• Published 8th Apr 2017
  • 806 Views, 48 Comments

The Coming Storm - SciWriter

Twilight and Rainbow find themselves on opposite sides of a conflict surrounding domestic abuse, Rainbow furious and Twilight unsure. In the midst of their conflict, is brewing a war that threatens the entire nation.

  • ...

Not Damaged Goods

A few days went by. Twilight decided to go for a massage to calm her nerves. In the waiting room she sifted through the magazines while she waited.

Carrot top touched her hoof. “Twilight, have you read this?” she asked. “It was delivered to my door both yesterday and today… it’s a collection of stories.”

Twilight turned to her. “What kind?”

“Terrible stories. Stallions having to run from their homes because of monstrous mares and for some reason the law wouldn’t listen to or help them.”

Twilight didn’t want to openly say this was related to exactly her problem, so she decided maybe she should resort to deflections. “Carrot, they’re big strong stallions, most of the time, they’re huge. How much of a threat can mares really be?”

“Mares have plenty of strength, in fact I’m fairly certain some of if not the strongest members of our society are mares.”

“Alicorns,” Twilight corrected. “Alicorn males would probably be stronger, and none of us are married, save Cadence. And yea, we can be strong, but seriously, they’re like twice our size. If you were to beat a stallion, couldn’t he just turn around a deck you once and that be it? Doesn’t seem like much of a contest really.”

Carrot raised an eyebrow to Twilight. “Why should it need to be a contest? My little Sunny Day has hit me a few times, but I never hit her back. And I’m fairly certain if Sunny were to burn me with an iron, like in this story,” Carrot pointed to the paper, “you wouldn’t be so passive.”

“Well… no of course not…”

“Besides I discipline Sun for such behavior, but the only reason she, I suppose, “gets away with it” is that she’s a child. But you can’t treat grown mares like children Twilight. If we hurt stallions we should face the same penalties as they would for hurting us.”

“I agree I guess.” Twilight nodded. “But it’s not as many. Stallions are horrible to mares-“

“I beg your pardon? What did you just say about my husband?”

“Okay so not all,” Twilight corrected. “But many.”

Carrot shook the paper at her. “Not all mares, I would never behave like this. But clearly many, no?”

“Can you verify any of those stories?”

Carrot shook her head. “And how much do you verify stories of abused mares? Why are you trying to excuse this? This isn’t like you, what’s going on?”

Twilight sighed. “Look, I don’t want to talk about this okay?... I didn’t get a copy of that, can I have yours?”

“You just said you weren’t interested in-“

Twilight had to hold back a frustrated hiss. “I just… I want to read up okay? Research, it’s my thing. Maybe I’m wrong. Just let me have it, please? There are other copies around town right?” Carrot shrugged and gave the paper to Twilight.

“The papers are delivered in the morning, not sure when. Wonder why it wasn’t delivered to you.”

Twilight looked at the compilation of stories. “yea… wonder why.”


It was the third day of reading the stories of the stallions and delivering them. Rainbow was never an emotional type- well, save where her daughter was involved- but she knew no pony could read so many terrible stories and not be haunted by it. She found herself having to mentally remind herself not to be protective of the stallions in Ponyville- ‘its only a minority, a minority! Not as few as Twilight thinks, but still not many’. Still Rainbow was sure she had watched a few arguments between couples a little too closely, waiting for a mare to raise her hoof.

But what was the solution to that anyway? Read a bunch of mare abuse stories for balance? Rainbow figured that would turn her into a basket case.

She walked up to her house, a familiar shadow casting over her. The painted green stallion landed. “Hey Silent,” she said mid sigh. “Can I ask you something?... Actually why are you here?”

“Honestly? I’m getting away. I like leaving every so often to clear my head. I mean I care about the ponies in the camp but… I don’t know. Before that attack on Twilight, I was actually rather poorly known in Equestria and could go anywhere. I know taking a break is a privilege many of the others don’t have but I do so, condemn me if you want, I’m taking it.”

“That was my question actually. How do you do this? You’re surrounded by these ponies all the time, a reminder of how cruel mares can be and yet… you’re not like Fire Sky.”

“I’m not perfect, but there’s a trick to it I guess. You don’t think of them as abusive mares, that’ll drive you to be like Fire every time. No, I think of them as just ponies. I don’t think about the gender of the victim or perpetrator. They’re bad ponies hurting other ponies, that’s all that really matters.”

“Still, bet you have some biases.”

“Granted. But I might say, most of my biases are against power not gender. I’ve known plenty of good mares and well… I’ve seen plenty of despicably misogynist stallions. The imbalance here is because of those with power, not because of gender. Trust me, we change things here, power will just corrupt something else.”

“Sounded positive at first but wow that’s bleak.”

He shrugged. “Honest is all.”

Rainbow looked at the ground. “So… what do you do for fun? It can’t all be like this.”

“Me personally? I like to race a little, and other things to do with my abilities. My powers are based on wind.”

Rainbow grinned. “Reeeeally?” Rainbow puffed up and shot out her wings. “Scoots won’t be up for a few hours so um… how fast are you?”

He chuckled. “Kiddo, I have enhancement powers. A race wouldn’t be even be close to fair.”

“I know. All you have is a few enhancements, whereas me… well I’m me.” She gave a slight bow.

“Think you’re that good huh?” he asked with a side smile.

“They were disappointed when I didn’t join them ya know.”

“They who?”

“The wonderbolts. Had to be a mom and all, but doesn’t mean I let myself go. I can do the sonic rainboom, little colt.” Rainbow grinned flying a few feet above the ground.

“Is that so, little filly?” The stallion spread his wings, but didn’t bother to flap, wind levitating him off the ground. “Around Canterlot mountain and back.”

“You’re on!”



They both shouted at once, “One!”

Silent shot up at an incredible speed only flapping his wings one time, Rainbow at first being left in the dust. Little secret though, Rainbow had met Lightning, the first impulse created and she knew all their weaknesses. For instance, they had impressive powers, but they couldn’t be fired off indefinitely. Rainbow shot into the sky at a normal progressive speed, going faster and faster and faster.

She quickly passed Silent in the air.

Rainbow flew back laughing and then shot around the slow going stallion grinning at him, his magic still recovering. He gave her a frustrated smirk. “So, you know a little about us hmm? Out raced an amateur I see, did you know we can do this?”

Silent rolled in the air and shot left at a blinding speed, outside of Rainbow’s flight circle. He opened his wings in the air, a powerful gust shooting him forward a few feet. He then started setting off sequential powerful bursts of air propelling himself forward, granted he was slower than earlier, but still pretty quick.

Still, Rainbow was able to just fly alongside him at a sub top speed. “Impressive, but it ain’t super sonic.”

“Good point, but notice how much effort I’m putting in here- and how much you are…” Rainbow raised an eye brow. She was getting a little tired… all Silent was doing was keeping his wings open, flapping once or twice every half minute.

“Yea yea, I’m all natural, no enhancements, just makes me all the more impressive when I kick your butt!” She shot ahead, turning around Canterlot mountain in seconds.

When Rainbow raced Lightning she had always been able to leave the filly in the dust, basically she really had to humor the kid not to completely embarrass her every time. This was different. Rainbow returned ahead, but even though she had gone her full speed, only thirty seconds later Silent came to a near dead stop directly above her.

He slipped to the ground. Rainbow huffed and puffed a few times, laughing. “Okay… that… was awesome! We gotta do it again, you know we just HAVE TO!”

“Well you wanted to know what I did for fun. Really I mostly experiment with my powers, but that’s the most fun way. You see my powers work best when used as short bursts, where sustained blasts of wind are faster, but exhaust the magic faster. I think Gray himself had superior abilities with his illusion magic, but for all anyone really knows, he showed his real self to ponies all the time, he just used so many illusions no one knew the difference.”

“I’m… huffing and… puffing here and you’re… doing an egg head talk… ya know, when we fix all this crap, maybe you should be a teacher… of the other impulses… ya know? What was your talent before all this anyway?”

“Not a big deal, I was a hoof ball instructor.”

“Close enough to track and field…” she looked at his flank, a ball hanging over a wooden bucket. “You ever wonder what our marks really determine… if anything?”

He shrugged. “Haven’t used that talent in years really. They don’t change, but we do so… not sure what that means.”

“Who the heck is that Rainbow Dash?” came Scootaloo’s voice.

“Mom, I’m you’re mom… did we wake you up?” Rainbow asked. “Sorry squirt.”

“It’s like four AM, the heck are you doing? I’m tired,” Scootaloo said, voice starting to raise.

“So go back to bed kiddo, no one is stopping you,” Rainbow replied smiling.

Scootaloo rolled her eyes. “What if I don’t want to?” she snapped.

Rainbow face hoofed. “Oh great, she’s in one of her moods,” she huffed. “Really Scoots is a nice kid, but after a few weeks I found out about these.”

“You do know all kids have mood swings right?” Silent asked.

“Means it’s not from all the crap in her life, good to know,” Rainbow looked at her daughter. “Go back to your room please.”


“I said please, I’m being nice Scoots.”

“I’m not,” Scootaloo replied. “I’m up now so I’m gonna go play.”

“You have school in the morning, no you don’t,” Rainbow said, heading for her.

“I will if I want!” Scootaloo shouted back.

“You’ll do what I say!” Rainbow shouted back, stopping and stamping her hoof.

Silent rolled his eyes at the display.

“Make me!” the filly yelled back. “If you-“

“YOUNG LADY SIT DOWN!” Silent’s voice echoed through the town. Scootaloo paused looking at him. A little quieter, Silent looked her dead in the eyes. “What did I say?” Scootaloo looked at Rainbow, who just nodded. The filly sat, ears back. Silent trotted over to Rainbow. “Now your mother is working…”

“Weather manager…” Rainbow said under her breath so only he could hear.

“Extra shifts, she didn’t mean to wake you up but things happen. Now you either go to bed right now, or she’s going to ground you.” Scootaloo looked at Rainbow, who shrugged and nodded.

“I don’t want to-“

“You either go up there yourself or she’s going to put you in that bed herself… like a little baby.” He looked around at the lights going on. “And I don’t know kiddo, your friends might hear about it. They’ll hear how you’re not mature enough to put yourself to bed, how mommy has to tuck you in…”

“I do tuck her in…” Rainbow noted quietly.

“I’m on a roll don’t ruin it,” Silent quietly snapped.

“You… you guys wouldn’t really tell anyone…”

“Try us,” Silent replied. Rainbow smiled at her.

Scootaloo thought for a moment. “You win-“

“Up, up, up,” Silent said, holding up a hoof. “You gonna say something to your mom for all that crap?”


“You were pretty mean right now… don’t test us,” he said.

“Fine… I’m sorry.” She hung her head a little and then went back inside.

Rainbow sighed in relief. “Nice to have an ally.”

“I’m surrounded by fathers every day, you pick up a few things.” He looked back at Twilight. “For instance, don’t negotiate, you’re her mom, not her friend.”

“I discipline her, I really do,” Rainbow replied. “Just don’t like doing it.”

“No good parent does,”

“Sure having a deep voice like that helps though, gave me chills and um… don’t think the squirt caught this but um… it’s kinda sexy…”

“You trying to flirt with me?”

“Maybe…” Rainbow said with a smile. “I need a break and you’re cute, why not?”

“Well… I mean…”

Rainbow looked at him, blinking her eyes, trying to do the pretty girl act- which usually got anyone to laugh since she really wasn’t the pretty girl type.

He did chuckled. “It’s just, the last time anyone flirted with me was well… I mean no offense.”

Rainbow sighed. “I know. We can’t just forget where we come from can we?... It doesn’t mean we can’t move on though, ya know? My mom died before I was Scootaloo’s age. I don’t really know how to be a mom to her at all, but I’ve decided this is what I want anyway. You won’t be able to forget what happened to you either, I’m sure it will always hurt. But promise me something alright?”


“Don’t let it rule you. Let yourself be happy. And all those stallions in the camp and their kids, same thing. Help them moved past what happened to them.”

“I have a living example of what happens when you let it control you, I know.”

Rainbow nodded, knowing full well who he was talking about. “Pretty sure you’ll never be like him. Still… maybe we could go out later- just asking.”

“Don’t get in a relationship with someone because you feel sorry for them Rainbow, it’s a big mistake.”

“As friends for now, but Silent, I um… I really don’t feel sorry for you.”

“I guess you don’t have to,” Silent replied, obviously a little dumb struck.

“Well what your wife did was bad and all, but you’ve moved on. You’re running that entire camp and have some really scary stallions looking up to you. Somehow you keep them all in line. You’re a good leader, you really care about the ponies under you. I feel sorry for Fire Sky, he’s obviously been driven back to the state of a pissed off abused child, you however… I respect you.” Silent paused looking at her.

“I… I’m not damaged goods to you?”

“Course not. Not even sure if I could accomplish half the things you have.”

“Hey, it’s not all you think. Besides, it might not get as much recognition, but being a direct parent is waaay harder than commanding from afar, which is generally what I really do.”

“Yea well, Scootaloo can be a brat, but I’m not worried about her burning me alive,” Rainbow said with a chuckled.

“Rainbow, much as I care about them, I’m not a direct parent or family to anyone in that camp. I spend so much time planning how to survive and managing the wackos… I’m not sure I’ve really helped anyone individually. You’re actually saving a little filly’s life.”

Rainbow shook her head. “You’re working to give them a chance to save themselves… I don’t just feel sorry for you, I swear… you sure we can’t have a chance?”

“I… I’m not ready. But maybe some day.”

“I know you’ve been through some crap, and I know folks can judge you for that, but I won’t.”

Silent backed away from her. “I… I should get going before other ponies wake up and start wondering who you’re flirting with…” He opened his wings and in the blink of an eye was hundreds of feet in the air.

Rainbow watched him go. “Silent…” she said to the air. “You don’t need to be with me, but don’t cut yourself off. I hope you find a way to be happy, I really do.”


Hours later Rainbow went to the local market and saw Rarity and Apple Jack there together. She ran over to them. Rarity saw her coming. She smiled and chuckled.

“My my, someone is looking happier today.” Rarity said.

“Am I?” She shrugged. “What are you two doing?”

“Well ah’m round scouting a new spot for ma’ apple cart, an ant colony moved in near my old spot and Fluttershy wants to move them away nicely rather than my solution,” AJ explained.

“And me, just out looking for inspiration. In any case, you’ve been upset since we all had that sit down with Twilight, you’re doing better? You made up with her yet?” Rarity asked.

“No we haven’t made up… not sure what to do on that… let me figure it out okay?”

“You can come to us if you need darling. But that doesn’t change the original question,” Rarity replied.

“Well… I guess I just realized there’s this guy and um…” Rarity suddenly had a grin that was actually kind of creepy. “Hey now Rarity, I’m not that way, I’m not um… aggressively romantic, is that the way to say it?”

Rarity chuckled. “I know you’re not, that just makes it cuter.” Rainbow blushed.

“Well be careful, ya still got a job and a little girl to look after,” AJ said.

“True, but that doesn’t mean romance is off limits right?” Rainbow asked. “Course… he kinda indicated he’s not ready for romance so I’m just kinda… I don’t know, he just kinda made me happy being with him.”

“Well… it’s not necessarily off limits, but just remember, Scootaloo will be affected by whatever ya choose to do...” AJ started looking around the town square again. “Maybe over here,” she walked over to a small open space between a pear and grape cart. “So ah take it you don’t know what to do about the issue Twilight brought up either huh?”

“You forgave her?” Rainbow asked.

“Way ah see it,” AJ said, marking the spot with a giant X with her hoof, “There’s nothing’ to forgive right now. She has some dumb ideas is all, she didn’t write those laws, nor can she repeal or pass other laws to stop them. Being angry wit’ her does nothing but hurt me an’ her, so what’s the point? What’s worryin’ me is these new ponies that have been causing… incidents. Twilight tell you how she got that black eye?” Rainbow knew first hoof how, but she shook her head. “Well she got into a fight with someone pretty pissed about this issue. She was trying to force them to stop posting their opinion. She says she’s not sure who was in the right. Thing is, ya know we’re still finding fliers from when his friends dropped a couple thousand on the town. Someone is really trying to get our attention and from the looks of it, quite a few someones at that. Maybe this is an issue we need to worry about, but what these ponies are lookin’ to start is worryin’ me.”

Rarity put in her thoughts. “Recently a strange paper has been going around with some stories about horrible mares… if the stories are true they’re terrible, and I understand wanting to be heard but… some of the stallions around town are becoming agitated. Just yesterday I saw Thunder and his wife arguing. Things got heated and he immediately told her if she dared hit him she would end up on the ground… she’s never hit him Rainbow. I doubt she ever would but… the stallions around here are starting to get on edge.”

“Sorry but I don’t blame them. Just because someone’s a stallion doesn’t mean they’re your property,” Rainbow replied.

“Yes but not every mare treats them like that. In fact most don’t,” Rarity pointed out.

“Doesn’t matter how many do if victims can’t get away, I say that’s a pretty big problem.” Rainbow replied.

“Yes… a lot of us understand that now.” Rarity said. “Rainbow… at our hearts we’re animals. Convince us we’re under threat, even if we’re technically not, you’re asking for problems.”

“What are you saying?” Rainbow asked.

“We’re sayin’” AJ said, “Like it or not, an animal is at its most dangerous when it’s cornered. All this halabaloo is making a few of the stallions around here feel like they’re bein’ cornered. An’ just like a mare, they’re gonna git vicious if they feel that way for too long.”

“Well then Celestia needs to get to business fixing her laws doesn’t she?” Rainbow asked back.

“Maybe, but whoever is doing all this needs to take a break. No one has any solutions and it’s all just makin’ folks worried an’ angry. Tensions are high.”

“Now you listen to me-“ Rainbow started.

“Ah’m not sayin’ whoever doesn’t have a point Rainbow, ah’m not. Ah’m not saying things don’t need to change, but some things need to be approached delicately is all. They’re scarin’ folks. Too much more of this and we could be lookin’ at a disaster, like a riot.”

Rainbow mentally bit her tongue. She knew Silent was racing the clock on his side too, but saying that out loud would mean she would have to explain everything else. “I guess I get what you’re saying…” she said shaking her head.

“Ah hope this all turns out. Ah’m not just worried about the stallions neither. Lately ah been watchin’ ma brother round the mares round town. Lot of em’ got eyes for im’, ifn’ so much as one of em hurts him ah’m gonna-“ Rarity nudged her. “Right well… ya get ma point.” AJ sighed. “Ah should get goin’.”

A green stallion suddenly dropped in from the air. In his mouth he held a large bunch of dandelion flowers. He took the flowers from his mouth and held them in his left foreleg. “Rainbow, I got to thinking, I kinda need to be shown around anyway and maybe I could give this a chance… oh hi, so your friends are here.”

Rainbow didn’t know it, but she was grinning almost ear to ear. “That the guy?” AJ asked.

“Oh you think?” Rarity asked.

“Dandelions?” AJ asked.

“Stallions don’t know anything about flowers, let me talk to him for a while I’ll make a proper stallion out of him-“ Rarity started, but Rainbow gave her a light shove.

“Don’t you dare. I don’t like flowers anyway- see ya,” Rainbow did a completely necessary jump into the air and flew to the stallion. Landing next to him, she whispered in his ear, “What do I call you in public?”

“Oh that’s so cute, they’re already telling each other secrets,” Rarity noted.

Rainbow blushed. Silent smiled. “Call me Blood Gulch,” he said quietly.

“Hush up,” she said, shoving him, but taking the flowers. She immediately chowed down on them, Silent looking at her with big eyes. “What? Not a flowers girl. Figured it would be insulting to just throw them away, want some?” she offered a few to him. Silent shrugged and took a small bite. Rainbow looked at her friends. “This is Passing Cloud he’s my- are we to that point yet… you know…?”

Silent looked at her, eyes shifting a little with nervousness. “We’ll see.”

Rarity shook her head. “Let’s go AJ, they should be alone,” She bit AJ’s ear to get her to come along, AJ looking at them, how cute she thought this was written on her face.

Author's Note:

I wanted to show there's more to these characters than their issues and stances. Silent has a past with more than just scars. Anyone who's been in a terrible place will probably tell you the same thing, they would rather you respect them for their strengths, than feel sorry for their circumstances.