• Published 4th Mar 2018
  • 4,130 Views, 18 Comments

Apples From The Ashes - CAPTAIN YOSHI HD

Applejack tells Starlight about her parents. So, Starlight thought she can do a spell that can bring them back.

  • ...

The Whole Story

Starlight's eyes weren't facing across her surroundings to see what's around her. Her four hooves weren't touching the ground, although she was sitting on a bench. Her back hooves would be dangling off the bench when she's having a good time, but this time, she isn't. She didn't feel any emotion except for sadness.

A week ago, everywhere she walked to in Ponyville, she saw her friend, Applejack, and her siblings, Apple Bloom and Big Macintosh, seeing some family members she never knew or do know. The memories she heard about Applejack's parents, it made her think of her parents. Even on holidays, such as Mother's Day and Father's Day, she leaves those holiday parties and go off somewhere to be alone. It wasn't fair for her.

"Hey, Starlight." a voice of some farmer called.

Starlight looked up to see Applejack walking toward her with a mug of cold cider. "Oh, hey, Applejack." she greeted. "What are you doing here?"

"I saw you feeling lonely, and I thought you needed company." Applejack said, planting her rear on the bench. She looked at the mug of cider. "And a drink." She gave it to Starlight.

Starlight took the mug with her magic. "What is it?" she asked, looking inside the mug.

"It's some of our fresh apple cider." Applejack answered. "I was going to have some since I finished my chores earlier, but when I saw you, I thought I would bring you something to cheer you up."

Starlight brought the mug up to her lips and took a sip, tasting the fuzzy scent of the drink. "Thanks." she said.

Applejack patted her friend on the back as she thanked her. "So, what's gotten you so down?" she asked.

Starlight flinched at the mention of that question Applejack asked. She knew what she did last week, and she wants to keep it personal. "Um, it's nothing." she said with a weak smile.

"Excuse me there, Sugarcube." Applejack said, taking hold of Starlight's chin and directing her eyes at her own. "I'm pretty sure 'nothing' isn't the right answer to say to your friends. Come on, Star, just be like me, the Element of Honesty, who would never lie to her friends. If you got anything, just say it."

Starlight sighed, she knew Applejack was right, she should never lie to her friends. Well, she did lie to Twilight and her friends the first time they met and revealed an evil secret to shock and surprise them. She did want to keep this 'personal' secret personal, but lies will make it worse, she had to say it. "I saw you and your siblings walking around Ponyville and talking to other ponies and old family members you never knew last week." she admitted.

"You did?" Applejack asked, surprisingly. "How come you didn't walk up to us and try to get our attention?"

"I just didn't want to intrude." Starlight said. "Also, it made me think of my parents. They're dead too."

"Huh." Applejack said. "No wonder you never mention your family at all, especially on Mother's Day and Father's Day. You know, can I tell you about my parents?"

Starlight nodded.

"Ok." Applejack started. "My dad was an apple."

"Pfft. Obviously, because YOU'RE an apple." Starlight stated.

Applejack chuckled. "You make a good point." she said. "Continuing. My dad was a great strong stallion. He ran the fastest, buck apple trees real hard, even found the right mare he wanted to marry. The mare that he married... was a pear."

Starlight raised an eyebrow in confusion. "A pear?" she asked. "How come you're an apple and your mom was a pear?"

"Well, as for the apple family, they were in a big feud with the pears." Applejack said. "My grandfather, Grand Pear, he-"

"Hold it, stop right there." Starlight interrupted. "You have a grandfather?"

"Yes." Applejack puffed. "Can I please explain the rest of the story?"

"You may. Sorry." Starlight said, promising to remain silent until Applejack's finished with her story.

"Grand Pear made a plan to move to Van Hoover." Applejack continued. "My mother thought she was never going to see my father again. But, my father planned a wedding for the both of them and married her just like that before the Pear family would try to get her back. But, when my mother turned her back on Grand Pear, they left her behind."

Starlight thought that was the saddest stories she ever heard in her life. "Was he really that mean?" she asked.

"Yeah, he never let her experience true love." Applejack said. She thought back when she met him at the market. "But, when Apple Bloom met him at the market, he was being nice to her. She asked him if he moved back to Ponyville just for a change of pace or if he was sorry and wanted to get to know us too. We then showed our grandparents something to remember our parents by."

"What was it?" Starlight asked.

"It was a tree that resembled our parents." Applejack answered. "One part was my mom and one part that was my dad.

Two of the branches made the shape of a heart. So, just like that, it's apples and pears all together."

Starlight was amazed. "I got to say, your parents must've been pretty awesome." she remarked.

"They were." Applejack said, looking up at the sky. That place up in the clouds was heaven, she knows that's where her parents are. She looked back over to Starlight. "If I may ask, what were your parents like?"

Starlight sighed. "My parents were exactly like yours." she said. "My mom was just as beautiful as your mom, she loved to put makeup on, and she walks around like a grand lady. My dad was just as charming as your dad, he almost had the same voice as Fancy Pants, and he dresses nicely."

"So, how did they die?" Applejack asked.

Starlight's heartbeat increased and felt a nervous tingle in her stomach. She took a deep breath and let it all out. "They were murdered by a criminal stallion, he deceased them right in front of me, and I was just four." she said.

Applejack felt sorry for her friend. "That's horrible." she said.

"Sunburst was the only pony I had left in my life, until he got his cutie mark and left me behind in that house where we had lots of fun together." Starlight said with a tear escaping her left eye. "And that's when I became evil and tried to take cutie marks from ponies in an entire village, but beside the point."

"But, you changed, and you saved Equestria from the changelings." Applejack said. "I'm sure your parents would be very proud of you for that."

"Thanks, Applejack." Starlight said. "I'm sure yours would be as well for how you've been raising your farm."

"Thank you too." Applejack said, hopping off the bench and turning away from the pink unicorn. "I just wish I could see them again and they'd be back with us." Then, she walks away.

Starlight had one more question. "Wait, Applejack." she yelled, making the farmer turn back around and look at her. "One last question: how did your parents die?"

Applejack sighed. "There was a huge storm in Ponyville, and my parents were trying to get everypony in Town Hall safely." she explained. "When they were running toward the tower to get in, they didn't notice the water tower tipping over and falling onto them. When the storm ended, a unicorn lifted the tower up and found their bodies. Paramedics checked their pulse, their hearts weren't beating, they were gone."

"Wow, that must've been really scary." Starlight said.

"I know." Applejack said. "Their grave is at the Ponyville Cemetery, in case you were going to ask. Anyways, I got to get back to the barn for supper. Bye, Starlight." She turned and walked away.

Starlight made a 'goodbye' wave with her hoof. She then thought to herself, 'If Applejack wishes to see her parents again, why not now?'


"Come on, it can't be hard to find the book." Starlight complained. She was searching for a book that has a spell to revive ponies. Well, she wasn't sure if somepony really made a spell to revive ponies, because a death is permanent. She already looked through the 'K's, next is the 'L's, there weren't that many. She spotted a title called 'Spells on Life and Death' on one of them and picked it up with her magic. She scrolled through the book, until she found a spell on how to revive ponies. She beamed joyfully, she didn't think that somepony would ever make a reviving spell. "This should be useful, hopefully it's not hard."

"Hey, Starlight." a voice said.

Starlight turned and saw her former teacher, Twilight Sparkle standing behind her. "Oh, Twilight, didn't see you there." she said.

"What are you doing in here?" Twilight asked.

"I'm looking for a book with a spell that can revive ponies." Starlight said, showing the 'Spells on Life and Death' book.

Twilight raised an eyebrow in confusion. "First of all, why would you want a book that has a spell that can revive ponies, and second, you do know that a creature's death is permanent, right?" she asked.

"Yeah, but, Applejack told me about her parents and she wished she could see them again." Starlight explained to Twilight. "I thought of that statement and I thought I would try to bring them back.

"Well, Starlight, I'm not sure if it'll work, but give it your best shot." Twilight said sadly.

"I will." Starlight said, heading for the door. "I just hope it's not hard." She left the library.


There they were, a few feet away from the cemetery, the coffins of Pear Butter and Bright Macintosh were laid on the grassy fields. They were removed from their graves. She opened them up and saw the dead bodies of the two ponies. She took another look at the spell.

"Here it goes." she said with her horn glowing as she got ready to cast the spell. The dead couple glowed, then after a few seconds, a huge explosion came. She flew backwards and landed on her back. She got back up on her hooves and looked at the bodies, to see if they're moving. She stared at the bodies only for four seconds before their eyes snapped open. She beamed with joy and ran up to the ponies.

Both Bright Mac and Pear Butter sat up and looked at each other.

"Buttercup?" Bright Mac asked.

"Bright Mac?" Pear Butter asked.

They took their eyes off each other and saw Starlight standing in front of them. "Ah!" Bright Mac yelped in surprise. "Who are you?"

"Starlight Glimmer." the pink unicorn responded.

Bright Mac and Pear Butter chuckled. "That's a lovely name." Pear Butter giggled.

"I have to agree with you." Bright Mac chuckled. "I mean, it was the parents who created the name, they must be adored by it. Hahahaha. Uh, whoa."

Starlight revealed a picture a picture of the apple family, surprising the two apple parents.

"Oh my gosh." Pear Butter gasped.

"This family misses you so much." Starlight said. "I came here to take you both home to see them." She lifted them out of the coffins and put them onto their hooves. "I sure they would be delighted to see you two." She leads the two away from their coffins and to Sweet Apple Acres.


The three ponies arrived at Sweet Apple Acres. It was very quiet, which means that Applejack and the rest of her family are asleep. Starlight thought it was a good thing, because she wanted to surprise them.

"Look how old Sweet Apple Acres got." Pear Butter pointed out.

"Shhhhh." Starlight hushed. "Don't wake them up. I want this to be a surprise."

Bright Mac turned to Pear Butter "She does have a point, you know." he said. "We've been dead after all."

Starlight walked up to the door and knocked on it. "Hello, Applejack." she called. "Come on out, and bring your family too."

"I can't wait to see my children again." Bright Mac said enthusiastically.

"Hey, what did I say?" Starlight asked. "I'm trying to surprise them. Don't say a word until I say so. Got it?"

Bright Mac and Pear Butter nodded.

The door opened. Applejack, Big Macintosh, Granny Smith, and Grand Pear stepped outside, they were pooped.

Applejack rubbed her eyes, clearing her vision. "What the... Starlight, is that you?" she asked. "What the hay are you doing here at this hour, Sugarcube?"

"There are two someponys here to see you." Starlight said, showing her friend the two ponies they've missed for a long time.

"Huh...?" Applejack asked. She looked at Pear Butter and Bright Mac and gasped. The other three ponies gasped as well. She and Pear Butter walked up to each other slowly.

Pear Butter put a hoof on her orange daughter's cheek and stared into her lime green eyes. She saw a wink come from Starlight, which means it's a good time to say something. "Sweetie." she whispered.

Applejack recognized that one word that escaped Pear Butter's mouth. Water appeared on the top of her bottom eye lid as she smiled. She recognized her mom's face. "Mama." she cried. She wrapped her hooves around her mother that she lost long ago. Her father joined in the hug, and so did Big Mac, Granny Smith, and Grand Pear.

Starlight wiped a tear from her eye as she watched the big embrace, it was beautiful.

"How is this possible?" Applejack asked as she and the other ponies broke the embrace.

Pear Butter pointed a hoof at Starlight, which caused the orange farm pony to turn to her.

"Starlight, you brought them back to us?" she asked, approaching her friend.

Starlight nodded. "You wished to see them again, so your wish got granted." she said with a blush growing on her cheeks.

Pear Butter felt her father wrap his hooves around her neck. She made a face filled with sorrow.

"Oh, my little girl." Grand Pear cried. "I am so sorry for how much of a jerk I was to you. I failed you as a father, I left you behind."

Pear Butter gave her father's back a few pats. "Oh, Daddy, you didn't fail as a father, you only made a bad decision." she said with comfort. "When you left me, I was sad, because you lost me."

"I did lose you." Grand Pear sobbed as he released his daughter's neck.

"But, you found me again, and I'm so happy you that you're now treating me the way I wanted to be treated." Pear Butter said, wiping a tear from his eye.

Grand Pear embraced her daughter again. "I just thought I lost you forever, but you're back here with me again." he said.

"I don't believe this happened, but welcome back, my boy." Granny Smith said, touching her son's cheek with a hoof as a tear escaped her left eye.

"Thank you so much, Mama." Bright Mac said, wrapping a hoof around his mom's shoulder and resting his chin on her head. He sighed. "It's great to be back."

"Eeyup." Big Mac agreed, resting a hoof on Bright Mac's back.

"Hey." a young voice called from inside the house. It was Apple Bloom, who stepped outside while rubbing her eyes to clear her vision. "What's going on out here? I keep hearing voices. This better be good." She opened both eyes and gasped as she spotted the two familiar ponies. She stood frozen as she stared at them, she didn't know what to do nor who they were.

But, Pear Butter and Bright Mac knew Apple Bloom by her yellow fur and red mane. The mother came first, she walked up to her and placed a hoof on her cheek. "Apple Bloom." she said. "It's me."

Apple Bloom took a few steps back, not saying a word and feeling afraid.

"It's okay, Apple Bloom, don't be afraid." Pear Butter crooned.

What Pear Butter said made Apple Bloom remember a whole lot of memories she had when she was a baby. One time when she was in the grassy field, playing with her mom. Her mom was holding baby Apple Bloom in her hooves while laying on her back. A butterfly flew over to her and landed on her head, making her whimper.

"It's okay, Apple Bloom, don't be afraid." Pear Butter cooed.

The baby smiled and giggled.

There was another memory when the whole Apple Family were watching the northern stars soar through the sky. The loud soaring made infant Apple Bloom whimper.

"It's okay, Apple Bloom, don't be afraid." Pear Butter cooed, rocking her child in her arms.

The baby drifted to sleep.

Then, there was a memory when a thunder storm was going on, making poor Apple Bloom curl up and whimper in fear in Pear Butter's arms.

"It's okay, Apple Bloom, don't be afraid." Pear Butter cooed, planting a kiss on the infant's head.

The baby fell asleep, making Pear Butter smile. She brought her youngest child to her bedroom and placed her in her crib. "Sweet dreams, sweetheart." she cooed. She hummed a little tune for a lullaby.

A tear escaped Apple Bloom's right eye, then she smiled. "It is you." she said, wrapping her hooves around Pear Butter's neck for a hug.

Pear Butter returned the hug to her little daughter.

Apple Bloom laid her eyes on her father, who was walking up to the embraced ponies and joined in the hug.

Applejack, Granny Smith, Grand Pear, and Big Mac joined in as well.

"I can't believe I finally get to see my mom and dad again after all these years." Apple Bloom chirped. She looked at her mom straight in the eyes. "Thank you for coming back to me."

Pear Butter pulled Apple Bloom close and whispered in her ear. "Your welcome." she crooned.

They all broke the embrace. "Well, Apple Bloom, you should be thanking Starlight." she said, turning around to see that Starlight was no longer standing behind them.

Apple Bloom raised an eyebrow in confusion. "I should be thanking Starlight? For this?" she asked.

"Yeah, I mean, she was just here." Applejack said, looking around the area under the moonlight.

Bright Mac pointed at the direction to the entrance gate. "There she is." he said, pointing out Starlight sitting at the gate.

Applejack and Pear Butter walked up to Starlight, who was sitting down and staring at the ground. "Starlight, what are you doing over here?" she asked.

Starlight looked over to Applejack and Pear Butter. She sighed. "I just... didn't want to intrude on your family moment." she said.

"Why would you say that?" Applejack asked.

"Well, I'm not an apple, aren't I?" Starlight asked in slight anger. She took a deep breath to calm herself down. "I'm nothing like you ponies. Besides, I'm a unicorn, I possibly can't live with a family that doesn't have magic."

Pear Butter walked in front of her and lifted her head up with a hoof. "Starlight, you're already like a sister to Applejack." she said. "Why not I adopt you and have you become one of us?"

Starlight gasped in surprise. "Are you serious?" she asked, letting Pear Butter help her to her hooves. "After what I did to bring you back?"

"Of course." Pear Butter said, touching Starlight's cheek with a hoof. "What I see is a beautiful young mare who brought me and my husband back to our family. And I want to hear her say 'yes' coming out of those lips of hers."

Starlight didn't know what answer to say, she wanted to say 'yes', but she was too nervous to say it. She opened her mouth to say an answer, but Apple Bloom cut her off.

"She'll decide tomorrow." Apple Bloom said. "After we make a big 'welcome back' celebration for you and Dad."

"I have to agree what Apple Bloom said." Bright Mac said. "Everypony would be delighted to see us."

"Must send out invitations to others we know and stuff." Big Mac added.

"Great idea, Big Mac." Applejack said with a wink. "For example, my friends, our whole family, the princesses of Canterlot. We should tell of them to meet us in front of Town Hall."

"We should all get back to sleep." Granny Smith suggested.

"Oh boy, it's been a while since I slept in a bed." Pear Butter said.

Apple Bloom ran over to Pear Butter and nuzzled into her side. "Can I sleep with you tonight?" she asked.

Pear Butter giggled. "I would be splendid." she said.

"Join us if you would like, Starlight." Applejack said to Starlight.

The group of ponies walked into the house and went back to sleep. Tomorrow's going to be a great day in Ponyville.


The area in front of Town Hall was crowded with a whole group of ponies. Starlight Glimmer was standing by Twilight Sparkle, including her other friends. The whole Apple Family were standing by each other, alongside with the ponies who live in Ponyville. They were all wondering who are the ponies that are being welcomed back. Maybe, one of them is going to guess who the ponies are? No, too hard. Maybe, they're going to get clues that'll help remember who the ponies are? No, somepony will end up giving up. They're just going to have to find out.

Applejack, Apple Bloom, Big Mac, Granny Smith, and Grand Pear were standing by each other, doing their hardest to hide the surprise. Fortunately, they didn’t need to anymore, for Applejack walked up to the front to make her announcement. “Everypony, I would like you all to meet my mother, Buttercup and my father, Bright Mac." she announced, stepping out of the way, along with her other family members. Pear Butter and Bright Mac walked forward, until they were by their sides.

The whole group of ponies gasped in delight like Celestia was wearing a beautiful dress Rarity made for her and wearing the most beautiful eye shadow anypony has ever seen. Mayor Mare and Mrs. Cake came rushing up and squeezed Pear Butter in an embrace. Burned Oak, Bright Mac's best bud, walked up to him and gave him a gentle hug. All the other apple ponies got to the parents that have been dead for a while.

"We've missed you so much, dearie." Mrs. Cake said, wiping a tear from her right eye.

"It's been ages." Mayor Mare added.

"It sure has." Pear Butter stated. "I missed all those times with you, including that one time you two planned that wedding for me and my husband."

"I can't believe you're back, I thought you'd be gone forever." Burned Oak said.

"I thought so too." Bright Mac said.

Twilight, Starlight, Spike, Fluttershy, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, and Pinkie Pie walked up to Applejack, who was standing next to her parents.

"Twilight, these are my parents." Applejack introduced.

"Hello." Twilight said.

"What's up?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"Hi." Pinkie Pie chirped.

"Hello, Darling." Rarity said.

"Um... hello." Fluttershy said.

"Hey." Spike said.

"Mom and Dad, these are my friends, Twilight Sparkle, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Spike, and Rainbow Dash." Applejack said, introducing her friends to her parents.

"Please to meet you, Twilight Sparkle." Pear Butter greeted.

"Please to meet you too." Twilight said.

Pear Butter looked at Twilight's wings and horn. "You remind me of Princess Celestia. Are you a princess?" she asked.

"Yes, ma'am." Twilight said. "I guess my friend, Starlight wasn't kidding when she said she could revive you two."

"Anyways, it's nice to meet you other five ponies as well." Bright Mac said.

"You too, Darling." Rarity said.

Shyly, Spike walked up to Pear Butter and spoke to her. "Are you really Applejack's mom?" he asked.

"I sure am." Pear Butter said. "And you seem like a nice fella." She prodded his tummy, making laugh.

"Well, I'm a baby dragon, in case you were going to ask." Spike said.

"Alright, everypony, please give us some space, so we apples can take our picture." Applejack said. "Rarity, got your camera."

Rarity brought out her camera. "Up and ready, Applejack." Rarity said.

The whole family bundled up in a huge group. But, it got interrupted by a green stallion with a straw hat. "Whoa. Whoa. Whoa. What is that old pear doing in the group?" he asked, pointing a hoof at Grand Pear. "He's such a jerk!"

That statement made Grand Pear feel called off.

Apple Bloom needed to stand up for her grandfather. "Look, I know that he was mean pony back in the day, but he learned from his mistakes." she explained.

"I have to agree with everything my little sister says." Applejack said. "Besides, he came back to Ponyville because he wanted to start a new and get to know his grandchildren."

"Yeah, as to what they're telling y'all, they speak the truth." Grand Pear said. "Now, let’s get this photo taken."

The ponies squeezed in to make sure that they all fit in the picture. They were going to start, but there was another interruption. "Wait a minute." Applejack said. "We're missing one pony. Starlight?"

"Me?" Starlight asked. "I don't know about that."

"Starlight, if Applejack wants you to join her family, go for it." Twilight said.

"She's right, Starlight." Applejack agreed. "Plus, I'm sure your family would very proud of you for that."

"What do you say, Starlight?" Pear Butter asked. "It's never too late to make a decision." She held out a hoof to Starlight.

Starlight thought that Pear Butter did make a great point, it's never too late whether you want to say 'yes' or 'no' as a decision. With tears in her eyes, she dashed over to Pear Butter and hugged her tightly. "Mama!" she cried.

It was Pear Butter's turn to have tears in her eyes, for Starlight was now her daughter. They then broke the embrace, as it was finally time to take the picture. Rarity clicked on the button and the light flashed. It was the Apple Family's very first photo that included Applejack's parents. Even though Starlight's not an apple, having the perfect family was all worth it.

Comments ( 18 )

What a beautiful ending.

Now Applejack, Apple Bloom, and Big Mac got their parents back and Starlight became a new member of the Apple Family, thing is about to get interesting.

Isn't that Necromancy?

What's that supposed to mean?

Doesn't make it wrong. I have seen just as many sources making it out to be a good thing.

Now you got be all sappy!!!!

How about a continuation?!?

Who was the green stallion in the straw hat?

Don't none can cross over the edge it will take all your enegy and kill you. Riders Elves Magiscians all have tried and all have failed: Brom

9438216 Well, do you know in some stories, writers create original characters? That's just a stallion I made up.

I figured. And I know that. I just thought the character sounded like a character actually in the show.

Will there be a sequel of this story

Like a few others have said will there be a sequel to this I really thought this was a really good story just hope that there would be a sequel maybe one when Sugar Belle became a part of the apple family (just saying).

Oh... the feels!!!

I almost cried on this one. So beautiful!

Very nicely done.

"I just didn't want to intrude." Starlight said. "Also, it made me think of my parents. They're dead too."

I guess that makes sense to make it as a alternate universe story because this was during the time before Starlight and sunburst meeting up with parents starlight's father and Sunburst mother

Starlight's heartbeat increased and felt a nervous tingle in her stomach. She took a deep breath and let it all out. "They were murdered by a criminal stallion, he deceased them right in front of me, and I was just four." she said.

Oh jeez

Well I got to say this was a pretty sweet story here and I had to admit I really want to see them alive as well because so ponies and creatures know who they are and it's always nice to see reunions like that this was a pretty good one keep up the good work

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