• Published 25th Jul 2012
  • 4,210 Views, 47 Comments

The Pony-Filled Life of Alexis Creek - NightmareMoon

What happens when Alex Creek meets 6 specific people who aren't exactly supposed to exist??

  • ...



Oh, I'm sorry. Did I disturb you? Well, sincere apologies. That was just me, screaming into my pillow like there's no tomorrow. So, good day!

"You know," Twilight said, "it may not be an adult..."

"What?" I asked, jumping out of my bed and landing on my feet. I started shaking her, my eye twitching. "You never told me that? Ever?"

"Um, no." She said. "I just figured it out, actually. If it lives for billions of years, then it would take a million or so years to simply grow up."

"How long has Discord been alive?" I asked. "I remember once the manticore dude told me, 'the key is twice of Chaos.' He likes to give me weird, nonsensical, freaky prophecies that nopony can understand like that."

"I don't know," Twilight admitted. "I never was really into monsters. I didn't even know about the Dracqoniqi race until we faced Discord, and even after that I didn't bother studying much on the subject. I never liked monsters of evil or stuff like that. Spells are more of my thing. And math. And astronomy. And physics. And science. And..."

"Okay, okay, I get it!" I said, ending her long list of Things Twilight Sparkle is Good At. "I know about your forty-seven degrees. That's great and all, but if you really wanted to name all of those things, it would take over an hour."

"Anyways, I think Celestia knows. Want to send her a scroll?"

"No," I said. "Let's go to Canterlot. There are other things I want to ask her."

* * *

I see him whenever I sleep. It's always same old him, licking his paws and sitting on an oversized chair that doesn't look so comfortable. Today he has a glint in his eyes and just for one teeny, itsy bitsy second, I see his eyes flash red.

"So," he said. "You've finally figured it out."

"Yes, yes I have," I said. "But one question: if he really is just a kid, then why is he such a problem? I'm starting to think that you're not telling me the whole truth."

"No." The manticore smiles. "There's another challenge you must face. This duel between you and the dragon that isn't a dragon is only the first one of many. You are clever, and I fear that you will win."

"Fear?" I asked, raising my eyebrows. "You're not the manticore, are you? Not anymore."

He laughed. By now his eyes were red, and staying that way. You know, he was sort of creeping me out. A lot. "You learn well."

His eyes turned black again, back to normal. "Don't listen to me! That's not me talking! He's trying to -"

His eyes, once again, turned red. But not the bright red as it was before, a darker shade. A blackish-red. The real manticore-who-wasn't-a-manticore was still fighting. I cheered for him in my mind.

"I underestimate him," the manticore-who-wasn't-a-manticore-but-now-wasn't-even-the-manticore-who-wasn't-the-manticore said. "He is strong. But I am certain that next time I will make no mistakes. I know that you aren't strong -"

"Hey!" I protested.

"- and therefore, you will be easy."

"Easy?" I asked. "Oh, nononononono. Erm, you don't want me!"

"And why not?" He asked. "You look delicious!"

"Delicious?" I raised my eyebrows. HE WANTS TO EAT ME! I thought. But even though I wanted to yell, I knew that if I kept calm nothing would happen. I mean, this is a dream. Really, maybe he can eat me in real life, but not in a dream. Right now I'm like a hologram - you can try to poke me for days and days but your finger will pass through my body. I'm not physically... wherever we are right now. "Really? Because, um, everyone who... um... tries to... eat me... says I'm very very dull and flavorless."

Whoever was using the manticore's body rolled his eyes. "Oh, come on. You could at least TRY to be original! How many times have I heard that in my life? Twenty? A hundred? And I swear, every single pony turns out to be delicious!"

"Yeah," I reasoned, "but ponies don't go on medication."

"What is this medication you speak of?"

"It's this really, really disgusting thing that helps you get better when you're sick. You have to eat it twice a day or something."

"You are sick?" He asked, slowly backing away.

"Yeah," I lied. Okay, I'm not actually sick - I just take allergy medicine.

"GET AWAY FROM ME!" He shrieked. I made a mental note: his body must be weak if he's too scared of getting sick. He's either old or young or something like that. Or maybe just sensitive. Oh well, this'll help figuring this thing out.

* * *

I wake up.

"Are you alright?" Twilight asks. "I mean, I was trying to wake you up. I tried everything, but you just wouldn't wake up! You were shivering and muttering things in your sleep, like 'red' and 'manticore.' You were having one of those dreams, right?"

I nodded. "This dragon guy isn't the only problem we have to face. There's another guy. He posessed the manticore or something. Or, maybe he is the manticore. How many times have I seen that in a movie? Well, it could be possible. Maybe it's the manticore's evil side!"

Twilight shook her head. "Alexis, you're sounding like Pinkie. Honestly, get a grip on reality! What do we know?"

"Well, he wanted to eat me. He said he'd eaten lots of ponies before. He was in my dreams, too, so he must have that power. How many times have ponies been murdered in their sleep?"

"Now that you mention it..." Twilight thought about it. "It started happening about thirty years ago. People started disappearing, every... month, two months. Still happens."

"Great," I said. "He was able to possess the manticore. Do you know a species that can do that?"

"I know about two-hundred," she grumbled, face-hoofing. "Do you know anything else that can narrow it down?"

"Well," I said, "I know that when he tried to eat me, I lied and said that I was sick. He started freaking out. His body must be weak. Does that help?"

Surprisingly, Twi said, "yes."

"Well, do you know the species yet?"

"Well, still, no. There are about twelve species that can do both. Anything else?"

I shook my head.