• Published 7th Jul 2017
  • 459 Views, 4 Comments

Glitter Brightstar meets Twilight Sparkle - Polaris Solarmoon

  • ...

It begins once more.

It begins once more.

( Different View Universe)

We find ourselves at the home of Dianne Pie and Aegis Diamondscale as they clean up their home,little did they know that they were going to receive a certain guest...

"Hey uh Dianne?" Aegis says while putting a book on the shelf.

"Yes Aegis?,is something the matter?"Dianne said.

"Are we done yet, I'm getting bored."Aegis said.

"*sigh*,you can have a break then, we can continue later." Dianne said as she adjusts her glasses.

"Ok, I'll be upstairs if you need me." Aegis said.

Before he even set one foot on the steps, he hears a knock on the door.

"I wonder who that is? "He thought to himself.

Right when he was about to answer it, Dianne had already beat him there,she then opens the door.

"Hello?"she said.

"Hi Dianne!"said a certain purple party loving unicorn.

"Glitter Brightstar, this is a library,at least show some respect by being a little bit more quiet." Dianne says in a monotone.

"Oh sorry Dianne didn't mean to, anyways guess what?, I finally got the universe swap spell to work correctly, now I can go and vist Pinkie pie in her world without sending my conterpart here, isn't that exciting!?" Glitter says while bouncing in place.

"WHAAAAAAAAAAT!"Dianne Pie said;completely shocked by this news.

"Yep!, I been practicing it after work and now I wanna test it one more time, is it ok if I do it?"Glitter says with an excited tone.

"W-why yes Glitter this is amazing news, just be more careful ok, oh and like last time make sure to gather intel on that world understood?"Diane said.

"Yay!,I won't let you down Dianne, you can count on me."Glitter said.

And with that Glitter casts the spell,before she left Glitter had said"Wish me luck."after she said that she was gone.

"*sigh* be careful Glitter Brightstar" Dianne had muttered to herself as she went back inside.

( Cannon Universe)

We now find ourselves at the home of Twilight Sparkle as she too cleans up her home with the help of her assistant Spike, little do they know that they are going to receive a surprise guest...

"Spike hurry up,the others are coming and we have to make this place look presentable."Twilight says as she frantically sweeps the floor.

"I'm going as fast as I can Twilight, it's not like helps gonna appear out of nowhere."Spike says as he dusts the shelves.

All of a sudden a bright light had appeared in the roomn Twilight noticed it and had lit up her horn.

"Twilight,what's going on?" Spike says as he runs over to Twilight.

"I don't know,what ever it lets hope it's not Discord."Twilight said.

When the light faded, what had appeared shocked them both, it was a purple unicorn with a somewhat curly mane and a cutie mark of a balloon that had a star within it,other then those differences the unicorn looked almost identical to Twilight.

"Wowie, it worked, I'd never thought that I'd be able to pull that off again,te-he oh well I'm here again and I can't wait to meet everypony." the unicorn said in a voice that sounded similar to Twilights' own ,if she was a little younger that is,she seemed to be rather hyper and energetic,like a certain earth pony they knew.

"Impossible, she looks almost exactly like me" Twilight said quietly to herself.

"Hey, I know you!" Spike said in an attempt to get the mysterious unicorn's attention.

"Oooo, hi Violet,oopsie I mean Spike have to see you again and oooh who this pony, she looks like me." the unicorn says happily.

"I'm Twilight Sparkle student of Princess Celestia and Element of Magic,what is your name?" Twilight had asked her before Spike could say anything.

"Te-he silly me, I'm Glitter Brightstar nice to meet you Twilight Sparkle,oh yeah now I remember your friends had call me that."Glitter said.

Twilight could only stare at her counterpart, it didn't last long because at that moment they heard a knock at the door.

"I'll get it!"Spike says as he runs over to get the door.

Spike then returns with the other members of the Mane Six,he then says" sorry Twilight,I tried to stall but they insisted on coming in."

"Twilight darling, whatever is going on?"said Rarity.

"Yeah egghead what's up?"Rainbow Dash says as she flies in the room.

Fluttershy quietly walks in behind with Applejack and Pinkie Pie following close behind.

Glitter Brightstar looked at all the ponys that were gathered in the room, she then giggles when she sees Pinkie Pie.

"Well now that we're all here and accounted for, I'd like you all to stand over here."Twilight says as she points to a wall.

"Err uh Twi, who is this here pony?, she looks kinda like ya." AppleJack said when she sees Glitter Brightstar.

"Oooo, I can answer that, I'm Glitter Brightstar nice to meet you." Glitter Brightstar said as she now starts to bounce in place.

"Twilight dear do you know her?"Rarity asked.

"No I don't,She had appeared when me and Spike were cleaning, All I know about her is her name." Twilight said.

"I know her!"Pinkie Pie said.

"Really,have you two met?" Twilight asked her.

"Yep" They both said simultaneously.

"Okay one Pinkie Pie is bad enough but two!,ugh this gonna be torture."Rainbow said.

"Oh I don't know about that Rainbow, she seems nice." Fluttershy said.

"But she pranked me!" Rainbow Dash said.

Applejack snickered at Rainbow's response.

"What's so funny!" Rainbow Dash said.

Neither pony realized that Glitter wasn't enjoying the hostile air between them.

"THAT'S ENOUGH!" she said.

"Whoa!"Rainbow Dash said.

"No more fighting,it isn't right for friends to fight." Glitter said.

"She's right, girls quit fighting and let us figure out how Glitter got here in the first place."Twilight said.

"Oooo, that's easy Twilight, she's from another universe where your like me, Applejack's like Rarity, Fluttershy's like Rainbow Dash except she is the Captain of the Wonderbolts and doesn't show off, Rainbow's like Fluttershy and I'm like you, did I get that right Glitter?" Pinkie Pie said that from out of nowhere.

"Yep!"Glitter says happily.

"How did you know that Pinkie?"Twilight said

"Just a hunch."both Pinkie Pie and Glitter Brightstar said simultaneously.

"Well that answers one question dear but I'm curious, what is Spike like in your world?"Rarity asked her.

"Oooo,do you mean Violet?,she's my assistant baker."Glitter says as she bounces in place.

"SHE!"Rarity said shocked.

"Yep, I knew that your little friend Spike is a male just from looking at him,but my "Spike" is a girl and I named her Violet."Glitter said.

"Wait if Violet helps you at the bakery, who helps out at the library,I mean your librarian doesn't work alone does she?"Twilight said.

"No I do not Twilight Sparkle, I too have an assistant named Aegis Diamondscale."Pinkie said randomly.

Everypony in the room looked at Pinkie Pie like if she was possessed, They then noticed that her mane was now flat and she had reading glasses on and her cutie mark was an open book.

"Ah,hello Glitter Brightstar,enjoying yourself?" she said in a near emotionless tone.

"Dianne Pie, how did you get here?" Glitter said.

"It appears that your spell back fired and sent my counterpart to our universe while sending me here."Dianne said.

"Whoa, No way Pinkie is that you?" Rainbow Dash said.

"Actually no, my name is Pinkamina Dianne Pie but I prefer to be called Dianne Pie or just simply Dianne, it is a pleasure to make your aquatince Rainbow Dash." Dianne said.

"Wait a sec, weren't you just acting like your uh counterpart just a few minutes ago?"Rainbow asked her.

"How else was I going to fit in,I have to admit it was rather difficult to emulate my counterparts personality."Dianne said.

"Wow that's crazy Dianne." Glitter said.

"I don't get it, so how are you going to return home?" Twilight asked Glitter.

"We used Glitter's universe swap spell to get here." Dianne said.

"What!?,I've tried that spell many times and it never worked,how did you manage to get it to work?" Twilight asked.

"I dunno,I just got lucky I guess,te-he oh well."Glitter says happily.

All of a sudden Glitter's horn started to glow.

"Aww,times up,we have to go but don't worry, I'll be back someday,that is if I don't accidentally send another ponys counterpart here with me." Glitter said sadly.

"It was nice meeting you all farewell."Dianne Pie said.

Twilight and her friends all said goodbye to Dianne Pie and Glitter Brightstar before they disappeared in a bright flash of light.

"That was weird,don't you girls think?" Twilight had said after they left.

"Twilight, I'm back!" Pinkie pie said.

"Pinkie, your ok!" Twilight then went over to hug Pinkie.

"So what happened Pinkie?"Twilight asked her.

"It was boring, this dragon named Aegis Diamondscale kept me from doing anything until somepony named Dianne Pie came back but then this Prince came by and he was really nice, I think his name was Polaris."she said.

"You met a Prince!?" Twilight said.

"Yep!"was Pinkie's response.

Fluttershy walks up to them and then says"sheesh, save it for later will ya, your givin' me a headache."

"Whoa "Flutters" what's with the attitude?"Rainbow asked her.

"Who's this "Flutters" you are talking about?,my name is Whisper Firewing,got it memorized?,good now if you excuse me I'm going to the spa."she says as she leaves Twilight's home.

"What in the world has gotten into her?"Rainbow said in confusion.

"I don't know,maybe Glitter Brightstar might have changed Fluttershy's personality by accident." Twilight said.

While Twilight and friends figure out why Fluttershy is acting different, let us see how Dianne and Glitter are doing...

( Different View Universe)

"We've returned." Dianne said.

"I wish we could've stayed longer but my spell only lasts so long..." Glitter Brightstar said sadly.

"Do not worry yourself Glitter Brightstar, you'll get the hang of that spell eventually." Polaris Solarmoon said as he appeared from out of nowhere.

"Y-your h-highness, What are you doing here?" Dianne said.

"Oh just visiting my young friend,your counterpart was rather entertaining,but alas I must be off,tell Aegis Diamondscale I said hello." Polaris said before teleporting away.

"He's a strange one isn't he..."Dianne said.

"I guess but I wouldn't tell that to his face,he may be the Prince of Forgiveness but even he dislikes being insulted."Glitter said.

"Huh, I guess your right, Glitter do you mind helping me clean up the library?, Aegis and I were about to finish but he decided to take a break."Dianne said.

"Sure, Sugercube Corner is closed today anyway."Glitter said.

"Thank you Glitter Brightstar."Dianne said.

"Your welcome."Glitter said.

And so this story comes to a close, Glitter Brightstar finally got to meet her counterpart Twilight Sparkle and Dianne Pie got to see what her friends looked like in the Cannon Universe, I have one more thing to say before this ends "There is more than one of everything...",this has been Polaris Solarmoon and I bid you all adieu.

Author's Note:

Me:This was really fun to make because of Glitter Brightstar's personality, I have a lot fun with it and she is my favorite out of the Shifted Six.( my second favorite being Whisper "Phoenix" Firewing [7/21/17:I'm changing Fluttersky's First name to Whisper,I had realized that it no longer made sense for to call her Fluttersky so I am going back to all of my other stories and changing her name.])

(As I had said in a different story you guys can comment on these I don't really care if there mean or not,it just means that I might have to improve on my stories).

I forgot to mention the fact that Polaris Solarmoon also has 4th wall awareness also

Glitter Brightstar:See you soon!

Comments ( 4 )


Meh I've heard worse.


So what do you think about it?,was it bad or good...

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