• Published 18th Dec 2016
  • 241 Views, 1 Comments

Greeds Mr. Good Guy - cimche

  • ...

Mighty mouse

Fortune opened his eyes, view to the ceiling to see a grey cracked pavement ceiling. He immediately shocked himself up, looking around to see the walls made of brick and bars lining the room along with a bared door, serving to be his prison. Looking to his other side he saw a lone barred outlook, to small and high for him too look through nor crawl. He immediately got up from where he was laying, pushing off the hard ground and lightly running to the door, trying to get a good enough view out of his cell. But once he put enough weight into it he felt it slide with him as it slowly opened.

Questioning why he was there, he looked around to see a brick hallway, bar cells covering each wall. At the end of the hallway was a spit path, a fleeting figure moving to the right path, Fortune catching sight of it for just a second. He quickly started pursuing it, almost losing sight of it as it cut cornered. After some time it ran into a room, the door closing behind it.

Fortune didn't waste any time as he opened the door and walked in, only to not feel the floor under his feat as he fell down. Fire was everywhere, the room going down forever as the flames covered the area like a void. Fortune screamed as he plummeted down, body turning as he flared his arms.

Something grasped onto him, his body feeling constricted at his mid region. He didn't get the chance to look down as something grabbed onto the sides of his face, moving it towards his captor. It's golden irises stared down at fortune, it's expression emotionless as its dragon like muzzle was covered in gold. It's stare froze Fortune to the core, the stare being to familiar to him.

"I-I'm sorry." Was all he could mutter out, but once those words left his mouth everything went dark, the starting of a whisper creeping into his mind.

"I am coming for you."

He awoke franticly, jolting up from the couch. He inhaled heavily, releasing it in one shaky breath. He felt his face, moist from all the tears, and began wiping away them with his arm. He sat up straight on the couch, hands gripping the cushions.

"It's been so long." He said under his breath.

He though he heard something in the hallway and turned to look, he couldn't see anything but thought there was someone there. He just proceeded to lay back down and try to get more sleep.

He awoke again to the sound of someone shuffling. Looking around he saw Missing Charm at the work desk across from him. She was writing something in a journal, lamp on as it was still dark outside. After a huff, she got up from her seat making her way to the kitchen, but stopped when she saw Fortune staring her way.

"Oh, good morning." She said.

"Morning." Fortune said with a nod of his head.

After some awkward silence of staring at each other Missing Charm continued her way into the kitchen, her tail sliding on the ground as it vanished behind the door. Fortune rested on the couch some more, trying to empty his mind as he relaxed. But his mind retracted back to the dream he experienced. It was so long ago that he had a dream similar to it, but he knew there was a chance it was more than a dream. A sign, possibly even a connection.

After some time of sidetracking from his main thought, he got bored. He jumped off the couch and stretched. Reaching into his robe he pulled out a pouch, and after shaking around the gold inside proceeded to place it on the table.

He saw that Missing Charm had left her journal open, he was curious on what she wrote l, but decided on not reading it. Didn't want to loose the little bit of trust he had with her now. Going to the front entrance, he opened the door and closed it on his way out.

He didn't have any plans for the day, so he just planned to explore the town, get used to his surrounding, and eventually find something to do. Taking a breath of air, he flipped his hood on and began his unmarked journey through the town.

He passed by a lot of stores and condos throughout the town, occasionally finding buildings of interest. He did not bother going in the buildings though, keeping it in his mind to probably visit sometime.

As he expected, while he was walking he would occasionally get a stare from a passerby, a mix of emotion from each face he could spot. A stallion starred at him with anger, which startled Fortune into walking faster past him.

A few times throughout the day he went into restaurants, getting a bite to eat. Some looked to have an excuse to not let him eat there due to booking or a policy, though he didn't bother trying to argue with it and eventually found places he could eat in.

Time passed and eventually half the day has gone by. Fortune rested on a bench placed on a brick building, standing close to a alleyway. He was reminiscing on the food he enjoyed until he heard something in the nearby alleyway.

He didn't get the time to react to the sound as he was lifted from his seat by a pair of hands and tossed into the alleyway, crashing into a trash can before he hit the ground. Groaning he slowly sat up, looking forward to his pursuer. His breath got caught in his throat as he saw what he wished he didn't. At the entrance of the alleyway stood a brown coated monkey, gripping a red pole in a aggressive manner. It wore a loincloth held together by a gold belt. It's face was slightly obscured by the light shining behind it, but an obvious scowl showed on its face, golden irises burning through Fortunes as it stared him down.

Fortune quickly got up, grabbing the trash can lid and shielding himself with it. Within second the pole the monkey held extended, the end quickly bashing into Fortunes only protection. The momentum of the pole was enough to push him of his feet, his makeshift shield pushed up against his chest as he flies through the alleyway. He lands on his back again with a grunt, but before he could get back up the monkey was already atop him, gripping his neck with a hand. Fortune gagged, struggling under the monkey as he tried kicking it off, his hands trying to pry its hands off his neck.

Fortune couldn't hear the sounds of ponys calling out to them, but he did notice the monkey swing its pole, followed by the sounds of it crashing into something. He turned his head in a panic to see distraught ponys inches from where the pole struck, which destroyed the ground, leaving only rubble. It gripped harder to bring his attention back, but then released its hold a little, allowing for him to breathe.

"Why did you do it?" The monkey asked in a feminine voice, before leaning in, face nearly touching his. "Why did you seal him away?!"

She picked him up from his neck and slammed him against the wall, continuing the amount of pressure that choked him. His struggles doing nothing to release him.

"The golden flame was doing what he felt was right, what made you think you had the right to stop him!" She put more pressure on her grip. "Now the fountain is attached to you, and our purposes no more."

She dropped him, having him crumple on the ground coughing and wheezing.

"What do you have to say for yourself."

Fortune looked up, smile on his face. "I miss you too."

She gave him a crazed look before turning with a breathy chuckle, hand covering her face. "I guess you with always be like that. Trying to cheer us up, keep us hopeful." She paused for a long period, the only sound being that of Fortune catching his breath. "I always adored that about you." Her grip tightened on the pole. "Now it just makes me sick!"

She swung the pole at Fortunes head, the thud of the impact echoed through the alleyway as he fell to the ground, last thing he saw was the empty alleyway wall before he blacked out.

He awoke to the same view of the alleyway, darkened by the time of night. A headache throbbed through his head, his heartbeat thumping with the surges of pain as he lay there. He looked ahead to the brick wall, shallow eyes not moving, not caring to get off the littered, dark alleyway.
He suddenly flinched, struggling to get. He was able to sit himself against the wall, after a few heavy breathes grabbed at his head to feel a lump, wincing away from it as he made contact with it. With a chuckle, Fortune smiled. "Nice to see they still care."

With a grunt he slowly got up to his feet, a little wobbly on the ascend. He tried cleaning himself up as much as he could before putting the hood up and steadily walking out of the alleyway. He leaned against the walls as he slowly made his way back to his temporary living space.

Knocking on the door he waited, the door opening soon after with Missing Charm looking down to him with a neutral expression.

"I would be happy if you didn't come back so late." She said.

"Right, sorry." He said.
She moved to the side to let Fortune in, him wobbling a little on the first step as he entered the house. First thing he saw was the table set up, Drake and Burmese on each end with a board game in the middle. Drake waved to him while Burmese just ignored him. Missing Charm passed by Fortune, taking a seat in between her children.

"Mom, can he play?" Asked Drake.

Fortune looked at the board, seeing that it seemed to be a four player game. He looks back to them with a small smile, which got Missing Charm to hesitate on her answer.

"Sure honey." Charm said as she began picking through the game box to get the pieces ready.

Fortune sat down with them, his addition filling in the blank as they casually played the board game.

The monkey stood on top of a roof as it stared up at the night sky, eyes reflecting off the moons glow. She huffed as she sensed the presence of someone.

"Don't you have better things to do?" She asked aloud.

"Why did you do that?" Asked a voice seemingly from nowhere.

"He deserves more than what I gave him from what he's done." She hit the roof with a palm. "You're not even one to talk, you wanted to kill him."

"I was mad at the time, we all where. But you just as I saw what happened, it's not what we wanted, fortune just acted upon it."

"What do you fully know of what we all wanted? All you want is that stupid moon." The monkey pointed up to where the moons presence loomed. "And to get it, you should know exactly what you would have to do, worse that what the golden flame had done."

A light grumble could be heard. "We're not here to mention that."

"Then what are you here for?"

Silence befallen the area, the question lingering in the air.

"To visit an old friend."

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