• Published 30th Jan 2017
  • 1,327 Views, 14 Comments

I Wish I Were Important - MailleMaker

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I'm Not Important...Am I?

Who was she? Derpy couldn't help but think about her innermost feelings as she made her way home from a long day as a Ponyville mailmare.

Instead of flying, which always seemed to end disastrously for her, Derpy had chosen to walk home. And, forgetting that the weather pegasi had called for rain, she hadn't grabbed her umbrella before leaving for work. The rain was cold, but not as cold as her heart felt.

Why do I have these crossed eyes? Derpy thought to herself, her mind wandering from umbrellas to her eyes. I know I'm not perfect, but everypony doesn't need to point it out on a daily basis. I can kinda tell for Pete's sake!

Wait, who's sec, who's Pe-


"Oof, stupid lamp post!" yelled Depy. Lost in her ever wandering thoughts, Derpy had run into the many lamp posts lining the side of the street.

Hearing laughing, Derpy glanced across the street and noticed a group of teenagers laughing at her. "Hey retard! Watch where your going," yelled one of the colts, causing the others to snicker. "Maybe she can't," added a filly snorting at her own joke.

Derpy just looked at them with her good eye as she slowly started to cry, not only from the pain in her bonked head, but also from the verbal abuse.

"Aw look, she's crying. What a baby," said the colt before turning to his friends. "She's no fun, let's go."

Derpy just stood in front of the lamp post with her head hung in shame. Once the echoing laughs of the teenagers was gone, Derpy lifter her head and wiped away the tears that had been forming.

Am I a retard? thought Derpy, do ponies only see me as someone to laught at? Why do I put up with all the tormenting and teasing?

Stopping by her parents house on the way home wasn't usually a great idea, but Derpy hoped that maybe they'd let her stay until it stopped raining. After knocking on the front door and letting herself in, her parents just scolded at her for spreading mud all over the carpet. "Now we'll have to have this cleaned and we were about to go on a date," her mother yelled.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry," Derpy said, sobbing. The only response to her apology was one of disgust. "Just leave," her parents attitudes had said quite plainly.

So instead of getting to wait out the rain in her parents cozy living room, Derpy was forced to head home in the drenching rain. I said I was sorry. I didn't mean to track mud all over the place. I only wanted to warm up and get out of the rain, thought Derpy as she stepped into the deluge and off of her parents covered porch.

Trotting as quick as possible through the mud, Derpy soon arrived home at her cottage. After wiping all the mud off her hooves and drying off with a towel, Derpy quickly trotted up to her room and took out a piece of paper and a quill before writing down a short poem that had come to her mind as she was walking home.

"I'm sorry you'r ashamed of me,

That I couldn't make you proud.

I'm sorry you need to hide me,

I wish I hadn't let you down.

I'm sorry if I made you angry,

Because of what others see.

I'm sorry,

I'm sorry.

So very sorry

For being me.

-Love, Derpy

Once she was finished, Derpy absently tucked the poem under a wing before walking back outside into the rain, once more forgetting her umbrella. She wanted to apologize to her parents again for tracking mud into their house by giving them the poem. Maybe they'd feel sorry for her and treat her like any other important pony was treated.

Upon arriving at her parents home, Derpy remembered that they had left for a date right after she left. Well, I guess I could go to Sugar Cube Corner and talk to Pinkie Pie,Derpy thought to herself, she's never judged me before and a warm muffin sounds good right about now.

Happier at the thought of a muffin, Derpy trotted as quickly as possible to Sugar Cube Corner but was dismayed to see a closed sign in the window. Closed? How can Sugar Cube Corner be closed? Oh wait, the sign says they close at seven and it's...eight thirty, Derpy sighed audibly before turning around to head home for a second time; just without apologizing to her parents or a delicious warm muffin in her tummy. I guess I'll go sit in my room all alone and try to get some sleep, thought Derpy as she started making her way to her cottage.

But, instead of heading straight home like she had originally planned, Derpy found herself aimlessly wandering Ponyville. She was so deep in thoughts about her parents and muffins that she didn't notice a brown stallion galloping down the street towards her.


The stallion ran into her full speed, sending her tumbling into a mud puddle.

After the getting over the shock of impact, the stallion immediately offered a hoof to help Derpy up, "Oh my, are you alright?" he asked once Derpy was back on her hooves.

"Yeah, I guess so," said Derpy with a sigh.

Seeing a piece of paper floating on a puddle, the stallion leaned down and picked it up. Once he had scanned it briefly, he quickly handed it back to Derpy.

"I'm afraid that it's rather soggy," he said, sad for the pitiful pegasus. He was startled to see tears running down her face. "Hey, are you okay?" he asked.

Nodding her head, Derpy tried to swallow her tears, but utterly failed.

"There's no need to cry. It was a lovely poem, rather sad, but I'm sure you could write it again. I'm sorry for running into you as well. Are you sure you are okay? You're not hurt or anything are you?"

"Hurt! I don't know what you mean!" burst Derpy, surprising the brown stallion. "Can't you see me!? My stupid crossed eyes, my random attention wandering, my stupid poem! Maybe you can't tell, but I don't appreciate your false sympathy!"

"My sympathy isn't false. I really do want to know if you are okay," said the stallion, confused at the pegasus's behavior.

"Well, isn't it rather obvious that I don't want your pity, your sympathy, your...whatever!" yelled Derpy, yelling between her sobs. "Nopony cares for me, my parents hate me. My boss yells at me every day. People say I'm retarded. Maybe I am, I don't know! Why are you being nice to me?!"

"Because. 90-" he was cut off by Derpy continuing her little shpeel.

"You know what? I don't care! I don't wasn't to know why. I'm just a freak. Nopony likes me. Why am I even talking to you?! I don't want to know your reasons for your pity, or for your sympathy. I've heard all the excused. 'Well, I felt bad for you...' that's what everypony says. I don't want ponies to feel bad for me." Pausing for a breath, Derpy looked at the stallion as best as she could, "I just want ponies to look at me normally. To tell met that I'm important..."

"Derpy," the stallion said, interrupting her, "I want to say one thing."

"Fine, than say it," said Derpy whose rage had quickly melted, leaving her feeling tired and wilted.

"900 years of time and space, and I've never met anypony who wasn't important. Derpy, you are important, don't let any pony tell you otherwise."

Derpy just stared at the stallion. He had said the one thing that she had wanted to hear all her life.

She was important.

Author's Note:

Inspired by a friend who loves Doctor Who and my love of Derpy.
The quote belongs to The Doctor, I just sort of reworded it.
I hope y'all liked this little short story! Please like and review!

Comments ( 14 )

Hey, awesome story! It was a great read that had me feeling for Ditzy and how she felt. You may want to look over the story as there are some spelling and grammatical errors throughout, such as "Derpy" being replaced with "Derby". All-in-all, a really nice read! :pinkiehappy:

Aw Derpy, never think yourself unimportant.:fluttershysad: Always listen to the Madman In a Box, he's always right. And if that doesn't help, remember that we absolutely adore you here in the fandom! (Gives hug)

I came on the site, and, while waiting for it to load, was for some reason reminded of Would it Matter if I Was, which was a popular story a while ago. Bear with me, this is relevant. I was seething to myself over the fact that the title should have been Would it Matter if I Were, when I happened to see this one. The title got it right! I read it on that basis alone. I wasn't disappointed, though. Touching little piece, I thought. Could do with one more proofread, but otherwise I'm impressed.

Darn autocorrect! I'll go back and proofread it as soon as I can. I'm glad you enjoyed it!

Whelp, I've got it edited. No more "Derbys"!

Hng! And that's why DerpTop rules.

As much as I hate to say it

i hate this story

To put my feelings in short, the pacing is non-existent, and everyone acts so strangely that it comes off as unreal as hell, which you don't want in this type of story

:facehoof: I can't even right now.
Anyway, it's fixed.

Thanks for your comment; I'm always looking for constructive criticism. Do you have any suggestions on how it could be better?

Phew, just completely almost redid it.
I added things, got rid things, and hopefully polished it up. Trying to write a good story while nodding off is nearly impossible.
I hope it's better now! :pinkiesmile:

(Yes, I'm only just now getting around to reading it.) You seem to have opened an italics tag early on without closing it. Beyond that and a few typos, it's simple but nice.

Aw lovey fic poor Derpy great first meeeting the doctor

Wasn't bad. I saw it in my recommended and decided to take a look.

There are discrepancies though. Like derpy says people call her retarded, but the stallion says anypony.

Little things like that.

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