• Published 2nd Jan 2017
  • 885 Views, 26 Comments

Operation: Replace - Thought Prism

Twilight builds an elite strike team of Displaced humans for a secret mission: stopping the enigmatic Merchant once and for all.

  • ...


Five heads whipped around at the sound of the Merchant's voice. He was enveloped in a bubble of shining light. Not making the same mistake for the third time, Starlight and the others each unleashed their attacks against him, but the bubble deflected them all with no visible damage.

The Merchant scratched at his head, cackling hysterically. Already having moved past anger, his face now twitched with the beginnings of madness. "I do believe I've had it! You just don't stop, do you? Too tenacious for you own good. So much so that I'm getting bored of this game. What chance you had is now completely gone, for this reason alone. You are but worms before a god, and you will bother me no longer once I will you out of existence."

Resolute glares melted away one by one as the Merchant held up his hand. Floating above it was a set of three golden equilateral triangles touching tip to tip.

'I'm afraid to ask what that is,' thought Starlight.

"H-How?" Jared stammered. "The Triforce isn't even associated with a specific character!"

He just laughed some more at that. "You thought I was beholden to the same arbitrary limits I placed on you? Please."

"That's it, then," said Jared. "We are actually going to die; for certain this time. Any last words?"

"How can you say that?" said Starlight, her voice cracking. "Is there really nothing we can do?"

Jared shook his head.

Starlight took a deep breath. Tears welled up in her eyes as she pulled the four of them into a hug with her magic. "At least we have eachother."

Ninja Slayer resisted at first, but even he caved in, and all five huddled close, hearts hammering. Despite it all, no one cried, even as the Merchant laughed in sadistic glee overhead, the Triforce steadily increasing in brightness.

"We had a good run, I think," said Ike, managing a small smile.

"Yeah, I guess we did," Starlight replied. "I just hope Twilight and the others don't... take it too hard."

"For ponies, they are strong. They will cope better than I did," said Ninja Slayer.

Hazel shut her eyes.

"Now, Triforce!" the Merchant began, "grant my wish! Shred these pathetic creatures into nothingness!"

The strike team members held their breath as the Triforce began to glow with intense radiance, permeating every inch of space.

As the Triforce vanished in a shower of glittering sparks, the Merchant's expression changed to something totally unexpected: terror. "What? No, I—AAAAAAHHHHHH!" There was a ear-splitting tearing sound, like breaking guitar strings mixed with nails on a chalkboard.

Confused, the hug broke, and Starlight, Jared, Ninja Slayer, Ike, and Hazel all stared at the Merchant. Still screaming in pure agony, his body was being pulled apart into threads of energy from the bottom up, like an unraveling tapestry. The threads flecked off into motes of dust as they fell. In moments, it was over.

The Merchant was no more.

"I don't know what I just saw, and I don't care," said Ike.

Jared stared off into the space formerly occupied by the Merchant. "Starlight, did the magic of friendship just save us?"

She shook her head. "Uh, no, I don't think so. Maybe? There are usually more rainbows involved, from what I've heard."


Turning, they all stared dumbly at Hazel, who was raising her hand and smiling meekly. "That was me."

When it became clear none of them were in the condition to form words, Hazel continued. "So, I'm no philistine, I've played Zelda. And when I saw the Triforce, I started thinking, trying to remember how it worked. Turns out, it was exactly what we needed."

A look of comprehension bloomed on Jared's face, only to be immediately be replaced by a shit-eating grin. "Oh my god, you didn't!"

Hazel's smile widened. "I totally did. No big deal."

"Explain," said Ninja Slayer.

Starlight glanced back and forth at Hazel and Jared. "Seriously, how?"

Hazel chuckled. "So, the Triforce is basically a Magical MacGuffin that grants unlimited power and/or wishes. It's not that clear."

"Like the Elements of Harmony," added Ike.

"Exactly. Anyway, what's important is that the wish-granting part doesn't work like a genie lamp, it just gives you what your heart desires. That's when I realized it's not actually reading hearts, obviously, it's reading brains. And then I'm like: 'oh, yeah, I still have mind powers'. So I start to concentrate on the Merchant's head, and when his blocks go away so he can make his wish, I go in during that instant and change it. Then, poof, he's dead instead of us."

Starlight opened her mouth to say something, but was unable to form words, and her jaw slowly hinged shut.

"Wow, you totally kicked his ass, Hazel!" Ike exclaimed. He patted her on the back. "Mission accomplished!"

"We did it," corrected Jared. "Each of us fought hard to get him that desperate in the first place. And now, we can rest easy knowing that people will be able to celebrate their favorite fandoms in peace."

"Hey, Hazel?" asked Starlight suddenly, having recovered from her stupor. "Couldn't you have changed his wish to something... less lethal, instead? Like a reformation?"

Hazel pondered this for a moment, then shrugged. "Didn't think of that. Was too busy trying to not die."

"Hmm. Fair enough," she said. "It's not ideal, but I can't argue with results. You may have to sit through a lecture on friendship when we get back, though."

Jared snorted. "Heh, probably. Hopefully we can get Twilight to throw us a victory party before that."

"As pleasant as that sounds, I would elect to remain here," said Ninja Slayer.

Hazel cocked her head to the side. "Huh?"

"It appears I am the only one who noticed that our bodies retain their powers, even after the Merchant was slain," he said.

Ike looked down at himself. "Oh yeah, you're right."

Ninja Slayer nodded, making eye contact with Starlight. "As such, I wish to remain here. This world is rife with far more evil than Equestria, and with my Ninja Soul, no despot shall be safe!"

Starlight considered this. "You know what, sure, go nuts. You've earned it."

Ninja Slayer bowed to the four of them. "It was a great honor battling by your side. I wish you well in all your future endeavors. Sayonara!"

Then, he crashed through the nearest wall and disappeared.

The others ignored the gaping hole and continued their conversation. "Anyone else want to stay?" asked Hazel, looking around at the ruined space. "I sure don't."

When no one spoke, Starlight lit her horn, casting Twilight's portal spell. "Let's go home."

* * *

The portal deposited the group in the Everfree Castle, the very same place where they all met for the first time. Practically the second Starlight's hooves hit the stone, there was a flash of teleportation magic, and Twilight glomped her without hesitation.

"You're back! You were taking so long, and I was starting to fear you wouldn't make it, but you did!"

Starlight returned the hug, giggling. "We had some close shaves, but it all worked out in the end."

Jared smirked. "The Merchant was really stubborn, but nothing we couldn't handle."

"Speak for yourself," said Ike. "My arm is still broken, and it really hurts."

Twilight gasped. "Why didn't you say so earlier? I'll heal you right now!"

Then she did, her alicorn magic making quick work of the fractured bone. Ike thanked her profusely as he worked the limb to check its functionality.

Twilight looked over the rest of them for any other signs of injury, but spotted an absence instead. "Starlight? Where's Ninja Slayer? He isn't...?"

"He's fine. He just wanted to stay, and I let him," Starlight replied. "I'll give you a full briefing later."

"Yeah, later is good," said Hazel. "Can I go home and sleep, please?"

"I second that," said Ike.

Twilight smiled. In an exaggerated posh accent, she said "Very well. Your Princess relieves you."

This got a chuckle out of Starlight.

"Ok, bye," said Hazel in a monotone as she walked towards the exit.

Jared rolled his eyes. "Wait for us, why don't you?"

Shrugging with her wings, Twilight trotted after her. "Come on, you three. Let's optimize our time and talk as we walk!"

At that, Ike, Jared, and Starlight jogged to her side. Twilight addressed the latter with an utterance of "So, what happened?"

Starlight sighed. "More like what didn't happen. Where do I start..."

* * *

"And so, in the end, the only power which could stop the Merchant... was his own."

Applause filled the castle foyer as Twilight finished her speech detailing the recently concluded events of great import. Hundreds of ponies, and many of the remaining Displaced, had turned up for the 'special celebration' she had announced. In Equestria, secret missions only stay as such until their completion. Now basking in recognition for their achievements, Jared, Hazel, Ike, and Starlight stood off to the side on the erected podium and waved.

"For their bravery, these four heroes, and Ninja Slayer, will have a statue sculpted in their honor, the first to be placed in this very room!" proclaimed Twilight.

Another round of applause echoed around the crystal walls. Pinkie Pie stomped the loudest, right in the front row next to her best friends, including Spike. Fluttershy was cringing a bit from the enormous noise as Rainbow Dash tried to dampen her enthusiasm to Rarity and Applejack's polite volume.

"Moreover," Twilight continued, "a new window depicting their actions will be commissioned for the Hall of History in Canterlot Palace!"

"Hey, that's cool and all, but I thought we would get boons. Can we get boons?" asked Jared over the crowd.

This prompted a bout of laughter from the Ponyville attendees. Twilight, meanwhile, huffed. "I was getting to that! Since you're so eager, you can go first."

"Great! I want you to help me reinvent the Television."

She beamed at that. "You just needed to ask. I'm always up for science!"

Next was Hazel. "Can you let me stay in your castle? Please? Derpy Hooves is a nice mare, but... not the best roommate."

Derpy reluctantly nodded in agreement from the fifth row.

"No problem! I look forward to having you! Ike?"

Ike placed his hand on his chin in thought. "Uhh... I can't think of anything. Bits?"

"That's an easy one," replied Twilight, bemused. "But ok. And last but not least..."

Starlight looked up at her fondly. "I already owe my life to you, I really couldn't ask for more." Then, she grinned. "That said, I think you've been slacking off, Twi. Today makes two in a row for me. At this rate, I'll have saved Equestria more times than you!"

Twilight snorted. "It's not a contest." Rolling her eyes, she spread her hooved for a hug. "Come here, you."

Starlight gladly did so, practically galloping over as both mares giggled. However, Starlight also beckoned over the others with her free hoof. "Get in here, guys! You're my friends now too."

Ponies and humans cheered and whistled in jubilation as the three Displaced, one unicorn, and one alicorn awkwardly embraced onstage, smiles upon all their faces.

Author's Note:

That's it folks! To those of you who made it to the end of this story, thanks for reading! Honestly, half the reason I decided to make this was so I had an excuse to write a story with Ninja Slayer in it. And in case anyone was asking themselves what the hell the police were doing after that mass panic, let me just say I put TVcon in Chicago intentionally.

Anyway, have a silly mini sequel:

Grogar laughed off to the side as the six transformed mares stared at the crater left by their Rainbow Power, right where he was standing before he teleported.

"What, and you thought I, the most powerful sorcerer in the world, would just stand there and let you hit me with that? It takes a full minute to charge! You have no hope to stop me, and I shall rule Equestria!"

Twilight twisted around to face her secret weapon, who was sitting in the back with Spike, both reclining on chairs and munching on popcorn.

"Well, we tried. Starlight?" she said. "Go ahead."

Starlight nonchalantly stood up. "Ok, sure." She faced Grogar, and he leered down at her with his red eyes.

He snorted. "Oh? What are you going to do that the alicorn can't?"

"The World."

The next thing Grogar knew, he lay splayed on the ground in immense pain, his enchanted bell broken, along with all his legs. Starlight picked him up in her magic, and flung him through the portal to Tartarus Twilight opened up.

"Well, that was easy," Starlight said.

Comments ( 10 )

I forgot that Starlight has The World.

Very nice stuff indeed. Great action all throughout with a clever conclusion, a satisfying denouement, and a hilarious epilogue.

Next was Hazel. "Can you let me stay in your castle? Please? Derpy Hooves is a nice mare, but... not the best roommate."

Heh. Of course the MtG character was staying with her. :derpytongue2:

Thank you for this, and for noting its existence so I could enjoy it. :twilightsmile:


No problem, my good man.

A fun and surprisingly epic story; not to mention (what I at least think is) an innovative take on the Displaced stories.:moustache:


That's pretty much exactly what I was going for. Glad you liked it!

7838785 and the fact his the most powerful void dweller in the multiverse

Fucking. Awesome. There aren't any other words to describe that. That was pure, unadulterated, Awesome.

Why, thank you, sir or madam. I try.

Finally a story were that shit head merchant get murdered.

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