> That's What Little Colts Are Made Of > by Jomm the Dino > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Bad Day > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bad Day Takes place after “Welcome to Ponyville!”. (Highly recommended to read that first before reading this!!!!) Bad days. We ALL have them. It can be today, tomorrow or the next day. You’ll never know when it’ll come. Today would be my bad day. Probably one of the worst days ever. My name is Snails. Oh, I know what you’re thinking. “I’m the slow colt who caused the Ursa Minor incident.” Or “I’m one of the kids in the Foal Free Press article.” Those things may be true, but, you see I’m not actually the goof-ball you think I am. I’m much more than that….so much more, and my friends helped me realize that….. It all started one Friday morning. Snips slept in my room because we stayed up late (as always) playing video games. “Snails! Snails, Wake up!” Snips Chirped excitedly. “Tonight’s the party!” “*overexaggerated snore*…..no salt please……” I whispered. Snips laughed at my sleep talk. “Snails. Wake up!” Snips shoved me. Still no response. So he tried hitting me with a pillow. No response. That’s when an idea popped up in his head. He pulled out his PoniPod, plugged it into his speakers and turned it up into a very high volume and started to play “Good Morning” by Psychopony…. (snore) Morning Sleepyhead…..time to get up.. (louder snore) I Said it’s time to get up! Rise and Shine! It’s a Whole new day, Full of opportunities AND possibilities! I said……. WAAAAKE UUUUUUUUUUUUUP!!!!!!!! touch that snooze button…..or I’ll rip out your……ears! YEAH THAT’S IT! YOUR EARS!!!!!!!! WAKE UP! I don’t wanna get up. I SAID WAKE UP! But I don’t wanna get up! COME ON WAKE UP! I don’t wanna get up! I SAID WAKE UP! I DON’T WANNA GET UUUUUUUUPPPPP!!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!! YOU BETTER GET UP! YOU BETTER GET UP! YOU BETTER GET UP before I started singing you a song… Alright Alright! I’m up! I’m up! Just PLEASE stop singing man you sing like S&@T!!!!!!!!” I slowly got up, groggy and all. I looked at my friend, or foster brother, rather, and tackled him to the floor. After about three minutes of this, we went downstairs and into our kitchen. On his refrigerator was a note: Aftershave is on a business trip; Went to work early; won’t be home till 8 p.m. but will be able to walk you home from party. Left 30 bits for food items. XOXO Mommy! P.S. I prepacked your lunches. P.S.S. I like turtles. I lost his mood when he read the note. My foster-mother (Snips’ stepmother), Banks, (a.k.a. BIG MONEY! As Snails calls her.) is a hard working accountant. My’ foster-father (Snips’ real father) Aftershave, was a traveling barber. “Hey Snails, you okay?” He asked. I responded to his question. “hmmm? Oh yeah I’m fine, I’m just….PERFECT.” I ended with gritted teeth. “You sure? Cuz you don’t sound perfect.” “I’M FINE!” I shouted. Snips backed away. “I’m sorry…I just don’t like it when Mommy isn’t here.” I apologized to Snips. Snips patted his friend on his back. “It’s okay man….I know how you feel….” “Snips?” “Yeah?” “Why did Zander’s parents name him after a fish?” I asked. “Oh his full name is Jomm Alexander.” Snips explained. “Ohhhhh!” “hey it’s 7:45. We should be getting to school.” “Oh man you’re right.” I responded. As we got everything ready to go, we were walking out of their home when 3 larger colts approached us. The leader was Stinger, a large red pegasus with blue eyes, a white mohawk with a boxing glove for a cutie mark. The next colt was Knock-Out, a yellow earth pony with green eyes, a black faux hawk, and had a punching bag as his cutie mark. The last was Fracture, a pure white unicorn with a brown left eye and a blue right eye, an auburn mane and as his name suggests, he had a broken bone as his cutie mark. Snips and I started to shake nervously. “Oh look what we have here! It’s Down Syndrome!” Stinger spoke up. KO and Fracture laughed. Celestia did I hated it when they called me that. “Shut up steroids.” I shot back. “You got the money?” Stinger asked. “For what?” I responded. Stinger laughed as he punched Snails directly in my snout. “This is how it works. You get things from your parents, You give them to me, you keep your mouth shut, and were all happy.” He kicked my in his rib cage. I looked over to Snips and mouthed, “RUN!” Snips complied, running as fast as his stubby legs and carry him, without being seen by Stinger or his friends. Alright, I REALLY hated these three. They were mean, two-faced. Not to mention that their parents didn’t like me. “I’m gonna asked this again. Did you bring my money?” Stinger asked. Yeah, I had money, but that was MY money. “Buck you.” I responded in a smart-ass tone. Unfortunately, I got a kick to the face as his reply, my head slamming the door. I fell down, and Stinger started to kick me relentlessly, soon KO and Fracture started to join. I was kicked in my face, throat, back, chest, arms. It seemed like hours but in reality, this went on for about two minutes until I passed out due to fatigue. ….. Class was starting at the elementary school, and Snips was waiting anxiously in his seat. It never took this long for Snips to get away from Stinger. Ms. Cheerilee was taking roll as usual, but when she got to Snails, she counted his absent……as usual. ... I woke up from the attack. My nose was still bloody, my left arm was swollen and I had multiple bruises on his body. And boy was I aching. I was looking in my satchel to find that his books have been ripped apart, His homework was missing, and his 30 bits were gone. He looked at the nearest outdoor clock, which read 9:45 am. “How lucky am I.” I said to myself. I trotted, (limped rather) to the elementary school. It took a couple of minutes, but I got there. When I stepped in, however, I saw the mane six, who I presume were giving lectures. Mrs. Cheerilee just glimpsed at me, not long enough to examine my injuries. “Late again, are we Snails?” I didn’t answer. I stood at the door, dusting myself off. “You’re teacher asked you a question.” Rainbow Dash scolded me. Still didn’t answer. I just went over and took my seat. “Whoa! The most disrespectful pony in Ponyville telling me how to show some respect other people! That would really make me stop!” I told her. “Par’der, lose tha attitude.” Applejack told him sternly. “Snails, do you have your homework?” Cheerilee asked again. “I did but someone took it.” I spoke up. “Dear Celestia this excuse again… Cheerilee rolled her eyes. “And why are you late again?” “Uuuuuuhhhh…I kinda had trouble coming to school.” I replied. “You had trouble coming to school?” Twilight, the typical egghead spoke up. “How can you have trouble coming to school? School is amazing! You learn new things every day.” “Twilight not to be harsh or anything, but I would set this place on fire and leave about half the ponies in here to burn if I had the chance.” I told her, earning a gasp from the classroom. “Snails, what has gotten into you?!” Cheerilee exclaimed. Me, being the guy who doesn’t like to recollect everything, just told her,. “I’m just having a bad day…” “Well, why don’t you tell us about it?” Rainbow asked. “Since when did you become a therapist?” I smiled and took his seat. “uuuhhh…okay so as we continue our lesson….” Cheerilee continued. Snips leaned over to me and asked, “Dude what the buck happened?” I sighed and looked over at him. “Well they beat me up, took mom’s money and my homework.” “Damn it Snails why do you refuse to tell anypony about them?!” Snips whisper-shouted. “Why would I do that? They have more power than I do, and plus, they have a popular status among Ponyville.” I replied. “Snails, do you know the answer?” Twilight asked. I quickly faced Twilight. “What was that?” I asked slowly. “Snails, you have a poor participation grade in this class.” Cheerilee examined her sheets. “You should really pay attention to class more.” “Yes I do believe that is the case. Why can’t you be more civilized and sophisticated like those three gentlecolts?” Rarity asked, pointing to Fracture, KO and Stinger. I stared those buttholes down. “Yeah did you know what these three did?” Rainbow asked. “They turned their homework in ON TIME, and they brought some food for the party. How awesome was that?” “Yeah Snails, instead of being slow, be more like us.” Fracture glared. “Hey that’s not very nice.” Pinkie spoke up. “Oh relax Pinkie.” Rainbow reassured. “It’s not like he pays attention.” But indeed I was paying attention, and listening to my idol making fun of me like that, and watching her praise the disgusting act of theft. You see, I know this game very well. When I was told to do something, yeah I did it, but it wasn’t praise I got, it was ‘why couldn’t you be like this or that’ but when THEY did it, it was like they were national heroes. Flank kissers. I was getting aggravated. “Well what was the question?” “Oh nothing, you couldn’t get it right anyway.” Rainbow said. Some of the fillies and colts in the classroom started to laugh. “What was the question?” I asked again. “Okay then.” Rainbow Dash flew towards me. “This is algebra. If A equals six, B equals two and C equals four, then what’s 12(Ax23)x(C/4+2xB)?” Celestia damn it….”Ummmm…8280?” I asked. “WRONG!!!” she yelled. “Anyone else?” Knock-Out raised his hand. “8280.” “Correct!” Rainbow praised. I just stared at her. “Uh…. Rainbow Dash? Isn’t that EXACTLY what Snails said?” asked Rumble. “Oh….oh it was! I’m sorry Snails. I guess I expected you to say something stupid again.” She apologized. Excuse me? “Now explain to me what the buck that’s supposed to mean.” I semi-shouted. Now I can tolerate a lot of things, but shit gets serious if a pony calls me stupid. “Snails!” Mrs. Cheerilee asked. My other classmates had their jaws on the floor. The other mares just stared at me. “No I want this motherbucker to explain to me what is it that I say that’s stupid.” I replied. “Snails, you will NOT talk to the element of loyalty like that!” Mrs. Cheerilee glared at me. “Oh! So they can disrespect little colts, such as I, but we have to kiss their flanks?” “Whoa what do you mean ‘their’?” Applejack stood up. I threw my hooves in the air, everyone noticing my swollen arm. That’s when Stinger decided he wanted to have fun with that. “Snails I think I know why you were late for school.” He said slyly while examining my arm. “Wha-“ I had to think about it for a second. “No! CELESTIA no! You sick bastard!” I defended. “SNAILS THAT IS ENOUGH!!!” Mrs. Cheerilee snapped. “I’M SORRY BUT I’M AFRAID I’M GOING TO HAVE TO DISMISS YOU FROM CLASS EARLY!” “For what?!” I asked her. “Disturbing the class.” “They star-“ I couldn’t finish. I felt more pain on my injured arm. “DON’T TALK BACK TO THE TEACHER!” Stinger yelled. I knew the bastard had hit my arm. I thought Mrs. Cheerilee would say something, but she just stood there. “Uhhh…” I started. “Are you blind or something?” “LEAVE!” Cheerilee started to trot to my desk and started throwing my stuff out. “Whoa Cheerilee! Relax!” Pinkie Pie got up and blocked her from touching anymore of my stuff. I’m glad one pony’s on my side. So I got up and started to leave the classroom. I turned around to Rainbow and pulled out the Rainbow Dash fan club T-shirt I always kept in my bad for easy access. Rainbow Dash smiled. Until I ripped it, and tossed it in her face. “Suck it.” I said as I gathered my things and left. … After school, Snips, Pipsqueak, Featherweight, Twist, and Silver Spoon trotted over to my house. Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash accompanied them. “Uhhh……why do we have to go?” “So you can apologize to him.” Pinkie responded. “It’s not nice if you call someone stupid.” “Well he does say stupid things and he was completely disrespectful to me.” Rainbow retorted. Featherweight glared at her. “Uhhh…are you not listening to yourself? You’re talking bad about a COLT.” “We’ll he shoudn’t have disrespected me like that.” Rainbow said sarcastically. Pipsqueak wasn’t going to let her talk about him. “Ok no pony told you to have to come along, so instead of bitching about how he was disrespectful, just leave, damn it!” He squeaked. Everyone stared at Pipsqueak. No pony has ever had the balls to disrespect Rainbow Dash until now. “Wow Pip, calm down!” Silver Spoon patted his back. “Well fine maybe I will!” She yelled. “Fine! Bucking leave, god damn it! He’s probably pissed at you anyway!” He squeaked again. “I don’t care!” she yelled in his face. “Dashie calm down!” Pinkie got between them. “NO ONE TOLD YOU TO DO THAT, EITHER!” “I DON’T NEED ANYPONY’S PERMISSION DO I?!” “THEN WHY THE BLOODY HELL ARE WE HAVING THIS CONVOERSATION?! LEAVE, YOU LESBIAN MOTHERBUCKER!” he shouted again. He then found himself on the ground, his eye swelling up. “Ah!” he gasped. He wasn’t fazed by the hit, but he couldn’t open his right eye. “PIP!” The others ran towards him. “Ah…I’m fine…it’s Snails were should be worrying about!” He laughed, calmly walking toward Snails’ house. “ARE YOU LOCO IN THE COCO!” Pinkie shrieked. “He started it.” Rainbow Dashed mumbled. “I DON’T CARE! YOU NEVER EVER HIT A MINOR!” Pinkie shouted as she ran toward my house. … There was another knock at the door; I saw only Twist’s face. When I opened up saw everyone else. I noticed Pip’s eye. “DUDE WHAT HAPPENED?” I shouted. “Rainbow Dash.” He responded. “But why were you so upset today?” “THAT’S NOT IMPORTANT!!! WHAT’S IMPORTANT IS TH-“ “Can you please answer my question mate?” Pipsqueak asked as Snips pulled out a first aid kit. “Yeah man, you seemed pretty hurt.” Featherweight spoke up. “I-I-I-it’s nothing, honest...” “And why did you get so offended when Rarity asked if you could be like Stinger and the others?” Silver Spoon spoke up. “I SAID IT’S NOTHING!” I yelled before running up to my room and slamming the door. “That doesn’t sound like nothing to me.” Featherweight said as he walked up the stairs. “Snails please come out.” Snips asked. No response. “Please, we just wanna talk.” Pipsqueak spoke up. “*sniff* but I don’t wanna talk right now…” I answered behind the door. “Well can we talk about it later?” Twist asked. “ok……” “So….. I’ll sthee you at the party…I guessth.” Twist said with a gloomy tone. “Yea…” I answered. “Well?” Snips asked. “He sthaid he’ll talk to usth about it later.” Twist responded. “Okay…..” Pinkie responded. She looked at her Pinkie watch which read 4:35 “Oh Cupcakes I need to get ready!” she said before she dashed off. As the others left, Twist stayed behind. “uuummm…Sthnips?” “Yeah?” “Is Sthnails your foster brother?” Snips froze. He prayed that no one would find out but apparently she did. He sighed and responded, “Yes he is. How did you find out?” “I read the newsthpaper, silly. And plusth, how doesth he have a key to YOUR housthe? But I’m the only one who knowsth.” She explained. Snips just laughed. “You think he’ll be okay?” she asked. Snips sighed. “Probably not, he’s been so distant lately.” “Can I go upsthairsth to try to talk to him, again?” She asked. “Of course.” He gave her permission. She knocked on the door twice before it opened. I just stared at her. “S-s-sthnails, are you okay?” “No I’m not…” “Do you wanna talk about it?” She asked trying not to make him upset. He sat upright on his bed, Twist followed him, sitting on the bed. “It’s just…..I’ve been conflicting with my feelings lately. Twilight’s been acting like a bitch towards be ever since the Ursa Minor incident, and Rainbow Dash, well….never mind.” “What about her?” Twist asked. “Well…. A few weeks before my parents died, she yelled at them for not following directions of the weather patrol.” “Oh yeah both of your parentsth were pegasthi!” She remembered. “Yeah. She kept yelling at them. Saying how, ‘they’re useless’ ‘they’re retarded’ and ‘how their children will never mount to nothing’ “That’sth awful!” She responded. “I know. After my mom died, my dad went into a depressed state until he decided to kill himself.” “H-h-how did your dad-“ “Overdose of barbiturates.” I answered. “How did your mom die?” she asked slowly. “She kept complaining about her tummy was hurting. Came to find out, she had stomach cancer. She was checked in the hospital on the 5th and died on the 11th.” Twist was on the verge of tears. This was by far the saddest story she’s heard. “That’s when things got worse. My parents both had life insurance policies. My dad’s, 21,000,000 bits. My mom, 34,000,000 bits. It was supposed to be given to me when I turn sixteen, but somehow, my name wasn’t on the insurance claim, but it was given to Punch-Out.” “THAT’STH STHINGER’STH FATHER!” Twist exclaimed. “I know, he received the 55-million bits and kept telling me how good it was living on ‘poor people money’. I’m like, what the buck. He or his wife never liked me, by the way.” “That’sth not right.” Twist said softly. “Yeah, BUT they found out that he switched the names of the insurance claims from his own, being 12,000 bits. The bastard’s in prison now.” “Well that’sth niceth….but…” “Stinger hasn’t gotten over the incident. He beats me up every mother bucking day. Sometimes it’s just him, other times it’s him and the other two. Sometimes with a weapon, sometimes without. He told me that the day I tell the cops would be the last day I saw sunlight.” I was crying now. “And today before I came to school, the three of them jumped me. That should have been my homework. Those were my 30 bits…But you can’t win em all…right?” I smiled at Twist. Twist leaned on me. “I had no idea you were going through stho much pain.” “I know you didn’t.” “How do you deal with it?” She asked me. I looked at her with guilt. “Twist, I’m going to tell you something but promise me you won’t overreact.” She looked at me with concern. “Okay…” I took a deep breath. “I was planning on suicide.” “WHAT? WHEN?!” She shouted. I didn’t answer her. I just pointed to a noose that was set up on his closet and a chair below the noose. Twist was wailing now. “Snails….” she cried as she hugged me. Snips trotted upstairs and knocked on my door. “Hey Sn-“ he Started. Twist pointed to the noose. Snips’ eyes were welling up with tears. “Why would you want to do something like this….” He sat down on his haunches and started to cry. “I-i-i-I’m sorry, I just didn’t want to suffer anymore…..” I choked. “Please…don’t do this…” Twist looked at me. We were both were crying now. “I won’t…..I still have you….” I dazed. “Wh-what?” “oh. Um…err…” I responded, tears still flowing. Twist smiled. “Snails, I’m calling the others…..” “NO please don’t!” I begged. I didn’t want the others learning about my situation, I don’t like getting attention like that.” “Please man, you need help.” “But-“ I was interrupted by Twist nuzzling me. “Please? You need sthomeone to talk to.” She pleaded. I leaned on her and said, “…ok..”, more tears flowing down my face. … The others decided to go over to Derpy’s mansion, Pinkie was preparing for the party, and Rainbow was……who cares? “Dude, Rainbow Dash did this?” Zander asked. “Yeah.” Pipsqueak responded. Soon the phone started ringing. Dinky ran and answered the phone. “Helloooooo?” She chimed. “Oh hi Sni-……oh…..OH MY GOSH…..DID HE DO IT?!.......WHA-……..OK I’M ON MY WAY!” She hung up the phone and came rushing towards everyone. “Dinky sweetheart what’s wrong?” Derpy asked. “SNAILS WAS PLANNING ON SUICIDE!!!!” She hollered. Everyone zapped up. “Oh crap, are you serious?” Featherweight shouted. “Yes! Snips just told me!” “We’ve got to get over there. Fluttershy, call an ambulance.” Twilight snapped into action. “Already on it.” Fluttershy responded. … When they got there, Snips was standing in the living room, and Twist was still hugging me on the couch. “Please tell me this is a joke.” Pinkie Pie said with a worried tone. I just sat there. I couldn’t help but to feel guilty from all the stress I’m causing them. Dinky came to me and gave me a hug. Then Featherweight, Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, Pipsqueak. I started to cry; Dinky started to cry also and asked. “Why would you consider something like that?” “Because he’sth been through more than you can imagine.” Twist responded. “What do you mean?” Pip choked, wiping a tear from his good eye. “Yeah? Is-is there something we should know about?” Featherweight hiccupped Twist looked at me and whispered. “Tell them everything, They’ll understand.” Taking her advice, I started to tell them everything. Song-Good Morning by Psychostick. A/N- Yeah I got tired of people comlaining about how the story isn’t good, so I made a few edits. R&R. Also…Twi-Shy-Pie- SnailsxTwist is SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Much better when you think about it. You can do so much more with this couple. THX!!!! > It's Okay > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It's Okay (Dis)Claimer- I own My Little Pony and everything related. Psssshhht…..no I don't. Hasbro Does! At first the audience was Dinky, Applejack, Twist, Fluttershy, Rarity, Twilight, Pinkie Pie, Featherweight, Pipsqueak, Scootaloo, and Sweetie Belle. Now, two of the EMTs, Mr. and Mrs. Cake, Ditzy, and Spike were listening. Their eyes were wide open in shock. "Oh-oh my….." Fluttershy whispered. "Cinnamon sticks….no aunts or uncles…...that's terrible." Cup Cake choked as she wiped a tear from her eye. "So…..your parents died…..and Snips is your foster brother?" Featherweight asked. "mmmmhmmm….." I responded quietly. "His parents are in the process of adopting me." "Wait. So if that's your stepmother Snips, then where's your real mother?" asked Twilight. "She died." Snips said sadly. "When?" asked Pipsqueak. "Oh! Ummm…like….ten years ago, when I was two or so. She died of ovarian cancer." Snips explained. "Oh my…." One of the EMT whispered. "Well, how long have your parents been married?" Asked Featherweight. "March 2nd would be their 5th anniversary." Snips told them. "But Snails…..I don't actually believe you when you say that Stinger, Knock-Out, and Fracture have been bullying you." Rarity told me. Celestia damn it! I knew this crap would happen. I just stared down. This was just a waste of my time. I squirmed in his seat, letting the others know that I wanted to get up. "Snails don't try to get up, you're injuries are too severe." One of the EMTs told me. I didn't listen. I walked slowly up the stairs and went back into my room and shut the door, but didn't lock it. Then I came back out, and gave them the noose and went back into my room, tears streaming down my eyes. Twist went up to my room. I was sitting on the floor. "Sthnails?" she asked. "mmmm?" "What did the EMTs sthay?" I got on my hooves "It doesn't matter…..Those buttholes won't get in trouble for it anyway…" "What were your injuries?" she asked. "I have a broken arm, two broken ribs, a concussion, and bruises everywhere." I told her. "Snails you need to go to a hospital." She told me. "WHY DOES IT MATTER SO BUCKING MUCH?" I yelled. "THOSE ASSES ARE PROBABLY LAUGHING IT UP RIGHT NOW! THEY NEVER GET IN ANY TROUBLE!" "I know but they have everyone played. They think there so nice." She responded. "THANK YOU! IT'S EXCUSES! EXCUSES! HOW IS ANYPONY SUPPOSED TO BELIEVE ME, WHEN ALL EVERYONE GIVES ME ARE MOTHERBUCKING EXCUSES!" "Sthnails please calm down." Twist tried to tell me. "NO! BUCK MY LIFE! BUCK RAINBOW DASH! BUCK STINGER AND HIS POSSE! BUCK EVERYTHING!" I shouted, kicking my shelf so hard that it, and my right leg, broke. Aaaaaaaaaaaaand……that’s when my world slows down "STHNAILS! OH MY CELESTIA! ARE YOU OKAY?" she was shocked at the sight of my leg. It was bent in an awkward position and a thin bump was sticking out. Everyone rushed up stairs to find me with his injured leg and Twist tending to it. "Don't move it…." she told me. "What. Tha hay?" Applejack stuttered. "Yea, I tend to get mad easily." I explained. The EMTs rushed up in his room, and they brought a stretcher. And I was feeling all weird and stuff, like I had shortness of breath. And I was fading in and out of consciousness. "Come on stay with us, Snails." One of the EMT said. I couldn't hear anything. All I remember seeing was a white flash… … Ponyville Hospital- 7:30 p.m. I woke up in a blue hospital room. My chest was covered in surgical wrap; my left arm and right leg were in casts. My right arm was occupying an IV; and I had a massive headache. "Snails…" I heard my name. "Wh-what happened?" I asked. "You had a heart attack, sweetheart." Nurse Redheart explained gently. "a-a-a heart attack?" I asked. I must’ve been pissed. "Yes.." she said with a worried tone. "You are a very lucky colt indeed. But I didn't know you went through so much at a young age." "Yeah…" He responded weakly. "Oh you have a visitor!" she said. "H-h-ey Snails." I heard a voice. A voice I could only recognize as Twist. "Twist…” I choked, holding back tears of guilt for making her worry so much. "Shhhh….it's okay Sthnails, don't sthay anything." She nuzzled me. "N-no i-it isn't. I had you worried about me…." I said sadly. Twist gave me a look. "I was worried…..becausthe I love you Sthnails." My cheeks were turning red. "Really?" Twist grabbed my hoof. “Yesth. I really do love you Sthnails, which isth weird, consthidering I never had feelingsth like thisth for a colt before. You’re funny, cute, charming, and sthuch a gentlecolt. I feel sthafe around you. You even defended me when I wasth being bullied by Diamond Tiara.” She nuzzled me. I looked at this filly. She admitted she had feelings for me. And of course, I liked her back. It was like; we were made for each other. "I feel all weird and fluttery inside." I told her. Twist laughed. The other nurses were admiring how cute we looked together. "You're forehead is so big and kissable." I told Twist. "My forehead isth big and kissthable?" she giggled as she lowered her head to where I can kiss it. I gave her head a slow peck. "Yep…..big and kissable." "Twist?" Nurse Redheart hot the filly's attention. "Hmmm?" "Snails needs his rest." She explained. Her ears immediately drooped down. Then she thought of an idea. " But….You get your parents' permission, you can stay with him for the night." She laughed as she saw the filly's face light up. "THANKY YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU!" Twist hugged the nurse pony. Grumble….. "Get yourselves something to eat while you're at it." She added. The filly blushed and nodded as she raced out of the hospital. … READER’S POV As Twist left, she saw Snips, Pipsqueak, and Featherweight, and a larger mare coming from the party. "How was it?" she asked slyly. "It could've gone better." Featherweight sighed. "Snails should've been there, he makes things more…interesting." "I concur with that statement, my dear fellow." Pipsqueak added. "How'sth your eye?" Twist asked Pipsqueak. "My mom took me to the doctor. They gave me some medicine to stop the pain, but it only hurts when I close it. Ow." He blinked. "How's Snails? Did he wake up?" "Yeah…" she blushed. "You must be Twist." The mare spoke up. "Yes ma'am." She looked up at the mare. She was a unicorn in her late 20's, early 30's. Her mane was styled like Silver Spoons, but it was black. Her eyes were deep brown. Her coat was green, and her cutie mark was a brown bag with a bit on it. "Pleased to meet you! I'm Banks-" "aka BIG MONEY!" the three colts shouted at the same time. "Snips' stepmother. You're the filly Snails must be telling me about." Banks added. "He tells me there's this filly at his school. She's nice, sweet, gentle, and has the cutest pair of glasses that show of the brilliant fuchsia jewels called eyes. He's always wanted to be with you." Twist blushed as she held her head down. "Ohohohohoho! You two are a couple now aren't you?" Snips asked. "What gave it away?" She asked. "Your cheeks are as red as Big Macintosh." She looked down and shuffled her hooves. "We may be…." "So where you headed?" Pip spoke up. "Oh I'm going home to asthk my mom to sthpend the night at the hospital. If I can, then I wasth going to grab me and Sthnails sthomething to eat." "Speaking of, you mom already gave you permission. You're mom's Sweet Treat, right?" Banks spoke up. "Yesth ma'am." She responded. "Tell you what, you guys go back to the hospital and I'll go get food." Banks told them. "Cool beans." Featherweight told her. As they walked towards the hospital, Nurse Redheart and three other patrons were chasing Stinger, Knock-Out, and Fracture out of the hospital. "I told him the day he told any pony would be the last day he saw sunlight!" Shouted Stinger. "DON'T LET THEM GET AWAY!" shouted one of the nurses. Almost instantly, Banks' horn started to glow its brilliant green magic, and caught the three. "Where do you kids think you're going?" Banks asked. "Let us go, Damn it!" Fracture yelled. Soon, security guards and police officers were on them. The foal's eyes widened. They dashed towards the hospital, fearing the worst. "WHAT'STH GOING ON? WHERE'S STHNAILS?" Twist yelled, tears streaming down her eyes. "Sweetie, calm down, calm down." Nurse Redheart soothed the filly. "Snails is doing fine. He isn't hurt or anything. I promise." Twist looked up at her face and noticed that her jaw had a purple knot on it. "Your cheek….are you okay?" she asked. "I'm fine." The nurse responded as she examined it. "What happened?" Banks demanded. "Well," Nurse Redheart started. "Those three walked in and they wanted to see Snails. Of course, I know of the conflict they had with him, so I said no. Apparently they don't take no for an answer, because the white one punched me while the other two went towards his room. Doctor Wise saw that and tackled the two of them to the floor. And that's when they dropped these." She brought a bag full of choking wires, poisons, a pistol, ice picks, scissors, rubbing alcohol, a jar, syringes, and a book with the title, "Combat Torture 101". "What the hell?" Banks thought to herself. "THEY WERE GONNA KILL HIM?" Snips screamed. "We were gonna do more than that!" Stinger told them, which earned him a jab to the back of the head by one of the officers. "Wanna feel sumthin' worse than that boy?" the officer asked with a signature southern drawl. "…no…" Stinger responded. "THEN SHUT YER BUCKIN' FACE!" he yelled. They rushed inside to find Snails bawling loudly. This was by far the worst 24 hours of his life. He hadn't done anything to deserve where he is right now. He was well know for volunteering at the hospital on his spare time, and the sound of his crying brought tears to many of the ponies in the waiting room, because it was one thing to see Snails sad, but to see him this distraught…well it wasn't right. … SNAIL’S POV Spike, Sweeite Belle, Scootaloo, Apple Bloom and the mane six, excluding Rainbow Dash, burst into the hospital.. "Nurse Redheart! What in tarnation happened?" Applejack shouted. "Stinger, KO, and Fracture, were planning on killing Snails!" She cried. "WHAT?" Pinkie Pie shouted. Everypony ran towards my room. I hid under the covers, still crying loudly, and shaking. "Snails, Snails Sweetheart….it's okay." Fluttershy tried to comfort me but to no avail. Snips, Pip, and Featherweight tried to comfort me, but they managed to calm me down a little bit. Sheriff Night came in. "Who's the parent of Snails?" "I am." Banks spoke up. "It appears that those three were going to torture your son. But don't worry; they have a long list of charges on them." "What are the charges?" She asked. "One count of Theft, two counts of Assault and battery, and attempted murder. All felonies." He listed. "But make sure he gets rest. He'll need to provide a testimony, if they are going to be sentenced." "Okay…thank you." She said as he left. Twist came up to the bed and rubbed the part of the blanket where his head was. "Shhhh….Sthnails…calm down, justh get some resth…you've had a long day….it'll get better…..I promiseth." She soothed. I peeked an eye though the sheets and said,"…..promise?" "What I just sthay, silly?" She nuzzled me. "Now come from under those sheets. You're probably suffocating." He complied, and his eyes were so red from crying. "You need to rest, sweetheart." Nurse Redheart told him. I-i-I'm too scared to sleep…." I admitted. "Oh don't worry. We'll sleep in here with you, if that's okay with everyone." Twilight reassured. All of the ponies nodded in agreement. "I'll go get some extra pillows and blankets." One of the nursing assistants told them. Rarity's makeup was running down her face. "Snails, I'm sorry I doubted you!" "it's okay Rarity." I whispered. Spike looked at the room and notices that there were two recliners, and a couch that lets out into a bed. "Ummm…..I know it's a bad time to say this but I CALL RECLINER!" he yelled loud enough for only the people in the room could hear. "Nope!" Applejack ran over to the recliners and spread her body over both of them, then she hissed, "MINE!" The nurse returned with the blankets when all of a sudden Rainbow Dash came in, tears freely flowing down her eyes. She went into the room, stood on my bed and melted. "Snails! Please don't kill yourself! I'm Sorry I insulted you!" She turned to Pip. "I'm sorry I hit your eye! I'm sorry for yelling. Please don't hate me!" Something in my body sais to not forgive her, but when do you find Rainbow Dash apologizing, or crying for that matter? I nuzzled her. "It's okay Rainbow Dash…..I forgive you…" I wiped a tear from her face. She nuzzled back. Pip ran up to her and jumped on her back. "I forgive you too!" He squeaked happily. Pinkie Pie walked over to me and lifted his good arm up. It slowly fell back down. "You sir, are suffering from a case of STRESS OVERLOAD." She told me. "What?" I cocked my head. "If you lift you arms up, and they fall down with no hesitation, you're not stressed as much, but if your arms fall down slowly, you're stressed. Rainbow Explained. "Yeah!" Pinkie concurred. "So what do I do to take the stress away?" Sweetie Belle giggled, "oh I was hoping you'd ask." She came over and stared to massage his neck, Pinkie Pie massaged his hoof. I was uneasy at first but settled into it, and boy did it feel AMAZING. A small blush came across my face. Sweetie Belle slowly worked her way down to his shoulders, then my back. "You're hooves are magical." I said. "Thanks!" she replied. "Alright everypony I think it's time to hit the hay." Twilight told everyone. "Awwww…what? ah'm *cute yawn* ah'm not tired at all…" Apple Bloom said as she fell asleep. Applejack picked her up and carried her to the recliner where they would be sleeping. Banks slept on the floor, along with, Fluttershy, Pinkie, and Rainbow Dash. Twilight and Spike shared a recliner while Rarity, Sweetie Belle, Pipsqueak and Featherweight slept on the couch. Snails fell asleep upright in a chair and rested his head on the bed rail. "Well now I have nowhere to sthleep…" Twist said with a sad tone. I scooted over and smiled at her. “Get up here, you "Are you sthure they wouldn't mind?" she asked him. "Not at all! We're not 'like that' yet are we." I assured. "I guessth you have a point." she said as she hopped under the blankets. "Awwwww….." Banks said as she saw us. "uuhhhh….It's not what-" "shhhh….I know…good night." She said as she shut the door and turned off the lights. "Uhmmm….Twist?" I asked. "Hmmm?" "Thank you. For everything." She took off her glasses and nuzzled my forehead. "Don't worry about it." The moonlight was bouncing off of those pretty eyes of hers. "You’re such a pretty filly, you know that?” She giggled and snuggled up to me. "Goodnight Sthnails." I hugged her tighter. "Goodnight, Twist." Yeah More, edits, wanted this fic to be PERFECT! Read and review! > Confessions, Part Numero Uno > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Confessions, part 1 READER’S POV It was 8:30 a.m. and the sun was rising beautifully on the horizon. All of the ponies (and dragon) were sleeping soundly in the hospital room. All than can be heard was Snails' heart monitor. A few minutes later, Snips woke up and looked at the sleeping couple. Snails' good arm was wrapped around Twist. Twist's head was resting on his chest, and Snails' chin was resting on Twist's head. Snips couldn't help but D'AWWWW at this. "Cute ain't it?" Snips heard someone say. Applejack trotted over to the bed. "Yeah….they are kinda cute together."Snips admitted. "So…since Snails got himself a pretty filly…..is there anypony you've gotcha eye on?" Applejack asked. Snips' eyes grew bigger and he felt a blush coming on. "Uhhhhh….no? Ummmm maybe…." "….who might that be?" She asked. Snips didn't want to tell Applejack who his crush was, so his response was, "uuhhh…you know….a filly." Applejack rolled her eyes. "Whoa seriously? Ah didn't know she was a filly!" She whispered sarcastically. "Okay, I'm sorry…..it’s….oon…” "Come again pard'ner?" "Sil….." "One more time?" "Silver Spoon." Snails said suddenly. Applejack and Snips both turned their heads toward Snails. Snips started to freak out. "Dude why did you say that?" he stared at Snails. "Man, you love her and she LOVES you." Featherweight spoke up. "When did you wake up?" Snips asked, shocked to hear his voice. "Right after me." Pipsqueak spoke up. "Great, now ALL of you know." Snips hung his head. "It’s okay, Sthnips. You won't have trouble winning her over." Twist spoke. "Good grief…..why can't everyone go back to sleep?" He thought. "Wait, what do you mean." Twist sat up. "When we were having a sthleepover, I asked her did sthe have a crush on anypony. And of course sthe sthaid yesth. So I asthked her who it was, and sthe told me it wasth you." She explained happily. Snips felt like he wanted to explode. He never 'like' liked someone who didn't like him back. Then again, he never 'like' liked anyone at all. "But I need advice….what should I do….." Snips looked at Snails. Snails put his hoof on Snips' shoulder. "Just tell her how you feel." "But what if-" "See, love is…..love is…what is love?" Snails Thought "BABY DON'T HURT ME! DON'T HURT ME! NO MORE!" Said a pony walking past his door, gaining a laugh from everyone. "But seriously love is…love is like pie!" Snails explained. "Everyone likes pie! It comes in a variety of flavors, and you don’t know if it’s going to hit you in the face. If you really like a person, then you would just tell them how you feel. A pony shouldn't go out of their way and buy her expensive dinners, roses, clothing, or those types of gifts, just give her the most important gift. Your love and affection. Because buying her things isn't love, It's materialism. The only expensive thing you should by her is the ring you plan on giving her. It doesn't mean you have to tell her immediately. Just give her a flower, or something that really shows that you care about them, and just give it to them." At this point, some of the nurses were peeking through the room. "It's best to tell them what you like about them. The mares LOVE compliments. Tell them how pretty they look. And this doesn't apply to just men. It also applies to women, or even same-sex couples." Some of the ponies in the room started to listen. "And that's another thing. SAME SEX COUPLES ARE NOT WEIRD. IT'S CUTE. There is no logic to it. Two ponies love each other, they date, then marriage. End of story. Do you know how many homophobes there are in Canterlot? About half of those snobs say horrible things about how 'homosexuals aren't people', 'it's disgusting', 'that's weird', 'that's not Celestia's law'. Screw that! If you love a person, You love them. What's more to explain?" More ponies started to listen from the waiting room. "I saw THE CUTEST lesbian couple taking their foal for a walk in Canterlot a couple months ago. Then all of a sudden these teenagers walk by. They were doing some stupid crap then all of a sudden one of them dropped something and then had the nerve to say, 'That's so gay.' I sitting on the bench with my dad and I'm like 'what the buck? How is that gay?". How would they like it if I said that's so 'raggedy punk-ass sixteen year old teenager?' Would they like it? Nooooooo. But the moral of all this, let her know how you feel. Say what's in your heart. If she rejects you, which isn't going to happen, then you two were never meant to be. In face I wish everypony in Equestria would just admit who they like. Either that or every couple who's been dating for…..ehhhh at least a year, and know that they want to be with each other should get married. So did that help Sni-….uhhhh hello?" Everypony in the room were wide away and staring at him. "Uhmmm…..I like pudding?" he said. "That was an epic speech." Featherweight spoke up. "That was amazing, Snails." Sweetie Belle spoke up. "Ahh….just something I wanted to share with….Snips." "Ah didn't know ya felt so strongly about that…." Apple Bloom stated. "Yeah….most of the stuff I just said I learned from cheesy romantic comedies, chick flicks, soap operas, and romance books." "Oh my you read romances?" Almost every girl asked him, except Scootaloo. "I LOVE romances." He admitted. "I didn't know that!" Sweetie Belle exclaimed happily. Then Doctor Wise walked in. The blue unicorn had a big smile on his face. "Well I've got good news and bad news." He started. "Which do you want to here first?" "Good news!" Snails responded. "The good news is that your heart is doing much better and you will be release in around 7 p.m. tonight. The bad news is that the staff won't be able to see you as much as they want now." He chuckled. "YESH!" he whispered. "Well I better be getting back on the farm!" Applejack said sadly. "And I should go too….Angel bunny is probably worried sick." Fluttershy spoke up. "I have clouds to clear." "And I have to open the library back up. Come on Spike." "So I guess it's just us now." Snails said looking around at Featherweight, Twist, Pipsqueak, Scootaloo, Banks, Rarity, Sweetie Belle, Apple Bloom, Snips, and Pinkie Pie. "Yes, darling. I have no orders in at the moment so why leave? Plus my back is killing me." Rarity explained as she walked over to the recliner. "ahhhhhh….much better." "Yeah and I have the next three days off from Sugarcube Corner." Pinkie Pie told him. Rawrrrrrrrrrrr… "I think I'm hungry." Snails said adjusting his bed to make him comfortable. "I BROGHT MUFFINS!" Derpy shouted as she, Dinky, and Jomm (what my human OC will be addressed as from now on) entered the room. "How's my favorite one of my favorite colts doing today?" Jomm asked as he threw himself on the couch. "Fine, thank you!" Snails responded. Then he smelled the most awesome thing in the world. "What is that heavenly smell?" "Oh I know how hospitals have very bad food so I took it upon myself to make you some food! I made you three jumbo blueberry muffins, eggs, sunny side up, the way you like it, a daisy sandwich, and sausage!" "Smells excellent!" He exclaimed. "Awwwww man did you bring some for us?" Scootaloo asked. "Pssshhht girl I got you guys covered." Derpy said. "Jomm aren't you gonna eat?" Snails asked. "Oh, I already ate." He explained. As the others began to eat, Snails decided to asked Snips a very important question. "Snips, why do you like Silver Spoon?" Snips nearly choked on his food. "Well…..uuhhh….." He couldn't put it into words. "She's…nice." "Uh-huh. What else?" "Okay screw that, this filly is awesome and so super cute, she looks so sophisticated and she stopped being friends with Diamond Tiara, thank CELESTIA. She’s sweet, and she’s the only filly who gave me a card for Hearts and Hooves Day! She the most amazing filly ever, and…" As he kept explaining, Silver Spoon secretly came up behind Snips, absorbing every word he said. Everypony's jaws dropped. Her mane and tail were like Fluttershy's, her mane covered one of her eyes, and she didn't have her glasses. "It's like every time I see her it's like, my heart stops, my brain races, and…..I love her…now I sound like a creeper." He hung his head. Silver Spoon covered his eyes. "Wha-who’s there?" He asked. "Me….." she said, giggling. Oh Sweet eight pound six ounce baby Luna….. "Spoony?" he stammered. "I love that nick name." He turned around and noticed her. He just stared at her. "Hi…" she blushed. "I….I can't put into words on how amazing you look…." She giggled. "Yeah I straightened my hair, and my mom got me contacts, to show off my eyes more." "You look magnificent….." Snips said, causing her to blush. "Awww...you're so sweet." She kissed his cheek. Pinkie was shaking in her seat. "M-m-must…..resist…..the DIABETES!" "YES! YES WISE YES !" they heard Nurse Redheart scream happily, hugging Doctor Wise, and they heard happy cheers and clopping. (not like that.) "What in the heavens going on?" Rarity stepped out of the room. "Dr. Wise just proposed to Nurse Redheart!" one of the other nurses explained. "Awwwww….how sweet." Snails said to himself. "But he's so nervous, what made him do it this time?" Pinkie asked. "That guy right there." The nurse pointed at Snails. "Snails, do you have any idea how happy I am right now?" Nurse Redheart trotted into his room. "Ummm…very?" he asked. "YES VERY! Because of what you said, by coltfriend finally proposed to me!" She exclaimed. Nurse Redheart and Doctor Wise began working as co-workers about three years ago. Then one evening, He asked Nurse Redheart if she would consider dating him. Of course she said yes. They dated for two years, and after hearing what Snails had to say, he decided to pop the question, her answer obvious. "Congratulations." He said. "A match made in heaven." Pipsqueak said. A loud burst from the entrance door and two ponies came rushing toward Snails, both had huge smiles on their faces. "Lyra! Bon Bon!" Snails yelled. "Guess what?" Lyra asked. "What?" Nurse Redheart asked. "We're dating now!" Bon Bon yelled. "AWWWWWW!" was all that was heard from the room. "Thanks to this colt right here!" Lyra explained. "YEAH WAY TO GO SNAILS!" Featherweight shouted. "What did I do?" He looked confused. "You encouraged us to confess our feelings for each other." Lyra explained. This made Snails feel good inside. "Thank you Snails!" They said as Lyra kissed his left cheek, Bon Bon kissed his right, and Nurse Redheart kissed his forehead. His face was solid red. "But not to bring up bad things, but why would you ever want to kill yourself?" Bon Bon asked. Snails sighed. "Because I had a bad day yesterday…..I felt like a waste of time." "But you are a VERY intelligent kid." Nurse Redheart told him. "You sure are wiser than some of the kids I know around here." "And who or what would make you ever think that you are a waste of time?" Lyra asked. "Stinger." "Well that figures…" Redheart responded. "And Knock-out and Fracture." Snails added. "Those two?" Bon Bon asked. "And their parents." Snails finished. "We'll have a chat with them. You have our guarantee that they won't bother you again." Lyra told him. "They were arrested yesterday." Nurse Redheart explained. "For what?" Derpy asked throwing her trash away. "Yeah….what did they get arrested for?" Lyra asked. Snails ears drooped. "I'm not hungry anymore…." He said as he put his food aside and his head under the covers. "they were planning to kill snails." Nurse Redheart whispered. "what?" she whisper-shouted. "yeah they had a bag full of miscellaneous weapons. They were going to do more than kill him." Snails could hear her. He started choking on tears of sadness. Bon Bon heard this and slowly pulled the cover off of him. He was indeed crying. "Don't cry sweetie, don't cry…" Banks stood up and started to rub his cheek. This brought tears to everypony's eyes again. Twist was hugging Snips, and the others were leaning on each other. "Dang it…" Lyra quickly wiped a tear from her face. Nurse Redheart pulled a chair and started to nuzzle his nose. "Calm down sweetheart, don't stress yourself out." "I-I-I wanna go home….." He hiccupped as he laid on his side (left side but not on his arm) Twist started to stroke his mane. "We'll be home soon…" Snails started to shake. Bon Bon grabbed his hoof and started to stroke it gently. "Please calm down Snails." Pinkie Pie came over and started to rub his back. "Relax, Snails, it's okay…." Snails' cry turned into whimpers. Pinkie continued to rub his back. "That's better." She said soothingly. Snails wiped his eyes and sat up. "Sorry…." "No I'm sorry for bringing it up." Nurse Redheart hugged him. "And thanks again…." "Yeah thank you Snails." The two mares said. Doctor Wise came back in the room. He looked at Banks. "Yeah it's best if we released him now….because he's been through a lot in the past day. So I'm going to prescribe him some pain killers. He needs to take them every four hours if needed. I'm also going to put him on medicine to raise his sodium levels. Mrs. Banks, does your son eat salt?" "Snails never has eaten salt and never will eat salt." Banks explained. Doctor Wise thought for a minute, and then laughed. "That explains his sodium levels. Are aware that you son also has two tattoos?" "Yes, he got them after his parents died." Banks explained. "Those are very nice tattoos…" He told her. "Woah you have a tattoo!" Scootaloo gasped. "Yeah, so does Snips." Snails explained. "That's cool….." The CMCs, Featherweight, and Pipsqueak admired their tattoos. Snails had a tattoo of his mom's cutie mark, a blue sun, under his left arm and his dad's cutie mark, a salt shaker, under his right arm. Snails got his mom's cutie mark, a razor blade, on his neck. "Didn't that hurt, Snips?" Twist asked. "Nah….well….it doesn't necessarily hurt, but then again it wasn't a pleasant feeling." He explained. "Oh….okay…." "Alright….all set to go! It was nice having you here Snails. Come back soon….wait…..not as a patient!" The doctor told him as he finished writing the prescription. Snails laughed as he was wheeled out of the hospital. "Okay I will." All of the nurses came and hugged Snails before he left. As they were about to leave, Nurse Redheart told him, "If there's anything you'd like to talk about…..I'm all ears." The other ponies went to Sugarcube Corner. "Hey Snails?" Pinkie called out. "Yessum?" "Come by Sugarcube corner around 6:30." She said. He simply nodded. Twist and Snails went home along with Banks. Because of his leg, he had to use crutches. As the stepped in their home, Banks told them. "I'll be in my room sleeping. Don't hesitate to wake me up if something is wrong." "Okay thanks mom!" he said. "Snails can I use your phone?" Twist asked. "Yeah it’s over there." She walked over to the phone and told her what happened yesterday. Her mom gave her full permission to stay with Snails as long as she liked. After the phone call, she helped Snails up to his room. His room was pretty neat for the average thirteen year old. ALL of his furniture was black. His bed was circular with black sheets, covers and pillows, and what remained of his shelf stood perfectly against the wall. He had a 42 inch plasma TV, along with a HayStation 3 (yeah that’s right) with the games Call of Duty: Modern Warmare 3 and Fallout: New Pegasus on the table next to it. He had a black A/C which he always kept at 32 degrees, and a black ceiling fan with blue lights. "Thanks, Twist." He said as she tucked him in. "Not a problem." She responded. "No….thanks…..for not leaving me….." Snails added. "It'sth okay….." Twist blushed. "Are you hungry?" "No just tired." He told her. "Stho am I…that bed wasth uncomfortable….” She agreed. She then noticed something she didn’t notice before, It was FREEZING. She started rubbing her arms. “Why isth it stho cold in here? Are you like a vampire of sthomething?” "It helps me sleep when I'm stressed." "Well you're gonna have to sthare that blanket." She said as she crawled under the blanket. She giggled as she snuggled close to him. "Better?" she asked, blushing. "Much better…." Snails replied as he grabbed her hooves as the cute couple soundly fell asleep. A/N Read and review. Oh and the speech was based on a gay rights commercial with Wanda Sykes. Look it up! > Confessions, Part Nummer Zwei > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Confessions, part 2 (Do NOT complain about the shippings.) READER’S POV. Twist woke up before Snails did. She turned around. And saw that the colt was still asleep. “wakey wakey, eggsth and haybacey…..” Twist whispered as she gently nudged him. “mmmmfffff….” Snails slowly became conscious. “What time is it?” “It’s about…..” She looked over at the nearest clock. “4:34” “Oh okay…..” he responded. Twist got up and trotted towards his door. “uuuhhh… Twisty…..before you go downstairs….could you help me sit up?” He asked. “Of course I will!” She trotted back to the bed and gently helped Snails sit upright. “Hey is it alright if I raid your refrigerator?” She asked. “Go ahead, but can you bring me a granola bar and a glass of lemonade?” He responded. “Okay!” she said as she trotted downstairs. …. ELSEWHERE…. Snails’ LOVE speech was apparently doing its desired effect on Ponyville. Everyone was just telling each other their feeling for each other. Ponies who had heard the what he said were telling everyone else about it. “Don’t overreact, Featherweight…..you got this.” Featherweight thought to himself as he stood outside of the apple farm. He slowly trotted up to the door, taking out the Apple Blossom he had pick for his crush. He’s had feelings for Apple Bloom for a few years now. At first, he tried to avoid his feelings for this filly. But today would be the day. The day he will finally admit his feelings for Apple Bloom. He just stood there, shaken, with his face covered with the color of his blood rushing through his cheeks. He slowly raised his hoof to the door. *knock knock* He expected Apple Bloom to answer, but only to find Big Macintosh, who also had an Apple Blossom in his mouth. “Ummmmm….Hello Mr. Macintosh.” Featherweight slowly spoke. “uuuuhhhh….howdy…” He responded. Featherweight shifted his hooves. “So….where you headed?” “Ummmm….to the Carousel Boutique….” The red stallion replied, his face turning darker than usual. “I-i-i-is your sister home?” He asked. “Eeyup. I’ll go get her.” Big Macintosh went back into the house. “Alright. Just remember what Snails said….” Featherweight thought. “Just tell her-“ “HOWDY FEATHERWEIGHT!” He jumped at the sudden sound of Apple Bloom’s voice. “H-h-h-i…..Apple Bloom….” He responded timidly. “What’s wrong? You’re redder then an apple!” Apple Bloom looked at him. Featherweight shifted his hooves, closed his eyes, and took a deep breath. “Apple Bloom, there’s something I really need to tell you….” He spoke as he took out the apple blossom. …. Big Macintosh slowly walked over to the library. He’s always been the type of stallion who usually hides his feelings fir a pony, whether its deep love, or deep hatred. Big Macintosh has ALWAYS thought that Twilight was the most beautiful mare in all of Equestria. She was smart, and funny. He told Applejack that he wanted to ask her out, but he didn’t know how. Applejack told her what Snails said earlier, and he decided, “What the hay. I’ll try it”. He was almost at his destination until she ran into Scootaloo, who was carrying a fuchsia zinnia in her mouth. She was blushing furiously. “Ummmm…howdy…” He spoke. “Hiya Big Macintosh…..” Scootaloo replied. “….where y’all headed?” He asked. “Oh……over to the……carousel…..boutique….” Awkward silence. “I was heading towards the library…..” He told her. “Oh….well…okay…..see ya round?” Scootaloo asked. “Eeyup.” As the library got closer and closer, Big Mac felt like vomiting. He had never been so worried in his life. He slowly came to the door, but it swung right open to see Twilight on the ground, along with books and papers. “Oh! Big Macintosh! I’m so, so sorry! I didn’t mean to open the door on you like that!” Twilight apologized. “It’s mighty fine, Miss Twilight.” He responded, while helping her pick up the papers and books. “My, my what a gentlecolt.” Twilight thought. As Twilight put her papers away, she walked over to Big Macintosh. “Oh horseapples, she’s comin’ this way!” Big Mac blushed. “Now’s your chance.” “Miss Twilight?” Big Mac stuttered. “Yes Big Macintosh?” “There’s…uhhh…this…..thing…..I….want….to…tell…..you……” He blushed. “Well I’m all ears.” Big Mac couldin’t finish. He just slowly handed her the apple blossom. … Scootaloo walked down the street of Ponyville. She then felt something, or somepony, hit her body. She looked at the body and saw that it was Pipsqueak, who had a calla lilly in his bag. “Hi there Pip….” Scootaloo greeted. “Hey…..” He greeted back. Another awkward silence. “You goin’ to Dinky’s place?” “Indeed I am. Carousel Boutique?” “Uh-huh.” The thing between Scootaloo and Pipsqueak, they have this awkward way of communicating. It’s like…they can read each other’s mind. “So….see you tonight?” Pip asked. “Yeah. See ya” Scootaloo hesitantly came up to the shop were her best friend lived. She knocked on the door, only to hear, “Its open!” Inside the store was Rarity, sitting on her couch reading ‘Of Mice and Stallions’. Rarity noticed her sister’s Pegasus friend. “Hello there, Miss Scootaloo.” She spoke. “H-H-hi Rarity.” She tripped on her words. Rarity noticed her grammar mishap. “Sweetie is everything….alright?” Scootaloo nodded. “Is Sweetie Belle…ya know…here.” “Yes she’s in the garden in the back.” Rarity responded. “But she told me she was coming over to your house, but she wanted to find a pretty flower for some reaso-“ Rarity looked up at the flustered Scootaloo. “* a WAY too overly-exaggerated gasp* THAT’S SO CUTE!” Rarity squealed. “SSSSHHHHH!!!!!!!!!” Scootaloo tried to quiet Rarity. Rarity pranced over to Scootaloo. “You have a crush on my sister!” “Yeah……but-“ “How long have you been having these feelings?!” “Uhhhmmm…about a year…..” *door opens then closes* “*another overly-exaggerated gasp* There she is! Go ahead tell her!” “Tell me what?” Sweetie Belle asked. She stared at Scootaloo, and Scootaloo stared back. They could both feel blushed coming across their snouts. “Ummm...hey…Scootaloo…” Sweetie Belle stammered. “Hey….Sweetie Belle.” Scootaloo greeted back. Rarity was just staring at both of them. “I’ll give you guys some alone time.” She said as she raced into the hall. She was still peeking though. “Scootaloo…” “Sweetie Belle” They spoke at the same time. Rarity had a huge smile on her face. They looked at each other, and both had the same flower, a fuschia zinnia. They looked at each other….as huge grin and a small blush came across their faces. … Pip trotted over to the Hooves Manor. His hooves were shaking, and his face could easily be mistaken for a tomato. He made his way over to the front door. And he saw a cyan mare exit the mansion. “Thanks, Ditzy! I owe you one!” Rainbow Dash said as she grabbed the gardenia, and was about to take off, until she saw the little colt. “Hey there Pip.” She patted his head. Pipsqueak blushed. “Hello Rainbow Dash.” “Sorry about yesterday.” Rainbow said slowly. “It’s okay. Sorry for cursing you out like that.” He responded. “Sooooo…where you off to?” “To Sweet Apple Acres…..” She answered, blushing furiously. “What about yourself?” “Oh….I’m….here…” he said shaking. “Okay well gotta dash!” She said quickly. She was about to dash off until she remembered something. “Oh and Pipsqueak?” “Yes?” “Good Luck.” She winked at him. Pipsqueak blushed and smiled. “Thanks! You too!” Pipsqueak hesitantly walked up to the door, and knocked. He then heard a racing to the door, unmistakably, it was Dinky. “Hey Pippy!” She squealed as she hugged him. “H-hey Dinky…” Pip responded, trying to keep his cool. “What can I do for you?” “I need to tell you something.” “Tell me what?” She asked in a sing-song voice. “Something I’ve been meaning to tell you for a long time now…” He responded pulling out the calla lily. … Rainbow Dash flew at a slower speed than usual. Her mind was racing. She was about to tell Applejack, the mare of her dreams how she felt. Of course, they were always so very open with each other. And Granny Smith wasn’t too…..sure…about filly-fooling. Of course, she’s okay with it, but she just doesn’t understand the point of it. “Calm yourself RD, you ain’t scared of nothin’” Rainbow said to herself. He came over to a lake near Sweet Apple Acres and started to flash water of her face. “Stay calm, and play it cool. You can do this. Just tell her you love her. Or just tell her a cheesy horrible love pun.” She said out loud. “Actually, Ah’ prefer ‘I love you’ way better.” Applejack giggled. Rainbow Dash’s heart stopped. “Rainbow Dash?” Applejack tried to get the Pegasus’ attention. Rainbow Dash just hung her head, then pulled out the gardenia. Giant blushes were on both of their faces. … “YESTH! HEAHSTHOT!” Twist said as she stole the reloads of a soldier in CoD: MW3. “I didn’y know you were that good!” Snips looked at Twist. “I dabble at video games.” She giggled. Snails looked outside. “Hey what do you think everypony’s doing today…?” He asked Twist. “Oh….you know…..sthuff.” “Yeah….but….what kinda stuff?” Snips and Twist looked at Snails, and then smiled. “Just stuff.” They said simultaneously. A/N yeah WAY shorter than the other chapters and the chapter ending sucks. Read and Review. Next chapter will focus more on Snails! I PROMISE! PipxDinkyDoo Idea I got from BlackShock1995. THAT GUY IS A GENIUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111 > Colt Wonder > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Colt Wonder SORRY FOR NOT UPDATING!!!!!!!! Snails just looked up at his ceiling, thinking. He wasn’t thinking about somethin in particular, just thinking. “Hey Sthnails, you okay?” Twist asked him. “Hmmmm….?” He responded, surprised to her her voice. “Oh! Yeah I fine…” Twist and Snips exchanged looks. I was evident that he WASN’T alright. The two trotted over to his bed. “Snails, you sure you’re okay?” Snips asked. Snails sighed. “Well…..not really….” Just then Banks walked into his room. “Snails…..Time for your medicine.” She said in a motherly tone. She levitated a small cup to him. Inside was two circular brown pills and a green capsule. Snails easily swallowed them…without any fluid. “You feeling okay, sweetie?” Banks asked him. “No….Can I go outside? I need some fresh air.” He responded. “Are you sure? You were just discharged from the hospital.” She told him in a worried tone. “Yes, I’m sure.” He answered. Banks just looked at him. He had a gloomy tone on his face. She thought about it for a moment, then she agreed that it was best for him to get some air. “Well….okay. Just go by Sugarcube Corner afterwards. I have a couple of errands to run, anyways. But don’t get hurt, okay?” “Yes, mommy.” He said. “Can you guys help me up?” Twist and Snips looked at each other. “Uh….sure.” The two helped him over to his crutches. He was then slowly and carefully lead down the stairs and into the living room. As they were leaving, Banks stopped them. “Snails?” “Mmmmhmmm….?” “Are you sure you’re okay?” “I’m fine, I’m fine.” He answered before he was helped out of his home. Snips trotted beside Snails as Twist guided him as they headed towards the marketplace. Ponies were getting off of work, and it was PACKED. You couldn’t look in any general direction without seeing maybe, thirty-five, forty ponies? Everypony was waving at Snails. Snails smiled and waved back. Twist and Snips guided him to a bench near the park, about three feet away from the marketplace. Snails sat up and looked down, twiddling his hooves. He looked into a puddle of water. “Alright Snails, quit lying, what’s bothering you?” Snips asked. Snails sighed once again; he knew he couldn’t get out of this one. “Well…it’s about Knock-Out, Stinger and Fracture.” “What about ‘em?” asked Twist. “………what if they were right? What if I did deserve to die?” he asked. Snips and Twist stared at him, not believing what Snails just said. “Snails, you do not deserve to die, and if anypony, those three deserve to die. Why would you even think about something like that?” asked Snips. “And what if they don’t get charged?” Snails questioned. Twist put her hoof on his shoulder. “They are and you won’t be seeing the for a long time.” Snails then felt the presence of someone behind him. “I wouldn’t count on that.” Snails felt like his balls were about to burst. He recognized that voice. He turned around slowly, only to confirm his worst fears. He saw Stinger and Knock-Out, but not Fracture. “Hello, Down-Syndrome.” Stinger greeted. The three were silent. “Surprised to see me? Yeah I have a lot of advantages since I’m rich.” He added. “Where’s the third one?” Snails asked. Knock-Out lifted him up. “That doesn’t matter. What does matter is that we have unfinished business with you.” “Ah suggest ya put him down.” Said a husky voice. The two turned around to see a large red stallion a crème colt, a yellow filly, and a purple unicorn. “You son of a bitch. I’m gonna kill you.” Stinger growled. “No you’re not.” Said Featherweight calmly. “I mean, if you do, You’re gonna get your throats cut.” “Oh really?” Stinger taunted. “You really wanna find out?” Featherweight pulled out a knife. “Come at me bro.” Stinger and KO glared at him. KO set him down and said. “You’re gonna get what’s coming to you.” The two trotted off, leaving Snails shaking with fear. “They….how….” was all Snails could say. Twilight sat next to Snails and hugged him. “They aren’t going to hurt you.” “Yeah! We’ll make sure of that!” Featherweight added. Fracture trotted up to Snails, holding something in his mouth. But something looked different about him. He looked….sick. “Please don’t hurt me!” Snails cowered. Big Macintosh quickly blocked Fracture from him. “What do you want?” Asked Big Macintosh. “No, no I’m not here to hurt you, but I’m here to give you something….” He said with a sad tone. He gave him a black box, then left. Snails shook the box, and slowly opened it. “Well what’s inside?” Twilight asked. Snails opened the box, inside was a black pocketknife and a note. The pocketknife, had tiny fragments of white in the blade. “…..a knife.” Snails examined the blade. “There’s a note….” Featherweight observed. Snails used his magic to open the note. “What does it say?” Apple Bloom asked. The note: “Snails, I cannot put into words how sorry I am for the trouble I caused you during the past few years. It’s not like I wanted to do it…it’s just..I don’t know why I treated you so venomously. I had no specific reason for my behavior. I mean, my life is good, I have a great family, but yet I was a total assbag towards you. My parents didn’t actually hate you, but they were jealous of you and your parents because they wish they could have raised a child more like you. You’re highly intelligent, hysterical, and always happy. You’re multilingual! I would kill to be multilingual! Never in my life have I met a pony that can speak English, German, Icelandic, and Latvian! I guess I was jealous of you also. I would take my anger out on you just because I thought you were better than me. I would see the look in your eyes when we would beat you relentlessly. Remember when you said that karma would fall back on me? Well you were right. Prior to my arrest, I kept having fevers. My bones would crack and it would hurt like hell. After being taken to the detention center, I told the nurses about it. Took them FOUR hours to figure out what was wrong.” This part of the letter was stained with tears. “And that’s when they hit me with the news…I have Metastatic Osteosarcoma. Can you believe it? The son of a muskuloskeletal oncologist and a rheumatologist, has bone cancer….Heh…spreaded to my lungs...I laughed at the irony…I guess I’m karma’s bitch now? Go ahead and say it. I deserve it. I’m gonna die. You’re probably right. I do deserve it. After what I’ve Done to you, I wouldn’t be surprised that you stopped reading at this point. Now, turning to the knife, that’s a token of my apology. My uncle made that for me when I was nine. The white parts? Those are my baby teeth. Pretty crazy huh? It’s amazing what you can do with knives these days….but if you still hate my guts, I completely understand. I will just have to deal with the shattered remains of what could have been the start of a new friendship. I’m sorry Snails, I’m so bucking sorry….. Sincerely yours, Fracture.” At the end of the note, He drew Mine Turtle. Everypony was shocked. “Woah…….” Featherweight muttered. “Fracture…” Snails looked at the note over and over again. Then put the note and the knife back in the box and handed it to Twist. “Hold this for me?” He asked. Twist nodded. Snails got up from the bench. “Hey Snails where are you going? Don’t you need help?” Snips asked. “Sugarcube Corner.” He said simply. Twilight trotted behind him, and so did the rest of the ponies. SUGARCUBE CORNER “Come on guys! He’s on his way!” Pinkie shouted. The restaurant was PACKED! There were at least three hundred ponies there, two times more than Twilight’s welcome party. Ponies were still getting ready for the surprise party they were throwing Snails. Fracture was sitting down near a window. His head hurt from heavy thinking. Mr. And Mrs. Cake stared from a distance. “I don’t even like the fact that he’s in my shop.” Mr. Cake grumbled. Mrs. Cake sighed. “I’m not even sure about this myself, but just give him a chance dear. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out that his guilt is eating him alive.” Mr. Cake was about to say something but thought about what his wife said. “You’re right de-“ “HE’S COMING!” Somepony shouted. “Everyone hide!” Pinkie shouted. Ponies rushed to find a hiding spot. When everypony did, Pinkie shut the lights off. Somepony let out a loud raspberry noise when the shop got dark, causing some ponies to laugh/giggle/snicker, etc. OUTSIDE Snails finally got to the door of Sugarcube Corner. “Here, let me get that for you.” Featherweight said as he opened the door. Snails stepped in first, followed by Twist. “SURPRISE!!!!!!!!!” shouted the people in the shop. “TIME TO PARTY!” Pinkie shouted. A smile came across Snails face. “Hi Snails! I threw this get-well party just for you! Do you like it?” Snails’ smile grew bigger. “Like it? Are you crazy? I LOVE IT!” Everypony stomped and cheered. A couple of minutes passed. Ponies were dancing, eating and all sorts of things. “Look at him.” Stinger said from the window. “Yeah…that runt’s gonna pay for having us locked up…” Knock-Out growled. “So what are we gonna do to him.” “Oh it’s not him we’re going to hurt….” Stinger laughed wickedly as he glared at Twist. … A bit into the party, it was in full swing. All but one pony was partying; Fracture. Snails noticed this and they went over to him. “Fracture….” Fracture jumped at his name being called. “Snails…..” He responded. “I’m sorry you have cancer…..” Snails said with a hint of sorrow in his voice. “It’s not your fault….and if anyone I should be apologizing.” Fracture said quietly. Snails sat down and hugged him. “But you already have….and I forgive you.” Fracture let a small laugh out. “Wow, bro. You have a really huge heart of gold, and a shining silver spirit.” Snails laughed also. “Yeah, thanks.” “So…were…cool?” “As cool as the other side of the pillow.” A loud crash silenced the room, followed by a scream, and loud thuds. “What in the hell was that?” Jomm shouted. “That sounds like Twist!” Twilight shouted. OUTSIDE… “PLEASE STO-OP!” Twist begged. “SHUT UP!” Stinger screamed at the filly as he punched her in the shoulder. She fell to the ground as he and Knock-Out beat her senselessly. They were then picked up by a purple aura and smashed through the shop window. Twist, however, was gently picked up and set right next to the adults. She was covered with bruises, had a black eye and patches of her hair was missing. “TWIST!” Her friends shouted. “What happened?” Twilight asked. “THEM! THEY HAPPENED!” Twist wailed. Everypony stared. “What…happened.” Snails asked. “Figure it out genius.” Knock-Out said smugly as he picked himself up and dusted the glass off of him. “I’m not going to ask again, asshole. What did you do to my marefriend?” Stinger trotted happily over to Snails. “We gave her a little, “makeover”, to match how her coltfriend looks as he’s laying in his deathbead.” Snails has had mixed emotions, but he has never experienced rage like this. His horn started to glow red. Instead of his usual black eyes they were also red. He felt movement inside of his damaged arm and leg. Without thinking, he ripped the casts off, and his limbs were fully healed. Stinger was taking this a little to lightly. “Aw…is the baby angry that I beat up his slutty girlfriend?” Everyone had his or her ‘OH CRAP!’ faces on. Snails just smiled as his eyes turned a deeper shade of red. “Oh you have no idea.” And with that being said, Snails’ horn glowed red. He picked the two up and swung them outside. “ooooowwwww…..” Stinger moaned. Snails trotted outside. He had a grin on his face. “Why you…..” Knock-Out got up and charged towards him. As he was about to punch him, Snails teleported away. Everypony rushed outside. … "I was walking along, minding my business, When out of an orange-colored sky, FLASH! Snails reappeared and punched Knock-Out directly in the face. He teleported again. BAM! Snails reappeared and headbutted Stinger’s snout. ALAKAZAM! He punched both in the stomach. Wonderful you came by. (Snails reappeared and stood over the two.) I was humming a tune, drinking in sunshine, When out of that orange-colored view Flash! Bam! Alakazam! I got a look at you. (Stinger got up and punched Snails, causing him to fall back a little) One look and I yelled "Timber" "Watch out for flying glass" (Knock-Out stumble toward Snails and grabs a hold of him, but Snails violently shakes him off.) Cause the ceiling fell in and the bottom fell out, I went into a spin and I started to shout, "I've hit, This is it, This is it,I've been hit!" (Snails quickly recovers and tossed Knock-Out into Stinger, the runs full speed towards them) I was walking along, minding my business, When love came and hit me in the eye, Flash! (Snails rams Stinger as hard as he could) Bam! (Snails then turns his attention on Knock-Out, then uses his magic to toss Stinger’s body at him.) Alakazam! (Snails runs over and releases a fury of blows to their bodies) Out of an orange-colored sky. (Musical Interlude) (Everypony was shocked. Some cheered on, some watch in horror. Now everyone knows not to screw with Snails) One look and I yelled "Timber" "Watch out for flying glass" Cause the ceiling fell in and the bottom fell out, I went into a spin and I started to shout, "I've been hit, this is it, this is it,I've been hit!" I was walking along, minding my business, When love came and hit me in the eye Flash! Bam! Alakazam! Out of an orange-colored, purple-striped, pretty green polka-dot sky Flash! Bam! Alakazam! and goodbye!" Snails looked at the two. Then he saw red and blue lights. Then he saw a blue Pegasus accompanied by a red unicorn. “Damn it….again?” said a heavy southern voice. “Sheriff Night.” Snails said calmly. “Great work, thar’ pard’nir.” He started. “Twilight here tol’ me evrythin’.” He praised him. Everypony stared at Snails. His eyes were still red, and his horn was still emitting red aura. Cheers were erupted from the crowd. “WAY TO KICK FLANK DUDE!” Rumble shouted. “THAT WAS ONE JOLLY GOOD TUSSLE!” Pipsqueak…well….squeaked. Then the adults stepped in. “Way to protect your lady bro.” Thunderlane told him. Snails felt really good now. Then he felt funny. His arm and leg started moving again, then he felt a really intense, dull pain, he felt pressure on his body, and he felt this migraine. “Snails….you okay…” Snips’ voice was all he heard until he passed out. A/N:….I’M SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO SORRY FOR NOT UPDATING IN MONTHS! PLEASE FORGIVE ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! A/N 2: Yeah….this story is indeed like my last one…I apologize. NEXT STORY WILL NOT BE LIKE THIS ONE! A/N 3: Dick Figures. Lord Tourettes. Youtube. Right now. A/N 4: Happy Tree Friends. Brake the Cycle. If you have the balls. A/N 5: I AM LOOKING FOR A BETA READER!!!!1111oneone. please PM me for details. A/N 6: song in quotes is “Orange Colored Sky” by Nat King Cole. The fight scene will be better if you listen to it while reading it. Will email you mp3 to the song upon request. A/N 7: Read, review, and swag. > Letting It Out > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Letting It Out (WARNING: This Chapter contains a disturbing scene. May change rating if needed. I hope you know I CRIED while writing this chapter. ENJOI!!!!111) Snails woke up in his room. He felt weird. He felt…light. And his room didn’t look the same. ALL of his furniture was gone, the paint was chipping off of his walls, it had an awful smell, and his bed wasn’t exactly a bed, It was a piece of cardboard with a poorly drawn pillow on it. “Where am I?” He asked himself. He tried to get up, but felt this unbearable pain in his head. However, he fought through it. He stumbled to his door and walked downstairs. He saw the Mane Six, The CMCs, Featherweight, Silver Spoon, Pip, Dinky, Ditzy, Twist, and Spike. “Hey guys. Wh-“ He was interrupted by a hoof to the snout, delivered by Twilight. Snails was fazed by the hit. “What do you think your doing here, Down syndrome?” She said with hate in each word. Snails couldn’t believe his ears. “Twi-“ He was interrupted by another hoof to the face, this time delivered by Applejack. “Yeah, down syndrome.” Applejack laughed. Snails recovered from the hit. “Wha-….what’s going on? Yo-“ Rainbow Dash bucked him hard. “What’s going on is that we have no use for mentally disfigured wastes of time, like you.” She growled. He slowly got up. “Guys-“ The rest of the ponies (and dragon; aside from Twist) started to grab random items. They then trotted closely to Snails. Snails could feel his blood rushing to his head. “Uhh…g-g-guys…what ar-“ He didn’t finish. His friends started to hit him hard. He could feel his bones cracking, and he felt bits of glass enter his body. Soon the adults joined in. Why are they doing this? “TWILIGHT SPARKLE!” Shouted a voice that came from a bright light. The ponies back away from him. THANK YOU CELESTIA! The regal mare landed beside him. She had a very venomous look on her face. She open her mouth. “Save some for me.” She looked over at the petrified unicorn with the most evil grin on her face. “Wha…?” Was all his body could speak. He was instantly surrounded by a solid red fire. Her horn glowed red also. The fire gave off this blue gas, in which Snails inhaled. He started to cough. He then felt liquid come from his mouth. The liquid was red. “WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!” He screamed. Celestia chuckled softly. “Don’t worry, this is what I do with all of the rather…. useless ponies of Equestria. It’s my personal way of saying ‘You wasting my time and space. So if you won’t kill yourself then I will.’” “But, I don’t want to die!” Celestia smiled. “Hmm? Because last time I checked, you were planning to kill yourself.” She said as the glow intensified. The pain was unbearable. “AAHHH!! PLEASE SPARE ME!” He screeched. “No…I don’t think I will.” She sneered. “Besides, don’t you want to be with your parents?” The gas was building quickly. He felt on his lower jaw. It was almost to the ground. His tongue, throat and teeth were hanging on his left cheek, and it was a bloody mess. He tried to pick it up, but his hooves were gone. All that remained was bone. “Now time for the family reunion!” Celestia yelled as her horn glowed black. The ground Snails was standing on was a black void with white, spiked chains on it. Then a pair of black hooves and a pair of white hooves reached from the ground and grabbed him. “AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!! NOOOO! HELP ME!” He screamed. He looked at Twist, who looked at him with hatred. “I would help you, but I’m busthy at the moment.” She said as she started to kiss Stinger. “NOOOOOOO!” The hooves dragged him into the ground. White Flash… He woke up in a pile of sweat. He felt his face, and sure enough it was in one piece. But he wasn’t in bed; he was in a field, full of flowers, butterflies and rainbows. “H-h-hello?” He called out, fearing he may get attacked again. Snails… Snails’ eye were pinpoints. He was shocked at the voice he heard. “…….mom?” My son….. “DAD?!” He shouted as another voice called out. “WHERE ARE YOU?” He frantically raced everywhere to find the source of the voices. “Right here, my son.” Said a feminine voice. Snails slowly followed the voice to a tree. “Look around, Snails.” Said the masculine voice. Snails did as he was told. Behind the tree…. was a pony with a picnic basket, sitting on a red and white picnic blanket. The pony was a turquoise stallion, muscular, and had blue eyes, and had a curly green Afro. He also had a soul patch, green also. His tail was short and rough cut. He had a saltshaker for a cutie mark. “Hello, my son.” He spoke. “…..dad.” Snails spoke as tears formed in his eyes. “Awwww… don’t cry sweetie…” Spoke a feminine voice. Snails turned around to find a yellow mare with a long-flowing blue mane and tail. Her eyes, like the stallions, were blue, and she wore big, blue glasses. She also had freckles. Her cutie mark was a blue sun. “…mom…” Tears were no flowing down Snails’ face. The mare embraced the colt in a warm hug. “I’ve missed you…” he hiccupped. “We’ve missed you too.” The stallion came over and joined in the hugged them. “We will always be with you…..Snails..” the mare said as she let go. The stallion released from the embrace as well. “Wh-where are you going? Dad? MOM?!” He called out to them. They sat on the picnic blanket. The picnic blanket was engulfed in flames. Snails was horrified. “MOM!! DAD!!” He shouted. It was terrible. He could smell the flesh burning, he could see his parents falling apart. Never forget us…..Snails….we will always be with you…. Snails just watched in pure horror as his parents were burned. Then he looked down, and saw the same black hole with chains. He felt his skin burn. He saw his flesh bubble from the intense heat. “Oh dear merciful Celestia…..ohnononononononononononononononononononoNO! MOM! DAD! HELP ME!” Always… “MOTHER!” … with “FATHER!” you… He felt his eye falling out. Then he felt hooves grab him and drag him, but before he could be completely dragged, he saw his life flash before his eyes. The deaths of his parents, the beatings, the bullying, all of it was crystal clear. “AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH!” Blackout…. Snails woke up as he gasped of air. Sweat was dripping from his forehead, and he had a really bad nosebleed. He looked around, and the first thing he noticed that he was in his bed. He also noticed that it was dawn out. His right leg and left arm were back in casts. Then he heard hoofsteps, his mind went in full defense mode. The first face he saw was Twilight’s then the other Mane 5. Then he saw the CMCs, Featherweight, Silver Spoon, Pip, Dinky, Ditzy, Twist, Banks, and Spike. “Are you alright?! We heard screaming!” Twilight trotted towards him. She tried sooth him by patting his back, but he quickly backed away. “STAY AWAY FROM ME!” he shouted as he fell out of the bed, and ran towards the door, limped rather. Rainbow gently grabbed him. “Woah there take it easy.” Snails went into full-panic mode. “NO!!!!!!!NONONONONONONO!!!!!” he screamed as he ran towards the door. “Whoa mate!” Pip said as he was pushed out of the way. Snails hastily limped downstairs and started to raid the drawers. He pulled out the tool he was looking for……a knife. The other ponies came downstairs and kitchen to find Snails holding the knife to his neck with his magic. Spike was the first to come down, and was terrified at what he found. He backed up with his arms spread to his sides to push the other ponies back. They came down, and shared the same look as Spike. “Snails…..don’t…..” Snips spoke quietly. Tears threatening to fall out at any moment. “My baby…please don’t…..” Banks choked. “Kid, please don’t…” Rainbow Dash spoke up. The CMC joined in as well. “You have so much to live for….” Scootaloo said. “Yeah….it doesn’t have to end like this…” Apple Bloom spoke up. “We’ll work something out…..” Sweetie Belle said gently. “Mate…..” Pip mumbled. “Omigosh….” Featherweight was more scared than sad. “Why shouldn’t I end this?” Snails said with a shaky voice. Twilight stepped forward. “Because this would be an act of pure selfishness. Think of all of the people you would hurt, Snails.” Snails felt a chord snap in his brain. Selfish? “Selfish? SELFISH? WHAT IN THE LITERAL SHIT DO YOU MEAN SELFISH? YOU ASSHOLES NEVER CARED ABOUT ME, BUT “Oh he’s gonna kill himself!” AND SUDDENLY YOU CARED? THAT WHEN YOU STARTED TO CARE? YOU ARE FULL OF CRAP, SPARKLE! YOU NEVER CONSIDER MY FEELINGS!” Snails sobbed dropped the knife and sprinted up to his room. Everypony was quiet. They knew he was right. Twilight went up to his room, while everypony else stayed downstairs. “Snails?” she asked. “GO AWAY!” she shouted. “Snails, I just want to talk.” She started. “What made you say all of that?” Snails froze. He did NOT want to explain the nightmare. “Things…” he said, tears still running down his eyes. Twilight nodded. “What kinds of ‘things’? She sat on his bed. It’s now or never. Snails sighed and told her everything and every detail about the dream. Twilight…was frankly shocked and disgusted. “Snails….I…we…would never hurt you….in that extreme…or ever…” Twilight whispered. She wrapped his hooves around him. “BUT IT WAS SO REAL!!!! I CAN’T UNSEE THEM!!!” He cried hysterically. “Snails….look at me….look at me sweetie…it was just a nightmare…no one going to harm you…” She assured him. Snails cried harder. “It’s okay sweetheart, just let it all out. You need this….no one’s going to stop you….” DOWNSTAIRS Sweetie Belle was wrapped in a hug from Scootaloo, in fact, all of the ponies were hugging one another. “I-I-I just don’t understand.” Sweetie hiccupped. “Why…” “Shhh…don’t overwork yourself….” Scootaloo also hiccupped. Twilight came downstairs and sat on the couch. “How is he?” Banks shot at her. “He’s fine…he tired himself out, but he’ll be fine.” Twilight answered. “Why would he go to that extreme?” Twist asked. Twilight hesitated, then spoke. “…..It’s sort of a long story….” “We have time.” Rarity explained. Twilight took a deep breath. She then told the horrifying details of Snails’ nightmare. … Yeah…shorter than usual…….kinda didn’t end on the note I wanted it to….. BTW I’m still looking for a beta-reader! PM ME FPR DETAILS! R&R! Another thing, instead of flaming, just tell me what I need to fix. Example- I need to stop adding a lot of characters if I can’t give them a role.