• Published 4th Jan 2017
  • 400 Views, 0 Comments

Midnight Dusk's Backstory - rainbow2726

The story of Midnight, Her sister Silver and her friend Misty.

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Chapter 8 - Moonlight Ponies

Midnight Dusk Pov

Today sure was fun. It was even more fun with Misty! I’m so glad I met Misty, It made the day so exciting! I’m sure she also had lots of fun!

I climbed into my bed drifting of to sleep

(In a dream)

Misty was in the forest. She was shooting a target with her bow and arrow.

“Hey Misty!” I exclaimed.
“Hey!” Misty said shooting a bullseye.

“Wow that was amazing how did you do that? I have never seen you do that before! Amazing!!” I praised.


I woke up, the sun was shining brightly. My dream sure was cool! I wonder if Misty can actually do that! “Silverrrrr wake uppppp were going to see Misty!!” I yelled.

“What…?” Silver muttered still trying to wake up.

“WAKE UPPPP!!!” I screamed ripping the covers of Silver.

“Fine!” Silver said getting ready to leave.

We walked out of our door going to Misty’s house. “Where are we going Midnight?”

“I told you! Misty’s house!”

“Were seeing Misty yay!!” Silver said in excitement.

We arrived at Misty’s house. “MISTY!!! We came to visit you!” We shouted.

“Oh! Hello Midnight, Silver! What are you guys doing here?”

“Misty!!! Remember when you saved me in the Everfree forest with a bow and arrow.” I said.

“Of course!! How could I forget!!” Misty said.

“Anyways I was wondering if you could show me. You shooting it, if thats ok.”

“Sure!” Misty said bringing us to her backyard and getting her bow and arrow. She shot it around the 3rd and 4th ring.

“So what brought this up Midnight?”

“Oh I had a dream and you got a bullseye and I was kind wondering if you could actually do it…”

“Really!! I had the same exact dream!! i can’t believe it!”

————————— Whole day passes in a flash.

Misty Silvermoon Pov

“Today was so fun! I don’t even want to leave!!” I complained.

“Why don’t we have a sleepover?” Midnight asked.

“Yes!! I’ll go tell my mom be back!”

I flew to my home told my mom and came back. “SHE SAID YESSS!!!” I screamed.

“Time to go to sleep girls, you have been up since like 5? Good night.” Midnight’s mom said.

Aww, and our sleepover just started! Why did we already have to go to sleeppp!!

Midnight’s mom closed our door, “Go to sleep soon.”

“It’s ok Misty! we don’t actually have to go to sleep we can go see the stars! You want to?”

How were we going to get outside? “How?” I asked confused.

“Follow me we just have to go through the window!”

I quickly got a hat so she wouldn’t be able to see my glowing hair in the dark.

We went out and would a nice spot on a rock to see the stars.

Midnight sighed. “I love how your mane glows so much! Mine only glows a little… Its probably because my whole family doesn’t have glowing hair either.”

Wait she found me out! Wait she has glowing hair too!? I looked at her mane, it was glowing slightly! Is she a Moonlight pony like me!!?

“Are you moonlight pony?” I asked in shock.

“Whats a moonlight pony Misty?”

What if she wasn’t! I have to make sure. Let me think we attend Luna camp, um I know! We all have a star and when their emotionally unbalanced their star will flicker! I have to be mean to her to see. Ugh I don’t want to, but I can’t think of any other way.

I took a deep breath. “I hate you!” I yelled pretending to be mean. Was that too harsh? But none of the stars are flickering. If she’s not a moonlight pony, how will I explain how I am acting?

“Your mean!” I tried again. I saw her eyes starting got water. I looked into the stars. I feel like one flickered. But I’m not sure… I have to do it again… even if I don’t want to.

“What did I do to make you so mad Misty? We were having so much fun…”

“You um You Idiot!” I screamed, I saw a star sharply flicker.

“I’m sorry Misty. I don’t know what I did wrong but… Please forgive me…” Midnight said starting to run away.

“No! Midnight! Come back!” I yelled flying to her. “It was just to see if you were a moonlight pony!”

“A moon-nlight po-ny?”

“Yes. When a moonlight pony is born a star is born, when they die the star also dies. If the pony is emotional unstable their star in the sky will flicker. Thats why i did something like that. Your are a moonlight pony.”

“How did you know I would be a moonlight pony?”

I smiled, “Moonlight ponies have hair that glows in the dark, and yours glow don’t they? Moonlight ponies go to this Luna camp, we go in December. We play games, eat marshmallows and replenish the moon’s power.”

“How do you replenish the moon’s power in this Luna camp?”

“Using the power of friendship we power up the moon and it shines brighter. Haven’t you noticed before in December the moon always seamed brighter some how? Unicorns can also learn how to harness the moon’s power under Luna’s Guidance. Although It’s a very hard skill to master and use.”

“Thats amazing. I never thought we could do such things. I have always thought the princesses did all that!”

“Yes I also thought the same thing, before I knew I was a moonlight pony. I’ll show you my star and yours.”


I pointed to Midnight mine and her stars.“See how they shine brighter than the others?”

Midnight smiled, “Thats because were happy. Right? ”

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