• Published 7th Jul 2017
  • 508 Views, 19 Comments

The Good, The Bad and the Princess - BorealStargazer

Luna is making a visit to the farthest existing planetary colony. A sudden sandstorm forces her to lay low for a while. She decides to use her "spare time" to inspect a local mining facility. Not everything, however, happens to be idyllic here...

  • ...


“Is that all?” Celekh carefully picked up the cup. She still seemed to be digesting the things she saw and didn't rush to share her thoughts on the subject. “Differs from what the textbooks say, but all and all...”

“Not exactly,” Luna hid her memory ember in the case and clicked the lid shut. “One or two more fragments there. Six Elements of Harmony defeating Nightmare Moon is around the middle of this story.”

“What was next?” the shadow pony asked, turning her skinny muzzle to the princess in confusion. Luna still couldn't quite get used to the metamorphosis, but began to see the pattern here. The umbrum once again resembled an earthpony. A pony so emaciated that sharp dark strokes of ribs protruded on her smoky chest, her sunken cheeks giving her head a disturbing resemblance of a skull. And yet... She did not possess the monstrous appearance of Rabia.

“Why not learn it in your spare time?” the princess shrugged, pushing the oblong case across the table with her hoof. “I find curiosity to be a powerful driving force.”

“They say curiosity killed the cat you know.”

“Why do you think a cat has a need of eight more lives?” the alicorn snorted. “Celekh, since we've already decided to be frank here, I suggest not to fall back to formalities. At least for the time being. We're not at the gala, we're in my shuttle.”

“Still, why not now?”

“If the previous argument wasn't enough, here's another one: I have things to do. We do not want to miss the endgame, do we? You will have all the time in the world,” she nodded at the case with the crystal lying before the umbrum. “It's a gift.”

“But how about Y- you?”

“Sentimental attachment to such a talisman is surely a cute thing... But it's nothing more than a mould of my memory, Celekh. If I ever need another one, I'll just make a new copy,” the alicorn coolly nodded at the ember. “I presume it goes without saying that this information isn't supposed to be shared with everyone.”

A stallion behind her let out a deliberate cough.

“Princess? You wanted to see me?”

“Oh, Flashlight. Do come in. Debriefing should not take long.”

“Is she going to stay here?” the mechanic nodded at the shadowpony.

“If you're disturbed by the fact...” Luna grinned. “Sit down. What can you say about the mission?”

“If I have the permission to speak freely...”

“I would expect nothing less,” Luna cut him short. “Never noticed you favoured these cheap military curtsies before. If it is because of Celekh, she was there as well. I don't think you can say something she didn't witness.”

“Wasn't the risk excessive?” Flashlight seemed to buck down his hesitation at last. “Risking two Night Guard members because of one umbrum... not to say two Yurga guards...”

“That's a good one,” the alicorn nodded. “Considering subordinates of Lash's, my responsibility for their fate is of indirect variety. Not the biggest part, I dare to say. Concerning you... 'tis a topic I myself wanted to discuss. You gave the oath, Flashlight, didn't you?”

The earth pony nodded slowly.

“Now you know what can be expected of you. Night Guard's Oath is not a vow of personal loyalty to me. But I have the power to free from it. Since it was your first combat operation, it is tradition for me to inform you of that. Do not be hasty,” she warned, seeing that he opened his mouth to protest. “Think about it. I don't rush you with an answer. You have time before our working visit is over.”

The mechanic slowly nodded once again. Then, seeing that she had finished, he continued.

“Thank you, princess. But that wasn't my only concern. Was there no other way to resolve the situation?”

“Of course there were,” Luna agreed. “I decided this one to be the most acceptable. As I was telling Celekh, I don't play dice. Intuition and blind chance are not the same things. In addition, I can be curious, too,” she gave a fleeting smile. “Eternal life has its drawbacks. Eternal boredom is one of them.”

“You could dig in her head,” Flashlight suggested, stroking the end of his beard with his hoof. “Probe just how risky that is.”

“And would strip her of her free will,” the princess nodded eagerly. “Metaphorically speaking, one may call it brain rape. Would you prefer me do that?”

“P-probably not,” the mechanic looked embarassed.

“Just hold on a minute,” Celekh interruptted. Her smoking luminescent eye spots shifted gaze from Flashlight to the princess and back. “Could you really look into my head?”

“Maybe,” the alicorn gave a thin smile. “Could you really blow your vehicle up, killing us with you?”

“Maybe,” the scowled umbrum grumbled, imitating Luna's voice.

“Can you teach me?” the princess asked quickly.

Shadow pony stared at her in shock.

“Princess! Of all ponies why would you need that?”

“Oh, you never know,” Luna said slowly, then pulled herself together. “But we digress. Anything else, Flashlight?”

“Considering weapons and exoarmor. Generally test results aren't bad but there are a few bottlenecks. Power circuitry needs additional shielding, we have a rather aggressive environment here. Navigation systems may use some improvements here and there. Celekh's little tool has some interesting ideas,” he nodded to the umbrum. “We got used to depend on stable network operation and online positioning. Also, our windshields suck in these storms. We'll need to refine the hardening process...”

“Spare me the details,” the princess winced. “There's a post-report for that.”

“Flashlight?” umbrum's muzzle seemed to smoke even more now. “Can I ask you a question on your weapons?”

“If it doesn't concern the classified data,” the earthpony warned, sharing a glance with his princess. Then waved welcome with his hoof. “Hit me.”

“Why the Geyser?” umbrum chewed on her ghostly lip for a while and added. “Our battalion often used it as a heavy armament it is. It's a good and reliable gun... But even back then it wasn't exactly new.”

“In other words, why this old piece of crap?” Flashlight snorted.

The shadowpony slowly nodded.

“Revealing a big secret here. Those folks at Ironshod decided the gunpowder reached its limit. Starting from mark five HAPC model line is made up of railguns.”

“Errrrr... Er? But railguns are-”

“Powered by electricity, yes,” Flashlight nodded, then looked at the princess. “It seems Ironshod never supposed their guns would be used outside Equus. Might as well give them a hint they were too hasty with burying the firearms.”

“We use Gauss rifles, actually,” Celekh countered. “And sane commanders don't run military operations in a storm.”

“Oh really?” Flashlight lifted his brow. “What about operation Sandwall?”

Celekh's muzzle beamed with a smirk.

“Well, our sanity was a subject of disputes...

“Should I leave?” Luna asked innocently. While the two were carried away with conversation, she managed to get some tea and was sipping the hot herbal drink now, regularly glancing at them.

Flashlight and Celekh turned to her. Confusion painted on their muzzles was almost identical.

“We'll miss the performance.” Still holding the cup, she enveloped her horn in magic glow. A remote popped up from the table, and subtle rustle indicated the TV screen coming to life on the wall.

“...about it later in this newscast. And now for the fresh piece. Our own Eyecatcher reporting live from Neighport. Catchy?”

The camera switched to the tiny earthpony mare standing in the middle of the street in front of a tall building. A huge megalopolis was teeming with midday life behind her, but it was a small crowd gathered at the steps in front of the entrance that attracted attention.

“Thanks, Mike. Mister Paperback, Secretary of the Office of the Prosecutor General, made an unexpected statement at the press conference earlier this day. He informed us about the uncovered evidence of wide-scale corruption inside Yurga Drills mining conglomerate executive office. As we got to know, a similar announcement was posted in the official pegacourier account of Penitentiary Central yesterday evening. State correctional system currently manages mines two and four of the Yurga complex.

In the previous statement Internal Investigations took credit for uncovering the facts. However just a few minutes ago Mr Paperback refuted this information, practically confirming his department puts no faith into IIS results. He also informed that the case is now officially under jurisdiction of Neighport City Public Prosecutor's office.

According to the secretary, investigation was made possible thanks to the vital testimony of lieutenant Trowel, second-in-command to the head of Yurga-2 administration. Lieutenant provided the testimony immediately after the incident that nearly cost him his life. Mr Paperback ensured us that the press service of Public Prosecution will additionally inform us of any new facts found during questioning as soon as the witness recovers from shock.”

“Catchy, and how wide-scale according to Prosecution this wide-scale corruption really is?”

“Wish I could know, Mike. Mr Paperback evaded the question, but according to my sources the entire administration of Yurga-2 division is suspended. Trowel's immediate commanding officer, captain Lash, was taken into custody last night.

According to our internal sources in Prosecution, the most possible charges are large-scale theft, gross violation of inmates' rights and Labor Code infringement. In addition, placing lieutenant Trowel under heavy protection makes many ponies, myself included, suspect the Prosecution does not consider the ‘incident’ to be an accident.”

“Wait... That Paperback fellow didn't even mention you, princess!” Celekh blurted. Flashlight opened his mouth, then nodded in agreement, never saying a word.

“Is that a bad thing?” Luna gave her a sugary smile.

“Looks like the yesterday's storm managed to shake some serious constructions after all, contrary to what the Weather Control says,” the anchor whistled in the meantime. “Sounds serious. Are there any accused ponies yet?”

“Can't say for now, Mike. Press secretary warned against rushing with conclusions here and informed that the names could only be divulged after the preliminary investigation is over. But I was told captain Lash's defence had already made a statement citing severe health problems with the detainee and insisted on his immediate hospitalization.

As a reminder, Yurga Drills mining operations are staffed by both convicts from the centralized state penitentiaries and hired employees. Yurga is a company with significant share of the State and one of the primary recipients for state subsidies.”

“Thank you, Catchy. And now for the other news. Princess Luna's visit which was delayed due to the yesterday's sandstorm...”

“That's enough for now I believe.” The princess muted the TV and blissfully stretched. Public relations forced her to change the daily schedule she was accustomed to. Still, her body never ceased to remind her about it.

“It wasn't like that,” the umbrum gloomily said.

“I thought you liked the opera,” Luna reminded. “Or theatres. Care to hear another story?”

Celekh stared at her, seemingly not understanding.

“I'll take that as a yes,” the princess absent-mindedly watched through the TV screen, resting her chin on the crossed hooves. “The Elements of Harmony also proved to have some curious side effects. Something few ponies know about even today, although if you dig the works of Starswirl the Bearded... Ah, no matter. As it turns out, purifying Nightmare Moon and returning her back to normal was not the only thing the Elements did. They also made her greatest dream come true.”

“And that is?” now it was Flashlight who asked first.

“From now on ponies remembered who helped them in their dreams. The princess shared a bond with her subjects now, even if it wasn't the kind everyone openly talked about. This bond was unlike the bond that connected Celestia and other ponies... She wasn't praised. She was never openly worshiped. She preferred to act from the shadows, not in the broad daylight like her sister. She found certain enjoyment in that.”

The floor under their hooves shook, the sound of engines warming up reaching them from the outside, muffled by layers of armor.

“Sometimes the things you want are not the things you need,” the princess said thoughtfully. “I'm no Elements of Harmony... But I like to cause myself and others some small joy every now and then. You were saying you didn't want to return to the mine.”

The umbrum nodded slowly.

“What if I offered you a participation in some curious project... an experiment of sorts, you might say. Oh, 'tis not the project of mine. But I presume it is interesting enough for you to find something for yourself in it.”

“You're speaking in riddles, princess,” Celekh winced.

“True,” Luna agreed. “Unfortunately we don't have much time. The pilot needs half an hour at most to run the usual system diagnostics. I shall share the details on the way to the best of my ability, but now you need to choose. Are you staying here... or flying with us.”

“Can I say goodbye?”

“Undoubtedly,” the alicorn smiled softly and raised from the table. “Please don't be late. And now you must excuse me. There is a couple of things I must settle before we leave.”

“Princess?” the umbrum called, and Luna stopped in the doorframe. “One last question, if I may. The books say recognition wasn't the only thing you sought. They also say you wished to be the only princess.”

“To think of it, the Elements weren't content with fulfilling just one wish of mine. There were occasions when I ruled Equestria in place of my sister. Long story short...” Luna smiled weakly. “It wasn't as fun as I thought.”

Author's Note:

And there you have it. Luna's recruitment method.

Also, songs from "Rainbow Rocks" rule.

Some more small (and generally not interesting) translation moments.
1) Unlike English, Slavic languages use two forms of "you" - the formal and the more informal one. Celekh addressed Luna in informal manner... until now. That's what originally caused Luna to mention "formalities". I tried to more or less show this through the scene here instead.
2) Paperback is the closest variant, although it has another undertone. Still, I like words with multiple meanings, and this one is probably no worse that the original.
2) "Permission to speak freely" is never used by our military. From what I've heard, it's actually never used by US or UK military either, being a pure Hollywood invention. The rule of cool still applies though.

Comments ( 6 )

Roll credits?

Yup, pretty much. End of one story, start of another. Hopefully. One day. Maybe?

If the main OCs in this story were voiced, what would they sound like?

I have answers only for some.

Celekh, in essence, is a banshee/undead. Think "Sylvanas Windrunner" from Warcraft 3 TFT (not from WoW), only even more bitter, rusty and screechy, especially when she is in her "bad form".
Flashlight is nerdy. He's rather young.
Serenity is... Serenity. He uses verbocoder to speak Equestrian, very "artificial" since it is entirely synthesised.
...anypony else?
Why are you asking anyway? :moustache:

It's a reference, not a criticism. Any game where you have to choose which line to say and the wrong one ends you.

Well... Knowing Luna, there probably was an emergency plan in case everything goes to hell. Or half a dozen emergency plans.
But yeah, I tend to like difficult "discussion challenges", like those in Human Revolution. Many choices, different personalities. Knowing their background and having some empathy helps. Alternatively, you can use Luna's mind scan CASIE :applejackunsure:

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