• Published 2nd Dec 2016
  • 940 Views, 21 Comments

Fancied Apples - Lack of Tact

What if Applejack had never left Manehatten as a filly? Would it change who she was? Of course it would. Now, as a respectable Manehattenite, she is encouraged to visit her actual family in the small town of Ponyville.

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Chapter 2: Not Easily Forgotten

Luckily for me, I hadn't put much thought into the strange mare's behavior, my stomach growling easily distracted me from that. I stared at the door to Sugarcube Corner for only a few more seconds before my hooves started moving once more. Maybe she had forgotten something and simply wished to grab it? Though what did she mean by twice the party, was there one going on currently, or was she starting one? I couldn't fathom as she disappeared from sight. Soon, I entered into the building, the interior the same as it has been when I was younger. I unconsciously lick my lips as the sweet aroma of the bakery invades my nose, whatever was being made smelled amazing.

I see a light blue mare, somewhat plump with a frosting-esque pink mane, Cup Cake if I recall. Her eyes were looking downward behind the counter she stood at, inspecting something; she hadn't noticed when the bell dinged as I walked through the door. Looking around, I hadn't seen the pink mare from only seconds ago, where had she run off to? Looking past Cup Cake, I see a stairwell which wasn't there originally, must have been added when I was gone, leading upstairs. "Cup Cake?" I call out, testing if it was the daughter of the baker who used to live here. Her eyes catch mine as she looks up, her rosy orbs trying to see if they'd recognize my green ones. We didn't talk all that much in school as fillies, I wasn't exactly around for too long, but I knew her name and I was assuming she knows, erm, knew mine.

Her eyes were heavy lidded and she had some bagging under her eyes, she looked exhausted. She did not blink in the recognition I'd hoped for. Was I that easily forgotten? "Ah, welcome dear. See anything you like?" She sounded tired as well, her tone low with an inaudible yawn. "If there's nothing of your liking, our baker, when she gets back, could take your order. She's out on delivery right now." My eyes were glued down at the glass barrier between the pre-baked sweets and I, my mouth soon beginning to water. I mustn't have cared all that much for the pink mare, as I practically ignored the second half of her speech. Celestia knows I've missed this place above all else.

"Just an orange fritter would be fine, Cup." My eyes glance back upwards to hers and she looks at me with a tilted head and rose brow. Why was she confused all of a sudden?

"Oh heavens, dear. We haven't had anypony order anything with oranges in a long time! Let me go grab my husband, he can go out and grab some in the market if you'd like." Oh she's married now! I've truly missed a lot in my time away. However I don't voice that, instead I shake my head in her direction.

"No, no need for that. I'll just take an apple fritter in place, thank you." Luckily I hadn't returned my bit pouch back to my suitcase, merely had it placed inside of my coat's pocket. The mare across from me nodded and lowered her head to grab a tray, and with that I made my way to a table, not before placing what I thought the required bits upon the counter for her.

As I sit down on my haunches, now sitting at a table nearest a window, I turn my head and stare, rather bored, out into the somewhat crowded street. My stomach was grumbling silently and I could only wait. In my sights I see ponies go about their day, almost unaware of the world around them. Two sat alone upon a bench, enjoying the idle silence they shared and two more were standing next to the fountain. Everypony looked content in their place, they looked home. "Here ya go, though miss. You overpaid just a little." Her voice returns and I nearly jolt up, my eyes wide as I turn my head in her direction. She was looking at me with an apologetic smile as she stood next to my table.

"Oh, I apologize. You can go ahead and keep them, think of it as a tip." Though my response came out sounding more condescending and sarcastic, I truly did mean it. My thoughts moved away from how harshly I spoke and instead the thoughts were replaced with the object in my view. Now sitting on a napkin, placed in front of me was the most delectable fritter I've seen in some time. Even Feather Whisp's delights don't look this good, and that's saying something. The silver pegasus' treats were of the highest praise in Manehatten. I raise my head to hers, me sitting making me feel shorter than normal, and give a nod in thanks.

I heard her mutter something about out of townees and a sigh escapes my lips. I truly was forgotten. I shake my head, the breath turning into a soft chuckle, my eyes turning back to the window. Who am I kidding, mother and father couldn't forget me. Nor could Macintosh and Grandmother Smith. Applebloom, I could understand, but she'll get to know me soon enough. A smile forms on my muzzle as I thought of my little sister, of all of the bonding we could share within these two weeks. I gently pick up the fritter with my hoof, my hold on the suitcase that followed me soon forgotten, and place it at my lips. The smell was dangerously good, the sweet, familiar scent of apples making me feel even more nostalgic than I already was.

It was good to be home away from home.


After I'd left the bakery, no sight of the pink mare from before, I began making my way to the trail that led to Sweet Apple Acres. It was time to show my family I'm back, if only for the first half of the month. It was time to show them who I've become. "Hopefully they don't mind my cutie mark, heh. At this rate I could easily be mistaken for a true Orange." My small grin shrunk to an absent state as I turned my head back to look at my flank, it being covered by the lengthy bottom of my coat. I can see the trio of oranges taunting the family as I take off my jacket, their looks of disappointment. With another shake of the head, those thoughts leave me. Nonsense, I wasn't going to talk myself out of this visit, I'm unable to return home anyhow. I'm positive they'll still take me in with open hooves.

The walk was long and tedious, the outskirts of Ponyville now passing me by as I continued to stare down the aisles and aisles of apple trees. The farm has certainly grown from when I'd last seen it, each and every tree nearly twice as big as I'd left them. A short, low whistle escapes my lips as I continued down the path, my shoes protecting my hooves from the jagged rocks and bugs that it was riddle with. Soon a small barn-house came in sight, and after, a rural looking two story home. My old home. The grin from before came back fully and I had to force myself not to tear up at the sight.

Looking around the fields and fields of trees, the front door of the home, the barn-house wall, I struggled to find my brother. Even when we were younger he'd always stressed how he wanted to work the fields himself one day, yet here I am and he's nowhere to be seen. Maybe it was his day off and Father was working the field, who am I to know. Figuring I had to move in order to find out, I entered into a trot as I made my way to the house's front door, two lamps that had been lit were hanging on the frame on either side. As I came to a stop just on the porch, my hooves all planted firmly on the welcome mat, I had to release a shaky breath I didn't know I held in. This was it, I was here, I was... I was visiting. I had to remind myself that this was merely a visit and I'll be on my way almost as soon as I got here.

With a trembling hoof, it being raised at an incredibly slow rate, I brought it back down upon the door's sturdy wood. Three sounding knocks, silence, three more and I heard the dull thud of hooves behind it. "Who's there?" A gruff, burly voice sounded from the other side, nearly scaring me out of my wits as I stood outside.

"Jacqueline, Jacqueline Orange?" My answer was a little wavy and more quiet than I'd like to admit, but it was enough as I saw the somewhat large green door make way and open. It revealed none other than a large stallion on the other side, his hide was a deep red and his mane orange. He had a strand of wheat hanging from his lips as he looked down at me with low lids, an uninterested look settled upon his face. My own eyes widened somewhat as I realized he was staring down at me, even if he only stood several inches taller, it was still surprising to look up for a change. I take my earlier statement back, maybe I would have been the same height regardless if I moved away? I blinked.

What was more surprising was when I realized just who this was. He apparently had the same thoughts. His jaw dropped open as he stared, the little strand of wheat falling out of his mouth. In a second his eyelids rose up, his bored look changing swiftly into one of surprise. "A-Applejack? S'that you?" He stuttered out, probably didn't hear me add the Orange bit when he came to the door, his green eyes looking up and down my form. I had to suppress a chuckle as I nodded at him, his own head nodding dumbly in return.

"Hehe, yes. It sure is Macintosh." I didn't have the nerve to tell him Applejack was no longer who I was, but that time will come eventually. For now, it was just time to catch up. I rose a hoof and gently hit him in the shoulder with it as I give a soft smile, he blinked himself out of his stupor as he looked at me; who I've become.

"It's been a while, hasn't it brother?"

Ah buck, I couldn't keep my smile back any longer and I knew I was beaming at the stallion.

Author's Note:

Bare with me on this.

Yeah, I know, it seems illogical that Applejack and Cup Cake would have gone to the same school given their possible age in canon, but you have to remember... this is a piece of fanfiction. I could just as easily say Spike's secretly just a fire breathing lizard as I can Cup Cake being roughly the same age as Applejack.


Hope you all enjoyed!

Comments ( 9 )

*wide grin*

Well ain't that sumthin. Hahahahah. Yer so diabolical! Gwah! That cliffhanger is just so dang sneaky!!
*takes a huge breath*

BUT GAH! Fun chapter! Ah like the references to the Summer Sun Celebration. Love how Jacqueline addressed Mrs. Cake. Also, ah plum forgotten that the wholeeee Apple clan will be at Sweet Apple Acres. Wooooooooooo.

Ah'm havin' a hoot with this story. Thank ye kindly for updating!

PS -
"Luckily I hadn't returned my bit pouch back to my suitcase, merely had it placed inisde of my coat's pocket. "


Thank you again for your words and for the notice, the error has been dealt with! :twilightsmile:

Hmmm. The more I think on it... Pinkie Pie is the same age as Applejack. So does that mean Pinkie Pie is the same age as Mrs. Cake.

How does that work? xD
Lol. Regardless, with enough thinkin' and squintin' it all fixes itself out.

Is this the first story of the All-Wrongiverse?


To answer your question, it is. I've got several others in the works as of now. I'll remove the 'newly formed' front as soon as the next one is posted!

when is the next chapter, i need to see the apple family's reaction, especially Apple Bloom's

when are you gonna continue

this will be commented before read.

my nick name is Eevee so i can read this!

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