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IV - Encampment

Ace's horn lit up the forest as he kindled a fire in a clearing among the trees. A warm glow filled the air as Dipper, Twilight, and Ace sat in front of the flame. The floating eyeballs' numbers seemed to have died down for the moment, allowing a calm few minutes for then. Dipper was reading the sixth book intently. Twilight stared out into the woods cautiously. The fire crackled, rarely ever breaking the silence. The earthy scent of cedar wood filled the air. Ace levitated one of the other two journals and started flipping through it, looking for anything interesting. For the time being, the pages turning felt ten times louder. Ace came upon a page that caught his eye. He could not read the words, however as he could only read Equestrian, and English was vastly different. The picture showed what seemed like a glossy human dressed as Sherclop Pones, wielding a hatchet. Since he could not read the language, he decided to imagine what it said.

"Sherclop Pones copies, while seemingly harmless, may turn into wax and hold axes when unattended."

This thought amused him for a small bit.

"So, Dipper. Do you know anypony- anyone else?" He awkwardly asked.

Dipper didn't respond, reading just as intently as before. The silence persisted seemingly forever, seconds felt like hours. Loud tapping of woodpeckers on trees echoed through the forest. The fire started to die down, the warm light of the flames started fading. Ace got up off the ground, trotting into the thicket of trees for more wood. It was pitch black outside. Ace needed some sort of light. He strained his eyes, scanning for something to use magic on. He continued trotting forward. He then stepped on a twig. Ace levitated it so that his horn would give off light. The dark red glow attracted fireflies to his horn. He dropped the twig for a log, turning around and cantering back to camp.

A rapid fluttering of wings made Ace jump. He came to the clearing, the fire almost gone. He dropped the piece of wood on the fire, using a kindling spell on it. The light grew far more intense.

The fire started blowing smoke, in strangely triangular puffs. The new wood started creaking from the heat. Dipper looked up at the puffs of smoke, staring at them. Twilight looked over as well. The triangular smoke started glowing yellow as of itself. Suddenly, the glowing smoke started forming one large triangle. It came to life as Bill.

"So, you've decided to stab me in the back I see. You know, I was going to hold my end up. I'll give you another chance. Deal?" He floated over to Ace, holding out a hand.

"Ace, Don't listen to him!" Dipper called.

Ace started raising his hoof out to Bill's hand. He quickly redirected the hoof to Bill's eye, using all his strength.

"Ah! You shouldn't have done that, horse man!" Bill shouted, holding his singular eye.

Bill disappeared into the smoke once more, leaving them to the calm, eerie silence.