• Published 11th Jun 2017
  • 899 Views, 18 Comments

A Loving Embrace - CAPTAIN YOSHI HD

Sassy Saddles leads Rarity to something she never discovered before.

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A Loving Embrace

Sassy Saddles and Rarity were exploring the Everfree Forest. There were trees that had long tree branches with green leaves that were pretty old, like so many years back in the day when the forest was made. There were a lot of muddy trails that were clear for ponies to walk through when it's day time, they would never know where they would be going if they went at night time. Night time in the Everfree Forest is very dangerous, because there are creatures that might not be friendly. Nopony would never know what would be creeping up on them. The bushes had sharp ends of the branches, it would only give minor cuts and scratches, there won't be anything major about the cuts.

The reason why Sassy Saddles and Rarity are in the Everfree Forest, is because Sassy discovered something in a book about the Everfree Forest that is deadly for ponies to step in, it's called quicksand. Quicksand is loose and wet sand that sucks up anything resting on or falling into it, it's a bad and dangerous situation that's hard to get out of. But, she wants Rarity to think that it could lead her to paradise by making her relax in it while she sinks.

Quicksand was included in a book called Daring Do and the quest for the Sapphire Stone. In part of the story, Ahuizotl and his army tied the treasure hunter up to a stone table and set a contraption where there were closing walls with sharp spikes, swinging spiked bats, and most of all, quicksand.

"So, Sassy, why did you bring me in the Everfree Forest on a great afternoon?", Rarity asked. She became a bit skeptical of why she and Sassy are in the Everfree Forest.

"Well, Rarity, I'm bringing you to somewhere that you might like.", Sassy said. She was lying, making it easier to trick Rarity. She knew there was going to be quicksand in the Everfree Forest, but Rarity doesn't know what quicksand is.

"Where you are bringing me to that's exciting in the Everfree Forest?", Rarity asked. She wasn't sure where Sassy's trying to take her to.

"Like I'll ever tell you before getting there.", Sassy said. "It's a surprise."

They reached the point where they finally found where Sassy wants to take Rarity to. It was slightly light brown and it looked gooey. "Alright, Rarity, I want you to stand in the center of this muddy area.", she instructed Rarity.

Rarity was curious. "Why?", she asked.

"If you stand in the center, magical moments will come to you.", Sassy explained.

"Like what kind of magical moments?", Rarity asked.

"You'll see.", Sassy said with a wink.

Rarity didn't have any choice, all she can think of is obeying Sassy's commands. She walked over to the center and waited for something to happen. But, nothing was coming to her. She turned around to Sassy. "I don't feel different.", she said. "Are you sure something happens? Because, nothing's happening right now nor I don't feel any different."

"Yes, something does happen in a second.", Sassy said. "Only that happens." She points at Rarity's hooves, which are now being sucked into the quicksand.

Rarity got surprised as she was being sucked in another inch. "Whoa.", she said. "Oh my goodness. Sassy, what's happening to me right now? Why am I being sucked into the ground? Is this some kind of trick or something?"

"Well, that's a good thing that your sinking into it, Darling.", Sassy said.

Half of Rarity's hooves were already sucked in. She was starting to worry. "Sassy, what is this stuff I'm being pulled into?", she asked. "I really want to know what this is."

"It's called... spa mud.", Sassy said. "It helps you relax easily, and when your whole body is completely underneath it, it'll magically take you to a beautiful place where it's full of paradise."

The white unicorn smiled with joy. "Really?", she asked. "Are you sure?"

"Yes, I'm sure.", Sassy said. "Lean your head back, close your eyes, breathe slowly, and have the spa mud massage your body."

Rarity tilted her head back, closed her eyes, and she breathed slowly, her chest slowly puffing back forth within her breathing. The quicksand was almost up to the top of her hooves. "Ooh, I can feel this mud massaging my hooves.", she said. She was starting to enjoy how it feels. But, it isn't good to enjoy quicksand when your stuck in it.

"Now, your getting down to your belly.", Sassy said. She began to coo Rarity while she was being sucked into the quicksand. "You feel the mud touching your smooth white belly."

Rarity made it down to her belly in the quicksand. "Ah yes, it's now up to my belly.", she said. "My nice smooth white belly." She took nice and slow breaths as the quicksand went over her sides and flanks, even her tail.

"You enjoying this, Rarity?", Sassy asked.

"Yes, I am enjoying this.", Rarity said. The quicksand is now around her neck and lower part of her mane. Now, it's up to her neck, even her part of her mane with her head tilted back.

"So, where do you think it might take you?", Sassy asked. "It might be a place where you've been before. Maybe like the beach."

The quicksand was almost up to Rarity's face, her ears were gone. "Ah yes, the beach.", she said, calmly. "My hooves pressing down on the soft sand, the water soaking my fur, and the sun beaming down on my body."

"The spa mud is now overcoming your body, it feels good.", Sassy said.

The quicksand is getting close to Rarity's face. "Feeeeeels... gooooood.", she said softly. The quicksand covered up her eyes and mouth and went up to her nose. Then, she was gone.

"Good riddance, now I don't have to deal with her around anymore.", Sassy said. Sassy turned away from the quicksand and walked off to find the entrance of the Everfree Forest.

Comments ( 18 )

You're practically an Evictus clone. This is not something you want to be.

He probably IS Evictus...

An excellent point. After all, trolls and sockpuppets go together like biscuits and gravy.

I'm telling you, I'm not a Evictus clone. I made this on my own.

Hey didn't you read my name. I'm not Evictus.

You know, go kiss my butt. okay?

You could be an alternate account. Simple test is, do you use commas (and ANY punctuation or grammar), can you spell, do you know what a plot is, can you write characters in character?

Sassy Saddles and Rarity were exploring the Everfree Forest. There were trees that had long tree branches with green leaves that were pretty old, like so many years back in the day when the forest was made. There were a lot of muddy trails that were clear for ponies to walk through when it's day time, they would never know where they would be going if they went at night time. Night time in the Everfree Forest is very dangerous, because there are creatures that might not be friendly. Nopony would never know what would be creeping up on them. The bushes had sharp ends of the branches, it would only give minor cuts and scratches, there won't be anything major about the cuts

I read this.

There were trees that had long tree branches

You don't say?

You mix past and present tense in this opening paragraph.

The bushes had sharp ends of the branches

on the branches

it would only give minor cuts and scratches

they would give...

there won't be anything major about the cuts

there wouldn't be...

OMG...you ARE Evictus!

yes, this is my only account I use.

I AM NOT! I just have trouble with my writing. Evictus's is an online buddy of mine. That doesn't mean I'm him.



Will the both of you knock it off? If making someone feel bad over some mistakes is how you get your kicks, then I feel sorry for you.

what the fuck

what? What did you think of the story? give me some feedback, brosive.

8226440 Back off of him. We are trying our best

did you read this story yet?

8228863 Not yet I was going to but I noticed the comment so I had to reply to it


If Evictus ever did anything praiseworthy, I'd certainly offer some (if I wasn't blocked, of course). Given that Yoshi here was starting to head down the same path, I decided to advise him against it. Merely take a gander at some of the former's 'work' and you'll see for yourself why I hold certain opinions, which I assure you are not arbitrary. The numbers and comments speak for themselves.

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