• Published 15th Mar 2017
  • 886 Views, 1 Comments

Dreams of the Sky - Silver Inkwell

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Dreams of the Sky

Dreams of the Sky

Fluttershy lay on the soft cool green grass trying to resist the urge to cry.

Her best friend had just died, one of her closest and oldest best pats and animals, and while the creature was a pain at times, she always enjoyed taking care of him. It was angel bunny who was dead, and because of this she was very sad.

But ultimately the urge to cry eventually finally won over as she sobbed.

Rainbow Dash however, one of her very best, oldest and closest friends as very sympathetic to her to pain and suffering and strife, but she did not feel the same sorrow and despair over angel bunny as she did. But she was still there to support her nevertheless. “Hey there, what’s up Fluttershy?” she said floating gently down from a cloud that she had been lying on. “Angel bunny,” she said.

Yep, that cleared it up alright just fine enough for Rainbow Dash.

Rainbow Dash sighed very heavily, “Yeah, I know that you miss him a lot, but don’t you think that it’s time that you start moving on with your life?”

“Why should I? Angel bunny is… is…” Fluttershy said.

“Gone, yes, I know, but that doesn’t mean that there aren’t other ponies here around you that want you to be happy and have the best in life.”

“He’s dead, I just can’t believe it, I mean I knew that bunnies didn’t live very long, but I never expected it to be this soon,” she said. “Come now, you can stop crying, it’s alright and just fine, you have me now,” Rainbow Dash said with a very warm smile as she used one of her wings to wipe away Fluttershy’s tear.

“Thanks a lot, Dashie, your support sure does mean a lot,” she said as a very slight and faint smile started to come on her face. “You’re welcome, it’s nice to help out a friend,” she said, “And not just any friend, but one of my very best friends who just so happened to accept my proposal to be my marefriend.”

“Yeah, you’re right, and honestly while I am glad for that whole book of truth experience it did allow me to express myself in a way that I never could before, in a way that I’m still having trouble to express even today,” she said.

“It’s okay, you’ll just keep trying to do it, and that’s all that really matters.”

“Yeah, I guess that you’re right.,” she said. “Well, of course I’m right, I’m your very best friend after all,” Rainbow Dash said. “Yeah, and thanks for that.”

And with that said they gently wrapped their wings around each other and stared at the grave marker as the sun slowly set down in the distance behind the hills.

“It sure is a beautiful sunset today,” Rainbow Dash said.

“Yeah, sure it is, I guess,” Fluttershy said. They continued to stare out until something eventually finally decided to disturb them. “Hey there Rainbow Dash,”

Scootaloo suddenly stopped when she saw that Fluttershy was there.

“Oh, I’m so very much sorry, I didn’t see you there,” she said.

“No, it’s okay squirt, me and Fluttershy were just talking and looking out at the sunset, but I think that we’re just about done now,” she said.

“Oh, well okay then, well, I was sort of wondering and kind of hoping that you could answer something for me, but you don’t have to answer if you don’t want to,” she said. “Go ahead squirt, I’m pretty sure that I can answer anything that you'll throw my way,” she said. “Well, it’s about my flying, do you think that someday I might really truly fly?” she said. Rainbow Dash looked at her very thoughtfully for a very long moment, “Yes, I do squirt, I really truly do.”

Scootaloo smiled, “Thanks for that, it sure does mean a whole lot to me.”

“Yeah, me too,” Rainbow Dash said looking out forlornly. “Is something wrong Dashie?” Fluttershy said. “No, it’s just that she has so many high hopes and dreams of the sky, but now that my dream is finally real where do I go now?”

“Onwards Dashie, always forward with life of course,” Fluttershy said.

“But what if I can’t? What if I end up like you or her? Always wanting for something more, something better, having the belief that I can really get it someday, and never letting it die, but what if that hope and dream is a lie?”

“Rainbow Dash, it’s good to keep trying and always have a dream, even if it may seem impossible to other ponies at first, after all, wouldn’t you have thought that it was impossible for you to become the element of Loyalty once?”

“Yeah, I guess that you’re right,” she said. “Well of course I’m right, I’m your very best friend,” Fluttershy said. And with that said they watched as the sun slowly set in the distance as Scootaloo desperately tried to fly. I can do this thing, she thought to herself, come on, I can fly, I know that you can, you’ve got this.

“Yes, you really truly do have it,” a voice that was clearly not her own said.

She turned to face the pony who said it, but when she did there was no one there. “Hello? Is some pony else out there right now? Are you trying to play a trick on me?” she said. “This is no trick, and you’re not crazy either, I’m just invisible, that’s all, and as for who I am, well, that will remain and stay a mystery until next time child,” the invisible strange and mysterious pony said.

Scootaloo was very confused by this but decided to keep trying to fly anyways, and then suddenly it finally happened, she wasn’t touching the ground anymore.

Yes, finally, she had finally done it after so many long years of hard work, practice, time, and finally patience of course. “RAINBOW DASH! LOOK AT ME!”

“Yeah, I see you squirt,” Rainbow Dash said with a great big huge smile because she was proud, after all, at least one of them would get to fulfil their dreams…

“Is something still wrong with you? You still seem very troubled.”

“No, I’m fine, I’m happy, I just wish that I had something more, that’s all.”

“Oh, well then, if that’s all then do you want to go home?

“No, let’s stay just a tiny little bit longer, for Scootaloo of course.”

“Yes, let’s, of course,” Fluttershy said.

And with that said they watched as the sun slowly set and Scootaloo finally got the chance and opportunity to enjoy her dreams about flying.


The strange invisible pony smiled, he was very happy for them right now, but somewhere deep down inside his heart and mind he was very sad, for he knew what was to come their way, and he also knew that he could not stop it no matter how much or how hard he tried to. But when he saw the enemy he was very angry, “Can’t you leave them alone for just a bit longer?” he said trying to bargain with it. It shook its head, “Very well then, take us,” he said with a very slight sigh of acceptance. And with that said the creature thing smiled and suddenly every pony in the whole entire are fainted and was taken very far away.