• Published 18th Dec 2016
  • 242 Views, 1 Comments

Greeds Mr. Good Guy - cimche

  • ...

Morning Mouse

Fortune awoke from his slumber, opening his eyes to darkness. He recalled sleeping on a couch , but from the feeling was now on a cold ground. A little more registering told him that his robe was covering his head. Pulling it up he squinted as the morning light shone through the living room window. After yawning he got up from the weird position he laid in, like the dead body of a murder case.

He walked around the living room to get his blood pumping while he thought of what to do for the morning. He guessed eating would be the first priority, and then thought if it would be a good idea to check the fridge of a complete, if not somewhat stranger. He chanced it as he went to look for were Missing Charm stored their food.

A door next to the table looked promising as he went to open it, and inside was a compact kitchen, barely enough space to cook in, at least without magic. There was a fridge on the opposite wall next to another door mirroring the one fortune stood in. A sink stood next to that, with cabinets under it, with cabinets and shelves on the wall near fortune. And in the middle of all it on the far wall was a oven. Fortune imagined how Charm must cook like a war chief in such a small kitchen, waving her magic around as if giving orders.

He quietly opened the fridge and was surprised to see it nearly empty, all but a sack with lunch in it and bag of flour, which he questioned was in the fridge. Closing the fridge, he went to check the cabinets, and only found bread, bananas, and a half container of jam. He opened the jar of jam and smelled it, then tasted it. He tried to hold back on spitting it out as he closed the jar and put it back.

From how bad it tasted, he was a little worried what would be in the sack lunch, checking to see that it was the same jam, along with some sliced banana to help the poor soul who had to eat such a meal.

"This place needs some food." He whispered. "Whelp, time to go shopping."

Putting the sandwich back, not caring that he tainted it with his hands, he put it back in the fridge, and walked towards the door on his way outside. With silence he opened the door and closed it behind him. Turning to his path, he took a breath, smiled a toothy smile, and began his walk into town.

The part of the city that he was in was very quiet, probably due to no markets or businesses nearby, mostly apartments and houses. He didn't really know were he was going to find a food mart, he was mostly sightseeing as he continued to walk through the city, passing jewelry stores and of the like. The town began to get crowded, ponies go here and there, left or right, up and down. Fortune quickly put his hood on, he didn't want to look suspicious, but would be so anyways by the way he was different.

He walked through a tight crowd of ponies who all slightly towered him as he passed by them, some grunting as he accidentally bumped into them, which he quickly apologized to. Some gave him confused or surprised faces, which he hurriedly turned away from. He still had no idea where he was going, but throughout the thick crowd landed him exactly where he wanted to be, a simple looking building with a billboard simply labeled "Food Mart".

"Wow, how convenient." He said with a tilt of his head.

He didn't waste any time as he pushed the doors and walked inside. The place wasn't to big, shelfs lined the walls, stocked with packaged and dry foods. Further in the store laid the more organic foods, fruits and vegetables piled up in a crate, and herbs in a bunch hung from hooks. He walked up to the front desk and rung a bell hanging from the ceiling, and seconds later came a yellow coated, orange maned earth mare from a door behind the desk carrying Boxes on her back. Placing the boxes down, the mare tended the front desk, adjusting her round glasses to look down to Fortunes hooded form with her big green eyes.

"Hello and welcome, my name is fruit cup, how may I help you today?" The mare said with repeated, but happy enthusiasm.

"Umm... May you happen to have any jam and peanut butter, and perhaps some juice?" Fortune asked.

"Sure, the jam and P.B is over there." She said as she pointed a hoof to one of the shelves row. "The juice is in the back, I'll get you some."

She turned and entered the back room once more, disappearing behind the back door. He took this time to obtain the jam and peanut butter and place it on the desk, then he went to the organic side and grabbed some of the apples and oranges. When she returned she had a glass jug of juice, handle in the grip of her mouth, having the jug tilt horizontally. She tilted her body along with her head to straighten the jug and placed it on the desk with the other stuff. Saliva coated the jug when she released it, the mare blushing when she saw what she did. Fortune knew he should be disgusted, but couldn't if he tried. A big toothy smile stretched over his face covered by the hood as he tried to suppress a laugh.

"S-sorry, we have no unicorns in staff, and there's not many other ways to get stuff." She said frantically, wiping the jug with a rag she found.

"It's fine, nothing to worry about." He said casually. "So how much will this all cost?"

"thirty bits."

He dug into his sleeve, and after a few seconds of shuffling pulled out the acquired bits, with a few extra.

"Keep the change" Fortune said as he place the bits on the counter with a clawed hand.

"Thanks. Um, may I ask you something?" The mare asked taking the bits from the table.


"What are you exactly, sorry if I sound rude."

With his hood still on he tilted his head up, and with a raise of his round ears the hood fell off, revealing his rodent face to the mare. He flashed her a smile when she gave him a surprised look, but his smile slowly straightened in un-comfort when a smile was returned.

"Y-Your a mouse!?" She asked, front hooves jumping on the counter. She looked about ready to pounce on Fortune as he nodded. "By the moon, I love mice! What are you though a mouse hybrid? What are you mixed with? Are there more like you?"

It was a little to many questions for him to answer at once, taking him a second to thing through what she asked.

"Uhh, no, I don't know and probably. I wasn't really born I believe."

The mare tilted her head at the last part, unaware of what he meant.

"What are you then? An illusion? A clone?"

"A little bit of the last one." He said with a pinch of his fingers.

"Hmm, a mouse clone. The things that magic can do." She finished her sentence with a sigh. She seemed very distant after she was done, looking to the door as if waiting.

"You ok?"

"Yeah. Hey would you like to hang out sometime? I know we just met, but not many times you get to talk with a mouse. Besides that one time I got to talk with coal, he's my pet mouse, I would like to introduce him to you sometime. No offense, about the pet mouse thing."

"I would love to, and no offense taken."

Fruit Cup began putting all the groceries in a bag for Fortune, trying her best with her hooves to push them in the bag. Fortune helped her as they put all the food in the bag.

"Would you be able to meet me in the library?" Fruit Cup asked.

"There's a library here?" Fortune asked surprised.

"Yeah. There's not many good books there, but its s great hang out spot, it even has its own cafe. I'll take you to it, later today good?"

"Yeah, that sounds good." He said while picking up his groceries. "See you later then."

With that, they waved each other goodbye, Fortune leaving through the front door with groceries in hand. The walk back to the house he was staying at for the time was tiring with the new weight, but when he finally made it to the fenced entrance a thought ran through his mind.

"She forgot to say what time, and I forgot to ask."

He shrugged it off as he opened the fence and walked to the front door, hoping the front door was opened as he left it. As he sneaked in the house, he wondered if everyone was still asleep. He made his way to the kitchen and put the groceries on the counter, slowly taking out everything from the bag to arrange. He then heard a door rush open behind him, turning quickly he saw Missing Charm at the door near the fridge pointing a hoof at him.

"What are you doing!?" She asked, anger clearly etched across her face.

"Bringing food." Fortune said, raising an apple he was holding.

It was to fast for him to react to as the mare pushed him aside using her magic, him impacting to the sink hard enough to shake the house. He felt it as her magic held him down, making the pain he now had on his back worsen. He looked up, trying to hold back tears as the mare surrounded all the food he bought in with magic. One by one Missing Charm looked at the food, the aura getting brighter on the item she looked at. Once she looked at the last one she placed them down on the counter. With a tug of Fortunes robe he was thrown to the mare, his face now inches from the mad mares scowl.

"What did I tell you?" Missing charm asked through clenched teeth.

Fortune clenched his eyes from the pain he felt in his back before looking up at her with saddened eyes.

"But, I only want to help." He said, tears welled up in his eyes.

The mare expression slowly turned to one of guilt, her magical grip loosening on him until he landed on the ground. Missing Charm looked around as if shamed by her action.

"I- l'm sorry." She said looking away.

"It's ok, sorry for n-" he groaned as he tried to get up as the pain worsened, gaining the concern of Missing Charm.

"Are you ok?"

"I'm fine." He assured her with a raise of his pawed hand.

Fortune wasn't to hurt by the mares actions, emotionally, but was physically as his back took more force than he thought he'd take. Missing Charm lend him a hoof, arching it for him to lean on, which he took with his clawed hand.

He wanted to mention adding some of the food he bought to the sack lunch, but avoided mentioning it. They awkwardly stood for a while, unaware of what next to say to each other. The mare not saying anything entered the door she came from, closing the door behind her. Fortune stood there, his robe spread out due to his slouching, and his mind slightly confused by the mares brash actions. He looked over to the counter, food splayed out on the counter, and took a apple in his hand. He looked at the apples shiny surface, seeing himself in the reflection, before taking a bite at it, chewing it very slowly. He shrugged his shoulders, continuing to chew on the apple as he went back to the living room to enjoy his apple.

As he sat down on the couch, he noticed he was being watched, or at least somewhat as he heard the presence of someone in the hallway. Staring at where he heard it, he soon saw a orange colt poke his head Around the corner, but quickly retreat after seeing he was spotted.

Fortune was given a minute of staring at the area of interest before the colt poked his head out again, not pulling back a second time. The colt looked very worried looking at Fortune, like a kid scared of the dark. Fortune waved to him, taking another bite of his apple while keeping focus of the colt, which continued to stare at him wary. The colt focused his attention to the other side of the hallway before making a mad dash through it, the sound of a door quietly closing where he went.

As Fortune continued eating, he could hear muffled conversation in the far room, soon after quieting. Then he heard the sound of something dropping in the kitchen, followed by the quick clip clop of hooves. He saw the colt appear again in the hallway, giving him a neutral stare. Fortune just stared at him, his chews becoming awkwardly slowed.

The colt turned his head as if to pay him no mind, moving to reveal two apples balanced on his back as he made his way back to his room. Seeing that made Fortune giggle, smile plastered on his face, seeming like Missing charm trusted him, if not a little bit. Laying back he relaxed on the couch, arm rested behind his head as he finished his apple.

Burmese walked into his room, focus bought to drake as he began levitating one of the apples using his magic, moving it to drakes cheek and pressing the cold surface of it against him. Drake shifted in his sleep as the chill of the apple got to him. The Burmese took the stem of the apple and stuck it in his nostrils, jolting Drake from his sleep. Slowly Drake rose his head, rubbing the sleep from his eye as he squinted towards Burmese.

"W-what is it?" Drake asked, tiredness in his voice.

"Oh nothing, just though you might like an apple." Burmese said as he levitated the apple to his face.

As quickly as Burmese presented it was as fast as it left his grasp as Drake bit into it , pulling it out of the magical grip.

"H-hey!" Burmese stammered.

Apple between his hooves he took big chunks from it, barely taking time to chew as he devoured the apple.

"Dang, you make it seem like you haven't eaten in days." Burmese said.

Drake looked at him with a neutral expression. "You know how much I like hard foods."

"Like you name entails, you might even be part dragon."

"Oh ha ha, where'd the apples come from anyways?"

"I don't know, probably the monster bought them in." Burmese said as he pawed at the air.

Saying that nearly made Drake choke on the apple as he proceeded to spit out what he had in his mouth.

"Eww, gross. Look, relax, mom said she bought them in. Here, you can have mine too, I'm not hungry." Burmese said, placing the apple he had on Drakes bed.

"Thanks." Drake said.

"No problem, you need to heal up quick so we can go more exploring together." Drake gave him a worried look.

"You think he's still around?"

Burmese look turned from confusion to anger. "He better not be, or I'll give him pain he'll never forget." He finished with a stomp of his hoof.

Drakes face now looked sadder as he looked down to his apple.

"Look, don't worry about him. If he does show up, I'll make sure he doesn't harm you again." After putting a hoof next to Drakes side for comfort he gave a little yawn. "I'm gonna rest a little more until its tome for school, you should rest too when your done."

Leaving Drakes side he went to his own bed and got on it, wrapping himself in the blanket. Looking back down to the apple, Drake was in deep though of what happened that fateful day, of what gave him that wound.

"But that's not what I'm worried about." Drake thought to himself, taking his last bite from the apple.