• Published 14th Dec 2016
  • 871 Views, 5 Comments

An Apple a Day - TheEveryDaySparkle

  • ...

Smile For Me!

Author's Note:

Hi guys! A little fic for you guys to read. I came up with it ysterday and wanted to try it. What do you think? Put it in the coments.

"Apple Bloom?! Apple Bloom, where are you?!"

Apple Jack called out for her kid sister as she searched around the house, but Apple Bloom was nowhere to be found.

"Come along now, Apple Bloom. I know ya don't like the dentist, heck I didn't either when I was your age, but ya have ta go."

Apple Jack was right. Apple Bloom hated the dentist, which is why she was currently hiding under her bed, not daring to make a single peep for fear of being found.

She had been dreading today ever since she heard about the dentist from Scootaloo.

"I hate the dentist." she had said one evening during their weekly meetings in the Cutie Mark Crusaders club house.

"Why?" Apple Bloom answered. "Apple Jack always told me that when you go to the dentist, if you're good, after they clean your teeth, they give you candy!"

Scootaloo huffed. "Figures you'd be easily swayed when candy is involved."

"And what exactly do ya mean by that, Scootaloo?!"

"Exactly what I said."


Both foals turned to see Sweetie Belle holding up her hooves, shaking them in her rage.

"Why are you fighting over something so....so...trivial!" She looked over to Apple Bloom. "I'm sure you'll get plenty of candy when you go in a few days, Apple Bloom. When you do, will you share some with us?"

"Of course I will. You're my best friends!" She smiled and puffed out her chest proudly, happy to have such amazing friends.

"Well, I heard from Rainbow Dash that if your tooth hurts really bad, there's a chance they might have to pull it out."

All eyes turned to Scootaloo at the sound of her voice came up in the room once more.

"R-really?!" Apple Bloom gulped.

"Don't listen to her. She's probably just trying to scare you into being afraid of the dentist." Sweetie walked over to Apple Bloom and put her hooves around her shoulders. "Everything's going to be alright."

Apple Bloom calmed a bit, but then thought. "But...what if it's not alright? What if I get there, and my tooth is worse than what they thought and then they have to pull it out?!"

Sweetie thought, a hoof to her chin. "I...don't...know...I guess, you'll just have to get there and see?"

"But, if they're gonna pull out my teeth, then I don't want to go!"

Sweetie rounded on Scootaloo."Now look what you've done? You've gone and scared her half to death!"

Scootaloo simply huffed once more. "Not my fault."

Sweetie was fuming, but said nothing.

The meeting went on after that with no issues, but ever since that conversation two days ago, Apple Bloom has been afraid of the dentist.

"Apple Bloom. What in tarnation is that girl doin' up there?"

Oh no. Here it comes. She could hear hoofsteps coming up the stairs toward her room. She could hear the door being pulled open, her her sister's hooves enter her room...

"Oh fine! If you want me ta go ta the dentist, then fine!"

Apple Jack, who had not been expecting her sister to come out from undr the bed, was startled a little.

"O-oh! There ya are sugarcube. Come one then. Let's get ya to the dentist."

On the ride there, all Apple Bloom did was sulk. Her brother tried to help her, but she told him she didn't want his help right now, and he left it at that.

Granny smith had trouble trying to sooth her worry as well, telling her stories of her first time 'Meetin' the ol' tooth fairy.'

These seemed to help a small bit, as soon Apple Bloom had a smile on her face.

Once there, however, her fear was back. As she listened to the whirring machines and saw all the ponies with ties around a hurting cheek, she shivered.

"Alright Apple Bloom! This here's mister Pearly White. He's the dentist that will be filling your cavity."

"Filling it? You mean you won't be pullong out a tooth?"

"No, no, no, Apple Bloom." Mr. Pearly White said "Not at all. You're not here to have a tooth pulled today. What you have, is a cavity."

"A cavity? Ya mean those things that ya get when ya eat too many sweets?"

"Exactly right, Apple Bloom. Gold star for you. Now, if you'll just follow me into the back here..."

The dentist began to move back towards what Apple Bloom could only assume was his office.

Omce again, she saw the strange sharp tools, and she gulped.

"What's wrong Apple Bloom?" The dentist asked.

"Are ya gonna use those in my mouth?"

"Why yes, Apple Bloom I-"

She began to shiver. The dentist noticed.

"It's fine, Apple Bloom. There is nothing to be afraid of. Yes, I will use these tools on you, but they don't hurt."

"Huh? Really? Phew! I thought I was in danger."

"Not at all."

With that, Mr. Pearly White began his job. He lowered the seat, set up his light, and got started.

"Now, say 'ahhh' for me."

Apple Bloom opened her mouth.

"Wow, what beautiful teeth you have. You must floss often." the dentist said as he grabbed his tools and prepared them.

"Ank woo, ah gueaah. (thank you, I guess)"

"You're welcome. And you don't have to hold your mouth open right now, you know?"

"But you said-"

"yeah I did. I guess that's why i'm a dentist and not a scientist." He laughed

Apple Bloom smirked at his joke. "I was tryin' to say thank you."

"I know. Don't worry. I understood you."

"Good." She laid back down.

Once the dentist got his tools ready, he was finally able to begin.

"Okay. 'Now' open your mouth."

"Are ya sure?"

"Haha. I guess I deserve that, but yes, this time i'm sure."

She opened her mouth, and he began his work, using his tools to fill the hole in her tooth with a solution that was going to harden over time.

"ih tahss Bihher. (It tastes bitter,)" Apple Bloom tried to say.

"Don't talk right now, okay? I'm concentrating. I might accidentaly hurt you if you don't keep still."

Apple Bloom immediately obeyed, scared to get hurt.

When the dentist was done with his work, he placed a suction tube in her mouth.

"Close your mouth." He said.

She obeyed, closing her mouth. She felt whatever leftover liquid that had gotten in her mouth get sucked right out by the strange device

"And with that, we are done." He said, smiling at her. "Did it hurt?"

"No! It didn't hurt at all!" Apple Bloom said, feeling her muzzle.

"See? I told you it wouldn't hurt."

"Yeah...ya did." She said, breathing out each word as she deflated in relief.

"Are ya okay in here?" Came a voice from nowhere.

Apple Bloom turned to see Apple Jack, sitting on her haunches, watching her and smiling.

"yeah, I'm fine." Apple Bloom told her. "It didn't hurt one bit!" She said happily.

"I'm glad to hear it! Ya hear that, Big Mac! It didn't hurt!"

Suddenly Big Mac appeared form behind the rightmost wall near the outside of the door "Eyup!"

Apple Jack looked at Apple Bloom. "So, ya ready to go?"

"Yes, I am!" She said happily.

"Well then let's go home."

With that, the Apples left the dentist and loaded back into the cart, heading home.

"So, Apple Bloom. Are ya still afraid of the dentist?" Came Apple Jack's voice once more.

"No. I don't think I am. Not anymore. I like the dentist." Apple Bloom answered with a wide, happy smile on her face.

Comments ( 5 )

I really liked this fic. Short and sweet. I noticed that this story is marked as incomplete. Did you intend to write more dentistry adventures? :twilightsmile:

7794892 Oh! My mistake. I'll change that. I did not intend to continue. Unless you desire some form of a sequel? I thank you for praising my story. It means alot.


No problem bud. And writing a sequel is strictly up to you.

Hey wild prince i only found one thing in this story.

When the dectist was done with his work, he placed a suction tube in her mouth.

I think you mean dentist. Didnt find anything else going through it. Good story. :pinkiesmile:

Good work on this story very well Done.

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