• Published 3rd Jun 2017
  • 2,637 Views, 22 Comments

Sonic and Dash: Four Worlds Collide - SonicStreak5344

Rainbow Dash thought aliens weren't real. But what happens when humans from space capture her along with Twilight and Shining and bring them to Earth. Then more things start to happen as new friends and new creature appear and a new adventure begins.

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Chapter 3: Unknown Dream and Waking Up

Chapter 3: Unknown Dream and Waking Up;

Everything was silent in Dash’s mind as she started to a dream from the anesthesia the humans gave her. At first Rainbow was floating in a black void filled with nothingness and was still wearing the gown that the humans put on her. Then a small beam of white light shined into the dark void. As Rainbow opened her eyes the white light got closer to her and was getting bigger and brighter as it came closer to her.

Then in flash of white Dash was blinded for a second as everything became white. A second later she found herself in Manehatten but with no stallions or ponies the whole place was deserted except for remains of unknown machines that looked like robots she heard from Spike’s comic books. They were all over the city and in pieces their weapons were laying on the ground next to their dismantled bodies.

The strange thing was Dash never seen these robots before and they looked alien. But then a bright blue streak raced by at high speed leaving Dash on her flank as she shook her head and said with surprise. “What the hey was that?! That streak was going as fast as me!”

Then she opened her wings and flew after the bright blue but with the gown on her and limited her flying speed she couldn't fly in it. So Dash chose to run after the object as she raced after the bright blue streak as it turned around corners and went faster down straight sections.

Then the blue streak went up a building and stopped on the very top of the building. Dash squinted as she tried to get a better look of figure and it looked like pegasus stallion from the looks of it. The stallion was looking down at Rainbow Dash and could see her from the high building's height.

Dash could tell the details of the stallion on the building. The stallion had a turquoise blue coat, a dark blue spiky mane and tail, had emerald green eyes, and his cutie mark was a blue fireball. Also the stallion looked like the same age as Dash.

Also he was standing there with no problem and looked very cool from his look. Then he smiled at Dash and then opened his wings and took off into the air in bright blue streak and created a sonic boom blowing Dash away onto the ground as everything faded into darkness. Then in a white flash Dash started to wake up.

Location: Unknown;

As Dash slowly opened her eyes to see where she was now. Rainbow noticed that she was in a new room and it looked small with only a bed, sink, and toilet for her needs. There was also a door on the far side of the room. Also she was still wearing the gown she was still wearing when she was put under. Also the bed was comfy and Rainbow seemed to like it. Then she called out loud hoping somepony would hear her. "Hello? Anypony here?"

Then like a reply Dash heard a hiss and looked at the door to see 4 humans wearing surgical gowns walked in with a cart with a mini anesthetic machine like the ones that the dentists use on it. Other medical equipment was on as well like a pulse monitor were on the cart. Also Dash's one of human captors had a empty needle and was being sterilized to be used on her.

Dash got to her feet as she backed away into the corner of the wall near her bed from the humans as they brought the mini anesthetic machine over to her bed. One was able to get close enough to attach the wires to Rainbow's chest that was under her gown and was connected to the pulse monitor. After the monitor was turned on the beeping started again and it was beeping fast as Dash's fear made her scared and couldn't move. Then the human closest to her turned on the mini anesthetic machine and brought the same latex colored anesthesia mask that the humans put Dash under earlier.

The other 2 humans stood by the human who was holding the mask as it got closer to poor Rainbow. Then the mask reached Dash's muzzle and was covering her muzzle and a harness was connected around her head as the humans turned on an anesthetic. Dash smelled a sweet scent again just like when she was put to sleep, but that when she started laughing and her vision was starting to get hazy. The gas she was breathing in was a mixture of oxygen and a small amount of nitrous oxide and it was doing its job as everything became numbed as Dash was breathing in the gas and was laughing from it. Then a slight pinch came at her right rear leg as the humans extracted a DNA sample from Dash. It didn't hurt well you know Dash was too busy laughing.

Then one of the humans talked in English which Dash heard easily, "DNA sample collected. Ok Adam you can turn off the nitrous now."

The human nodded and turned off the nitrous and leaving only oxygen flowing through the mask as Dash started to feel again. After about a few minutes of breathing in oxygen Rainbow finally stopped laughing as her senses returned to normal with a few parts of her body numbed from the nitrous oxide. But she was still frightened of the humans and tried to scoot away from the four humans and ended up with back against the wall next the bed as she curled into a slight like ball and started to shake in fear as the four suited humans looked at her as she breathed in the oxygen that was being administered from the black latex mask that was strapped onto her muzzle. One of the humans which sounded like a male said to its 3 companions with concern as they looked at the frightened pegasus pony from a embedded microphone in its helmet, "Poor thing. She's still scared of us."

Then another one of the 4 humans spoke and this one was a female replied to the one that spoke earlier with sympathetic voice, "I agree with you Camron. I'm sure that this Equestrian was terrified of us when she was sedated during the translator surgery she had a few days ago. I would be frightened if I was in an alien lab being looked at by other intelligent beings. So I can't blame her."

Then the third one spoke in a male voice which sounded well disciplined and trained, but kind and gentle, "So how are we going get her to understand that they mean no harm to her then guys?"

Two of the humans look at each other and didn't know how to show Dash they weren't going to hurt her. Until the fourth one very slowly walked for Dash who began to shake in fear even more as the human got closer to her. The beeping of the heart monitor started get faster and was spiking too. The three other humans tried stop the fourth one, but it looked back at its companions and shook its head meaning they stay where they were and replied with a nod. Then the fourth human slowly got closer to Dash and pulled up its right hand and advanced it towards the pegasus pony as Rainbow began to hyperventilate and fear filled tears began to stream off from her eyes and onto the mask on her muzzle. She couldn't run or hide as Dash at the mercy of these humans and if she tried to escape the four humans would just turn nitrous oxide back on put her back to sleep.

Dash closed her eyes as the rubber gloved hand of the 4th human gotten an inch to her face as she wished this was just a bad dream and would walk up in her bed back in Equestria. But then Dash felt gentle rubbing on her face as she slowly opened her eyes to find the human was touching her and was wiping the tears off her face with very gentle strokes. Dash was surprised by what she was seeing as the human wiped the tears off her face and began to gently rub her head. Then the human spoke to her in a female voice which was kind and gentle and also well educated too, "Don't worry I promise we won't hurt you."

Dash was quite surprised by what was happening right now until she realized that the humans in the room weren't trying to hurt her. The human that was touching her was trying to calm her down as Dash began to breath normally and the beeping from heart monitor returned to normal showing Dash's normal heart rate. Then the human that was rubbing Dash's head said to the cyan blue pegasus pony kindly, "Ok. Let me take that mask off your muzzle now. Please trust me."

Dash nodded in reply as the human's right hand was pulled off her head and undid the strap on the left side of the mask on Rainbow's muzzle from the SS ring Then the human pulled the head harness around to the right side of the mask and slowly took it off her muzzle. Dash was surprised by what just happened and she alright and four humans that were in the room with her didn't want to hurt her at all. They were more concerned for her wellbeing and knew how she felt as she thought to herself, Did that human just calmed me down? Does that mean they weren't going to hurt?'

Then the human that got the mask of Rainbow took off its helmet and the cyan blue pegasus pony saw her first face of a human being and it was a female around 22 years old and had short brown hair the back end was bundled up into a small bulb. The female human who took off her helmet gave a kind and gentle smile and walked towards Dash as she shut her eyes hoping that they were going to hurt her. But then she felt a gentle rubbing on her mane and opened her eyes to see the human rubbing her head. Also it felt good to be rubbed on the head for Dash.

The the human said to her with a gentle tone, "See I told you we aren't going to hurt you."

Dash replied back with a shocked look and said, "You…you talked!! I heard you talk!! Wait… I'm actually speaking to a real human and you can understand me!!"

Then the female human said with a relieved smile that Dash wasn't afraid of them anymore, "Well looks like the brain surgery for implanting that Translator was a success. Also yes you did hear me talk too. Pretty amazing huh your fluently speaking our language now."

Dash had her mouth drop like a dinner plate! This human could understand and communicate with her! Nothing could be more unbelievably incredible than talking to a another intelligent life form from a another planet! A huge smile came up on Dash's muzzle with amazement!

Then Dash yelled out loud with total excitement, "Oh yeah!!! I just spoke to my first human! This is so ultra mega awesome!!!"

The humans chuckled with gladness and were happy to see Dash was fine now. She may have worried them earlier when she woke up, but now those worries were gone. Then female human that had her helmet off asked Dash, "So how do you feel?"

Dash quickly calmed down knowing she was talking to another intelligent being and she wanted to make a good impression for humans since this was the first Equestrians and Humans meet for the first time and replied to the human with a smile, "Well to be honest I kind of tired and stiff. Probably because when you guys put me to sleep during that operation for this translator you humans implanted on me, but overall I'm okay now."

The human nodded in reply and said to the pegasus pony with a smile, "Great to know. By the way my name is Alice. I'm a US marine surgeon. But I work for NASA right now for the space program. So what's your name?"

Dash then smiled and raised her front left hoof and said. "Nice name Alice. My name is Rainbow Dash Fastest Flyer of Equestria."

Then Alice put her right hand out and touched Dash's leg and 2 shook in friendship. Dash made her very first human friend. This made Dash so excited she felt like she was Pinkie Pie for a minute or two.

Then they heard a male yelling and it sounded familiar to Dash as the door opened to see a banged up human male wearing medical scrubs was panting saying with surprise, "Man that unicorn stallion is strong! He threw Nick with his powers into a wall! Man he's gonna fell that tomorrow!!"

Then Alice said with a confused look. "Jeff what's going on?"

Then the human named Jeff said. "Alice you know about the white unicorn stallion with the blue mane with that shield with that pinkish star on the shield on its flank we picked up on that planet?"

Then Alice replied with a simple. "Yes."

Then Jeff said. "Well he just woke up and when Barry talked about a lavender pony with a horn and wings with pinkish star on its flank he went nuts! Actually he got enraged started to kick the tar out of us. He's got military training too!"

Rainbow soon figured out she wasn't the only one that the humans took from Terra. Also she knew who was this stallion from the details and their was only one stallion that met that description. Shining Armor. Twilight's older brother. From the sound of it Twilight was here too and if Twi was involved Shining would get upset big time!

Then everyone heard a male voice coming from the left side of the doorway to the room Rainbow was she recognized the voice which was Shining's voice and he sounded very mad too, "THERE YOU ARE!!! TAKE THIS!!!!!"

Then Jeff looked to the left and gasped in shock and fear as he backed up slowly shaking his head until a magenta aura appeared around him and immobilized him as he was lifted into the air and suddenly flung to the right with strong force. A few seconds later everyone heard a loud crash down the hall everyone cringed at the sound and a second later they heard Jeff say out loud as his voice echoed down the hallway, "I'm ok."

But that is until everyone heard a loud clang when something landed on poor Jeff. Everyone cringed at the sound knowing that had to hurt. Boy it sure did for Jeff.


Then everyone hear Jeff say in a hurt voice saying, "Less ok."

Then stomping in was a steamed up Shining Armor. He was wearing a hospital gown just like Rainbow herself and didn't look happy because he was on a another planet with his sister and they were doing some kind of surgery on her right now! Dash never saw Twilight's brother so angry before, but she knew he could do major damage and could hurt many humans in the process like Jeff for instance. But Dash didn't want to see what happens when Shining gets really angry because what she heard from her friends is that when Twilight got that angry her mane and tail instantly ignited into flames. So if Shining had the same thing then that won't be good at all so she had to defuse the situation quick before things get out of control and the temper issue well guess it runs in the family.

Then Shining yelled to the humans with rage, "Let Twilight out of that operating room right now or I'm going to force you to do it!!!!"

Rainbow gulped and knew she had to protect the humans because they weren't doing harm to them they were trying to make first contact with them! Then a determined face came on her muzzle and knew she had to reason with him. Then Dash stepped up and that got Shining to growl again because he thought they ponynapped Dash along with Twilight and himself as his horn started to glow again to use a levitation spell to render the humans helpless so they can get away.

Then before Shining could use the spell Rainbow said with understanding reason, "No wait! Shining Armor the humans aren't trying to hurt us! They just want to make contact with us! Listen please!"

Shining started to tense down as his horn's aura disappeared and calmed down. Then he said with a not a convinced look, "Ok Dash tell me. Why they take us from our world?! Do you think they might of done something to you while your knocked out?!"

Dash shook her head and said, "They wouldn't do that! If they did we won't be hear talking to them! They just wanted to make contact with us and they thought we had some things that were dangerous to them. That's why they had us in the OR and is the reason why Twilight is having that procedure done on her so she can understand humans! I know you care about Twi so much, but might've made a bad impression of yourself when you let your rage get better of when you attacked the humans that were checking on you to see you were fine. That's some funny way of saying thank you to me."

That statement made Shining's angry dissipate and was replaced with total embarrassment as his face blushed into a deep bright red streak across his face as a sheepish smile on face. Using his right foreleg to rub his head in embarrassment. Shining had never been this embarrassed ever since he was a colt when he accidentally caused an accident during school and got covered in cans of paint and got laughed at by his classmates as he was covered in paint. He had to have two baths to get all the paint off his body when he got home. Then he thought to himself, 'I guess I've jumped to conclusions too quickly sometimes. Oh man how embarrassing I guess I got a bit of Mom's hot temper in me and I almost ended up like her when she really gets mad. Well guess I'll have to make up for it by saying sorry.'

Then he said in a more of a calmed voice, but with a hint of embarrassment in it, "Sorry for the whole mix up and all the damage I caused."

After Shining had said that everyone heard Jeff's voice from down the hallway where Shining threw him saying out loud which echoed down the hall, "Speak for yourself. Could someone help me I'm stuck here?!"

Shining looks at Alice and asks her with a concerned look on his face, "Is he going to be ok?"

Alice smiled and said to Shining, "Don't worry about Jeff. He can handle anything."

Shining wasn't sure about that statement since he threw Jeff with his magic pretty hard it might've broken some bones in the process. Alice then explained to Shining and Rainbow about the US's space program and when they found their planet. Well the human race couldn't just let this discovery go unnoticed and hopped they finally meet intelligent life. That is when they discovered Terra and NASA had been monitoring the planet and saw many events unfold like the ultimate defeat of Grogar and his partners as they were stripped of their powers and banished to the depths of Tartarus. Earth was planning to intervene and help Terra until Twilight and her friends defeated them and overcame impossible odds. After the threat was dealt with Earth was looking for an opportunity to make first contact with Terra and had to wait until the time was right.

Then Rainbow yelled with amazement after Alice explained about the translators that were implanted on herself and Shining, You guys implanted translators on our brains so we can talk to you humans! Wow Twilight is going to go full egghead mode when she wakes up! This is something out of a science fiction book! But being on a another planet for real!"

Alice chuckled and knew Dash was having a great time. "Well Dash I guess we're excited too in meeting your race for the first time."

But then a loud rumbling sound came from Rainbow and Shining. The two blushed and knew their stomachs were calling for food. Alice then said with a smile, "Well guess you 2 need breakfast. I guess both of you hadn't eaten since you were put to sleep for the procedure for the translators. We'll take you 2 to the mess hall and get you fed. We'll also take those gowns off you 2 are wearing too."

Then Rainbow replied with a smile. "Thanks Alice. I'm starving."

Author's Note:

Now Rainbow saw the stallion from Shining's dream. I wonder who he is? And why does he look so familiar?

Comments ( 9 )

4th chapter in progress right now.

Dash shook her head and said. "No. They didn't do anything bad to me. If they did you and me wouldn't be standing here right now! Besides they trying to make contact with us and you kinda made a bad impression on us when you got enraged about Twilight in surgery."

Uhh, Dash? Are you still doped on drugs or did you forget the part where they abducted you and performed brain surgery on you against your will? That's a metric ton of crimes by human standards alone, nevermind Equestrian ones. Shining's not the one making a bad impression here.

Well they didn't know at the time. When you later find out they're an alien race that wants to know their place in the universe. Besides the humans needed something that could allow them to communicate with Equestrians without causing a intergalactic event. I'm still working on the 4th chapter.

"I'm just a curious alien" is hardly an excuse for abduction and performing one of the most invasive and dangerous surgeries on unsuspecting civilians, military personnel and heads of state. I really think this should be taken a bit more seriously rather than just brushing it off.

Yeah I think should of have put something more serious like Dr.Eggman arriving on Earth from Chaos Control and then kidnaps Rainbow, Twilight, and Shining then have Sonic coming to the rescue to save them. Then have the US military join Sonic and rescue them from Eggman's clutches. Sound better?

Ok. The 4th chapter will introduce Sonic and his friends along with Eggman and his minions and the Chaos Emeralds.

Pony anatomy is NOTHING like a humans, look it up...

Managed to read this fully.
Wished Spike could have been involved too..
Doesn't seem right that he's completely unaware his sister(Twilight) got abducted there.

Was the translators really necessary actually? The ponies speak full English and Spike, Twilight and Sunset understood humans clearly when in the human-world.

Shining wasn't sure about that statement since he threw Jeff with his magic pretty hard it might've broken some bones in the process. Alice then explained to Shining and Rainbow about the US's space program and when they found their planet. Well the human race couldn't just let this discovery go unnoticed and hopped they finally meet intelligent life. That is when they discovered Terra and NASA had been monitoring the planet and saw many events unfold like the ultimate defeat of Grogar and his partners as they were stripped of their powers and banished to the depths of Tartarus. Earth was planning to intervene and help Terra until Twilight and her friends defeated them and overcame impossible odds. After the threat was dealt with Earth was looking for an opportunity to make first contact with Terra and had to wait until the time was right.

What happened with Spike and Princess Luna during the case with Grogar there?
You actually predicted about the whole "Grogar gathers a bunch of villains to attack Equestria" there. Like about 2 years before season 9 (sort of) done that.

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