• Published 8th Apr 2017
  • 806 Views, 48 Comments

The Coming Storm - SciWriter

Twilight and Rainbow find themselves on opposite sides of a conflict surrounding domestic abuse, Rainbow furious and Twilight unsure. In the midst of their conflict, is brewing a war that threatens the entire nation.

  • ...

I Don't Know Where I Stand

Author's Note:

Okay, if you want to just skip to the chapter, go ahead, if you read it through, you should understand just fine without me having to explain things. Still I have a pretty big fear that folks will see Twilight being portrayed as, well pretty much this world's version of a radical feminist, and just jump ship mid chapter. So let me answer some questions really quick:

"Oh no, are you gonna portray her as pants on head stupid or vehemently hateful?"
In short, no.

"Why Twilight, what do you have against her?"
Nothing, however the story wouldn't be very realistic if one of the monarchs knew nothing of a pretty big part of the law like this. She has to support it, not only because it creates an interesting conflict, but because otherwise, she probably would have fought to change it a while ago.

"Twilight's arguments are weak!"
Most arguments based on prejudice are pretty weak, that's just how it goes. I've researched radical feminists talking about male victims of abuse, and their reasons for doing nothing about the subject, or for objecting to others taking on the cause, are generally pretty pathetic. Obviously biased or false statistics, double standards, morality they would never want applied to themselves, narrow minded world views... but I find one question more interesting than "what are the bad arguments for prejudice?". How exactly do intelligent people not only convince themselves these arguments are good, but that they aren't sexist or unfair? How does someone make a blatant statement like "women who abuse men are just getting pay back" (yes I've heard that) but then honestly believe they are not sexist? That is what Twi's character study is about, not in how dumb radical feminism can sound.

Rainbow Dash flew to the castle of friendship, and when Spike let her in, continued on to meet Twilight and their other four friends in the throne room. AJ and Rarity were already there when she arrived. Rainbow sat down on her seat around the map of Equestria.

“Did ya’ll see Lightnin’ n’ Dusk on the way down ere’?” asked Applejack. “Kinda worried about dem.”

Rainbow shook her head. “I’m hardly worried myself. We’ve all been through way worse than that, especially Lightning. Testifying against a creep who can’t hurt her anymore anyway should be a walk in the park- well compared to dealing with Gray.”

Rarity nodded. “Things can pile up Rainbow, but AJ darling, I’m sure she’s going to be fine, after all this isn’t a NEW issue I suppose. I’m more concerned about what’s wrong with Twilight. She seemed worried that… that there was something she had done, or that she was part of, that we wouldn’t understand. That… that-“

Rainbow rolled her eyes. “Oh please, what could the bookworm really be involved in?”

“Politics,” AJ quickly responded with lowered eyebrows.

Rainbow raised her hoof to respond, but then put it down. “Okay… but this is still Twilight we’re talking about. How bad could it be?”

“Could be unnerving,” Rarity pointed out. “I remember when the conflict with Gray arose, it turned out that Princess Luna had destroyed his lab and all of his work, destroying our ability to learn much about him. She had done it to keep him from having a legacy that others could copy, but all the same, there were consequences to that. Like it or not, Twilight will have to make decisions like that with her power. We won’t always agree.”

“Yea, but that was pretty understandable. It’s probably not even that bad anyway,” Rainbow replied.

AJ nodded. “Well- ya both got points, let’s not get over worried about somethin’ we don’ know that much about yet. This is Twilight, ya’ll know she wouldn’t do somethin’ without a reason- but let’s remember, we’re not her friends to be yes girls, all the same.”

“Yea, couldn’t have put it better myself,” Twilight said, walking in. “Sorry, listened in a little… kinda nervous.”

“Don’t worry Twi, we got faith in you, it can’t be that bad,” Rainbow said.

“Oh boy… you…” Twilight said, “You’re the one I’m most worried about. I don’t think you’re going to understand at all… just… just… I don’t know,” Twilight took her seat, looking down. Rainbow shifted uncomfortably in her seat, not sure what to think of a reply like that.

Pinkie and Fluttershy walked in while they were talking. Twilight sighed as they took their seats. She then floated a small stack of papers out and onto the table. Rainbow looked at them, seeing they were the fliers from yesterday.

“So you were the one who put those out?” asked Rainbow. “Oh I’m way onboard with it. Just wish you didn’t gender it like that is all… unless… did you have a good reason?”

Twilight shook her head, “I didn’t make these Rainbow, that’s just it, I never would.”

“Ummm… what?” Rainbow raised an eyebrow and noticed she wasn’t the only one.

“Okay,” Twilight said with a nod. “Okay so, let me open by saying, I care about stallions as much as any mare.”

“Well not all mares. Some are pretty cruel… Melony… I mean she was mean to Lightning mostly, but she didn’t care about Dusk either… I’m mean just cause we’re mares ourselves doesn’t mean we can’t acknowledge that.“ Rainbow said, not sure if she liked the direction this was taking.

“It’s not mares who abuse stallions Rainbow, it’s stallions who abuse mares,” Twilight said cautiously.

“Um… I seriously doubt things are that black and white Twilight. In fact that sounds utterly ridiculous,” Rarity said. “Pretty sure anyone can abuse anyone.”

“Yes, but there’s a reason for precedents in law yes? There’s a reason we don’t have specific laws against minors abusing their parents right?” Twilight waved her hoof on this point. “I mean, that’s pretty rare.”

Rainbow chuckled, “Oh my gosh, Twilight, you poor naive soul. No… Pretty sure the way Scootaloo treats me at times would be called abuse if she were older. Once or twice she has hit me, said she hates me, slammed a door in my face-“ she grunted at the looks she got from Pinky and Fluttershy at this. “Guys, she’s a little filly. Not only that but she’s working through trauma like you wouldn’t believe right now. She doesn’t understand the rules of the world like we do… AJ, I’m pretty sure Apple Bloom can be mean to you too right?”

Applejack gave a nervous smile, but then chuckled. “Um, don’t talk about it much, but sure, she can be a brat. I’ve had doors slammed in ma face, been yelled at, run away from, told she hates me, ya’ll name it she’s done it… well, guess she hasn’t tried to break any bones. Heck, never thought to call it abuse, but guess I would were it anyone older- when she was a baby she rarely let the family get a night’s rest without constant crying.” She laughed, “Mom looked terrible as did dad and Big Mac after a while- ah got ta sleep though!” she laughed on that last line. “Twilight, we don’t make allowances fer kids cause their angels, we make ‘em cause they don’ know any better. But if yer gonna say mares are like children then um- no. We’re not.”

Twilight shook her head. “Rainbow, Scootaloo could hit you with all of her might and it would barely give you a black eye.”

Rainbow laughed again, “So sure about that? She likes me and all and mostly she’s a nice kid, but if she really wanted, she could pack a wallop.”

Twilight grunted. “Look, I don’t exactly know how to explain it but there are facts here. Ninety five percent of domestic abuse cases prosecuted, the abuser is a stallion attacking a mare.” That shut everyone up pretty quick. “Okay, so now you see why these posters are concerning? They paint a false picture. It could put ideas into the heads of ponies in our town. There are no abused stallions here, but making them think they’re abused could tear apart families, especially with this kind of rhetoric.”

Rarity bit her lip. “Twilight, the reason we’re all being silent isn’t that you just won us over- well at least I speak for myself… where did you get a statistic like that?... Where is this going?”

“Ummmm… official records from Canterlot okay? Look it makes sense; stallions commit the lion’s share of violent offenses too.”

“Well logically on the violence,” Rarity said. “All that testosterone I’m sure accounts for some of that, also supposing I were a bad mare, why would I attack someone myself if I can just get a big stallion to do it for me? I certainly wouldn’t attack a stallion myself, even if I were that way, I’d be too afraid of being overpowered.”

“We do have greater magic,” Twilight pointed out. “We mares I mean.”

“Hmm… yes and I seem to remember quite a few mares abusing that power. Course that takes time and study to master,” Rarity said back. “But abuse isn’t necessarily violent. It can be psychological, sexual, neglect, deception... Seriously, Twilight the term “abuse” is too broad for me to believe one gender could be guilty of it and the other innocent of it to that degree. You just sound ridiculous making a claim like that. Violent abuse maybe, but that’s not the only kind.”

“Ah have to say just now, ah don’t like were this goin’.” AJ pointed out.

Twilight sighed. “Look stallions have urges and society kinda treats them differently. It’s hard but Celestia is making programs to fix the problem. There are schools for stallions in many cities where they learn to suppress their violent urges concerning mares. Look, according to Celestia’s studies, most abuse is about power and control. And I’m sorry, but it’s really hard to imagine controlling someone who’s bigger than you isn’t it? Mares really don’t have the power in a relationship normally, I mean stallions are larger, they usually earn more money, and more of them have military training.”

Rarity shook her head. “Twilight I would have thought you could have taken that mess of… logic… apart yourself-“

“Two to two,” Rainbow said, grinding her teeth.

“Hmm?” Twilight asked.

Rainbow’s voice started to have an irritated tinge to it. “Scootaloo’s mother abandoned her, her father beat her but reformed, her mother is still a bitch. Melony foals isolated an innocent foal for Celestia knows what reason and finally Gray tortured her. Seems pretty fifty, fifty to me- what are you trying to say about stallions?”

“Look, stallions could be motivated to make up stories of abuse with material like this floating around,” Twilight said back, with a slight nervous giggle. “But seriously, we need to stop whoever is doing this.”

“Um… I’ve seen fliers like this around, just with reverse genders, all the time. Especially around abused mare shelters when I do charity.” Fluttershy put in. “I don’t understand. Sh-should we be taking those down?”

“No, those have a good purpose. They encourage mares to escape and report abuse.” Twilight said.

“Which they wouldn’t do if not for the fliers? At least not as much right?” Rarity commented.

“Well yes,” Twilight said with a nod. “That’s the concern in their case.”

“I see,” Rarity said, brows lowered. “Care to explain the mental gymnastics on that one?” Rainbow had to stifle a laugh on that note.

“Rarity, stallions can lie. They do it all the time. They also hit, a lot. It’s part of what they are. Like I said things are being-“

“SHUT UP!” Rainbow Dash finally screamed at Twilight.

“Look Rainbow, I understand. You’ve been personally effected by abuse through Scootaloo. I’m sure the idea of a stallion being hurt is hard to take, but it’s not very likely-“

“I would hope not because apparently our princess wouldn’t give two bucks!” Rainbow shouted.

“Rainbow I don’t hate stallions.”

“Can’t you hear yourself?” Rainbow demanded. “Are you serious? You just called them all abusers and liars. And why aren’t you worried about what Rarity is pointing out? Pretty sure mares can be just as bad as stallions.”

“Rainbow look, stallions have a lot of work to do-“

“They’re not the only ones!” Rainbow shouted. She stomped on the map.

“Rainbow… I get the impression this isn’t just about abuse victims,” Twilight said, giving a concerned smile.

“Whatever happened to equality? I thought our country stood for that. This is the most sexist conversation I’ve witness in my entire life!” Rainbow continued.

“This is about stallions, so of course I’m not talking about mare issues. C’mon, I’m not saying we’re flawless either. If you don’t like me talking about stallions like this, I’m sorry but-“ Twilight started.

“My mom died, who do you think raised me?” Rainbow interrupted.

“You’re dad didn’t hit you did he?” Twilight asked, Rarity planting her face in her hooves. “It’s a legitimate question-“ Rainbow was glaring at her, her fur standing on end and her wings in the air. “Not one you want to address I see.”

Rainbow spoke slowly. “My dad… you’d be lucky to call yourself half the pony he is. He never hit me and never would.” Rainbow growled. “And so help me, if ANYONE ever hurts him, they will answer to me, mare or stallion. And if you stand in the way of me protecting him, you’ll be road kill!”

“Rainbow, any stallion can be like this, it’s just about opportunity and-“

“Shut yer trap before ya find out just how violent mares can be,” Applejack said. “I loved ma dad too, and ma brother is far too good for me ta tolerate ya talkin’ bout him like this.”

“I knew you guys would have a hard time understanding… look,” Twilight swallowed. “Not many ponies talk about this, so not many understand or know about much of it… but… a few centuries ago Celestia made some laws she’s not sure about even now, a number of them about stallions.” The glares from both Rainbow and AJ continued. “Look, stallions are the ones who cause war okay? And war brings the wendigoes. Celestia did what she had to. Stallions can live single if they choose, but if they marry and they can’t give damn good proof of abuse, they can’t leave, it’s the law. Well, also if the mare divorces but still…” several eyebrows rose. “Broken families aren’t a joke girls, they used to be the number one cause of crime. This is serious. Our country has to keep families together. Stallion behavior has to be controlled for the sake of everyone. I’m sorry that’s just how it is.”

“Controlled how?” Rainbow asked.

“Look, their thoughts are their own okay? They have mostly the same choices we do. The law just treats them a little different okay? It’s not like we’re-“

“It’s wrong,” Applejack interrupted.

“Easy to sit in judgement when you’re not the one who had to figure out how to keep this nation from being turned to ice by flying ghost ponies!” Twilight yelled. “Until we actually find a way to fight the wendigoes, we have to keep them away. I’m sorry but this is how things have to be.” Rainbow and Applejack both looked down at this statement. “Besides, for all the times stallions abuse mares, its fine with me if a few mares get a little pay back.”

Rainbow Dash’s vision blurred. Before she knew it she was floating with her hooves inches from Twilight’s face. Rarity used her magic to pull the Cyan pegasus back. Twilight jumped back. “Okay…um… sorry” she looked down. “That was uncalled for… not even sure where that came from.”

Applejack looked around the table. “Rainbow and I aren’t the only ones outraged now right?”

“I don’t know what to think… Celestia and Twilight wouldn’t do and support something without a reason,” Fluttershy said.

“Frankly this all sounds like garbage to me,” Rarity said. “Twilight, it’s easy to talk about other ponies being controlled, as long as it won’t affect you. You’re talking about laws that can’t effect you or us by design. Even most stallions you know probably won’t be effected I’m sure, as your father and Shinning Armor are in good relationships anyway, but how childish of you to be not considering how this effects those outside of your circle.”

“It most likely effects almost no one. Stallions aren’t being abused. This is ridiculous. Whoever made these posters is just trying to cause problems, like what’s happening now,” Twilight replied.

Pinkie shook her head. “I don’t want to judge anyone like this. I’m not better than stallions and the idea of one being abused and not being able to report or escape- a lot of them are my friends Twilight. Why should this bother me less than if you were saying the same about mares or children?”

“Pinkie… it’s just not that big of a concern. It rarely happens-“ Twilight started, but she was interrupted again.

“How exactly would you know that if you discourage reporting?” Rarity asked.

“Look, right now we just need to take down the posters, we’ll discuss this later. Someone is just trying to start up a fight by finding weaknesses in our system. Maybe there is something we need to address here, but not like this,” Twilight said. “Everyone with me at least that far?”

Fluttershy shook her head. “I’m staying out of this… I don’t know what to think.”

“Me too… c’mon Fluttershy,” Pinkie said.

“I didn’t make the rules girls, I’m just keeping the peace,” Twilight said as the two walked out anyway. Fluttershy paused and looked back, but then turned again and continued out. Twilight sighed. “Rainbow you can take these things down in a few seconds-“

“Take them down yourself.” Rainbow snapped. “Just consider yourself lucky I’m not fighting you… I can’t believe you support stuff like this. YOU, of all ponies.”

“Rainbow I-“

“I have some thinking of my own to do. I don’t know where I stand right now,” she flew to the door. She quickly landed and turned around. “I don’t stand with you, I know that.”


Twilight looked around the throne room, Spike was there, but she still felt completely alone. Tears were coming out of her eyes. “I knew they wouldn’t understand… I’ve studied these laws and why they exist for years and I know why Celestia doesn’t want them discussed. Not many would understand.”

“Are you so sure they’re wrong?” Spike asked. “I mean your friends?”

Twilight sniffled and swallowed a few sobs, Rainbow’s last words to her stinging even now. She then bit her lip and tried to explain. “Stallions have to be controlled. They use to abuse mares all the time. Look I don’t know how dragons work on this, but I know how we do. For centuries Celestia saw the way stallions acted, always wanting to fight. Then they would come home and continue taking their aggression out on their families. Not to mention, that even stallions who didn’t beat their wives and children, a good number of those abandoned them. The less power they have, the more peace we all have. It seems wrong I know, but the fact that we mares run the show, and the fact that we haven’t had a war in centuries can’t be a coincidence.”

“How many wars were there before… before what point?”

“It’s hard to trace,” Twilight said. “About five hundred years ago Celestia instituted laws that mares would be heads of household- officially those are no longer strictly followed, but tradition continues. Four hundred years ago stallion presence in parliament was reduced to bare minimum, just one or two. Finally, since about three hundred fifty years ago, the nobility only allows stallions born into it to join. We haven’t had a war in about three hundred years… well not counting that struggle with Gray, but he was a stallion just to be consistent.”

“But I’ve seen the royal guard, they’re mostly stallions.”

“They are what they are Spike. Stallions didn’t turn into butterflies when they got away from power. They still have the desire to fight. If we come under threat, we’ll need that drive anyway, so Celestia allows them to have their armies. However there’s a reason most of the Wonder Bolts are girls. We need the public face of the army to be mares, not stallions.”

“I have to admit, it sounds pretty… off… to me too.”

Twilight sighed. “Look, only five cases of mare on stallion abuse have been proven this year, and all of them were taken care of.”

“Were they taken to shelters?” Spike asked.

“No of course not, stallions aren’t allowed in shelters, they might rape the mares there who have been through enough already. The mares are in prison, and the stallions were given hotels to live in until they got on their hooves again.”

“Why would an abused stallion rape a mare?”

“They’re still stallions… look, it’s hard to explain.” Twilight took a picture of her family down from the wall. “This is my dad. He’s an exception, but most stallions… they’re pretty different. Daddy always believed in me and took care of my mom. But most stallions… look I’ve been cat called like fifty times this month, you know what that’s like? Stallions look at mares like we’re meat. Any one of them would take advantage of us if given half the chance… look I don’t want anyone hurt either. But that’s exactly WHY we control stallions.” Twilight sighed. “I’m kinda rambling… you understand what I’m saying? Does it still sound wrong?”

“If you believe in it so much, I trust you Twilight,” Spike said.

Twilight smiled at him. “I’ve got some posters to take down.”


Twilight went around town taking down the posters, but she never did find anyone she suspected of putting them up.

Four days went by. Fluttershy, Rarity, Applejack and Pinkie seemed nervous around her for a few days, but they still talked to her and smiled at her and things with them went back to normal rather quickly. However, Rainbow Dash was another story. Several times during those days, Rainbow deliberately and visibly flew away when Twilight came into her sight, glaring at her as she went.

Twilight was also pretty sure the girls hadn’t kept quiet about what they discussed as many of the stallions in town had started to give her dirty looks. Honestly she would have preferred the cat calls she had earlier derided to Spike. At least those meant they liked her.

Even a few mares started having conversations around her, one older mare going so far as to call Celestia a tyrant right in front of her. Twilight tried to chew that mare out, but then she said, “My son says the hotel needs more pillows.” Twilight’s mouth went dry at that comment.

On Saturday, Twilight finally got close to Rainbow and snatched her in her magic before she could get away. “Get back down here.”

“Watch it Purple! I’m not a stallion remember? If I beat your brains in, apparently it won’t count!”

“This will blow over Rainbow,” Twilight said.

“Keep telling yourself that precious.” Rainbow said landing.

“I understand you being upset,”

“Upset? You think that covers it? Apparently if my dad had remarried someone who turned out to be evil after my mom, he would have been her prisoner, and you would be fine with that!”

“No I wouldn’t be!” Twilight snapped back. She then tried to bring down her nerves again. “I would be skeptical, but that’s just healthy, otherwise we descend into pandemonium.”

Rainbow looked at the ground. “I have a daughter to pick up, whose abuse DID happen and the primary one doing it was a bucking MARE! Or did you forget?”

“I didn’t. And I didn’t say mares are flawless now did I? Look there’s another side to these things. Mares abuse children more than stallions really. Abuse is about power, pretty much always.”


“That explain things a little?”

“Yea, you’ve been having a love affair with a stupid stick apparently. Twilight you and I both know what you just said there was hogwash. Violet left Scootaloo to fend for herself on a weekly basis. That had nothing to do with power, she just didn’t want to deal with the kid or deal with the reputation damage of giving her up. Scoots father hit her, but that was because he couldn’t control his alcohol. By the way, he reformed, she didn’t.”

“Yea you pointed out that reform a few times. Still, what happened to Scootaloo was a little rare.”

“Violet left Scoots pretty much to starve on a weekly basis. Pretty sure abuse on that level is rare period- I don’t want to debate you okay? You’re lucky I still consider us friends at all. I’m trying to figure out how to get past this and I still don’t know.” The cyan pegasus sighed, but then appeared to stele herself a little. “And if you’re wondering, no, bashing stallions to me again won’t help. Trust me Twi, you DON’T mean more to me than my daddy.”

“Look, I’m gonna take care of this. I’m going to catch the guy putting those posters up. He does it at night-“

“You know it’s a stallion because...?”

“I don’t.”

“Wow.” Rainbow said with lowered eyebrows.

Twilight sighed and gritted her teeth, “It’s a short hand because constantly saying “him or her” is ridiculous okay? Anyway, when I catch… him or her… because it could be a mare, not saying we’re pure as the wind driven snow-”

“Get on with it.”

“Maybe we can talk to them. You can be there and you can take their side if you like.”

“Why?” Rainbow said, apparently not moved by the olive branch.

“Maybe I’m wrong okay? Maybe this is a conversation that needs to be had. Someone might be speaking out about something serious and hey, maybe the two of you could convince me.”

“Doesn’t whoever have free speech to put up posters if he likes?” Rainbow asked.

“Not if it’s clearly material meant to incite division.”

Rainbow shook her head. “Maybe a FEW laws need to be revised then.”

“Rainbow are you coming or not?”

Rainbow snorted. “I have a daughter to pick up, didn’t you hear?”

“Rainbow… I still care about you.”

Rainbow looked up. She sighed. “Ditto.” The cyan pegasus took off and flew away.

Watching one of her best friends fly away, Twilight finally started to snap. She screamed and stomped the dirt. She seethed to herself. “Whoever this creep is, he’s gonna pay. He’s the one who did this… he… it’s… it’s what I have to do. I have to enforce the law… I’m not wrong… I’m not…I’m not-I’m not!”