• ...

I - W̘̔ḁ̶̴̢ͥͧ͂͢gḙ̞̓ͫͨ͘ŕ̠͙͔̓̚͘ͅ

Ace awoke in a void, but this time instead of nothing, there were stars, as if he were in an undefined part of space. Suddenly, a yellow triangle popped into existence. It had a top hat on, weedy little arms and legs on the sides. It turned around, a large eye on the front, a bow tie rested in the middle of the triangle.

“So, Gothic A,” It spoke without a mouth while looking at the cutie mark on his flank.

“You have two choices. Face the destruction of your dimension, or we can make a wager. I let your dimension free at one cost; You serve me. Deal?" He threatened, his body pulsating with every word.

He held out an arm, the hand was ignited with a cyan fire. Ace said nothing and reluctantly put his hoof out. The triangle grabbed the top of Ace's hoof.

"Pleasure working with you, Gothic A." He stated.

Ace felt his world surround him again. He was in an empty field next to the path to the square. He trotted over towards the path. He eventually arrived at Twilight's library. He knocked on the door, Spike answering.

"Come on in, Ace." He greeted.

He cantered to Twilight as she reclined in a plush chair.

"Twi, I think I might've done something extremely stupid." He warned.

"What did you do?" She asked.

"So, I woke up in somewhere undefined, a triangle with an eye in the middle threatened to destroy our dimension if I didn't serve him, so I made a deal with him." He explained.

"You... What?" She said suspiciously.

"I made a deal with a yellow triangle."

She galloped over to a bookshelf, tearing books from the shelves in a suddenly urgent search for something. She eventually found what she was looking for, almost slamming it on an adjacent table. She rapidly flipped pages until she came upon the same triangle that Ace had encountered.

"This one?" Her voice practically broke, her mane fraying slowly.

Ace had almost jumped out of the chair he had been sitting on.


She reared up at Ace, staring into his eyes intense with anger, but at the same time with fear.

"You made a deal with Bill Cipher!?"

"Bill..?" He asked.

“Oh, he’s nothing, just an inter-dimensional being, the likes of which destroys entire planes of existence, should he not get his way!” She informed sarcastically, still level with his face.

“I made a deal with him, he should keep away from this dimension, right?”

"Well, you should certainly hope he keeps his end!" She urgently advised.

Suddenly, in a puff of red dust, Ace disappeared.

"Ace?" Twilight called.