• Published 8th Jul 2012
  • 1,098 Views, 17 Comments

Celestia's Insane Game - Sanquil

Celestia is making ponies fight to the death. Has she gone insane?

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Chapter One: The Raffle

Chapter One
The Raffle

It was a bright sunny day in Ponyville. Twilight Sparkle was lying in her house reading about the “interesting” properties of sand. Spike was outside playing with the CMC. All seemed quite fine until it happened. One of Princess Celestia’s royal guardsmen flew into town to give an announcement.

“Attention citizens of Ponyville,” He began, “Princess Celestia has organized a competition for those ‘lucky’ enough to be picked.” The way he said “lucky” made it sound like a bad thing. “Several ponies from each province has been picked to be in the slaught…I mean competition. The list is as follows: Vinyl Scratch, Berry Punch, Carrot Top…” He droned the names off his list of ponies to compete from Ponyville.”

“I wonder what the competition is about?” Rarity trotted next to Twilight, who had stepped outside to see what was going on.

“No clue, but I hope I’m not in it.” Twilight Sparkle replied.

“Fluttershy, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Apple Jack, and Twilight Sparkle.” The Pegasus finished, rolling up the parchment with his hooves. “Would those who were called come forward?”

The ponies walked forward, about 13 total. Such an unlucky number. Twilight had a bad feeling about this “competition”

“Stand in a single file line while I pin this tag in your mane.” The guard instructed, pulling out 13 pins from his saddlebag. One by one, the pony pinned each pony’s mane with the small accessory. Once he pinned one on Twilight, she got a good look at the thing. It had Celestia’s cutie mark engraved on it and painted on top of it were the letters C I G.

“Now,” He started, after pinning everypony, “Stay within the city limits and I will return with a chariot to pull you to Canterlot where Princess Celestia will explain everything.”

For the rest of the day, Twilight, Rarity, Pinkie, AJ, and Fluttershy hung out and tried to figure out what C I G stood for. Pinkie Pie thought of Competition for Irresistible Cupcakes, but Twilight pointed out that it would be C I C and not C I G. After about two hours of waiting, the guard returned with the chariot he was talking about. It looked like the one Twilight rode in when she first came to Ponyville, except it was about four times as large and pulled by a team of 5 Pegasus ponies.

“Alright everypony, file in.” The guard said. “Cooperate and I won’t have to use force.” he said this as he pulled a shock baton from his saddlebag.

Everypony did as instructed and piled into the cramped chariot. Trotting into the front of the team, the guard suited himself up and took flight. The team of Pegasi followed, giving the chariot a strong lurch, nearly knocking Carrot Top out of it in the process. The travel took around two hours and the bright Sun bore down on the ponies, making them fatigue. Once they approached the castle, the team of Pegasi were as tired as could be, pulling thirteen ponies in the blazing heat.

“Alright,” The guard who lead the team said, unstrapping himself from the harness, “follow me to the ballroom where the princess is waiting.” The thirteen ponies did as they where told and followed the guard.

As soon as they approached the ballroom, they noticed that they weren’t the first to arrive. In fact, they were the last to arrive. There were ponies from all over Equestria. Ponyville had the biggest number out of every town, though. Quickly examining the large room, Twilight, Pinkie Pie, AJ, and Fluttershy noticed Rainbow Dash from the Cloudsdale group. Noticing them as well, she flew over to them.

“Hey guys,” She said, approaching them, “how’s it hanging?”

“Rainbow, do you know what it going on?” Twilight inquired.

“No,” She started, “I just got here a…” She was cut off by the sound of trumpets.

“All ponies turn your attention to Princess Celestia, ruler of Equestria.” a pony said somewhere. The perch at the front of the ballroom has curtains over it, and after he said that, they parted. Celestia walked out onto the perch and surveyed the ponies in the ballroom. She looked difference than her regal appearance. Her eyes were open wide and her pupils were the size of a peanut. Her mane and tail wasn’t flowing like it normally does and hairs stuck out like it hadn’t been combed in a long while.

“My little ponies,” She started, “I have gathered you here today for a competition of sorts. You may be wondering what the letters on your pin stand for.” Looking at the crowd, she saw no pony knew, so she continued. “The C I G stands for Celestia’s Insane Game. It is a gladiator style competition where two ponies will go against each other in matches and have to fight to the death. The victor of each match will be given one day to recover and then be pushed into the next match.”

“Has she gone insane,” Rainbow Dash whispered to Twilight. “Pitting ponies against each other to the death?” Twilight didn’t answer. The purple pony just stood there, wide eyed and mouth agape.

“Now,” Celestia continued, “If you wish to be taken out of the tournament, that is just too bad. You have been picked for this and have to fight. You have no choice. Luna,” Celestia called her sister out and continued, “Luna will be the pony to talk to about your feeling and last wishes. Now, you will be given five minutes with Luna to talk. After that, you will be sent to your room.

After two hours of ponies to Princess Luna, Twilight got her turn. Entering Luna’s private room in the castle, she noticed that Luna was extremely tired from being awake so long in the day.

“Greeting, Sparkle.” Luna said, wearily, “Please sit.” she pointed to a chair for Twilight to sit in. “Now, what is it you want to talk about?”

“Well,” Twilight started, “I’m just wondering what in the good name of Celestia is Celestia thinking?”

“Ah,” Luna said, yawning, “That question. Twilight, you know I would love to give you an answer to that, but I honestly don’t know. I have never seen my sister this way before. I think something might be wrong with her.”

“Might?” Twilight interrupted

“Well, my sister has been known to troll ponies before with ridiculous things. I only pray that this is one of those things.” There came a knocking on the door.

“Miss Luna,” A uniformed guard said, poking her head in, “Twilight Sparkle’s five minutes are up.”

“Alright,” Luna said, “Until next time, hopefully, Twilight Sparkle.”

After leaving Luna’s room, Twilight couldn’t stop thinking about what Princess Luna had said. She found herself also praying that this just a sick joke that Celestia was pulling, and that no pony had to die. Either way, next day, the games start and the truth will be revealed.