• Published 1st Apr 2017
  • 314 Views, 28 Comments

Shadow's rebirth! - Shadow rift

The day Shadow was reborn as an alicorn and all the mares wanted him...

  • ...

The Adventure Begins!!! 360!!!

As he rose for the green and warm pool, Shadow's body fell limp against the hard and cold stone floor. As his head raised up, he saw two massive alicorns standing in front of him, regally studying his movements but clearly tired by whatever they had just done. "W-who... Who are you...?" He gasped as he spat out the green liquid from his mouth, his wings feeling heavy against his body and difficult to move. "We are the royal sister..." said the largest of the two, moving her hoof under his chin and staring deep into his eyes. "Are you okay...?"

"N-n-no...!" Shadow said as he shot up and away from the celestial being, his pupils dilated and his head now releasing sweat that mixed in the green liquid. "I'm not... I'm not supposed to... b-be here..." he said as he looked down at his hooves, red in coloration though faintly pale. "You were killed in a battle with Discord..." said the other mare, blue in color and smaller than her sister, but clearly weakened. "Sister Celestia and I made the decision to have you resurrected. Many ponies missed your presence..." she said in a near whisper, trotting towards Shadow and taking hold of his new appendage, a large horn that jutted out of his head. "Though it would appear as though the process had more effects than we thought it may have."

"But I... why? I didn't want to come back... I wanted to die..." Shadow said as he backed towards the wall, the sister's hold of his horn giving him a headache and halted him from speaking any more coherently. "We need your services once more, Mister Shadow..." the larger sister regally began, "Dark forces have returned once more to destroy our great land, and we need you to help us defeat these forces once more. Should you decide to help us, then my sister and I will allow you to rest..."

"Alright..." Shadow said as he shook his head, his eyes contorting into a stern and solid scowl, "But only on one condition..."

"And what would that be, Mister Rift?" Asked the smaller of the two sisters.



A sword attached to his side, Shadow immediately took to the air, thankful he had the use of his wings back and grateful that the two large celestial sisters were more than compliant to accommodating his requests. The sword he had was one passed on through generations of heroes like him, resurrected to combat the evils of the world. And though he was more than willing to battle this new threat to Equestria, flashes of various ponies came into his mind. One in particular who had appeared in his mind the most was the one whom he felt the most attraction towards. A beautiful blonde and blue maned mare he had clearly had some relationship with. But said relationship and feelings had eluded him as his first combatant, a large lizard with flaming breath and deep orange eyes took a swipe at him from below.

Taking this as a sign of attack, Shadow unsheathed the weapon at his side, bearing the golden blade the soon had become enveloped in a deep blue flame. "Let's do this..." he proclaimed as the lizard took another swipe, missing by a long shot as Shadow's blade easily cut the monster's arm with one swift swipe, cleaving through it like butter. It let out a large howl in pain as the wound began to bleed a blue color at a quick rate. Shadow answered the monster's howl with a quick and swift stab into the lizard's chest, crying out one last time before succumbing to its wounds.

Cutting open it's chest, Shadow took the lizards heart and drenched himself in its blood, inheriting its ability to travel quickly on foot. The ability proved useful as he swiped through a pack of large timber wolves, easily cutting them all down and saving a blue mare with a rainbow mane and her purple maned white coated friend from becoming their next meal. "Oh my! Thank you so much, Mister Rift!" The purple maned mare proclaimed as she wrapped her arms around Shadow, who kept his determined look throughout while placing the weapon back in it's home. "How could we ever thank you for something like this?"

His answer given, both mares offered their bodies to Shadow and he gladly accepted. With the knowledge of two more mares waiting for him on his return, Shadow pressed forward on his great journey, searching for any leads he could find on his path and a way to defeat the evil that was now threatening Equestria.

These towns... Shadow thought to himself as he continued on, his hoof at his sword's handle ready for any enemy's that could attack, staring at them from afar... have I seen it before?


WHAT. THE. FUCK ARE YOU DOING?! Shadow screamed at a man wearing a strange mask working hard away at a computer screen on the latest and greatest story in Shadow's long line of stories.

HEY, FUCK HEAD! Mind taking a minute from your stupid narration and answering my damned question?!

Ugh... fine! What is it?

I just asked you what the fuck are you doing?!

I'm writing your newest story. I think it's pretty great so far. Fun to write too!

ITS SHIT! I haven't read anything this shitty since the first Daybreak story! And I'm sorry, but are you telling me that you LIKE writing this?

Yes I do. It is not shit! It's a very analytical and heart warming piece on your psyche. It's got action, romance, mystery, and gore! It's like the Evil Dead if the Evil Dead had more romance.

No, it's like one of those shitty snuff films you've been watching so much... crap story and all...


It doesn't matter you big fat dumbass! What matters is that this is what you decided to replace Daybreak with!

Okay then, Mister "I Know How To Write A Story", why don't you tell me what I need to change and I'll change it. And before you say, "keep working on Daybreak!", keep in mind that I want to try to give this story a shot before we give up completely.

*unenthusiastic* Fine...

Now, tell me... what's the problem...?

EVERYTHING! The story makes no sense and barely has any coherency, it's so damned predictable that it hurts, YOU MADE ME INTO SOMETHING I WAS NEVER SUPPOSED TO BE!!! And overall, you made me a super badass typical red and black piece of shit that wouldn't get anything more than a Razzie and ranking as most predictable story ever told since ROMEO AND JULIET! And please get rid of that stupid Shadow The Hedgehog reference. It makes you look like a jackass.

Does it make me look like a jackass or you?

Both! And did you not hear a word I just told you?

I did. What's wrong with making you a "bad ass"?

I don't want to be a bad ass, I want to be me. If people see or hear me doing that shit, they'll say, "well it was only a matter of time", or something like that... Besides, look at the beginning thing! The cover art! Look at the cover art and description! They're both god awful! I could draw something using nothing but my hooves that would look better than that!

Well I don't care. I like the story as is and I think it's a great way of showing people what I can do with writing. And as soon as it's published, I'll have so much praise for it that I'll forever be remembered as the greatest writer on FiM!!! MUHAHAHAHAHA!!!

I don't think so... that story will be the end of us if you do it. And I refuse to allow you to publish it.

You can't tell me what I can and can't write and post.

I can when it's complete shit. I'm deleting this story and stopping this whole thing before it goes too far.

Oh yeah? You and what army?

You're right... I don't have an army, but I do have this!


You wouldn't. Shadow, you're not that crazy! You wouldn't be that stupid! If you do that, you'll destroy all of us! Me, you, Aryanne, Nova... ALL OF US!

Then don't post that story!


Worth it!!! I'll see you in hell!

Author's Note:


Agreed to never do this again?
Y-yeah... let's never do this again...
Fine by me...
Does that mean my other story gets to continue on?

Comments ( 27 )

Yay! Someone noticed my talent for creating ert! And has more followers!
Fuck you!

Told you Shadow!

this is a great story keep it up

Pert 2 came soon...

A true literary masterpiece in every respect.

It's not that bad I think?

Disliking because you begged. Troll life, yo.

It's meant to be bad

I don't like hearing that. That's mean!!!

10/10 would kill myself again

8066932 I think -twitches sporadically- that I've found life -blood starts gushing out of mouth-

All hail God...
-eyes limp over to the side-

... I don't know what to make of it anymore

8067106 You weren't expecting someone commenting like I did? Funny...

I was honestly expecting a lot more dislikes, if anything. I know none of you can see it, but this story stands at a 4 to 3 ratio of likes to dislikes.

Yeah, maybe more of the dislikes would scream at the asshat who made this story to never write shitty things like this again.

8067112 This was fun! Does anybody have a gun? Or bleach, that works too! Hell, rope works too!

Rope is better...

8067121 ...Is that a new type of chocolate?
-sees edit-
Yeah... now it's proof that it totally was a typo.

It'd be a hell of a chocolate

8067175 Considering Shadow's making it, in which I say, it will be a 'hell' of a chocolate.

This is gonna be a fucking nightmare.

Hey! I said no mean comments! I have a point to prove!

8067547 I meant that in a joking kind of way. I'm sure this story, though unique in it presentation and appeal, won't be a complete nightmare and might actually accomplish something meaningful.

oh believe me, when I say it's my Magnum Opus of Shadow's career as an OC sorry character, I mean it. You won't regret your decision!

Fucking... run...

You call that cover art?

It's awesome, isn't it? Should be on the cover of every amazing story every made!



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