• Member Since 12th Jun, 2012
  • offline last seen May 12th


Looks like I write stuff again.

Comments ( 66 )

You have my attention, do go on.


Alrighty then, another chapter for you, sir.

8006591 Theres a few spelling mistakes in the description

I love the pairing otp material right there:heart::rainbowkiss::twilightsmile:

Well im hooked

8006616 It's the its, yeah? I'm on my own here, honestly. No editor to tell me I'm an idiot. If you point them out I'd be happy to fix them, but I'm at that place where I can't see my own mistakes.

8006800 I should be updating every/every other day for a few weeks. I've got about 100000 words already written, I just need to format them and flesh them out a bit.

Plotbuster If you'd like I could proofread for you?

8008077 Also by 'Amon' I think you mean Anon

It was actually originally Anon, but I developed his character enough that I didn't really feel like he was anymore when I wrote the original. Still, there's some wordplay in the story that requires an at least similar name, so I played around until I stumbled across Amon. It's a Hebrew name, and the meaning was JUST corny and fitting enough to use it =P

The road to them becoming a thing was very quick but done perfectly. i give 9.5/10 stars. (There is only one 10/10 in my life)

‘White…’ Amon noted absently as her skirt rode up with her fidgeting.

Amon, you pervert! Stop looking at her panties! :flutterrage:

That's my job! :trollestia:

WOO! Chapter 2! This was really good once again. Now off to chapter 3!!!!

Glad you're enjoying it, but let me tell you, it was anything but quick for Lemon. :trollestia:

It's not Amon's fault, he fell prey to her feminine wiles!:rainbowderp:

Lewdness overload. I love it :3

Too much? It gets worse :twilightoops:

I might actually double post tomorrow since I have the day off.

8012467 pfff. Too much? NEVER!!

Ok so i was away fora couple days only to come back and be barraged by hot steamy booth-sex
And hot steamy kick-your-friend-out-of-his-own-room-sex. Sad thing is i actually have done the whole byebye friend thing lol. Poor girl wouldnt look me in the eyes for a week. Having said that, I enjoyed the chapters. Keep it up Plotbuster

Hoo boy. Hot n steamy, that's how I like it. Mhh yeah ❤

Pffft, you crazy kids. This is just the tip of the iceberg. I mean, we haven't even gotten to the threesomes yet!
Also, I must admit I've been the culprit in more than one exodus forced by unabashed lewdness. I remember this one time at a camping trip, ended up kicking my friend out of his own tent to hook up with a fine lady I'd met that night. When we got up in the morning we saw that people had actually moved their tents away from ours. Err, his. Ah, good times.:twilightsmile:

8015072 i know right lol cant wait for the next one

8015072 honestly i dont think this is going to end well for Amon lol. Hes either gonna be the luckiest guy and have a girlfriend that is really into threesomes foursomes and orgies or hes gonna wind up with some serious genital pain.

Probably a bit of both worlds, although I can promise that Amon's bits are safe for the time being, beyond general wear and tear.

Uh, not literal tearing. That's not foreshadowing.

I'm serious, that would just be unnecessarily cruel. He'll surely continue being a punching bag for all of your amusement, but that gag's run it's course, I think. I'm hoping my particular brand of comedy's at least amusing some of you, anyway:twilightblush:

Completely off topic aside,

is a song. It's making me crazy. I feel like I should be annoyed by it because it's so busy and repetitious, but instead I've had it on repeat for like, hours.

Then I Put on "Helix", another Flume song, and just start dancing. I'm glad my headphones have a long cable, or I'd be seriously messing up my USB ports.

I can WRITE to this music, dance breaks aside.

8018280 lol good i actually found a song that would be great for vinyl to "make" with Lemon

Pretty good. Only thing I suggest is that sometimes you leave out settings and it's confusing if they moved to a new location or waht location they're already in. Pretty damn good though. I'll give it another read.

Although there are some musical people in the story, I'm not going to be putting songs up that the characters 'made'. Just feels too weird and plagiarizy to me.

Heh, wait until next chapter. Which I'll probably end up putting up pretty soon actually, since I'm supposed to get two feet of snow dumped on me later today, and wouldn't be surprised if I lose power.

It's true, I'm pretty minimalistic with settings unless they're extremely important to the scene. I've been told more than once that I write more like a screenwriter than an author of prose. I guess I just get wrapped up in the character interactions and forget they're not happening in a void, or that just because I can picture the scene doesn't mean anyone else can if I don't tell them what I'm seeing in my head.

8020170 yikes on that snow good luck with that
hope you stay warm

Btw its snowing where I live too

I.... That was the best thing you could have done... Believe me when i say that.... :fluttershyouch:

Very nice very nice

8020170 add a slice of life Tag in there

What a morning to wake up to.

8022859 what time is it there 1102 pm over here

8023127 I think he was referring to Amon's wonderful start to his day, lol

This fic is hitting me right where it counts. The heart and the balls. (that is a compliment)

*Squees internally* Thanks, that's great to hear! I just put the chapter up for today, hopefully you'll continue to enjoy it :twilightsmile:

8024225 ooooooof course pinkie knows the amount of orgasms theyve had..... Wait no pinkie no!!! heeeeeelp!:fluttershbad::pinkiegasp::raritycry:

Watch out for the Sturmabteilung?

NEIN! You should watch out for the Schutzstaffel! :rainbowlaugh:

*reads 'their holier than thou image' * -> Head:

No one can save you now poor lost one.

succumb :pinkiesmile:

Someone gets my references... AAAHH!:yay:

8027087 no never.... Wait do i smell cookies?:pinkiegasp:

Just waiting on an update

Expect it tonight or maybe tomorrow. As I thought, Andromeda ate my life. I have a couple days off now, though, so I should be able to get a couple chapters up in the near future. Sorry for the wait :twilightoops:

8052363 its an amazing game lol its kk

Definitely a different take on a well established theme, so you have my kudos for that. Consider me a reader. :twilightsmile:

I think you handled that really well. Really enjoying the story so far!

Finally, got round to this and I can safely say after the first chapter this is;

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