• Published 8th Mar 2017
  • 760 Views, 65 Comments

The Lost Changeling - AizakkuHorooee

A changeling lands in a completely unfamiliar location, one that is not the best place to land at for her, especially when sent flying through the air potentially for thousands of miles. How will she ever make it out?

  • ...

Chapter XV - A Revelation

As we walk throughout the maze-like halls of Ponyville Hospital, Pane and I start getting antsy after five minutes of not finding the front.

“Great. I think we’re lost, Carve.”

I snort. “Ni osia.

“What did you say?”

“Eh, you don’t want to know. Something is certainly off yet familiar about Immunity though.”

“Familiar? How?”

“Looking back on what happened, she seemed to follow that same mentality that changelings do.”

“Like, ‘break a changeling, they break you’?”

“That’s what I saw when she wasn’t letting me see Rusty.”

“Look. If we find a familiar hallway, then do you think you could teleport us over to Twilight’s?”

“More like in front of the hospital but okay.”

The next few minutes is us just looking for a hall we’ve been to before. Then when we do, I change back into Twilight, trying to remember all the details.

“I said tel- oh, right. Now I remember what happened.”

“Shh. Now, I'm going to go for-”

Suddenly, we hear hoofsteps coming closer to us. As the two of us turn around, we see Immunity.

“Twilight Sparkle? What’re you doing in here?”

“Nothing. I just came to check up on Rusty Flashlight. I heard he got-”

“Okay. That’s enough. Carve, drop your-”

“You know you just-”

“Carve, I know it’s you. Look behind you. Those plates of pancakes give it away.”

“Pane, hold these with your magic and go to the front. I’ll meet with you soon.”

Pane nods and takes the pancakes out of my magic using her own and runs away.

“Carve. Stop this nonsense now, if you don’t want to deal with me.”

“Seriously Immunity? What are you talking about? If I thought there wasn’t something strange about you before, there definitely is now.”

Then I teleport over to the front of the hospital. In response, I start to breathe heavily but recover quickly. Then I see the receptionist while I’m still in Twilight’s disguise.

“Hello? Uh, do you know where Rusty Flashlight’s room is? I heard he got a burn.”

“Hmm. He should be in room one hundred and thirteen.”

“Okay. Uh, thanks.”

When I leave the front to head to the room, I start itching on the cheeks in thought of the number. Up to this point, the hospital has smelled rather decent, that is compared to Rolling Acres. Then, when I near a corner in the “grafting hall”, the scent turns from decent to eerily familiar. When I look at the post next to the door, the number reads as the receptionist recited. Okay. Why does it smell like a capsulation cocoon in here? I really shouldn’t be smelling that, at least not in a hospital. However, going into the room, I look far and wide and see nothing to really note... Rusty’s maybe in another ro-


To my left, I notice exactly what I smelled... a capsulation cocoon... and Rusty’s in it!!!

I teleport to in front of the hospital to meet Pane. It looks like she ate her pancakes and left Rusty’s untouched.

“Hey Carve.”

“Uh, Pane. I have to show you something! It’s an emergency!”

“Okay, what i-”

I teleport back to where I was, taking Pane with me.

“What are you ta- wait. I know that scent.”

Turning to her left, she suddenly sees the cocoon hanging from the ceiling next to the door.


Pane steps back into me and falls to the floor.

“How the blazes did that get in here?!?”

“I know. If you look at the room number, it’s the same number as that historic day. Not a pony would even care to pick that room out of thin air. If so that were the case, it would’ve been extremely unlikely. It has to be a changeling that got Rusty in here.”

“But what changeling?”

“Not quite sure yet. It could be a changeling queen.”

“How could you tell?”

“A changeling’s vocabulary gives a few clues on their status. For example, I know both Lingo and Equestrian because I learned to read in the early two thousands, which is actually quite late for my rank considering my age.”

“Wait, so how old were you when you began with the whole shack thing?”

“I became an eroder and record reporter at fifteen, when the hive went to Appleoosa. I’ve been first middle rank ever since.”

First middle rank?”

“There are two sides, first being the more common, and the second being the more rare. There are more ponies that are poor than they are rich right?”

“It only makes sense.”

“Kind of think of it that way. Poor is lower; rich is higher. First low extension is the lowest rank there is. That rank only learns Lingo, so basically, they wouldn’t know what you’d be saying unless you learned Lingo yourself. However, we’ll have to touch on that later. Let’s go find Immunity.”

So, as we walk to throughout the hall, I have the thought that I can probably use my horn to locate Immunity if Rusty is in a capsulation cocoon. When I do, I immediately pick up something, and it so happens to be Immunity. Throughout the halls, we look for six minutes before we run into Immunity.

“Hello, Carve.”

“Not today. I know what really happened to Rusty.”

“Really now. I suppose you were in one-”

I loudly growl and charge at Immunity. When she decides to put the right forehoof in front of her, right in my way, I make a narrow slide under her. Then, I get back up.


“Oh, who? Ve? How do you know?”

As Immunity turns around, her normally raspberry blue irises briefly flash a capsule green.

“I should’ve known. I’m NOT lost anymore.”

I charge up my horn the best I can and fire the charge at Immunity’s forehead. Upon it landing, green flames envelop Immunity. The revelation following the flames is none other than the queen herself. Queen Chrysalis. In response, Pane gasps.