• Published 25th Jul 2012
  • 4,213 Views, 47 Comments

The Pony-Filled Life of Alexis Creek - NightmareMoon

What happens when Alex Creek meets 6 specific people who aren't exactly supposed to exist??

  • ...

Alexis Goes Bonkers

A few minutes had passed since Celestia had randomly left, but I totally wasn't worried.

Not just because I'm not worried about that whole 'Lauren Faust is evil' thing. That's a totally different story, so I'm not going to get into that 'till later.

While Twilight, Luna (who had entered quietly, and revealed herself eavesdropping a few seconds after Celestia left) and Spike were freaking out, running around in circles, and screaming, I kept my cool. Kind of.

Okay, well, I admit I was mentally freaking out (just a tiny bit!) but really, the whole time I was thinking, I don't know them! Who are these crazy people?!

Really, though. It had only been, what? Two minutes? Maybe three? Oh no! It's been a minute - EVERYPONY, TAKE COVER! RUN!

These ponies really overreacted.

Remember when I had told you, I don't know, 10 seconds ago, how me keeping my cool wasn't just about me being not worried about Lauren Faust being evil and all that? I was lying. Get used to it; authors lie a lot.

In reality, I'm totally FREAKING OUT!!!!

What if she's evil? What if she's, like, I don't know, the mystical magical alicorn of, like, I don't know! Maybe, like, um, like, like, like... of dancing trees! Or, maybe, just trees. Or, maybe she's the Mystical Alicorn of Fluttershy? I mean, Fluttershy's a tree, so if Lauren Faust was the Mysical Alicorn of Tress, she'd also have to be the Mystical Alicorn of Fluttershy, and oh boy, I'm overreacting, aren't I?

A small part of my strange, derpy brain said, Nah. I'm totally not going insane!... right? ...

While the other part of my brain said, I'm going insane. This is Lesson Zero all over again. Please, someone! Or somepony, I don't think of humans as a superior race. I need a psychiatrist! Besides, Fluttershy isn't a tree!... right? ...

My mind started spinning, I guess from mental strain or whatever it's called. Sorry, I'm not into that health junk. It's not my kind of thing. If I had to get into that, I'd be forced to not eat junk food! Luna was wearing... pretty... socks. They were.... her... cu... cutie... cutie mark, right? No, they were socks.

Suddenly, I wasn't here anymore, which was downright creepy and quoted from Rainbow Dash getting into 'freakytown.' I was in the Everfree, near Zecora's hut. Stumbling towards it, I called out a small whisper of, "Zecora... I'm getting... sleepy..."

Everything started getting messed with. The colors were so much brighter and the trees were made of cotton candy. Zecora's hut, which appeared out of nowhere, was blood red and appearing to be made out of the timber of a timberwolf, were downright strange, and maybe even a bit scary. That's not really normal for Zecora's hut.

"Zecora!" I yelled. "Zecora!"

The ground gradually began getting softer, and the hard dirt that was practically frozen from the harsh weather of the Everfree turned into mud.

Looking below me, a blue ooze - quicksand, she recognized it as - was pulling me down... down... and then the world turned black, and I couldn't see anything.

For what seemed like months, I waited in complete darkness, occasionally calling some names, hoping they'd respond. Of course, I knew they wouldn't. I didn't even know the time - it could have been a few minutes, or a year. By now, my mind was a jumbled mess of BLAH.

"Twilight," I called softly, actually expecting an answer. "Twilight..."

No one could hear me, obviously, and by now I realized I was alone, and she would just have to bear with it. It was a stinging, distant feeling of loneliness I had tried to part with for so long when I was on Earth.

I tried taking a walk to calm her nerves, not knowing where the hay I was. (Hey, I'm picking up on the local slang!) But I shrieked loudly - and annoyingly, I admit - when I saw what was in her path.

* * *

"Are you sure she's okay?" Spike asked hesitantly, his gaze falling upon the human that was sprawled upon the floor, occasionally muttering things in her sleep, such as "quicksand..."

She honestly didn't look too good. Her fingers were twitching, her eyes had bags under them, and her hair was all over the place, probably from the horrible job he and Luna had did, trying to transport her to the Royal Hospital. Unfortunately, the medics FREAKED out horribly when they had seen such a creature. Luna had tried to assure them, but when they saw her they assumed she had transformed into Nightmare Moon once again and she was the one that knocked her out.

Well, Spike didn't blame her. A baby dragon and a Princess that had tried to bring eternal night to Equestria weren't really the people he would trust if he was a pony.

Hopefully, Alexis would wake up. Luna wasn't really that great in healing magic, because although she was a quick learner, healing magic had only been developed much recently. In Luna's time, healing magic was overlooked and called "a waste of time" because it was so difficult. Few dared to try it, less succeeded. If you weren't a very experienced doctor, the patient you were treating might just get worse, and with the horrible, medieval medicines they used back then, if you had an injury, well, good luck!

Spike obviously didn't know magic or anything about being a doctor, so... as Zecora says, "you're doomed."

* * *

A manticore. Full size, claws bared, teeth ready to rip her apart. Now, I would love to say, "oh, I wasn't scared one bit! I walked up to that manticore just like Fluttershy, stuck my tongue out, and the manticore ran away in fear before I could even give it a taste of it's own medicine!"

Yeah, no.

I'm going to die, I'm going to die, I'm going to... That's when I was really surprised. I stared at the manticore with confusion on my face. What?!

The manticore's eyebrows were scrunched up in concern, wondering why the hay I was having a heart attack. And then it started SMILING.

That's right, I used the Royal Canterlock! I'm that confused!

"Alexis?" The manticore asked. WHAT?! MANTICORES TALK!? "Why are you so scared? This is all taking place in your imagination, no need to worry. It's all a dream, and in time, it will fade away."

"You're not a dream... are you?" I stared at the manticore uncertainly. Suddenly, I was feeling smart (for a change.) "You can't be a piece of my imagination. I mean, you're the one informing me this is my imagination, so if this was my imagination, it would be part of my mind, and I'd have to know that this was just a dream in the first place if you were."

The manticore laughed. Why, I'm not sure, but it was kind of, oh, I don't know, FREAKING ME OUT. "Oh, yes. You're a smart one, certainly. No, I'm not a part of your imagination. You'll learn who I am soon enough, but for now I take this manticore's form."

I raised my eyebrows, then started smiling. I tried to look like I wasn't scared. "I thought you weren't just an ordinary manticore. Besides, what manticores talk?"

The manticore smiled, but shortly after his face fell grim. "Okay, that's enough chit-chat. Now, let's talk about more pressing manners, like why exactly I'm invading your dreams."

I nodded. Then, a surprising thought struck me. "Wait a minute, I'm dreaming?!"

"Why, of course." The manticore started laughing. "Of course you're dreaming! How else would you be surrounded in darkness, fall through blue quicksand, and be surrounded by the Everfree forest, except with distorted coloring?"

I considered this, and felt rather stupid for not realizing it in the first place. Okay, really stupid.

"Well, anyways." The manticore continued, licking his paws, - disgusting! - "I came here to warn you."

"Warn me?!" I yelp.

"Yes..." The manticore says, sadly, and suddenly, two chairs appear out of nowhere. Except, one's small, about just perfect for me, and the other one is huge, and seems to be made of metal instead of the wood on the small chair.

"One for me, and one for you," he says. I nod, face drained of what little color there was left. As we sit down, he leans towards me. "Now, listen very carefully. What I have to say right now is a life or death matter. An old foe is coming back to Equestria - one older than even Discord himself - and he's seeking you."