• Published 6th Jul 2012
  • 2,158 Views, 7 Comments

I'm not a chicken, I'm an eagle! - Wing Dancer

Snowflake teaches Scootaloo that wing size can't compare to the size of one's ambition.

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The ugly chickenling

Gentle flakes of snow kissed the orange coat of Scootaloo. The small pegasus was looking towards the dark clouds, high above, where she knew the weather duty ponies were arranging Winter Set Up. It was high time winter came to Ponyville – the time of joy, making snowponies and battling it out with snowballs. Other teams were attending their agendas as well – the ground team was securing all the sapling trees and harvesting the remains of this year’s crops; the animal team was tucking in all the woodland creatures, helping them gather supplies for the frost to come.

Amongst the clouds, a rainbow could be seen zipping swiftly in and out of view. The filly recognized it instantly as Rainbow Dash – the multi-hued mane of the blue mare left behind a colorful trail as she flew. She was captain of the weather team, coordinating cloud placement and the bird migration north.

Scootaloo sighed. To her, Rainbow was the ultimate master and idol – strong, brave, beautiful… And the only pegasus to have ever performed a Sonic Rainboom. The filly flapped her small wings miserably. With these wings, she could never be even half as good as her heroine. She cursed these chicken wings of hers – they were only good for moving about on her scooter, a toy many pegasi stop using after they are capable of taking flight. Because staying on the ground, unable to experience the freedom of going in any direction is…

The light snow beneath her feet got melted away by a salty tear. The orange mare shook her head, snapping out of her fatalistic mood.

“One day, I’m going to fly just like Rainbow,” she said to herself, slowly making her way towards the carriage to Cloudsdale. “No, not like Rainbow. I’ll be even better. I’ll do a Sonic Rainboom of my own! Yeah! And we’ll make rainbows together, just me and Dash! Just the two of us!”

The filly was so caught up in her daydreams she didn’t notice a bulky white pegasus on the bridge leading out of Ponyville.

“Oh, I’m sorry!” she exclaimed, taking a step back to see who she bumped into. She remembered seeing this colt before – gigantic muscles, short, military style mane and tail, pearl white coat…

“It’s okay, kid,” said Snowflake, bending his head to look at the filly. “Just watch your step next time, okay?”

“Yes sir!” Scootaloo was about to leave when she noticed the white colts wings – they were just as small as hers. It looked kind of silly, with such a big body and all. “Ummm… Excuse me?”


“Umm… Sorry, I couldn’t help but notice your… Wings. ”

Snowflake looked at his back and flapped his tiny wings “Yes. What about them?”

“I was just wondering… You’re like me,” said Scootaloo, buzzing her own wings. “You can’t fly, right?”

“I can,” shrugged the large stallion.

“Wha…? Nah, that can’t be true. I mean… They are just… Oh, no disrespect sir!” she cowered under a rather harsh stare of Snowflake’s red eyes.

“Are you calling me a liar, filly?” The stallion looked Scootaloo straight in the eye, causing her to shrink even more.

An inaudible mumbling and vigorous head shaking was answer enough.

“Well, I’m no phony, kid,” said Snowflake and closed his eyes. Gently at first, but gaining speed fast, his wings begun to flap. Scootaloo had to pick her jaw up from the frost covered ground when the bulky pegasus just… Lifted off. His little wings were a blur and the muscles around them were visibly working hard, but he was flying.

Almost effortlessly, he made a few circles around the taken aback filly and landed behind her.

“See?” he said with a grin of pride. “Why would you think I can’t fly?”

Scootaloo turned around instantly, her eyes wide with sheepish amazement. “How did you do that?! Please, tellme tellme tellme!”

“Whoa, settle down kid.” The filly was advancing quite rapidly, pushing Snowflake back with a barrage of excited questions and pleading, complemented by small leaps with her wings. “Whoa Nelly, settle down.” His forehoof held off the mare’s advances, but in no way was it able to stop the stream of words flowing from her mouth.

“Alright, alright, sweet Celestia, I’ll teach you! Just. Stop. Talking!” conceded the colt, much to the excitement of Scootaloo.

Now she was prancing around Snowflake, laughing and repeating like a broken record: “I’m going to fly just like Rainbow! I’m going to fly just like Rainbow!”

* * *

The next day, a blanket of snow covered Ponyville. Filles wearing earmuffs and scarfs played in the snow, rolling in it or running around happily. One orange filly was zooming through the streets on a scooter with dangerous speed – she paid no heed to the disgruntled parents who tried to make her slow down.

Not today, not now. She needs to get to the hill just outside Ponyville as fast as she could. Snowflake would teach her how to fly, fly just as high as Rainbow Dash does!

The sun was lazily beginning its journey when the filly reached the meeting spot. Snowflake was already there, eyes closed, his face stretched towards the sun. He looked… Peaceful. Scootaloo could not help but compare him to some kind of aged Zen pony master, preparing to teach his chosen student the way of kung-fu.

Well, for her, this would be as exciting as actual kung-fu. Flight. She was so worked up her body was shaking all over. She didn’t bring any clothes with her, yet felt as hot as the sun.

“You’re here,” said Snowflake, looking at the clouds. “Right on time. I like that.”

“I wouldn’t miss it for the world!” shouted Scootaloo and trotted over to her teacher. “So, how is this gonna work? You’re going to show me an awesome move? Some technique to make my wings stronger! A super-secret training routine!! Wait, does that mean I’ll have to be as big as you? I’m not sure I want such big chest muscles…”

The white pegasus sighed. “No, none of that. At least, not yet. No, you won’t look like me... This is the part when we sit down and talk.”

“Oh…” Scootaloo was surprised at this, but sat opposite her teacher. “Okay. What you wanna talk about?”

“About you. And me. About flying,” said the colt mysteriously. “I’ll start with myself. As you already know, my name is Snowflake. My special talent is… Well, I love body building. I guess it shows.” He smiled. “I run a small gym not far from Sugar Cube Corner. Ponies come to me for advice on how to lose weight, gain some muscle or just to have a good workout. A good workout is sometimes all a pony needs.” He stopped, remembering something with yet another grin. “Okay, that’s me. How about you, kid?”

“Uhm… Well, I’m Scootaloo. I like Rainbow Dash, mainly because she is the most awesome pegasus in the world! I want to fly just like her!”

The two stared at each other in silence. “Is… That all?” asked Snowflake.

“Well, what else do you wanna know?”

“I guess… Nevermind.” He waved a hoof. “Let’s talk about flying. Settle down, let me finish.” Snow stared at Scootaloo long enough for the filly to stop jumping around excitedly. “So, flying. The act of using your wings to propel yourself towards the skies. What do you think flying is about?”

“Ummm… Not walking?” guessed Scootaloo. “I don’t know, I guess I never thought about that.”

“Well, you should. Flight is not just a convenient way of getting from A to B. You should know that by looking at your Rainbow Dash.”

“Oh yeah! It’s about freedom! It’s about speed! Danger! Adventures!” the small pegasus struck poses that hopefully resembled that of her idol.

“Well… Not exactly. At least, not the last ones,” said the colt dismissively. “Flying is, indeed, about freedom. But what to do with such freedom? Many ponies can’t answer that question. Many try not to think about it or deal with it when the need comes around.”

“Huh?” The orange pegasus wasn’t expecting such a long introduction to flying. It was vital she learned how to lift of now. “Umm, that’s all cool and all, but when are we going to learn flying?”

“My little Scootaloo, the flying begins here,” said the stallion, pressing his hoof against the mare’s forehead. “You need to know exactly why you want to fly.”

“I… Umm… Well, why do you fly?” countered the filly.

“I knew you’d ask. I fly because I like to see snowflakes from up close as they fall from the clouds. ” He grinned at Scootaloo’s confusion. “It may sound silly to you, but I really like it. The ponies at Cloudsdale do a great job, even if very few ever notice or appreciate the hoof-made masterpieces.”

“I… See… Well…” Scootaloo rubbed her chin, thinking hard. “I… I don’t know. I want to fly with Rainbow Dash. I want to be like her! Does that count?”

“It can, if you put your heart into it. Everything is about motivation. If you want your dream come true very badly, no power in Equestria – or beyond – will be able to stop you.”

“Does that mean earth ponies can fly too?” The filly raised her eyebrow . “I never saw an earth pony fly before and I’m sure many would like to walk on clouds.”

“Eh,” sighed Snowflake, “okay, not everything is possible. But flying for a pegasus is. It’s our talent, the thing we are meant to do.”

“Umm, okay. Does that mean we can start training now?!”

The white colt rolled his eyes as Scootaloo began prancing about excitedly again, flapping her tiny wings.

* * *

A heavy blanket of snow covered Ponyville a month after the first day Scootaloo’s training begun. The weather conditions weren’t perfect, but Snowflake claimed it would do the mare good if she hardened up a bit.

Both of them did exercises to strengthen their backs and muscles around the wings; the orange filly had to keep a special diet that Snow would flip over if she even thought about touching hay fries. It was a fun time all in all – the colt was a harsh but understanding teacher, giving Scootaloo time to rest and play games that weren’t exactly anything else than fun.

During one snowball fight they had, Scootaloo noticed Rainbow Dash zoom through the skies, rearranging some clouds, a rainbow in her wake. The little filly tried to take off, but much to her dismay was unable to stay in the air for more than a few seconds. Before any tears or thoughts of doubt could form in her mind, she felt the strong hoof of Snowflake on her head. Every time she would doubt herself, he would come up to her and say “Soon, you’ll be there too.” And even thought that soon was nowhere to be seen, the small pegasus trusted those words. He wouldn’t lie to her, would he?

* * *

“C’mon Scootaloo, you can do it!” cheered Snowflake. This was by far the longest the filly was in the air – she was fighting gravity like a true warrior, like a pegasus from olden times. In the end, the battle was lost – or so the filly thought.

“I’m so proud of you!” shouted Snow, hugging the small pony.

“… Breathe!” she hissed, turning blue on the face.

Released from what would be a hug of death, Scootaloo took a few deep breaths and sat down, miserable.

“I can’t do it,” she said deadpan. “I just can’t fly. It’s been almost two months and nothing. All I can do is jump and… glide.” She waved her hooves around in frustration. “I’ll never be like Dash!”

“You will be, trust me. Just give it time.” Snowflake helped the filly up. “Don’t you go crying now. Really, you were this close to flying!”

“No!” she yelled, “No I wasn’t! I’m not a flyer! I’m a… A chicken! Stuck on the ground, like the rest of the stupid chickens! I… I…” She burst into tears. “I’m sorry I wasted your time…”

She froze, tears flowing down her cheeks, as she saw the face of Snowflake – he took on a stone expression, drilling her with his gaze. Before the filly could react, he scooped her up and lifted off.

“Hey! What are you doing! Put me down!” The pony flailed on the back of the mighty stallion.

They were headed straight upwards, towards a gap in the grumbling dark clouds. Scootaloo was bewildered at this whole situation – on one hoof she wanted to get off, while on the other falling down from this high could be unpleasant.

“So, you’re a chicken, eh?” yelled Snowflake. This close to the clouds, the murmuring was quite loud, heralding the coming of lightning. “I sure hope chickens can walk on clouds!” And with that, he pushed the filly from his back, straight onto a black cloud.

Scootaloo landed softly. She could feel tingling beneath her hooves – small zaps of electricity prodded her to dance in place.

“So, not a chicken. A pegasus,” shouted Snowflake, circling the distressed filly.

“Ouch!” Scootaloo hopped around, trying to stay in the air for as long as she could. The cloud was getting restless and the hoof-shocks she got begun to really hurt. “Take me down from here! Oww! This hurts! Why are you doing this to me?!”

“Because you wanted to give up! If you are so restless, if you can’t muster the courage to reach for your one and only dream, then hopefully your will of survival will be stronger!”

“Pleeease!” cried the filly, feeling the electrical pain all the way through her body as she landed time and time again on the angry cloud. Small bolts of lightning were now visibly running along its surface. “Get-get me down from here! I promise I’ll try harder! Just please, this huuurts!”

“No!” yelled Snowflake. “It’s fly or fry – the choice is yours!”

Tears blinded Scootaloo after the last jolt running through her body. She jumped as hard as she could and closed her eyes. For sure, the next shock would kill her. She would not be like Rainbow. Ever.

But she didn’t have to. Rainbow Dash was special. She had her Sonic Rainboom. She was brave, she liked adventures, speed, danger. Scootaloo was different. She just wanted to spend time with her idol. She wanted to fly. She wanted to see the ground from above – all the little ponies, as small as ants. The green fields, tiny trees. She wanted to see how the sun looks above the clouds. On her own. She wanted to feel its warmth on her face. But it was too late for a change of heart now, was it?

* * *

Scootaloo waited for pain to climb her hooves straight to her head, probably frying her brain. But she didn’t feel it. Instead, there was warmth. In the middle of winter? A gentle breeze pet her mane. Hesitantly, she opened her eyes.

It was beautiful. A field of black, puffy clouds. The sun, in all its glory, casting light on the sea of fluff. On her back, she felt her wings. They were moving really fast. They didn’t hurt. Why wasn’t she falling down? Where did the ground go to?

Then it struck her. She was flying. On her own. In the air. With her tiny little wings. All emotions flushed from her –there was just this moment. The wings on her back. The sun in her mane. Mouth slightly open. Eyes shining like a thousand stars.

She snapped out of it when she felt a hoof on her shoulder. A bit clumsily, she turned around to face a beaming Snowflake.

“What did I tell ya kid? You’re not a chicken.” He hugged the filly, trying to hide away fat tears rolling down his chin. “You’re an eagle. A real eagle, Scootaloo.”

* * *

Scootaloo hid in one of the clouds over Ponyville. It was a week since that beautiful, most magical day the orange filly beat the odds and flew high up in the sky. Winter wrap up was coming soon and the pegasus was looking forward to joining the weather team for the first time in her life.

For now, she was enjoying a game of Hide and Seek with Snowflake. He was vigorously flying about, looking for her in all the different clouds. He was a really cool pegasus. A bit scary, maybe a bit mean, but really cool. Maybe even as cool as Rainbow Dash.

Say... Wouldn’t it be super cool if Dashie and Snowy… You know… Together? Scootaloo never really liked all the girly things such as hugging or kissing or holding hooves together… But those two? She would like to see them together.

Tomorrow, the Cutie Mark Crusaders will have a very special task to look forward to! Teehee!

Comments ( 7 )

What you did here was really astounding. I really wish to see a full blown story out of this :pinkiesmile:


In which the CMC try to awkwardly ship Snowflake and Dashie? A sequel that would be so horridly "romantic" one would die of humiliation and awkwardness? :pinkiegasp:

Hi there! You know, Fimfiction now have Bulk Biceps (ex-Snowflake) character tag! You can add it to your story!

Yes... let the shipping commence.... :trollestia:

Dude. Eww. Foalcon. :trollestia:

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