• Published 25th Jul 2012
  • 4,213 Views, 47 Comments

The Pony-Filled Life of Alexis Creek - NightmareMoon

What happens when Alex Creek meets 6 specific people who aren't exactly supposed to exist??

  • ...

The Only Chapter That Sort of Makes Sense

Yeah, so... I don't even know what happened myself. Um, I think I'll rewind.

This all happened so suddenly. One moment I'm thinking about Twilight, and how she's acting all crazy. And Celestia, too! I thought I could trust whoever was behind this - okay, not trust. I'd be crazy if I thought I could trust someone/pony/draqonequus/Sombra/dragon/something evil, AKA whoever is doing this thing.

I mean, seriously. Whoever is doing this wants to harm me, not have a tea party. I can imagine it now:


"Hello, person who wants to kill me," I say as I sip a cup of tea. Pinkie finger up, of course! "Oh my dear someone/pony/draqonequus/Sombra/dragon/something evil! This tea is simply marvelous. Where did you get it?"

"Why," whoever is doing this remarks. "This tea is one of a kind. I made it myself from petals of Heart's Desire."

"Oh, my!" I exclaim. "That must be why this tastes oddly like gummy bears. I suppose my life's desire is to win the national gummy bear eating championship!"

"Why, me too!"


Yeah... Um, definitely not. That's going to give me nightmares for the rest of, like, forever.

Where was I, again? Oh yes! I was talking about how Twilight Sparkle seemed... Different. It looked like Twilight Sparkle but she seemed different somehow, like she was doing things just for the sake of being like herself. Which does not make sense at all, but then again nothing does. So I'm just going to let that pass.

Celestia, I think, wasn't "possessed" like Twilight (if she was actually possessed; maybe Twilight was just way too traumatized or whatever to do anything, like when she reads a sad book and then starts crying for the next five days or so because "Mr. Toodles just wanted to find love!"). Instead, she was just acting... distant, strange, like she was in deep thought and had no time for us. She is, after all, royalty.

So, now flash to the future: ponies running around in circles, screaming their heads off. A typical panicking scene. But what are they panicking about?

It's obviously some weird pony thing that I've never heard about and is actually really, really strange and useless. Like 50 other useless pony things.

I would name them all, but I'd rather not waste this time.

Whoa, when did I get all serious-y? I better get a cup of coffee or something... Okay, back in a sec.

"Spike is so awesome" said Alexis "I liek Spike, he is best dragonn"


Sorry, erm... That was Spike there, trying to convince you all that he is best dragon. Actually, Spike is the only dragon here. So I don't really know what you're trying to accomplish there, Spike.

He says he's sorry and that it won't happen again. It better not...! But then again, I do apologize for saying that there are many useless pony things that are strange and useless, or whatever I said. Yes, Spike, that was an "apology." Now SHOO!

So, I would ask someone what the heck was happening, but they were too busy screaming their heads off to actually pay attention to anything that I would say. Not to mention that half of them were screaming their heads off because of me. Twilight was off to who-knows-where, and besides, she wouldn't be the most reliable source to get information off of. We've already agreed there's something seriously wrong with Twilight today.

What I noticed, though, was that most of the ponies were running towards Canterlot Castle. Had something happened to the princess? I hoped not, but it could very well be true: for what other reason would so many ponies be so shaken up? Some were crying, some screaming, some running, some just sitting there as if they couldn't believe what was happened. What could cause such a reaction? What other than something happening to their dear princess, the most important pony in all of Equestria?

I knew that while I definitely had to check things out at Canterlot Castle, I also had to complete Celestia's mission. Maybe even alone, since whatever happened to Twilight is probably related to Sombra.

What if Twilight was possessed by King Sombra? Just a thought, but a very likely one. I mean, why would whoever possess her do it at that certain time? It could be a coincidence, but nothing was a coincidence here. It was either "magic," "fate," or simply "because that's the way things work."

And then I realized something, more important than any of this stuff. Why wasn't my brain telepathy with Pinkie working? Pinkie explained that while Lyra can turn hers on and off (I forced Pinkie to add this feature, since 24-hour-Lyra in my brain was too devastating), Pinkie couldn't. The only way she could be entirely quiet (unless, of course, she had taken it out) is if she was sleeping, unconscious as in a coma or something, or...


I hoped not. I really did. Pinkie had turned to be pretty much my best friend, since she understood so much about me: not just breaking the fourth wall, but also since she was an absolute social butterfly. I mean, that mare could read your mind (even without the brain telepathy thing).

But so far whoever was doing this hadn't really harmed anybody, just sort of... Kept in the shadows, waiting for my move. So I don't really know anything about him. If I did, the Elements would be all over him by now, and that's not what he wants. He (assuming he is a guy, that is) doesn't want that. Which means he's probably not all that powerful, if he's scared of the Elements.

So maybe, if I catch whoever's behind this now, I'll actually have a shot...

But first, I'll have to figure out what everybody is freaking out about. And I'm not all that sure it's going to be good.

Author's Note:

Okay, guys. New... everything, actually. First of all, from now on I'm going to update every day to make up for all those chapters I should have written :(. And second of all, I need a new editor: someone who can do their job very quickly. That's all for now, but I'm working on a new chapter, and it's going to be awesome!