• Member Since 27th May, 2016
  • offline last seen 11 hours ago

The Dark Wolf

This is the name I use to express my fetishes. And my platonic wam interest.

Comments ( 27 )

Thanks again for this :)

If I ever think of a sequel, I'll send it your way.

Sounds like what you said to the last person you requested a hypnosis story for...

Good to know I was able to satisfy you. :)

Yes, but it would be a different sequel, given the different directions the two stories took the idea.

I'm... actually not 100% sure I liked how this one turned out. I can only hope I satisfied the requestor. (probably not, given his/her lack of response)

This one came out great, actually :)

That's a relief. For the first time I actually felt like one of my stories/chapters was pointless fetish fuel just thrown in one after the other, but if you liked it then I at least achieved my objective.

And the only reason I didn't comment right away was because I was still asleep when this chapter was posted.

Just as good as the other two :)

And between some of our past conversations and now, I thought of two more ideas for one-shots.
Should I send them to you now, or wait until your fetish side is recharged?

Maybe wait a bit. Have you ever tried writing so much fetish stuff at once? Also, make sure they're not too similar to any of my other stories that they could be considered "the same story" (or they might get revoked), and if they are, let me make it another chapter to the similar ones.

Good to know you liked it, but I'll added one bit at the end that was part of your request that I completely forgot.

Well, one'll involve a character you don't use that often.
The other will involve characters I don't think you've used yet, but might be fun.

Sound ominous... I can only go so far with requests, and like I said, might not be able to for a while.

I have used Starlight once in The Pony Pee Chronicles if you were thinking of her (you having her as your avatar and all).

Who's the one I don't use that often? Applejack? Luna? Cadence? CMC?


The CMC would be in the other idea

Oh. Well I actually did use them in the... which one was it again? It's getting harder to remember them. Right, the Dirty Rarity story. (and the Playing in the Mud one but that one's E-rated and not strictly fetish-based, though it is a fetish for some.) Aged up of course. Human, haven't used their pony selves yet.

Anyway, give me a bit of time to relax, let my fetish side recharge, and do my non-fetishy things, then when you say what your plan is, I'll let you know if I can do it and I hope you won't be too disappointed if I can't.

This SHOULD be the last idea I send your way for a while, though even I'm occasionally surprised at how fast I can come up with ideas.

And it was still just as pleasant as the other chapters.

In the days when I was writing stories or chapters on my own, I was just as surprised at how fast I could come up with them.

I guess you're now my replacement in coming up with ideas, and I don't write anything unrequested anymore.

And good to know this satisfied you. Whose fetishes were your favorite, if you don't mind me asking?

I can't really pick a fave.
I like them all equally.

Yeah, that's just not my style of watersports. It only interests me if they're peeing in an outfit that isn't a diaper.

Someone went through and disliked all your responses.

Just as satisfying as the others.

At least that's all they're doing.

Thanks. Good to know I could satisfy you

Superfan If you want you can use my avatar in a story

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