• Published 20th Dec 2016
  • 3,891 Views, 16 Comments

Diapers for Family and Friends - Tsunogami

Diapers can always be counted on to help bring ponies together.

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Comments ( 6 )

It's certainly not bad but I wish there was less scat involved haha. Nice job otherwise though!

7807997 I never seem to think of what I write as "scat" more like "very messy diaper play". To me scat is just smearing poop around without a diaper in sight. Interesting, but a bit boring. Then again, my views on many things are divergent from the norm, so I suppose I cant really argue.

I loved it! I wish there was more messing and more cumshots!

It's a shame, really, at least to me. Your writing's mechanics and style is, in terms of this niche, exceptional, but the contents so vulgar and unabashed. This is not to say I judge or condemn you (although I must admit there is no small amount of distaste for the presence of incestuous 'foalcon'), but that I lament not being able to enjoy your work.

You should write what you like, and my comments should not change that, but greedily I wish you would write what I like, or at least not write what I don't. Still, I'll keep looking at your new stories and hope you decide to go a little more mundane (for this fetish, at least) at some point. May your ink never dry, and your quill be forever sharp.

7874775 Thank you for the complement, such as it is. For something of a more detailed response to some of what you mentioned, please see my latest blog entry, published a few minutes prior to this direct reply. Also I would like to state, as I have stated on previous occasions, that I write for my own enjoyment, and if others don't like what I write about I suggest they write more stories themselves about what they do enjoy. Fetishes are a wonderful playground for the mind, enjoy yourself ! Also I write precisely because I grew frustrated with the lack of stories containing the themes I write about. I decided that if long, and well-written stories about ponies enjoying messy diapers were ever going to be written, I would have to do it myself. And so I have.

My comment was a sort of backhanded compliment, yes. You should write what you enjoy, as I made mention of in my original post, and that is admirable in and of itself. I have a friend who is much the same, lamenting the lack of work that fits his particular desires for the fetish (ironically, one could consider it to roughly be the polar opposite of yours, stories of sweetness and innocence) and had to write what he wanted for himself, by himself. My post was more just me venting the frustration of seeing a writer so tantalizingly close to making what I enjoy, but then taking a step (or several) further past the point of my personal preferences, but as long as you enjoy what you do then that's all that matters. Should you ever think about commissions, though, drop me a line; I might just be interested.

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