names of the insurance claims from his own, being 12,000 bits. The bastard’s in prison now.”

“Well that’sth niceth….but…”

“Stinger hasn’t gotten over the incident. He beats me up every mother bucking day. Sometimes it’s just him, other times it’s him and the other two. Sometimes with a weapon, sometimes without. He told me that the day I tell the cops would be the last day I saw sunlight.” I was crying now. “And today before I came to school, the three of them jumped me. That should have been my homework. Those were my 30 bits…But you can’t win em all…right?” I smiled at Twist.

Twist leaned on me. “I had no idea you were going through stho much pain.”

“I know you didn’t.”

“How do you deal with it?” She asked me.

I looked at her with guilt. “Twist, I’m going to tell you something but promise me you won’t overreact.”

She looked at me with concern. “Okay…”

I took a deep breath. “I was planning on suicide.”

“WHAT? WHEN?!” She shouted.

I didn’t answer her. I just pointed to a noose that was set up on his closet and a chair below the noose. Twist was wailing now.

“Snails….” she cried as she hugged me.

Snips trotted upstairs and knocked on my door.

“Hey Sn-“ he Started.

Twist pointed to the noose. Snips’ eyes were welling up with tears. “Why would you want to do something like this….” He sat down on his haunches and started to cry.

“I-i-i-I’m sorry, I just didn’t want to suffer anymore…..” I choked.

“Please…don’t do this…” Twist looked at me. We were both were crying now.

“I won’t…..I still have you….” I dazed.


“oh. Um…err…” I responded, tears still flowing.

Twist smiled.

“Snails, I’m calling the others…..”

“NO please don’t!” I begged. I didn’t want the others learning about my situation, I don’t like getting attention like that.”

“Please man, you need help.”

“But-“ I was interrupted by Twist nuzzling me.

“Please? You need sthomeone to talk to.” She pleaded.

I leaned on her and said, “…ok..”, more tears flowing down my face.

The others decided to go over to Derpy’s mansion, Pinkie was preparing for the party, and Rainbow was……who cares?

“Dude, Rainbow Dash did this?” Zander asked.

“Yeah.” Pipsqueak responded.

Soon the phone started ringing. Dinky ran and answered the phone.

“Helloooooo?” She chimed. “Oh hi Sni-……oh…..OH MY GOSH…..DID HE DO IT?!.......WHA-……..OK I’M ON MY WAY!” She hung up the phone and came rushing towards everyone.

“Dinky sweetheart what’s wrong?” Derpy asked.


Everyone zapped up. “Oh crap, are you serious?” Featherweight shouted.

“Yes! Snips just told me!”

“We’ve got to get over there. Fluttershy, call an ambulance.” Twilight snapped into action.

“Already on it.” Fluttershy responded.

When they got there, Snips was standing in the living room, and Twist was still hugging me on the couch.

“Please tell me this is a joke.” Pinkie Pie said with a worried tone.

I just sat there. I couldn’t help but to feel guilty from all the stress I’m causing them.

Dinky came to me and gave me a hug. Then Featherweight, Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, Pipsqueak.

I started to cry; Dinky started to cry also and asked. “Why would you consider something like that?”

“Because he’sth been through more than you can imagine.” Twist responded.

“What do you mean?” Pip choked, wiping a tear from his good eye.

“Yeah? Is-is there something we should know about?” Featherweight hiccupped

Twist looked at me and whispered. “Tell them everything, They’ll understand.”

Taking her advice, I started to tell them everything.

Song-Good Morning by Psychostick.

A/N- Yeah I got tired of people comlaining about how the story isn’t good, so I made a few edits. R&R.

Also…Twi-Shy-Pie- SnailsxTwist is SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Much better when you think about it. You can do so much more with this couple. THX!!!!