• Published 22nd Jul 2017
  • 563 Views, 7 Comments

The Forlorn Moon - Doctor Blizzard

A strange pegasus from a faraway land finds himself in Canterlot in search of a solution. Afflicted with the soul of Nightmare Moon, he must do what he is told to rid his body of the curse.

  • ...

Act I Chapter III

It did not take Celestia long to take care of her business, but the issues ahead of her were far from over. Even her pace and the resonance of her hooves gave fair warning to any who crossed her path.

'This is not good,' Princess Celestia trotted down the hall back to the throne room. Guards and other ponies having heard the rumors spread like a virus, they gathered faster than she anticipated. 'Not good at all.'

"Your Highness, what will you have us do?" one guard from Shining Armor's unit spoke. She looked beyond the guards and already there were ponies from the press asking questions about the rumors. Lost in a tired confusion of words and questions she did not want to answer.

"Are the rumors true?"

"We've heard that Nightmare Moon has somehow returned. How is that possible?"

"What are you gonna' do about this?"

"Does Nightmare Moon threaten your spot on the throne?"

Each question made her head shake more.

'The damned press! Who let them in?!' she gritted her teeth, swallowing her pride. Celestia had never been fond of the press and how the media worked. Taking every bit of information from the lips of nobility and taking it out of context just to make a convincing story always rubbed her the wrong way. 'It's just a rumor!'

"Get these tabloid makers out of the castle this instant! As of right now, the castle is under lockdown. Return to your positions and spread the word to the other guards, please."

The guards saluted simultaneously, "And what about Shining Armor, ma'am?"

"What have you done with him?"

"He's being held in contempt by the rest of his guard; uh, the rest of us, I mean. We've taken him to an unused bedroom under close watch," the guard said.

"Excellent. Keep him there until I can speak with him," Celestia bowed her head, "you are dismissed."

"Very good, Your Highness," the guards turned and impeded on the reporters' march, stopping the ponies in their tracks.

Princess Celestia sighed momentary relief in her time of solace. She never imagined that this nightmare would come true whether she believed her senses or not.

"Twilight Sparkle!" Celestia trotted into the room, using her magic to pick up Cloud's gear. "All of you girls need to follow me, please."

"What's all that noise back there? It doesn't sound very happy," Pinkie Pie asked.

"You're right. Word spreads fast around this castle," Princess Celestia waved the group to follow.

"Are you—we, going to talk to him?" Twilight said, following Celestia close by.

"We're going to try..." Celestia cleared her throat, "he wasn't very happy when I left."

"Well, he shouldn't have acted like a brute, he had it coming!" Rarity said with a flip of her hair.

"But, but he saved Dashie's life, Rarity!" Fluttershy said, "besides, you haven't even met him!"

"Wha—I, well! Calling Princess Celestia a, well, you know what is outlandish! No offense, Princess Celestia," Rarity said. Celestia looked down at her and smiled.

"Well, you wouldn't be the first to call me that, that much is certain. But I care little about that. All I care about is the safety of my ponies and reasoning with this stranger."

"Are ya' mad at 'em, Princess?" Applejack asked.

"Yes, but I'm very forgiving, I—" Celestia's eyes boggled as the sound of Rainbow Dash yelling erupted from behind her.

"Pinkie Pie! I'm not in the mood, just leave me alone, ok?!" Rainbow Dash pushed Pinkie Pie away but did it in a way that seemed restrained and gentle.

'I don't blame her for being on edge like that. She stared at the face of Death and lived to tell the tale... I mean, if it was not for that stallion, I don't think she'd be here now,' Celestia continued her march around a sharp corner.

"Sorry, D-Dashie," Pinkie Pie said, her ears pinned down.

"—Rainbow Dash, I know you're frightened right now but try to keep your head high. It'll be ok, hun," Celestia said.

"It's alright, Pinkie. Just—not now, alright? And thanks, Princess." Rainbow Dash continued to try and keep her breathing under control.

"He saved your life, that much is clear. But that does not give him any right to pull a weapon on an officer or leader of any rank," Celestia said.

"What?" Rainbow Dash raised an eyebrow as far as it would go, receiving a look from Celestia.

"He committed treason, Rainbow Dash."

"Well, no offense but—I doubt he was goin' to use that sword on you. He might be dangerous but I don't really think he wants to hurt anyone," the sound of her swallowing cleared the air, seeing Celestia's unamused glare made Rainbow Dash feel petty.

"How do you know of this, Rainbow Dash?"

"Rainbow! Be polite!" Rarity jabbed Rainbow's side.

"He told me," Rainbow Dash replied.

"He told you? Is that it? He could have been lying to get what he wanted," Princess Celestia suppressed her heinous laugh. Rainbow's preposterous claims and her defiance filled Celestia with anticipation.

"You weren't there... Princess."

"What have you done with the real Rainbow Dash?" Twilight asked and turned Rainbow around, "You hated his guts for no reason. Now you're defending him? What's the big deal?"

"He saved and spared my blue ass, Twilight! I know more about him than any of you at this point." Rainbow Dash glared into each set of eyes glued to hers.

"S-Spared, what do you mean?"

"He coulda' killed me if he wanted to, back before the whole courtroom bullshit. After you teleported us, we fought each other hard until one of us broke. I got a few blows in, but he used his shield to flip me over and pinned me to the ground. He coulda' used that sword to stab me when I was pinned, but he never pulled it out. I thought he was going to kill me. Instead, he asked for my help before releasing me. Even though I didn't have any other choice but to help him, somethin' about the way he said it really meant a lot to him. I mean, he even helped pop my leg back into place when he displaced it. What do you want me to say Twilight? That I'm just a predictable pony to be mad all the time and admit when I'm wrong like a good filly?"

"Woah there, sugarcube! She didn't mean it like that." Applejack pulled Rainbow Dash away.

"S-Sorry, Rainbow. I was just saying that it isn't like you to act like this. I didn't mean to make you mad." Twilight's eyes were wide and for good reason. An angry Rainbow Dash was a force to be reckoned with.

"Yeah, well, have your brother throw a spear at your fuckin' throat and see how you feel afterward. I'm pissed, I don't want to hear fuckin' jokes! Let me get this off my chest, " Rainbow Dash looked up at Celestia. "If I were him, I'd be so pissed—no, devastated, like I am right now, Princess Celestia!"

"Rainbow! Look, I'm sorry. But watch your mouth! You're talking to Princess Celestia?!" Twilight Sparkle put her hoof over Rainbow's mouth, just for her to get the message. Rainbow Dash pushed Twilight's hoof away in an instant.

"What you did to him was terrible! You crushed his hopes and everything he came here for! Seeing your sister must of been really, really important to him because I told him that I'd let him see Princess Luna if he'd show me why it's so damn important! You have any idea what you did?!" Rainbow Dash felt her head whip around from Twilight vicious grab.

"What did I just say?! This isn't a joke when I said you're badmouthing Princess Celestia!" Twilight snapped. Rainbow Dash looked at all of her friends and received horrific stares.

Rainbow Dash bobbed her head as a wave of lightheaded feelings washed over her, 'What d-did I just do?'

"No, Twilight. Let her speak freely," Celestia said, watching Twilight look right back and move slowly from Rainbow Dash.

"It takes a lot of courage to speak up against a princess' beliefs," Celestia slowed her pace and took Rainbow Dash's side. Her pent up anger and anxiety oozing from her mouth for everyone to see.

"Rainbow Dash," Princess Celestia tapped Rainbow's chest softly, "Rainbow Dash, look at me."

"What...?" Rainbow's voice was almost inaudible.

"Do you believe that I was wrong to do that to him?" Celestia asked and still was able to guide everyone to their objective. Rainbow Dash could not look Celestia in the eyes and stared back to the ground.

"Yes," Rainbow Dash winced, preparing for whatever Princess Celestia had in store for her. She closed her eyes and breathed deeply. The partisan flashed before her and she watched it drive through her chest. No matter how much she tried, she could not get the image from her mind so finely ingrained now. Rainbow Dash made herself jump into Celestia's fur and she opened her eyes wide.

"Whoa there! Relax..." Celestia ran her royal hoof under Rainbow's muzzle. Rainbow Dash did not enjoy the feeling of how delicate Celestia comforted her, but it still felt rather pleasant to know she supported her regardless.

"You're right, Rainbow Dash... He is here for something important. I just want to keep my younger sister safe; I want to keep all of you girls safe," Celestia observed everyone standing short of her towering stature. "I think all of you girls know that I am protective of my sister—and I'm trying to change that about myself, I really am."

Rainbow Dash silently paced back into her group of friends. Feeling outcast from her friends over a dumb fight she never wanted to have.

"It's alright, Princess Celestia. I probably would act just like you in this situation," Twilight said.

"Yeah, I mean, your sister was gone for a thousand years! I think we can at least try to understand," Fluttershy spoke. Celestia could not hold back her winsome smile any longer and bowed her head.

"Thank you, you two," Princess Celestia started off down the hall once more and spotted Cloud's temporary prison cell. With the door locked, she waited for everyone to gather around and addressed the situation.

"Alright, wait here and don't touch his stuff. I'll be right back," Princess Celestia said, but impeded on Rainbow Dash's and Twilight's path.

"You two, follow me," She led the two ponies away from the rest of the group, setting Rainbow and Twilight down further in the halls. The two girls quickly lined up side-by-side and eagerly listened to Celestia.

"I wanted to talk to you both regarding the earlier incident. The two of you have experienced many things today. But I want to make sure you're ok before preceding forth," Celestia leaned her head down slightly. "I am concerned about your brother, Twilight Sparkle. I don't know what has gotten into him."

"I... I'll be fine, Princess Celestia. I just-ugh! He almost killed Rainbow Dash. He almost—killed you," Twilight shifted her gaze towards Rainbow Dash and gave her a hug.

"I'm so glad you're ok," Twilight said before she over-welcomed her stay.

"You're not mad at me for yellin' at you?" Rainbow Dash asked, still feeling frustrated and precarious. Any amount of Twilight's resentment, hate, or fear had vanished.

"What?! Pfft! Of course I'm not mad. That's just you being you... You tell things how they are," Twilight smiled. Rainbow Dash nodded but remained listless.

"I think we're both mad at Shining Armor right now..." Rainbow addressed Princess Celestia.

"I just can't get the thought out of my head, what if Cloud hadn't, you know, did that..." Rainbow Dash wiped her muzzle repeatedly as unsettling thoughts sunk deeper.

'Fuck! I feel so gross inside,' She held her stomach.

"Shh, you're safe now, alright? If—are you feeling nauseous? I can take you to the restroom," Celestia offered.

"No, I'm ok. I'll be fine," Rainbow Dash respectfully declined her offer.

"Ok then, but do not hesitate to excuse yourself if need be. I really need you for what we're about to do," Celestia raised her head fully.

"What? What do you mean, Princess?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"He made a promise to you. So, perhaps he trusts you in some ways, yes?"

"Well, I promised to take him to Princess Luna. But I think—even though I treated him like, well, shit—he trusts me. Just, something about standing next to him and facing all of you developed a sorta' mutual trust, I think... don't quote me on that," Rainbow Dash received a gracious nod from Celestia.

"Uh, Princess Celestia?" Twilight waited for Celestia. "Do you believe what I saw in him? What I felt? I mean-I could feel Nightmare Moon inside of him." She said. Celestia's smile faded.

"I trust you, Twilight Sparkle. But even I am a little skeptical of this. A pegasus becoming Nightmare Moon is, quite frankly, unheard of. Impossible, really," Princess Celestia watched Rainbow Dash control her breathing and steel herself.

'I know Twilight can feel what I'm feeling right now... But I can't do that in front of her and her friends. Not yet,' Celestia thought.

"Maybe you're right. I was really scared at the time. I mean, it wouldn't be the first time my mind played tricks on me," Twilight tapped her hoof against her muzzle. "But, that doesn't explain how he can use magic."

Rainbow Dash continued to gaze back and forth at the two talking princesses right next door. Hearing the lies ooze out from between their lips, only to comfort themselves into ignorance.

'They know; I know too. I can't shake the feelin' of him. I know exactly what he described back there before the courtroom brawl. I understand their confusion, it's easy to wonder. Why would Nightmare Moon save my life? Why would she talk to me like a—like a friend?'

"I'll come back out when I need you two," Celestia said. She quietly unlocked the door and stepped inside, closing it behind her without making a peep. She stood silently ill in the dimly lit room filled with nothing but a large bed fitted with various locks and mechanisms. Having used everything Celestia had at her disposal, she left no room for error. She could just make out Cloud Strider's image laying limp on the bed. Encased in golden magic and chains, Celestia was unsure if he was aware of her current existence.

"Cloud Strider?" Princess Celestia waited for a few moments. She paced up to the side of the bed, laying his equipment down next to the bedpost.

"Say something, a-anything at all. I don't like putting others in this kind of situation."

Cloud Strider tried to move but only just so. Celestia looked down at the first sign of struggling and sat down on a cushion beneath her. She pinched her muzzle and sighed.

"I'm giving you a chance..." Celestia sighed, "just say anything if you're willing to work this out."

Cloud ceased his movements and carefully listened to her honest pleas.

'She really wants this to work, but how can I trust her now? She can't be interested, there's no way...' Cloud tried to look behind him, only to be interfered by his bindings once more. He closed his eyes and rattled the chains somewhat. Celestia's hope fleeted fast and she sat in her own disappointment. She headed for the door.

"My leg... it's still bleedin' some. I think you should d-do that first."

Celestia whipped her body around and trotted back.

"Oh, crud, I'm so sorry, I forgot!" Princess Celestia mumbled under her breath, "and who are you to decide those things?"

Celestia concentrated and visualized a spare first-aid kit from some designated location in the castle and into her hooves. The room instantly illuminated in yellow for just a split second. She cleared his left foreleg just enough to fix him up.

"Do not try anything, do you understand me?" Celestia even raised her voice.

"Aye. And my rightful self," Cloud stared dead into Celestia's eyes with a voice just audible enough for her to hear.

"What do you mean by that?" Princess Celestia quickly cleaned the wound with disinfectant and wiped most of the blood away. She spread antibiotic ointment all over the cut and wrapped his leg.

"I needed to see Luna, but you fucked my opportunity up. Now, you won't fuckin' let me get near her," Cloud Strider pulled his hoof away once he knew Celestia was finished. "You owe me."

"You're lucky to even be alive right now. And you're lucky that your wounds don't appear to be serious. I'm trying to take care of you and all you can do is talk ill of me," Celestia turned his head over and looked for wounds dug into his fur. "Yeah, you keep on playing the ungrateful brat."

"What is it then, hmm? Who is Luna and why is she so damn important to you? You put the screws on me and you're hiding her under wraps?" Cloud Strider waited.

"Well, what is it then?! Do you think I'm going to hurt her?! Maim her?!" he watched Celestia take a step back to breathe deeply.

"She is my sister. And if you want to have even a chance of an audience with her, you had best knock this shit off, now. Choose your next words carefully," Princess Celestia's full stature did well to both impress and terrify, but Cloud felt the latter after hearing her loud and clear.

"Do you understand me?" she said. Cloud swallowed his pride and nodded.

"Good," Princess Celestia confirmed. The side of his head was not as bloody, only swollen and most likely concussed. She placed a gauze bandage on his minor head wound and stepped back.

"There, does that feel better?" Celestia wiped her hooves clean and packed up the items from her kit. Cloud Strider noticed his leg and the side of his head were numb, but not at a complete loss of feeling. What Princess Celestia had done to his wounds made them almost non-existent.

"Yeah, it... It feels great, actually. How did you do that?" he looked into her soft and dull purple irises again, waiting for what was next. She looked back in the scant lamplight in a perplexed state of mind.

"Just a little spell I concocted." Princess Celestia closed the first-aid kit, snapping the latches into place. "Are you going to cooperate now, Cloud Strider? Neither of us wants this divide to get any bigger than it has to."

He flared his nostrils with caution. "Hmph. Why would I want to negotiate after you broke my trust? If I can't speak to Luna, then my journey ends here."

"That's Princess Luna, mind you."

"Yeah, well, I'm not sayin' that, Celestia. Noble titles don't really do shit when death breathes down your neck, do they?" Cloud Strider said.

"Well, I guess not. But we've all got an expiration date. You may not approve of titles such as mine and that's ok. But understand that ponies will undoubtedly think ill of you. And it's respectful and obligatory for you to treat me, my sister, and Twilight Sparkle, with some form of humility," Celestia replied.

"From where I grew up, we didn't say things like that. One exception would maybe be a jarl, and that's a big maybe," Cloud Strider said.

"Then think of me as a jarl," Princess Celestia said.

"Like you know what that is," Cloud Strider took moderate offense to her words, however brazen they were.

"I am not the doltish filly you make me out to be. I know more than you might think. Your knowledge may be enigmatic, but it is not lost to me," Celestia edged closer to him and spoke soft words into his ear.

"What do you know about me?" Cloud asked.

"Enough to know why you're here, and where you came from," Princess Celestia leaned in a smidgen closer, "enough to know what that symbol on your shield means. A valknut, is it?"

Cloud remained perfectly still and kept his eyes away from her gaze. Celestia leaned out and put a warming smile on her face.

"But, I digress, Cloud Strider," she sat straight up, "do you think I am stupid now?"

He turned his head and studied her body language. A sly but humorous chuckle passed through the room, perhaps even the walls.

"That's pretty impressive. But I never said you were an idiot, Celestia," Cloud Strider stopped his laughing but had a sharp smile on his face. "I'm still not callin' you a princess."

Then, Celestia was the one who found the situation funny. She giggled and looked down at the marble floors beneath her.

"I admire our conflicting views on each other's cultures. It's—unconventional, but I like it," Celestia nodded, "very well, call me Celestia. May I call you Cloud?"

"Go ahead, Your Grace," he responded. Celestia contemplated and hummed to herself.

"You know, it's been a long time since a stranger such as yourself has openly ignored the crown on my head. As for calling my sister, Luna? I'm not sure how that one will fare out," Celestia stood up and paced around a little bit.

I'll cut you a deal, Cloud. You tell me more about yourself and why you want to see my little sister, and I shall bring her here to discuss what you want, sound fair?" Celestia bargained.

"Don't... don't fuckin' joke about that."

"Joking? Who's joking?" Celestia said, "I'm certainly not."

Cloud Strider felt like the weight of the world was hefted from his shoulders. He could finally breathe once again after a long time's arduous journey. He sat up against the head of the bed after Celestia was kind enough to let him move some more.

"Sounds like I'm gettin' the better deal here. That's more than fair." Cloud said.

"Very good, but I need to let a few familiar faces in first," Celestia stopped by the door. Quickly, she opened the door and let the light beam into the room in long streams.

"Come on you two. We're ready," Celestia's words perked Cloud's body up and he sat up even further. Unexpectedly, his ears flopped tightly to the side of his head. Twilight Sparkle and Rainbow Dash anxiously entered the room. Rainbow Dash was not the problem; seeing Twilight pace in with a magic barrier around her did not help. He felt his smile die off and sneered towards Twilight. Celestia closed the door and lit the room up a bit more.

"Twilight, magic," Princess Celestia put her hoof on Twilight's back.

"But—what if-"

"He does not need an angry princess pointing magic at him. Put it away," Celestia lowered her gaze. Cloud could hear Twilight growl, followed by the unmistakable mumblings of her doing. Twilight's magic was dispersed and soon faded.

"Why don't you call her a princess, Celestia?" he asked.

"Oh, why you little-" Twilight sealed her lips once Celestia's hooves wrapped around her without warning.

"Well, she has not been a princess for more than a year. And for good reason, it would seem," Princess Celestia exchanged her gaze for a demeaning glare instead.

"I'm very sorry, I thought my former student would have better manners. I seem to be mistaken," She said, letting Twilight go with something to think about.

Cloud looked over to Rainbow Dash and also found that something was bothering her as well. "For fuck sake, I wanna' talk to someone that isn't... nevermind."

"I'm just mad at the stallion that nearly killed me," Rainbow Dash said.

"Me?! What did I-"

"No—No! Not you, you idiot! Shining Armor, that big stallion that threw the—" Rainbow Dash said. She closed the distance between him with every word.

"O-Oh, right," Cloud said.

"Easy, Rainbow Dash," Celestia coaxed her to calm down.


"Ok," Princess Celestia puffed her chest as she addressed the situation. She laid out his items in front of her.

"Where are you from, Cloud?" Celestia picked up his saddlebags which were almost falling apart. The leather straps supporting his bags were dried and cracking.

'Leather? It's been a long time since I've touched this material,' Celestia carefully handled the foreign and forbidden animal skin.

"I thought you already knew?" he asked.

"I don't think so," Celestia chirped back.

'What is she poking at? Did she lie to me? Maybe there's more to her I didn't realize,' something about her tone put him on edge. 'Be patient, Cloud. Time will tell.'

"I'm from Norway," he replied.

"A Norwegian? So far from home?" Celestia inspected his bags again, "do you mind if I check your bags, Cloud?"

"I do, but I don't really have any choice, do I?"

"I guess you're right," Celestia opened his saddlebags and mixed the contents around. She found nothing of interest in the first bag other than a magnesium stick and assorted junk with no observable purpose.

"Is... Is that, leather?" Rainbow Dash asked, taking a step back.

"N—No, Rainbow Dash," Princess Celestia watched Cloud but did not hear a word exit his mouth. She riffled through the other bag and something caught her eye. In front of her were two straight sticks stained golden brown. The bark had been peeled off of the wood and hollowed out.

"Ah, that is my seljefløyte. A willow flute," Cloud Strider said just out of her view. Celestia looked up at him.

"A willow flute?"

"What's a willow flute?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"Some call it a shepherd's flute or uh, a sallow flute. Many ponies like shepherds use them in the hills when herding, but most ponies use a cow's horn for that. I had to cut it in half, sort of made a collapsible version so it would fit in my bags," Cloud said.

"That is—interesting, for lack of a better word," Celestia inspected the two rods and laid them down next to him. She sighed with doubt filling her heart, but she needed to at least seem more approachable and even beyond that.

"If I take off a few of your cuffs, do you promise not to lash out?" Celestia stood patiently, but Cloud responded faster than expected.

"As long as you keep Twilight under control. She's already getting-" Cloud did not even finish talking when his metal cuffs were opened with golden bursts of light. Celestia gave Twilight a little chat, all of it was inaudible to him.

"Everything in your bags seem to check out. I just wanted to make sure you had no weapons or anything of the sort. That can be concealed, that is," Celestia looked at his sword and shield but found her gaze locked on him for a moment. Princess Celestia pulled out a necklace made of wood. A charm hanged off of the string and was shaped like a hammer but had an odd shape to it. Metal wire wrapped tightly around the intersection of the charm.

"That's my necklace of Mjölner," Cloud said.

"Thor's Hammer?" Celestia responded.

"Yeah, how did you know that?" Cloud rolled his eyes.

Celestia studied the ornament closer.

"I only know a little about Norse Mythology. But this is a symbol that reoccurs a lot in stories and tales," she levitated the trinket to him, laying it atop the disassembled flute. He picked it up and rubbed some of the dust off of it.

"I, uh," Cloud Strider looked intensely at the symbols and played with his beard somewhat. A symbol of pride before his journey, something he took to heart day-by-day; something he wore every day, years ago. 'Now, it just sits at the bottom of my saddlebags.'

"Damn..." Cloud Strider came crashing back to reality, fearing his journey was for a different purpose than he sought.

"Rainbow Dash," Cloud stared at her, admiring her, "come here, please."

Rainbow Dash's eyes darted around his body, having not found her absolute feelings about him. She turned her head and looked at Celestia, even she gave off an air of mistrust despite Cloud's selfless actions. Princess Celestia dipped her head and tried to remain professional.

"Go ahead."

Rainbow Dash stepped up to him. He shifted his gaze onto his forelegs and bit his lip, the bandages lightly shifted with him. Full of regrets and haunting recollections, he showed Rainbow the necklace.

"You nearly died, I-I'm not gonna' sugarcoat it. And I'm sorry that I nearly caused that. It isn't much but—it's been with me for years and-and I think it needs someone else to wear it with more pride than I ever will have again," he reached out further. "I don't know if you believe in gods—Norse legends and sagas n' all. This symbol stands for protection and integrity in my family. H-Hopefully it brings you that."

'He saves your fuckin' life and you still have bad thoughts about him?! W-Why do I still not trust him? You should be ashamed of yourself!' Rainbow Dash thought.

'It's the least I could do right now. I'll-I'll find a way to make it up to him,' Rainbow willingly put the necklace on and let it dangle on her chest freely. 'That's another promise I plan to keep.'

"Th-Thanks, Cloud."

Celestia watched from behind with a strange feeling well up from within.

'How could this be? I refuse to believe it! There has got to be something at work here. He's just—he's too kind, even for his hard shell. He's broken, aimless... If he's truly from Norway, I can't even imagine what he's been through just to get here,' distressed by her predicament, Celestia felt sick to her stomach.

"Cloud, let me go find my sister. I think I've seen enough," Celestia bowed her head and looked at Twilight, "Twilight, please behave, ok?"

"Yes, Celestia." Twilight felt Celestia nuzzle her on the neck, having the encumbrance on her back lifted off. Princess Celestia stood and was gone in a golden flash. Leaving the two girls in charge with a powerful darkness clinging to the air.

"Princess Celestia! Are you alright?" Celestia had not opened her eyes before a few guards came to her aid. Her thoughts and emotions fogged up her concentration and caused her to teleport awkwardly. She was laying down on her side, immediately provoking the guards into action.

"I'm fine, but I need to see my sister right away," Celestia said after getting back up. Guards trotted at her side to ensure her safety.

"Of course, Your Highness. She's still in her room as requested. Although, she does not like being cooped up like that," one guard from the bunch explained. The door to Luna's room was surrounded by at least twenty well-armored guards.

"Well, that was only a matter of time," Celestia stated, "have you received my orders that the castle is under lockdown?"

"Yes, Your Highness. May I ask why?"

Celestia shook her head but wanted to give the guard an answer, "Unfortunately, I have yet to understand the current situation. I'm sure you've heard the rumors by now?"

"Someone from Shining Armor's unit said something about Nightmare Moon and some stallion. We've also heard that Shining Armor lost it and threw his weapon at ponies," The guards slowly moved for Celestia to enter the protected room. "What in Equestria was he thinking?"

"He did throw his weapon, but no one was injured. I'm here to take Princess Luna to meet the mystery pony, personally," Celestia stopped at the door, "and before you ask, I will not be needing an escort." She tapped on the door. The guards bowed and returned to their positions.

"Uh, yes—yes ma'am."

"Luna? I'm coming in," Celestia waited a few seconds before opening the door and stepping inside. The lights were on their dimmest setting and the room's dark colors did not help. She closed the door behind her.

"Luna?" She spotted subtle movement on the bed. Without warning, Luna popped up from the bed and paced towards Celestia. "Oh—Geez...! Don't scare me like that! You blend in a little too well."

"What is going on, dear sister? Why have me locked in this room?" Luna stopped just short of Celestia's hooves.

"Luna, someone has traveled here from Norway to see you. He claims to have, well, something of great interest that only you have knowledge of... And I'm sure you've been feeling it, too," Celestia first greeted her sister with a quick hug before talking.

"Celestia, your ability to feel other ponies' magic surpasses mine by a long shot. But to answer your question—yes, I have been feeling something strange. But then again, we feel these things all the time," Luna explained.

"I'm not lying, Luna. And I don't think he's lying either. There is something seriously wrong about him! Can you not connect the dots here?"

"I mean, I feel that the energy is dark and vaguely, vaguely familiar, but I do not know what it is. Also, what gives you the right to treat me like a filly and locking me in my damned room?" Luna said.

Celestia leaned her head down to level with Luna.

"This stallion won't tell me why he wants to see you, but I damn well know why he's here, ok? Luna, he's a pegasus that is giving off your magic, how hard is it for you to feel that? I just wanted to keep you safe because I feared that I'd lose you again," Celestia raised her head back to normal, letting it all sink in.

"How is that, possible? My magic? It-It doesn't even feel like my magic," Luna grasped the side of her head.

"I don't know, I'm just as confused as you are... Are—are you going to be ok?" Celestia sat down and put both of her hooves on Luna's shoulders. Luna lifted her head quickly and stopped thinking.

"We mustn't tarry long, Celestia. We can address this afterward, but now we must speak to him immediately!" Luna darted to the door. Celestia enchanted the door and teleported directly in front of her.

"Calm down, Luna. Keep a level head about yourself. We'll both get to the bottom of this."

"Right, my bad," Luna watched the door open behind Celestia.

"Come on then. And, sorry I yelled just then," Celestia said. Luna knew something was awry when even Celestia acted up.

"Your heart is in the right place, I understand. But I am not a filly anymore. You don't need to protect me as much as you used to," Luna explained. Celestia opened the door and held it without a word, watching as Luna noticed just how many guards there were. "I see your insecurity is poking through..." she grumbled.

"I know, and I'm sorry about that too. But you're still my little sis. I'm really trying to correct that about—" Celestia felt Luna jab her in the side, "—hey! What was that for?!"

"For locking me up," Luna smirked, "and for you being too hard on yourself. I don't want you turning into my mopey self."

"Alright, alright, I deserved that. We had better hurry though. I left Twilight in charge and she doesn't exactly trust him," Celestia said, pacing well ahead of Luna.

"Does that mean I don't have court duties tonight?" Luna looked up at Celestia who rolled her eyes.

"Yes, Luna. The castle is under lockdown for the night."

"Yes!" Luna said.

"But that doesn't mean," Celestia was abruptly cut off.

"Yes-yes, Celestia. 'That doesn't mean I can slack off', I've heard it before," Luna brushed Celestia's words off.

"Well, in this case, yes. But watch your tone, miss," Celestia poked Luna's side instead, "now we're even."

"Oh, shut up. Far from," Luna said.

Celestia laughed for only a moment before quieting down, "Alright, just save the jokes for now. This is supposed to be serious." Celestia patted her sister's back and turned a corner.

"If you are serious, then it must be a grave issue. You never look distraught as you are now." Luna lost her smile and returned to normalcy in earnest tones.

"I'm concerned that he may pose a critical danger to others, even though he does not show major signs of aggression as I currently know of." Celestia passed yet another colossal window and stared out into the clear night. The clouds below the city covered the lowlands and cast its rain across the landscape.

"Well, has this pony actually shown any signs of aggression you have seen?" Luna asked.

"Yes," Celestia nodded, "but he has shown restraint and has only used non-lethal combat as a means of either fighting or protecting himself. From what Rainbow Dash has told me, he could have killed her. The strange thing is, he never drew his sword. On top of that, he even shielded her from a certainly lethal attack from Shining Armor."

"Wait, what?! What did Shining Armor do?!" Luna eyes flickered wide and stared at Celestia.

"I regret to inform you, but yes. He threw his partisan at Cloud—I mean, the pony I was talking about. But I think his anger caused him to miss and it went towards Rainbow Dash instead." Celestia cleared her throat as much as it pained her to talk. Luna shook her head in a fury.

"This is unacceptable, sister! Words cannot describe my fury!"

"Luna, stop. I understand your frustration but you need to breathe. Rainbow Dash is ok, she's just very... eh, delicate, after what happened."

"Well? What will you have him do to pay for his transgressions?" Luna expelled her fiery breath through her gaping nostrils. Celestia bit down on her cheek.

"He's one of our best guards and is married to Cadance. What should be expected from that? I mean, I can't exactly do much."

"Back then, he would have been discharged forthright! Strike while the iron is hot and act upon your punishment. The number of ideas running through my head, Celestia, is too much even for me," Luna lost herself in thought, thinking of what wicked punishment would best suit Shining Armor.

"Luna, dial it back a little," Celestia nudged her on the side, "times have changed since then. You're enjoying this a little too much."

She stole glances at Celestia's demeanor but avoided eye contact mostly. Luna put her thoughts on hold.

"I think suspending him from duty for some time would—somewhat suffice for a punishment. Maybe even paying retributions for his actions?" Luna said.

"Hmm," Celestia did not put much thought into it and mused to herself. "Very well. I think that's a fair compromise. That would discipline him to think about what he did after all. At least, I hope."

"So, we are going with my plan?" Luna said.

"Yes, Luna. If it sounds fair to you, it is for me as well," Celestia pointed to the girls gathered around a closed door. She noticed, though, that their ears were pressed against the door. Their expressions transfixed by something that caught Celestia's ears and Luna's.

"What in the world?" Celestia's ears convulsed. She heard a woody sound fill the air with its mellow, lush tone. It felt soft to the ears but not without a sense of mystery and illusion.

"Whatever it is, it is enchanting," Luna followed her sister closer. Celestia quietly tapped on their backs, getting them to move one at a time.

"Can we come inside, please? We won't say anything!" Pinkie Pie begged Celestia, making her smile.

"I'm sorry, Pinkie Pie. Not this time," Celestia watched Pinkie Pie deflate and fall face-first onto the marble flooring. She inwardly chuckled and put her magic to good use.

"Stay behind me," Celestia shifted her tail around to see Luna poke out from behind. She tipped her head and watched Celestia open the door. The music traveled through their ears, drawing them closer. Princess Celestia looked at Cloud Strider who put his instrument down from his muzzle. She peered closely at Twilight who appeared to be more well-behaved. No signs of a fight as far as she could tell.

"Cloud?" Princess Celestia formally announced and paced forward. She closed the door once Luna entered. He tried looking beyond Celestia to see who was hiding.

"Is that—Is that her?"

'Is this... actually happening? Is that really her?' Cloud Strider deliberated over her features. Her unmistakable midnight blue colors and flourishing blue mane dotted with breathing stars. He leaned forward, having never seen what Princess Luna truly looked like.

"Luna, this is Cloud Strider. He's the one who wants to speak to you," Celestia motioned her hoof and stepped to the side. Luna silently went beside Celestia and bowed her head. His thirst for eye contact and captivation continued to rise.

"G-Greetings, Cloud Strider," she said, "I am Princess Luna. It's, a pleasure," Luna felt her muscles rattle. She began to feel the sinister magic lingering in the room.

'I feel it now, sister. You warned me,' Luna took a small step back. Cloud Strider was absolutely enthralled by her presence and only wanted to be closer.

"I... I can't believe it. It's—It's you," Cloud gawked.

"Well, everyone tells me that you came here to see me."

"I did, I-yes." Cloud Strider nodded. Luna stared back in perplexed silence. She cocked her back and looked at Celestia.

"Ok..." Princess Luna forced herself to the bedside and sat down. "Where are you from?"

"Norway, Luna," Cloud watched her head build height.

"Hmm," Luna heard hoofsteps closing in behind her, "Cloud Strider, I would appreciate it if you called me Princess Luna."

"Good luck getting that through his head," Twilight replied.

"Luna, he doesn't mean anything by that. He doesn't understand our ways," Princess Celestia said as Luna began to back up slowly.

"I can feel that—damned forsaken magic now. W-Why does he-he feel like that, thing?!" Princess Luna struggled against Celestia's grasp, forcing her to hold fast.

"I know, I-Luna? Luna! You need to calm down. Have some faith," Celestia said.

"Ah—Alright-alright! I'll call you Princess Luna! Just please help me, that's all I'm askin'!" Cloud Strider's dense breath mixed profoundly well with Luna's. Celestia glanced up at him and inched Luna closer.

"He's not going to hurt you, he needs your help," she said, "It's alright, Luna. It's ok."

"Ok... Ok, yes. It will be alright," Luna finally released herself from Celestia's hold and looked at Cloud. "Well, I know why you were looking for me, hehe. That much is damn certain!" Luna's maddening chuckle only expressed a fraction of her grief.

'Why, is it back?! I thought that chapter of my life was over!' Luna's mind went onto the defensive. She turned and stared Celestia in the face. "Celestia, I do not want this to happen again. Whether it is me or him." Luna held onto her royal demeanor in a losing battle.

"I know, Luna. I know," Celestia watched her sister look down at Cloud's shield. She reached down and studied the image on the front. Some parts of wood were splintered and separated by some pointed object.

"What happened?" Princess Luna brushed the slivered opening in the shield, "what is this symbol?"

"That's where Shining Armor's weapon pierced through," Celestia said.

"It's a valknut. The—The three triangles represent life, death, and rebirth," Cloud Strider looked into Luna's eyes as she laid the shield down. "I can tell you more if you want. Anything at all!"

"You... you really did save her? Rainbow Dash?" Luna turned to Rainbow Dash who bobbed her head silently.

"That does not add up," Luna said.

"What are you talking about, Princess Luna?" Twilight walked over to Rainbow Dash's side.

"Nightmare Moon does not save ponies..." Luna closed her eyes.

"I'm not like her, you gotta' believe me," Cloud Strider asked, "please, you gotta'!"

"You did not come here to tell me all about this, Cloud Strider. Or whoever you really are..." Luna said.

"Luna!" Princess Celestia lashed out.

"Do you think I wanna' be like this? A fuckin' monster?!" Cloud pulled on his chains as far as he could go, snapping taught. "I'll make you believe me! I'll show you that she isn't in control!"

"Cloud Strider, stop!" Princess Celestia reached her hoof out.

"I can look like her. I can control her, don't you understand that?!" Cloud Strider struck his head hard.

"Hey! Stop that! Remember what?!" Celestia asked.

"There are lapses in my mind, but they are full of anger... I can do this."

"D-Do what? Cloud?" Celestia watched his leg band ignite with energy and grow in intensity. "What are you doing?!"

The swelling of his magic engulfed his body, mimicking the glow of Luna. Princess Luna found herself dumbfounded by his ability, so much that her skin felt alive and moving. Feeling her magic on someone else twisted her stomach into a knot.

"Tch! Don't be afraid," Cloud rolled with the piercing dark infection spreading through his body.

"Girls, behind me right now," Princess Celestia put a hoof in front of Rainbow and Twilight, leaving herself and Luna to defend. The aura spread and shrouded his body in black. The malicious radiation sent him into a frenzy; he knew it was too late to back out. His body grew and changed shapes into something abhorrent. An abysmal figure of ebony black emerged in Cloud Strider place.

"Nightmare Moon..." what Luna expected was far from her thoughts. Catching similarities in Cloud's body of a monster, she questioned if he really was Nightmare Moon. His body was black and his eyes were distinctly colored bluish-green, even sharp like a predator. Cloud's mane did not move. Rather, it was touched by the infectious black at its roots and tapered off. A horn spired from his left wither towards the ceiling, surrounded by a multitude of scaly, inferior horns. Borne of grotesque evil, he became the image of a genetic failure.

Luna reared her head backward, disturbed at the sight before her. Celestia could not fall short of the same reaction.

"It's still me, ok? I'm still Cloud Strider," his voice remained the same as it was previously.

"Star Swirl's Beard, what are you?!" Princess Luna tried to back peddle into the wall behind her, but Celestia had stopped her.

"I'm supposed to be Nightmare Moon. Fuckin' hell! What am I?!" Cloud Strider scared even himself, he stood up from his subconscious actions after taking a good look at himself.

"Hey, hey!" Celestia charged her horn. Cloud looked down and noticed his chains had slid off.

"Oh, s-shit!" He fell back onto his hindquarters and tried putting the shackles on, but they would not fit. Instead, he flung the chains to his side and stayed still. Celestia and Luna exchanged confused but guarded looks. "I just need your help! I promise if you help me, I'll leave this place forever. You'll never see me again!"

Celestia put her hoof on Luna's shoulder, "Please, sister. You can do it."

"I am not ok with this, Celestia. It makes me bring back horrible memories," Luna avoided all eye contact. Twilight and Rainbow Dash re-emerged back into view and looked at Cloud.

"Holy shit," Rainbow Dash's face contorted. "Is that a unicorn horn? O-On his shoulder?"

"I think so," Twilight said.

"Luna, you can't leave him like this! He could die!" Celestia forced Luna's head up in order to look at her.

"You've already broken me down, I'm at my wits end!" He looked at Twilight, "Twilight, surely you can do something, anything!"

Twilight gulped at what he said. Seeing a malformed version of Nightmare Moon sent shivers down his spine. But the pained look on his face made Twilight flinch.

"I'm sorry. I don't know how," Twilight responded. The words were hard, but it was the truth. "I can't help you."

Cloud Strider's gaze lazily drifted elsewhere once he slumped down.

'That's it, then...'

"Cloud Strider." Celestia cleared her throat. He did not hesitate to give her his attention, clinging onto some amount of hope.

"We would all feel much more comfortable if you do not look like that. Can you change back?" Celestia asked by Luna's side.

"No, I don't know how to."

"I—I see..." Celestia frowned.

"I go back to normal when I pass out or go to sleep, that's all I know. I-I use up all my energy 'til I black out." Cloud Strider said. Princess Celestia motioned with her head for Luna to go to him.

"Try," She said. Princess Luna stared back and finally paced forward.

"What about your magic? H-How capable are you at using it?" Luna asked with trembling lips.

"Not much. Other than pickin' things up and a few fighting spells... Why? And-even those tire me out quickly." He said.

"Show me a teleportation spell, now."

Cloud channeled all his energy and cast what he knew of the spell. He tried and tried but ultimately nothing came out but sparks and the faint sound of teleportation. Luna already knew by his breathing that his fatigue was spiking.

"Uh, cast light?" Luna sheepishly cringed.

'Is this for real? Now I'm starting to feel bad for him.'

"That's a lot easier." Cloud Strider cast out an illuminated mass of bright blue.

"How long can you hold it?" Twilight asked.

"Ha-Half an hour or so... Normally less." Cloud Strider was surrounded by magic using professionals, making his incompetence well up inside of him. Luna raised an eyebrow. The more she thought about it, the more harmless he seemed.

"That does not make any sense either, big sister." Luna scratched her head. Celestia looked at her much in the same way.

"I see what you mean,"

"Cloud Strider, you do not realize how much raw energy you have that you cannot even use." Luna said.

"Yes, Cloud. Surely you would have some innate ability to tap into that energy? The magic you demonstrated pales to Nightmare Moon's actual power." Celestia added.

"But, you are a pegasus. And a pegasus using any magic at all is extraordinary. Not only that, you have somehow not let this darkness consume you completely." Celestia and Luna stood next to the bed and looked at him. "Unfortunately, all that energy seems to have destroyed your image, to be frank."

"You're not wrong," Cloud studied his body.

"Well, let us get this over with." Luna sharply exhaled.

'Maybe I can change the way he looks.'

"Do what she says, Cloud. Understand?" Princess Celestia said, "I trust you can do this, Luna."

"I hope so," Princess Luna motioned with her hoof, "Lean to me, slowly."

Twilight stepped next to Celestia, still somewhat reluctant of Cloud's new form. She left Rainbow Dash alone in the middle of the dim room, without a direction to go to.

"You can step outside if you want to, Rainbow Dash." Princess Celestia told her, but Rainbow shook her head.

"I'm staying. I promised to help him." She went to the foot of the bed and waited.

"Lower your head," Luna told Cloud, he complied shamelessly. Her ears throbbed madly, if not her entire face.

"I am putting my trust into you, do not betray me." Luna concentrated her magic and began the process.

"I won't," Cloud closed his eyes and took control of his breathing. Even he was scared out of his mind once he heard it was not a sure fire opportunity. But the positives outweighed the negatives in his mind and he threw caution to the wind. So focused on seeing the light at the end of the tunnel but not the void around him.

Luna's magic flowed over her horn and released a fine tendril of wispy magic that snaked its way toward Cloud. He recoiled slightly but felt everyone's gaze like an inferno.

"It won't hurt." Celestia pushed him in the right direction. He slipped ever closer until it finally hit him.

Luna linked into his despot of magic. A rushing cascade of dark memories and magic hazed over in a convoluted mess. The malicious energy that tried melding to her was thwarted by Luna's perseverance and the shred of Nightmare Moon that still resided deep within her body. She struggled as Nightmare Moon's evil seemingly recognized the intruder.

"Sister! Do you need my help?!" Celestia held onto Luna and charged up her magic as well.

"No!" Luna whipped her head back. Her magic acted as a lasso as she pulled, trying to remove the dark energy. Cloud could feel the energy trying to leave him and accepted it with complete openness. The horns on his wither gushed magic into her beam, but there was obvious resistance.

"Relax!" Luna pulled harder.

"I'm givin' her all I've got!" He sunk all of his magic into his abilities as much as he could. With a massive pull from Luna, everything slipped in a matter of moments. She flew back against the wall, taking Cloud Strider with her in a darkened mass that absorbed the two.

"Luna!" Celestia had let go and looked through the cloud of black. Cloud Strider's head was buried in Luna's lap and she massaged her head lightly.

"Ow... I am ok." She said, looking down at Cloud Strider. "Ah! Shit!"

"Eh, sorry 'bout that." Cloud Strider rubbed his muzzle and ears, looking at where his face was.

"N-No! Your body!" Luna said. Cloud stepped back and looked at everyone.

"Is it, fixed?" Cloud Strider's feedback was not positive.

"No?" He felt something from the crown of his head jutting outwards, tapering off into a fine point. He knew it was a horn but that was nothing new to him. He looked to his side and finally got to look into a mirror.

"Oh, oh! Holy shit!" Cloud scrambled back into Celestia who stopped him from proceding any further.

"Calm down, Cloud! It's not as bad as you think... Is this bad, sister?" Celestia asked.

"Wait, you don't know?!" Cloud looked identical to Nightmare Moon without the armor and trinkets. His slender body captured the fact Nightmare Moon was a mare, but there were some obvious features missing to prove it.

"Cloud, get a fuckin' grip!" Rainbow Dash went past Twilight who grabbed Rainbow's hoof.

"Stay here! Let them handle it, Dashie." Twilight Sparkle said. Rainbow knew she was right and stayed put.


"Hold him, sister." Princess Luna moved toward him again. She quickly ramped up her magic and touched horns with him, casting a spell as soon as possible. He noticed her eyes turn blistering white as his vision also whited out. The two ponies were surrounded by a cloud of energy, only now it was pure white. The light show ended as soon as it started.

"There uh- That's better." Luna slid back and breathed in. "That is much better."

Cloud Strider looked past Luna at the mirror. The visage of Nightmare Moon was gone and he was back to his normal self.

"Did... Did you fix me? Am I just a pegasus again?"

"Not necessarily, I am afraid." Luna stood up and looked down at him.

"Wasn't all that for helpin' me though?" Cloud asked.

"I gave you the ability to transform freely, but you have to learn how to do it. I also made it so you do not look like a, *ahem* malformed beast." Princess Luna said.


"Oh come on, you cannot deny that, Celestia." Luna pulled Cloud Strider up and pointed him to the bed.

"We-Well, what are you going to do about my problem?" Cloud Strider sat on the edge of the bed. Luna let his words sink in, the whole point of his visit was to make him better, not suppress it. She winced and shook her head.

"Well, uh..." Luna scratched the back of her head. "Cloud Strider, there is really no way to sugarcoat this, but, as of this moment, I cannot deliver thee succor. I-I mean, I cannot help you."


"My apologies." An eerie tension hung thick between the two ponies. Everyone looked at Luna and Cloud, seeing their faces.

"I see, then..." Cloud Strider's voice became viscous.

"D-Don't give up hope, Cloud." Celestia placed her hoof on his back. He batted it away with secret animosity. Luna eyed her sister and bit her lip.

"Cloud Strider, please listen to us. There are reasons why we cannot help you in the here and now." Luna said as Cloud Strider stared at her.

"For one, Princess Celesta and I have never in our lives seen this before. Nightmare Moon should not be able to find new hosts like this, and even more puzzling is why Nightmare Moon still exists in her primordial form inside of you. She has not taken hold of your body completely. You still function and seem like a normal pony, but you are not. It is a gray area that we have not recollection of." Princess Luna explained.

"And another thing, Cloud. Our country is still recovering from an attack that left us without our powers. The evil that is Tirek forced us into giving Twilight all of our energy in hopes of defeating him. Although she succeeded in her duty with her friends, she was forced to give Tirek her power and he used it. Alicorn magic is very sensitive when transferred, and it may take us months or years in order to fully recover. Tirek did not use much, but it was enough to show how delicate our magic is. Especially when it's a literal part of you." Celestia said.

"Th-Then-then please take mine! If it'll help, just take it!" Cloud Strider looked into Celestia's eyes.

"That leads me to the third reason. The only way it's safely possible to separate you and Nightmare Moon is to use The Elements of Harmony. But they had to be used in order to save The Tree of Harmony, keeping the world in balance. Any other way may result in a catastrophic failure."

"Do it, then. I'm willing to chance anything at this point!" Cloud stood directly in Celestia's face. "I've traveled for four years to get here. I didn't come here to be a coward about it! I bet my life on this just for some fuckin' help! I'm not askin' for much from you, but it means the world to me!"

He grabbed Celestia and shook her for a moment, "I don't have anything left, you understand that?!"

Princess Celestia pulled Cloud off of her torso and sent him back further.

"Cloud Strider, please stop shaking my sister." Luna said.

"It's ok, I expected as much." Celestia let him go, letting him sit between her and Luna.

"Breathe, Cloud Strider." Luna watched him hang his head and lean back onto the bed.

"By the Gods! Thou canst not possibly expect immediate absolution!" Luna lifted his muzzle while she cleared her throat. Everyone gave her startled looks as she blushed lightly.

"What I mean is, you cannot expect me to have an immediate answer to your problem." Luna stated.

"What are you sayin'? That—" Cloud Strider felt her hooves against his. She helped him up on all fours again and made him look her in the eye.

"These things take time, ok?" Luna let him go and stepped back to Celestia. Cloud's face showed confusion, feeling like the tables had turned.

"My sincerest apologies for your expecta—I truly am sorry." She looked up to Celestia, "what now? Where will he go?"

"Well," Celestia received his attention, "that depends on whether he wants to stay for treatment or go on his merry way."

"I want the treatment more than anythin'. Please let me stay or whatever you want me to do." Cloud Strider stood in between the four ponies.

"I see," Princess Celestia tapped her cheek, "I see I see..."

She let her eyes wander until they landed on Twilight.


"Hmm, Twilight?" Celestia said, "It's not fair of me to ask, but may he stay with you?"

Twilight looked at him, thinking of the all the things he did and what it might entail.

"I have no idea if I can trust him or not, or if he wants to stay with me. You did save my friend after all." Twilight said to him, "you didn't hurt her and I'm thankful for that."

"But—I don't know..." Twilight said.

"Please, Twilight? It isn't polite of me to say, but perhaps I could make it worth your while?" Celestia asked.

"No, no." Twilight sighed, "you don't have to do that."

"Of course he can stay."

Celestia smiled and bowed her head, "Thank you, Twilight. I appreciate that."

Cloud Strider slowly inclined his head and studied his foreleg. Each scuff and bite out of his hoof that had accumulated over the years made him think clearly. A chance meeting of royal power before his worn hooves. Even turning his hoof revealed more of his memories, some wishing to have never come to fruition. He felt Celestia's hoof bring his head up as she spoke, but Cloud did not listen. Relieved that his voyage had ended but furious that another one began.

'Is this the right way?' Cloud thought, letting his eyes met with Celestia's.

"I'm sorry, I... uh," Cloud Strider scratched his beard.

"Behave yourself and listen to Twilight. I realize this must be hard for you, but you must stay strong, Cloud." Princess Celestia felt his gaze reach a climax as she smiled back in a motherly act.

"I will," He did not have a say in the matter, but it was something he needed to hear.

He went to pick up his gear, but Celestia stopped him once more. Cloud did not even get the chance to look up before feeling her embrace curl around his neck. Paralyzed by the sudden kindness bestowed upon him, he looked straight and felt his lips dry. She let him go before he could protest, not even caring if her royal standing looked diminished in front of her peers. He was baffled by her beauty and rivaled grace in any task of hers. His beliefs of her being the offspring of deities did not faulter for Celestia and for Luna.

Cloud Strider strapped down his saddlebags and put his belongings back. His shield and sword haplessly laying next to each other. He fixed the scabbard to his back with his sword and fitted the shield snugly around it. The fur collar lightly shifted with the air as he loosely wrapped it around the base of his neck. Rainbow Dash peeked up at him while holding his necklace into view, focusing on him in the background. She noticed his cutie mark, making her straighten her eyebrows.

"What kind of cutie mark is that, Cloud?" Rainbow Dash said.

"A compass." He said.

"It is certainly unlike any normal compass, uh, Cloud. Very unique." Princess Luna softly spoke, even though it barely peeked through. She watched his head agree for him.

'I know what you're going through, I've been in your hooves before. If I could show you it's ok.' Luna walked towards him but forced herself to stop. She was ready to show her other side, to show he was was not the only one.

'No, let him think.'

"Sister, we've best get to it." Luna said. Celestia asked Twilight to let her friends in and turned to Luna.

"Sorry, Luna. What did you say?"

"We need to start finding solutions, now." Luna specified.

"I want you all to be nice to Cloud Strider. I don't know how long he'll be staying with me at the castle, but he doesn't need ponies stressing him out." Twilight announced to all of her friends and continued to brief everyone.

"I have my work cut out for me. If I am to help Cloud Strider, I must undergo some intensive research that will cut into our schedules indefinitely." Celestia nodded at Luna's words.

"Yes, I've already been thinking about that. We should gather as many applicable books and sources as possible and begin research immediately. I'll try to find anything useful and pass it onto you, but It's going to come down to you doing pretty much all of the work. The only thing I'll be useful for is being an errand mare and telling you things you already know." Celestia said.

"I understand. The night is much less occupied by demands. It shall give me time to find a way to help him." Luna looked over and watched Twilight talk to her friends, seeing Cloud Strider in a trance. She could feel the density in the air.

"Ah, yes, Luna. I'll try to help as much as I can. It's just you know more about Nightmare Moon than I will ever understand. I-I'm asking a lot from you and I hope it isn't too much." Celestia felt the words in her mind melt. She looked down at her sister's hoof square on her golden necklace.

"Do not fret, dear sister, it's ok. You already do so much during the day. Now, it is my time to pick up the slack." Luna strode back a single step. Celestia bowed her head and gave Luna a small pat on her neck.

"Twilight, things seem to be getting a little heated out there. So, I feel that it would be safer to teleport everyone to Ponyville instead." Celestia made sure the door was closed.

"Includin' Cloud Strider there, Princess Celestia?" Applejack asked, "yer' just lettin' him go?"

"Yes, Applejack." She knew Applejack was not a fan, hearing Twilight speak peculiarly caught Celestia's attention.

"And before you start asking... He is Nightmare Moon, b-but in a strangely unique way-" Twilight said post-haste. The look on everyone's face put her into distress.

"Uh, y-yes. I know that everyone doesn't want to believe it, but Cloud Strider does house Nightmare Moon's essence. Best you learn the truth now than later." Celestia piped in, covering for Twilight.

"Wha-How? How do you know?!" Fluttershy's eyes shrank.

"Whoa, really?" Pinkie Pie said, "That is so, cool!"

"He turned into her..." Rainbow Dash said, "and he doesn't think it's 'cool'."

"Ok, hahaha Pinkie Pie, maybe not right now, hmm?" Twilight forced a smile on her face and made Pinkie Pie stop. Cloud Strider noticed the other white pony had yet to even talk to him. The arrogance lining her face was a good indicator of why.

"He came to us asking for help, but even we failed him." Princess Luna effectively made the room silent.

"He shall stay with Princess Twilight until we can find a cure. I ask that his secret be kept no more than a rumor amongst ponies and nothing else. The last thing we need are ponies learning about his Nightmare Moon ability. I can only imagine what their reactions would be." Luna said.

"Yes, and I cannot stress that enough. Twilight, don't let anyone you don't trust into the castle." Celestia added.

"Don't worry, Princess. I'll make sure everything goes smoothly. He is under our protection." Twilight bowed her head. Celestia leaned down and nuzzled Twilight affectionately.

"Thank you, Twilight. It'll be just fine." She raised her body back to regal standards, "group up, please. This will be much safer than taking the train home."

Cloud heard the shift of Twilight and every one of her friends, but he was edged out of the circle. He glanced over at Rainbow Dash, the closest pony to him. She waved her hoof over and grabbed his leg soon after.

"Come on,"

He paced closer but felt something wrap around him. He suddenly noticed Celestia was casting the teleportation spell and disappeared from the scene midstep.


The group of ponies felt the warming comfort in their bodies evaporate in the cool night air. Another flash hazed the group's vision and the evening darkness loomed. The rain pelted their bodies with cold splotches that quickly accumulated. Cloud Strider stumbled into Rainbow Dash almost immediately.

"Oh-whoa! Shit!"Cloud tripped over his hooves, pushing Rainbow Dash to the ground. He landed right on top of her in a big 'x'. She coughed as all of the air in her lungs was forced out abruptly.

"Hey! you fiendish monster, get off of her!" Rarity stamped her hooves and trotted over to Cloud Strider. Twilight stepped in between her and Cloud, looking at Rarity with a moment's thought.

"Cloud! Get offa' me!" Rainbow Dash strained against his weight, trying to get him off.

"Shit, didn't mean to." Cloud pushed hard and bolted his entire body up in moments. She rolled to her side and breathed deeply.

"Aye, lemme' help."

Rainbow Dash looked up at his offer and up to his face, the image of Nightmare Moon flashed leaving her mind. She rubbed her eyes and finally reached up with a tight grip. He was no stranger to a firm grasp and gladly gave it back. Cloud pulled back and noticed just how filthy Rainbow was once she stood up.

"Ugh, now I'm all fuckin' dirty." Rainbow Dash inspected her body covered in mud, "thanks a lot."


"Eh, it's ok. Shit happens." Rainbow said.

"Probably didn't help rollin' in it, huh?" Applejack said.

"Shut up, AJ." Rainbow stared at the growing smile on Applejack's face. Cloud leaned in closer, noticing what Rainbow Dash was up to.

"Don't listen to her, Rainbow Dash. She's tryin' to get under your skin."

Rainbow Dash ironically smiled, "uh oh..."

"Say that again to my face you-" Applejack's muzzle was covered by Twilight's hoof.

"Stop it, you two!" Twilight said before pointing at Cloud Strider, "Cloud, behave like you promised. Not even a minute together and we're already acting up."

"Twilight? Do you need us to come with you?" Fluttershy spoke.

"If it isn't too much trouble, Fluttershy. I'm sorry, it's getting late, I know." Twilight began leading the group through the town.

"It's ok. I'm glad to help." Fluttershy said.

"And you should be apologizing to Rainbow, Applejack. Give her a break, ok?" Twilight went around the group as a scornful mother figure with something to say.


Twilight cast a spell that absolved the group from the rain. The purple dome effortlessly shed the rain off of its surface in long, wavy streaks.

"Oh, thank you, darling! That rain was absolutely ruining my coiffure!" Rarity fluffed her hair.

"So, these are the ponies in all those pictures, Fluttershy?" Cloud Strider asked.

"Oh! Uh—Yes, they are. I've known Rainbow Dash since I was only a filly." She replied.

"Yeah, she seemed to be the star of a lot of 'em." Cloud said.

"Is that bad?" Rainbow Dash stared into his eyes.

"No, not really. Just shows how much you've been through together." Cloud stared back at her. "I mean, I owe her a debt for taking me into her home."

"N-No, no, that's ok. It was just the right thing to do." Fluttershy smiled.

Rainbow Dash soon broke off her gaze and looked elsewhere. He noticed how preoccupied and timid she looked after.

"How about you introduce yourselves you two," Twilight said. Pinkie Pie did not waste any time.

"Oh-oh! Me, me-me! I'm Pinkie Pie! I love making friends, throwing parties, making ponies smile, laugh, have fun, and to make sure ponies have a superific, extraordinary, spectacular day! And I love throwing parties! What do you like, Cloud?!" Pinkie Pie threw confetti in the air out of nowhere.

"Peace and quiet," He said, hearing Rainbow Dash giggle under her hoof.

"And, how did-"

"Just don't think about it," Rainbow Dash said. "And good luck with that peace and quiet thing."

"Yeah, seriously. Let's just say Pinkie Pie can do things that should not be possible. Like, they mess with 'the laws of time-space' kind of things. It can be called Pinkie Sense, Pinkie Logic, it's just Pinkie being, well, Pinkie." Twilight explained with a shrug.

"Noted..." Cloud nodded absentmindedly, the new scenery around him was the only thing that caught his attention. In the negligible lamp light radiating from homes and street lamps, the town looked cozy already. Many of the homes and buildings were made of wooden frames and gray brick covered in creamy white mortar. The steep gradient of each roof lined with wooden shingles and thatching bundled together. The wooden skeleton of every home cut through the mortar covered walls, giving the homes a beige trim. Almost all of the buildings were subtly overlaid with a variety of small, heart-shaped patterns.

'This is amazing! It's so much different than the homes I grew up 'round.' Cloud turned around completely before aiming forward again.

"What is this place called again?" Cloud Strider said.

"Ponyville, silly!" Pinkie Pie replied. She had a habit of bouncing up and down as her method of walking. He noticed just how second nature it was for her to be upbeat, no matter what was happening.

"Rarity, introduce yourself." Fluttershy said. Rarity looked at Fluttershy, causing her to recoil.

"My name is Rarity, that is all." She tilted her muzzle up in the air.

"Don't let 'er get under yer' skin, Cloud." Applejack replied.

"Feel good about that one? Too stupid to think for yourself?" Cloud Strider looked to his side as he felt Rainbow Dash float next to him. The tip of her wing constantly brushed up against his.

"Cloud Strider, that isn't nice..." Fluttershy said.

"Yeah, that really hurts ma' feelin's, Cloud. Say yer' sorry." Applejack frowned.

"Whatever gets you off at night." He replied.

"Damn," Rainbow Dash said.

"Ugh! Please, Cloud. Kinda' inappropriate." Twilight shook her head and everyone became silent after his comment. Cloud preoccupied himself seeing the blacked out town. The streets of mud kept Rarity busy by whining and complaining every step of the way. He was not fond of her acting out and neither did Applejack care for it. The lights dotting the street and the minimalistic thoroughfare nearly disappeared. The few ponies that braved the weather vanished long ago, now surrounded by darkness.

"Where are we goin'? Celestia said you live in a castle?" Cloud asked.

"Princess—Celestia. Not, 'Celestia'. Princess Celestia. Learn proper manners you animal." Rarity lectured, but Cloud found it important to stay quiet.

"He's from Norway, Rarity. He doesn't see the point in it and doesn't care." Rainbow Dash looked down at the necklace.

"What does that have to do with anything?" Rarity said.

"His culture is different than ours in Equestria, Rarity. It may be disrespectful to us, but it is really hurting anyone?" Twilight said.

"Besides, if you're so proper, then why don't you treat him with proper manners? What did he do to you again?" Rainbow Dash smirked.

"Damn, Rainbow."

"Well! I see where I stand in my group of so-called 'friends'. Hmph!" Rarity declared.

"Rarity, they're just bustin' your bal—I mean, chops. Even I can tell you that." Cloud said as he looked up at Rainbow Dash. She noticed his prying eyes after a few moments and started to fluster.

"Well, handle your own fights then, idiot."

Cloud Strider squeezed out a smile, "I guess you're gonna' call me that a lot, eh?"

"Of course, idiot." Rainbow Dash broke it in.

"And to finally answer your question, Cloud. I do live in a castle. Have you not noticed that enormous crystal tree?" Twilight said.

Cloud peered beyond the slithering path and was greeted with a grandiose display of inviting colors and lights. A looming tower of crystal shafts and entombed structures within the splendid wealth of beauty. Many flags and standards high above the roofs and turrets were emblazoned with Twilight's crest. Even the highest point on the castle had the unmistakable six-pointed star of Twilight's cutie mark.

As the path drawn to a close, the steps into the castle beckoned their arrival. Cloud Strider shuttered at the thought of the castle. He stopped and looked up high, feeling just how insignificant he felt compared to the marvel in front of him. Twilight's refined stride up the set of stairs pushed him to follow, her silhouette stopped before the door. What was once mundane turned into something of unparalleled grace standing afore her castle.

"Come on in, everyone." Twilight opened the doors, revealing the grand halls of her home. The inside matched the outside in beauty and everyone still reveled in its magnificence, if not more so.

"Every time I come here, Twilight. I always find something even more beautiful." Fluttershy said. Her voice echoed through the open, yet empty halls. He noticed that this castle had a more natural and inviting interior compared to the castle in Canterlot. The soft blue undertones and crystal pillars that uniformly set the place whole. Banners, window drapes, even the color of the sconces added to the serenity.

"Uh, thanks, Fluttershy. I mean, I'm still exploring the place too." Twilight closed the doors and locked them shut. He noticed Pinkie Pie whispering into Twilight's quivering ear, but he simply ignored it. Cloud felt the ground quake next to him. Rainbow Dash landed curtly and furled her wings as she bounced her eyebrows at him once. His gaze banked forward again as he stared at the luxurious foyer. The balcony that encased the open room above him was connected by an enormous single staircase barreling upwards. Just about everywhere he turned, another unending hallway was there.

"Here it is, Cloud. My new home." Twilight directed her words.

"Er-what did you say?"

"A little overwhelmed? Captivated?" Twilight smiled and rolled her eyes.

"You're stayin' here for now, Cloud." Rainbow Dash poked him in the side.

"I thought I was an idiot?" He replied.

"Yeah, but I think you should be The Idiot."

"Enough you two." Twilight knowingly said.

"So, you live here by yourself?" Cloud Strider asked.

"Well, you live here now too. And not to mention my dragon, Spike." Twilight genuinely smiled.

"Holy shit! Why do you have a dragon in your castle?!"

"Cloud, calm down! He's about the size of your head, hehe!" Twilight said. He heard her group of friends snickering at his expense, even Fluttershy was a little guilty.

"Hahahahaha! The look on your face. You're so embarrassed!" Rainbow Dash was nearly on the ground, hoof to her sides.

"Oh, that makes, uh, sense..." Cloud Strider said.

"Alright, come on," Twilight said.

"You're just ok with me staying here?" Cloud Strider's head was almost spinning.

'Fuck, what a day. Never thought I'd be livin' in a castle by days' end.'

"As long as you are generally good and listen to me, you're welcome to stay. I was going to list some ground rules but I think you're old enough to know right from wrong."

"I'm 24 if that's anythin'," Cloud replied.

"Wow, you look older than that." Rainbow Dash said.

"What?" Everyone looked at her silently, "what?! I'm just sayin'..."

"Thanks, Rainbow Dash. What a great compliment." He flicked his eyebrows.

"Well, let me show you to your room. If everyone could stay here for a second, I'd like to have a small meeting." Twilight received shallow nods in return.

"C'mon, follow me." Twilight looked behind her and noticed Cloud was glancing back at everyone.

"You're awfully quiet," She said.

"This is a lot of talkin' by my standards." Cloud Strider said.

"No, I mean you're sneaky. I didn't know you were this close to me." Twilight tilted her head and furrowed her eyebrows.

"I'm not the most built pony there is. I gotta' use stealth to have a fighting chance." He responded, "lots of practice goes into that sorta' thing when the loudest objects on your body are your hooves."

'I wish he would smile more often than not. He has that look in his eye that tells ponies off, and I don't think he knows. Or he just doesn't care.' Twilight followed along and simply nodded.

"Almost there, it's the next right."

"So, I get a room? Like, my own room?" Cloud brought up the rear and closed the gap.

"Of course. You sound surprised," Twilight said.

"I haven't had my own 'anything' ever since I left Norway." He said.

"Ah, well I hope I can try to change that." Twilight knew that making a big decision such as that would weigh heavy on her too. She forced herself to take little steps in establishing a relationship and not overlooking anything.

'Little by little, Twilight. Level yourself.'

"Honestly, you just give me a bed to sleep on, I'd be just fine." Cloud snorted through his nose softly.

"Well, it's more than just a bed. I can tell you that right now." Twilight clicked the door open and turned on the lights.

"Yeah, you—uh, it's more than just a fuckin' bed alright. Holy shit." Cloud Strider walked past and entered the spacious room. The place was almost identical to the hallways just outside. The effortless flow of crystal mixed with the marble and the colors. He noticed how the crystal branches from the exterior snaked through the walls before giving way to the normal interior structure. Cloud peeked through the fissures and could just barely see the outside world beyond the crystal veins. A small balcony on the outside building was separated by a towering glass door. Each window was paired with small, banner-like curtains dyed burgundy and gold. There was a wall fitted with books that Twilight had no use for, along with a large stone desk. Therein lied his king-sized bed and his personal bathroom.

"Do you like it?" Twilight paced up behind him. Cloud swung around and finally looked at her.

Do I like it? For fuck sakes! Am I a king?! This place might as well be a house for some important pony." Cloud Strider backed up into the center of the room and stared about the place.

"Is it, comfortable? For you that is?"

"Yeah, it's great... Doesn't this just seem a little over the top? This had to be expensive." Cloud asked, "who lived in here before?"

"I was given this castle only a few months ago, everything you see was already here. And you're the first to stay in his room."

"Given?" He said.

"Y-Yeah, it has to do with all that Tirek business and whatnot. It's nothing, really..." Twilight studied the room with him.

"Doesn't sound like nothin', but I ain't gonna' pass judgment. That's your call." Cloud Strider unbuckled his saddlebags and started a pile next to the bed.

"Th-Thanks, I think." Twilight cleared her throat.

"Are you sure I get to stay in here?" Cloud Strider asked once more.


"What do I owe you?"

"Nothing... Well, I hope you can offer me one thing that is. And perhaps I can offer you something in return." Twilight shrugged and intently gazed.

"Hang on, there. Is that why you've been acting nicer to me?" Cloud Strider smirked, which made Twilight snigger back.

"Well, I-" She scratched the back of her head.

"To be honest? I really thought you were some villain trying to incite something before. But after what's happened in these past couple of hours, I don't really know if I can trust myself at the moment. You seem like a nice pony and I'm sure you are, but I personally think you look a little fragmented from reality. Not that I blame you. What happened to you is-is staggering and not many ponies in the world have gone through what you have. So, I apologize for myself and for my friends for treating you like an evil monster."

Cloud Strider leaned against the nearest bedpost and stared into her eyes.

"Don't worry about it, you wouldn't be the first or the last. I wouldn't blame you if you still hated me for somethin'. I've done some things, you know?"

"If saving one of my best friends is deplorable, then I think nothing you've done can top that, Cloud Strider." Twilight said.

"You can call me Cloud, remember? If we're goin' to be livin' together, might as well make it easier on ourselves." He answered.

"But, thanks for trying to make Rainbow feel better. You don't know how much that means to me. I'm sure she'll like the necklace." She gave Cloud Strider a respectful bow.

"Bowing to me now, huh?"

"It's the least I owe you. I can tell she appreciates it too. In fact, she's taken quite a shine to you. Out of all of us, she protects your own interests openly." Twilight replied.

"She's probably tryin' to make it up to me for doin' that stupid stunt." Cloud's mouth was dry after what he heard.

"Tusen takk," Cloud Strider nodded his head. "Thanks."

"You're welcome, but as I said before about owing me? You don't owe me for anything, understand that. But I was hoping you'd tell me more about yourself and where you came from. Your practices and beliefs, stuff like that. For example, the significance of that necklace you gave Rainbow Dash or that willow flute you played. I'd be willing to trade you knowledge for knowledge. Maybe teach you how to use magic?"

"You'd teach me for teachin' you? I mean, I'm not a fan of my magic." Cloud said, "I'll think about the magic thing."

"Of course, but just know that I can always teach you how to use it for good." Twilight watched him pull his shield off of his back. She stepped back a little once he pulled his sword out and flicked it in his grasp around his leg.

"Oh! geez..." Twilight tucked a foreleg to her chest and reared onto her hindquarters.

"Are you still afraid because of my sword?"

"It makes me a little uncomfortable, yes. Please, put it away?" Twilight hurriedly asked as he approached. Cloud turned the weapon around and held his sword by the blade, pointing the hilt at her.

"It's just a sword, hold it. It's only as dangerous as its wielder."

She slowly reached out with a shaking hoof and grabbed it, pulling it out of his hoof.

"Ahh! Dammit!" Cloud grabbed his hoof, speaking through his teeth.

"Oh, oh! I'm so sorry! Let me-" Twilight carefully laid the sword down. He held his hoof up and smiled.

"That's not funny! You nearly gave me a heart attack!" Twilight paced away and rolled her eyes. Cloud picked his sword up and sheathed it properly.

"Just tryin' to ease some tension between all of you mares. I don't know how long I'll be here anyways." Cloud responded.

"Try to keep the jokes harmless? A mare like Fluttershy is super sensitive to those things." Twilight notably thought about what he said.

"And about that. You were expecting to get cured today, or hopefully in this case. What were you going to do if Princess Luna refused to help and didn't send you to live here?" Twilight noticed Cloud bit down on his lip.

"Uh, I was goin'-" He cleared his throat, "I was goin' to, uh."

"I'd—rather not say." Cloud Strider pulled his fur collar off and tossed it with his bags.

"I think I understand." Twilight was more than happy to stop him, "and what if you were cured?"

"Then I'd go home. Put this nasty business behind me and move on." He said, "but I'm not so good at forgetting or forgiving things to put it nicely. I hold grudges."

"You're just eatin' this shit up, huh? I've talked more today than I have in a long ass time."

"That's good though. It's stuff that's interesting and personal." Twilight stood in the doorway.

"Anyway, I've got to go and talk to everyone like I promised. I'll give you some privacy to move in, so... Good night then. Big day tomorrow." Twilight nodded rashly and nearly galloped down the hall. Her hooves faded out and he was bombarded by the sounds of silence.

"I thought she'd be a strict downer, but she's pretty fuckin' nice compared to some of her friends." Cloud slowly walked over to the door and looked both ways.

"I'm goin' to do some explorin' instead." He fiddled with the lights and finally switched them off. Setting out in the opposite direction as the door filtered into the dark room behind him.

Author's Note:

Chapter II of Act I. Sorry if this chapter seems a little different. My creative writing professor is filling my mind with a lot of crap that is not having such a good effect. Thanks for reading.