• Published 3rd Jun 2017
  • 2,636 Views, 22 Comments

Sonic and Dash: Four Worlds Collide - SonicStreak5344

Rainbow Dash thought aliens weren't real. But what happens when humans from space capture her along with Twilight and Shining and bring them to Earth. Then more things start to happen as new friends and new creature appear and a new adventure begins.

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Chapter 2: Surgery

Chapter 2: Surgery

A constant ringing was in Rainbow's mind as she started to wake up. She felt comfortable and was wearing a gown on her body and felt kinda groggy after being captured by aliens. Then Dash slowly opened her eyes as a bright light and her senses returned. As she opened her eye a flash of light blinded her for a few seconds.

At first things were white with nothing to see, but when Dash's vision cleared she she saw above her lights looked like the lights found in operating rooms at the Ponyville Hospital. Then she thought to herself with confusion, 'What in Celestia's mane happened? Did I land in the hospital? I don't remember 4 lights. Was that UFO I saw just a dream?'

But when her sight returned she saw that the surgical lights weren't from Ponyville, but they were high tech and futuristic like something from a sci-fi story. Dash also heard beeping and saw 2 wires attached to her under a new hospital gown that looked like one she wore in the Ponyville Hospital, but a different color than the ones she knew back home. The gown was surgical blue and it covered Rainbow's body except her legs and wings. Dash saw the thing she was on was a operating table, but it was a mattress white covered and her head was resting on a soft curved pad.

Dash felt something cold flowing into her right foreleg and saw a IV line sticking into her right foreleg. She took in her surroundings as the details of the room came into view. The room was an operating room, but it was alien, futuristic, and space aged. She was really on a another planet or in a mothership! There was also some medical equipment that were around Dash too. The pulse monitor was the only thing on right now.

Then she said to herself surprised, “Wow this lab is something out of one of Spike’s comic books! But how did I get here?”

Dash tried to think back before she went unconscious. The recent recollection of her memory was when she was captured by a UFO and after that she blacked out completely. So that meant she was captured by the ones who were piloting the UFO.

But Dash was about to come face to face with her abductors. Also she's about to find out that alien species that a unicorn pony was so obsessed with is actually real. Dash didn't know she was in for a small nap too.

Then she heard a hiss from a door as she looked to the left to see a door siding open to see what she could believe her eyes as they went completely wide. The beings that walked were wearing surgical blue surgical gowns and wearing metal silver helmets that covered their faces they had a pair of hands with 5 fingers but they were gloved in latex in a purplish blue color. Dash knew what these were aliens at first glance, but they were something that a mint green unicorn was talking about for a long time making everyone think she was crazy as she thought to herself with a shocked look on her face, ’Are these aliens? Humans!!! Lyra was right all along! They do exist!’

The humans walked over to her and looked over the restrained sky blue pegasus pony who was breathing faster as her heart rate increased as the beeping of the pulse monitor started beeping faster. The humans were blocking the light that the surgical lights were producing and made a towering look of them examining Rainbow. Rainbow on the other hoof was scared and questions started filling her mind as she thought herself again, ’W-W-What are these humans going to do to me? Where am I? Why did they bring me here to this place?!’

Dash started look around to and saw a silver plate with surgical tools laying on the plate. The tools looked like they were ready to be used on something. The tools were clean and shiny and a little scary looking. There was also a strange device next to the tools it looked like a chip of some kind.

Then Dash gulped with uneasyness and realized why the tools were out. These humans were going to operate on her and probably do experiments on her too. This situation was just like in Spike's comic book that he was reading when a stallion or pony wakes up in a strange lab surrounded by aliens after being abducted. The aliens then conduct experiments on that poor stallion or pony not giving their subject a anesthetic to numb or put the subjects to sleep for the tests. Now she feels how those characters felt when they were on a alien operating table.

Then a human surgeon walked over to a another human surgeon, but this one had blue stripes on the helmet and started talking to it. Perhaps that one was the leader of the operating and one who ordered to capture Rainbow or the head of the medical team. Also that human surgeon maybe knows what's Dash’s fate will be. But she couldn't hear what they were saying it was muffled by the helmets. Then she saw a human to the right with a syringe containing a white substance in the vile walk over to her as it gave the needle to a another human on the right side of her.

Then the human put a pad swabbed in alcohol dabbed it on Dash’s right foreleg’s shoulder and after that the pad was taken off and then Dash felt a prickle of something in the same spot that the pad was in. Dash looked at her right and found out the needle that the human had was injecting the serum that it was containing into her bloodstream. The alcohol that they dabbed on Dash’s shoulder numbed the stinging pain. But Dash could feel it and it hurt a bit making cringe in pain.

Then the human took the needle out of her shoulder and got up and walked behind her to get something. Then Dash heard wheels turning as the human was bringing something over. Dash was able to look up to see the human pushing a high tech machine behind her. The machine that the human pulled up had 2 black tanks and 2 sky blue colored tanks. It also had gauges and switches which controls the machine. There was a black latex bag connected to the machine as well. The were black tubes that came from it and was connecting to something at the end.

Dash thought to herself as the human checked the machine over, ’Why does that machine it looks so familiar? It’s like i’ve seen it before at the Ponyville Hospital?'

Then Dash’s eyes shrunk as she figured out what was the machine behind her. There was only one certain machine that was used in operating rooms and it sedated ponies or stallions without them feeling pain. It was an Anesthetic Machine and it looked high tech too.

Rainbow also knew the humans were readying it to used on her. The serum that the humans gave her was an anesthetic and it numbed her body and also she was starting to feel rather sleepy. They were going to put Rainbow into a painless sleep. Then one of the humans looked at the human behind her and said something muffled to the human. The human nodded and lifted Dash’s head up and put a black head harness on below her head. Then it laid Rainbow’s head back down but now on a harness.

Then she heard a hissing sound from something behind her. Then a shadows of something was put right about her. Then she looked up to see the human behind her had its left hand holding what looked like a black latex anesthesia mask with the tubes connecting to the mask as it was put on and covered Dash’s muzzle and it was the right size for it too.

Dash started to breath in what the humans were administering to her from the mask. Then she realized that gas was oxygen as she started breathing in the oxygen and her breathing was returning to normal as she inhaled and exhaled the gas. Everything was fine right now, but Dash was about to have sweet dreams pretty soon.

Then the human turned on a another leaver as Dash started to smell a sweet sent mixing the oxygen they were giving her and felt very sleepy. Rainbow knew this wasn't laughing gas at all because she was given some when she had a cavity and had it taken care of at the Ponyville Dentistry. If it was Dash would be laughing right about now, but this type of gas was new to her. Instead of laughing uncontrollably Rainbow felt a strange feeling to sleep as her brain started to fall asleep from the gas.

The black bag that was connected to the anesthetic machine was inflating and deflated each time Dash breathed. The beeping of the pulse monitor also started to slow down as Dash anxiety was replaced by feeling of peacefulness and sleepiness. Dash’s vision was starting to become blurry as she was still breathing in the anesthetic the humans were giving her. Also her hearing was staring to have ringing throughout her ears.

The human surgeons put and surgical blue cover over Dash’s body as they noticed it won't be long until she was in dream land so they can start the procedure. The human behind Dash strapped on the head harness to the mask on Dash’s muzzle so she couldn't take it off. Dash’s eyes started to flutter as the humans seem to be getting closer to her as they heard her breathing slowing. The human behind her was squeezing and releasing the breathing bag as he or she helped Dash breath.

Then Dash started to slowly close her eyes as her eyelids covered her eyes. Then Rainbow tried to open them again as her vision became completely blurry only thing she could make out were colors,
shapes, and objects. Then she slowly closed her eyes and drifted off into a peaceful and painless sleep as everything went completely black.

Inside Dash's subconscious mind she was falling down a dark void and she was crying for help as she fell deeper into the void. As she yelled out loud with fear, "SOMEPONY HELP ME!"

But no one came to help her and she knew Luna couldn't save her right now because she wasn't home and her fate was in the hands of the humans she saw earlier. Dash's voiced echoed in the void as sleep over took her then nothing, but silence was heard in her mind as she started to dream. It was now sweet dreams for her.

But Dash didn't know that a certain mad scientist from a another dimension who builds armies of robots will try to take over the Earth. But help was coming as well to stop this mad doc and in a form of a stallion that was similar to her. But with a love for adventure and taste for speed and danger. Also who is a hero from a another dimension with a get it done attitude.

With Twilight

Twilight heard muffled noses around her and her own breathing as she slowly opened her eyes to see where she was. When she opened them everything was blurry and felt her whole body was numbed too. Also she felt restrained and held down straps covering her body on a soft bed with head on a comfortable pillow. There were surgical lights shining on her and beings looking over her.

There was also some movement around her too. The beings around her wearing surgical blue colored gowns and some were walking around her. Also something black with 2 tubes connected to the object covering Twilight's muzzle.

There was a faint hissing sound as something was being given to her through the object on her muzzle. She smelled a mixture of oxygen and a unknown sweet scent mixed in with it. Then she took a breath and heard her own breathing and felt gentle rubbing on her front left hoof. Then she felt a strange tingling sensation and started to fall back to sleep again.

The being that was rubbing her left foreleg kept rubbing it. This made Twilight feel relaxed and calm as her sight started to get blurrier until she could only see colors, objects, and movement. The being that was comforting her was telling her to keep breathing and so she did.

Then Twilight started to close her eyes and thought to herself, 'Maybe I'll take a small…nap…'

Then Twilight slowly closed her eyes and drifted off into a peaceful painless deep sleep. As everything went black and everything went completely silent in Twilight's mind. Also she started to dream too thanks to the Anesthesia that the humans administered to her.

With Shining;

Shining was still asleep when the humans captured him and when they put a anesthesia mask on his muzzle that was hooked up to a anesthetic machine he didn't gave them any trouble. But Shining was trying to wake up after hearing sounds and footsteps around him. But the anesthetic that was being used on him was doing its job and his senses were being numbed already.

When Shining opened his eyes the only thing he saw was a blurry sight and couldn't make where he was. But he did saw movement around him and they weren't ponies or stallions at all, but aliens! He felt like some gown was on him and was strapped down on a lab table too. He tried to move, but he couldn't as he felt his body was completely immobilized including his tail.

But every breath Shining made the gas he inhaled made him get sleepier and wanted to sleep more. He felt gentle rubbing on his right foreleg as he felt like everything was going to be alright and he wasn't being harmed either. Then a cover was put on his body and started to close his eyes as sleep took over him and fell under the anesthesia. Little did he knew he was about to see a image from another world.

Now Shining was also starting to dream too. After a few minutes when he closed his eyes and fell asleep a white flash lit up the dark black void. Then he opened his eyes to see a unknown city he never saw before had flames rising into the air and smoke coming from destroyed machines which were actually robots. Then he said to himself as his voice echoed in his subconscious, "What's going on here?!"

Then like an answer he heard a loud explosion and he ran to the right and saw a battle going on between a certain egg shaped human mad scientist with a long mustache in a strange hovercraft and on the opposite side of the man was a blue pegasus stallion Shining never seen before. This stallion looked very different from normal pegasus stallions there was something alien about him. But before Shining could say something the stallion looked at him with his green eyes and with a cocky smile he opened his wings and created a strong gust of wind as Shining was blown away and everything went black.

It was quite after that until Shining saw a strange photon blue colored light coming towards him. He felt like something was calling to him and a powerful presence was in the light ahead of him. Then he said to himself as his voice echoed throughout the void, "What's… going on?"

Before he could say anything else he was in the light and everything in the void was lit up in a photon blue colored flash. Shining was forced to close his to block out the light as the intensity was very great for him to see properly. A few seconds later Shining opened his eyes again and this time the white unicorn stallion prince saw that he was floating in outer space in front of a distant galaxy.

Shining was amazed by what he was seeing and felt calm and peaceful as his mane and tail flapped in the air as did the gown he was wearing on his body. He didn't know where he was, but he could still feel the same powerful presence from earlier, but now he could feel it more now. Then Shining said to himself with amazement, "Whoa! I never had a dream like this before!"

Then after Shining said that the same photon blue colored light suddenly appeared behind him. The white unicorn stallion was able to turn around to his left by turning while he was floating in the air to see what was making the light. When he was fully turned around Shining got a glimpse of what appeared to him to be a large bipedal like dragon, but he had to block out the instense light that the dragon was making and knew this one wasn't like the ones he knew from home. No it was different. Very different.

The whole body of the creature was glowing in a bright photon blue colored light so Shining couldn't make out the body features of this unknown dragon, but he did see that it did have a dragon tail, two arms, two hands, three sharp clawed fingers on both its hands, a trident like tip end of its tail, two spiked diagonal spikes on its chest, and two large wings on its back that had four sails on both wings. Shining could feel like the creature was looking at him and was in some kind of deep sleep. He tried to move two galaxy blue colored eyes opened and looked at him and let out a mighty dragon roar as the wings of the creature rose into the air and a photon blue colored aura like energy came from it and blew against Shining who held his ground, "RAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHRRRRRR"

Shining could hear the roar and it sounded mighty, but he was busy trying to hold his ground. He was still trying to figure out what was happening and what kind of dragon he was seeing. But suddenly Shining lost his grip was sent flying backwards as he rolling backwards and flying off into space as the dragon glowed even brighter and everything went white.

Author's Note:

Well sweet dreams for Dash, Shining, and Twilight but in the next chapter both Rainbow and Shining wake up and find out why the humans took from their home. Dash, Shining, and Twilight are about make first contact with the human race! Also Shining got a glimpse of my favorite blue hero in his new equestrian form.

Also what kind of dragon that Shining saw in his dream?