• Published 15th Jul 2012
  • 1,471 Views, 12 Comments

Twilight's Magnetic Spell - Bass Kick

Twilight perfects a new magnetic spell, and when she tests it on a brave Spike... stuff happens.

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Twilight's Magnetic Spell

"It has taken many experimentations of trial and error, but behold - I have finally perfected my magnetism spell!" the unicorn said triumphantly as she pointed a glowing horn into the air.

"That's great, Twilight!" said her assistant, as he had watched her perfect the spell through her hard work of sweat and tears.

"Thank you, Spike," Twilight said kindly as she put a hoof against her chest. "All I need now is somepony to test this baby on."

Spike knew who the "somepony" was, so before being engaged any lab-ratting that would come about, Spike decided to point out her multiple trials that she had already done. "Uh, Twi?" he said to the unicorn that had her head in the clouds. "Do you really need to test this spell again? I mean come on, you've already performed the spell on all those other things," he said as he pointed a claw towards a whole assortment of objects that had been stuck to the ceiling after Twilight had tested the spell on them.

Twilight wasn't letting her little lab rat (or in this case dragon) off too easy. "No no, Spike. You see, those magnetized objects that I have already tested are inanimate, and i need something living to test this spell on now."

Spike knew that there was no way out of this one, and surrendered. "Okay, Twi. You can test your magnetic spell on me. But make sure that this won't hurt like the last time," the dragon said as he held his arms up to make himself into a target with awaiting, shut eyes.

"Okay then, Mr. Brave." Twilight smiled in pride, and pointed her already glowing horn at the center of Spike's chest. "Now stand sti --"

"Wait!" Spike interrupted, remembering something. "Don't you think that you should find a way to reverse the spell first?"

Twilight simply shook her head. "I have no need to, Spike. This spell works temporarily, you see," she said as she pointed a hoof toward a pile of books sitting on the floor that were not-too-long-ago magnetized to the ceiling.

"But --"

"Now hold still, Spike." Twilight had already begun the process of her spell again, which made Spike stand still as she commanded, waiting for the impact.

Twilight's horn began to glow very radiantly, and blasted out two beams of magic that spiraled around each other before hitting Spike. After a large explosion of smoke and dust, the particles in the air had vaporized, revealing a coughing dragon.

"I --*cough*-- dunno, Twi --*weez*-- if it worked at alllllheyyy!!! Spike cried out as his body was flung into the air.

"It's working!" Was all that Twilight's mind came by as she saw her assistant fly this way and that throughout the open space of the library, until finally plummeting towards a closed door.

CRASH!!! The impact of the dragon through the door was very audible, which made Twilight jump and hurry over to her assistant.

"Oh my gosh, Spike! Are you okay?" she worriedly blurted out as she stopped at the closet door that Spike had been launched through.

"I'm okay..." a voice from in the closet said. "I think your spell worked, though."

"It's nice to know that you are okay, but why did the spell send you into the closet? The other objects I had tested went towards the ceiling, which has a lightning rod is above it."

"I dunno, but I just wanna get out of this closet. It's kinda dark and lonely in here."

"Oh, Spike," Twilight giggled. "Don't you worry; the spell will wear off in a few minutes, just like it did for the other objects."


A few minutes had passed, and Spike was still trapped in the closet, with the strong magnetism spell keeping him glued to a wall in there.

"Hmm," the unicorn pondered. "Why hasn't the spell worn off yet?" she questioned to herself. "And I don't know any way to manually cause a reverse in the affects."

"I told you that already, Twi. You should have learned a reverse spell before all this." Spike sounded more grumpy than worried at this point, for he had been stuck in the closet for well over Twilight's estimated time.

"But don't you worry, Spike! I'll find a way to get you out of the closet! Now let me just look in my books..."

...More Waiting...

Twilight had searched through just about every book in the library when she realized that she was stumped.

"Okay, I admit it Spike. I don't know how to get you to come out of the closet..."


"...But my friends might be able to help get you out of the closet!"

"Sure, whatevs," Spike muttered. "Just get me outta here already."

"Hmm," Twilight contemplated. "Maybe Rarity will know how to deal with this spell, since she does use her magic to search for gems, which is kind of like magnetism," she said to herself.

"No, Twilight!" Spike echoed from in the closet. "You can't let Rarity see me like this! This will totally eat at my chances of getting with her; do you know how pathetic she would think I am if she knew that I was trapped in a closet for so long without coming out?"

Twilight just rolled her eyes at Spike's remark, then quickly left to go get Rarity.

...What's Up With All This Waiting?...

"Ooh," Rarity gasped. "Do you think that there might be jewels back there? It would be so lovely to find that your house is resting on a cave of jewels, don't you think?"

"Rarity!!!" Twilight exclaimed, catching her friend's attention. "I need you to use your gem-tracking powers to get Spike out of the closet!"

"Calm yourself, Twilight!" Rarity snipped. "I don't have the slightest idea what you're talking about, by the way; my 'gem-tracking' magic does in no such way deal with magnetism. My magic is far too orderly."

"Okay then, scratch that," Twilight mentioned to herself. If Rarity can't help Spike come out of the closet, maybe Applejack or Rainbow Dash can, She thought.

"Don't worry Spike," said a faithful Twilight. "We'll find some way to get you out of the closet; you can count on it!"

...I Think We Can All Agree That Waiting Sucks...

After finding the strong Applejack and convincing her to help Spike come out of the closet, and after many attempts of pulling on him with a rope, AJ gave up.

"Now what ya'll need is uh big, strong stallion to get 'ure Spike outta that there closet," an exhausted Applejack said after catching her breath.

"Yes!" Rarity agreed in delight. "Surely a big, muscular stallion will help pull Spikey Wikey out of the closet."

"You're right on that one, Rarity! I'll uh just be right back," Applejack said before trotting off out of Twilight's house.

...Do I Even Have To Say It?...

Applejack returned with her big brother Macintosh. "Surely Big Macintosh here can uh help pull 'ure Spike outta the closet," She said with a smile.

"Eeyup," Macintosh said in agreement.

"Hopefully," Twilight muttered under her breath.

Applejack, Twilight and Rarity watched Macintosh wrangle up Spike with a rope and tug at the dragon. After many man grunts and Macintosh sprinting at full speed away from spike but going nowhere, the rope snapped, and Spike came flying out of the closet with half of a rope tied around him.

The baby dragon let out an "oof" as he hit the ground, but sighed shortly after.

"Thank Celestia I'm finally out of the closet," he said to himself while standing upright and patting himself off.

The three mares that watched Macintosh pull Spike out of the closet were cheering for the stallion.

Macintosh nodded towards the small crowd and gave a, "Eeyup".

"This is very interesting!" Twilight bookishly exclaimed. "The strength of Big Macintosh was great enough to allow him to pull Spike away from the bonds that were keeping him in the closet! I'll have to write this down," the unicorn finished with a nerdy smile.

"Thanks for getting me out of the closet, Macintosh," Spike said.

"Mmdon't mention it," Macintosh replied.

Just a random story I thought up; not perfectly written but some guy has probably already made a better story to this plot. And If you don't like mine then you can just go read someone elses... /)^3^(\ lolz

Comments ( 10 )

Heh, I like it. So many innuendos... Anyways, my only qualm would be that it should be effects not affects, but aside from that it was fine.

I thought this was kind of sweet. :twilightblush: Predictable, but funny.

Wait, what? I don't remember submitting this story... :facehoof:

*Turns around from laptop to his face his brony squad*

"Hey! who the hell submitted this story to FiMFiction!?"
> "Wasn't me."
> "Not me."
> "Me either."
> "Don't look at me."

"You know what? Buck all of you."

Another one of these... :facehoof:

Oh well, it was almost funny at times.

oh, i get it. the innuendo is that spike likes to wear clothing, right?

This feels almost unfinished...
Remember that comedy reaches it's pinnacle when the situation is taken completely seriously. Randomly spouting innuendos may be okay a few times, but you shouldn't rely solely on one-liners.

when you mentioned spike wanting to come out of the closet I thought everypony was going to take it as an euphemism that spike is gay and wants other ponies to know it

So,,, basically you wanted a story long running gag about Spike "coming out of the closet." And here I thought he was gonna get magnetized to Rarity's ass or something interesting. :facehoof:

...........................wtf just to random even for a random

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