• Published 8th Jul 2012
  • 1,096 Views, 17 Comments

Celestia's Insane Game - Sanquil

Celestia is making ponies fight to the death. Has she gone insane?

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Extra Chapter

Trotting out of the hallway, Twilight replayed he match with Trixie. The horror of having to fight another pony was intense, but aiming to kill? That was a whole other story. Glancing around at all the other ponies in the ballroom, Twilight rejoined her friends.

“That was crazy.” she said, looking at all her friends.

“We know.” everypony said in unison. Turning to face the roster, they noticed it must be electronically controlled, because it had updated, showing the ponies thus far that would move to the next round and a line through the deceased. Up next was going to be…

“Attention my little ponies,” Celestia’s voice rang out like the bell that signaled the beginning of the bloodshed, “The next competitors will be as follows: Cloud Kicker vs. Golden Harvest, Moondancer vs. Lyra Heartsrings, and Caramel vs. Apple Fritter. Would those called please report to the front?”

The six walked forward, warily. Glancing at each other, they knew that by the end of the matches, half would emerge. Guards trot forward and guided the ponies into the arenas.

The rooms came back on the screens, showing the same three circular arenas. Two were covered in from previous matches, but one was clean. The one that was clean was the one where Snowflake beat Berry Punch’s head to pulp, so the ponies in charge thought to clean the entire cage to save time. The pairs found their way through the doors and the bell sounded.

The matches began in heat. Cloud Kicker took flight immediately after taking the first box she found while Golden Harvest gathered two small boxes containing one grenade each. Moondancer had to avoid the knives being flung at her while she got close enough to use her shock trap and two knives. Caramel charged the fleeing Apple Fritter, hitting her in the side with his head.

Moondancer nearly got close enough to Lyra before she was hit in the leg with a knife, making her fall and break her shock trap. Another knife impaled itself in her flank. Lyra wanted to end her friend’s life quick so Moondancer wouldn’t feel much pain. Approaching Moondancer, Lyra readied her last two knives.

Cloud Kicker got her box open before Golden Harvest could do any serious damage with the trident she found in a long slender box. Inside were ten knives that she tossed, one at a time, at Golden Harvest. Doing nothing more that giving Golden Harvest scratches and cuts, Golden Harvest nailed Cloud Kicker in the chest with her trident.

Dazed and wounded form a broken rib, Apple Fritter tried to scoot away from Caramel before he could find something to end her with. Caramel looked inside four boxes before finding what he wanted, a grenade. Turning, he armed it and dropped the pin right before getting hit in the chest with two knives that Apple Fritter was able to fling at him. The wounds weren’t deep, but they made him stumble, dropping the grenade. Quickly, Caramel picked it up in his teeth and with one mighty swing of his head, he threw the grenade. It landed next to Apple Fritter just in time for it to explode, doing her in at the same time.

Cloud Kicker fell behind a large box containing who knows what while Golden Harvest approached her. Readying her last knife, she knew she had to make it count if she wanted to live. Rounding the corner, holding a grenade in her mouth, Golden Harvest saw a flash of silver metal hit her in between the eyes. Stumbling backwards, she dropped the grenade. One second later, it blew it and her up. Medic ponies rushed in to gather the severely wounded Cloud Kicker and rushed her out of the arena.

Tearing up, Lyra hovered the knives above her friends head. “I’m sorry,” was the last words Moondancer heard before the knives quickly ended her life. Lyra wobbly exited the arena, crying deeply.

Author's Note:

This one is considered extra because it doesn't have one of the Mane 6 in it. Have fun!