• Published 23rd Dec 2016
  • 1,196 Views, 2 Comments

I'm Important Too Right? - KillerChainsaw

Just remember the moon is just as important as the sun, and so in the same sense, you are just as important as I am,

  • ...

I'm Here For You This Time

As the day was ending and the sun had not long left the sky to make way for the moon and stars, ponies were heading off to their warm beds for the night, letting themselves all peacefully drift off into dreamland, and not awake until morning came to raise again.

But while the rest of the land set off to sleep happily, one pony knew that she still needed to be awake for a little longer, and not go to bed just yet. For this is how most of her nights have been lately. In truth the Princess of the sun shouldn't be raising the moon each and every night, especially since the Princess of the night has now retruned, and so should take back the role from her elder sister.

However since Nightmare moon was defeated by the 'Elements of harmony', and Princess Luna was brought back as her most weakest form, the younger sister has been unable to fulfill her duties, and so instead Celestia has had to deal with being the ruler of both day and night for a little while longer.

Celestia sighed slightly as she slowly made her way through the castle halls, and soon came to her younger sister's bedroom. The guard pony standing in front of the door bowed to the Princess, and stepped aside as she bowed back and dismissed him from keeping a watch over her sister.

Taking a deep breath for a moment, before she knocked on the large double doors, calling out to the night Princess, and hoping she would answer for once.

"Luna, are you awake? Luna?" Celestia called out, as she waited for some kind of response.

After getting none, she tried again, calling louder this time, while still getting nothing in reply. She let out another slight sigh, as this is how it had been with her sister since she got her back. This was all Luna would do now, she wouldn't leave her room, she wouldn't talk to anyone, and she wouldn't raise or set the moon like she was meant to.

Celestia normally would just walk away at this point to go and raise the moon and stars herself, before leaving some of the night guards in charge of keeping a watch over everything, while she would head off to bed for the night. But tonight she didn't want to do that, she didn't want to leave the guards to do the job that her sister was always meant to do. Luna was meant to keep watch over the night, making sure that all the ponies were sleeping peacefully, while also watching over the land so that there would be no threats that just might go unnoticed without her being there.

But for some reason right now Luna was refusing to do her duties, and ignoring her role as a Princess of the land. Celestia understood that Luna's power had been darined, and it hadn't yet recovered fully, but that didn't mean Luna still couldn't keep watch over the city and it's inhabitants, like she used to before things started to change, and she became distant, and then eventually turned into Nightmare moon.

"Luna if you're awake in there, answer me," Celestia tried one last time, thinking that if she couldn't get through to Luna tonight, she would have to try again, and again each night, until she would finally talk to her, or at least listen to what she has to say, Celestia wasn't going to just give up, and she believed if she gave her sister enough time, she would soon come around, but the only thing was, how much time was 'enough' for Luna?

"Come in, sister,"

Celestia sighed with relief, glad that Luna had finally spoken to her, it was in a hushed voice, but it was a reply at least. Celestia opened the doors slowly with her magic, looking around the room that was filled with darkness, not a single light coming through, except for the one that had just been created thanks to the now open doors.

"Why Are you laying in the dark like this?" Celestia asked as she quickly went to open the curtains to the balcony, so that some more light could come into the room.

However Luna didn't even flinch, as she continued to lay curled up on her bed, her back to Celestia, and her head buried deep into the pillows. Celestia looked to her younger sister concerned, as she walked over to the bed, and went to rest a hoof on her sister's shoulder, only to stop mid-action, and place her hoof back down on the floor. Feeling like she should comfort the younger alicorn, but then deciding not to since Luna may not want that at the moment.

"So how are you feeling tonight then?" Celestia asked, once she cleared her throat, and tried to stay positive that she could hopefully talk with Luna a little now.

"My magic still hasn't recovered enough," Luna whispered out, after a long pause, not bothering to move and face her sister, while she glanced up slightly, as she struggled to use what magic she could to shut the double doors to her bedroom, causing the room to go slightly darker again, the only dim light coming from the balcony now.

"You want me to raise the moon and stars for you tonight then?" Celestia asked, lowering her voice as she spoke in a caring tone.

"That would be most hepful, my sister," Luna answered with a nod, resting her head back into her pillow, as using her magic for simple things like closing doors was still obviously very exhausting for her.

"Alright then, I'll raise the moon for you toinght," Celestia nodded with a smile, "But only if you keep watch over the land for me,"

Luna just nodded in reply, lifting her head up, but still refusing to look to her sister, "I shall, sister,"

Glad that Luna had agreed to watch over the land for the night, Celestia felt a little bit relieved, she knew how much the night meant to her sister, and always thought that if anyone was to do the job well, it should be her, not just some night guards like it had been since Luna was trapped away in the moon.

Celestia was planning to leave, as it seemed like Luna was about done talking with her, and so she headed for the doors. Only to stop and stare for a moment, when Luna rose from the bed, stretching slightly, before she walked over to her balcony slowly. The sun Princess looked to her younger sister's short blue hair blowing in the cool wind, while her weak form made her look like a small filly, and reminded Celestia of the little sister that she used to know.

Only now something was different, there was no more sparkle in her blue eyes, there was no bright smile gracing her sweet face, and there was no more happy spring in her step. All that was there now was a depressed pony, that seemed to look like she was alone in this world. Celestia wanted nothing more then to reach out to her, but having never really done it in the past, she doubted it would help or make up for anything now.


Celestia lifted her lowered head as she looked to her sister once again, and was taken aback by Luna suddenly calling her name, when she hadn't been talking to her very much at all since they were reunited.

"Yes Luna?"

"You wouldn't mind contiuning to raise the moon and stars in my place from now, would you?" Luna asked as she stood, looking up at the darkened sky, knowing soon that the moon and stars would be up there, and she'd be alone again, just like she always was. Another lonely night by herself? She didn't want to go back to that life again.

"Luna, I thought you loved to raise your beautiful moon, it's what got you your cutie mark, it makes you who you are. It would only be right for you to do, not me," Celestia explained as she walked over to stand beside her sister, glancing up at the sky along with her for a few moments.

"What's really the point anymore though?" Luna asked as she sat down, and lowered her head, sighing deeply, before she looked down over the city of Canterlot, knowing that all the ponies were cooped up in there houses, ready to all head to their beds for a restful night, "If I go back to what I was doing before, I bet Nightmare moon will be back in no time,"

"Why would you think something like that?"

Celestia looked to Luna a little surprised by all of this, and through it all, Luna's tone was slow and quiet, it was easy to tell that she had had enough of hiding any feelings she may have been holding back before, and now it seemed like she was practically begging for a sholuder to cry on, something that she had been without for so long, so she thought there was no one left who would care about her enough in order to do so now.

"Because nothing's changed sister, everypony still sleeps through my wonderous night, I will still have to spend my nights alone, while I wait for morning to come, and sooner rather than later I'm sure that monster will be back to haunt and terrorize me and my thoughts again," Luna shook a little as she took a deep breath, while she tried to not think about the monster she once was not too long ago, while still feeling her there inside the back of her mind.

"So you've finally told me your real feelings? You would have never done that before," Celestia pointed out with a slight smile, knowing that for some reason Luna would always hide herself away, and never really talked about her feelings or thoughts very much at all.

"Only because you were never there to listen," Luna stated, flashing a slight stern stare to Celestia, before she turned and walked back into her bedroom, leaving her sister a little lost for words, as she stood, not knowing what to say in return at that point.

Celestia watched Luna climb back on to her bed, and lay down again, turning away from her sister, and sighing heavily, seeming like she didn't care anymore, and instead just wanted to go back to sleep. Luna was right, Celestia was the great ruler of Equestria that all the other ponies looked up to, and yet she never made any time for her own sister, she had always put her duties as a Princess before anything else,

'Of course she never came to talk to me about anything, I was never there for her, and even if I was, I probably wouldn't have listened to her. I was always too focused on my work and keeping the peace for all the land, when really I should have been focusing more on how my own little sister was feeling, and trying to make our relationship a little better. That strong bond we once had as fillys seemed to have disappeared over time, and that was in no way her fault, it was mine,' Celestia thought to herself as she finally realized what she should have a long time ago.

"Well I'm here now, and I promise I'll listen this time," Celestia stated as she walked back into the bedroom, and sat down beside Luna's bed, resting a hoof on the sheets, as she wanted to be there for her sister this time, she wasn't a Princess at this moment, she was an elder sister who needed to be there for her dear younger sister.

"Really? Well then, sister, can I ask you something?" Luna lifted her head, as she looked to Celestia, giving her a displeased look, while all that was in her eyes was hatred, and distrust.

"Sure, anything," Celestia smiled reassuringly, hoping that look in Luna's eyes would soften soon, and at the same time was guessing that this wasn't the only time Luna had looked at her with such eyes.

"Am I important like you?" Luna's voice had an odd tone to it, as tears slowly welled up in her eyes, and her teeth clenched together tightly.

"Of course you are Luna,"

"Well it sure doesn't feel like it, nopony seems to care for what I do, and I'm sick of spending every night by myself. That's all I ever did before, and it led me to nothing but despair and loneliness, I don't want my life to be like that again, and I never want to turn back into that monster, NOT EVER!!" Luna jumped up, standing on her bed, as she finally faced Celestia, talking in a raised voice, while tears streamed down her cheeks.

Celestia stood stunned for a moment, not expecting Luna's sudden outburst, but soon sighing a little and looking to her dear sister with a saddened expression,

"I really was a horrible sister, wasn't I?"

"Huh?" Luna questioned as her expression of anger, turned into one of confusion, as she looked back to Celestia, tears still falling, while she shook a little where she stood.

"I let you suffer in silence for all this time, never stopping to think how you may be feeling, or ever offering a hoof to you when you needed it most. I never thought to take notice back then, but I am now, and I can tell you, that you're more valuable than you think, Luna," Celestia smiled as she rested an hoof on Luna's shoulder, and wiped her tears away.

"W-what do you mean?" Luna's voice took a nervous tone to it, as she stepped back on the bed, and shook off Celestia's caring hoof.

"Luna without you to raise the moon and stars at night the ponies of Equestria wouldn't be able to get a restful night, without you they wouldn't be able to sleep peacefully, knowing that the 'Princess of the night' is always keeping a watchful eye over the land, they are protected not only through the day, but also through the night because of you, and I'm sure they couldn't more greatful for what you do for them all," Celestia smiled as she stepped closer to her sister, and rested her hoof on Luna's shoulder again, letting her know, that she wasn't just going to walk away this time, and would spend all night here beside her if she needed it.

"But wouldn't it be the same story if you carried on raising and setting the moon? How does having me always doing it make any difference?" Luna turned away from her sister, brushing off her hoof again, and glaring slightly, while her tears continued to fill her eyes, the night Princess not bothering to wipe them away.

"You always make the night so beautiful, so much so, that it easily puts my day to shame. And I could never match up to the beauty you have always given it, nopony sees the night for the true gorly that it is like you do, and so only you can treat it with the care and design it turly deserves. Your night is like nothing I've ever seen, and sometimes I must admit, I'm a little jealous. After all ponies can look and admire the moon all they like, however the sun is so bright, anypony who looked at it for longer than a couple of seconds would go blind," Celestia explained as she stood proudly, turning slightly and signalled for Luna to follow her.

Luna hesitated as she looked to her elder sister with a uncertain, and anxious expression. But with some waiting and a smile of encouragement from Celestia, Luna slowly climbed off the bed, and followed the older alicorn out on to the balcony again, standing beside Celestia as she looked up to her with a wondering expression, for what the sun Princess just might say next.

"You don't have to believe or trust me, but just remember this Luna...I know you may not think it, but just remember that the moon is just as important as the sun, and so in the same sense, you are just as important as I am," Celestia stated as she gazed up at the night sky, as her horn lit up and she slowly began to raise the moon, glancing back to Luna slightly, as she watched the navy blue Princess look up to the moon, that sparkle in her eyes slowly returning.

Luna rested her hoofs on the railing, gazing up at the moon, and sighing slightly as the cool air of the night blew through her mane, then looking down to the sleeping city of Canterlot and imagining every little pony resting peacefully in their beds, dirfting off to dreamland, knowing the only thing to awaken them would be the morning light.

Luna always knew that the ponies needed someone to raise and set the moon, the day would always need a night after all, but all this time she had been wondering why it had to be her? She loved raising the moon and stars, and arranging them in the most magnificent way, but what she didn't love was being alone each night through it all, having no one beside her to share such a glorious sight with. The night was wonderful after all, but it could get pretty lonely sometimes.

"I can't make the night as breathtaking as you always do, so do you think you could lend me a hoof?" Celestia asked as she finshed raising the moon and stars, but knew that it looked nothing like how her sister's night used to, it looked dull, and nowhere near as spectacular.

"Very well I will help you out tonight, under one condition," Luna stated as she looked to Celestia, and now seemed to have a much softer look in her eyes then before.

"And what would that be?"

"You stay here with me toinght, dear sister. You see, while it's true that the night is beautiful, it can also be such a lonely time," Luna answered, looking back at the night sky again, and already seeing ways she could help Celestia to make it look better than how it currently did at the moment.

Celestia looked to Luna for a moment, wondering how she could have been so blind to not have noticed just how lonely her younger sister had been all this time,

"Of course Luna, and if you ever have any fears or worries about anything in the future, know that you can always come to me. Or if you ever need to simply just talk, I will be there for you, because Luna you're not only important to this land and all the ponies who live here, you are also very important to me, you always have been. You're my little sister after all, and it's time I started treating you as an elder sister should," Celestia moved closer to Luna, and wiped away her remaining tears, Luna actually letting her do so this time, and not pulling away, or brushing her off anymore.

"I'm sorry Luna for all that I've put you through, but let me make it up to you now. And I apologize if I fall asleep, I don't sleep through the day like you do, and so I don't think I can stay up all through the night," Celestia chuckled slightly, and could feel her own eyes filling with tears, as Luna smiled up to her, that sparkle now shining bright in her drak blue eyes once again.

"That's okay, all that matters is that you're here. You're finally here, just like I always wanted you to be," Luna smiled, before she hugged Celestia, and nuzzled into her warm fur coat, "A thousand moons is a long time you know, I really missed you sister," She whispered with a slight sigh.

Celestia could feel slight tears running down her cheeks, as she looked down to Luna, and couldn't help but smile in return, embracing her younger sister, and holding on to her tightly.

"I really missed you too Luna," She replied, before she rested a hoof on Luna's shoulder again, and slowly pulled out of the embrace for a moment, "And there's no way Nightmare moon is ever coming back to take you again, because this time I won't let her,"

Luna nodded with a blissful smile on her lips, while tears of joy streamed down her cheeks, and finally she felt like she was really happy for once. She knew from now on, she wouldn't be spending her nights all alone any longer, and she finally had the caring and loving elder sister that she had dreamed of, who she now knew would always be there for her, whenever she may need her, no matter what.

The two sisters stayed embracing each other for a little while longer, before they lay beside one another on the balcony, talking and perfecting the night together until the early hours of the morning, both of them seeing that unbreakable bound they once had as children slowly returning, and now becoming stronger than ever before.

Author's Note:

My last fanfic before the new year :pinkiehappy:, and I loved writing every bit of it. :heart:

Thank you ever so much for reading. :twilightsmile:
(And Happy Holidays to you all! :pinkiesmile: )

KillerChainsaw ;)

Comments ( 2 )

What an amazing story congratulations I loved it so much keep writing bye 👋😁

Glad you enjoyed it and thank you for reading. :twilightsmile:

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