• Published 22nd Jul 2017
  • 562 Views, 7 Comments

The Forlorn Moon - Doctor Blizzard

A strange pegasus from a faraway land finds himself in Canterlot in search of a solution. Afflicted with the soul of Nightmare Moon, he must do what he is told to rid his body of the curse.

  • ...

Act I Chapter V


Twilight Sparkle felt the tips of her ears flicker towards the sound. She raised her hoof and continued to be face deep in her thick, unprepossessing tome. The dreary misty afternoon outside showered the fields well-deservingly from the scorching heat. And the wet atmosphere was expected to stay true. All the while, Twilight sat in her padded chair behind her authoritative desk, surrounded by her vast expanse of scholarly knowledge.


"Hold on, Cloud." She stopped scouring her books and wrote in her notes of disarray. Cloud planted down against the open doorway of the library and obstructed the path, slowly sliding down with his head pressed hard against the frame.

'For fuck sake,' He lifted his head and stared blankly at the maddening wealth of knowledge. Each book bestowed with the intelligence of authors and scholars alike. Cloud was amazed at the size of Twilight's library and the archival plethora hidden deep within the walls. It was her domain and he knew it.

"Hey," Twilight tapped her hoof on the table multiple times. "Come back to me, daydreamer."

Cloud Strider turned his head and opened his eyes fully, "hmm?"

"What?" She quickly noticed that his mane and tail was not in knots, letting it down without any additives. "What did you do to your hair?"

"Eh, it's not like I have it in a braid all the time. Although, it's a pain in the ass to do it again." He brushed his hair with one swipe.

"Well, is there something you wanted, Cloud?"

"How long did all this take you to get?"

Twilight looked around and studied every shelf in alphabetical order right before her eyes. "My books?"

Cloud nodded. Twilight looked him over and gave him the stink-eye and a half-assed laugh to follow suit. She felt her lips waver from humor to skepticism in a constant battle between the two.

"Ok, why are you really here, huh?"

"What other reason do I have? I'm bored and I can't leave unless you come with me or something. Out of respect for your wishes, Your Highness."

"Oh! Finally turning a new leaf, are you? Well, I could teach you how to be even more polite to someone of royal stature if you want."

"Hehe, I'm good." Cloud Strider felt relief run through his body, "I'll take my chances at face value."

"So, you're bored, huh? Trying to find something to do?"


Twilight suspiciously looked at him. Trying to read him over as she did with her current book. "Ok, seriously. What is up with you today?"

"Nothing. Just bored like you said."

"Tell me, please." She grew stern.

"Just-tryin' to be more uh, open. Er, friendly, or whatever." He watched Twilight look up at him. "Rainbow's been tellin' me the same thing, like you. Where is she, anyways?"

"Oh? So you really are turning a new leaf?" Twilight put her book down fully. "You're asking me? I would've thought she'd be visiting you daily like she has been."

"Yeah, I guess so. And no, I haven't seen her in a few days."

"Well, I'm glad you're giving it a chance, Cloud. Tell me if you like being enjoyable to be around finally." She shot him a smug glance and began reading once more.


"I'm just teasing. I mean, you're used to it by now, seeing as how you deal with Rainbow... I'm sure she'll come around."

"What?" Cloud Strider sat up partially, afflicted with mild disbelief. "What's wrong with me? What's wrong with you?! You're never so joking with me."

"Well, I've been trying to treat you respectfully. But If I feel you're in a good mood? You know, that might change. I just want to make sure you feel comfortable around me or anyone else." Twilight remembered everything that Cadance had said to her when they left the ruins. She wanted to allow him the feeling of being involved and accepted. But the fear of his other side was too much to just overlook.

"Mmmh." Cloud looked down the hall, hearing the unnatural knell of silence occupying every inch. "Seriously, how long did it take you to get all these books?"

"Well, some of them I have had for many years. But most of them are all pretty much new. Something, uh... Happened to most of my belongings where I used to live before."

"Like what?"

"I uh, I used to live in a library not too long ago. You know, before I had this castle in all. I don't know if you remember, but remember when the princesses talked about Tirek a little?"

"I think so? I still don't know who that is though."

"It-It doesn't really matter. But he was looking for me and he... blew up my house. Razed it to the ground..." Twilight inwardly puckered her lips. The sound of laughter filled her ears as she pulled her head up, overwhelmed by what she did not want to hear.

"O-o-ok, nice fuckin' joke. Hahaha, you really got me with that one, Twilight!"

"Are you l-laughing?"

"Well—yeah?" Cloud noticed she was not so jovial with a withered pain forcefully strained on her face. He stopped and could almost feel that her happiness was butchered. "Oh shit..."

"It's not a joke you deadbeat!" A single pound of her hoof striking the desk echoed sharply in the dead halls.

'Good fucking job, Cloud. You just couldn't take something seriously for once?!'

"I just thought you were still uh, kiddin' around in all..." Cloud Strider put his hoof to his forehead and scorned himself for his own undoing.

"No! Why would I joke around about something like that?!" Twilight's head went to a canted angle, "Do you have a moral compass anymore?"

Cloud Strider dropped his leg, staring up at the ceiling of both the resplendent hallway and library being cut in two. He twisted his head and stayed transfixed to her contorted starkness.

"Not really."

"Ugh... It's just—I-I had some of the best times of my life there... And now it's just, gone. Don't you understand how that would make you feel?" Twilight Sparkle rubbed her forehead, oddly ashamed of either herself or Cloud Strider.

"Yeah... It's a shitty feeling. It's like a part of you died." Cloud quietly stated. "My house burned down years ago."

"Then why did you laugh?"

"I've been desensitized to things like that, Twilight. To the point where I can find it funny."

"That isn't good, Cloud."

"You think I don't know that? Once you fuck your mind, it's kinda' fucked permanently." Cloud Strider just shrugged, "what can you do?"

"Try to make it better." A bookmark nestled deeply into her book as it magically closed dully. The chair swiveled around to face his monsters, sliding closer to him.

"Look, I apologize for being out of line like that. But I would have thought that you'd know what was ok and what's not." Twilight stopped the chair next to him. "What happened? I'm sure there's something in you that is still innocent and pure."

"I could think for days on end, but the answer would be nothing."

"Come on, don't be like that."

"Nightmare Moon destroyed all I enjoyed so she could live inside of me. Anything "innocent" would tear her to pieces. The worst part is, she didn't have to do anything personally. She just let my experiences and the journey here do all the work." His lifeless eyes pierced into her very being. "Twilight, you don't know what I've seen..."

She swallowed loudly, not so much as even blinking her petrified eyes. "What... If she were here now, wh-what would you do to her?"

"I'd make her suffer and beg for mercy. I'd watch the life leak from her wounds. I'd take a jagged blade and-and-" Cloud Strider stopped talking and glared at the ground. "Sorry..."

"Don't let her win, Cloud. I can tell you're better than this." Twilight went so much as to put her hoof on his neck. "I'm sorry I even brought it up. But sometimes it's just best to put everything on the table."

"Why are you apologizing?" Cloud raised an eyebrow with much disdain.

"What do you mean? I brought up something bad and yelled at you. It's just respectful to say sorry when you mess up."

"I wouldn't of said sorry, so why say it to me?"

"Uh, because I was taught properly as a filly? I don't know, Cloud." She leaned back slightly, "did your parents not teach you or—may I ask?"

"It's not that, eh... My dad says "speak your mind" and my mom says "speak from your heart"." Cloud Strider wiped his mouth. "Don't apologize for the truth, I guess."

"You're not a deadbeat, Cloud. I'm just under a lot of pressure."

"Yeah, because of me, I know."

"Well—yes, Cloud. Because of you. But-but not in a bad way, alright? Some of us really care and I think you realize that."

"What confuses me is why you care about a self-centered and vindictive cunt." He heard her feathers quiver and rustle.

"Ech, gross! Stop saying stuff like that, geez!"

"Why? I mean, you're a mare after all. We're both mature, grown-"

"Please, enough, ok? You're not talking to Rainbow Dash here! Maybe she'd be more comfortable with that, but I'm not." Twilight covered her mouth, even gagging ever so slightly.

"Alright, I'll stop. Wow, that really gets to you, huh?"

"You know? Maybe if you'd stop being so vulgar and hard on yourself, more ponies would care."

"Long as Nightmare Moon is with me, that won't change."

Twilight lightly ground her molars, "maybe you're right—"

"Of course I'm right." He crossed his hooves.

"—or, maybe that can change."

"I thought that before, but I was mistaken in that comfort."

"Oh, come on. I'm sure the ponies around here will be more understanding once they find out. Granted, I don't think they're ready just yet." Twilight leaned in somewhat closer. She truly was eager to hear his words but could only find the worst in what he had.

"Ponies are fickle, Twilight. They change like the fucking wind at any given time. You'd be surprised by what happens to good ponies when they're way of life is threatened. If you pose a threat to someone? Guess what? Your friend will have no problem turning on you. I've heard of a saying: "What beasts that lie within the frames of ponies and the innocent". It happens, Twilight."

Twilight rolled her eyes, "yes, coming from the asinine stallion—asinine meaning extremely-"

"I know what it means you cunt."

"I said stop staying that!" Twilight uncovered her ears after a few moments of silence. "Look, Cloud. Trust me, ok? That will not happen here because this land-this, country, is different than the places you had to go through. Ponies tend to see the good in everyone, not the worst."

"Then why does it feel like tensions are thickening?" Cloud Strider dubiously asked Twilight.

"I understand where you're coming from... I can feel it too." Twilight felt that her grasp on the real world was under attack and eroding steadily. "I can understand why. Your condition has never happened to anyone but Princess Luna."

Twilight lowered her head and squinted, "If... If you know all this. Are you like a bookworm, or-or something? I'm not saying you are, but you a have a hold on knowledge that is, um, underestimated."

"My mom used to say it was important to be well-read in terms of being a well-rounded pony. So, I'd like to think I know more than the average pony... Or, I hope it at least shows."

"I can see it, Cloud. Your mother must be proud of you being here."

"I hope so..." Cloud Strider weighed his options, both heavy on his feeble mind. He stole glances at Twilight, trying to piece the puzzle together in her head desperately for the answer. She knew something was up but did not have the courage to ask, whether out of respect or fear.

"I, uhmm. I'm not like you but I respect those who are realistic about things."

Twilight grabbed something to write with and to write on. "Realistic?"

"Well, you're an intelligent mare clearly. So you don't believe in karma or the best in every situation, right?" Cloud Strider watched her flush red in the cheeks, obviously flattered but trying her modesty.

"Ye-Yeah? I believe in science, not science fiction." Twilight grimaced just slightly, "where a-are you going with this?"

Cloud looked away and bobbed his head, "are you a religious type?"

"I... I really can't answer that, Cloud. Whether or not we go to a higher place or rot in Tartarus is out of my power and judgment." Twilight reared her head in intense thought. "Uh—Are you religious?"

"Hmm... I believed in Norse Paganism. But-uh... I guess we're not so different. Once I grew up, I didn't have time for far-fetched fairytales or things like that." He nodded with an ironic simper smile which disappeared faster than it was created.

"But... even still. I find myself going back to those ideas and hoping it will all be better. Like the ones who die gloriously in battle are sent to Valhalla or Fólkvangr. And ponies who die in other ways are sent to Hel in the afterlife. Ponies have their own ideas of Hel, saying that it's really Helheim or possibly located in Nilfheim, but it really doesn't matter, huh? Dead is dead." He clicked the tip of his hoof on the floor.

"I've heard of Valhalla. And-and I've been researching what Yggdrasil is. But what is Fólkvangr and Nilfheim, or even Hel exactly?" Twilight continued to clutch close her writing utensils.

"What do you know about The Great Ash?"


"Yeah, Yggdrasil is an enormous ash tree that-"

"-connects the nine worlds." Twilight finished his sentence ardently and with a touch of pride.

"Oh, look at you." Cloud looked at her directly and snickered, "doing your homework, I see. What are the nine worlds, then?"

"Uh, I haven't gotten that far yet. Maybe you can enlighten me some?"

He steadily nodded, looking at the doorframe around his body. "The nine worlds are Asgard, Nilfheim, Jotunheim, Helheim, Midgard, Muspelheim, Vanaheim, Svartalheim, and Alfheim. These worlds makeup Yggdrasil and are connected by it."

Twilight's eyes lit up as she scratched down the wealth of knowledge. "Incredible..."

"This world that we live on is considered Midgard. Asgard-eh, is that enough already?"

"No, no! Please continue!" Twilight enchanted her quill to write while her other free hoof continued to scribble down anything noteworthy of research.

"Asgard is the world of Aesir gods and goddesses. The Bifröst is more commonly known as the rainbow bridge that connects Midgard to Asgard." Cloud Strider cleared his throat. "I think that's enough to keep you busy for awhile, eh?"

"Ok, y-yeah. You gave me a lot to go on. Thank you, Cloud. F-For sharing all that about-"


"What is it, Spike?" Twilight was mildly vexed after being cut-off on her sentence. But it was almost undetectable and insignificant once she replaced it with a singsong response. Spike scrambled into the library after Cloud lifted his hind legs in the air.

I got a letter from Pinkie Pie. Eh, well, it was taped to the entrance door, but whatever." Spike reached his claws upwards and Twilight softly plucked it with her magic aura.

"A letter?" Twilight opened the folden cardstock without any regard to the possibilities. A shower of confetti rained down and covered her with shimmering colors. Spike was thrown to the ground in hysterics while Cloud Strider stared at her out of confusion.

"I should have known Pinkie would do something like this... It's my fault for letting that one slide, hehehe." Twilight rolled her eyes smiling. "O-ok, Spike. You don't want to clean this up, do you, mister?"

I-I'm sorry I! I really didn't see that coming! I should've known better too!" He wiped away a tear while Twilight rid her body of the fleecy scraps of paper.

"Is this an example of Pinkie Pie defying the laws of logic or whatever? Because how did all those streamers and confetti fit into that?" Cloud seemed suspect but did not exactly care too much.

"Yep. Just Pinkie doing what she does best. Hehe, even when she's not around she makes us laugh." Twilight tossed the card to the side, "she was reminding me about the get-together in an hour. Good thing she sent this because I honestly forgot... and I haven't even prepared for it, either."

"That's not like you to forget shi- I mean, stuff." Cloud felt Twilight's ire directed at him. 'Not around Spike.'

"I've just been busy lately, I'm bound to forget something here and there." Twilight Sparkle fluttered her wings and stretched everything she could in her body. Spike graciously returned the skepticism back to her.

"Really? You write everything you need in 'to-do lists'. You never forget anything." Spike even pulled out a scrolled up list out of thin air. He unraveled the parchment and cleared his throat respectfully. "First thing: pick up the cupcakes at Sugarcube Corner."

Twilight nodded and began for the exit, "then let's hurry. We don't have much time."

"But there are only three things-whoa!" Spike was hoisted up square on Twilight's back. She looked at Cloud who was already beginning to leave the library.

"Want to come along, Cloud? As long as you don't run off again?" She teased, but her meaning remained true. "You said you wanted something to do."

"S-Sure, whatever."

"Great! Let's go." Twilight trotted past with a prideful and upbringing gait. He followed closely behind and flew down the stairs, staying airborne afterward. She opened a door and pulled out a few articles of clothing, wrapping scarves around both their necks. Twilight offered Cloud one, but he declined her offer with a hint of respect. Cloud Strider started pushing the door open, but Twilight opened it for him in a cool magenta aura. She stepped through, letting him close the door behind them. The foggy atmosphere had turned into both mist and cooling drips of water spurting from the skies above. The clouds were heavy and gray, overlapping and swirling into one another endlessly in the gentle breeze.

"Man, I love this weather." Cloud felt a sharp smile forming on his muzzle, even though it was short-lived.

"Rain? And the cold?" Twilight shimmied from the rather brisk chill running through her body.

"Both. Really brings me home." Cloud Strider let the rain fall in his mane and coat. He cared little about his personal worries and tried to enjoy his here and now.

"Why would you love cold and wet days?" Spike raised the question, beginning to shake.

"Like I said, it reminds of Norway. But it also reminds me that it's time to start harvesting for the winter. Chopping wood, gathering, hunting, fishing. Smelling the greasy pines, birches, and the maple trees with the golden autumn. I'm not a fan of autumn, but it's probably my favorite when it feels lazy and misty like today."

"My favorite season is probably Springtime. What's yours?" Spike bounced up and down on Twilight's back as he looked up at Cloud still flying.


"Mine's Autumn. I just like the colored leaves and comfortable temperatures. Makes everything feel cozy," Twilight said.

"I take that back. Autumn is one of my favorites." Cloud revoked his previous opinion.

"What's it like around this time in Norway, Cloud? Like this?" Twilight cocked her head back.

"The days get shorter very fast and it becomes really wet and rainy all the time. I lived sort of near the coast, too. So the coast is hammered by violent seas as storms move in almost always. It's actually quite the sight to see that. This would be about the time I'd go pick these mushrooms called chanterelles from the forests and cook them in butter and garlic. It would fill up the house and make my parents come running."

All Twilight did was listen and study just how reflective a pony like him really was. His eyes slowly faded in life but his face remained astute in his own situation.

"I wish I was still home..." Cloud Strider landed in the glistening grass and continued to walk only a few feet away from Twilight.

"I can see it. But I'm sure they're waiting for you back home."

"I'm not going back until it's over... I'm doing this for them." He looked up to the mountainside. Canterlot was nowhere to be found as the sparkling gem of a city. A place where deities fostered an intense beauty and power to rule with peace on their side.

'I'll put an end to all of this...' Cloud noticed the patter of rain against his body suddenly ceased. He looked over, seeing Twilight surround the immediate area in the spell he had seen on his first night in Ponyville. The rain slicked off of the dome in soft purple streaks.

"There, it's really starting to come down now." She peeked up at the barrier. Cloud stepped closer to Twilight, trying to keep the spell running over a minimal amount of space.


"Of course, Cloud. I wouldn't want to keep you in the rain." Buildings from the town began to slur into their sights and Ponyville no sooner enclosed upon the trio.

'Just act normal... Just act completely normal.' Despite the rain and chill, ponies still braved muddied streets with recourse. Bundled up just to buy their produce for dinner. A few ponies who past the trio looked at Twilight, making room for royalty to pass effortlessly. Others glanced at Cloud and gave him no such amenities, only avoiding the bubble of Twilight's creation. Cloud Strider did not care for their priorities; it was wholly below him.

"Spike, what's next on the list?" Twilight spotted Sugarcube Corner and hastened her speed.

"Uh-mmm, go to Rainbow's house. Then go back to the castle and set up the social."

"W-Why are you goin' to her house?" Cloud's ears twitched upright.

"Well, just to make sure she's doing ok. You said you haven't seen her in a few days, right?" she looked to her side.


"She's been having troubles dealing with the, well—you know."

"Yeah, I know..." Cloud felt hopeless about her situation. "I wish there was some way I could make it up to the poor girl, but I've done all I can do."

"Just being there for her would be enough, Cloud. It may not seem like it, but she talks about her feelings to ponies she trusts." Twilight smirked, "even if she absolutely despises it."

Cloud scratched his neck and drifted to his muzzle. "I got a taste of it. I know exactly what you're talkin' about."

"You're helping her plenty, just trust me on that," Twilight tipped her head.

"I hope so."

"Yeah, I mean. She's pretty tough for a pegasus." Spike unconsciously wound up the scroll. Cloud snickered to himself and stared up at the sky.

"I hope I never have to make anythin' up to you, Twilight."

"Uh, hehe, ok? Why?"

"You're a princess, what exactly does a street urchin like me have to give you in return? You've got everythin' you need to live a good life. Fortune, knowledge, friends, really important connections with higher-ups. I don't know how I'd ever make anythin' up to you, not to mention someone like Celestia for that matter. Like, letting me stay with you, for example. "

Twilight allowed herself to smile endearingly and touched his shoulder, "Cloud, letting you stay in my castle is my choice, you don't owe me anything for that. And I don't think someone like me or Celestia would be interested in material goods as a means of payment."


"No, not at all." She nodded and glanced back at Spike, "Spike? Let's go off schedule for a few minutes, ok?"

"Uh, ok. Why?"

"I think it's important for Cloud to see this. And I think it's time we face it ourselves, too." Twilight directed the group away from the bakery. She could feel an immense power rise up from the ground below, not knowing if now was the time to look upon her ruins in such a calamitous state.


For the few minutes that Twilight diverged the group, the rain began to pour even harder. Cloud heard the viscous undulating of the beating drops against the barrier, rippling across the field in waves. He tore his gaze from the stunning ripples, seeing jagged pieces of charred wood and overgrowth in an empty lot.

"Is this it?" Cloud stopped a few feet where the entrance would have been. Shafts of grass delicately bowed and stuttered when the rain graced it with its presence.

"Yeah," Twilight sighed, "this is it."

He rubbed his hoof across what was left of the wood grain and parted some of the tufts of grass. "Damn, you weren't kidding about it being razed to the ground."

Cloud expected to hear Twilight get on him about swearing in front of her little brother, but she did not speak, not for some time. Cloud Strider abruptly felt the rain pelting his body, making him look to his side. She remained without any sense of happiness in her looks. He could easily see that the remnants of her old stead meant everything in the world to her. She stepped into the imaginary tree, letting her mind reconstruct every living detail to make herself feel at home once more. Spike shielded himself from the elements, but Twilight welcomed the cleansing rain.

'Was I wrong to come here? I can't tear myself away from it.'

"Twilight?" Spike softly tugged on her mane. She lowered her head and rested her hoof on the largest splinter of wood. Rubbing back and forth in a caressing motion, she finally looked up. Whether or not she had tears in her eyes remained to be seen; the rain played tricks on Cloud's gaze. But she smiled through it, no less.

"I became a princess here. It's where I learned everything I know about friendship and my purpose as an alicorn. It's where I made my friends and new ones. Long nights studying anything I could get my hooves on. All those weird things that happened in this town. And I still can't believe it's, gone."

"They still happen, Twilight." Spike chuckled in the moment, hearing her do the same. Cloud Strider stood on the edge of the home now sopping wet. So involved in the scene that he tried to imagine the place himself in its prime, there were so many possibilities. Watching a tender moment between the two made him yearn for something equivalent. Twilight wrapped her hooves around Spike and kissed him on the forehead.

"I wouldn't get too bummed out about it. At least you have all those good memories of this place... I might' not of been here to see it standin', but if it meant a lot to you? It must've been a great place to be." Cloud did not even turn before he was pulled into another rain bubble with such a tenderness. He let Twilight wipe her eyes before apprehensively patting her neck. That feeling was alien to him; consoling someone who needed it did not come second nature to him.

"Thanks, Cloud. That means a-a lot."

"Yeah, don't mention it. Seriously." He heard a sharp, but small laugh come from her mouth.

"You really are not good at this, huh?" She heard him unironically chuckle at himself.

"Hehe, no I'm not." Cloud Strider motioned his head, "come on, let's get outta' here before you start gettin' bad kinds of emotional."

"Sounds good." Twilight held her head high, bravely venturing away from her old house without so much as looking back. It was in the past and she knew that things would get better as they always did.

"Are you ok?" Spike raised his voice over the rain.

"Yeah, don't you worry, I'll be just fine." She nuzzled Spike with a family's affection. "Let's go see Rainbow first."

"Aye, lead the way." Cloud trotted after Twilight who seemed a great deal happier.

"Hey, Cloud?"


"Do you think that Rarity and Applejack will ever, uh. Kinda' accept you, I guess?" Spike rubbed his scales, "I mean, I really think they dislike you."

"You think? Haha!... Oh, who knows. They might come 'round, maybe they won't. I can't speak for them because it's really their choice."

"Oh... I just really want everyone to get along. It's bad enough that ponies are talking about you without really knowing it's you. I don't want anyone to find out."

"I don't think anyone of us wants that, Spike. His identity being revealed would spell disaster."

"No kiddin'. Everyone in town would react, b-badly, let just say." Spike smiled embarrassingly, almost saying that the ponies of Ponyville would fear and resent him.

"They can think what they want. Ignorance is bliss."

"C'mon, let's not talk about this right now. Rainbow's house is just up here." Twilight pointed forward. Cloud Strider looked beyond her figure but only saw the rolling grass fields in the expanse of his eyes.

"I don't see shit, captain."

"Cloud... language," Twilight glanced at him, "literally, look up."

He wasted no time to look up into the rainy sky, seeing wispy curls of white and grey swirling with one another but somehow staying in one place. Small rainbow streams fell from the indents and disappeared almost immediately into the thick air. A single pillar rose from the base and spired upwards beyond the mists that obscured his vision. It was filled with windows and ionic pillars lining the sides, most likely for cosmetic properties only. Puffy clouds hugged the building and swirled around the house slowly. The illusory rainbow arched above and came down, disappearing behind the brilliant clouds of the house.

'How did I not see this?' Cloud wracked his mind. "Should've known she lived with her head in the clouds. Hehehe, literally."

"It's a pretty nice house, like, upper class nice. Definitely fits her style of comfort," Twilight spread her wings and stared up. "Hang on, Spike."

Cloud stayed back, seeing Spike hold on when Twilight ascended like a filly learning to fly. It made him smile slyly and he did not know why. He fanned his wings before shooting up, passing Twilight as an inky shadow. Landing delicately on top of the pristine clouds, he watched Twilight poke through the clouds and land with wobbly knees.

"Not used to walking all over me?" he raised an eyebrow.

"What are you-oh... Oh, zip it!" Twilight giggled lightly, "no wonder Rainbow calls you Bonehead."

"Are you a strong flyer, then?" She added.

"Yeah, enough to get me where I need to be. I'm not sayin' I'm the fastest because I know Rainbow Dash is ten times as fast. I've seen her in action, so she's got me beat there. I-I actually condition and practice flying, so I'm probably better than most... Probably."

"I see you're not a braggart, either."

"Well, what about you? You don't seem to be in tip-top shape for flying strong. Not one of my strong suits." Cloud let her flap her wings, furling them up just like he did.

"Sort of... I'm new to this alicorn thing, so it's taking a little bit for me to adjust to all these new things I can do." Twilight made sure Spike was not going to slip off through the clouds and stepped up to the yellow door. Rainbow's giant cutie mark spread above the entry, the tip of the lightning bolt stemmed off and tapered down the column base.

*knock-knock-knock* Twilight tripled her hoof against the door, waiting for any response to come back. She felt the bubble ripple, noticing that Cloud stepped out onto the cloud's edge.

"Well, it's not raining hard right now. That's a plus." The village was shrouded in mist, nearly gone from his cone of vision even when it was just below.

"Rainbow Dash? Are you home?" Twilight unleashed another series of knocks. The door clicked and slowly swung inwards.

"Fluttershy?" The words from Twilight caused him to twist back around. "What are you doing here?"

"Oh, um, hi—just helping around Rainbow's house."

"Shouldn't she be helping? Where is she at?" Twilight managed to look past Fluttershy, catching a glimpse of the sparkling interior.

"Well, she went to the castle early. She actually just left a couple minutes ago. I'm surprised you didn't see her." Fluttershy watched Cloud step next to Twilight and looked inside Rainbow's house. "H-Hi, Cloud."

"Oh, hey. So, you live here with Rainbow now or what? I thought that other place was your home."

"Oh, heavens no! I've just been coming by to check up on her every day. Wh-Whenever possible, that is. Sometimes she's working or just out of town." Fluttershy turned and grabbed an umbrella, "I think we should probably catch her then."

"No need for an umbrella, I've already made one." Twilight pointed up with content strewn on her muzzle. Fluttershy tipped her head and shut off the lights in the house, stepping onto the clouds with an astounding clunk of the door at her tail.

"Cloud, what happened to your braids?"

"Eh, I didn't really feel like leavin' it in right now. It's kinda' annoying to maintain." He stared at the ground below the clouds and mist.

"We still need to get something else, Fluttershy. You can either go to my castle or come along, it's your choice."

"I-I think I'll come along with you if that's ok."

"Of course it is." Twilight carefully descended from the cloudy platform back to the ground. Even Fluttershy past her with seconds to spare. The checklist was pulled back out and updated, jumping around from task to task, unlike Twilight at all. But Cloud brushed it off with no direction of concern. He barely flapped his wings on his approach and landed with a deep thud coursing through his body.

"Where are you going, then?" Fluttershy practically nested against Twilight.

"We were heading to Sugarcube Corner but went on a little detour. We wanted to get some confections to eat for hanging out with everyone." Twilight prattled on about her current state, as did Fluttershy. Cloud simply let them talk it out, knowing that Twilight can get a little chatty when her friends were around doing the same thing. What struck him forthright was how Spike was able to join in on the conversation.

'Good on him. I can't even understand half the time what they're talking about when they're in their talking moods.' Another thing struck him, though. He heard the word "Discord" mentioned as an entity a lot from Fluttershy and it really seemed to make Twilight uneasy to talk about it. Wondering what she was referencing to but not enough to push him into affirmation. His ears twitched, adjusting to their conversation from his skewed position in the group as he scanned the grey horizons. Trees, houses, and mountains cut through the doldrums, only to be wrapped in a shadowy cape, unlike its natural color. A lot could be learned from a little eavesdropping, and even more questions than answers. It was not until he saw a building pass through his vision that he was finally thrown from his trance.

"Um, Cloud? Are you ok?" He looked to see Fluttershy stricken with slight concern.

"Rain's comin' in."

"How do you know?" Twilight watched him point up and away to the sky. She saw her castle swathed in a miserable grey that seemed to be moving. "Oh... Good thing we still have our shield."

Cloud moved in a little closer, making sure to stay within its confines. Fluttershy went to his side instead, now genuinely worried about the way he felt. He could feel the warmth radiating from her body, both emotionally and physically.

"He's fine, Fluttershy. It's alight. He's just not much of a talker... or smiler." Twilight tried to guide her away from him, knowing how clingy Fluttershy could get.

"I'm fine. Don't worry too much."

"Ok... Just don't keep it in if you need to talk about it. That's not good for you."

"I will." Cloud traversed around the corner with the rest of the group, narrowly missing it altogether. There was no chance in hell that he could miss such a place. The building was made up of gingerbread roofs and was covered in white frosting in all the right places. The rest had the same makeup as all of the other buildings in the area, just definitely not the roof in any way possible. A lone tower with the shape of a cupcake sprouted from the middle and shot up and above the building, all colored in white, pink, and soft marigold. No one was entering or leaving, but from the state of the streets, it was more than expected.

He entered with warmth relinquishing him of his heavy mind. The smell of food and baked goods made his mouth tremble with delightful inclusions. A counter and shelves laid out all of the various sweets to offer for the common pony. Child-like images of confectionaries and pieces of candy danced along the woodworks above him with fine engravings of white stencil etched in as well.

"Hello?" Twilight rang the small bell on the cashier counter and looked around the corner slightly. "I wonder if Pinkie Pie is still here... Or if she just left like Rainbow Dash."

"I have a feeling it's the latter."

"Just a minute!" A different voice carried to the lobby.

"I guess she did leave." Twilight shook her head, trying to make sense of the logic behind it.

"Oh! Hello, Princess Twilight. You—here for your order?" Mrs. Cake sharply glanced at Cloud's subtly sinister malaise. 'It's that new stallion in town. What's he doing with Princess Twilight?'

'Why did she stop?' He watched her smile and eye contact studiously.

"Yes, I believe I already paid you?"

"Uh huh, got it tacked on the box. Let me go grab that for you, excuse me." Mrs. Cake disappeared into the bakery, leaving them with the sounds of her hoofsteps. Even in her hurried reality, she seemed to be dynamic, though business was slow at the time. Surely there were many orders in the coming days. The steps got closer again until the blue mare revealed herself with a box in her hoof.

Cloud felt something was aloof. something did not seem right when the box began to shift and falter in her grasp. Sure enough, he watched her trip on her hooves, jolting the box up and away from her reach. Without so much as thinking, Cloud Strider reached out for the box but knew he was still far away. Then, like the spark that ignited within his chest, a lash of chaotic blue magic zig-zagged its way to the box. Twilight retreated a few steps after seeing the box stop right in her face. Her ears cowered from the angry hum his magic exuded in the charged air. He carefully laid it down on the counter and felt regret grow in the reaches of his stomach.

'Oh, you fucking moron!' Cloud noticed how panicked the blue mare acted, now up against the wall just behind her. The magic crackled one last time before the room went utterly silent. He lifted his leg and harrowingly glared at the vibrating leg band bound to him. Fluttershy went to him and tried to hold him still; he did not expect his magic to come out that easily and unpredictably.

"It's ok... You didn't mean it."

"I... I-don't, please don't." He looked up at the terrified mare.

"Get out, please—just go."

"Oh no, oh nonono-Mrs. Cake, don't. I beg of you, do not mention this to anyone." Twilight looked back and forth at Cloud and Mrs. Cake, anxiously trotting in place for a few moments.

"Get him out, please, Princess. I don't know what's going on, but I don't want this turning into another Zecora incident. He needs to leave." Twilight nodded to her words.

"Cloud, please? I'm sorry. Fluttershy? Can you wait outside with him?" Fluttershy also nodded, "you too, Spike. I won't be long."

After only a few seconds, Twilight heard the door close soundly behind her. "Mrs. Cake, please."

"Why is that pegasus using magic?! What have you been doing to him in your castle?!"

"W-What? Nothing, I haven't done anything to him!" Twilight knew that a lot was riding on this pivotal moment. The moment she loathed to face but knew it was bound to happen. "He's just been living with me for a few weeks. Me and the princesses have been trying to fix his magic issue, not cause it."


"Please, he isn't evil or bad! He's just misunderstood and lost his way."

"Evil? What do you mean evil?" Mrs. Cake tapped her hoof on her muzzle repeatedly.

'Why did I say evil?!'

"Oh my—Oh my god! Don't tell me-" Mrs. Cake leaned in and lowered her voice an octave. "Is he that pony everyone's been talking about?!"

Twilight kept her face low and silenced by the truth.

"Then it's true! She's back!"

"No! No, don't! Please, you need to keep this to yourself! Under all circumstances, do not tell anyone what you saw! It's different—it's way different and more confusing than you think!" Twilight Sparkle helplessly stood by, not in control of the situation or outcome in any way. Mrs. Cake shook her head.

"You... You know what ponies will do around here, right? Or possibly even the country?"

"Yes, I know. I also know that they're not ready for the truth yet... He doesn't need ponies at his back with death threats. You're the first pony to find out, please, don't say-"

"Ok! Ok!... I trust you. I won't bring it up. But I don't know how long you can keep a secret in Ponyville. Once someone finds out, they'll be all over it."

"I understand, thank you so much. I owe you." Twilight grabbed her box of cupcakes and quickly made for the door.

"Hurry, before anyone else in town finds out. They won't be so cooperative."

"Thanks again, goodbye." She closed the door and was back out in the rain. The first thing she did was look around with paranoia controlling her mind.

'What if other ponies saw it?! What if they were inside of there houses and saw the magic through the window or just happened to walk by?! Are they looking right now?!' Twilight glanced towards her side after snapping herself out of fright.

"Twilight? What happened?" Spike hastily went up to her. She picked him up and set him on her back again.

"It's ok, I think I bought us some time."

"What do you mean?"

"I got her to agree to stay quiet, Fluttershy. That's what I mean." Twilight stamped up to Cloud, "as for you. I would rather get pummeled by some cupcakes than to be spared a bad hair day by your magic. What exactly were you thinking?!"

"T-Twilight, don't yell at him like that." Fluttershy put her hoof on Twilight's rapid chest.

"Fluttershy, don't fight for me, please. I didn't know I would use magic, I just let it come out without really thinking about it."

"You nearly threw away your secrecy!"

"Like I said, alicorn magic and pegasi don't fucking mix! Saying sorry won't fix anything now because I fucked everything up for everyone."

"Cloud Strider, watch your mouth!" Fluttershy wagged her hoof with a still forgiveness in her voice. Twilight hurriedly led the group out of town and back home.

"Cloud, whether you like it or not. I'm going to teach you how to use your magic, that's final."

"Yes, go ahead and teach me how to use my murderous magic."

"Is he, being serious? Is his magic used to hurt ponies?" Spike began to wither as Twilight comforted him.

"What? No, Spike. That's not it at all." She glared at Cloud Strider. "You're scaring him, stop with that talk."

"Ok, Cloud, ok. Let's take a little step back, alright?" He watched Fluttershy get in between Twilight. Both gentle in nature and trying times, Fluttershy cooly attempted to defuse the situation.

"It was just an accident, it's not your fault, just a little scare is all. I'm sure you two are saying some things you don't mean."

"You might as well be rubbing my muzzle in a puddle of my piss because it sounds like you're talkin' to a dog." He heard Twilight angerly clear her throat.

"Uh, well. You're not a dog. You're a bright stallion with a lot to offer."

"I'm flattered." Cloud Strider let out a deep laugh for her righteous innocence. "But I'll deal with my problems with ways I've always done."

"Oh no. No, Cloud! You're not going to get drunk again. You're too loud and happily obnoxious."

"I'm not goin' to do that, Twilight. Don't get your knickers in a twist."

"I don't wear-"

"I know, it's just a phrase." He stepped past Twilight and opened the door. It was happening again. He was not angry at Twilight, only at himself for slipping up and putting his one sole duty in jeopardy.

"Where are you going?"

"I'm going to the room you lent me out of pity." Cloud forged ahead and into the grand foyer, leaving Twilight to pick up the pieces once again.

"Hey, Cloud. Uh-you ok?" Rainbow's state of disinterest suddenly melted once he walked by.

"Hey, Rainbow..." Cloud Strider exited the room as soon as he entered, acknowledging Rainbow Dash brusquely and even without looking at her. "It's calm before the rage."

Rainbow Dash stared down the hall with a questionable look smeared on her face. She let the feather she was balancing on her nose delicately float to the ground, "Uh, ok..."

"Hi, Rainbow. You're a little early, don't you think?" Twilight did not hesitate to give her a friendly hug.

"Eh, I got bored. Hope you don't mind."

"Of course not. Anyone else show up?"

"Nope, just me. A-And all of you." Rainbow turned her head towards the hall Cloud walked down. "He looks a little on edge, what's up his?"

"Uh, it's hard to explain."

"It's actually pretty easy." Spike rolled his eyes. "Cloud used his magic by accident and Twilight yelled at him for it. That's pretty much it."

"You're making it sound like I'm the bad guy, Spike." Twilight lifted him back down to the castle grounds.

"Oh, come on, Twilight. I think you know he didn't mean to use it. He was looking out for you if you think about it. I mean, he scared me and I'm defending him," Spike said.

"Spike, I said I'd rather be hit by this box instead. You do realize the gravity of this situation, right?"

"Wait, so you yelled at him for using his magic? What's the big deal with him doin' that?" Rainbow Dash picked up the feather, she gained a few mellow giggles after realizing her nose was blotted with quill ink. Twilight searched the reaches of her castle and brought back a wet cloth with her magic, giving it to Rainbow.

"He used it when Mrs. Cake was looking, if not others."

"Oh... now I see why. So you're worried that this'll ruin the whole secret of him bein' here?"

"Yes... You look like you don't care. Why?" Twilight grabbed Rainbow by her forelegs but Rainbow Dash calmly backed off and brushed Twilight away.

"Uh, because I was expectin' it to happen sometime soon. Did you really think he'd be kept from the world forever?"

"Rainbow Dash! Think about what ponies will do once they realize Nightmare Moon has come back from the dead! It would cause panic and hysteria in the country! What they'll be scared over is the fact that it's in the body of a non-alicorn!" Twilight tried finding all of the conclusions at once.

"Wow, you really need a break from all these uh... Oh! I just learned this: clandestine actions."

"Good word, Rainbow... I know, but I can't stop myself from panicking over these things. They're really serious."

"Yeah, please, Twilight? I think you're overthinking all of this right now." Fluttershy took the box of cupcakes so Twilight did not have to worry. "Come on, let's set up the party area before anyone else shows up, ok?"

"Y-Yeah, and I thought I was losing it." Rainbow Dash let out a snicker of temporary reprieve. Only, Twilight remained silent at Rainbow's joke.

"You're doing great, Rainbow. You've been sleeping better at night and haven't been relying on me to come over and help you sle-"

"Oh, whoa! H-Hey there, let's not get too carried away, yeah?" Rainbow's hoof lapped over Fluttershy's talkative mouth. "All that matters is I'm getting over it."

"It's just up here..." Twilight opened the door to an unused room resembling a sort of study or lounge. "I really don't know where to go."


"I've just been so busy and out of my head that I didn't even have time to set things up. Sorry about that. I always find some way to ruin the mood."

"Oh, don't say that. Everything's gonna' be fine after all this crap goes away for good. What's got you all moody anyway? Well, before the magic thing." Rainbow Dash threw herself in the spacious halls, her fur still clammy after braving the storms.

"It probably didn't help that she insisted visiting the old library." Spike crossed his arms.

"Why would you do that, Twilight?" She felt Fluttershy go right up next her.

"Because I learned that Cloud's house burned down a long time ago and I wanted to show him mine. I don't know, I thought I was ready to see all those cherished memories."

"Bonehead's house burned down, really?"

"Yeah, I learned a lot of other stuff. But it's not appropriate or something you want to hear."

"I can only imagine what kind of things you're talkin' about." Rainbow landed down with a rather surprising and energetic flip. The scene and the sentiment made Twilight smile, knowing something was going right in her favor.

"Don't sweat it, I'm sure Pinkie has some strange contraption that can turn a room into something more... party-ier. I mean-one box of cupcakes? That won't fly with her... By the way. Uh, you want me to go check on him? Before he gets the bright idea to run away and face my wrath again?"

"Well, t-those were more for myself, I realize. Besides, I'm sure he wants to talk with his best friend right now." Twilight waved her hoof out, "go ahead... Just, be careful."

"Whaddya' mean?"

"Well, blame my stupid intuition and me overthinking, but I keep thinking about how the essence of Nightmare Moon was able to find him as a host. I mean, does it go after pegasi? Or does it find someone who is the most similar to her? I-I don't know, I'm just speculating."

"Oh pfft! That's nonsense. I don't think it goes after pegasi, Twilight."

"What if it does though?"

"But... it's not going to." Rainbow Dash knowingly smiled. "Twilight, nothin' bad's gonna' happen. Today's supposed to be a day of relaxation for everyone. I don't think he should be excluded."

"I know, I'm only looking after my friends, you know that. If I were to lose you to this thing he has, I don't know what I'd do with myself."

"Once again, that's complete nonsense... He might have evil in him, but he's not gonna' to do anything bad." She flipped her rainbow mane condescendingly. "Especially to me."

"Well, I'm glad you're back." Although Twilight seemed a tad bit dejected, there was radiance in her voice no doubt. She watched Rainbow Dash walk out into the halls, her gait full of surprising cheer. A shock to her, knowing Rainbow Dash was bouncing back from her traumatic experience with such pride and bravery made Twilight envious of her strong mind. Rainbow's steps disappeared in the extravagance and not a minute had even passed.

"Fluttershy?" Twilight reached down and picked up a cupcake. It was a triple chocolate recipe: chocolate cupcake, chocolate frosting, and obviously, large chocolate chunks either in the batter or dotted on top. A perfect treat for such a gloomy day.

"What is it?"

"I uh... Was it wrong to, y-yell at him like that?"

"I think you know the answer to that." Fluttershy looked at Spike reflectively.

"Ok. I'm mature enough to take responsibility for my mistakes. But I really need to calm down first." Twilight was rewarded with silent nods of agreement. "R-Right, all this is simply me overdoing it. I'll close my eyes and not think about anything but myself."

"You need to remember to give yourself breaks. You can get a little too hard on yourself over small things. Heh, I think me and Fluttershy can tell you that much, if not all of your friends and family."

"I... Know, Spike. Thank you for being there to remind me. There are a lotta' things I can't really stop myself from doing. Eheh, I'm a little impulsive sometimes."

"That's just how the pony mind works—uh, and dragons, of course. We all have something in our heads that make us different." Fluttershy sat down in a padded chair next to Twilight.

"Yeah... I've heard it all, Fluttershy. But thanks for reminding me. Even princesses need to be reminded of the basics here and there." Twilight emptied the spongy cake inside the wax paper cup. She heard Fluttershy sigh and the room went silent once Spike told of his temporary leave. A brassy trill of the clock managed to partially fill the desperate space that only grew staler.

"Hey, Fluttershy?"


"What was he like at first?"


"Cloud Strider. He found your house before we came to see what was happening, right?"

"Yeah, he did. Are you asking how he acted?" Fluttershy watched Twilight turn her head and nod. There was no notepad or extrinsic motivation to record her words. No scribbling of ink or keywords for a dictionary and texts to devour. All Twilight did was lean in and listen.

"You know? It's kinda' fuzzy for me, but I remember a lot. It was on that rainy night awhile back and I was starting to settle in for the night. I sipped on my tea in my room upstairs, my lights were out and all of a sudden I hear this loud banging on my door. It obviously scared me straight, but I was working on my bravery and the next thing I know, I'm walking up to the door. Whatever was banging had stopped and I turned the lights on downstairs. I saw him sitting against the house curled in the ball, actually shivering a little. At this point, I opened the door and looked at him long after he was staring back at me. I didn't even think about what he was capable of or what he would do to me, and I grabbed his leg, finally leading him inside."

"What did he think about some mare pulling him inside of her house?"

"Oh my, he was so confused and surprised about what I did. The first thing he asked me was how he didn't have anything to pay me back with, hehehe! At that moment, the way he said it and how thin and cold he looked, I just had this strange feeling that he just needed a little help is all. I didn't even know about the Nightmare Moon thing after we went to Canterlot. He was nice; I let him eat with me and let him take a shower, he called me "ma'am", he kept his distance from things because he knew he was dirty, not to mention respectful and reserved. Hmm, well, I guess we also learned his fascination with Canterlot too. He didn't want to say much, but he said he was going there. Then you guys showed up and you know the rest."

"Hmm, thanks. That's good to know. It really puts my mind at ease."

"Why's that?"

"In my experience, reading all these legends and stories of how ponies are consumed by darkness—and how it's impossible to fight it alone in all. He's managed to keep himself planted in reality and determined as, well, all hell. He's still redeemable and is still good, it seems... I know he can come back from this, I can see it when he looks me straight in the eyes, that small little flicker becomes more luminous than ever. Even if for that faint moment it happens."

"Wow, you can get that by just looking at him?"

"He's willing to do anything to get his prize. Although he may second-guess himself or lose hope, we'll be there to remind him of his goal."

"Twilight? Are you ready, silly?!" The two mares instantly looked at each other and gave out a cooperative laugh. Seeing that the room and the friendly get-together environment was enveloped in copious amounts of normalcy and blandness.

"I really hope Rainbow was right about Pinkie having something up her sleeves."


Big places tend to appeal to the imaginative mind, whether it appealed to the fear or the aspirations of wonderment was wholly dependent on the mind. And in Rainbow Dash's mind, the hollow iridescent halls of the castle did not fall short of instilling a smattering of both emotions. Looking back and forth, the restroom door warmly clunked closed behind her. Rainbow Dash leaned forward and backward, stretching every appendage of her body with a delighted buzzing of her wings.

"Mmmhmm." Her eyes listed towards the left and started down the hall at an eager trot. All the pillars and oddities passed her by without even acknowledging her strange affinity for optimism and newfound sensibility. But the new things she felt left only room for improvement. Rainbow did little to care about being courtly or—in this case—simply having proper manners and entered Cloud Strider's room. It was in her nature to challenge the bounds of her friend's personal preferences and comforts.

"Cloud?" Rainbow's ears instantly pricked up. She recognized the sounds from the night in Canterlot but could not remember what he called it. The flush curtains carefully moved in a wavy flare, rolling down to the very tips. Her hooves parted the drapes and revealed the ajar door. Cloud Strider leaned hard against the railing. His sword rested to his right with a whetstone and scabbard in all, his flute within his clutches looking out across the deep fields. Playing away a light and thoughtful piece with many inclinations and protracted notes. Rainbow Dash opened the door and stealthily walked towards him, which only took a few steps for her. She tapped him on the back; seeing him jolt just ever so slightly forced an accomplished smile on her face.

"Oh, Rainbow. Hey... I didn't expect you to come out here."

"You kiddin'? I work in this weather. Fuck, I create it."

"Yeah, my thoughts exactly. Well, I used to I mean."

"Given it any thought? We could still use a flyer. The guy-girl ratio is sorta'—lopsided, if you know what I mean."

"Gah hah!" Cloud Strider dipped his head and gave her a cocky grin, "isn't this whole town lopsided? More mares here than a damn brothel."

"Broth-oh, nevermind, heheh."

"So... you came out here to see what my problem is? Am I right or am I right?"

"Screw you, Bonehead."

"Did the party or whatever start?"

"No? I don't think so. Why?"

"Eh, I saw Pinkie Pie down there going inside. She waved at me playing my flute so I had to wave back. She might be full of pent-up energy but at least she's really nice." His gaze steered back at Rainbow, sharing the rail with her as her figure mimicked his.

"What is it then, Rainbow?"

"Well, did you ever consider that I only want to talk?" Rainbow Dash shrugged, "and, y-you know. Maybe to talk about why Twilight got mad, just a tiny little bit."

"Yeah, thought so. What did she say?"

"She told me what you did with your magic in front of Mrs. Cake. And I told her that you couldn't be kept a secret forever."

"Oh, she wasn't happy about that, I bet."

"I mean, yeah, it got her blood pressure up a little more. But I think she knows it's true." Rainbow Dash somberly shrugged it all off. "Just not the best time for it to happen."

"Wait, you're blamin' this on me?"

"What? No! That's not it at all. But why did you use your magic?"

"I didn't know it would happen, Rainbow. I held my hoof out when the box started fallin' and it just jumped out of my leg. To be honest, it's happened on more than just this occasion."

"I heard her say that she wants to teach you how to control it. I think-"

"Yeah, I know, I know. I probably do need to find the cause of why it just happens. But I'm afraid of even my own power. Lots of it is still beyond my understanding." The flute tapped against the gilded rails. It's hollow, woody clunk against the metallic thump of golden rail nearly quaked the air given how soft the vibrations carried.

"Now I've gone and probably ruined her reputation when the truth gets out."

"Ok, don't start with that waterworks bullshit. You didn't ruin anything. You're only being hard on yourself again you big idiot."

"Of course. It's my method of telling myself what I did and how to improve."

"That's not a good "method", Cloud. That's... That isn't good at all, even by my standards. Putting yourself down on purpose?"

"What do you have in mind then, smartass?"

"Oh, I don't know, channel that failure or criticism into something productive. Something you can be proud of."

Cloud Strider tore off a piece of his outer lip in the process of mulling over her words. He did not have control of his own head and mindlessly nodded. "I don't know what I'd do for that though."

She carefully looked Cloud over, trying to think of something that he had either said or was on his person.

"Uh, what about your cutie mark? What did you do to get that?" Rainbow Dash watched him look at his flank.

"It was kind of a traumatic experience; I'd rather not right now."

"Whatever, it can't be that bad."

"Just like you, Rainbow. I nearly died for somethin'. Although your experience was way more recent... Let's just say that big cliffs and not knowing how to fly yet don't mix."

"Yeah... those definitely don't mix." She fell into a small fit of snickering and half-meaningful chuckles. "I guess both of us know the feeling, Ke-he-he!"



"Doesn't feel too good, huh?" Cloud stared at her but she neglected to answer.

"As soon as that happened to you, I could feel it. I immediately knew how you felt that instant... even though I don't remember what happened for a few minutes after that. But I know you're having problems still. And maybe they're startin' to go away and everything's going back to the way it was before I was here. And I've said this so many fucking times I can't count, but I can't help but feel responsible." He stood back and away from the rim, picking up his sword and scabbard with a tightened grip. Without a single purpose, he found it in his hooves and playing with the setup. Rainbow showed concern and recoil all over her body, forcing his hooves and weapon back on the ground.

"If you ever get the need to talk about it? Come talk to me. I don't want you to let it consume you like it almost did to me. I mean, you're too cool for that shit."

"A-Alright, thanks, Bonehead. You're lucky to have someone as cool as me around anyway."

"That's more like it." Cloud watched more sheets of rain move into the area. The torrent swallowed lines of trees and grasses just beyond Ponyville's city limits. "C'mon, we should probably go check up on Twilight, see how this "get-together" is going."

"Yeah... maybe."

"Or, we can stay here a little longer? Whatever you want to do, Rainbow. I'm all in."

"Nah. I see the rain too, you big idiot."

"Oh, that's how it's gonna' be, eh?" Cloud smirk as he leaned forward.

"Yeah, get used-oh shit, no way. Look." Cloud looked where Rainbow Dash pointed to on the trail. Just beyond the next hill, the two ponies could see Applejack and Rarity completely oblivious to the wall of water silently creeping up on them.

"Put a pep in your step, get trottin'!" She cupped her hooves, hoping her words would reach their ears.

'Hope they like rain.' His thoughts differed vastly from Rainbow's preferences about those two mares. It did not matter what he did, Applejack and Rarity were not interested in giving him a chance to redeem himself. Whatever act he committed could not save him from their blind reprisal.

"Alright, we can go now." She walked past, letting him pick his own stuff up into his hooves.

"Thanks," he laid this flute and sword next to his bags.

"Hey, I closed the door at least. You're welcome." With her eyes closely locked, she turned wherever he paced. "Where are you goin'?"

"Bathroom, want a towel to dry off?"

"Yeah, actually." A towel came whizzing out of the restroom, landing at her hooves. The door closed shut in front of her face.


"Hey! I closed the door, you're welcome."

"Think you're funny, Bonehead?"

"I mean, I make you laugh about stupid shit. So yeah?"

Rainbow Dash quickly patted dry her coat and feathers, wadding the towel into the tight ball. She peeked around the room, looking for things she missed or were added.

"Oh, hello." She grabbed a bottle of malt whiskey. "When did you get a handle of scotch? Also, you drink?"

"Of course I drink! What kind of stallion you think I am?"

"I don't know... a douche?"

"Oh. That makes sense." Cloud washed his hooves after a loud flush filtered through the door.

"We should get a drink sometime. Bet I could drink you under the table."

"Yeah, I'd like to see how that one plays out. I thought you heard Twilight talk about how I got drunk about a week ago or somethin'."

"Really? Hahaha! Was she mad?"

"The next morning she was. She said she locked me in my room too." Cloud Strider dried his hooves and slowly walked out. "Yeah, she was plenty pissed."

Rainbow aimed and threw the towel with all her might in the piston leg she had. It hit him straight on his muzzle with a considerable force. "Wring that out in your mouth."

"Your sweat, dirt, and stewing rainwater? I'll pass."

"Alright, but we're gettin' a drink sometime within the next few weeks, k?"

"Sounds fun."

"Hehe, sounds fun. Yeah, sounds fun to lose a bet." That simple comment from her mouth made him inwardly chuckle. A sly, but wanting smirk rose unknowingly behind her back. Rainbow Dash paced out and waved her hoof to follow.

"Dammit, Rainbow... Goddammit."


"Uh, It's just down here. I can hear Pinkie Pie talking, do you?" Rainbow Dash pointed the rounded tip of her hoof towards an open door at the far ends of the hallway.

"Of course I do." Cloud closed his eyes triumphantly.

"Ok... alright, so you have good hearing then."

"Aren't all pegasi supposed to have good hearing and sight?"

"Well—most of them do... just wondering if you were one of the few."

"Thanks. What do you take me for? A doddering old stallion? I'm still in my prime time, baby." Cloud questioned himself without warning. Wondering if he really just said something as strange as that.

'Baby? What the fuck is happening to you?' He even went to the lengths of covering his oozing mouth for a moment's respite. Rainbow Dash's hoof prodded him in the sides and chest, injecting a mild shock through his nerves.

"Ah, uh. What?"

"I said, prove it old timer."

"What do you want me to do?" The dull shuffle of his hooves quickly died. He stepped back once Rainbow jumped in front of him, her face full of muddled envy and vanity in a deadly couple.

"Race me. Unless you're scared of losing to a mare."

"Not at all. Hehehe, I think I can give you a run for your money, Rainbow. Don't you worry your pretty little head... But if it involves flying against you, then I'm screwed."

"A run for my money? Ok, you want to make it interesting, huh? And don't you worry your pretty little fuckin' head because I've decided to be good to you." Rainbow Dash did not let up on the genuine act, which thoroughly impressed Cloud as he returned the confident attitude.

"What are the terms?"

"A hoof race to the open door, starting right... here." She scuffed an invisible line into the floor which followed a certain askew gradient. "If I win, you gotta' buy the first drinks and join the weather patrol."

"Geez, what else do you want? And If I win?"

"Whatever you want—Eh, I mean, w-within reason, though. Luna only knows what goes on in your head, you depraved fuck."

"Wow, you're being an ass today. Not saying you're never full of yourself, but hey."

"Yeah, I know I'm actin' up right now. I don't know why I'm being all, ugh, you know, open and stupid, or whatever... Just tell me what you want already, Bonehead!"

"I don't know yet." He polished the underside of his muzzle and crooned to himself. "What do you even have that I'd want?"

"Anytime today, please."

"Yeah, yeah." Cloud Strider glanced over at Rainbow's quick crumbling patience. The truth be told, when push came to shove, he had nothing of interest on his mind.


"I don't want anything."

Rainbow Dash was completely thrown for a loop, perplexed by his cloy and rather empty sentiment.

"Cloud, that isn't exactly fair."

"Why not?"

"Well, for starters, it's retarded. Another thing is why you're even racing. I have all the cards and you don't, what exactly are you trying to fight for then?"

"Proving myself."

"Uh... ok. But you don't gotta' prove anything."

"Remember when we were fightin' each other in Canterlot? That was the only time I've really shown you what I can do. I just want to put my skills to the test against someone who thinks the same."

"Hey, I already said I believe what you're capable of, ok? I'm not callin' your bluff." She stretched her wings and slender legs. "If you win, I'll give you a hundred bits. How's that?"

"Aye, your choice."

"Nah, It'll make it even more interesting." She exchanged looks of sheer confidence with him as each pony stretched. Cloud Strider rubbed his hooves against the fine stone, lining up on the imaginary line with frictional warmth in his hooves. Rainbow Dash popped her neck and leaned low towards the ground, both had their eyes set on the cursory prize of thin air and lofty incentives.

"Do you hear the clock?" Rainbow drew her legs back even further.

"I can hear everything you can, maybe even more..." Cloud leveled his eyes with her's, staring coldly down the hallway without blinking his eyes.

"Hehe, as soon as it hits five ticks, go. Starting now." Her ears crooked towards the incessant ticking, each count built up more and more energy in their little competition.

*Tick... tick... tick... tick... tick.* The last monumental tick had unquestionable power behind it, as a concussive blast would wave the air and thump against their chests in excitement. Just as their lungs let out their guttural and sharp exhales and inhales. Each step filled with a drive more than the last. Every movement and every complete set of gallops fueled the race. The weight their hooves carried sent the haunting sound easily through the castle's nooks and crannies.

Cloud Strider looked over at the rare occurrence when both were transiently floating out of pure instinct, when silence was the only sound in their ears. She was fast and he knew only the surface of what he faced: a freakishly toned pegasus. The very thought made him mad with envy and worth. How she worked in one motion and how everything to her was only a reflex to her design, all from a simple race. Cloud pushed harder with each step driven to the ground. Both pulled ahead one after another but the game did not change.

He gave everything he could offer but Rainbow Dash looked so calm about it, as if she was not even trying her hardest. The thought and the feeling left an unsatiable pit in his gut; he had a good reason for it.

'Shit! The finish line!' Cloud Strider looked at the door only four doors down. At the speed he was going, the race was already over. Something had to change either now or never. He did not have to wait a moment too soon. Cloud carefully watched how she galloped with a refined stride, she was not oblivious to her surroundings as well. The finish line now only feet from their muzzles and hooves, scraping by the skin of their teeth. with every muscle straining to its very limits, screaming in exasperation. He witnessed, in a last-ditch effort, as Rainbow Dash leaped forward with striking speed, becoming as slender as a loosed arrow drilling through the air.

Cloud Strider was absolutely dumbstruck, he did not even need to try anymore. She catapulted ahead with the few precious moments that were left. Charged with momentum, Cloud Strider dug deep to his side and scraped across the hard ground, nearly falling over just to the venomous sound it made. Rainbow Dash, however, suffered the repercussions and slid belly first into the crystal wall right after.

"Rainbow?! Shit, you alright?" Cloud slid until he stopped right next to her and leaned down. The heat in his hooves had actually caused a slight burning to occur; smelling it in the air was not a first for him. She did little to vocally respond coherently, but nodded her head, nonetheless. All while face down and panting for every bit of air with gluttony on her pride-soaked mind.

"What in Celestia's name is happening out here?!" Cloud Strider looked over, seeing Twilight extremely cross with Rainbow Dash and himself. Most of her friends slowly shuffled out of the room moments later, a wide mix of feelings and emotions towards the ones on trial.

'Here comes the ball-bustin' brigade...' He listened to Rarity gasp and trot up to him without fear.

"What did you do to her?! Did you hurt her you outlandish knuckle-dragger?!" Rarity pushed him away from Rainbow and back against the wall. Cloud forced his hooves to stay down, letting her vent all of her anger.

"Rarity, no." Her body slowly peeled away from Cloud. Twilight continued to hold her back without hesitation. "Not now."

He did not find it funny. Seeing Rarity get red in her cheeks and making a foul out of herself in front of her peers. It was none of his concern, nor did he care. "Show your true colors, Rarity."

"Excuse me?"

"I think you heard me the first time, so don't pull that shit with me."

"O-o-oh, you must know everything, huh? Such a hypocritical thing to say you dirty heathen! Don't forget about yourself in that matter." Rarity hurdled over modesty and lady-like temperament. She was ready to jump into the fray.

"At least I try to hide it... you could never relate, anyways. If I turned right here, you'd probably piss yourself on the spot."

"Both of ya', knock-it-off!" To Cloud's complete surprise, Applejack's voice rose above the horn and crown. "Just, quit it."

"I would have thought you would have my back on this one, Applejack. Why not now?!" Rarity went slack-jawed.

"Ah know, Rarity. But he wasn't tryin' to beat up on 'er. They were-"

"We were just racin' each other! Calm down!" Rainbow Dash stared back at her congregation of friends.

'Ouch.' He wanted to smile and bellow a laugh full of smug arrogance. But even by his standards, he found it very difficult. No point in proving her's after all. Applejack and Rarity slowly escaped the situation and back into the previous room. Unquestionable mumblings carefully floated out, no doubt about him and what Rarity just did to herself.

"Hey, nice slide there." Cloud offered his foreleg and she grappled tight with no hesitation.

"Thanks," Rainbow Dash felt his other hoof touch her underside and immediately winced. "Ech!"

"Oh, bit of a friction burn, huh?"

"Y-Yeah, just a little bit." Rainbow Dash saw Fluttershy come over and started inspecting without Rainbow's approval.

"What were you thinking, hmm? You didn't have to do that, Dashie."

"What was I thinkin'? Winning the race is what I was thinkin'."

"Hehe, well damn." Cloud Strider shook his head, "a deal's a deal, Rainbow."

"Wait, I won?!" Her eyes frantically beaded back and forth. Cloud nodded while Twilight rolled her eyes. "Twilight? Is that true? Did you see it?"

"Yes, I saw you shoot by barely before him. But why were-"

"Yes! So it was worth it after all!" Rainbow Dash joyfully celebrated her personal victory. "Man! You almost had me there, Cloud. But, obviously, you can't beat the best."

"Hahaha, uh huh."

"Seriously though, good fuckin' race. You're pretty good." Rainbow and Cloud bumped hooves with a powerful thud.

"So when do I start, boss?"

"Heh. I'll keep you up to date, Bonehead."

"Aye, good."

"Excuse me, Rainbow and Cloud. Would you like to explain?" Twilight checked herself before treading to a point of no return. Their grounds were uneasy, on the verge of another quake. Even her fake smile showed how irritated but conversed she had to be.

"I think Rainbow explained it in a sentence."

"Yeah, we both made a bet on who would win. And I won." Rainbow Dash grinned as Twilight let out a low growl.


"Because it was fun?... I really don't understand why you have a stick up your ass. It's kinda' annoying."

"Cloud Strider, do not undermine me like that. Not in front of everyone."

"Cloud. That's not appropriate to say that to her... Twilight?" She hers shot towards Fluttershy, "remember what we talked about."

"I'm only saying, Twilight. We were just tryin' to liven things up a little. I don't want all this stupid shit going on gettin' to us, not right now." He paused for her rebuttal. Twilight crunched her teeth and forced herself to maintain composure.

"Ok... Alright. I understand. I hope it's out of both of your systems."

"Yeah, hehehe, I think so." Rainbow Dash prodded the burns purposefully.


"Good. I know you two are getting to be really close friends, but try to keep it someplace that it won't bother others, ok? It's bad enough to deal with one Rainbow Dash."

"Twilight, are you sayin' I act like Rainbow Dash?"

"That's exactly what I'm saying." Twilight vigorously nodded with a newfound resplendence by the looks she received from Rainbow Dash.

"Thanks a lot, egghead. I thought there was only room for one of me."

"Well, he acts like you, eh—occasionally. Not all the time." Twilight Sparkle walked up to Rainbow Dash, offering to help. Rainbow simply passed it off as another "necessary sacrifice" for her own personal greater-good. "Go sit down then, please?"

"Ok, I think I deserve it for my big win." Rainbow let Fluttershy walk next to her, just in case, as she always seemed to do for the injured. Cloud Strider brushed himself off. The after effects of their race really repleted him with a lust for torpor and, strangely enough, an openness to relaxation.

"Ah, fuck me. I'm out of another bet." He swore under his pale breath, pacing by Twilight.


Cloud did as he was told as the door glimmered shut, "hmm."

"Let's talk for a second. About what happened earlier."

"Uh huh." He did nothing but sigh beforehand, knowing where this conversation was steering towards.

"Well—I shouldn't have yelled at you and filled your head with a bunch of my own insecurities. I know you were just looking out for me, you know, with your magic?"

Ok? Twilight-"

"I'm serious, Cloud. I've told you this a million times. I'm really picky about keeping things in place and when something goes wrong, I have a hard time dealing with it. All this cloak-and-dagger is something I haven't dealt with on such a grand-scale... And I'm just now starting to realize what's happening and how you must feel. Sorry for snapping at you."

"Eh-heh, Twilight? Didn't I tell you earlier not to apologize for everything that happens? I'm causin' you enough problems just by standin' around here as is. If anything, I should be the one kissing your purebred hooves."

"No, nono! There's not going to be any kissing of hooves. I know you're joking, so don't even start. And purebred? Really? I might be a princess and my family does have connections, but come on now. I'm not some snob thinking I'm above others... A-Am I?"

"No, you're pretty humble about it. Although you've never mentioned your parents and relatives in great detail, so I'll take your word for it."

"Ok, good. Rainbow told me that this secret won't last forever, and sooner or later, ponies will find out about you. She was so calm and collected about it, considering all the bad stuff she's dealing with. Extremely well, might I add."

"Yeah, she's gotta' good head on her. I wouldn't doubt it for a second."

"I just hope that everyone will have a "good head" soon. Regarding the feelings towards you." Twilight snickered in the heat of the moment. "I'm dating myself, but I feel like I need to say sorry on their behalf again. I really don't understand Rarity's and Applejack's, uh, displeasure, I guess, against you. It's just not like them to act out."

"Don't worry about it. They're just bustin' my balls-er, I mean, giving me a hard time."

"Much better, thank you."

"But, Rarity did pretty much call me a disgusting foreigner just now. So maybe I'm wrong about that?"

"I'm sure they'll warm up to you. They'll see something about you that they like and maybe talk to you about it. Time will tell."

"I can't force their leg. Let them see what they want to see. If they don't come around? Then they were a lost cause in the first place."

"They are not a lost cause, Cloud. I think they don't trust you because you haven't done anything to impress them or catch their attention. Although, saving Rainbow from certain death should have been that one thing... I'll have to sit those two down and talk to them because this needs to stop. It's been far too long that this trivial rivalry has been going on."

"Yeah." Cloud Strider swallowed and leaned against the wall in silence. Twilight followed closely by but could not contain her brimming mind for too long, perhaps not long enough for him.

"Can I ask you something personal, well, two things? Y-You don't have to answer them if it makes you feel uncomfortable." Twilight asked, netting a silent nod. She had no reason to second guess herself, no reason to be afraid.

"Do you hate them, Cloud?" Twilight Sparkle gulped surprisingly loud.

"They're blind, nothing more."

'Thanks for speaking in cryptic verses...' She hastily followed up, "elaborate."

"They're fucking idiotic, is that better? I don't pose a danger to them so why all this anger? Besides, I've told you this plenty of times, just in different ways. But, to answer your question, I don't hate them."

"Uh, yeah. I understand. And the second question?"

"Go ahead."

"What was the worst thing you had to face when you were traveling to Equestria?"

Cloud Strider strayed away from the question for what seemed like ages in his aching mind. So many answers to such a question deceptively simple. So many things scored into his brain, stains that plagued his mind constantly. Visions entered his head, rendering his grasp of reality into a stasis of time.


He felt someone jostling his shoulder but ignored it. Seeing faint smatterings of Nightmare Moon and everything he remembered on his journey floating to and fro, statically and painfully.

"Cloud, stop it. Come back."

The patting on his shoulder turned into a frantic punch, constantly growing in applied force. But with one last punch, the sound and impact hit a perfect equilibrium that thudded deep into his chest and the hallway. Like striking the perfect note inside of him, his body went into overdrive. His eyes dilated and his ears went stiff, shoving his burdened thoughts back down within the deepest recesses. Twilight continued to ask if he was ok, but he gave her a look that made her stop and shrink.


Author's Note:

I understand that some of the tags in my story have adventure and gore listed. It has its purpose in the acts after the first one, so don't worry. These tags may change or be added to as well, but I haven't really decided on whether I should or not. The Act I finale is next and thanks for sticking it out. I have an idea for a short story for the holidays coming up, so hopefully, I can get that up too.

Comments ( 2 )

I can't tell you how interested in this story I am. It's been a bit since I've seen a story where the character has a well-defined personality. I'm excited for the next update! (Hopefully soon!)

Thanks for that! I'm working on a few things but one of them is definitely the next chapter.

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