• Published 16th May 2017
  • 230 Views, 0 Comments

A New Companion - WinterDash409

When a Young mare named Winter bumps into somepony at the market weird things started to happen... but when she hears a weird noise in the night she decides to take matters into her own hooves...

  • ...

Chapter 1: Intruder!

It was a sunny day in equestria. Winter dash a cyan pegasus with a grey, red and blue mane ran up to her friend Snowstar, a Brown earth pony with a red and brown mane.
“SNOWSTAR!!” Winter ran up to her friend in excitement.

“Me and applejack are going to the marketplace wanna come”?

“Oh sure, Wait applejack? That’s not that country pony is it?”

“What is that supposed to mean?”

“never mind I think I’ll stay here, I’ll see you tomorrow.” Snowstar turned to her telescope and sighed “I’m working on a new potion it’s
supposed to turn back time.”

“OHH Time travel.” Winter said excited

Snow turned to winter “Yes would you leave now Aj is going to be mad.”

“Oh right well see you later.” Winter ran off to Sweet apple acres as fast as lightning.
“Hey.” winter gasped trying to catch her breath. Applejack turned to Winter “Where have you been? I’ve been waiting for an hour.”

“Oh I’m so sorry I was-“

“let me guess you were talking to someone.”

“Whoa how’d you know?”

“Just a hunch I guess.” Applejack rolled her eyes and started walking out the gate. “I was supposed to make this delivery an hour ago, and you know how much this store owner hates me.”

“Oh sorry let’s get going then.” She picked up a basket of apples setting it on applejacks cart, and the two walk to ponyville.
Awhile later they finally arrive at the Market place.
“alright Sugarcube I think you should go buy some food, I’ve seen your fridge.”
Winter laughed “Okay I’ll go pick up some things.” Applejack gives her a few bits “Here this oughta do. Oh also rainbow wants us to Help her with one of her. Experiment’s.”

“oh okay.”

“Go on now run along.” Applejack says as Winter thanks her for the money and runs straight to the strawberry and kiwi stand
“KIWIS!!!! I love kiwis they are like a ball of fuzzy green goodness!” Pinkie Pie screamed grabbing a kiwi and chomping it down
“Hey where’d Winter go?” The pink pony asked herself. and looked down at her friend all scrunched up on the ground.

“Y-You scared me..”

“OH I’m sorry I seem to do that a lot.”

“yeah I’ve noticed.” Winter got up and brushed herself off.

“Well I’ll see you later Winter I’ve got to go make some cupcakes.” Pinkie said bouncing off.
Winter shivered “that still creeps me out..”

She walked over to the banana stand “Three pounds of bananas please.” Winter asked giving the yellow sales pony a few bits. He gave her a big bag of bananas.

“thank you sir.” She turned around and smacked into some pony, when she opened her eyes a brown stallion with a hourglass for a cutie mark

“Oh I’m so sorry I wasn’t looking where I was going.” Winter said embarrassed.

“oh no it’s all right.” He picked up some of the spilled fruit.

“Oh thank you.” Winter said and he gave her the bananas.

“It seems I lost my bananas” She joked and The stallion laughed helping her up.

“WINTER DASH!” Rainbow dash yelled from behind.

“What the hay are you doing.” The inpatient pony yelled “Oh sorry.” Winter laughed

“I was talking to this guy. You see I bumped into him and-“

“OH so you were being clumsy as usual, and started annoying this poor man.”

“Actually I don’t really mind.”

“HEY DID I ASK YOU.” Rainbow yelled at him

“I’m sorry for my sister, she’s about to do some sort of trick and end up in the hospital.”

“Oh well I guess we might bump into each other again soon.” He joked

“I’d like that.” Winter laughed

“YUCK Stop it with the cutie wootie lovey dovey kissy wissy Flirting.”

“Okay that wasn’t even flirting Rainbow.” Winter scoffed.

“Do I look like I care.” Rainbow grabbed winters hoof “Good day sir.” And flew off.

Later on at the park rainbow dash sat winter down on a bench.

“okay now what I’m going to do is fly up that ramp, dive into that pool, fly back up the ramp, through that flaming hoop up into the clouds and attempt a sonic rainboom between those mountains.”

Applejack and winter dash gave the athletic pony a blank stare

”That is the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard.” AJ said

“hey did I ask you.” Rainbow yelled “I could have used lava but I didn’t.”

“Rainbow that’s a 2 foot round hoop you will never make it through.”

Rainbow scoffed “So I think I can do it if I put my mind to it.”

“right can’t wait to see how you explain this in the E.R.”

“I told you I’ll be fine don’t worry so much work horse.”

“WOAH what did you call me.” Apple jack shouted

“okay I think we should all just calm down and go to my house for some tea.” Winter suggested

“Tea? What are you British.”

“no rainbow I’m just saying it could calm us all down.”

“if I wanted some stupid egg headed advice id go to twilight.”

“Rainbow! That was awfully rude she’s our friend.” Applejack yelled

“You think I care?” rainbow yelled

All of a sudden a big crash was heard “UM? what was that?!” Rainbow yelled

“I don’t know and I’m sticking around to find out.” Winter said and the other two agreed “is the tea still an option?” rainbow said sounding a little scared

“Yup” Winter replied.
“Okay then let’s go.” Rainbow started running to winters house as the other two followed.

When they arrived at the house winter notice her house door was broken

“OH C’MON!” Winter yelled

“ill fix it doesn’t seem too hard.” Applejack said on rainbows back

“okay we better get inside your starting to hurt me.” Rainbow said to the earth pony

“Yeah too bad earth ponies can't walk on clouds, good thing my floors are wood.” Winter said carefully walking over the broken glass from the doors window.

“still who would want to break into my house, I have hardly anything of value.” Winter asked setting down on her couch.

“oh darling we best get home soon it's almost sunset, Winter you better get this wrapped up quick ill fix your door tomorrow.” Applejack said looking out the window.

“Okay that sounds pretty ligament, its dangerous around here at dark.” Winter sed bringing over the hot beverages.

“So who was that dude you were taking to earlier?” rainbow asked propping her back hooves on Winters coffee table.

“I’m actually not sure I just bumped into him, come to think of it I never got his name.”

“Okay I’m done, c’mon rainbow it’s time to get-“ some pony knocked on the door

“I’ll get it.” Rainbow rushed to the door and opened it

“Uh... Hi?” Rainbow said as a red stallion with a gear and two swords as a cutie mark walked inside.

“I’m Goldhawk, I’m a bit lost, where am I exactly?” he asked rainbow as she replied

“are you nuts? were right outside the everfree forest, about a quarter mile from ponyville.”

“Well thanks, but I’m still not sure where in the galaxy this is, but I’m sure ill figure it out.” Goldhawk said confusing all the others.

“well if you need a tour I can give you one.” Rainbow sed trying to impress him but Goldhawk wasn’t too impressed with her in general.

“No thank you I think I can get by. the portal must have been off calibration.” Goldhawk said once again confusing the girls.

“Well I get the feeling you're far from home, maybe applejack will let you sleep in the guest room at her farm.” Winter suggested.

“Actually that’s a good idea I might even let you sleep in, now that’s rare ask rainbow.” She agreed “Wait sleep in? you next to never let me sleep in.” rainbow wasn’t too pleased.

“Well you aren’t even a guest anymore more like another child.” Aj replied.

“Thanks for the offers but I can go years without sleep or food, I’m a robotic organism there is hardly any need for sleep or food.”

They all gave him a blank stare. Winter grabbed her stethoscope and put it on his chest “you are a normal pegasi nothing not a robot, you have a heart and lungs nice try.” Winter said putting the tool down

“Don’t y’all have some place to be, it's almost dark.” Winter pointed out a bit cranky because she got up early.

“Oh right…” applejack got up and took her hat off the hat rack

“Thanks for the time Sugarcube, I’ll be back tomorrow.” Goldhawk and rainbow both got up and walked over to the door.

“ bye Winter dish.” Rainbow said grinning as she walked out the door.

“I thought I told you to stop calling me that.” Winter said peeking out the door

“Hey I could call you crash lil miss clumsy.” Rainbow smirked and flew off

“Point taken…..” Winter shut the door, cleaned up the glass and went to bed.

Later that night….
Winter was awoken by a big crash of something in her kitchen “Whoa what was that?” she asked herself pulling a small knife out from under her pillow.

“I need to go see what that is.” She looked over at the other side of her room to see her small pet dog K-9 sleeping on a small pile of clothes in the corner.

She sighed “if it’s not him I’m scared to find out what it is.” She looked at her clock to see it was 3:30 AM

“what kind of nut would break into a house at 3 AM?” she asked herself starting to walk out of her room slowly. Then approaching the kitchen she heard something scream.

“EXTERMA-“ she gasped and fell on the floor

“Whoa what the heck?” she got up and held the knife up in stabbing position and proceeded to walk into the kitchen. She saw some pony in front of her cabinet holding what looked like a knife.
She exhaled slowly sneaking up on the intruder, she got in position as the robber turned her way then stabbed.

“GAH WHAT WAS THAT FOR!” They yelled a buzzing noise was heard and the lights turned on, Winter gasped seeing the pony she had met that afternoon

“Oh my gosh I’m so sorry!” she said panicking.

“Winter? This is your house?” he asked looking at her scared face.

“YES who’s did you think it was!!!” She yelled as her puppy ran in the room and started growling at him.

“I honestly didn’t know whose it was. I'll explain later..” he said propping his back up on the cabinet.

“So you just came in a random stranger's home with a knife, like give me the bananas or else?” she said sarcastically grabbing a wet rag

“Well…..no wait I don’t have a knife what are you talking about?”

“You had-“ she looked down and saw a banana on the floor “oh crap..”

“That was a banana on what planet does a banana look anything like a knife well….except for baraigon but that’s another story ..”

“what? Okay never mind I don’t want to know..” she looked at K-9 still barking

“K-9 Bedroom now.” He said pulling the knife out of his chest with a grunt.

“Okay who in the world told you my dog's name.” she said wrapping the rag on the wound

“I just guessed it.. and there’s a dog tag with his name on it.” He replied getting up

“oh okay by the way I never got your name.”

“Oh.. hello I’m the doctor.” He walked to the door.

“the doctor? Seriously just the doctor.. Doctor who?”

He smiled “nothing just the doctor.” He started to walk out the door.

“Whoa whoa whoa where are you going.”

“I’m going back home I’ve got to fix this wound.”

“and where is that Doctor.”

“oh just in the woods a bit.” He started out the door and winter gasped.

“NO!” she yelled “That’s a cloud earth ponies can’t walk on clouds.”

He turned back at her “you're right..” she walked over to him and picked him up.

“dang how much do you weigh.” He looked down.

“I honestly have no idea..” she scoffed and flew down to the ground “thank you!” he got off “heh yeah it’s the least I could do for someone I had just stabbed.” she tried being serious and started walking.

Awhile later..

“Whoa no that’s the everfree forest, its extremely dangerous at night.”

“So? its dangerous any other time.”

“Good point.. But still you're bleeding and BAD won't that attract things”

“like what lions and tigers and bears.”

“Well.. yes”

He laughed and started walking backwards “Oh my lions and tigers and bears.” He joked.

“that’s not funny.” he laughed.

“not even a little bit?” she walked a bit faster,

“no not even a little bit.” He caught up to her.

“oh okay then.” They walked a bit and stopped.

“Wait.” The doctor said stopping her.

“do you hear that?” the bushes start crackling.

“If that’s a flying monkey I’m going to lose it.” Winter said as a 2 headed lion came out they both gasped.

“Doctor what do we do?” Winter asked freaked out.

“um.. in this situation.. RUN!” they both started to run but the doctor stopped,

“What’s wrong? Are you okay? “she asked.

“yes just keep going.” He started to go again but stopped yet again.

“Okay you’re not okay.” He looked at his hoof and noticed blood had dripped from the bandage.

“no winter I’m fine just go.” She looked at him with a sad look then ran up to him.

“You are clearly not okay.” She looked at the beast approaching.

“well what the heck do we do?” he looks at her and pulls out the sonic screwdriver.

“what the hell is that?” he stood in front of her like a father protecting his child.

“it’s a screwdriver.” She looked at him like he was as stupid as a piece of bark.

“what are you going to do with that, build a cabinet to throw at him?”

He rolled his eyes, “how many times have a told everyone, it doesn’t work on wood!” He replied and the creature smacked Winter into a tree and knocked her out The doctor gasped.

“what the hell did you do that for?!” he ran around the back of the Thing “Hey over here!” he yelled and the lions turned around.

“HEY YOU!” Winter yelled.

“one of the heads turned around, she jumped up and kicked the back of its neck knocking it out but it woke up right away. She threw a rock at is head, but instead of killing it only made it more mad.

“uh oh.. “ she said and jumped up and snapped its neck. She kicked its front leg and broke it

“Want More?” it looked at her “Nice try little pony.” It said coming at her.
she jumped up and kicked its neck breaking it.

she landed and the dust cleared “impressed?” she asked the wide eyed Doctor.

“Um… yeah… that was… impressive!” Winter walked passed him and laughed “Yeah I wasn’t expecting that.. “ they kept walking on.

A while later they arrived at a bunch of bushes.

“Okay I walked all this way for bushes…” Winter said sarcastically, he laughed

“ No but I can see how you would think that.” He walked in the bushes. “yup he’s crazy.” Winter said to herself and walked in to see a small blue police box.

“Yup I was right..” he laughed and opened the doors, Winter walked in and gasped “Whoa what the-?” he turned to her,

“yes its bigger on the inside.” He didn’t hear anything “Winter?” he turned around to see her setting down on the steps sleeping, he laughed

“Not a problem.”

A few hours later….
Winter woke up in a small room on a bed “AH! wait where am i?”

She got up and looked around the room and saw the sonic on the dresser.

“Hmm.” The door opened and she gasped.

“oh just an automatic door..” she walked out into the hallway “is he even in here?” She asked herself, as she spotted a small door off to the side.

“Hmm..” She opened it, looking inside she could see a few things any pony would have.
A box of soap, small knick nacks, old bits in a small tube. All sort o unusual but very common. But one thing stood out.. A denim jacket..

“C’mon Winter it's not that unusual..” She said to herself, picking up the jacket.
She smiled at it, she looked at the tag on the collar for a name. She head found one.. She sat it down with a smile.

“That's sweet, maybe it was his old marefriend?” She said to herself, looking out the door she could see some more rooms. She gravitated to a large libary with a pool in the middle.

“That's so cool!” She said with a chuckle.

She started to go through the shelves, looking at each book she could tell some were very old and others so new they were years ahead of release. She darted down the isle of bookshelves, Til suddenly a book caught her eye.

“What-” she looked at the cover, none of it was even writing really.. More like symbols.. All round and kind of steam punk looking. She looked around and took a peak inside.

“The Doctor and the T.A.R.D.I.S?” She read aloud.

“Oh, It's his diary I guess?” she giggled as she started to read. The book was all in English… all printed out. So it couldn't be a diary..

“Index..” she said looking through the chapters and many names down through. Suddenly she saw a blank space in between some names.

“Maybe it's a writer error?” She said to herself putting the book on her back and carrying on into the console room.

“Doctor? Are you in here?” Winter walked to the door to see the Doctor sitting at it looking out .

“Whoa is that space?” The mare asked, setting down beside him

“Yes it's beautiful isn’t it.”

Winter smiled “yes it-it is.” She looked out all starry eyed

“you know i-I didn’t think I'd ever say this again but.. would you like to travel with me? I mean you seem to like the adventure and if you're up for it i'd love company. Only if you're up for it though!”

Winter looked at him excited “Wait WHAT?”

He chuckled “like would you like to travel time and space with me?”

“YES!” Winter hugged him, then she hissed him for a few seconds.

He got wide eyed and she pulled away “Oh.. Uh.. I’m sorry I got excited.” They blushed

“yeah I noticed.” He got up “So where do you want to go?” Winter looked at him confused


“We can go anywhere you want, all of time and space is yours to travel.” Winter looked at him and replied shutting the TARDIS doors “Just surprise me.”

He laughed “Okay I think I know where would, but hold on tight.” He pushed a few buttons and flipped a few levers and they were off flying into space.

Author's Note:

The Next chapter should be out either tonight or tomorrow.
Its already done actually XD ill just need to fuck with the writing bc the grammar in this one was actually kinda bugging me... BUT ITS FINE! The next one involves Winters first trip off world and an encounter with 2 foes! it also will have some things that will make you just ask What the- what the fuck- HOW?!?
...basically my reaction while reading it after 2 years of not even touching it...

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